Hogan once asked “What’s up Doc?” and laughed when I told him that there is no up in space and the concept of directions is based on a frame of reference, which he should know. 
I still do not understand the humor in the situation. 
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egg throws herself at a pile of books
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this mod already has a 10/10 from me and i haven’t even downloaded it
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The crew of the Lunar Moth was not pleased. Their doctor, a highly respected and vital member of the crew was to be replaced by this… child?
“Greetings. My name is Theta World, and I have been assigned as your medical doctor.” The child gave a formal bow.
“...How old is this kid supposed to be again?” The Head Engineer Burt McDoogle asked.
“I am seventeen Terran years old.” They said emotionlessly.
“Captain Rose.” First Mate Shira Albury said tersely, “A word please.” If you had been examining World’s face at the time, and know them very well, you would have seen the flicker of panic that flew across their face when Captain Rose agreed to step outside. Unfortunately, none of the crew fulfilled these conditions.
“Have you even been trained in military protocol?” McDoogle asked.
“I was trained at the Texas Military Academy for approximately six months.” World supplied.
“Six months!” Hogan Law, Biologist and Chief Scientist exclaimed. “It should’ve taken six years!”
“The average time an officer spends in a Military Academy is four years, though this can change depending on the learning curve of the student, the quality of the Academy, and-” World started.
“I can’t believe this.” Burt muttered. “They’ve replaced Doctor Greyson with the latest model of computer.”
“It’s not that bad.” Chikondi of Navigation protested. “I’m sure that he- she- I’m sorry, I don’t know your gender.”
“Is gender necessary?” World asked.
“Well, no, but…” Hogan started.
“Then I will not have one.” World decided. There was an awkward silence for a moment.
Chikondi cleared his throat. “Well then, I’m sure that they’re a great doctor.”
“I have been trained as one since I was seven Terran years of age.” World agreed. The crew members still looked uneasy but Captain Rose and First Mate Albury reentered, halting the conversation.
“I’m going to show the Doctor to their quarters now. I’ve sent their basic file to all of you. Doctor World, if you would follow me?” the Captain said, making it plain that the meet and greet was over.
“Of course Captain.” World complied, following the Captain out of the room. It was quiet for a moment.
“Miss Albury?” Hogan asked. She sighed.
“We’ll just have to have faith that Captain Rose knows what he’s doing.”
“Captain Rose.” Albury said tersely. “A word please.”
The Captain nodded and followed his First Mate outside and into the hall. Albury breathed out a deep sigh.
“What are you doing?” She asked, “I’ve read World’s file, and they don’t know the first thing about interacting with people, never mind acting as their doctor!”
“And they’re so young! Seventeen! We’re expected to fight and die, James!”
“They have no real experience in the medical field! How do we know that they won’t freeze up first time they see a nasty cut?”
“First Mate Albury.” Captain Rose said sternly, “Let me talk.”
Albury did as ordered.
“Doctor World has been training as a doctor for ten years. When they went to the Academy they were tested very thoroughly on their knowledge, response to emergency situations, and ability to work with others,” the Captain explained, “They were also taught in military protocol, which they picked up very quickly. If they don’t join us they’ll just be shifted to some other ship. I trust myself, and the crew. I trust Nurse Bauman to stop them if they do anything wrong. And I trust Doctor World to not make any mistakes that are unfixable.” Albury sighed and nodded.
“And I trust you Captain.”
“Good. Now let’s get in there, I think they’ve questioned the good doctor enough.”
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“Hey, look at this!” a child called, heaving a book that looked much too large for his small body onto a low table. Three other children answered his summons.
“What is it, Two?” the oldest asked.
“I found a book on old Earth lettering. I was studying the naming of scientific-”
“’Get on with it, Two!” the smallest interrupted.
“Calm down, Four. Two, continue.” the oldest instructed.
“One, you rhymed!” Four giggled quietly. Two cleared his throat.
“Anyways, apparently many things are named after the Greek alphabet. There’s a picture of all of the letters.” Two pointed out a chart. “They name the first things Alpha, then Beta for second things, etcetera.”
“That does sound similar to our naming system.” the final child said quietly. “But may I ask where you are going with this?”
“We could use these names!” Two said, getting excited. “It could be like our own secret naming system!”
“So according to the pattern, One would be Alpha, Two would be Beta, I would be Gamma, and Four would be Delta?” Three asked. Two shrugged.
“I think so. Usually Omega is used for the last thing, though. So, if we included our younger cousins in this, Ten would be Omega.” Four pouted.
“But then it wouldn’t be a secret! This should be just between us.” Four glanced down. “And besides, Omega sounds like a cool name. Ten is too weird to have it.”
“So you can be Omega.” Two agreed. “One is Alpha, I’m Beta, and Three’s Gamma?” Three shifted slightly. 
“Something wrong, Three?” One asked. Three nodded.
“I do not like the name Gamma.” Three admitted. 
“What’s wrong with it?” Four demanded. Three shrugged.
“I think it sounds weird.” Three said. “I’ll use Theta instead.”
“Theta World?” One clarified. Three blushed.
“How did you find out about my second name?” One rolled her eyes in a gesture that was very unlike her. 
“As the oldest, it’s my job to keep track of my younger cousins.” She announced.
“And One saw the bookmark you made with your name and number, Three.” Two added. Four pouted.
“Why didn’t you tell me? I want to know about Three too!” He complained.
“It wasn’t ours to share, Four.” Two admonished.
“We should get going, it’s almost dinner.” Three interrupted. Four shifted nervously.
“Heh, yeah. Don’t want the caretakers to get mad again! Meet you there!” Four sped off, leaving the other three to clean up as fast as they could and rush after him.
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In case anyone doesn’t know, symptoms of heat stroke (especially in humans) include:
High body temperature
Altered mental state (confusion, slurred speech, irritability)
Nausea and vomiting
Flushed skin
Racing heart rate
-Dr. World
*static over intercom*
Attention crew, this is Scrabblezard Eschlarion, head librarian and archivist. The captain has asked me to make the announcement that we are now preparing to make port in Green Sands Bluff, the largest port city on the planet of Cunoa. She would also like to apologize for the unfortunate delay in arrival, the reasons for which are strictly classified. I will also share with you some brief information and advice that should help during our stay on Cunoa, since I have been there on multiple occasions.
The first thing you need to know is that while Cunoa does serve as a major hub for various… less than savory organizations, those same organizations tend to make sure the streets are safe to walk. After all, no crime lord wants to be mugged while going out for a cup of tea. So crew members should be perfectly safe to walk around the city and attend to their business, so long as they stick to the city center. If you notice any buildings painted red, you’ve gone too far, and should turn around immediately.
The next thing you should know is that, since Cunoa is a major hub for various unofficial trading companies, nearly everything is available for sale somewhere. The only difficulty is in figuring out where to go to purchase it. To make this easier, there are numerous facilitators who tend to wait around outside ships that make port that will be more than happy to get you in touch with the right channels. For a fee, of course. Simply look for anyone wearing a green hat with a red feather.
Finally, do remember that Cunoa is an arid world, and Green Sands Bluff is no exception. Temperatures during the day typically average 36 degrees centigrade, so take precautions against the heat. Make sure you have something to cover yourself with, carry some water, and read up on the symptoms of heatstroke. If you begin exhibiting those symptoms, please make your way to shelter immediately. Most of the taverns are well used to travelers coming in to escape the heat, and will be glad to help you, for a fee.
Ah, I’ve just been told we’ve begun our descent. If you look to portside, you’ll be able to see Cunoa in all of it’s glory. Green Sands Bluff is, of course, in the middle of that large green patch. Apparently the green sands are caused by unusual mineral content, although I can’t recall what mineral it is. Well, that’s not really important right now. If you have any further questions, feel free to come down to the library and ask them of me. I will be aboard the ship for most of the duration of our stay, after taking a few hours to handle some business.
This is Scrabblezard Eschlarion, head librarian and archivist, wishing you a safe and productive stay on Cunoa.
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@scrabblezardeschlarion Humans can be very dangerous.
It’s funny how science fiction universes so often treat humans as a boring, default everyman species or even the weakest and dumbest.
I want to see a sci fi universe where we’re actually considered one of the more hideous and terrifying species.
How do we know our saliva and skin oils wouldn’t be ultra-corrosive to most other sapient races? What if we actually have the strongest vocal chords and can paralyze or kill the inhabitants of other worlds just by screaming at them? What if most sentient life in the universe turns out to be vegetable-like and lives in fear of us rare “animal” races who can move so quickly and chew shit up with our teeth?
Like that old story “they’re made of meat,” only we’re scarier.
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Medical Bay Log: Entry 6
Since my last log there have been several significant events. First was the discovery of contraband on the ship, including illegal drugs hidden in the Med Bay. There were also Wing Suits, which we had fun with. 
We later received found out that Kay was in danger and went to go rescue her. It turns out that she was in the custody of a giant octopus with poisonous spines. We brought Kay back to The Next Horizon while I treated her for hypothermia and oxygen deprivation. She had also been affected by what she had dubbed ‘Octomom’s spines, but they only contained a sedative. I created an antidote fairly quickly and Kay woke up within a few minutes. I have since declared her fully healed.
We later went out to the Thankless Albatross for a celebration of our last day on Cass. My genetic tampering left me with a very high tolerance, so I was able to consume several bottles of rum. I was left with a mild but annoying headache in the morning, thanks to my improved liver. 
Now, with the Med Bay organized, I am waiting for takeoff. I wonder what our next destination is?
-Dr. World
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Medical Bay Log: Entry 5
Plenty has happened since my last log. We have landed on Cass, which is a watery planet with islands floating on the surface. Our job is to map the water currents. The Captain is going with the ground team. She saw me for a cold before hand, but she should be alright. I managed to compile a report of the three greatest dangers on Cass for the ground team.
Since then I have taken to speaking with Scrabblezard, Animika, Kate, and several others. Our talks have gone well, and I have learned much about them. I have revealed some of my own past as well. 
Speaking of revealing pasts, Animika sustained a concussion to her left brain. Apparently her species has two, serving the same purpose as the hemispheres of a human brain. This caused her to be looser with information than usual, but it is not my place to say.
I suppose I can tell a bit of my past though.
I was part of a government project to make ‘advanced’ humans. My DNA was altered slightly, and I have been gifted with slightly greater physical and mental capabilities than usual in a human. I was raised with my nine ‘cousins’ (we are not genetically related, but have chosen to call each other thus) in a secure lab in an unknown location. 
Soon some human higher ups heard about the project and had it cancelled for moral reasons. Humans apparently do not appreciate genetic tampering. When the project was shut down I joined the Navy and was assigned to scouting ship Lunar Moth. I served there under Captain Rose from then until a year ago. 
Scrabblezard also gave us a baking lesson. We made lemon pound cake. It was surprisingly good.
I have received a tentacle from an Idostine Medusoza, so I should have an antivenom prepared soon. 
-Dr. World
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The Doctor, at your service.
The original, unreleased version of I Am The Doctor. (in my opinion, the best.)  I’ve no idea who this was made by, but it appeared on YouTube after The Eleventh Hour in 2010.
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Ready to go.
-Dr. World
I’m sitting in the medevac ready to take off. I’ve got @rowantheengineer and @doctor-world-nexthorizon sitting with me ready to go if we can get coordinates.
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Hello everybody. This is a rp site that you can participate in even if you don’t have an account! If you want to rp with more than one person, than come on over. (This won’t be were the major storyline stuff goes unless Pilot makes one. Also it has a limit of ten unsubscribed persons.)
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Hmm. I sounds like you have a sore throat, so I’ll give you some medication for that. I also have a general painkiller for you to take, which should take off the edge. Make sure to stay hydrated.
-Dr. World
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@animallover331 and @icerosema-apahc, one of us should be on the ground crew. Anyone want to go?
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Medical Concerns on Cass:
I have been researching the flora and fauna of Cass and have discovered that there are several threats we should be aware of. The first is Ignitious Borealis, more commonly known as a fireflower. It is red in appearance, with yellow streaks down the center of the petals. The stem and leaves are also said to have an orange tint. Touching the petals with bare skin can cause extreme rashes. However, the stem of the plant is safe to touch. 
The next threat are jellyfish-like creatures that reside in deeper parts of the Great Ocean known as the Idostine Medusozoa. This creature looks like a cross between an octopus and a jellyfish, and is blue-green in color. It’s sting will cause slow paralyzation, and will stop your heart within 7 hours.
The final threat is a type of seaweed that clings to the bottom of the floating islands. The Capiese Vesiclosus, while not deadly to the touch, easily catches on equipment and produces a corrosive substance. This substance is stored in what look like air sacs, and will destroy equipment if the sacs are punctured. As you will be underwater at the time, I hope that you can see how this can be dangerous. Thankfully the sacs are not easy to rupture and the seaweed is a neon green color and easy to avoid.
If any of our scientists specialized in this area of study would like to add to this list, please do so. The farther we can keep our crew mates from trouble the better.
-Dr World
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Medical Bay Log: Entry 4
Since my last log not too much has happened. There was some sort of party, or perhaps a concert, n the deck. While I’m afraid that I am unable to keep a beat and I can’t dance for the life of me, I did enjoy several of the songs. My favorite was Master of the Tides. I also hosted a first aid class. I fear that it was more of a lecture though. I was never taught how to teach. Most of my training involved battle scenarios and how to listen to my superiors. At least my crew mates now have some basic medical knowledge.
We have also left port. I thought that I saw one of my cousins from the deck, but I was too far to be sure. I hope not. My cousins can be quite annoying.
-Dr. World
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That’s the end of the lesson. Or a lecture, I suppose. I apologize, teaching is not one of my skills. If you have any questions ask me. I’ll try to answer them to the best of my abilities.
-Dr. World
First Aide Class
Let me know who’s here.
-Dr. World
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