disulta · 7 months
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𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞 🗣️ 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐪𝐮𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞. @disulta
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disulta · 9 months
i really need to do a proper rewatch and write up lizzie's canon divergencies
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disulta · 9 months
from critical role's the mighty nein episodes 34-71. feel free to change prompts as you see fit!
❝do they know you?❞
❝do they check weapons at the door, or anything like that?❞
❝i want to see how strong you’ve gotten.❞
❝well, how do i look?❞
❝i like myself just the way i am.❞
❝call this your home so long as you’d like to stay.❞
❝do you still love them?❞
❝love is a funny thing.❞
❝can you recommend any bookstores here?❞
❝hey, crime boss, are you my dad?❞
❝i don’t want people to know i’m still alive.❞
❝you’re asking a lot of questions for a person i just met.❞
❝i think you could snap me like a twig.❞
❝i think, perhaps, it’s destiny. do you believe in destiny?❞
❝i don’t have any dreams at night. is that worrisome?❞
❝it is funny how you keep showing up like a bad penny.❞
❝please don’t kill me.❞
❝i didn’t expect you to come in here and slaughter my contacts.❞
❝who were you supposed to deliver this to?❞
❝you’re not afraid of dying, are you?❞
❝is life always this directionless?❞
❝sometimes the things that are the most beautiful are the things that can hurt you the worst.❞
❝out of idle curiosity why have you been trying to butter me up?❞
❝i thought i had you figured out.❞
❝we’re about to be boarded by fucking pirates.❞
❝i am trying to process this as quickly as i can.❞
❝is there food in this bitch?❞
❝do you want to control the sea?❞
❝how many dudes you think you killed?❞
❝how many fingers am i holding up?❞
❝get out of there!❞
❝these days i’ve spent with you are the most exciting of my entire life.❞
❝this was the worst day of my life.❞
❝i’m getting used to the idea that this wouldn’t be a test if it was easy.❞
❝i think the world is shaping you into something important and i want to make sure that you get to wherever you need to be.❞
❝okay, i feel like shit, so i’m going to bed.❞
❝what was your first kiss like?❞
❝don’t fire on them unless they fire on us, you understand?❞
❝sometimes you can be nice to people too.❞
❝you better be sure this is something you want to die for.❞
❝if you’re lying to me, i’ll slit your throat.❞
❝pleasure to meet you. i have the feeling you’re having a really bad day.❞
❝just keep your mouth shut for like 30 damn seconds.❞
❝this is very dangerous to give to you, but you’re the perfect person to have it.❞
❝i was born to be a cannoneer.❞
❝have you ever sacrificed anything in order to achieve a greater goal?❞
❝i was alone for a long time and ran from everything.❞
❝i feel like a fool much of the time.❞
❝i could fill a book with what i don’t know.❞
❝what if we can never go home?❞
❝this is the best plan we’ve ever had!❞
❝i’m going to summon a demon.❞
❝no, really! she was a really bad person before we killed her and everyone on the boat!❞
❝i’m not an asshole. i’m asshole adjacent.❞
❝of course it’s minimalizing. have you met me? everything i do is minimizing.❞
❝do you ever feel like your relationship with your cat is hindering building stronger relationships with human people?❞
❝i understand when i’m being condescended to! even when i’m drunk!❞
❝hey. sorry for being a dick. bye.❞
❝i go where the wind goes.❞
❝yeah, i’m not a happy guy.❞
❝that’s what we do, we seek out active doom.❞
❝to be perfectly honest, yes, there were quite a few people chasing me.❞
❝best not to call attention.❞
❝i will so gladly introduce you to my cat because i’m very fond of him and love for people to meet him.❞
❝we’re running! it’s bad!❞
❝it was nice to meet you and nearly die next to you.❞
❝i’ve always heard that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, but i feel pretty fucking weak right now.❞
❝i think i oddly feel the most comfortable when things are a fraction away from going terribly wrong.❞
❝my mother was a big believer in the buddy system.❞
❝got to be careful with what risks you take, but without risks, you’re never going to get what you want.❞
❝in my loneliness i just turned to anger.❞
❝sometimes you’re running towards something so fast that you can’t remember why you’re running in the first place.❞
❝i get nervous to get close to people because i feel like i lose them.❞
❝i’m either very unlucky or cursed, and i don’t believe in luck.❞
❝don’t forget me. i won’t forget you.❞
❝if you hear the signal, run. you remember the signal? it’s ‘AHHHHHHH'❞
❝don’t turn evil, okay? but if you do, i’ll still be your friend. i mean, it’s okay. you know, some people are evil. it’s okay. just don’t turn evil to me.❞
❝sometimes it sounds like you don’t have much love for home.❞
❝we need to know the ones we love.❞
❝i guess it’s easier to pretend like you don’t care.❞
❝you would do anything for love.❞
❝i would protect you.❞
❝do we look like tourists?❞
❝that could have gone much worse.❞
❝why does it feel like everyone here is hitting on me, but also insulting me at the same time?❞
❝what? why are you looking at me like that?❞
❝i operate alone. that’s how i survived this long.❞
❝i’m a danger to you by proximity, as much as you are a danger to me.❞
❝how was i supposed to get better? you fucking left!❞
❝now, i see great possibility in you. you have potential. but you need to listen to me and think before you act.❞
❝your rash, intense behavior will be your downfall.❞
❝no one has to see what you’re doing is good, as long as it is good.❞
❝i do not do this for accolades. i do this because i serve the purpose to provide a better world for those who. cannot defend themselves.❞
❝i can’t tell your morning voice apart from your just-almost-died voice.❞
❝if you ask, the worst they can do is say no, and throw you in prison, and you’ll never see your family again.❞
❝we are exiles in every sense of the word.❞
❝you made the right call. i’m very proud of you.❞
❝what would you have done differently?❞
❝for the first time in a really long time, i feel hopeful.❞
❝now that i’m with you, i don’t know how i could be apart from you.❞
❝oh boy, i don’t understand anything that’s going on.❞
❝i trust your heart. it’s in a good place.❞
❝i think you might be wrong. i can’t say it with 100% certainty, but you might be.❞
❝i had a very bad dream.❞
❝i think i’ve done something very bad and i don’t remember.❞
❝have i done something terrible?❞
❝i am talking to you as one accomplished liar to another.❞
❝this is our family now and we are looking out for eachother.❞
❝we can remake ourselves into something better.❞
❝those things were fucking scary as fuck!❞
❝it’s a tomb with an exit. that’s the worst kind.❞
❝maybe we shouldn’t go in. let’s just go back.❞
❝i know you lost your family. we can be your new one.❞
❝i’m just doing my best.❞
❝i’ve never seen you get scared.❞
❝are you feeling scared? you should. this is terrifying.❞
❝try what you want. you won’t break me.❞
❝your life hangs by a thread. what have you to lose?❞
❝some of us get tired of macabre fairytales. so you enjoy your mouthful of lies when they choke it out of you.❞
❝we’re being sneaky! stop talking so loud!❞
❝i’m confused. do you want me to stay or not?❞
❝is this conversation appropriate to have in a hot tub?❞
❝it’s been really hard trying to figure out who’s just a traitor and who’s an actual demon.❞
❝all i can give you is my loyalty.❞
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disulta · 9 months
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WLWSOURCE PRIDE EVENT ♡ favorite non-canon ship we’re in this til the bitter end — HIZZIE (text insp.)
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disulta · 9 months
@hcpemikaelscn x
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Hope’s hand stops just above the doorknob.      ❝ Lizzie … ❞       the name falls off her lips sounding like a prayer at this point.  Hope turns on her heels to look at the other when they mention being unable to sleep.       ❝ I -  ❞       this is the moment where Hope could just walk away.  Could go lay in her bed until the night turns into early morning but she can’t.
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❝ Have you ever been to a drive in diner at around midnight ? ❞ It is an idea that pops into her head the longer that she stares at the blonde unable to find words to tell the other to just go to bed.  They had a long day of dealing with the quarter’s unrest and problems that always seem to pop up.  Lizzie had to be well rested as Hope doesn’t want to deal with the version of the blonde that has not had seven hours of sleep.      ❝ Grab your shoes. We are going on a drive. ❞       Hope doesn’t waste another second as she allows the door to open.  There was no need for fancy clothes or even for her to put on shoes that weren’t black black slippers.  Just her keys and a blonde that makes her heart go pitter patter. 
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WITH HOW MUCH HER LIFE HAS BEEN SPENT STIFLED WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF MYSTIC FALLS, SHE CAN’T SAY THAT SHE HAS. Sure, they’d had their occassional spring break trip when they had the chance but there would always be some emergency or other dragging their dad back to the school. Their last attempt had been interrupted by the infamous fire, which the responsibility she now knows rests solely on Josie’s shoulders, and their mom’s been on ‘recruitment trips’ ever since.
“Not much of a normal night life in Mystic Falls.” As much as Lizzie postured and controlled, she was still the headmaster’s daughter. the ocassional party at the Old Mill might be acceptable but there was still a standard to uphold, an image to maintain in the eyes of her fellow students and the townies of Mystic Falls. (Not that it had ever done anything for her in the end - even fake dead, they couldn’t even be bothered to mourn her. She wonders what they’d think of her now?)
“Wait, seriously?” Still, she follows onwards, barely pausing to shove her feet into the closest pair of shoes, not letting herself agoniseover their suitability to her current outfit, a small bit of magic reaching out and summoning her jacket in one hand, the other instinctively reaching out for the tribrid’s.
“You’ll have to show me round the city properly, some time.” Beyond the briefest of memories when she was little, Lizzie hasn’t had the pleasure of exploring the home of the one and only tribrid. She wants to walk the streets, see the sights, hear the music, to know the city that molded the girl before her. (From the brief glimpes she had on their way in, she wonders why Hope ever left.)
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disulta · 9 months
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disulta · 10 months
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Another day with another obstacle to overcome.  The headmaster of a private college and father of two amazing girls.  It was a lot of work to handle them but it was the job that he had taken on the day that Jo had told him that she was pregnant.  His daughter walks into his office as he nurses his first glass of bourbon of the day. A list of things to do on a notepad from Caroline    (  what the hell is find a new chair for Mrs. Brown? Why is he in charge of this? )  ❝Lizzie, can this - ❞wait.   Nope.  It can’t and that is okay because the words out of her mouth aren’t a problem but a cause for celebration.
❝You are gonna have to show me those TRICKS today ❞
Alaric has been molding young minds  ( his daughters & hope )  into hunters since the Malivore problem arose a year ago. Better safe than sorry.  Alaric would rather the girls know how to throw a punch than have to bury a body. Was he a good person? No. Was he a great father? No.       ❝ We still on for training at six pm? ❞  
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CONTROL HAS ALWAYS FELT JUST OUT OF REACH FOR LIZZIE. She’s spent years watching other witches manage effortlessly, while she tries to wrest control over her own magic/mind/SELF with the desperation of someone trying to control a hurricane, to slow the path of destruction just enough.
(’Your magic gets you into these states, Elizabeth’)
But she’s not the same scared little high school kid anymore, hiding her fears behind images of popularity, like being pretty enough will make people keep their distance, will stop them getting HURT. She’s put the work in, managed to finally come to that elusive balance in her head, pushed the boulder up the hill enough to grant her mind and body some reprieve.
“Very funny, dad. All my tricks, I learned from you.” All those breathing exercises and sparring sessions have finally paid off. Sure, she won’t be taking on an Original anytime soon, but Lizzie’s confident in her ability to kick the ass of anyone else who comes her way. (After years of BEGGING their dad to train them, to throw his gaze on his daughters for once, instead of throwing himself so fully into making the world safe that he forgot they exist.)
“Duh. You promised to show me that new throw, remember?” As long as he doesn’t throw out his back again and send his daughters on a super stressful trip to the emergency room so Aunt Elena can laugh at him. AGAIN.
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disulta · 10 months
@sacredslaycd asked - You gave me your word but that didn't matter
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SHE CAN’T FAULT HOPE’S FEELINGS OF BETRAYAL. The school was built with a promise of safety for all of it’s students, one that she had dutifully repeated for each and every tour and open day, that she’s only coming to terms with being a lie. Safety isn’t cages and prison worlds, never being tought how to protect themselves with their powers. (Putting students on pedestals and demanding their self-sacrifice.)
"I'm sorry, I thought-" That her dad had their best interests at heart? If that were true, he would've been more honest with them about the Merge and what it meant, taught them actual control, or actually been there for his daughters instead of playing pretend father to hope mikaelson.
"It was supposed to be safe."
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disulta · 10 months
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❝ I’M TRYING TO RISE ABOVE IT. SO LET ME FREAKING RISE! ❞ (..) - DISULTA, an independant, private, and selective rp blog for tvdu's LIZZIE SALTZMAN LAUGHLIN. Loved and unleashed by KIT.
(affiliated with @hcpemikaelscn and @fallsheavy )
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disulta · 10 months
@sacredslaycd   asked:   META:   RELATIONSHIP   WITH   MOTHER   VS   FATHER
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I feel like Lizzie’s relationship with her parents are just defined by love and absence, trying to find a way to love despite the absence and how that makes her Cling to the people around her she perceives as trustworthy.
Lizzie’s a daddy’s girl at heart! She loves her dad and Alaric’s the only parent present for her in canon, because Caroline’s out on ‘recruitment missions’, (looking for Merge loopholes/workarounds) and can’t be there for her. So she clings because she feels unmoored without her mom and needs the reassurance and support of her remaining family. Which is why it Hurts that he’s pulling away, keeping secrets and spending practically all his time with Hope who, to Lizzie’s knowledge, spread rumors about Lizzie’s mental health around the school after her first episode and told everyone she was ‘witch bipolar’.
(And there’s no way he doesn’t know it either. Alaric’s the one coaching her through calming down after episodes in canon, she’s bound to have told him!)
With Caroline, it’s part actually taking after her and part intentionally modeling herself after Caroline. (Even at 11, she wasn’t blind to Alaric’s flaws and alcoholic tendencies.) Because she admires her, because it’s safe, because she’s the parent she actually looks like.
She clings to her parents because she’s already lost one before she was even born, was robbed of Jo and being raised by someone who knew magic, who could tell her about her family history, the good and the bad.
Lizzie didn’t know how much she needed Jo in her life until it was too late. She was so caught up in not dealing with Jo because she felt it would be cheating on Caroline, that she lost out on her one chance to get to know her birth mom. Being sent away to Caroline to grieve only made it worse, because now she felt like she was cheating on Jo.
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disulta · 10 months
tag drop!
* hey there demons! it’s me; ya boi「ooc」
* who the fuck sends owls 「memes」
* this is my semester of yes 「starter call」
* i feel like i'm the worst so i always act like i'm the best 「isms」
* godhood is just like girlhood; a begging to be believed in 「ic」
* i look nothing like my mother; i look everything like my mother 「mirror」
* you can't always control the things you do when you're feeling too much 「study」
* i'm still a work in progress「hc」
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disulta · 10 months
ngl besties, may do some swapsies
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