divine-nines · 12 days
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Statue of Dibella
Concept art for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Art by Ray Lederer
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divine-nines · 3 months
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"Amulet of Dibella"
Concept art for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Art by Ray Lederer
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divine-nines · 3 months
dibella is actually the patron of trans people because i said so and her temples are shelters for trans kids needing a safe space to experiment or otherwise need a place to stay
i have a dibellan priestess oc that uses illusion magic to help people figure themselves out and how they want to present and to give them a respite from any dysphoria they may feel
the knights of the order of the lily, dibella's knightly order, are protectors of trans people you cant change my mind <3
her sacred animal is literally the moth like thats so trans. transforming to change into something gorgeous and important? sooo trans
dibella thinks trans people are beautiful and lovely!
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divine-nines · 3 months
Elder Scrolls Calendar
TES Week Day - Real Life Week Day
Morndas - Monday
Tirdas - Tuesday
Middas - Wednesday
Turdas - Thursday
Fredas - Friday
Loredas - Saturday
Sundas - Sunday
TES Month - Real Life Month - Birthstone
Morning Star - January - The Ritual
Sun’s Dawn - February - The Lover
First Seed - March - The Lord
Rain’s Hand - April - The Mage
Second Seed - May - The Shadow
Midyear - June - The Steed
Sun’s Height - July - The Apprentice
Last Seed - August - The Warrior
Heartfire/Hearthfire - September - The Lady
Frostfall - October - The Tower
Sun’s Dusk - November - The Atronach
Evening Star - December - The Thief
As of Skyrim and Oblivion, the number of days in each month is the same as the Gregorian calendar, leap years included.
The Serpent sign possibly corresponds to that of the unused 13th sign of ‘Ophiuchus’ in astrology/the Zodiac.
The months ‘Midyear’, ‘Heartfire/Hearthfire’ and ‘Frostfall’ can be spelled with or without a space, both spellings are correct.
The calendars used in Arena and Daggerfall are entirely different. Morrowind’s is pretty much the same, besides Sun’s Dusk and Frostfall having swapped number of days, and the negligence of Morning Star (this was possibly a mistake made during the game’s production).
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divine-nines · 5 months
Would it be okay to worship a God or goddess from a video game? Like if I wanted to worship Diabella or Mara from skyrim or would that be too silly?
I’ve known people who do that, pop culture paganism is a thing. I’d always say proceed with caution when worshipping anything that is owned by a corporation for obvious reasons, but it’s definitely a thing people do and it’s up to you whether it’s “too silly” or not for your personal practice and personal philosophy about how this all works
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divine-nines · 9 months
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Six of Swords. Art by Kayanna Nelson, from The Stitcher’s Tarot.
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divine-nines · 9 months
I’m tired of hearing “you’re not actually experiencing the Gods if you don’t experience them this way”.
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divine-nines · 11 months
Reminder if you find it difficult to pray you can literally just talk to your deities they'd appreciate it. I do it a lot especially with nyx who I talk to every night about my day it can really be as simple as that and it's therapeutic
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divine-nines · 11 months
Witch Tip #5
95% of the time, you do not need a massive list of every plant ever alongside a list of buzzword correspondences. You can get by in most things with five or six well-selected, easily-accessible local plants and herbs that you know intimately and spend the time learnng about in-depth. 
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divine-nines · 1 year
Pop Culture Witchcraft and the Importance of Being Cringe
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Cringe has become a bit a loaded word nowadays, being at first a word to describe feelings of second-hand embarrassment, arguably from failings to impress others or to raise one's social capital. Think for example failed motorsports stunts, falling into pools with a tray full of fruity drinks or even worse; someone trying to impress a crush by molding themselves into someone they only think the other party would like via baseless assumptions. Your body recoils, seeing a dirt biker tumble down the course. Your stomach sinks, watching someone plunge into the shallow end of the water. You squirm watching someone try to convince their crush to go out with the facade they made. That I would describe as "empathetic cringe"; a reaction based on witnessing something you do not wish upon yourself like physical harm or embarrassment.
The modern definition of cringe however, is a different beast entirely.
Using the Urban Dictionary meaning as defined by user Screech McGee, "Before the internet trolls changed the meaning of this word, "cringe" was a verb used to express embarrassment or disgust. Now, this word is mostly used to define something that you dislike or do not understand. Internet trolls use this word as an insult towards people in fandoms, with bad grammar, or both combined. Trolls also use this word to describe memes on some occasions."
Doing a quick search on YouTube or Tiktok for "cringe" gives you an array of oddities to the average eye; people dressed in rainbow-colored wolf fursuits, teens expressing their love and attachment for their favorite anime character, or perhaps someone outwardly displaying behaviors considered aneurotypical. They fall outside societal norms and standards of behavior. They aren't perceived as "normal or acceptable" to the standards set by white-cis-het-able bodied-neurotypical persons and communities.
But in it, the furries, the fandom-lovers, and even the "neurospicys" are harming none. They're doing what they want.
Sounds kinda familiar doesn't it?
Lets loop around to what you're probably reading this rant for; the witchy reasons.
Witchcraft as a practice, is already an outsider to most societies, especially to those predominated shaped by Protestant Christian beliefs. It's already something outside the norms. Even back during the hey-day of reality tv shows like Wife Swap, those who weren't considered Christian or followed more "earth-based" religions and lifestyles were presented as the butt of the joke. And while witchcraft and non-Christian beliefs as a whole have becoming more popular nowadays, it's still considered something outside the norm or in the minority of persons identifying themselves as witches and pagans voluntarily.
So we're already ticking one "cringe" box according to societal norms
Chaos Magic as a whole is based on using belief as a tool or as a fuel source to workings to enact change or bring it about to oneself or to the environment around them as a whole. Hence the whole "nothing is true, everything is permitted" thing in that there's no one strict set of rules to make something work.
Pop Culture Witchcraft and Pop Culture Paganism deriving from chaos magic, while with several theories as to how it works, the crux is in "belief", in energy fueled into something or even someone.
Going off the egregoric model, egregores are formed and fed by the energy (ie: belief) fueled into them. This is where fandom comes into play. Fandom is fueled by passion, by love, by admiration, by forming community around shared likes, interests, or even dislikes. Fandoms are funnels for that collective energy, passion, creativity, etc.
And to some, pouring in so much joy, passion, fervor, and creativity can be seen as something out of their grasp of understanding; something that they're the outsider to and not the main target audience of. It's "not made for them". Therefore it's deemed as "cringe" underneath that definition.
But why deprive oneself of joy just for the approval of others?
Why force oneself to conform to arbitrary rules and norms?
As long as your joys and passions affect only yourself and do not harm others directly, why shield it from view?
To get the most out of a pop culture practice, it's good to have it based on what you're passionate about; what you're well-versed in. What gives you that fuel or belief. What brings you joy and makes you want to pursue things even further.
So be cringe, be passionate, be able to go on a dang unprompted 20minute rant about the lore to your favorite failed RPG series. Be able to show a whole dang portfolio of your self-insert smooching your favorite character on the cheek. Be absolutely, unapologetically passionate about something and see what happens. See what happens when you drop the worries of how others perceive you.
So stay safe, have fun, be cringe, be free, stay spooky.
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divine-nines · 1 year
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Elder Scrolls Online 6/?:
Vivec’s Antlers; Coral Heart Chamber
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divine-nines · 1 year
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The Rift
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divine-nines · 1 year
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My love for this game runs incredibly deep and words can’t express how Skyrim skies make me feel. These are some of my favorites.
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divine-nines · 1 year
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made a skyrim moodboard because I just really love this game
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divine-nines · 1 year
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TESV: Skyrim
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divine-nines · 1 year
I love you silly witchcraft. I love you pop culture deities. I love you arts and crafts magic. I love you action figures on altars. I love you reconnecting with childhood wonder in magic. I love you getting weird with magic. I love you cringe magic.
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divine-nines · 1 year
Ayo, please reblog for sample size and all that :]
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