djackson190-blog · 4 years
Hi, my name is Damaya. I’m an 11th grader at Lawndale High School. Now, I’m sure you guys have heard of the Coronavirus lately. It’s been the topic of discussion for I’d say about 2 months now. In my blog, I’ll be discussing the effects of which Covid-19 has on our society today.
Alright hey guys! So, it is March 21st and earlier this morning at 12:00am, it was announced by the California Governor issues statewide lockdown for 8 weeks or more possibly. The reasoning for the lockdown is to prevent the coronavirus from spreading even more and to keep people safe. This is crazy! I don’t go back to school until May 1st (for now). I’ll update you guys more once I find out anything else about Covid 19.
What are your thoughts on the government putting the United States on lockdown? Are they doing it to protect us? Some people believe this whole thing is a hoax for something that might be happening in the future.
Do you believe the California will open in May or by the end of the year considering how bad the outbreak is?
Recently, Atlanta reopened their parks, beaches, stores, etc. This should be a good sign that COVID-19 is being controlled.
If you lived in Alanta, would you go outside right when they announced that places are reopening?
This Pandemic has affected many people and their families. Many parents have lost their jobs due to the coronavirus spread and in result have lost their homes due to bills not being paid and money not being made. Many families aren’t able to afford food because of lack of money. Not only are the parents going through hard times, but children are too. Let’s take into consideration all the children who are suffering from any mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, ptsd, etc. staying quarantined and isolated can trigger any episode or outbreak. Now that schools have shut down, these children don’t have an escape. This pandemic is affecting everyone.
Do you believe schools should reopen considering these children’s mental disorders? Do you believe parents should get their jobs back, but take safety precautions?
Often people believe the coronavirus was blown out of proportion due to the media. People say that if it weren’t for the media, we would still be outside and places would still be open. Do you believe this? In my opinion, I don’t. I believe the media is in face a good resource, without it we wouldn’t really know much about the coronavirus and it’s spread. Although I do think that the media does lie about some of the statements about how the coronavirus is spread, who it can affect, and whether there’s a cure or not, I do believe that the media also says a lot of truth about the coronavirus too.
What do you think about the media and it’s effect on society’s way of thinking?
Now, there are many lessons we can learn about this crisis. Like safety precautions. A lot of people don’t wash their hands as often as they should or don’t sneeze into their arm, sanitize shopping carts, etc. I believe after this virus dies down we should all take these same measures and stay clean. We shouldn’t just wash our hands when the coronavirus is going around and then stop once it’s over, that’s how it spreads. So remember once this is all over, please wash your hands, don’t touch your face, and STAY CLEAN.
So since I’m going through this pandemic with you all, I’ve been doing some interesting things at home to keep me occupied. I’ve been working out. We can get carried away in eating and being lazy that we lose ourselves in all of this. Working out keeps me healthy while also distracting me from all the nonsense. I’ve been doing daily stretches. Stretching allows me to get in a state of mind that calms me which helps a lot because then I’ll feel good throughout the rest of the day. Everyday I get up and shower and change into a new set of clothes because what happens when you sit at home in the same pair of clothes is you start to feel horrible and uncomfortable with yourself. When you get up and get dressed, your day feels complete and so do you. I’m not saying you have to get all dolled up, but just showering and changing into a new pair of clothes will definitely help you feel good. I’ve been taking my dogs on walks down my block and of course making sure I keep my distance from other people. Since most of the parks and beaches are closed, I still like to take my dogs on walks down the block, it also helps me get some exercise in for the day. So those are some of the things I do to help me stay productive through this time! What are some of the things you do?
COVID-19 pandemic has raised many controversy with ethnicity. Let’s discuss it! In China, they are using Africans as a test dummy to test their vaccines. I can say, I’m not surprised about this because Africans/Black people get discriminated against daily. In Africa they are also testing vaccines on Africans for the coronavirus without their consent. This is not okay. Testing someone for a vaccine without their consent is not okay. Theirs also a lot of things going on with minorities like Hispanics as well. Many Hispanics work jobs such as housekeeping, landscaping, or working jobs that require being outside and interacting with people. This means that many Hispanics have lost their jobs due to their work of working with others. This means that they’re losing money, losing their jobs, and losing their homes.
This Pandemic is one of the most historical moments in history and one of the worst. This pandemic is worse than the 1918 flu.
What caused this virus was from an animal being consumed in China that had the coronavirus. It the. Spread to humans throughout China. The market that was selling these animals was then shut down. The Covid-19 virus killed thousands of people in China. Since people like to travel. Many people with the virus who didn’t know they had it would travel from China to the U.S. and back, contracting the virus to the United States and vice versa. The affect this virus had on the entire world is that it caused many people to get sick or even die and caused the United States to go on lockdown for months.
I would like to recommend anyone who is going through this pandmenic to stick together with your families. Be sure to do things to keep you occupied such as painting, working out, meditating, etc.
I will also like to add in the Donald Trump recently advised people to inject Lysol and bleach into our system…all I have to say is don’t do it! Please.
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djackson190-blog · 5 years
Hi, my name is Damaya. I’m an 11th grader at Lawndale High School. Now, I’m sure you guys have heard of the Coronavirus lately. It’s been the topic of discussion for I’d say about 2 months now. In my blog, I’ll be discussing the effects of which Covid-19 has on our society today.
Alright hey guys! So, it is March 21st and earlier this morning at 12:00am, it was announced by the California Governor issues statewide lockdown for 8 weeks or more possibly. The reasoning for the lockdown is to prevent the coronavirus from spreading even more and to keep people safe. This is crazy! I don’t go back to school until May 1st (for now). I’ll update you guys more once I find out anything else about Covid 19.
What are your thoughts on the government putting the United States on lockdown? Are they doing it to protect us? Some people believe this whole thing is a hoax for something that might be happening in the future.
Do you believe the California will open in May or by the end of the year considering how bad the outbreak is?
Recently, Atlanta reopened their parks, beaches, stores, etc. This should be a good sign that COVID-19 is being controlled.
If you lived in Alanta, would you go outside right when they announced that places are reopening?
This Pandemic has affected many people and their families. Many parents have lost their jobs due to the coronavirus spread and in result have lost their homes due to bills not being paid and money not being made. Many families aren’t able to afford food because of lack of money. Not only are the parents going through hard times, but children are too. Let’s take into consideration all the children who are suffering from any mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, ptsd, etc. staying quarantined and isolated can trigger any episode or outbreak. Now that schools have shut down, these children don’t have an escape. This pandemic is affecting everyone.
Do you believe schools should reopen considering these children’s mental disorders? Do you believe parents should get their jobs back, but take safety precautions?
Often people believe the coronavirus was blown out of proportion due to the media. People say that if it weren’t for the media, we would still be outside and places would still be open. Do you believe this? In my opinion, I don’t. I believe the media is in face a good resource, without it we wouldn’t really know much about the coronavirus and it’s spread. Although I do think that the media does lie about some of the statements about how the coronavirus is spread, who it can affect, and whether there’s a cure or not, I do believe that the media also says a lot of truth about the coronavirus too.
What do you think about the media and it’s effect on society’s way of thinking?
Now, there are many lessons we can learn about this crisis. Like safety precautions. A lot of people don’t wash their hands as often as they should or don’t sneeze into their arm, sanitize shopping carts, etc. I believe after this virus dies down we should all take these same measures and stay clean. We shouldn’t just wash our hands when the coronavirus is going around and then stop once it’s over, that’s how it spreads. So remember once this is all over, please wash your hands, don’t touch your face, and STAY CLEAN.
So since I’m going through this pandemic with you all, I’ve been doing some interesting things at home to keep me occupied. I’ve been working out. We can get carried away in eating and being lazy that we lose ourselves in all of this. Working out keeps me healthy while also distracting me from all the nonsense. I’ve been doing daily stretches. Stretching allows me to get in a state of mind that calms me which helps a lot because then I’ll feel good throughout the rest of the day. Everyday I get up and shower and change into a new set of clothes because what happens when you sit at home in the same pair of clothes is you start to feel horrible and uncomfortable with yourself. When you get up and get dressed, your day feels complete and so do you. I’m not saying you have to get all dolled up, but just showering and changing into a new pair of clothes will definitely help you feel good. I’ve been taking my dogs on walks down my block and of course making sure I keep my distance from other people. Since most of the parks and beaches are closed, I still like to take my dogs on walks down the block, it also helps me get some exercise in for the day. So those are some of the things I do to help me stay productive through this time! What are some of the things you do?
COVID-19 pandemic has raised many controversy with ethnicity. Let’s discuss it! In China, they are using Africans as a test dummy to test their vaccines. I can say, I’m not surprised about this because Africans/Black people get discriminated against daily. In Africa they are also testing vaccines on Africans for the coronavirus without their consent. This is not okay. Testing someone for a vaccine without their consent is not okay. Theirs also a lot of things going on with minorities like Hispanics as well. Many Hispanics work jobs such as housekeeping, landscaping, or working jobs that require being outside and interacting with people. This means that many Hispanics have lost their jobs due to their work of working with others. This means that they’re losing money, losing their jobs, and losing their homes.
This Pandemic is one of the most historical moments in history and one of the worst. This pandemic is worse than the 1918 flu.
What caused this virus was from an animal being consumed in China that had the coronavirus. It the. Spread to humans throughout China. The market that was selling these animals was then shut down. The Covid-19 virus killed thousands of people in China. Since people like to travel. Many people with the virus who didn’t know they had it would travel from China to the U.S. and back, contracting the virus to the United States and vice versa. The affect this virus had on the entire world is that it caused many people to get sick or even die and caused the United States to go on lockdown for months.
I would like to recommend anyone who is going through this pandmenic to stick together with your families. Be sure to do things to keep you occupied such as painting, working out, meditating, etc.
I will also like to add in the Donald Trump recently advised people to inject Lysol and bleach into our system...all I have to say is don’t do it! Please.
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