Spiritual Truths
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Exploring & Applying Divine Ancient Truths In A Modern World
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divineancienttruths-blog · 7 years ago
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Still your mind intellectually and emotionally of all thoughts. In letting go of all perceptions one will enter into their Original State of Being. In this state, one does not need to know anything. One just is. Be and rest in the Is-ness, the Being-ness of existence. There you will find God and there all perceptions will vanish. #originalstateofbeing #god #christconsciousness #mind #thoughts #feelings #letgo #comehome
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divineancienttruths-blog · 7 years ago
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Jesus. A name both loved and hated. I can understand why. Many have used his name to justify hate and perpetual fear. And many have transformed into the likeness of his. The role of Jesus, whether he existed or not, was to show & point to us how we, too, can enter into the Kingdom of God. If you believe it to be fiction, then invest into his story as much as you would your favourite novel, movie, or TV show. Even that devotion will begin to ignite a fire within your soul. If you believe that he was real, the invest into his story as much as you would with a loved one. Even that devotion will begin to ignite a fire within your soul. Either way, once the fire of grace is ignited, it will continue to burn until there is nothing left of you but a vessel for the Divine to dwell in. There you will finally meet Jesus and all questions will cease to exist. And there you will find that you've entered into the Kingdom of Heaven. #jesus #christian #christ #kingdomofheaven #spirituality #awake #enlightenment #devotion #selfrealization
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divineancienttruths-blog · 7 years ago
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No one would ever think that by becoming empty of the noise of personhood, you could be so totally fulfilled, so totally content, so totally happy... so free! #mooji #freedom #originalstateofbeing #enlightenment #spirituality #emptiness #happiness #content #love #awake
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divineancienttruths-blog · 7 years ago
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Self realization can only come from within. Books, religions, teachings and such things are necessary up to a point, but eventually one must put those things aside, quiet the mind, and listen to the voice of your soul. There you will find the Truth that you are one with God, one with all beings, and that the life you thought you had is all a projection of your mind. #spirituality #onewithgod #christconsciouness #rumi #truth #soul #selfrealization #enlightenment #awake
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divineancienttruths-blog · 7 years ago
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The only thing that changed for Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden was the thought of separation from God. Eating the fruit didn't change the reality of Paradise, their perception of who they were, and where they were, changed. In eating the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve opened the gate to the thought of separation. When in reality, nothing changed. The same holds true for us today. #oneness #adamandeve #gardenofeden #god #reality #noseparation #spirituality #enlightenment #awake #paradise #bliss #heaven #kingdomofgod
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divineancienttruths-blog · 7 years ago
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Nothing to change. Nothing to heal. Nothing to become. You are complete and whole. #spirituality #complete #whole #enlightenment #originalstateofbeing #mooji
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divineancienttruths-blog · 7 years ago
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Our ultimate destiny is liberation. It's inevitable. Rebirth is love and grace, for it gives us another chance to come home to our Self, our Original State of Being. Once we've merged with the Divine in our human incarnation, our souls will be liberated at the time of the physical death, never having to return to earth for we've mastered it. #selfmastery #reincarnation #universallaws #christconsciousness #originalstateofbeing #enlightenment #wisdom #spirituality
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divineancienttruths-blog · 7 years ago
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Fix your eyes and heart on God. Empty the mind of all fruitless thinking and establish yourself in God. Doing so, one will enter into the kingdom of God, living in perfect harmony with All. Do not attach yourself to anything of this world. All things which come and go have no value to you. Only that which Is is worth your attention. And that which Is is God. Rest here and all that you seek becomes the fruit of your own Being. #kingdomofgod #god #consciousness #spirituality #christconsciousness #bhagavadgita
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divineancienttruths-blog · 7 years ago
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The kingdom of God is within you. All that you seek is in your heart. Look! Observe and discover the beauty of God within your being. Seek not outside of yourself. Silence the mind, enter with your heart. You will discover everything that Jesus pointed to. #kingdomofgod #jesus #bible #heart #christianity #within #christconsciousness
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divineancienttruths-blog · 7 years ago
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The very essence that you are is of God. We can also call God Spirit, Awareness, Consciousness, Creator etc. There are many names for God yet these are only names which do not begin to accurately describe that which Is. When we awaken to that which we are, that which everything and everyone is, we see that there is only God. How beautiful, how magnificent God is. There is only Pure Spirit, Pure Awareness... only God! This realization will change and challenge everything you thought to be true and bring you into the only Truth. And in this, all suffering ends and we see that we have never been separate from God. Heaven is here, now! #god #consciousness #awareness #endofsuffering #freedom #awake #bliss #heaven #spirituality #enlightenment
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divineancienttruths-blog · 7 years ago
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The instant you realize the Unchanging, you are free! #mooji #freedom #liberation #enlightenment #originalstateofbeing #christconsciousness
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divineancienttruths-blog · 7 years ago
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When one has come to truly understand God and Its unfailing love and grace, nothing can disturb the peace within. God is all of life, the good and the bad, and you are life itself. God cares for all of Its creation, always providing, giving you everything you need. That includes the perceived bad events, for those events are infused with Love. In full trust and surrender one embodies a peace that surpasses all understanding. #peace #love #god #spirituality #trust #faith
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divineancienttruths-blog · 7 years ago
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When we perceive the world personally, suffering, death, pain, sorrow etc.. all these things don't make sense. After all, how could an all loving God allow beings to suffer. However, when we see the world as One, we come to know that through death new life is born. Through suffering, light shines forth. Through pain, kindness is exchanged. Through hate, love arises. As time passes that which we are, collectively as One, is increasing in awareness. We are experiencing a rise in Consciousness. When we choose love over fear we are we are aiding others to do the same, raising the level of the one Consciousness which we call God. This is what it means when the Bible says he will give us beauty for ashes. #suffering #pain #beauty #consciousness #god #enlightenment #spirituality #originalstateofbeing #collectiveconsciousness
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divineancienttruths-blog · 7 years ago
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Collectively, beyond the world, God is. #god #consciousness #enlightenment #awake #all #oneness #faith #spirituality
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divineancienttruths-blog · 7 years ago
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The good work which is to be completed in each of us is coming back to our Original State of Being, igniting the Christ Consciousness with us. When this happens, we have been born again, made new, and the work of God is complete in us. Many lifetimes we have lived separate from our Divine inheritance, the State of Being whose fruit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self control. This work is inevitable and is the destiny of all beings. Why prolong the process? Come home to your Self, the Christ within. This is the Great Invitation! #enlightenment #christconsciousness #bible #christ #originalstateofbeing #awake #newbirth #divineinheritance
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divineancienttruths-blog · 8 years ago
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The spiritual journey is an inward journey, back to our original state of Being. When we turn inward, a beautiful dance with the Cosmos comes alive. We see that all that is is what we are. One with God. One with all. #oneness #originalstateofbeing #enlightenment #awake #god #christconsciousness
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divineancienttruths-blog · 8 years ago
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In silence, Wisdom speaks. #bestillandknow #wisdom #silence #god #enlightenment #peace #selfrealization
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