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“Mh, that looks like emotion... I’m out.”
Fuck that.
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[Drabble] “Seduction-Proof”
He’d heard the kids and his colleagues make comments about it before. About how he was too distant or too dense, about how nobody could possibly melt his frosty heart, about how he was completely seduction-proof. After all, if one of the world’s most accomplished femme-fatales couldn’t get under his skin, how was anyone else going to manage it?
Ordinarily, it was an accurate enough claim to make. He wasn’t known for slipping up, for letting his cold demeanor shift into something warmer, something that would actually welcome a person’s advances. He knew better, really; in this line of work, letting your guard down was a nearly sure-fire way of finding yourself in the morgue - and he wasn’t particularly fond of that prospect. Not to mention the fact that emotions were absolutely exhausting, and there was no way to indulge in such things without at least a little emotion getting involved. Being shut-off, it was the safest way to play things at the end of the day...
But he’d decided to play the cards a little differently this time, to see exactly where a certain Chairman was hoping for this little encounter to go. The meeting itself had started normally enough - with coolly spoken banter that Karasuma exasperatedly responded to in the hopes that, if he let the man get this lack of cooperation out of his system, he’d decide to sign off on the documents anyways. It was certainly worth hoping at this point.
However, at some point, the air in the room shifted - he wasn’t sure how that had happened, only that one moment he was near-bickering with the principal, and the next moment Gakuho was setting his paperwork to the side. That wicked smirk, that expression that was already far too familiar for the agent, it was different this time. Less malice, more playfulness. Like a cat playing with a mouse that should have already bolted.
"I believe we have time to properly deal with that pesky red-tape.”
They should have been innocent enough words, and perhaps that would have held true if it weren’t for that smirk, for the dark little purr that was already slipping into his employer’s voice. Agent Karasuma may have been dense at times, but he wasn’t naive, nor was he stupid. And nobody that was going to professionally ‘deal with’ the red-tape — sign the papers and be done with it — would have set those exact papers to the side when saying it. No, there wasn’t anything innocent or professional about this, and looking back, he probably should have taken his leave right then and there.
“Is that so?”
Well, you know what they say... Curiousity killed the cat. Or in this case, the mouse.
He hadn’t planned for any of it to happen. For those nearly interested words to roll off his tongue, for the faint amusement that sparked across the Chairman’s features to become anything more than irritating, for the following banter to take the flirtatious turn that it most definitely did. And certainly not for his feet to carry him forward when beckoned, to allow that pale hand to grab him by the tie and tug him down, for lips to collide as though that was perfectly normal for a meeting with your current boss...
Argumentative thoughts momentarily clouded his mind, about how there wasn’t anything professional about this and how he ought to make a prompt exit rather than stick around for the rest of this game. Those thoughts, however, were extremely fleeting, and no sooner had they started to bubble back to the forefront of his mind, they were shoved aside by teeth grazing skin, lips parting to welcome the rush of adrenaline that flashed through typically cold exteriors. Maybe it wasn’t what the agent was supposed to be doing right now, but suddenly, it was exactly what he wanted to be doing, and somehow, Principal Asano had a way of making that seem perfectly fine.
Time seemed to move slowly, as though it had nearly stopped for this particular series of events, but it simultaneously felt like a tape that had been set to fast-forward. Mouths melded together, tongues intertwined, hands roamed over previously-perfect suits and any piece of skin that could be reached, and all the while, there wasn’t enough time to think about it. Enough time to second-guess it. Instinct, desire that had been tossed to the side and ignored for years now. No time for pesky thoughts about right and wrong, no time to wonder if this was some kind of mistake. No, that could come later, after the fact - right now, it simply didn’t matter.
When exactly their clothes had started to be tugged to the side, Karasuma wasn’t sure. Jackets were slid off in the heat of the moment, ties loosened and the buttons of dress-shirts undone for the sole purpose of gaining access to more of the other’s skin. They pulled back to breathe, the scent of coffee and peppermint lingering between light panting, and then those devilish lips were on his throat, kissing at sensitive skin, teeth grazing over his pulse. Thirty seconds to think would have said that this was all a bad idea, but as those nips to his neck lost their playfulness and he found himself pressing closer, those thirty seconds simply were not going to happen.
If words were spoken, none of them were relevant enough to remember for more than half a second after the fact now. Small gasps, sharp intakes of breath when a bite turned out to be harder than expected, quiet moans that were kept low in their throats so that they could potentially be denied later. An occasional curse, not that either cared enough to point out the lack of formality - that had already went out the window, after all.
The agent was certain that bruises were being left at this point, that he was going to have hickeys to hide by the end of this encounter, but as that perfect mouth worked to mark his collarbone, he couldn’t find a reason to care about the bruises. It had been so long since his cold facade had cracked like this, since he’d been able to focus on warmth and just let go of all that stress for a little while. There was so much wrong with this picture in theory, but it all felt so right, so damn good...
When the other first pulled back, Karasuma honestly had to bite back a groan of frustration. After all, when you’ve been making out with your boss, your first thought tends to be that he’s calling a halt to it. To say the least, that wasn’t the case. Instead, the agent was pulled to his feet, only for the Chairman to follow, pushing him up against the desk as lips connected again. By that point, any second-guesses were long gone, and while he wouldn’t have admit to it later, he found himself melting into the position.
It wasn’t long after that, that the rest of those annoying clothes were being pushed away, the agent’s own belt cracked smartly against his thigh directly following one of those dark little snickers from the principal. He’d gasped back most of a moan, one that would have sounded far too much like ‘Fuck - Sir!’ (and likely still did) if not stifled properly. Spun around and pressed back into the desk, he heard the belt hit the floor of the office, and pale fingertips ghosted over a bruised throat almost threateningly, purposefully agitating sore skin before sliding away. What would have been called ‘sweet nothings’, if there had been anything sweet about the actual words, were all but cooed into his ear, and the rest of the world melted away...
Later on, after having caught their breathes and taken an understandable moment to enjoy the afterglow, the unlikely pair cleaned up in near-silence. Clothes were tugged back into place, then straightened out in an effort to appear professional once more. Hands ran through hair absently, fixing what had been messed up as much as need be right now, and faint smiles were hidden behind turned backs. Before long, everything was back in order, as though none of what had just happened had ever transpired...
Stepping back around to the other side of the Chairman’s desk, Karasuma pulled his tie the rest of the way into place, waiting for his employer to retake his seat before pushing that paperwork back into its prior spot. Tapping a finger sharply against the document, his eyes narrowed slightly, though that warmth hadn’t quite left his tone yet.
“Now then... Sign this damn thing so I can get back to work.”
The words were met with a soft snicker, but nevertheless, Gakuho shifted to grab his pen, finally scrawling out that perfect signature. The agent rolled his eyes, vaguely hoping it hadn’t been noticed, and snatched the papers off the desk. A final chuckle of his own, quiet but warm as could be, and then he turned to take his leave.
“Have a good evening, Chairman.”
Seduction-proof... Yeah, right.
#nsfw#nsfw text#// it gets close enough.. Ima just go ahead and tag it xD#[Barking Orders and Slamming Coffee; My Drabbles]#ship: Providing Sanity#aptiitxde
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[Drabble] Can’t Forget You (Don’t Really Want To)
‘It’s been a few years now...’
A few years since life as a teacher had wrapped up, since the end of the Assassination Classroom and Korosensei’s The Octopus’ life, since Tadaomi Karasuma had went back to being a full-time agent for the government, and since he’d started living with Irina Jelavic. There hadn’t been anything smooth about the initial transition, but once his roommate was officially working with the Intelligence Department, and once he was certain that the E-Class kids were going to be alright, it had started to be easier.
Easier to ignore everything that had happened throughout that year at Kunugigaoka Junior High. To ignore the countless times that he’d had to worry for the kids’ safety, for their lives. To ignore all the times that he’d found himself wanting to be just a little warmer, and knowing that he couldn’t be due to his position with the government. But most of all, and surprisingly so, to ignore those moments of shared warmth with a certain Chairman...
For all his dwelling, he’d never managed to really sort out his thoughts on that matter. What should have been a one time thing had quickly turned into a series of ‘one night stands’ - not that they could really be called such - in the Principal’s office, a series of mistakes.. mistakes that Karasuma couldn’t quite make himself regret, then or now.
It had been a few years since all of that had happened, and people’s lives had improved in that time. The kids were going through highschool, flourishing as he’d known that they would. Principal Asano had gotten a grip on his sanity, and rumor had it that he and his son were getting along now; weekly calls to his old boss proved that, confirming what the agent had hoped would happen after the end of the Assassination Classroom. People were doing well, and really, that’s what should matter.
Meanwhile, Irina wasn’t working as an assassin anymore, and the two of them had gotten to the point of seriously dating by now. He kept it professional in the office at all times, which was one thing that he could say about his relationship with her that he most definitely could not say about his old times with Gakuho. Ironic, really. Professionalism aside, the commit couple definitely still had their differences, and it wasn’t perfect by any means, but she seemed happy and...
Was he happy? Honestly, the agent wasn’t always sure if he knew what that felt like.
The only times that he was 100% certain that such an emotion existed, actually, was during those weekly calls to the retired Chairman. Hearing the man’s voice light up as he spoke of his son’s accomplishments, knowing that the warmth really had took hold of his old crush employer. That familiar coo in his tone whenever he offered that they get coffee together sometime - it didn’t mean anything now... it wasn’t supposed to have ever meant anything... but, it still brought that spark to the agent’s emotions. Like a candle that was lit every time they were around one another.
Happiness, it could be found in the way Karasuma couldn’t help but smile whenever Gakuho decided to scold him over his eating habits, over working too hard that particular week. When they’d spend hours texting, picking apart insignificantly irritating parts of Irina’s personality, or flat-out salting about her outfit for that day. It could be found in the way that, even if he was just driving home from the office that night, the old Chairman still sent a ‘Be safe!’ his way when informed that he was heading out. It could be found in the way that, no matter how exhausting the day had been, he knew Gakuho would be there to call afterwards...
In retrospect, Happiness could be found in none other than Gakuho Asano. And so, Karasuma knew what happiness felt like... He just didn’t understand it in the slightest still.
It had been years since then, since they’d fooled around in that office during lazy afternoons in an effort to destress, but there were still so many moments that made Karasuma flash back to those days. He did his best not to, but it always seemed to pop back up, like a phantom haunting him in the best of ways. That wicked smirk appeared in his dreams when he’d finally fall asleep at his desk after coffee failed to keep him awake. The ghost of nips graced his skin when he knew that he was only day-dreaming again. Any comment about ‘red-tape’ made him pause, like it had some new meaning that it never held before he’d met Gakuho Asano...
Things with Irina weren’t perfect, but they were together, and he should have been thinking about her. He loved her, after all, and it wasn’t as though he was questioning that.
It was just the fact that, no matter how much he cared about her, they were still constantly clashing. And even though she had improved in some regards, there was still so much of her personality that sent the man reeling back to that night in the warehouse with the kids — explosive collars around their throats, locked away in a cage that was about to be flooded, beaten up and tazed by not only ‘Reaper 2.0′ but Irina as well.
He loved her, but he couldn’t forget the times that she’d betrayed him, that she’d betrayed their students. There had been a time where he’d convinced himself that he had let it go, but he was wrong, and the more time he spent trying to say that he was over it, the less ‘over it’ he really was...
Sitting behind his desk at the office, Special Agent Karasuma was honestly just looking forward to calling it a night, packing up, and leaving for his date with his girlfriend. Things were never perfect, but she’d agreed to go to one of the smaller coffeehouses with him, to be where he was comfortable this time. Switching off date ideas like that, it would make their differences easier to deal with - logic, that was the best way to deal with things that you weren’t the best at, and he certainly wasn’t the best at dating.
Irina had left the office already, but that was normal enough. She usually clocked out before he did, being that he was higher in rank and had more work to get done each day. She’d stopped by before slipping out for the day, leaving a coffee on his desk and a kiss on his cheek, and everything had been fine today.
Sure, he was a little tired, but he didn’t have much paperwork left to finish, and then he could meet up with Irina and just rela—
The abrupt buzzing of his cellphone got his attention, and he shifted to turn the screen on, eyes narrowing at the device. Quickly, his straight-line of an expression melted into a genuine frown, hand tightening a touch too much on his phone before he forced himself to drop it onto the surface of his desk. A cracked screen wasn’t going to solve this, after all.
[Text from: Irina Jelavic] Taking a raincheck tonight. [Text from: Irina Jelavic] Don’t wait up. I’ll be out late.
They’d been planning to go to this coffeehouse together for weeks, had made the plans before her last job so that they’d be sure there was time on the schedule for it. Hell, he’d canceled his weekly plans with Chiba and Rinka at the shooting-range because he was supposed to have a date with their old English teacher!
And she was canceling... She was canceling, just like that!
He couldn’t believe her - always saying that he was the insensitive one, and then pulling shit like this herself! What little he knew of happiness felt like it was shattering, his nerves cracking under the pressure of yet another bullshit moment in this relationship.
Take a deep breath, Count to ten, Just drink your coffee...
The typical ‘calm down method’ wasn’t doing a damn bit of good right now. The recuits were already asleep, so it wasn’t like he could go find something to hit - and besides, that wasn’t the point of training them in the first place. A stiff drink sounded wonderful right about now, but he was still at the office, so it’d have to wait. Thinking about it, he wasn’t actually sure if he wanted to head back to the apartment that night - if she’d told him not to ‘wait up’, kami only knew what his girlfriend was doing tonight...
That thought was likely the final straw to a decision he hadn’t meant to make. Snatching his phone up from the desk, Karasuma clicked away from his chat with Irina, not bothering with a response, and instead pulled up the one with Gakuho. He didn’t think, didn’t even take the time to really breathe, before sending the text.
[Text to: Gakuho Asano] She fucking canceled. [Text to: Gakuho Asano] Are you busy? And if not, can I come over?
If he had taken two minutes to think about it, the agent would have realized that this was likely a bad idea on his part. They hadn’t ever visited one another at home, not for more than a quick ‘you forgot this at the restaurant’, and there was a reason for that - at least on Karasuma’s end of it. If he spent too much time in such close proximity to the other man, those damn feelings would bubble to the surface again, and he knew it. That’s why he’d avoided such a thing, to save them both a little drama, to keep from stumbling over his heart again. And yet here he was, furious with his girlfriend and...
And what? Asking to visit his previous lover?
The man was dominant by definition, with this remarkable way of making you forget about what you were supposed to be doing for a while... Karasuma just wanted to be happy tonight, and that had always happened around the lovably intimidating ex-principal...
The surprising part about it, Was that he didn’t even see a problem with any of that right now.
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[Drabble] Professionalism
Snapped from his thoughts, the agent jumped slightly, dark eyes blinking as he took a moment to register the world around him. It was atypical, zoning out like this, but as of late.. well, it was getting more common. Personally, he was blaming his current boss - and certainly not the government one - for that little problem.
Damn the Chairman...
“Karasuma! Don’t ignore me!”
Jolted for what felt like the hundredth time, he finally turned to look over at his colleague. Her arms were wrapped around his shoulders from behind again, and it was honestly a touch concerning that he hadn’t noticed that until just now. Sure, he’d always been good at tuning people out, but somebody being close to him should have set his senses on high-alert. Not today though, not with how preoccupied his thoughts were...
Damn it.
Frowning more at himself than he was at her, at least this time, Karasuma sighed irritably, giving a brief shake of his head to try to dismiss the woman. She was getting more persistent, and he really wasn’t in the mood for her antics today.
“What do you want, Irina?”
She was pouting at him, which was nothing new. It was probably the usual - she’d been ranting about the kids or the octopus, and he hadn’t been listening. Something like that, anyways. Or maybe she was trying to flirt with him again. At this point, he didn’t really care which it was - either way, it was nothing more than a nuisance. They were supposed to be working, so why couldn’t she get that through her thick skull?
Then again... His relationship with Principal Asano was supposed to be professional too. ...Damn it.
The blonde’s arms tightened around him, painted lips brushing his cheek as she spoke. If it weren’t for the close proximity, he probably would have already started to ignore her again; he didn’t have time for this, not when he was trying to sort his own thoughts out.
“You’ve been quieter than usual today. The kids are going to worry, you know. Why don’t you let me help you relax?~”
His frown deepened, and now it was definitely directed at her. Trying to use the students’ emotions against him wasn’t fair in the first place, but that aside, she wasn’t the person that could potentially help him relax right now. No, that individual was sitting in an office on Main Campus, probably thinking about anything but Special Agent Karasuma...
“I’ve got a lot on my mind, alright? Let it go - the students are fine, and as for you? I’m not in the mood for these pointless games, Irina.”
She huffed grumpily at that, blue eyes rolling in exasperation, but at least she seemed to finally get the picture. He watched over his shoulder as she pulled back, arms crossing instead of being wrapped around him. Now if only she would leave and let him think...
“Fine. But I wish you would talk to me, Tell me what’s got you so stressed out? And don’t try to tell me that you aren’t, Karasuma.”
Shaking his head, he went back to looking out the window, leaned against its pane as he had been for most of the afternoon. What would she know about his stress? And why did she have to pry like that anyways?
“I’m fine, Irina.”
More monotone than usual, but at the same time, the words were tainted with bitterness, with those poisonous emotions that were trying to bubble to the surface. As for Irina, she almost sounded sympathetic at the moment.
“You’re obviously not... You haven’t been working, not really. It’s like you’re just going through the motions, Not really trying to accomplish anything today. And that, Karasuma? Does not sound like you at all.”
He wanted to tell her that she was wrong, but he really couldn’t. Very little work had actually gotten done today; he’d tried to bury himself in it, but training with the kids only lasted so long, and trying to focus on his paperwork just didn’t work. Every time he sat down to type something, or write out a report, his mind flashed back to the Chairman’s office, to that wicked smirk as papers were set aside. ‘I believe we have time to properly deal with that pesky red-tape.’ Words echoed, and no matter how hard Karasuma had tried to pay attention to his work, he ended up spacing out. It was pointless, so eventually, he’d just given up...
What he hadn’t accounted for, Was somebody actually noticing that.
“Like I said, I’ve got a lot on my mind today. It’s nothing of consequence to you or the mission; So let it go.”
There was a long moment of silence, and she was probably frowning at him, but he couldn’t be bothered to look at her right now. Either she would let the subject drop, or she’d try some other tactic to get the information out of him; sometimes it was hard to tell which would happen with Irina, but either way, he wasn’t about to tell her anything. It was none of her business and, that aside, this entire thing was supposed to be professional.
What was professional about that last meeting, though? Not a damn thing, that’s what.
“Alright, fine...”
Her heels clicked sharply against the wooden floor of the building as she turned to leave, and he thought that was going to be the end of it.
“By the way... Where’d the hickey come from, Karasuma?”
It was so not the end of it.
Freezing on a dime, there was a sharp breath of surprise before the agent’s hand flew to his neck, tugging the collar of his dress shirt back into place to hide the still-stinging bruise that she’d been referencing. His thoughts were a series of curses, but when he finally spat out a reply, it was stoic as ever.
“One-night-stand. It doesn’t matter, nor is it relevant.”
Lie, lie, lie...
It couldn’t have been more relevant to his spacing out, actually.
“Mhmm... Sure it’s not. A woman like me knows better, y’know.”
He was going to snap at her this time, tell her to fuck off, but she spoke up again before he got the chance to do that.
“But alright, If someone’s managed to melt that heart of yours lately, Then I don’t have a chance in Hell of doing it again this soon. Have a good night, Karasuma.”
The door clicked closed and his eyes squeezed shut, letting out a heavy sigh. Melt his heart... why did she have to put it like that? This didn’t have anything to do with matters of the heart...
Did it?
Fuck it. At least that conversation is finally over.
“I need a drink.”
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they’re just not that into you: tumblr rp edition
So we need to talk about things, we do.
I keep seeing people complaining about feeling ignored. And some weeks I feel ignored, too. And sometimes I talk to people who have tried to say ‘no thank you, I’m not interested’ in 546378 different ways, and people take that as ‘I need to be more creative and persistent’.
It’s time we were honest;
Sometimes, an RPer is just not that into you.
They are begging for threads when it’s their turn on replies. They have a wishlist but they turn you down when you ask. Communication has drawn to a halt. You start every message with ‘hi sorry to bother you’. You nudge them repeatedly and they are unresponsive.
… they are just not that into you.
Here are some reasons why this might be the case:
You’re trying to write yourself into their background and it doesn’t work well with their headcanons.
Your writing styles are just unmeshy things. Oil. Water. Bam.
They don’t agree with some aspect of they way you play your character (and this doesn’t make you wrong; just incompatible). <– especially canons tbh. We all see them differently. Which is great.
They don’t mesh with some aspect of the way you run your blog generally - more ooc than they are comfortable with, too much negativity about fandoms, characters, ships or people, too many photos of your stamp collection.
Your styles clash. One of you likes heavy formatting and structure and the other likes things plain.
What you initially discussed is not unfolding right for them.
They just don’t feel it.
They have a lot of threads and they don’t want to cut down on others for one they’re lukewarm about.
None of these things are likely to be the case:
They hate you.
They think you suck.
This is NOT about ‘quality’ (i hate that word being used around here). It’s about compatibility.
Let me ask you… can you really enjoy a thread knowing you had to harass someone into it? I doubt it.
I am not talking about people who take a little longer than usual to reply, because our lives fluctuate. Or people who have long breaks (hooray, they have lives!). I mean when someone is around a lot and it’s just a constant impasse. Or your messages never get answered.
This does not mean you are a bad RPer. This means one thing: You are not compatible with the other writer. That is all, and it doesn’t reflect badly on you, or on them.
If someone goes on a date and it flops, we don’t blame them, right? And they can still be friends, or civil, or leave on okay terms.
This is a huge world. Really there are thousands of us. It sucks when someone you want to RP with just doesn’t seem that interested. But someone else will be interested. Stop chasing people who aren’t. It will be easier for you both.
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He really gives off the “Last Boss Appeared!” vibe. Hahaha
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The most useful intel in the world is rendered useless if it’s lost. If you have something to tell me, please do it soon
#[Distancing Yourself From The Circumstances Is Just Part Of The Job; Musings]#[Don't Underestimate Yourselves; Advice To The Kids]
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Which one are you?
#[Distancing Yourself From The Circumstances Is Just Part Of The Job; Musings]#[In An Attempt To R E L A X (D.N.R.); Vices]
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You’re gonna have to hit a lot harder than that to bring me down.
#[Distancing Yourself From The Circumstances Is Just Part Of The Job; Musings]#[You Screwed Up; Letters to His Enemies]
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Please give Karasuma-sensei a break the poor man needs it
And we know, Bitch-sensei.
#[A Bitch With A Heart; Irina Jelavić]#[Junior High Assassins (Amazing Kids); E Class Students]#[Trained By The Government (Almost As Much As The Military); Muse]
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Don’t underestimate the lengths I’d go to
- -
Just to proтecт those I care about
#[E M O T I O N S Have No Place In B U S I N E S S; Private Thoughts]#[Never Thought I'd Use This Certificate; As A Teacher]#[Breaking Children Will Teach Them Even L E S S Than It Taught Soldiers; Letters to Takaoka]#[You Haven't Changed A Bit (But You Have Improved In Some Regards); Letters to Irina]#[ During / after the ''Reaper'' / betrayal incident ]#[You Screwed Up; Letters to His Enemies]
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#[Junior High Assassins (Amazing Kids); E Class Students]#[Trained By The Government (Almost As Much As The Military); Muse]#[A Chilling Natural; Nagisa Shiota]
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I want a remote that makes people shut the fuck up with the click of a button

this has too many notes to be safe
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I learned not to trust people; I learned not to believe what they say but to watch what they do; I learned to suspect that anyone and everyone is capable of ‘living a lie’. I came to believe that other people - even when you think you know them well - are ultimately unknowable.
Lynn Barber, An Education (via feellng)
#[Distancing Yourself From The Circumstances Is Just Part Of The Job; Musings]#[Marching Orders and Lack Of Sleep; On The Job]
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#[Irritating Octopus (Exceptional Educator); Korosensei]#[Trained By The Government (Almost As Much As The Military); Muse]
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#[An Outstanding Strategist; Karma Akabane]#[Trained By The Government (Almost As Much As The Military); Muse]
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