102 posts
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djbeatz · 1 year ago
Well, I don't know what to say other than IT'S FUCKING HERE
But I'd still like to say thanks to my beta @xazanna and that I hope your prepared to read this because I have thoughts.
Either way those thoughts will have to wait for a while cause I need to pass out-
I hope you guys enjoy this!
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djbeatz · 1 year ago
Hi Hi! It's been a while since I've been on here, but I would like to announce something important!
I'm participating in the Soukoku Reverse Big Bang! Partnered with @xazanna as the beta!
Now bear with me here, this is my first time making a big announcement or advertising anything I do, but this is the occasion I should and I will.
The name of this fic is SKYFALL. A multichaptered fic with superstitious and supernatural elements! A Yokai au if you will.
Now, I don't want to say too much, but I will say that it's very fun writing this and getting opinions from my partner on it. Working with her is a joy! I also can't promise quick updates due to a lot of factors, so before anything, just know that this will not be a very quick updating fic, as I'm sure anyone could deduce cause it's me XD
I'll be posting the first chapter on the 30th, barely a few days from now! Either way, please enjoy this little snippet under the cut!
The next time Chuuya came to, the first thing he heard was the soothing sound of drifting water.
It was slow and trickled ever so lightly. It was gentle on his sensitive ears, and when he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a clear river, lazily drifting beside him. The more his vision cleared up, the more he saw; the small and colorful flowers at the riverbed, the rocks that peaked and jutted out from the ground at varying sizes, and the green grass that was short and soft on his skin. When he turned to look up, he was greeted by the view of a large tree, larger than anything he’s ever seen in his life.
Its flowers were a bright and vibrant pink, they were small too. It must be a cherry blossom tree, but he’s never seen one so big before. But, how odd; there were vines on that cherry blossom tree, did they always have vines? He was not quite sure. The light that fell on that tree look…strange, as if it were almost a rainbow, but not quite.
And when he looked further to the side-
… What?
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djbeatz · 2 years ago
BSD Chap 109
Bro, don't ask me how I feel about this chapter, I'm completely normal about it-
But I kinda want Chuuya to bite Dazai, just to see what happens. I'm a bit curious.
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djbeatz · 2 years ago
Was scrolling through my acc and saw this again.
An alternative for his ability to do all this is just sheer muscle memory.
Like, throughout his life, he’s probably used his ability a fuck ton, so there are certain materials that feel similar in density to others so his body will just know over time, how much is enough and how much is too much. In his head, he can also compare unfamiliar densities to familiar ones and sus out the right amount of force.
Chuuya, Dazai and Maths
Okay, maybe this is an unpopular opinion but, I think Chuuya is better at math than Dazai.
Given the situation and circumstances of course, Dazai could surpass him in math, but Chuuya’s ability is gravity manipulation.
Gravity takes Physics, Physics’ base subject is math.
You can’t tell me that Chuuya just puts on and takes off gravity until it feels right. There has to be some calculations for the shit he does. Like the bullets in the recent episode of S4.
When he threw those bullets you can see the aftermath on the ground, they didn’t just shatter the concrete like he could probably have made them do, so he knew how much force was needed for the desired result and he didn’t need to test it beforehand he just went for it. So that has to be testament to his ability to calculate things right?
Now, why did I mention Dazai? Because it’s funny to think about. Sure, Dazai could most likely make a grenade, but Chuuya’s making these precise calculations on the spot. How this specifically applies to his ability I don’t know yet, I might try to figure that out, but Chuuya has to be good at math to pull that kind of shit.
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djbeatz · 2 years ago
We’re coming for you Hans
reblog if your name isn't Hans.
2,121,566 people are not Hans and counting!
We’ll find you Hans.
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djbeatz · 2 years ago
Someone please tell me how to make friends with your moots. I wanna talk theories and analyses with people but I don’t know if anyone would want to-
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djbeatz · 2 years ago
Okay, I feel like I need to say this because I’ve thought this for a while but I realized I’ve never said it.
After reading Stormbringer, I’ve headcannoned Chuuya to have droopy eyes. Although I’m not permanent on this hc, I just like to think abou it. Like, if he had droopy eyes as a child only, or if still has droopy eyes and you can only really tell when he’s relaxed.
I was looking at the pictures in the book and every time I saw baby Chuuya (and the clone now that I think about it), his eyes look droopy or sad looking and I was wondering if that was natural or not. Still headcannoned it because headcannons don’t have to be based on real evidence anyway.
I just think it’d be cute if growing up, when he isn’t glaring intensely, he just looks lazy, deadpanned, or very relaxed because his eye shape is very droopy.
And because I’m a shipper, I also think Dazai would tease him a lot about it too, but he doesn’t mind it really (he thinks it’s a little cute, but only a little)
You can’t tell when he’s an adult while he’s doing business, but if you catch him outside of that, he doesn’t hide it. He never really cared about the shape of his eyes.
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djbeatz · 2 years ago
Listen to me, Dazai’s expression in the bottom right corner of the second to last panel reminds of Komi from Komi can’t Communicate and I’m positively living for it.
Another addition to the “Chuuya gets hugs” universe, this time the aftermath of the Lovecraft fight! (Initial post) (Dungeon reunion)
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djbeatz · 2 years ago
It's late, but I got it done.
This event was really fun to do and it's really helped me to write smaller! Of course, I'm still gonna be writing long oneshots mostly, but I enjoyed just writing something simple!
I hope you guys like these fics!
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djbeatz · 2 years ago
Day 6. I literally have one left and then I'm home free-
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djbeatz · 2 years ago
Day 5!
Does anyone just have a fic named as one thing in a doc but when you get on Ao3 you change the name before posting? That was me with this.
In my docs it's called 'Do you remember the Rain?' (based on a song of the same name by the Silvics (sp?)) and I just random re-named it to 'How Lovely'.
It just felt more fitting.
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djbeatz · 2 years ago
Day 4!
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djbeatz · 2 years ago
I Call That Bravery
So, if you read the beginning note of my most recent Ao3 post, then you’ll know that I’ve recently got into Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood. I haven’t watched 03 yet, but I will when I have time.
Anyway, I wanted to talk about General Armstrong’s perception of Major Armstrong. I’ll be using their first names so it isn’t as confusing. Their names are Olivier and Alex respectively just as a reminder.
(Anime Spoilers under the cut)
This is something I’ve talked about with @djcarnationsblog mostly. But it’s about how Olivier thinks of her brother. It’s quite obvious that she looks down on him 99% of the time and thinks of him as someone lowly. She thinks he’s a coward because of what he did in the Ishvalan war.
Alex had not become a soldier to kill innocent people, he didn’t sign up to be a murder. He only wanted to protect his country and so, to me it makes sense that he would refuse to do any such thing in the war. He knew what they were doing was wrong and he wouldn’t stand for it. This caused him to become useless in the war and therefore discharged.
Obviously, Olivier is the more stone hearted of the two. She is stronger in body and mind, so doing things like that in a war would not phase her as much as they did Alex. Though I don’t think she started out so tough, not for any particular reason besides the fact that people aren’t just born with hardened hearts.
Her strength of will kind of reminds me of the others who had been in the Ishvalan war. They do regret the things that they had done and wish to atone for it, but it didn’t make them any less hard hearted.
With that in mind. It makes sense to me why Olivier believes him to be a coward. It is quite cowardly to run from your duty as a soldier.
But I don’t think specifically what he did and why was cowardly. I think it was pretty brave.
Alex ran from the battlefield not necessarily to save his skin, but to save his mind. He did not allow himself to be in that war because it was not something he stood for. What he was protecting was his mind.
He was protecting himself by not giving the war the chance to change his moral code or who he was as a person, even at the cost of having to turn his back on his allies, and essentially part of his country.
Signing up to be a soldier and actually being a soldier are two very different things. Becoming a soldier is like selling your body and your soul to an organized unit that has every say over you and your autonomy. If they punish you with demoting, firing or death, you don’t have a say in it.
The fact that Alex took the initiative to save himself speaks volumes. Especially when others did not take that chance, nor did they even see it.
Of course, I don’t think it was his true intention to be discharged from the war, he only intended not to kill anyone with his bare hands because above everything, he seems to cherish humanity. And he still saw these people as humans rather than a job he may or may not complete. 
Alex is like the epitome of love for humanity, and I think that’s something that isn’t talked about a lot, and it’s also something I wish Olivier could see.
What she sees is her coward of a brother. In truth, he’s one of the bravest people for having the resolve to put himself first when he’s clearly a very selfless person.
But my question is why she doesn’t see that. I know she isn’t a shallow person in the slightest, but she seems to be looking much too surfacely on the matter. Alex, also is clearly not a coward in any sense of the word, he throws himself into situations just because he believes he can try and help, even if it isn’t a guarantee, he still tries, which you could kind of compare it to an Elric brother kind of crazy just minus the chaos. 
Well, I think I’ve rambled enough on this topic. I just had to get it out of my system really. But depending on what my mind focuses on next, you might see me talk a bit more about Fmab!
Really, the only thing making me write these little rambles is the thought coming to my head, getting on Tumblr and winging shit, connecting it as I go.
As protocol, you really shouldn’t believe anything I say, these are mostly for fun. And if this doesn’t make sense, I’m really sorry. But I’ll be opening my ask box soon so if anyone wants clarifications on anything or simply want to ask questions and bring some of this stuff to my attention, then you can feel free to say whatever you want when I’ve got it up!
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djbeatz · 2 years ago
Day 3 friends. I might actually get through this.
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djbeatz · 2 years ago
Day 2 friends.
If anyone noticed the Fmab reference, then you are a legend and I didn't mean to make that reference.
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djbeatz · 2 years ago
So yes, it's been a while. The gist of it is in the beginning notes of this fic.
As you can see, I'm gonna try and participate in the BSD Fluff week. I say try because I also have exams this week and the next week so there is no guarantee that I'll be able to do every day, but I will try.
Either way, I hope you guys enjoy this series! There'll also be a little secret within the series of fics itself. I wanna see if anyone will find out XD
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djbeatz · 2 years ago
I’m in love with this. I have nothing I want to say, so just look at this and let me die in peace (theartstyletheartstyletheartstyletheartstyletheartsylenomhelpitssoprettywtftheartstyletheartstyletheartstyle-)
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braces!dazai strikes again ! chuuya has some realizations
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