djmslams-blog · 5 years
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I chose this picture of mine because I am crazy, noisy and a happy go lucky person. I make my friends laugh, holding their tummy like it is near to death. I am also talkative to the point that you'll think that I am Maria Clara but I talk and laugh like brusko. Beside of being a jovial person, I also love to give advice.
All of my best friends today call me "bitch" , "mataray" , aloof and a bad girl the first time they saw me. They tend to call me that way because of my witch-face-look. But all of these attributes are opposite.
They say eyes are the windows of our soul. That is why when I am with my friends I automatically forgets my problems and stress because of being jubilant and joyous person. Sometimes I feel down and empty because of my problems but Im thankful to my friends and family who makes me happy and they bring out the best in me. Best is happiness, positivity is best.
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djmslams-blog · 5 years
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I know, I know what you’re thinking 
On par with Helen, thus you perceive my face
I don’t say it out of vanity
I only say it because it’s the truth
But have you ever seen my soul?
For who I am, do you really see me?
Fair, fair, a pretty face
I have. It is not everything for vanity
Is beauty if it conceals the truth,
If it conceals my soul,
If it prevents you from seeing the real me,
Did this ever fall into your thinking?
Nothingness, vanity
Let us banish it. See the truth
The only worthy beauty of my soul
My loves, my hopes, my fears, see me!
Get to thinking
That I am more than just a charming face
The truth conveyed magic
Because I want to say more out of vanity
As you percieve , I am more than this
An epitome of bonafide do you see?
Deem me worthy of 
Nothing but pureness
Its the truth I say
the soul I hide inside
Yes think and decide
Perceptions above them all
Do you see the real me?
Perceptions because of my face
You perceive my face
Because you speak the truth
And you see nothing but pureness
Inside me and
It is the truth not just vanity
And yes I know what you think
Convey nothing but beautiful soul
Dont just look on a gleaming face, but soul
and I say it with my purest heart
reference: https://www.google.com/search?q=beautiful+face+with+flowercrown+cartoob&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjY_cPz8IflAhVLXpQKHQu-C2IQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=beautiful+face+with+flowercrown+cartoob&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-img.3..33i10.223764.238089..238362...9.0..1.354.6299.0j43j2j1......0....1.......5..35i362i39j0i67j0j0i8i30j30i10j0i30j0i13.VtRvZBHCZtk&ei=Nf-ZXZiPKsu80QSL_K6QBg&client=ms-android-oppo&prmd=ivn#imgrc=U8AKDalEfIqNAM&imgdii=MQZtDNZFU6zY4M
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djmslams-blog · 5 years
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Will the relationship that has been built and fought for will continue?
We'll just throw away the genuine memories?
Will I give up or fight back?
Can I just strengthen the foundation we built?
Or you want to be free?
Will I give up or fight back?
You said you love me but can I just believe you?
If it's a lie I can hear it in your cheating mouth
Will I continue the fight?
My tears flow and you are the culprit
As if you hit me without a hitch
Will I continue the fight?
Our memories for you is not enough
A nostalgic full of laughter
Will I continue the fight?
Relationships initiated and fought
A relationship you have gradually released
Will I continue the fight?
Will I give up or fight back?
Photo reference:
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djmslams-blog · 5 years
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The trace you left me in this place
You have shown some habbits of loving me
But your love is so fast I could not chase
Because you knew first we aren't meant to be
My heart fell deep for it was marked by you
The bad goes to mind when the night comes up
Rather than the good times that I once knew
Pieces of yesterday forgotten; snubbed you knew
How love was, you made me believe
I wish you had never stole my heart twice;
You aren't just a special but a thieve
Not a chance nor hope but despair is my price
Yet love you brought will forever be here
As long as life is here and love is real
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djmslams-blog · 5 years
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Im happy when im with you
A blissful feeling I can't explain
Smiling without reasons
A genuine happiness
Thank you, thankyou for everything
I owe you a lot
This smile won't fade
I'll wear it everyday
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djmslams-blog · 5 years
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Mahiwagang pitaka
Ubus agad ang barya
Saan na napupunta
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djmslams-blog · 5 years
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a selfless loving woman
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djmslams-blog · 5 years
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rough, solid
throwing, picking , bumping
building houses, man made beaches
decorating ,sand painting,garniture
shining, glazed
photo reference: https://www.google.com/search?q=beautiful+picture+of+sand+and+gravel&hl=en&prmd=inv&sxsrf=ACYBGNTx-cPThtNSroCS67hOogBYp9YIIw:1569588097355&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiK8PGng_HkAhWTA4gKHYPmA5gQ_AUoAXoECAcQAQ&biw=360&bih=648
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djmslams-blog · 5 years
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Kada pagtingin , kada pagtitig
Milyong milyong bituin ang nahahagip
Isang kang musika sa pandinig
Masarap sa tenga , masarap kasama
Ikaw ang bulaklak sa hardin
Ang nagpapaganda sa aking paligid
Walang katumbas ang pagmamahal
Suyurin man ang buong daigdig
Photo reference: https://www.google.com/search?q=couple+na+nakatalikod+with+holding+hands+cartoon&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiul9iztd_kAhUJD6YKHXCiCWwQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=couple+na+nakatalikod+with+holding+hands+cartoon&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-img.3...51519.53914..54148...0.0..0.173.1133.0j8......0....1.........30i10j33i10.ZR182zN1r58&ei=HMiEXa6ZI4memAXwxKbgBg&bih=648&biw=360&prmd=ivn
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djmslams-blog · 5 years
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D-eem me worthy of🙋
J-oy, I am😆
M-uch inlove with nature🌹
S-ing to me its song that will🎼
L-inger in my soul✨
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djmslams-blog · 5 years
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Decieving me by the glimpse of your potion
Shearing torns , ready to injure with poison
Picture reference: https://www.google.com/search?q=potion&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiZ29eiqtrkAhVEGKYKHSa0CasQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=potion&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-img.3..0i67l4j0.886049.886936..887332...2.0..1.250.666.5j0j1......0....1.......5..35i362i39.ujnWkqTOWD4&ei=WR2CXdnKGsSwmAWm6KbYCg&bih=648&biw=360&client=ms-android-oppo&prmd=ivn&hl=en#imgrc=m5fuCYkZMM3NSM
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djmslams-blog · 5 years
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The rain is falling
Like burden deep inside me
Firmly and screaming
Picture reference: https://www.google.com/search?q=sad+girl+in+rain&tbm=isch&bih=648&biw=360&client=ms-android-oppo&prmd=ivn&hl=en&ved=2ahUKEwip197TqdrkAhVBYpQKHT_UDzYQrNwCegUIARCqAQ#imgrc=5Zrz9ops9f9o_M
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djmslams-blog · 5 years
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Tara ating balikan
Ala ala'y saksihan
Umupo at silayan
Ang tala ay titigan
Picture reference: https://www.google.com/search?q=stargazing&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiowNOnpNrkAhUDdJQKHWO
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