Name: Daisy Holly Dukes Birthday: 28th April 2001 (20) Pronouns: She/Her Nationality: Canadian/American Study Field: Dance House: TBA
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“I completely agree with you. The team would fall apart without the guys on it too.” She replied to Nicky’s rant. Her being in dance all her life, she saw a lot of prejudice on guys who liked to dance and the same went for cheerleading. “I’ll take a drink though. What are you in the mood for?”
“there’s a stigma we need to talk about.” expression was weirdly serious seeing as nicky was rarely serious, normally a bursting ball of energy. he crosses his legs in a dramatic fashion, eyes catching the other’s gaze, “’guys” cheerleading.” he purposefully put quotation marks around the guys because he wasn’t completely a guy. “all cheerleaders are hot. including me. and also cheerleading doesn’t need a gender. god, we should just get rid of all gendered sports, period!” nicky huffed, calming down from his rant, “okay now that i got that off my chest, wanna get drunk with me?”
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Daisy was walking over to Drew and noticed him smiling at different people around. “People watching? I don’t think I’ve ever people watched before. I mean, obviously watching people on TV but they’re meant to be watched I think.” She told him before sitting down next to him. “I’m good, how are you, Drew?”
OPEN STARTER - @egustarters LOCATION - anywhere on campus besties
Without his sunglasses to hide the fact that he was absolutely staring at people where he was sitting, it was becoming slightly awkward how many times he had to smile and wave at someone he barely knew. “Oh, thank goodness for a friendly face. People watching never feels creepy when I have my sunglasses on but without it I’m like, that weird guy making prolonged eye contact with strangers.” He laughed at the friend who came up and sat with him. “How are you? Gosh it’s such a nice day out isn’t it?”
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starter: open @egustarters // location: pier 39
it’s a chilly night. maverick buttons up his wool peacoat and tucks his shoulders up, his university scarf shifting over his mouth and nose. it’s obvious when he spots you. his eyes crinkle at the corners to show he’s smiling, and the next words come out muffled but warm when he asks, “guess who nabbed one of the last boats?”
there’s a key hooked around the middle finger of his right hand. it jangles when he holds it up to show off. “wanna head out to treasure island? their flea market’s open tonight.”
Daisy was mostly out for a walk which led her to the pier. She needed to get rid of some energy and walking was always a good way to do it. She recognised Maverick up ahead, even with his scarf on and smiled back to him. “Treasure Island? Sounds like an adventure. I’m down.”
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“uh huh.” eric hummed before rolling his eyes playfully. he followed her lead by packing his things up before slinging his bag over one shoulder. “where are we going to go get these study break snacks that you are just so desperately craving?” he teased with a smile on his face.
Daisy double checked that she had everything before starting to walk them out of the library. “There’s the Bean Machine if you want to travel out for it. If not, we can go to one of the coffee carts on campus. I think they have some snacks too.”
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Daisy was sat on the couch with her drink to take a minute. She only just heard the other girl mumbled something but fully turned her attention to her when she spoke directly to Daisy. “If I said I believe you, would that make you feel better?” She asked. “You, er, you don’t look like you’re having that much fun... are you okay?”
starter: open
location: house party/greek party
rosemary tried to out out (really, she did). however after only 47 minutes (exactly, she counted), she found herself on the corner of the couch in the middle of a party. she was not the type of girl to let loose and throw away her inhibitions for the night, as much as she wanted to be. her roommate had done her makeup but now it felt too heavy on her face. did she look silly? she leaned back, attempting to look relaxed in an unfamiliar territory. “i’m chill..totally chill…cool…” she murmured to herself. seeing a person besides her, she licked her lips and butted into their conversation. “uh, cool party, right? i’m having, like, the best time right now.”
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Daisy knew she’d taken a seat next to the sleeping guy but figured it was probably a funnier way to spend her classroom time. When she noticed him start to stir from his sleep, she smiled and looked to him as he spoke quietly. “History of dance. It’s quarter to two.” She answered quietly.
location: lecture open to : everyone
one minute the lecturer’s voice was swaying into teddy’s ear with something about the structure of papers and the next he was knocked out in the back of the hall. he doesn’t recall when exactly he fell asleep, but when he heard ‘anyone have questions ? ‘ from the front of the room, his head jolted up. he used the sleeve of his hoodie to wipe the side of his mouth as he woke up from his slumber. his eyes were still adjusting to the room lights when he nudged the person sitting next to them. ‘ what class is this ? ’, his voice slightly raspy. ‘ and what’s the time ? ’
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Daisy was walking down the path with her headphones in, trying to get the music in her head for a new dance she was working on for class. She’d call it studying but not really. Well, that was until a body collided straight in to her back making her fall to the ground. “Oh fuck!” She cursed, when suddenly there was a guy asking her if she was okay and not hurt. “I, don’t think I’m hurt?” She was more in shock than anything, having not expected it and it seemed to happen so fast. She took his hand and pulled up up to her feet. “Yeah, I think I’m okay.” Sure her body hurt a little and she probably scraped her leg on the floor but she didn’t feel like it was anything worse than a scratch.
open starter for @egustarters
the best way to get around campus, at least for theo, was to ride his skateboard. yes, he knew that not a lot of people did that anymore, especially since they weren’t in high school anymore, but it worked for theo and he was going to keep doing it for as long as he could actually do it. he was just on his way to his class, after deciding it would be for the best if he actually went to them instead of staying in his room or doing something else. he was standing on top of his skateboard, occasionally looking around to see who was around him and being as clumsy as he was, of course he had to crash right into someone, which made him fell over. as he quickly stood up from the floor and grabbed his board, he considered running away for a few moments, but then again, everyone seemed to be staring. as he looked down at the person who he had crashed into, theo looked over at them as he started helping the. “dude, dude, are you okay? i didn’t hurt you, right? you didn’t break anything, right? you’re good, you’re good.” he said, as he ran his hand through his hair as he looked at the person, helping them up.
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This was the third time this week she’d tried to come to the library and study. The first day, she got bored within 20 minutes and left to get a snack and simply never returned. The second time, she saw someone she knew and ended up talking to them most of the time. This was her third day and she was determined to do some work. Daisy hadn’t actually noticed James in himself but rather the collection of toys which she promptly had to walk away from before she found herself getting distracted. She just set up her books and stationary how she wanted them when James stood at the side of the table. Instantly, she knew she was going to get entirely distracted and yet, she was giving in to it straight away.
“You are the devil right now, James...” She sighed, taking the bear when he handed it out to her. “...but I’m here for it.” Daisy smiled to him before looking over the bear. “Yeah, I’m good, how are you? What’s with the toy table?”
starter: open @egustarters // location: library
james typically liked to consider himself a rather giving man…and a man that had to build up his resume. so, it was no surprise that he found himself stuck behind the tabling of a toy drive taking place in the lobby of the library. he had been sitting there, feet up on the side of the table, fidget spinner spinning in his hand as he desperately attempted to pass the time. his eyes naturally shot up every time he heard the door open; his parents had always said he was one to be a little bit too nosey. seeing that it was someone he immediately recognized, he gave them a warm smile before noticing how quickly they practically ran off. maybe they just weren’t in the mood? or maybe they were only there to actually do what the quiet, dreadful place was created for them to do…study?
still, james wasn’t one to go unnoticed. putting the fidget spinner back down, he grabbed a random teddy bear that were in one of the boxes and quickly sat up. his confidence had always been very much apparent in the way he walked; put together and his head held high. some people would probably even say it was something along the lines of walking with purpose. too bad the only purpose he had in that moment was to be annoying. he began to tread carefully as he grew closer to the other person, the last thing he wanted was to be snapped at. the man held the teddy bear in front of him, using it as a shield. “hi buddy! my name is mr. cuddles, and james and i come in peace…looks like you could use a stress bear.” he spoke in a mocking, high pitched voice, using the arm of the stuffed animal to wave at the other. sitting down, he simply just handed the bear over to the other. “you good?”
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As he flipped through the pages of the book on pattern making, Phoenix tried to actively listen to Daisy as well. “I think I’ll be done in ten minutes.” His soft fingers tapped across the screen quickly, adding more notes to the page. “Chocolate coffee. I think that’s a thing? Chocolate flavoured coffee however… You know I’m not exactly the best person to discuss this with since I’m not a coffee guy. I’m good with tea though.” He turned his head slightly so he could show her that cheeky grin of his. “What else do you like, Daisy? Besides coffee and chocolate.” Phoenix threw her a question out of curiosity, just to keep her occupied while she waited. Phoenix did feel bad for making her sit through for him after all.
Daisy nodded, accepting she might have to wait just a little while longer before they can leave the library, leaning back in to her seat a little. “Tea is a bedtime drink if I ever have it. I don’t think I ever have it during the day. Most might be a lemony tea whenever I have a sore throat.” She rambled for no particular reason. “Oh, I mean, I love dancing which is kinda obvious by my major. I’ve kinda spent my whole life dancing so that’s the biggest thing. In terms of general things, I love dogs. I always wanted a dog growing up but I travelled too much to have a dog. Erm, I like singing and just talking, I mean obviously. I talk too much.” At least she was aware of her ramblings.
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hearing the sound of pencils scribbling against paper as the two of them took ( or attempted to take , in his case ) notes was beginning to drive roman crazy. ”we should ,” he answered , perhaps a little too quickly. his pencil dropped onto his notebook , “i don’t know how people do this. we’re supposed to sit here and read a bunch of words for hours and professors expect us to remember it all? there’s no way that’s happening.” getting up and stretching his legs sounded like a fantastic idea. and adding caffeine on top of it? brilliant. brilliant and probably the smartest thing daisy had suggest this whole time. “drop the book we’re going on a coffee run.”
A smile very quickly grew when he responded so quickly to her offer to procrastinate. Clearly neither of them were the good influence in this. “See, this is why I picked a physical major so I could be graded on how I move, not how I remember stuff!” She responded like it was the smartest thing she ever did. “Then very occasionally I have to study and I start questioning all my life decisions.” Daisy complained as she packed away her study materials in to her bag.
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eric chuckled softly as he raised an eyebrow, hearing the blonde’s defence before humming out an ‘uh huh’. before eric could get back to his work, he just caught daisy’s eyes. eric sighed softly as he leaned back in his seat. “why do i get the feeling you’re not really gonna give this chocolate snack thing a rest?” he joked, giving her a soft smile. “sure, i guess i was a bit hungry anyways.”
“Probably because I won’t give it a rest...” Daisy half-joked back teasingly with a grin on her lips. When he finally agreed to getting some food with her, she smiled wider and started to pack her stuff away. “You’re the best, Eric!”
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cgonzalezbeauty: 🏹S A B R I N A💖 
Beautiful @sabrinacarpenter #NYFW @carolinaherrera @wesgordon
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