Daniel Knox Phone Photos
14K posts
I am songwriter and composer Daniel Knox. These are my photos. #danielknox
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dkphonephotos · 2 years ago
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Al Strobel. I wish I’d been fortunate enough to meet him. ▵▵
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dkphonephotos · 2 years ago
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Coinhammer: Porto Postcard is a new @coinhammer album made with my Coinhammer bandmate Nick_Jones aka @_the_boundless_ during his week long visit with me in Porto. . For now this album can only be heard on my Patreon [link in my bio] though we may release it officially one day. . There is a strange magic that happens when Nick and I work together. Like we are building something and tearing something down at the same time; disobeying our more obvious impulses and following each others curiosity. . I’ve listened to this one a few times now and really love it. There’s a lot more music from me coming in the new year and I’m really excited that some more of that will be from this project that I love so much. 🪙 🔨 #coinhammer (at Porto, Portugal)
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dkphonephotos · 2 years ago
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x2 new things on the Patreon: A post-thanksgiving mixtape of weird things I found on my old hard drive and a short film of dancing snail. New things on the way for December.🎵 🐌 [link in bio] (at Porto, Portugal)
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dkphonephotos · 2 years ago
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They are on an adventure. (at Porto, Portugal)
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dkphonephotos · 2 years ago
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Attempted to capture a brief moment of panic. Consider for a moment how fragile the human body snd human mind are. It’s amazing we can do anything at all without completely collapsing into a heap. I woke up late. A small piece of a tooth broke off and I thought - - there I go, little by little. One less piece of me still here. Idiotic maybe. Precious certainly. Then I walked to the restaurant where they aren’t very nice and often forget I’m there (yet I return). And I ate some toast, drank some coffee. The park across the street from here was built to honor a leper hospital. Could always be worse. I’m just real good at imagining how. Just think what I could do with 42 more years completely (or even mostly) in tact. Think what I could do if I didn’t have a thousand false starts before every real thought begins. Makes me worry I’m giving a little too much time away (read that however you like). Anyhow the toast is good (with jam), the coffee is good (black). I am going to spend at least an hour today doing nothing in my own company and let that be it’s own miracle. Have a nice day. . 𓀠 █ (at Porto, Portugal)
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dkphonephotos · 2 years ago
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TODAY ONLY - For #BandcampFriday - All 15 Releases on Bandcamp are 60% off at $47.40. . This includes: . A Poison Tree Window Music Disaster A Reassuring Fable (single) Evryman For Himself Work For Hire (3hrs of music) Daniel Knox 52 Short Films (2.5hrs of music) Fun (single) Chasescene Die Hard / Die Harder (single + b-side) I Had A Wonderful Time Half Heart: Songs From #TwinPeaks You Are My Friend: The Songs of Mister Rogers Won’t You Take Me With You . . . . . This post will self destruct (at Porto, Portugal)
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dkphonephotos · 2 years ago
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This guy is so nice. He’s always glad show me all the near old tape decks and radios in his shop. (at Grundig Clássicos)
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dkphonephotos · 2 years ago
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dkphonephotos · 2 years ago
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Put something kind of different on Patreon today. (at Springfield, Illinois)
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dkphonephotos · 2 years ago
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A walk to the mall in Porto, (at Porto, Portugal)
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dkphonephotos · 2 years ago
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Cairo! What an amazing trip this has been. I’m so grateful to @atragheb and @lilyeki for bringing me here to be a part of their film. I never thought I’d get to see this amazing place in my lifetime and here I am. What a world. . . . . . P.S. if you ever make it out here don’t buy the ticket to you INSIDE the pyramid. It’s a claustrophobic nightmare. You just travel up a long steep tunnel with no air, high-five the pharaoh and turn back. ▵▵ (at Cairo, Egypt)
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dkphonephotos · 2 years ago
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Beside myself over this gift of #DavidLynch as a #StarTrek Captain made for me by @mercado_48 and printed by @kariinakr This is one of the most perfect gifts I have ever received. ▵▵🖖🏼 . #davidlynchart #startrekart #livelongandprosper #llap #twinpeaks #startrekcaptain #captainslog #lynchart #enterprise #starship #damnfinecoffee (at Captain's Log)
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dkphonephotos · 2 years ago
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TODAY on the Patreon: The Evryman For Himself Demos & Covers Collection. 62 tracks! . A complete Re-creation of my album Evryman For Himself through demos, featuring alternate takes, unreleased songs, and covers of songs by Judy Garland, Lindsay Lohan, Frank Schubert, Randy Newman, Big Bird and more… Patreon link in my bio.
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dkphonephotos · 2 years ago
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I was once very good friends with this fish and I always wonder where he ended up. ♥️ 🐠 (at Brainfish)
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dkphonephotos · 2 years ago
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What an incredible tour this has been. 16 shows across UK/IE with @thehandsomefamily and tour manager extraordinaire @johnnynolan_1 . It was so nice to be back on stage again, tinder familiar faces, and make a lot of new fans and friends. . The Handsome Family remain heroes of mine and I always learn something new from watching and listening to them play. . Now I will go back to Portugal, talk to my parrot, drink some strong coffee, and finish mixing my new record. . Thank you everyone. . - dk (at London, United Kingdom)
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dkphonephotos · 2 years ago
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Tonight I performed as an apparition of my floating head over the crowd at @stollerhall in Manchester. It was a great night opening for @thehandsomefamily who have been nothing short of heroic on this tour. I also got to talk with @claire.welles @rbbrslmn and @seanlongmore in person! (at The Stoller Hall)
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dkphonephotos · 2 years ago
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THE DISASTER DEMOS. A somewhat vulnerable post to Patreon today. These are the recordings I self-released as a CDR with original art work before re-recording them into the final version of Disaster that stands now. My voice sounds very different. I’d been playing for a few years at this point and had built a style I knew needed to change. Most of these recordings were made moments after writing the song. . This 22 song collection includes demos of each song off Disaster as well as alternate versions, unfinished drafts, and unreleased material. . Please do not make fun of my old voice too much. I was figuring it out and I drank a lot back then. . Evryman For Himself Demos to follow soon. Chasescene a little later since that’s a deeper dive. . Patreon link in my bio. . Thank you.. . DISASTER DEMOS Track List: It Gets Better What Have They Done To You Now Disaster Man Without A Past Gone Old Days Naive Theresa You Should Be Shining My Shoes Redhanded Lovescene Get To Knox Your Neighbors No Accident Reminder Loves Money Be Afraid Disaster (slow) No Accident (unknown version) In Case Of Crisis Good As Gone Rats With Wings I Was Here (unfinished sketch) My Baby Umbrellalovesong
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