Another Clip/Edit From: Little Slutty Diaper Princess (ABDL Spanking)
I absolutely love the build up in the full video, of Bella over Mistress Scarlet's lap, receiving the discipline after being naughty earlier in the evening, and the humiliation of how Bella will orgasm, the ONLY way she's allowed to orgasm, in her girly print diaper.
Rearz Princess Pink are such a perfect design for diaper discipline and punishment for naughty girls. I highly recommend purchasing from Highland Manor Nursery/ABDL Spanking, such a great range of videos, scenarios and variety for those with an ABDL fetish.
#ABDL Punishment#Spanking#diaper discipline#Highland Manor Nursery#ABDL Spanking#ABDL#Forced Diapers
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Edited From: The White Ward, Patient 004 - Caning Punishment
I often wonder what happened with the studio, The White Ward. The location they seemed to have, the premise or scenarios they developed, and could develop in the building they filmed in had so much potential. This edit is focused on the diapering of the restrained patient.
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There were many times when I was younger where I felt so frustrated and humiliated, where I felt ashamed trying to be myself in front of family, friends, neighbours and people I genuinely cared about, only to be teased and humiliated either physically or verbally as I tired to fit in, trying to be normal and sound normal, trying everything in my power to not Stutter a single word... Only to fail at crucial times and suffer the resulting humiliation.
In one of my family picture albums, I have a picture of when I was a toddler, similar to the artist depiction above, where I'm wearing just a T-shirt and nappy. I've spent many hours growing up looking at this picture, a snapshot in history where I didn't have to go through and tolerate the teasing and reactions people had to my stutter. A time of blissful ignorance to such problems.
This picture perfectly depicts the moments when I felt down and depressed, how I viewed myself when I was alone in my room, perhaps also holding a stuffed toy like that brown bear, the only hug and display of affection I could have at the time. This picture is how I've viewed myself on many occasions where I've just felt broken.

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When Aussies have no filter while being interviewed on live TV... 😏
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The part of myself I try to hide the most
Picture this scenario from a teenage guys perspective:
You're at a function or party with your friends and family. It's rather mundane, but it's not the worst party you've been to. You happen to spot someone you have never seen before, a girl who seems to be a similar age to you. She looks absolutely stunning, has a cheerful look to her, feelings start to swirl around inside of you. Suddenly, she notices you, smiles and starts approaching you. Your mind starts racing, thinking what you could say, what you could talk to her about, but it's hard to come up with anything because you are so distracted by her beauty. You are also incredibly worried, not because you're struggling to know what to say to her, but because you're afraid of humiliating yourself in front of her, as you have done in front of countless others growing up, trying to hide the Stutter that has always plagued your life up to this point.
She greets you, and the two of you tell each other your names and start to make small talk. At first, it seems to be going ok. Sure you stammer out a few worlds here or there, but she's still smiling at you. You think, "maybe she doesn't mind, maybe she understands your situation, maybe she's a really caring person who never teases someones faults..." You begin to relax a little, gaining a little more confidence as you chat. Perhaps she found the brief amount of stuttering flattering, as an indication to her that you have some feelings for her, hence the nerves causing the stammers while chatting. You learn a bit about each other, shes recently moved near by with her parents, and she's here to meet others in our age range and find friends in our area.
After several minutes chatting, she moves on to chat with a few others. Despite stuttering you feel your first impressions went well, but are also worried how she will feel about you if you continue stuttering and stammering in front of her. A little can be flattering to some girls, but as you've learned and experienced in the past, stuttering all the time is a problem. A Big, Humiliating Problem.
You see her chatting with some of your other friends, a few of them you were once really close with but over time drifted away. You feel like you have been left on the outskirts of this circle of friends, feeling as if you are often left out of a lot of their plans and gatherings. Of course you cannot completely blame them, as on some occasions you have declined their offers, but what you never mentioned was because you were feeling a little depressed and broken on those occasions, struggling to have normal conversations with people during those times. They probably think you are a bit of a cold person and a loner. As a result, you are not only self conscious about your stutter, but how people perceive you. You wonder if, through word of mouth, people see you as weird, different, or someone who wants to be left alone in life. It's true that you appreciate a bit of alone time every so often, but the truth of the matter is you just want to be normal, or viewed as normal. You also want to enjoy the company of close friends you can trust, and the close company, love and affection of a girl, who would love you as much as you love her.
You hear laughing that snaps you out of your train of thought, and look over to where it's coming from. You notice it's from the girl, and your 'circle of friends', even a couple of their parents. You wonder what was so funny that caused them to laugh as they did. A small, deep, dark part within you is making you think it's about you, perhaps relating one of your embarrassing or humiliating moments in the past, but you ignore it as much as you can thinking it's silly to be so self absorbed in such a negative way. However, in that moment you also realize that once again you are only on the outskirts, peering into the 'circle of friends', while not really being a part of it. Another thing you notice is the way some of the guys are looking at the girl you've grown feelings for, worried about unwanted competition to gain the girls attention, and more concerning to you, gaining her affection, her love, her heart.
A few days later, you meet up at a place you and your friends often hang out at, and meet up with the girl you like once again. She still has that beautiful smile she wore when she first saw you, so you're feeling rather confident despite knowing you're still going to struggle to appear normal to her. You manage to talk with her for a while about various things, such as likes, dislikes, hobbies, highschool stuff, future plans, and about this 'circle of friends' that she wants to be a part of. You tell her a little about the others, how you met them and some of the things you enjoy doing together (or perhaps more accurately, what you used to enjoy doing together when you were younger, when you felt you were a part of the group), while leaving out humiliating moments and the reality of your current position in this circle.
Afterwards at home, you think back on your meetup with her earlier that day, and you're happy that you were able to chat with her once again, but something tells you she sees you very differently from the first time you both met. Something about her mannerisms and expressions as the conversation carried on, how she appeared to react as you stuttered and stammered through a few sentences, trying to explain things anyone can say normally without trouble, but not you. Deep down, the negative part about you thinks this latest interaction has blown your chances of being with her, unable to even go out on a single date with her. In your mind, you're contrasting the look she gave you, the look on her face the first time she saw you, perhaps having similar feelings in that moment as you did for her, and comparing it with the last look she gave you earlier that day. Even tho she never said anything about how she felt about you, the body language and looks she gave told you everything you need to know.
Trying to stay optimistic, you think about maybe getting her a present, and ways you could help her after moving into this new area. Maybe you can show her what sort of person you are, that despite the stutter and challenges around having a normal conversation, you can show her that you are a kind and caring person who helps others no matter who they are. You find a bracelet that you think she would like, not stupidly expensive but not a cheap one either, and wrap it up as a little surprise for her. Not long after you find out there's a party your friends arranged, and decide that's where you will give her your present. Before going, you rehearse and practice talking at home, coming up with things you want to tell her and say to her, from general conversations to how you are going to open up your feelings to her. However, you have never had issues talking alone in front of the mirror before. In fact you never stutter or stammer whenever you have talked to yourself in private, and as a result you worry that all the effort is in vain as it has never really seemed to help in the past. Despite this, you try to remain positive.
At the party, you find that both you and her seem to be some of the early ones there. You greet each other and are glad to see that she still smiles at you, but it seems a little different than before. The next few people that arrived is a guy you were friends with for several years, with his older brother and sister. There was a time where the two of you were quite close, perhaps even referring to each other as best friends when you were kids. That was a very long time ago tho, a distant memory that you sometimes question if it were true, if you were actually best friends. You notice something strange, the way he greets the girl you like. It's hard to describe how they greeted each other, as if referencing older times where a cowboy would tip their hat towards a lady, performing or acting that action with his hand while not actually wearing a hat. At first you think its an inside joke, but it won't be until several years later when you look back at a certain social media chat that you were not a part of, that you were never a part of, realizing the reference at the party, realizing all your fears, realizing you were always on the outskirts of the 'circle of friends', never actually a part of the circle.
During the party, after everyone had arrived, you spent a brief amount of time with your group of friends, but most of the time you made small talk with some of the older ones there, stopping to chat with these ones when getting a bite to eat or something to drink, doing a decent enough job of hiding any stutters and stammers, varying the pace of your speech while avoiding words you know you will have a "block" on. This filled you with a bit more confidence before heading back to the 'circle of friends', confidence to talk with the girl you like once again, hoping for a chance to give her the gift and offer help with anything while shes still getting used to the area. You get close enough to hear what everyone is talking about, but realize they haven't noticed you yet. Their current conversation gets your attention, and before you make yourself known to the circle, you notice you're referenced in the conversation. You decide to listen before saying anything.
Apparently, it was obvious to everyone that you had feelings for this girl. At first, it was apparently cute, and a little funny how you stuttered your way through earlier conversations, but the comedy of it died off after a while. She didn't want to be rude, and the attention you were giving her was getting a little annoying to her. She thought you were fairly handsome when she first saw you, but felt nothing for you after chatting and learning about you. Another in the group mentioned a humiliating moment of yours in the past, that this was not the first time trying to get close with a girl. No one defended or tried to speak up for you in this moment, just snowballing into a big negative picture of what they thought of you. At this moment, you still haven't made your presence known, still eavesdropping on a conversation that was slowly ripping your heart out. You phase out for a moment until you heard the girl you liked talk again, asking about this other guy who you knew to be an asshole, hearing her saying he's kinda cute.
You couldn't stand it any longer, and left the party early. At home, you sit on your office chair, glass of whisky in one hand (which you had poured for yourself from your fathers stash), the bracelet you got as a gift in the other, and a couple of wet lines on your cheeks that trailed down from the tear ducts of your eyes. Looking at the bracelet in your hand, you begin thinking again what could have been had it not been for your disability, what could have been if you could talk normally, to speak and express yourself like everyone else. A grain of comfort is knowing that there is actually nothing wrong with you, in the sense that there's nothing physically or medically wrong with you. Going to a speech therapist as a kid, they found nothing wrong with you, no medical excuse for the stutters and stammers in the first place. It all came down to your own confidence when talking, which was once again ripped away after hearing those words from the outskirts of your 'circle of friends'.
After weeping alone in the dark and finishing your whisky, you bury the bracelet inside a drawer, you will decide what to do with it later. Deciding to have an early night, you go to bed. Before laying down you check your phone, but find no messages or notifications, your "friends" probably don't even realize you left. That night, you have a dream about giving a girl your love, literally giving your heart to her from your chest, only for it to be rejected. You're sitting there, heart in your hands as it slowly pulses. It turns into the shape of a love heart, before crumbling into several pieces in your hands. You know you can give so much love and affection for someone, yet you doubt it will ever happen in reality. You wake up in the morning and contemplate the weird dream you had. Next, you check your phone, but once again found no message or notification. While lying in bed for the next hour, you contemplate what you will do next, how you're going to move on from this humiliating moment in a crucial development moment of your life. In order to try and gain back the needed confidence in your life, you decide on taking one very important step, to sever yourself from the 'circle of friends', let it roll far away from you, to never let it hurt you again.
This story is a work of fiction, but based on true events and feelings I had in my teenage years, growing up as a stutterer. Friendships are super important in our younger years that can lead to many happy moments and memories, while building someone up to be confident in life. However, everyone has a different experience. Many who thought they had "friends" have ended up realizing they weren't actual friends. As a youth, it's sometimes hard to understand and tell the difference until it's too late. Growing up can be cruel and hard, and effect us in ways that is hard to imagine for the average person.
I've learned such experiences and trauma is how many develop their kinks in life, their fetish for certain things and scenarios. Perhaps this is one of several reasons why I share a kink for ABDL, to relive and remember a time where I wasn't hurt by such "friendships", a time where I was often happier and ignorant of stuttering in front of people I love and care about.
It's fascinating how our youth shapes us into who we are today. I grew up to be a generally cautious person, often letting my actions speak louder than words. Today I'm mostly able to hide my stutter, but there are certain times and situations where I struggle to hide it.
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I miss the older Huggies nappies designs...

Love huggies
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LOL 🤣 I would love to read the synopsis for this video! The creativity is second to none, what a work of art 🤣
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Edited from: 赤ちゃん_イラマ10分 (Rough translation: Baby_Irama 10min)
Cut down to 3 minutes, 44 seconds.
Fantia.jp (Lemon)
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Another sample from (Lemon)
Short: Fantia.jp (Lemon)
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Story: First Date - (Written by Delaniac)
Many in the ABDL space would know of DailyDiapers.com. For over a decade I've explored this site, sometimes to read about the experience of others in the ABDL space, but mostly to read the many stories posted regularly. Some of my favourite stories from recent times have been from a user named Delaniac. The following story titled "First Date" is one of my all time favourites, which sadly was never continued after just 2 chapters despite the author mentioning he had an idea for writing the 3rd. The following is a direct copy of Delaniacs story, First Date.
First Date
Chapter 1:
“Tommy’s into some kinky stuff,” Monique explained casually to the awestruck girl. “You’re a virgin, right?”
Brandy stared at the other girl like a dear caught in the headlights.
“It’s fine if you are. I’d be surprised if you weren’t. No offense,” she added hastily, but Brandy couldn’t help but feel that it was meant to offend. But she couldn’t argue with her, and Monique was actually offering to help her.
“I am,” Brandy admitted. She considered telling Monique that Cole Garber had kissed her at the ninth grade formal, but an awkward and sloppy kiss with a nerd from the mathletes wouldn’t earn her any cred with her new, potential friend.
“Hey, Tommy is a great guy to turn in your v-card to. Like I said though, he’s… experienced.”
Brandy nodded rapidly. “Any advice you have, I’d owe you big.”
Monique chuckled. “You will. That’s okay. I wish I’d had someone like me when I was younger.”
Monique was actually younger than Brandy, having recently celebrated her eighteenth birthday two months after Brandy. Brandy hadn’t been invited to her massive blowout, but she’d heard about it from nearly everyone else. Brandy herself celebrated her eighteenth with her parents and grandparents.
But things were going to change. She was hot now. Tommy had asked her out. She was in Monique’s house!
“Well I’m glad I have you,” Brandy said with a hopeful smile. “If you don’t mind me asking, why’d you break up with him?”
“We wanted different things,” she said wistfully. “There wasn’t anything wrong with him,” Monique assured her. “I think the two of you would be cute together. We’re being real mature and staying friends; I just want him to be happy.”
“Me too!”
“And that means making sure you’re, a little more prepared.”
Brandy gulped and nodded.
“Let’s get you dressed.”
Monique opened her closet and walked in.
Brandy watched with mounting anticipation, until she saw what Monique selected. “What is that?”
Monique sighed dramatically. “Tommy is a total daddy, right?”
Brandy nodded. She knew the term daddy, and it wasn’t the first thing that came to mind when she considered Tommy, but she was eager to act like she knew something, so she played along.
“Well he’s like, an actually daddy.”
“He has kids?”
Monique put her forehead in her hands. “No, he’s eighteen. Obviously not. He’s a daddy daddy.”
Brandy looked at her blankly.
Monique rolled her eyes. “Daddy is sexy, Brandy.” She pursed her lips and fluttered her eyelashes. “I’ve been a bad giwl, daddy. Please punish me,” she said in a high-pitched voice, leaning forward and putting her hands on her knees, thrusting her ass out.
Brandy’s eyes widened. “Oh!”
“Now you get it. But relax, he’ll find your innocent naivety endearing. You do have a whole cute little girl thing going for you.”
Brandy blushed. She tried so hard to look and act mature, and was always fighting uphill against her hand me down clothes and girlish figure. “You think, you think Tommy will like that?” She tried to imagine herself using that coquettish voice, and couldn’t picture it.
“Oh, absolutely.” Monique returned to the closet and dug deeper. “But just to make sure, I’m going to get you dressed for the part.”
The idea of getting to wear anything from Monique’s wardrobe both thrilled and terrified Brandy. Everything she owned seemed to be designer, and Brandy could only dream of being able to afford some of the things she’d seen Monique wear, but at the same time, everything seemed perfectly tailored to fit Monique’s exquisite body. There was no way anything she pulled out of that closet could fit her the way they fit their owner.
“Hmmm, one of these.” Monique emerged from the closet, three dresses on hangers dangling from her fingers. She promptly pinned one hanger to her chest with her chin and held the other two up in front of the still stunned Brandy, assessing them. “The blue is much cuter, but green is definitely more your color.”
Brandy caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror with the offered dresses held in front of her, and her cheeks flushed. Monique’s initial assessment wasn’t wrong, per se, but they weren’t the dresses she had imagined Monique picking out for her. She couldn’t imagine Monique wearing, or even owning, the garments, for that matter.
“Umm,” she was terrified of being rude, and couldn’t think of what to say.
Monique didn’t give her the chance. “You’re right.” She dropped the two dresses unceremoniously on the floor and held up the third one. “Yes!”
The other two dresses had been, juvenile was the most diplomatic word. They harkened back to the dresses she and her friends had worn to the eighth grade formal, big puffy dresses and with big shoulders. The pink dress now held in front of her seemed like something a toddler might wear, with lots of ruffles and a big pink bow on the back, and more matching little ones on the short, puffy sleeves. The idea that beautiful, elegant Monique wore something like this was absurd. The idea of her in something like this was mortifying.
“It’s perfect!”
“Are you sure?” Brandy managed, her voice quiet. “It seems…”
“Of course I’m sure. Do you want my help or not?”
“I do, I do!” She desperately did, ignoring the alarm bells ringing in her head. Monique hadn’t ever really been friendly to her before, but she wasn’t one of the mean girls who made fun of her.
“Good. Because I want this to work out well for you. For both of you. I want Tommy to be happy.”
“So you, you wore this for him?” She looked down at the dress draped in front of her, rubbing her fingers along the big, satin ribbon.
Monique gave a wan smile. “There were many reasons we didn’t work out.”
Brandy nodded, the pieces starting to fit together. If this was the kind of thing Tommy wanted in a girlfriend, Monique probably wasn’t it. The question was, was she?
“Let’s see you in it.”
Brandy looked around for a place to change, trying to remember if she’d seen a bathroom on the way to Monique’s room.
“Come on, put it on.”
Brandy’s breath hitched in her throat. She didn’t even like changing in the locker rooms for gym class, but to undress in front of Monique was more than daunting. She briefly weighed the options of just trying to pull the dress on over her baggy sweatshirt and jeans, but she doubted Monique would let her get away with that. She settled for a half turn, compromising by not offering a full view of her front of back while she nervously pulled her sweatshirt over her head. She left her pants on while she tried to pull the dress over her head, practically swimming through the billowing fabric while she looked for the appropriate holes.
“What are you doing?” she squealed when she felt the button on her jeans being undone.
“Helping you, duh,” came Monique’s reply from beneath her.
Still helplessly tangled in the dress, she was helpless to stop the other girl from pulling her pants down around her ankles.
“Cute panties,” Monique commented. “Step out.”
Brandy blushed like crazy under the dress while she obediently stepped out of her jeans. She could see the ceiling through the head hole, but she didn’t push through, afraid to come out beat red. And then suddenly the dress was being pulled back up off of her.
Brandy found herself face to face with Monique, standing in the popular girl’s bedroom in just her underwear, her mouth agape in shock.
“You we’re trying to put it on backwards,” Monique said, spinning it around. “Take off your bra too.”
“What?” Brandy sputtered, reflexively crossing her arms across her chest.
“You don’t have anything I have seen before.” Monique’s eyes flicked down to her own, better endowed chest.
Gulping, Brandy hastened to take off her bra, determined to prove she didn’t need Monique’s help with that too.
“You barely even need a bra,” the other girl said, eyeing Brandy’s perky breasts.
Brandy quickly covered herself again. Monique laughed, but it wasn’t the malicious laugh she had been expecting.
“That’s not a bad thing.” She cupped her own breasts. “My back hurts now lugging these things around. Imagine what it’ll be like when I’m forty.”
“You think Tommy will like them?” she asked meekly, slowly lowering her hands.
“You want to know a secret?”
“Everyone likes tits. Big ones, small ones, perky ones, saggy ones. Some are better than others, and yours,” she reached out, palming Brandy’s boobs and giving them a slow, gentle squeeze. “Are great.”
Brandy stifled a moan at the alien sensation of someone’s hands other than her own touching her breasts. It certainly wasn’t the way she imagined it, another girl, Monique no less, but it felt good, a shiver of pleasure pulsing through her. “Tha—thank you.”
“You’re welcome, cutie.” Monique winked at her, and then lifted the dress again. Brandy lifted her arms, letting the other girl guide the dress over her head. She stood still, watching her reflection in the mirror while Monique laced up the back behind her. “What do you think?”
Juvenile, childish, immature. She dared not voice her initial impression as she stared at her reflection.
“You’re very cute,” Monique said, straitening out the big, floppy bow.
“You think so?” the dolled up girl asked, her emotions see-sawing between being embarrassed and being flattered by what seemed like genuine praise from the girl she didn’t even realize she so desperately craved approval from.
“I do.” Monique pulled Brandy’s hair from its ponytail and began brushing it.
“What are you doing?”
“Fixing your hair,” she said, gently brushing out the tangles in Brandy’s wavy brown hair.
Brandy watched in the mirror. It was surprisingly soothing, having someone else brush her hair. The apprehension started to slowly melt away with each stroke, and she fidgeted with the hem of her dress. It was short, and as juvenile as the ruffled pink garment was, she realized she would actually have to be conscious of its short length. Monique seeing her panties had been mortifying, she definitely didn’t want to accidentally flash anyone else.
“We’ll do your hair and make up, get you nice and cute for your date.”
Brandy found herself nodding along. She hated doing her hair. No matter what she did with it, she couldn’t ever get it how she wished it would look, and the few times she borrowed her aunt’s straightener, it seemed like it was more effort than it was worth for the lackluster results. But Monique would make her look pretty for Tommy. “You did stuff like this for him, when you were dating?” she asked as Monique brought out her curling iron.
“I did all kinds of things for him. I suppose I still am. But he’s worth it.”
It occurred to Brandy again that Monique helping prep her for a date with her ex was probably more than a little awkward for her. “I’m sorry,” she said softly.
“Nonsense,” Monique chided her. “We’re both much happier this way.”
“Thank you, really, for your help.”
“Oh sweetie, it’s nothing.”
“I never imagined that Tommy would ever be interested in me, or that you’d be so nice to me.”
“Awww, you’re too sweet.” Monique stepped back, admiring her handwork.
Brandy turned her head from side to side, the tightly curled ringlets of hair bouncing in the pigtails Monique had tied her hair in, using bright pink ribbons that matched her dress. She looked more like a little girl than ever, but she had to admit she didn’t hate it. She imagined with a short pleated skirt and white blouse she could pull off the sexy schoolgirl look with her pigtails.
“Do you like it?”
Brandy nodded, the springy curls bouncing along with her. “I do, thank you.”
“Now for your makeup.” Monique abruptly spun her around to face her, foundation brush already in hand. Brandy could no longer see what was being done to her in the mirror, instead forced to focus on the popular girl applying her makeup. Monique had her tongue out of the corner of her mouth, like an artist, while she worked with practiced ease.
“Purse your lips for me,” she instructed, applying lipstick. “And… perfect.” Monique grabbed her shoulders and turned her back around to the mirror.
A gasp escaped Brandy’s painted lips. She’d never figured out how to properly do her own makeup, and her few attempts had ended with her looking more like a clown than the sexy girl she wanted to emulate. Monique’s work was subtle, but effective, transforming her face. She hadn’t opted for the bold eyeliner and mascara choices Monique tended to go for on her own face, adding just a touch of foundation and blush to highlight her rosy cheeks and accent her natural freckles. “Wow.”
“I know, right? You just needed me to take care of you.”
Brandy nodded, still transfixed in her reflection.
“You’re almost ready for your date.”
The newly transformed girl looked at her questioningly.
“I’ve got a surprise for you. Close your eyes.”
Brandy obediently shut her eyes, listening intently to the Monique moving around over the sound of her own excited breathing. “Wha—what are you doing?!” she cried out as she felt Monique’s soft fingers hook into the waistband of her underwear.
“As cute as your little panties are, these won’t do.”
Brandy opened her eyes to look down and see Monique crouched between her legs, her hands under her short dress.
“Did I tell you that you could open your eyes yet?”
“No,” she answered sheepishly, shutting her eyes again, her hands fidgeting nervously by her sides while Monique resumed, her long, beautifully done nails grazing lightly along her thighs. She didn’t wait to be told this time, lifting first her left and then her right leg to step out of her panties. The girl could feel the hem of her dress on her thighs, but she knew it wasn’t long enough to protect her modesty from where Monique was. She waited for the instruction to lift her legs again, but it didn’t come. Instead she felt Monique hands between her thighs, spreading her legs.
“What are you doing?”
“Giving you your surprise,” Monique answered. “Be a good girl and keep your legs spread for me.”
Something soft and smooth ran along the inside of her thighs. Brandy fought the urge to open her eyes and close her legs, her breath quickening. Monique pulled the thing all the way up, covering both her butt and pubis. It was wrapped snugly around her waist.
“Can I open my eyes now?” She couldn’t help herself, peaking for just a second, catching a glimpse of the top of Monique’s head in front of her, but she couldn’t see what the other girl had done to her.
“Almost,” Monique purred. Brandy waited, her heart racing. “You may open them.”
Brandy’s eyes snapped opened. Monique was right in front of her, her face just inches from her own, a satisfied smile on her face. Brandy took a flatering step back and hiked up her short dress, looking down. “Is that— did you put me in a—”
Monique had stepped back, her phone in her hands. Brandy yanked her dress back down, but she knew it was too late, the click of the shutter having already sounded.
“What did you do?!” Brandy blurted, a thousand nightmares coming to reality in her mind.
“I helped you get dressed for your big date, baby girl,” Monique said, still taking pictures of the furiously blushing girl in the childish pink dress before her, even stooping low to make sure she got that flash of white barely concealed under her dress. “You’re just so cute, I had to take pictures.”
“Please, you can’t post those! I’ll—”
Monique’s grin said it all. She’d what? Tells everyone the most popular girl had dressed her up like a little girl and put her in a diaper? She could lie, try and tell them she was forced, but that was almost as bad. She could try and say they were fake, but who would everyone believe, her, or Monique? They’d believe anything Monique told them. Just like she’d believed Monique genuinely wanted to help her, wanted to be her friend.
Her face got hot, and her fists clenched by her sides. She could feel the tears welling up in her eyes. If she tried to speak, she knew she wouldn’t be able to stop.
“Awww, don’t cry, baby Brandy.” That’s what everyone would call her. She could hear it, ringing through the halls of school. “What’s the matter?” Monique cooed. She put her arm around Brandy’s quivering shoulder, holding her close.
“Whu— why?” Brandy choked out, just barely managing to hold back the tears.
“Because you needed my help.” Brandy tried to squirm away, but Monique held her tighter, getting right in her face again, driving home the couple inches of height she had over the smaller girl. “You’re just so cute, I couldn’t help myself. And you’re even more adorable now, in your pretty little dress and your pigtails and your diaper.” She reached between Brandy’s legs, grabbing a big handful of the crinkly padding and squeezing.
Brandy whimpered. She could feel the alien sensation against her pussy. “I can’t wear this.”
“Of course you can. You’ll look so precious on your date.”
Brandy’s eyes widened. Tommy couldn’t see her like this! “No, please Monique! Let me change!”
“Do you need your diapered changed so soon?” Monique teased, tugging on the front of the mortified girl’s diaper.
“What! No! Please Monique, just give me back my panties. Tommy can’t see me wearing—” she couldn’t bring herself to say it. “This.”
“If you’re a good girl and behave yourself, he won’t have to,” Monique straightened out her dress, hiding the diaper from view. “The only reason he should see what’s under your dress is if you’re doing something naughty. And you’re much too little to do anything like that, aren’t you?” She grabbed Brandy’s chin and forced the girl to bob her head. “That’s right. But just to be sure you don’t try anything,” she pulled something out of her drawer, holding it up. It was a big, clear plastic pair of panties, but Brandy could see threaded around the waist and leg holes was a length of fine chain, with three little heart shaped locks.
“Please, you don’t need that,” Brandy whined.
“I know I don’t, but you do.” She knelt, holding out the locking panties. “Come on baby girl, step in.”
Brandy kept her feet firmly planted on the floor, fighting the urge to cry again. She’d been so stupid, naive to think Monique’s intentions were altruistic.
“I’d rather keep this our little secret, I’d hate to have to post those adorable pictures I have of you.”
Sniffling, Brandy lifted one leg, and the other. Only a few short minutes ago, she’d had her eyes closed, hoping she’d be stepping into some sexy lingerie. Now she felt the small chain links surrounded by plastic gliding up her legs. The diaper crinkled noisily as Monique pulled the plastic panties up, and she felt it tighten snugly around her waist.
“There we go.” Monique dangled a small silver key on a black cord in front of the diapered girl, before draping it around her neck, the key resting between her boobs. “Now I can trust that you’ll be a good girl and don’t get up to any naughty business with Tommy.”
Brandy whimpered. “I can’t—”
“Shhhh,” Monique put a finger to Brandy’s lips. “You don’t want to stand him up, do you?”
“No,” she mumbled softly around Monique’s finger.
“No, you don’t. You’re going to go on your little date, and when you’re done, you’ll come right back here so I can change your diaper.”
Brandy’s eyes widened, realizing the implications of being locked in the diaper. “I’ve got to go home though!” she protested.
“And if Tommy asked you to go home with him tonight, you’re telling me you didn’t have an excuse lined up?”
“I—” she started, but there was no point in refuting it.
“That’s what I thought.”
“I’m sorry!” she blurted. “I won’t go out with him. I had no idea you still liked him, but I should have. It’s wrong of me to go out with him.”
Monique surprised her by hugging her. “Is that what you’re worried about? Silly little girl.” Monique patted her head. “I’m not upset you’re going out with him.”
“Then why?”
Monique stood back, holding Brandy firmly by the shoulders. “Because you look so cute like this. Because I could. You made it so easy. But mostly just because I wanted to.”
Brandy gulped, speechless. She’d offered no resistance, walking willingly into this goddess’s lair and letting her dress her up.
“My my, look at the time. We don’t want you to be late for your date.”
Brandy had no idea what time it was, she couldn’t see a clock. She looked at her purse, where her phone was, lying on Monique’s bed where she had left it. So close, but still out of her reach as Monique spun her around and guided her towards the door. Her thighs rubbed against the thick diaper as she walked, the bulky garment forcing her to waddle slightly, a distinctive crinkle coming from under her short dress.
“I need my purse. My keys—” she tried to protest, but Monique already had her out the door, heading downstairs.
“I’ll drop you off. You don’t worry about a thing, I’ll make sure you get to your date safely.”
She glanced longingly at her beat up, old car, her means of escape, as Monique lead her to her own, flashy, brand new sports car. Brandy offered no resistance as Monique opened the back door for her and gestured to the middle seat. Monique even buckled her in, Brandy herself too busy discovering that the raised partition in the floor left her with little choice but to keep her legs spread, and no matter how much she tried to push the ruffled layers of her dress down, hiding her diaper was impossible.
“Are you ready?” Monique asked, catching her eye in the rear view mirror.
Brandy couldn’t meet her gaze, looking down at her dress. She’d been so stupid. When she looked back up, Monique had angled the mirror downward, and she realized the other girl was looking at her diaper. Brandy blushed deeper and pushed her dress down, holding it there the entire drive. Monique talked at her the whole way, telling her how cute she looked, how much Tommy would enjoy her new look, how much fun she would have. Her words washed over Brandy while the impending sense of dread grew in the pit of the stomach.
“We’re here.”
Brandy looked up, startled. They were parked outside the restaurant. Part of her wanted to undo her seatbelt herself and cling to that one little shred of dignity, but she wasn’t ready, her hand frozen on the buckle until Monique was leaning into the back seat, brushing aside her limp hand and unbuckling the seatbelt for her.
“Remember,” Monique reached under her dress, squeezing the padded crotch of the diaper. “Be a good girl.”
“Don’t make me do this,” Brandy whispered.
“Silly girl,” Monique chided, adjusting one of her ponytails. “I’m not making you do this. You wanted this.”
“Not like this!”
“Nonsense.” Monique grabbed her hands and pulled her out of the car. Brandy squeaked in surprise as the domineering girl gave her a slap on her diapered butt, ushering her towards the restaurant. “Have fun. I’ll see you tonight!”
Brandy forced her legs to move, taking one step at a time as she walked up to the front door. She could feel Monique watching her from her car. It felt like everyone was staring at her.
The bell tinkled above the door. It was a nice restaurant, not too fancy. She’d never been before, but when Tommy had suggested it, she’d immediately thought of it as the perfect place for a first date. The cozy atmosphere she’d imagined from looking inside the windows, now felt cramped, offering her no place to hide as it seemed like everyone glanced up at the jingling bell alerting them to her entrance.
“Hi!” the hostess greeted her. Brandy recognized her immediately. She’d been a senior when she was just a freshman, Sarah, and she hoped the older girl didn’t recognize her. “How can I help you?”
“I’m, um, meeting someone.” She still had no idea what time it was. Tommy was supposed to meet her at seven. A quick glance around the restaurant revealed he wasn’t already there. She was early, but how early? Maybe she wasn’t. Maybe he’d stood her up. Even as much as she dreaded him seeing her like this, that thought that she might be tricked twice filled her with even more panic.
“Table for two?” Sarah asked.
She could just leave. Turn around, walk out the door. She could walk home from here, even if it took her all night. She could transfer schools, spend the last two months of her senior year at another school, and never see Monique or Tommy or any of her classmates ever again.
Brandy nodded.
“Right this way.” Brandy followed her to a table near the middle of the restaurant. She might as well be on display. Carefully keeping her dress down, she slid into the seat, taking the offered menu. “Can I start you with a drink while you wait?” Sarah asked.
“Uh, Sprite please?”
“Of course, sweetie. I’ll be right back.”
Brandy started fidgeted in the chair. A man at the table next to her glanced over at her. She froze, suddenly very away of the rustling noise coming from under her dress. He couldn’t have possibly heard, but she gripped the sides of her chair with clammy hands, determined to stay still. She gratefully accepted the drink when it was brought to her. “Do you have the time, by any chance?”
Sarah eased her phone out of her tight jean shorts and glanced at it. “6:52.”
“Thank you.” The paper wrapper for her straw trembled in her shaking hands as she removed it.
“First date?” Sarah asked.
“Uh, yes,” she stammered.
“Well you’ve nothing to be nervous about, you look super cute.”
There was no way the older girl recognized her. She was talking to her like she was a middle schooler, not a high school senior. “Thank you,” Brandy said meekly. She guided the straw to her lips, but then hesitated. She’d hoped the bubbles would help calm her nerves, but she remembered that she wouldn’t be able to go to the bathroom. Sighing, she pushed the drink away from her.
The bell tinkled again. Brandy’s heart skipped a beat.
There he was. The hottest guy in school, the captain of the basketball team. He was smart too, and kind, and very tall and handsome. And he’d asked her out. Of all the girls at their school, he’d wanted to go out with her, Brandy Faraday. And there she was, dressed like a toddler on Easter Sunday, with the diaper to match. Even as her heart swooned for her crush, she wanted to die.
“Brandy!” he waved, coming right for her.
She gripped the chair tighter so as not to forget herself and get up to greet him. “Hey Tommy!”
“Wow, you look stunning.” He started to open his arms, as though going in for a hug. She almost leapt to her feet. It would be worth it, to embrace him, to feel his strong arms around her, to smell him. But when she didn’t get up, he grabbed the chair across the table from her and sat down.
“Thank you,” she said, blushing.
“I hope I didn’t keep you waiting long.”
She shook her head. “I’ve only been here a few minutes,” she answered politely, but in her mind she was replaying his previous sentence over and over in her head. “You look stunning.” Maybe he really did like the look Monique had picked for her. Up until his ex had taped and locked her into a diaper, she’d thought she looked quite cute. If she could keep him from finding out about that part, there was still hope for her date.
“Have you eaten here before?”
“No,” she shook her head. “But I’ve heard good things.”
“Oh, it’s fantastic, you have to try their chicken Parmesan.”
“I think I will.” Her heart fluttered when he ordered her food for her. She’d always wanted a guy to order for her. Something about it she just found so attractive. From that moment she was entranced by him, allowing herself to relax, even forgetting, momentarily, that under her dress she was trapped in a diaper. She was on her first date, not just her first date with certified dream boat Tommy Crestmoore, but her first date with a boy ever, and it was magical. It wasn’t until she felt that telltale twinge in her bladder that the spell was broken. She stared at the empty glass in her hand with a look of horror.
“Do you need a refill?” Before even waiting for a response he had flagged the waitress down. “Hey, could we get refills?”
“I’ll be right back,” she blurted, standing up so fast she knocked her chair over. It toppled to the floor with a deafening crash. Brandy stood frozen over it, everyone in the restaurant staring at her. Her heart racing, she began to slowly crouch, reaching tentatively down for the leg of the chair, not bending over in the slightest.
“I’ll get it.” Ever the gentleman, Tommy rushed to her aid. She watched in slow motion as he kneeled next to her to pick up the fallen chair, his face inches from her dress and the secret it was barely hiding. He’d sneak a peak. He was an eighteen-year-old boy, out on a date that had been going quite well, of course he would chance a glimpse up his date’s skirt. He wouldn’t even have to try, it was right there! He wouldn’t be able to help but see it! Adrenaline coursed through Brandy’s veins as she prepared to run. Changing schools wouldn’t be enough; she’d have to move out of state to escape the shame.
“There you go,” Tommy said, standing back up, righting the chair.
“Excuse me!” Brandy pushed by him, holding her dress down with both hands while she power walked to the bathroom. She dashed into the stall and slammed the door shut. “Stupid stupid stupid!” she hissed through clenched teeth. She was shaking. “It’s not your fault. Fucking Monique,” she reminded herself. With trembling fingers she lifted her dress up, for the first time really examining the diaper and locking plastic panties her date’s ex had put her in. The diaper was pure white, save for four blue tapes that held the bulky thing on her. Tentatively, she tried to grab at one of the tapes through the plastic barrier protecting them, but she couldn’t get her nails under it. Hiking her dress high, she tugged at the waistband. The chain had left a deep, red impression on her belly, and even if she hadn’t just had a full meal, no amount of sucking in was going to get the thing down passed her hips. Brandy tested the strength of the plastic itself. Perhaps if she ripped it, she could get the diaper off and empty her bladder, and worry about Monique’s repercussions later. But then she’d have to go back out there with nothing but a shredded pair of clear plastic panties on under her dress. Not that it mattered. Maybe with scissors or a knife she could have gotten through the durable plastic, but with just her fingers in a bathroom stall, she was stuck in them.
Brandy sunk onto the toilet seat. Holding it wasn’t an option, as much as she loathed the idea of the alternative. She’d always had a small bladder, and if she didn’t go now, she’d be hopping and dancing around while she was with Tommy. Closing her eyes, she tried to imagine she wasn’t wearing a diaper. She even stood back up and pantomimed pulling her panties down before sitting back down, hoping to trick her brain. But even as her bladder ached for release, her brain refused to let her pee in a diaper.
“Come on come on come on,” she whispered, conscious of how long she’d been in the bathroom, and what conclusions Tommy’s mind might be jumping to. Surely not what she was actually doing, trying desperately to wet a diaper at eighteen years of age. And then it started. A tiny spurt of pee escaped. The moment it hit the diaper, the thirsty padded growing warm and wet and pressing against her, she tried to stop, to clench down, but it was too late. The floodgates had opened. Brandy wet her diaper.
She didn’t have the luxury of processing what just happened. She didn’t have time to try and get used to it. She couldn’t afford to cry like she wanted to. She flushed, out of habit, and got up. Her diaper was doubly impossible to ignore now, forcing her to waddle, each step the warm, wet, swollen padding rubbing against her as she made her way to the sink and washed her hands. She eyes were wet but she hadn’t cried. She’d have no way of touching up her makeup if she did. Taking a deep breath, she walked back out into the restaurant.
“Hey, would you like dessert?” Tommy asked as she returned to the table.
“No thank you.” She looked at her chair. She didn’t even want to sit back down. “I actually should get going, I didn’t realize how late it was.”
“Oh, of course. Let me get the check.”
She hated having to bail, and she couldn’t even offer to split the bill since she didn’t have her purse. “Thank you.”
“Is everything alright?”
“Yes, everything— tonight was wonderful. I had a really good time. I wish I didn’t have to go so soon.” It wasn’t a total lie.
He dropped some money on the table. “Do you need a ride home?”
“No, thank you. I can walk from here.”
“What? No, I’ll give you a ride.”
“No, it’s fine.”
“Where do you live?”
“Not that far…” she lied. It was probably close to five miles, not that she was going home. She was waddling back to Monique’s, which was at least within reasonable walking distance.
“I can’t let you do that? What if something happened to you? Let me give you a ride.”
He put his hand on her shoulder. “I insist.”
She couldn’t say no to him. “Thank you.” She’d let him take her home, and figure out how to get back to Monique’s later.
Like Monique, he opened her car door for her, but she got to sit in the front this time. Brandy carefully climbed in, feeling her wet diaper squish beneath her.
She stared out the window while he drove, the comfortable rapport they had in the restaurant replaced by awkward silence. It had been going so well, she’d almost made it work in spite of Monique’s interference, but she was blowing it. “Hey!” Brandy sat bolt upright. “You missed the turn.”
“I’m taking a detour,” he said calmly, turning to flash her a smile.
“I do really need to get home.”
“You can be out a little later.”
He flashed his turn signal and took another left, guiding his car onto the twisty, winding road. Brandy knew where that road led. All the kids knew, whether they’d been there or not, and she’d dreamed of coming here with him. In the dark she’d missed the name on the street sign, but it didn’t matter, everyone called it make out point, the road offering a scenic view of the quarry and starry sky, a place to park and do quite a bit more than make out, if the stories everyone gossiped about in the locker rooms were true.
She just had to tell him no. He was a nice guy, he’d understand. But the fact that he still wanted to take her there meant she hadn’t blown her chances with him yet. She sat, paralyzed with indecision, while he drove her up the steep, windy roads, slowing to a crawl as the trees cleared, and the car rolled to the edge of a cliff. He put the car in park and turned the engine off.
“Tommy, maybe we can come back another—”
“Shhhh,” he put his finger to her lips, unbuckling his seat belt and turning his body to face hers. “This is what you want, isn’t it?”
It was. It really was. Just not like this. Not in a wet diaper.
“You’re very cute.” She felt him unbuckle her own seat belt. One less barrier between them. “I’ve noticed you for awhile.”
How long was awhile? Was that why Monique was doing this? Had she noticed her boyfriend checking out the shy, mousey girl?
His hand was on her thigh, his face inches from hers. His cologne was intoxicated, and she found herself leaning in. “No, not tonight.” She caught herself, sitting back. “I’m sorry, I want to, I really do.”
“I know you do.” His hand was sliding up her thigh. He put his other hand on her shoulder, reaching up, his fingers tracing along her neck before cupping her chin. She wanted him to kiss her, his lips on hers.
“I do, I just, I can’t! Not tonight!”
“What’s the matter?” His hand drifted higher, his fingers disappearing under the hem of her dress. His touch felt so good, and a carnal part of her wanted him to keep going, even though she knew she couldn’t let him. She grabbed his wrist. “Are you wet?”
She froze, her fingers wrapped around his wrist. He hadn’t meant it like that, she told herself. He couldn’t have. Either way, the answer was yes, but she couldn’t let him find out. “No.” Her voice was husky, and she pulled on his wrist, but he didn’t budge.
“You don’t sound so sure. Daddy’s going to check for you.” He was stronger than her, his hand traveling inexorably up her thigh. She could feel the pressure of his fingers pressing against her diaper, the wet padding rubbing against her hypersensitive sex. She moaned in spite of herself.
“What’s this?” he asked, his voice low. “Your diaper is very wet.”
He knew! He knew she was wearing a diaper, and he knew she had wet it. Panicked, Brandy scrambled blindly for the door handle behind her. The interior lights lit up as the door opened, and she fell backwards onto the ground in her haste to exit, her dress flipping up in the tumble, her diaper on full display. It was over. The tears that had been threatening to fall all night finally burst free. Crying, Brandy climbed to her feet and turned to run, it didn’t matter where.
Headlights flashed on in front of her, blinding her. She couldn’t stop running, putting her hands up to shield her eyes from the blinding light, and she ran smack into the front of the car that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. Brandy sprawled onto the hood of the car. She’d just managed to push herself back up when strong arms grabbed her from behind, pinning her arms to her side.
“Settle down, baby girl,” Tommy whispered in her ear. He lifted her up off the ground, her legs running in air as she still tried to bolt.
“Let go of me!” She squirmed and thrashed, her body still in flight mode.
The door opened of the parked car she’d run into, a figure stepping out into the night.
Brandy stopped struggling, hanging limp in Tommy’s arms. The figure came into shape, sauntering alongside the car until she stepped into the light. “How was your date, baby girl?” Monique asked. She was wearing a sleek, skintight black dress that hugged her curves. She strutted over on four-inch heels that let her look down upon the diapered girl even as Brandy was held aloft.
“What are you doing here?” Brandy asked, giving another halfhearted squirm.
“Checking on my little project.” She grabbed the front of Brandy’s wet diaper, squeezing. “And I wanted to meet my boyfriend at make out point.”
Brandy’s eyes widened. Suddenly she was squished between them as Monique leaned up, her cheek pressed against Brandy’s as she and Tommy kissed.
“Wha— but you two— what?” Brandy stammered.
“Oh, you silly baby, you thought we’d broken up?” Monica teased.
“But— you did! Everyone knew!”
“We did have a little rough patch,” Tommy said, bouncing her in his arms.
“We thought we wanted different things,” she said forlornly.
“I wanted a little girl,” he added.
“And this,” Monique gestured up and down at Brandy’s attire, “isn’t really me. But it turns out we wanted the same thing.”
“You were just so cute.”
“With your adorable little crush on my man. You were perfect.”
Brandy kicked out, her foot connecting with Monique’s hip. “You can’t do this to me!”
Tommy yanked her back before setting her back on her feet. Brandy scarcely had time to react before he’s scooped her back up, this time hooking one arm under her the backs of her knees and cradling her in his arms, making her even more helpless, and now, he could look into her eyes when he told her, “We already have.”
Monique rubbed her hip, a momentary grimace of pain flashing across her features before her smug smile returned. “It was so easy to get you all dolled up. All I had to tell you is that was what daddy wanted, and you were more than happy to let me dress you. You didn’t even put up a fight when I put you in a diaper.” As she said it, Tommy grabbed Brandy’s butt, squeezing the wet padding.
Brandy squirmed, whining and grunting as she tried to break free from his grip.
“You’re a little fussy now, but that’s to be expected. It’s late and it’s way past your bedtime.”
“Please, just let me go!” she pleaded.
They ignored her. “I have just the thing,” Monique said, drawing something from her purse. “Fussy baby girls need their binkies.” A large, pink pacifier dangled from her manicured nails, with two clear plastic straps attached to the sides. A heart shaped lock, just like the ones on her plastic panties, adorned one strap.
“No! Please! Donmmphh!” Tommy held her head still while his girlfriend pushed the oversized nipple into the protesting girl’s mouth, turning her pleas into baby talk.
“That’s much better.” With a click, the pacifier gag was locked in place. “And don’t you just look adorable, sucking on your paci. I know you wanted to be sucking on something else tonight, but you’re much too little for that,” Monique teased.
“That’s for mommy,” Tommy flashed a smile at Monique. She licked her lips.
“Let’s get her secured, first.”
Brandy struggled with renewed vigor when Tommy started carrying her towards Monique’s car. She balked when Monique opened the back door, revealing the recent addition. An oversized car seat was waiting for her, strapped into the middle seat. Her hesitation lasted only a few second, until Tommy started putting her in the backseat and Monique opened the other side, ready to help secure her. Brandy went into frenzy, kicking and scratching, screaming into the pacifier. Monique grabbed her feet after Brandy managed to kick her again, ripping her shoes off.
“I know, you’re grumpy,” Monique chided, downplaying her desperate attempts to escape to a tired baby throwing a tantrum.
“You’ll be much more comfortable once we get you strapped into your car seat,” Tommy said, forcing her diapered butt into the elevated contraption. It was big for a car seat, probably designed for a large child, and the high schooler barely fit. Brandy grabbed the front seats and heaved herself forward, trying to crawl away.
“You know you’re too little to ride in the front seat,” he said, grabbing her waist and yanking her back, slamming her into the seat. This time, Monique was ready, strapping the harness in place, one belt over each shoulder, one on either side of her waist, and the finishing touch, one pulled up between her legs, pressing into her wet diaper. Brandy immediately tried to undo it, but Tommy grabbed her wrists, holding her hands. “Do you have her mittens?”
“Of course.” Monique reached into the front seat and pulled out a pair of pink, thumbless mittens.
“Nnnnpphh! Dmmpph!” Brandy screamed, drool spilling down her chin under her pacifier. It was too late. She’d fought for all she was worth, but there were two of them, both of them bigger and stronger than the helpless girl, already caught off guard, shocked, humiliated, and betrayed. Monique got her right hand secured, and then the left. Tommy let go of her wrists, and Brandy immediately reached for the buckle on the five-point harness. Her fingers couldn’t grip the childproof latch through the thick, stiff padding of the mittens. She uttered a guttural scream of frustration into her pacifier. “MMMMMPPPHH!!”
“Phew,” Monique brushed the loose strands of hair out of her face.
Tommy smiled at her from the other side of the car. “Baby’s aren’t always easy.”
“No, they’re not. But this one isn’t too difficult.” Her eyes flicked to the still struggling Brandy. “It’s worth it though.”
“Absolutely. She was a good choice.”
“Watching you with her, you really earn the title ‘Daddy’.”
“You’re the one who got her all dressed and diapered for me, “Mommy’.”
Brandy’s head whipped back and forth between the two of them while she still fought a losing battle with the simple clasp that kept her helpless and trapped in the car seat. They each glanced at her, with that same on their faces, before they stood up out of the back seat and shut the doors, and climbed into the front.
“I want you now.”
“Should we, in front of her?”
“She’ll be fine. Here, I have something to distract her.” Monique fished in her purse, pulling out a small vibrator. “I know this is a lot, all at once, but trust me, you’re going to enjoy being our helpless little diapered baby girl.”
“We’ll make sure you do,” Tommy said, taking the vibrator from Monique and turned it on. Brandy watched, her eyes as wide as saucers, watching it get closer and closer. She could have closed her legs. She could have tried to bat it away with her mittened hands. But she didn’t, watching it get closer and closer until Tommy pressed it against the strap running between her legs. She could feel the vibrations immediately, buzzing through the wet padding.
“See, doesn’t that feel good through your diaper?” Monique asked, snapping her out of her trance. Brandy shook her head, and immediately closed her legs and slammed her hands down, pushing the vibrator away.
“You’re still being fussy,” Tommy said, easily pushing past her useless hands, and easing the vibrator under the strap, pinning it to the front of her diaper, right over her clit. In spite of herself, Brandy moaned into her pacifier. “Now, where were we?”
Monique climbed across the seats into his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Well we’re at make out point. The baby is playing with her toy in the back seat. And I’m finding you the most attractive you’ve ever been right now.”
“You’ve never been sexier,” Tommy said, kissing her.
From her car seat in the back, Brandy watched. It should have been her, making out with Tommy. She kept pawing at her crotch, her eyes riveted to the couple in the front seat, until her genuine attempts to remove the device buzzing away at her padded pussy turned into attempts to push the vibrator harder against her needy clit. Even as engaged in each other’s bodies as they were, they made sure she didn’t feel forgotten. “If you’re a good girl, maybe you can suck on daddy’s special bottle one day too.” She sucked harder on her pacifier, imagining it was Tommy’s cock in her mouth while she watched Monique take him in her mouth. “Would you like to nurse on Mommy’s titties?” Monique asked as Tommy ripped her dress off, licking her full, ample breasts. Their clothes joined Brandy in the backseat, piece by piece, Tommy’s boxers landing at her feet, and Monique’s panties landing on her head, dangling from one of her ponytails. Brandy pushed both hands down between her legs as hard as she could, increasing the sensations as she watching Monique climb on top of Tommy, his dick sliding into her. The car horn blared as her back slammed into the steering wheel, drowning out Brandy’s muffled cries as she came in her diaper.
Chapter 2:
There were enough people about for her to go unnoticed, but Carli still felt paranoid. “Act like you belong,” she told herself under her breath as she walked briskly towards the backyard. Of course, as someone who was never invited to parties, she wasn’t totally sure how the cool kids acted. Judging by her classmates that she could see hanging out behind Monique’s mansion, all she had to do was be loud and obnoxious.
She needn’t have worried. Carli was just as invisible to her peers at Monique’s graduation party as she had been in high school. The sight of Brett Jenson shirtless in the pool distracted her to the point where she didn’t see Chad Lucca running at her, two red solo cups overflowing with frothy beer. The star of the football team plowed through the small girl like she was nothing, spilling beer all over her.
“Whoops!” he shouted before draining the remaining liquid in both cups and crushing them, dropping them on the ground next to the prone Carli. “Kenny, grab two more!” he shouted and then ran off.
“Asshole,” Carli muttered, sitting up slowly. No one cared that their Valedictorian had been knocked on her ass by the dumb jock who shouldn’t have even been allowed to graduate. No one noticed that one of the only people who hadn’t been invited to Monique’s huge bash of a graduation party had snuck in. Even when she pulled off her beer soaked sweatshirt, her white crop top wet and sticking to her, not when the cheerleaders and volleyball team were in the pool in their skimpy bikinis.
She was so glad to be done with high school and never see any of these jerks again. All except one. Where was Brandy hiding?
Rage filled her again as she thought of her best friend, who had spent the last two months ignoring and avoiding her. Well she was more than welcome to go the rest of her life avoiding Carli, but not until she gave her a real, honest to god explanation as to what Carli could have possibly done to her.
Carli climbed back to her feet, wrinkling her nose in disgust at her ruined shirt. It didn’t matter; no one was paying attention to her anyways. It was just one more reason to find Brandy and confront her before getting out of there as quickly as she could. Wrapping her sweatshirt around her waist, she made her way inside.
It was even louder inside, pop music blaring while dozens of her freshly graduated former classmates danced and partied. She caught the unmistakable smell of pot over the bitter aroma of beer that filled the kitchen, even stronger than the smell coming from her clothes. She spotted four huge kegs in buckets of ice against the counter and wondered briefly is Monique’s parents were aware of all the underage drinking going on in their home, or if they even cared. Surely not.
She squeezed her way to the sink with the intention of cleaning herself up, only to recoil in disgust when she saw that someone had vomited in the sink. “Animals,” she muttered under breath as she skirted around the rowdy teens to wade deeper into the party. Her closest experience with such parties was TV and movies, and even those glamorized depictions didn’t appeal to her. This was far worse, her former classmates even more despicable than she’d ever seen them at school, stumbling around drunkenly, sloppily making out with each other in every corner, making complete asses of themselves. This was not her scene.
And it wasn’t Brandy’s scene either. Carli didn’t get it. She wasn’t friends with these degenerates. Even when Carli saw her old friend at school, Brandy was only ever hanging out with Monique and Tommy. And those two were back together, so it wasn’t even like Brandy’s little crush on him had paid off.
Carli went from room to room, sticking to the fringes, looking at everyone while no one looked at her. Brandy was nowhere to be found.
“What are you doing at my party?”
Carli froze. Everyone in the room turned to her, paying attention to her for the first time, well, ever. That morning when she had stood on stage in her cap and gown as their Valedictorian they had ignored her, but now that Monique, they’re queen, had addressed her, they paid attention. She turned slowly to face Monique.
The party’s hostess stood in the doorframe, hands on hips. She wore a designer dress that would have looked more appropriate for a red carpet than a high school graduation party. She tapped one foot impatiently, her strappy, four-inch heels clicking on the hardwood.
“I’m looking for Brandy.” There was no point in being coy.
“You didn’t get the message this morning? She said she doesn’t want to see you anymore.”
Carli bristled. “No, Monique. I didn’t get the message. In fact, she said ‘I was better off without her,’ which is not true. I just want to talk to her, and then I’ll leave your stupid party.”
“Maybe she’s better off without you, and is just too nice and didn’t want to hurt your feelings. She’s got better friends now.”
“Like you?” Carli asked, sneering with disdain.
“You think you’re so much better than everyone else.”
“Says the most self important person I’ve ever met. And as Valedictorian, Latin for literally the best, you know what, I am objectively better than you.”
The crowd snickered. Monique rolled her eyes. Carli felt flustered, the line hadn’t had the intended effect, but she was sick of Monique’s bullshit, and she stood her ground.
“I want you out of my house. I didn’t invite you and I don’t want you here.”
“Where’s Brandy?”
“Don’t make me tell you again.”
“Or what? You’ll call the cops, with all this alcohol here?”
Monique crossed her arms across her chest, and two giants from the football team stood up, approaching the smaller girl. Carli realized her mistake immediately and took a few steps back. “Fine, I’m going.” They followed her to the front door, making sure she got out. She looked back, considering saying something snarky, but it wasn’t worth it. She’d likely never have to see them again, and if she did, they’d be serving her McDonalds.
By the time she’d made it across the street to her car and looked back, they’d already gone back inside. “You know what, screw this.” She dropped her keys back in her purse and turned around, heading back to Monique’s house.
She took the same route as the first time, following the tree line along the edge of the property. No one had noticed her come in through the back yard the first time, but she’d already drawn attention to herself, and she wasn’t quite willing to risk getting thrown out again. Besides, she’d already searched most if not all of the main floor. Carli’s gaze fixated on an open window on the second floor.
Carli’s interest in gymnastics had waned when studies became her primary focus, but she still had fairly good core strength. It was very little effort for the girl to scale up the lattice siding and up onto the roof. She flattened herself on the tile roofing when she realized how visible she was from the pool, but the sun was setting and the buzzed party goers weren’t looking at the roof as she scooted her way to the open window and shimmied inside.
She was in a bedroom, a guest room if she had to guess. It seemed too, bland, to be Monique’s room, and despite its considerable size, she imagined the spoiled princess Monique in a much larger bedroom. And probably more pink. Carli noted the sheets were undone, and she shuddered as she imagined her former classmates had come up here to have sex during the party. Classless animals, she thought to herself again as she eased the door open and peered outside.
The thumping music from downstairs swelled, but the hallway was empty. Keeping low, Carli slipped out, creeping down the hall until she could see the stairs. A quick peek over the banister and she could see the tops of dozens of heads, milling about, dancing, drinking. Crouching lower, Carli turned and slunk back the way she came, pressing her ear up against the door across the hall from the room she had come in. Carli pressed her ear harder up to the wall, plugging her other ear with her finger while she listened. It was hard to tell over the bass of the music blaring from downstairs, but she thought she could make out something, a faint humming from the other side of the door. Carli glanced around, and then pulled the bobby pins out of her hair. One at a time she put them in her mouth, bending them into the right shapes. She was a smart girl, with many skills. And an early love of sleuths and sleuthing. Raised on Nancy Drew, she’d graduated to the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christy. She never thought she’d actually use the skills she’d put hours and hours of time into perfecting, having bought a clear lock to practice on. But in her search to find her friend, she didn’t hesitate, dropping to her knees in front of the knob and inserting her impromptu tools into the keyhole and going to work. A little bit of pressure from the bottom, a little jiggle to the left, a jerk to the right, a subtle twist upwards. Click. Pull the top bobby pin back, find the right tumbler, another little jiggle, another small moment. Click. She tuned out the noise of the party and let the faint hum from the other side of the door fade into the background noise, training her ear for only that one sound she wanted to hear. Click. A faint smile twisted the corners of her mouth upwards before her tongue flicked out, running along her lower lip as she sunk deeper into concentration on the task at hand. Another jiggle. Another twist. She cocked her head to the door to better listen, catching the blur of movement behind her.
Lock picking was, delicate, slow work. It was an exercise in patience, and a good exercise in self-control, forcing herself to slow down. It was like a meditative state. Carli didn’t have time to react, her fingers still twisting the bobby pins in the lock when the figure was on top of her. She just barely registered his face, clocking that it was Tommy, Monique’s boyfriend and the other person Brandy had been spending all her time with. And then he was on her, grabbing her, wrapping his arm around her body, his hand over her mouth. Her delayed scream had only barely died in his palm when he yanked her across the hall, sweeping her up off of her knees, and the door slammed shut behind them. When he’d pressed his hand over her mouth, he’d held something sticky, leaving her lips sealed shut.
The sudden shock brought her right back to her normal, always thinking, ready to react state. But by then it was too late. She was already seated in the chair in the corner of the room. Her hands were already behind her back, bound in sticky tape. By the time she tried planting her feet on the ground and standing up, he was ready, forcing both of her legs against the front legs of the chair and taping them there.
“Monique told you to go home,” Tommy said, standing up in front of her.
“Hmmm nnnng hnnnf!” Carli pulled against her restraints. They had been hastily applied, but that made them no less effective in holding her slight form to the chair.
“You should have listened to her.”
Carli blew as hard as she could, stretching and working her jaw. The edge of the tape ripped free from her mouth, and she poked her tongue at it, widening the gap. “Pllbbb! Let me go and I’ll leave.”
She winced as he grabbed the free end of the tape and painfully yanked it the rest of the way off. “Why, so you can climb in another window?”
“Are you going to keep me tied up here then? So you can what, invite your buddies up here, take turns with the helpless girl?” she sneered, her contempt masking her growing genuine concern for her safety. The tape was really tight. She’d been able to climb up to the second story with relative ease, but breaking free of the tape was not looking like it was going to happen.
Tommy just shook his head. “I’m not inviting anyone up here.”
“Saving me all for yourself?”
Tommy rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I’m going to leave you up here so you don’t try to ruin Monique’s party again.”
“And then what? You can’t leave me here forever. I’ll tell everyone how you attacked me, tied me up.” Her eyes narrowed.
“Dozens of people witnessed Monique asking you to leave her house. And then you climbed in a window. On the second floor. And I caught you trying to pick her lock. How do you plan to explain that?”
“Who’s to say I ever made it out of the house before you grabbed me?” She smiled. She had him. God bless the Me Too movement.
“Have you seen this house? You don’t think their security cameras caught you climbing up the side of the house?”
Carli froze, mouth open mid snarky retort. “They’d have to look at all the footage of underage drinking and all the other things that have been going on at this party.” She looked at the bed, the disheveled sheets.
“You think Monique’s parents give a crap about that? They don’t, but they will care about someone trying to break into their house. So will everyone else, including Yale,” he added, just as good at the barely veiled threat to her reputation as she was.
Carli scowled, her brain scrambling to come up with a defense. She couldn’t get kicked out of college for this.
“Just stay out of the trouble for the rest of the night.” He picked up the tape, stretching out a fresh strip with a tearing sound.
“Wait! Just tell me if Brannpmmyy mmm hmm!” he cut her off, pressing the tape over her mouth and wrapping it swiftly around her head, three times.
He ripped the tape free of the roll and smoothed it over her cheek before heading for the door. He paused, looking over his shoulder. “I thought you were supposed to be smart,” he said, shaking his head.
“Mmmmmph!” she screamed back. Even with the door open, her shriek couldn’t carry over the beat of the music blasting from downstairs. She could probably have screamed her head off without the tape and no one would have heard. And if they did, then what? She couldn’t think of one person at this party that she’d want to find and help her. Any one person that she’d seen anyways. She’d run into both Monique and Tommy now, and those two seemed like the only people Brandy ever hung out with anymore. If they were both here, Brandy had to be there too. Fixated again on finding Brandy before Brandy found her like this, Carli set about trying to get free.
It was every bit a staple of the genre as picking locks. Inevitably, the snooping girl detective always got caught. How many times had she read about Nancy Drew getting caught by the bad guys? How often did the girls in the Babysitter’s Club get into scrapes? Daphne Blake was famous for it. As a girl she’d often harangued her neighbors into playing detective and cops and robbers with her, and she was always able to get free when they tied her up, often to find that they just left her to go play something else without her, but still, she’d always escaped. She could do it again. All she had to do was work slowly, be patient, and not get into her head.
Carli’s frustration rose as her efforts to get free continued to fail. No matter what she did, the tape wouldn’t budge. As the minutes ticked by, she realized she might not actually escape. Genuine fear crept up from the dark recesses of her mind. There was no telling what a bunch of guys might do to a helpless girl. She wasn’t some plucky detective, just as they weren’t bumbling criminals trying to hide something. Best case scenario they just let her go when the party was over and kicked her out. But there were a lot of outcomes far less pleasant playing through her mind as she struggled with growing desperation.
Finally the music from downstairs stopped. Carli sat up straight, having slumped in her bonds, long since having given up on breaking free. She considered screaming, trying to attract attention, but there was no point. She waited, helpless to do anything else.
Outside she could hear the dull murmur of conversation, and cars starting up as people left. The party was over, and very soon she’d have to deal with whatever they had in store for her.
Carli caught herself wishing it would be Tommy that came to get her. Maybe he’d bring friends, maybe he’d be alone, but for a brief moment that seemed preferable than facing Monique. Having to apologize to that smug bitch for breaking into her house, Carli didn’t think she was capable of that.
The last car left, the sounds of the party having completely subsided, making her aware of every creak the chair made, the sounds of her breathing through her nose.
Carli’s pulse quickened when she heard footsteps approaching the bedroom door. The faint click of a key turning in the lock preceded the handle slowly turning. She found herself holding her breath as the door eased open.
Monique stood in the doorframe, casually appraising the intruder tied to a chair in front of her. “For someone who wants everyone to think she’s so smart, you really do some dumb stuff.”
Carli didn’t take the bait, refusing to humiliate herself by trying to refute that with her mouth taped shut. She glared at Monique silently, letting the stuck up bitch have her moment. When Monique approached her and reached for the tape gag, it took everything Carli had to resist jerking her head away. She kept her head still, biting back the yelp of pain as the sticky tape was ripped free from her lips.
“So why were you breaking into my house?” Monique asked, taking a step back.
“I already told you. I was looking for Brandy.”
“Do you think I have her stashed away somewhere?”
“You might. Your gorilla of a boyfriend tied me up and locked me in a room. Who’s to say you haven’t done the same thing with Brandy?”
Monique laughed. “We rather like Brandy, and she likes us. Clearly you didn’t believe it coming from her; you’re not going to believe anything I tell you. What’s it going to take for you to give this up and move on with your life?”
“I told you, I just want to talk to her. If she’s fine and really done being my friend, I’ll go, I won’t even tell anyone about how Tommy assaulted me and kept me here against my will.”
Monique walked right up to her, leaning in so their faces were inches apart. “See, now, it’s me who doesn’t believe you.”
“I promise. We don’t ever have to see each other again. I’ll go and we can forget about everything. I just want to talk to her.”
“That’s up to her,” Monique said. “For now, I like you better when you’re quiet.” She grabbed the roll of tape and stretched out a fresh length.
“Don’t you darmmmphh!” Carli was silenced as Monique slammed the tape over her mouth, swiftly wrapping it around her head. Carli didn’t care this time; she’d been gagged three times now and she started screaming and yelling at the top of her lungs, shaking her head back and forth, making it as difficult for Monique as possible. “Yummmphh phhhmmmkkknnnggg bbbmmmmchhh!”
Monique slapped her across the face hard. Carli shut up immediately, staring wide eyed at the other girl.
“Shhhh,” Monique whispered, putting her fingers to her lips. “You’ve said enough. Now just shut up and watch.”
She walked around behind the helpless girl. Carli craned her neck to watch, quietly moaning in curiosity. She squealed as her chair tipped backwards, flailing her legs and trying to right herself. She didn’t tip though; Monique dragged her backwards, pulling her into the closet.
Monique sauntered around in front of the helpless Valedictorian. She leaned in close, their noses touching. “Remember, you wanted this.”
Carli wanted to tell her that no, she hadn’t wanted this, she wasn’t even sure what this was anymore, but Monique had already turned around, shutting the closet door behind her. The door had angled wooden slats, and from her sitting position, she could see out into the room from about her eye level downwards. Monique from about her shoulders down was visible, her face blocked as she crossed the room and opened the door to the hall.
“Come here, I want to see you.”
Carli watched with baited breath. Monique stepped back into the room, her back to the closet and the girl trapped within. Another figure appeared in the open doorway. Absurdly steep heels stepped into view, at the end of two distinctly female legs, clad in sheer black stockings. An inch of pale thigh was visible between the tops of the stocking and the hem of a short, black French maid uniform. Carli craned her neck, trying to see higher as the figure got more obscured. A trash bag was held in one hand, a roll of paper towels tucked under the arm. Carli stretched her neck as much as she could, but the face was entirely blocked.
“Yes, Mommy?”
Mommy? Surely Carli had misheard. The voice sounded like Brandy, but she couldn’t be sure.
“You can put that down.”
“Thank you. I’ve already cleaned the living room.”
Carli tilted her head to the side, holding her breath as she listened. It was definitely Brandy, but her voice was higher pitched. Was she Monique’s maid or something?
“I’m sure you’ve done a great job. But the rest of the house can wait for now. Did you have fun tonight?”
“I did!”
“Were you a good girl?”
“I was.”
“Show me.”
Carli leaned forward, her curiosity mounting. What the hell were they talking about? She watched as her friend slowly lifted the hem of her dress. Carli squinted, silently cursing the slats obscuring her view. She caught a flash of pink and white before Monique stepped in front of Brandy, blocking Carli’s view.
“I couldn’t have done anything even if I wanted to,” Brandy said.
“I know. But you wanted to, didn’t you?”
Carli wanted to scream through her gag for Monique to move, but she wasn’t ready to reveal herself to Brandy yet. Her curiosity was well and truly piqued, and she wanted more than ever to know what the hell was going on.
“Baby girl?” Monique asked.
There was a long pause, before Brandy responded. “Yes Mommy. I’ve been so needy. But I’ve been a good girl, I promise!”
“Would you like a reward?”
“Oh please, Mommy!”
Carli couldn’t believe her ears. What was happening? This wasn’t the Brandy she knew. The normally reserved, quiet girl sounded so bubbly and vapid. Maybe it wasn’t her. Carli wished she could see her face. She squinted, raising and lowering her head, trying to get a better view through the narrow gaps. As she watched, Monique stepped back, and what looked like a pink leather harness dropped to the floor between the French maid who may or may not have been her best friend’s legs. The girl stepped out of the contraption, and Carli’s eyes followed back up her legs, widening in surprise when they arrived at what was under the short dress.
It couldn’t be.
There was no way.
Was she wearing a diaper?
“You’re very wet,” Monique said as her hand cupped the swollen crotch of what could only be a big, puffy, white diaper.
“Mmhmm. I need to be changed.”
“Soon. You won’t leak just yet, baby girl.”
What in the hell was she being forced to watch? Carli wanted to struggle again, to cry out through her gag to get their attention, but she couldn’t, she was too riveted to the scene unfolding before her.
“You need a spanking,” Monique said.
“But I’ve been a good girl!” the girl protested, for the first time actually sounding almost unhappy about her situation, consider she’d been dressed up in a slutty maid costume and wearing a wet diaper and chastity belt.
“I know you have, but sometimes even good girls need maintenance spankings.”
“Maintenance spankings?” the girl echoed Carli’s thoughts. What in the world was happening?
“Daddy’s going to give you a spanking, to remind you what happens when you’re naughty, to help you be a good girl for us.”
Carli’s eyes caught the hint of movement and flicked to the door, to see another figure step in. She could see even less of the newcomer, taller than the other two, and masculine. She knew it had to be Tommy before he spoke. Of course he was part of whatever this was; he’d caught her and tied her to the chair in the first place.
“Come here, baby girl.”
“Daddy, I’ll be good! I don’t need a spanking!”
Carli watched, leaning forward as much as her bonds would allow, as Tommy grabbed the girl and pulled her to the edge of the bed, closer to the closet. She was poised to call out, but she kept quiet, trying to catch a glimpse of the girl’s face. She could see Tommy’s chin, making out his distinguished jaw line as he sat down on the edge of the bed. The girl spun around, flashing Carli a good look at her diapered bottom under the short dress of the maid uniform as she was pulled down over his lap. Up close, even through the slats, there was no mistaking it for anything other than what it was. It wasn’t like the incontinence underwear her grandmother wore, thin things designed to be discrete and mimic real underwear as much as possible. No, this was thick, babyish, and very clearly wet, a faint discoloration at the bottom of the sagging garment. Carli jumped, letting out a startled scream in spite of herself as Tommy’s hand suddenly came down on the diaper with a loud clap, but her muted cry was nothing compared to the yelp coming from the girl over his lap.
“What are you crying for, baby girl?” he asked, still spanking her.
“It— It hurts!”
“It’s supposed to,” he told her.
“I bet she can barely feel it through that thick diaper,” Monique chimed in, standing over her. “Can you, baby girl?”
“I— I can feel— feel it!” she said between yelps.
“Not enough.”
“No! Please!” she squealed as they grabbed the back of her diaper, tugging it down. Carli was treated to a full view of the girl’s butt, her round cheeks already red. Something glittered between her cheeks, and Carli leaned forward squinting. It looked like—
The bound girl jumped and squealed again when Tommy struck the girl’s unprotected backside, and again it was nothing compared to the shriek of pain from the girl. Her legs curled back and she brought her hand back to protect herself, but Tommy grabbed her wrists, pinning them down on her lower back. She wiggled and flailed as he struck her again, giving Carli glimpses of the thing stuck inside her. Carli’s eyes widened as she realized it was the rhinestone base of a buttplug. Her mind reeled. What sort of perverted debauchery was she witnessing?
The girl’s screams turned into high-pitched yelps and then incoherent, blubbering wails as Tommy turned her butt from pink to red to crimson. Finally the spanking stopped, Tommy gently rubbing her bruised bottom while she sobbed quietly. “Good girl, you took your spanking so well.”
Monique pulled the girl to her feet, her back still to Carli, where she stood on shaking legs while Monique pulled her diaper back up. “Thank Daddy for spanking you.”
No. There was no way Brandy or whoever this girl was would ever thank someone for such abuse. There had to be a line. She started to feel vindicated when the girl didn’t say anything, but then she knelt down to her knees. Carli could see the back of her head, her hair pulled into high pigtails on either side of her head. She willed the girl not to do it, to have some self-respect. Her head blocked what she was doing, but Carli could hear the unmistakable sound of a zipper. The girl’s head started to slowly bob forward and back, her pigtails swinging along. And then the noises. The slurping, the sucking, the gagging. Carli’s skin crawled. She idea of going down on a guy, of putting his penis in her mouth was revolting, and something she never understood why any self respecting girl would do. The girl in front of her, performing that, act, couldn’t be her best friend. She may have sounded like Brandy, before she started making those awful sounds anyways. Her hair may have been the same color as Brandy’s, even if that hair was done up in childish pigtails. But there was no way that was Brandy, on her knees, in a diaper and maid uniform, giving a blowjob to Monique’s boyfriend after he had just spanked her.
The girl coughed and spluttered. Tommy had grabbed her by the pigtails and was using them like handles, like she was an object, just a wet hole to fuck. He pulled her head back and reached under her chin, lifting her face. “Thank you, Daddy,” she said softly.
“Thank you for spanking me.”
“You’re welcome. Thank your Mommy too.”
The girl turned her head to the side. Carli got a full glimpse of her profile. Her eyes and cheeks still wet from tears, her mouth slightly open, white, sticky fluid running down her chin. That mole on her cheek, that signature beauty mark, sealed the deal. It could be no one else. Had her mouth not have been taped shut, Carli’s jaw would have dropped. Doubly so when Brandy shuffled on her knees to face Monique, the other girl lifting up her dress and pulling her black thong down to her knees, baring her pussy. Carli watched, completely shocked, as Brandy let Monique guide her face between Monique’s legs. And then the licking sounds. Not as loud and garish as the sounds she’d made when Tommy’s dick was down her throat, but softer, wet lapping sounds accentuated by the occasional moan. Carli wanted to retch.
Monique moved to the bed, pulling Brandy with her. The popular girl lay down, her face coming into Carli’s view as she looked directly at the closet and kicked her panties at the door. Carli flinched, but couldn’t bring herself to look away, watching as her friend’s big, diapered butt rose prominently into view while she bent forward and buried her face between the legs of the girl she had called Mommy.
Carli and Monique locked eyes through the slats. Monique had told her to leave well enough alone and she hadn’t, and now Monique was making her watch while she and her boyfriend degraded her best friend. She didn’t know how Monique and Tommy had gotten Brandy to do it, but clearly they had to be coercing her somehow. It didn’t matter; she wasn’t going to put up with this. She was going to get out of there and take Brandy with her. She’d have both Monique and Tommy arrested for kidnapping and sexual assault. They’d pay for this.
She watched Monique’s toes curl in a quiet orgasm. Hours by now spent trapped in tape, but that sight gave her the energy to start struggling anew.
“Thank you, Mommy,” Brandy said.
“Good girl.” Monique got up and knelt by the closet door to pick up her discarded underwear. She glanced up, looking straight through the slats at Carli, a devious smile on her lips.
“Hmmmbllmmm!” Carli growled, straining against her bonds.
“What do we have here?” Monique asked.
“What’s that, Mommy?” There was an air of uncertainty for the first time in her voice.
Monique slowly opened the closet door, revealing Carli taped to a chair inside. Brandy’s jaw, still covered in spunk, dropped. “Carli!” The high-pitched, little girl voice was gone, now filled with panic. She seemed to suddenly realize what she was wearing, desperately pulling her skirt down to hide her diaper. She teetered on her feet, seemingly torn between rushing to help her friend and bolting for the door, having been caught in such a compromising position. “What are you doing here? Why is she tied up?”
“I caught her snooping,” Tommy said, grabbing Brandy by the shoulders, half calming her as he massaged her, half holding her in place.
“She showed up uninvited to my party,” Monique said. “She said she wouldn’t leave until she saw that you were happy.”
“She saw…” Carli could see the wheels turning in Brandy’s head, her eyes darting from Monique to Carli to the slatted door of the closet, then down to her outfit. All the things that her friend must have witnessed. She furiously wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.
“She’s a nosy little snoop,” Monique said. “She saw what she came here to see.”
“No!” Brandy’s voice was filled with panic. She looked back at Tommy beseechingly. He shrugged apologetically. “You can’t tell anyone!” she shouted at Carli.
“Hmmmph!” Carli screamed. Why wasn’t she trying to help her? She threw herself forward, the chair jumping a couple of inches.
Monique spun around and sat on Carli’s lap, pinning her down and stifling her attempts to struggle. “She might, though.” Brandy audibly gasped, her hands clasping nervously. “She came here, acting like she cares, but she just can’t stand the fact that her little underling found better friends than her.”
As if! Carli slammed her head forward, driving her head into Monique’s spine.
“Ow!” Monique jumped up. She turned around and dug her nails under Carli’s tape gag, brutally yanking it down.
“Fuck you!” Carli shouted the second her lips were free, the stinging pain in her face only fueling her rage. She looked at Brandy. “I don’t know what’s going on, but we’re getting out of here.”
“Carli, I— It’s not what it looks like!”
“What does it look like to you, Valedictorian? What does Little Miss Smarter-Than-Everyone think is happening here?” Monique asked.
Carli scowled at her. “You’ve forced Brandy into your perverted little sex games, against her will,” she spat at Monique. “Brandy, whatever they have over you, it’ll be okay.”
“Brandy, do you want to go?” Tommy asked her.
“Are we holding you against your will?” Monique asked.
“No Momm— Monique.”
“You’re holding ME against my will!” Carli struggled, demonstrating her bonds.
“Do you want to let her go?” Tommy asked Brandy.
“Send her off to tell everyone what she saw?” Monique added.
Brandy was frozen, like a deer in the headlights. “What is happening right now? Brandy, tell them to let me go.”
“You can’t tell anyone!” Brandy repeated, the urgency and panic rising in her voice.
They had to be blackmailing her. She’d deal with that later, for now she just had to get out of there with Brandy. “I won’t. I promise.”
“How good is her word, baby girl?” Monique asked. “She told me she was going to leave when I asked to her to, but she snuck back in.”
“She climbed up onto the roof like a cat burglar. I caught her trying to pick the lock to your Mommy’s room,” Tommy told her.
Brandy looked back and forth between them.
“What?! No!”
“Are you telling us that’s not what happened?” Monique asked.
Brandy looked at her. “Carli?”
“Alright, yes, I snuck in. I was worried about you. And for good reason, clearly!”
“Should we be worried about you?” Tommy asked.
“I, uh, no?”
“No, of course not.” Monique put her finger under Brandy’s chin, tilting her face up as she smiled down at her. “You’re a very good girl for Mommy and Daddy.”
A fresh blush spread across Brandy’s cheeks. “Thank you, Mommy,” she said meekly.
“We take good care of our baby girl, don’t we,” Tommy said.
“Yes Daddy.”
Carli couldn’t keep quiet anymore. “What the heck did they do to you, Brandy?”
Brandy’s eyes went wide. “Nu— nothing!” she stammered.
“We just want her to be happy,” Monique said, leaning in close to Carli. “And it’s going to be really hard for our baby girl to be happy if she’s worried about a nosy, bigmouthed brat like you telling everyone about what she does behind closed doors. This kind of thing could ruin her.”
Carli was horrified. The craned her neck to look around Monique at Brandy. “I wouldn’t tell anyone. Who would I even tell?”
“Hmmm, who would a vindictive bitch like you tell?” Monique put her pinky against the corner of her mouth, musing.
“As if! If anyone’s the vindictive bitch, it’s you!” Carli retorted.
“Who told Mrs. Jeweler’s entire class I had herpes when I had a cold sore?”
“First of all, cold sores are caused by a form of the herpes virus, and that was like, Freshman year!”
Monique rolled her eyes. “And when Skylar was out with mono, you couldn’t wait to tell everyone she got it from Brandon.”
“They were out at the same time, everyone already knew!”
Monique turned back to Brandy who was wringing her hands nervously in front of her and fretting with her skirt. “See, she just can’t wait to spread gossip and rumors about anyone she thinks is beneath her. And let’s face it, that’s pretty much everyone.” Monique stepped to the side, leaving the two other girls to face each other.
“Carli?” Brandy’s voice wavered.
“Brandy, I wouldn’t tell anyone about this!” That was a lie, she would absolutely tell the police and see that Monique and Tommy were arrested, and Brandy got the help she clearly needed. “Just let me go and I’ll leave and forget about this whole thing. We can all forget I was even here!”
Tommy kept massaging Brandy’s shoulders, leaning forward and whispering in her ear, “Do you believe her, baby girl?”
“I, uh…” she stammered.
“I don’t,” Monique said, “but if you do, we’ll trust you, Brandy. It’s your call. If you’re confident she won’t tell anyone how you’re our diapered baby slave, then we’ll let her go.”
Carli’s jaw dropped. “Do you not see how they’re manipulating you, Brandy? Wake up!”
Brandy looked from Carli to Monique to Tommy and then back to Monique.
“I know it’s a lot of responsibility for our little baby girl, to have to make such a big choice,” Monique said.
“What, what happens if, if I don’t?” she stammered. “You’re not going to hurt her, are you?”
“What!?!” Carli couldn’t believe what she was hearing, and she started struggling again, the chair she was bound to bouncing around.
“Hurt her?! Do you think that we’d hurt her, baby girl?” Monique asked, sounding genuinely shocked.
“No, of course not,” Brandy said quickly.
Monique walked up to Brandy and cupped her chin in her hand. “Do you trust us? Do you trust that your Daddy and I won’t let anything bad happen to you?”
Carli couldn’t see Brandy anymore behind Monique. She struggled harder, jerking hard against the tape holding her. She had to get free; it was like they’d brainwashed Brandy somehow, and she couldn’t depend on her for help, clearly.
“I do.”
“Then we’ll make sure our nosy little snoop doesn’t tell anyone your secret,” Monique said.
“Let Mommy and Daddy worry about that,” Tommy said.
“She just needs some proper incentive,” Monique said. She looked back over her shoulder at the struggling Carli, flashing a smile. She looked like a hungry shark.
“Like what?” Brandy asked, peering past Monique and looking curiously at Carli.
“You’ll see. Right now it’s quiet time for baby girls. Let the grown ups take care of this.”
Carli watched, confused and alarmed as Tommy held up a pink ballgag and strapped it in Brandy’s mouth. The girl didn’t even protest or try to fight it, she just complacently opened her mouth for him to pop the pink sphere between her lips and then leaned her head forward for him to secure the strap behind her head. Brandy was clearly not going to be any help to her against their school’s power couple, but having her best friend voiceless in whatever they were planning to do to her made her much more anxious.
“I’m sorry I came to your party and broke in,” Carli blurted. “I’m sorry if you think I was mean to you or looked down on you!”
“See, in a real apology, you’d actually admit that you were mean, and you do look down on everyone else because you think you’re smarter than us,” Monique said, slowly advancing on her captive. “But I don’t mind. That takes a level of maturity that you just frankly don’t have. And that’s okay. If you haven’t figured it out yet, I have a bit of a thing for the immature.”
Carli gulped. Monique was right in front of her, leaning forward until her forehead was almost touching Carli’s. Monique was already a few inches taller than Carli, significantly more so in heels, and the Valedictorian couldn’t help but feel small sitting in a chair under the statuesque figure of objective beauty before her. “Go to hell,” Carli said, trying to sound braver than she felt.
Smiling, Monique reached into her purse and pulled out two objects, holding them up. “Baby girl, I hope you don’t mind lending your little friend one of your pacifiers. She needs a little help being quiet when the grown ups are speaking.” She twirled the enormous white pacifier around her finger by its ring before deftly catching it, holding the massive rubber teat up for Carli to see while she undid the cap of the second item in her other hand. “This will ruin it, but I’ll buy you a new one, how’s that sound, baby girl?” she asked Brandy as she started applying the superglue to the inside of the shield.
“Mmhmmph,” Brandy garbled into her ballgag, watching as intently as Carli was.
“You, you can’t glue that in my mouth!”
“I can and will,” Monique said, grabbing Carli by the cheeks with one hand and aiming the bulb of the pacifier with the other. Carli tried to clamp her mouth shut, clenching her teeth, but Monique’s fingers dug into her jaws, her long, perfectly manicured nails digging in painfully until Carli was forced to open her mouth, only a little, but enough for the stronger girl to push the nipple through. Cold, sticky wetness smeared all around Carli’s mouth, and Monique held the pacifier in place as the pacified girl tried to jerk her head back, gripping her head in her hands, their noses touching as Monique gently blew on rapidly drying adhesive. “Shhhhh. You’re done talking,” she whispered.
“Oooo cmmphh ooo ipph!” Carli tried to scream, horrified at how effectively she’d been rendered mute by a simple binky. The pacifier was so big, filling her mouth and depressing her tongue, and as the glue dried, her mouth was sealed shut.
“That’s better,” Monique cooed, stepping back once the glue had dried. She watched with amusement as the snoop tried in vain to spit out her gag. “Look at the mess you’ve made of yourself,” she chided, looking down at Carli’s shirt, still damp and stained with beer from earlier. “What kind of babysitter would I be if I let you run around with wet clothes?”
Carli shook her head, moaning into her pacifier. She looked helplessly across the room to her friend, but Brandy was just watching, enraptured in what the girl she called Mommy was doing, literally drooling over it.
“Be still,” Monique cautioned her, taking out a nail file and using it to carefully saw through the tape holding her to the chair. Carli had no intention of doing that; the moment she was free she lunged forward, standing up and trying to make a break for it, but Tommy was prepared for her. He easily caught her, the football quarterback easily containing the Valedictorian, grabbing her wrists and holding them above her head.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked her, forcing her to stand up on her toes.
“Let’s get you out of those wet clothes.” Monique untied Carli’s sweatshirt from around her waist, letting it fall to the ground. She then grabbed the hem of her shirt, pulling it slowly up over her head, Carli’s writhing and wriggling doing nothing to deter her. “For someone who acts like she doesn’t care what people think about her, you’re wearing a very padded bra,” Monique noted.
Carli’s cheeks flushed with shame above her pacifier. She tried instinctively to cover herself when Tommy let her wrists go to pull her shirt all the way off, but he easily grabbed them again, pulling them back out of the way.
“There’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Monique cooed. “We won’t tell anyone.” She reached around Carli, leaning in close while she unfastened her bra. “But that’s the least of your worries,” she whispered in her ear.
“Pbbbmmmphhh!” Carli wailed. Her struggles picked up as her bra joined her shirt on the floor. She tried to kick Monique, but the more athletic girl easily avoided her flailing legs as she pulled her pants down, taking her shoes and socks with them.
“Cute panties,” Monique complimented her pink and white underwear. “But they have to go too.” In one clean motion, she yanked her panties down and off completely.
Carli attempted a few more easily deflected kicks before she went limp, winded and panting through her nose, naked and defeated.
“Baby girl,” Tommy said to Brandy.
“Yepph appphyy,” she garbled around her ballgag.
“Be a doll and go grab one of your diapers for your little friend here.”
All three of them watched her, waiting to see if she would actively participate in her best friend’s humiliation. So far she’d watched on, passively complicit, and Carli shook her head furiously, pleading incoherently behind her pacifier for Brandy’s help.
All it took was a confirming nod from her Mommy, and Brandy turned and waddled out of the room, her diaper crinkling. Carli put up another short burst of struggling, screaming after her friend.
“We promised her we wouldn’t hurt you,” Tommy told her. “So I’m not going to spank you.”
Carli froze, recalling watching the spanking he had delivered to Brandy.
“Just know that I don’t need to in order to make you do what I want.”
Monique smiled, grabbing the ring of her pacifier and forcing the helpless girl to look at her. “You’re really missing out.” She grabbed a handful of Carli’s bare butt and squeezed. “He gives fantastic spankings.”
Carli’s eyes widened. Monique quickly let her go though as the telltale rustle of plastic announced Brandy’s return. The diapered maid toddled in, carrying a big, thick, white rectangle, and a bottle of baby powder.
“Good girl,” Tommy praised her.
She waited obediently while her Mommy and Daddy grabbed Carli by her wrists and ankles and carried her over to the bed, laying her down on her back. Tommy sat at the head of the bed, still holding Carli’s arms, while Monique joined Brandy at the foot of the bed. “Would you like to help?” Monique asked her.
Brandy just stared at her, unsure.
“I know Mommy and Daddy always put your diapers on, but just think of her as a dolly. Here, Mommy will show you, and you can help diaper your dolly.”
Brandy nodded, still hesitantly, and looked at Carli as she fiddled with the diaper in her hands. Carli kicked out at her, her foot narrowly missing Brandy’s arm. The diapered girl shrank back, looking at her Mommy.
Monique grabbed Carli’s ankles again, holding them while she looked at Brandy. “You didn’t want to wear diapers at first either,” she said. “You thought you were too big and didn’t know how good they could be.” Monique turned and looked at Carli. “She just doesn’t know yet. She won’t tell anyone how much you like your diapers once she realizes how much she likes them too. Would you like to help us show her?”
So this is what they’d done to her best friend, Carli realized. They’d turned her into their kinky diapered sex slave through coercion and manipulation and blackmail. She locked eyes with Brandy, slowly shaking her head, hoping that her friend would realize what was happening and come to her senses.
Brandy looked back at Monique with a new sparkle in her eyes and nodded, snapping the diaper open.
“Good girl.” Monique kissed her ballgagged mouth. She lifted Carli’s ankles, holding her butt off the bed for her baby slave to slide the diaper under the helpless and humiliated snoop. “You’re doing such a great job,” she praised, manipulating and maneuvering Carli’s legs so that her little girl could get the diaper on the Valedictorian. “Make sure it’s nice and snug, we don’t want her to leak.”
“Mmmmphh?!” Leak? It dawned on the helpless girl that they might force her to actually use the diaper.
Drool dripped from Brandy’s ballgagged mouth onto Carli’s stomach as the diapered maid fastened the diaper over her friend’s hips. It was like she was salivating over what she was doing to other girl. She blushed, wiping her mouth, but the look she was giving Carli remained.
“Doesn’t she look nice,” Tommy asked.
Blushing harder, Brandy nodded.
“That she does,” Monique said, tracing her finger around the edge of the puffy garment. “Why don’t you show her how good it feels, baby girl?”
Brandy looked at her Mommy, cocking her head to the side. “Hmmm?”
“Here.” She reached into her purse, and pulled out a battery operated pink vibrating wand. Brandy’s eyes lit up, and Carli’s widened, renewing her struggles. They couldn’t be serious. Monique handed the sex toy to Brandy and got up, leaving Carli’s legs unattended. Carli was too stunned to try anything though as she watched her best friend bring the vibrator to life in her hands. Besides, Tommy was still above her, holding her arms, should she try anything.
“Let’s get this out of the way.” Monique pulled Brandy’s maid uniform over her head, leaving the girl in just her diaper, and stockings.
The snoop was shocked to discover her friend’s nipples were pierced, two small silver rings dangling from her very erect nipples. Brandy pressed the vibrator between her legs, the toy sinking deep into the squishy white padding, and she moaned deeply.
“You’ve been such a good girl,” Monique said, wrapping her arms around her from behind, one hand pushing the vibrator harder into Brandy’s diaper, the other playing with her boobs. Brandy moaned, fresh drool dripping from her ballgagged lips. “You deserve a reward, don’t you?”
“Mmhmmm,” Brandy nodded hard, her eyes closed.
“It’s been a stressful night, having to worry about little miss nosy pants over there, but don’t worry, she’ll understand soon.”
“Mmmhmmmm!!!” Brandy moaned louder, opening her eyes and staring directly at Carli.
“We just have to show her, don’t we? Show her good it feels. How good it feels to be Mommy and Daddy’s little diapered girl.”
Brandy let go of the vibrator, leaving it in Monique’s very capable hands as she grabbed her own boobs.
“Do you want to cum in your diaper?” Monique asked, turning the toy up, the rumble filling the air.
“Yepph! Pweephh!” she moaned around her gag.
“Show your friend how much you love your diapers. Show her how much you love being our helpless baby girl.”
“YEPPHHH! AYE UVVV MUGH AYPPERRSSS!” Brandy screamed, spittle flying from her mouth. Monique’s arms tightened around her, digging the vibrator deep into her diapered pussy, holding her while she quaked in an intense orgasm.
Carli couldn’t take her eyes off of what she was being forced to witness. She’d never cum like that before in her life, and she was half convinced what she was seeing had to be an act, a trick her friend was playing on her. But if she was faking it, she sold it, so much so that Carli felt a familiar tingle between her own legs. She squeezed her legs together, feeling her own padding squished between her thighs, and her curiosity was piqued. She jumped, forgetting that he was behind her as Tommy leaned in, whispering in her ear, “I’d tell you it was nothing to be ashamed of, but it is. That’s part of what makes it so hot.”
Monique let go of Brandy, the spent girl collapsing on the bed at Carli’s feet, panting heavily around her gag. “Your turn,” she said, pointing the wand at Carli.
“Nnnnmm hmmm!” she whined, her pacifier turning her legitimate protest into the fussing of a toddler.
“I think so,” Carli said, climbing up onto all fours on the bed, crawling closer. “You’re not going to tell me that that didn’t look like fun.”
“Nnnnm nnnnn!” Carli screamed, shaking her head furiously.
“Really? If I check your diaper, am I going to find a wet, needy little girl?”
Carli’s eyes went as big as saucers. She could swear up and down all she wanted, but if Monique checked her, she’d find what she wanted to find. The diapered Valedictorian tried to kick, but Monique was too quick, pouncing on her and holding her down.
“So fussy,” she commented, putting her finger on the shield of Carli’s pacifier. “What are you worried about?” she asked, slowly running her finger down the helpless girl’s chin and neck. Her fingernail tickled as she traced it lightly around Carli’s pert breasts, just skirting outside her hard nipples. “We’ll make sure you enjoy yourself.” Her finger reached Carli’s diaper, the garment crinkling as she rubbed down the middle, just hard enough for Carli to feel it before she slid the digit to the side and curled it up under the tight leg band. “Someone is VERY wet,” she purred.
Carli wanted to protest, to scream that it wasn’t true, but who would believe her? The evidence was on Monique’s fingertip. Brandy was still collapsed in a post orgasmic heap at the foot of the bed, watching her while she slowly rubbed her own diaper, and Tommy’s heavy breathing right next to her ear told her he was just as turned on as she was.
Monique pulled her finger out of Carli’s diaper, slowly licking it clean. “Mmmmm,” she moaned, sucking it all the way to the knuckle and locking eyes with Tommy. “I think she likes her diaper.”
“Nnnn nnnmmph,” Carli moaned, but there was no conviction in her muffled objection.
The loud buzzing signaled the return of the vibrator, vibrating away in Monique’s hand. “Do you want this?” To Carli’s surprise, Tommy let go of her wrists. Monique held the toy out to her, offering it.
She could just not take it. With her arms free, she could even try to escape, maybe catch them off guard. She could be on her feet and out the door before they even realized she wasn’t going to play their perverted game. She’d be running away in just a diaper with a pacifier glued in her mouth, but she was quick, and if she wanted it bad enough, she was sure she could get away.
The problem was, she didn’t want it enough. Brandy locked eyes with her, nodding. It was Brandy, her best friend since second grade, who’d done everything with her, and Brandy was telling her to do it. It was okay, good even, and all she had to do was reach out and take the vibrator from Monique.
Monique didn’t have to tempt her with her honeyed words, Tommy didn’t have to whisper naughty things in her ear. Gagged and diapered just like her, Brandy’s nod was all it took. Carli snatched the offered vibrator from Monique. Even as she did it, part of her was screaming to just clock Monique in the side of the head with the heavy thing and bolt, but she couldn’t stop herself; it was like she was on autopilot, taking the toy in both hands and bringing it down between her legs. She pressed the buzzing head up against the diaper, the sensation reverberating through the padding hugging her needy pussy.
It felt good.
Better than good.
Carli moaned, throwing her head back. It was so wrong, playing with herself in a diaper in front of her bullies and tormentors, but like Tommy said, that only made it hotter.
She pressed the vibrator harder against her diapered clit, finding the dial on the side of the device and turning it up. Closing her eyes, she shut out the rest of the world, enraptured in the sensation, getting closer and closer to bliss.
Carli was startled out of her trance by a weight on her legs. Her eyes snapped open to see Brandy, crawling up on top of her. Carli instinctively pulled the vibrator away from her diaper, but Brandy grabbed her hand, pulling it back into position. “Hmmmm?” Carli moaned.
Brandy straddled her, slowly lowering her crotch down onto the vibrator, sandwiching it between their thick diapers. Putting her hands on either side of Carli’s shoulders, she looked down at her friend and began to grind her hips, humping the vibrator between them.
It didn’t take long for Carli to pick up on what she was doing, and joined in, working into a rhythm with her best friend. She let go of the vibrator, the diapers easily keeping the toy in place, and she reached up, feeling the bouncing jewelry that had suddenly caught her eye. Brandy moaned as Carli played with her nipples, drool dripping from her mouth.
Carli wasn’t a lesbian; she’d never had a boyfriend, but that’s because she thought all the guys at their high school were immature. And now she was humping a vibrator in diapers with another girl. And it was better than any fantasy she’d ever had. She thrust her hips faster, Brandy quickly matching her pace. Carli let go of her boobs, throwing her hands up and grabbing at the sheets, needing to hold onto something as her arousal rose to its inevitable peak. Brandy kept humping faster, staring deep into her eyes, echoing her lusty moans.
Then it happened.
She came in a diaper. Her diaper. She exploded like a volcano, but it didn’t stop there, wave after wave of aftershocks ripping through her body as her best friend rode her like the horny diaper slut she was.
“What a performance.”
Tommy’s voice snapped her back to reality. She looked up to see him standing at the side of the bed, his phone out. He was filming them. Carli snapped her head to the other side of the bed, seeing Monique on the other side, also with her phone out. “Mmmmphh!!!”
Even Brandy looked distressed, looking back and forth between them, her cheeks scarlet.
“Don’t worry baby girl, your face isn’t in it,” Monique assured her. “Yours however,” she said to Carli, flipping her phone around. On screen a video was playing of her, naked save for a diaper and a pacifier, playing with the vibrator. She didn’t look like a captive. She didn’t look coerced. She looked like Carli Simmons, class Valedictorian, over achiever, future Yale student and generally good girl, having the time of her life playing with herself in a diaper.
“There’s so much good stuff here,” Tommy said, showing her picture after picture of her, of another diapered girl climbing on top of her, the two of them rubbing their diapers together.
“You got what you wanted,” Monique said, sitting back on the bed and grabbing Brandy, pulling the girl into her lap and stroking her hair. “You came here to make sure Brandy was okay. And as you can see, she’s more than okay, aren’t you baby girl?”
Brandy nodded, leaning in to let Monique kiss her on her ballgag.
“And of course, you’re not going to tell anyone about any of this, are you?” Tommy asked. He picked up Carli’s clothes, throwing them onto the bed next to her. “Because if you did, well, who knows what might happen with all these pictures and videos we have,” he said.
“Hmmmphh!?!” Carli moaned. Blackmail. Of course they’d blackmail her.
“But she wouldn’t tell anyways,” Monique said. “You understand now, don’t you?” She looked at Carli. When the girl didn’t respond, she reached out and grabbed her pacifier ring. “Don’t you,” she repeated, making the girl nod.
“Mmmhmmm,” Carli moaned, her eyes flicking to the phone lying on the bed, still playing the video of her, lost in ecstasy.
“Good, now get dressed. You don’t want to overstay your welcome.”
Carli scrambled to grab her clothes, looking for her panties. They were missing, and she got the hint, quickly pulling her pants on, struggling to get them on over the bulky diaper. The waistband stuck out, but with her sweatshirt she’d be able to hide it. The real problem was the pacifier, still glued in her mouth. She pointed at it, moaning questioningly.
“That’s your problem,” Tommy said coldly.
Carli got up off the bed, jamming her feet back into her shoes. She looked back at Brandy, but the other girl just blushed and averted her eyes.
“I trust you know where the door is,” Monique said.
Carli nodded rapidly. She grabbed her purse and darted out of the room, pausing to take one last look back. Brandy had her head nestled against Monique’s chest, her Mommy petting her. Monique locked eyes with Carli. “See ya around.”
Carli turned and ran, nearly tripping down the stairs in her haste to get out. She wasn’t used to the bulk of the diaper between her legs, forcing a slight waddle, as she ran back to her car. And the thing rubbed against her with every step, the padding slick with what she’d done in it. She climbed into her car, and fished through her purse for her keys. She stopped, finding something in it that wasn’t in there before. Carli pulled out a bottle of nail polish remover, with a note attached by a rubber band. Turning on her interior lights, she read the handwritten note.
The nail polish remover will dissolve the glue. If you don’t do anything that might make Yale reconsider accepting you (hint hint) then I might see you there in the fall. I’ll be lonely without Tommy and my baby girl there. If you ever need a babysitter, you’ll know where to find me,
Carli was stunned. She had no idea that Monique had gotten into Yale too.
On May 8th 2022, Delaniac made his last post on this stories thread on DailyDiapers, replying to a positive comment: "Thank you, I've got an idea for a continuation, hopefully I'll get it down soon"
I would love to know where he would have taken this story. I wish Delaniac would continue writing, his other stories share similar themes, but as it is now the website states he hasn't logged into DailyDiapers for well over a year.
I will add the same tags below as he did for his story on DailyDiapers, as well as the link to the original story thread for anyone interested.
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Edited from: Little Slutty Diaper Princess (ABDL Spanking)
Absolutely love girls in Rearz Princess Pink nappies. The pink, feminine design just works so well with pretty submissive girls.
Domina Scarlet (Mistress Scarlet) & Bella Bird have made some amazing Diaper Discipline and Fetish content.
Their videos can be found on clips4sale.com: Highland Manor House Highland Manor (Highland Manor Nursery) ABDL Spanking
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Loved this scene from Fallout.
Fallout is definitely one of the better video game adaptions. Hope they continue to do a good job with the 2nd season.
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Feelings from experimenting with kinks
I have often wondered if many have felt shame after indulging in their kinks. For example, have they felt shame or out of place after cumming in a diaper, forced orgasms while in strict bondage, climaxing from some form of dark role play or simply being turned on by taboo scenarios. There are so many different kinks and fetishes that people enjoy today, many I understand while some others I do not.
Do most people feel out of place because of their kinks? Are people happy, frustrated, disappointed or perhaps simply indifferent exploring their kinks? I'm curious how people feel on the matter.
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A Little About Me
I'm a straight guy in his early 30s, who enjoys exploring the kinky side of tumblr. I find reading about other peoples kinks fascinating, and to a certain degree helps me to understand some of my kinks, but not all. As the first part of my tumblr name suggests, I'm a diaper lover. Don't fully understand why, just something I liked since I was young. I do have many other kinks, some of which I find work well with diapers (Like with Bondage/BDSM, works well to add to the humiliation as well as practicality for long periods in restraint) I'm not sure I fall under the whole ABDL umbrella, as I'm not so much into the AB side, but I do love the comfort a soft diaper, and the care I could provide someone who shares this fetish. One day, I would love to be with and care for a girl who also enjoys diapers, but being such a niche kink, it feels like a far away fantasy. I am polite and always try to be punctual, and I hope people who read this don't mistake me for being submissive.
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