Chapter 1: Welcome to Mondstadt, Meet the Darknight Hero
It’s been two years since I got to Mondstadt. I came to the city of freedom to escape the tyranny in Inazuma, but I miss the life I had while there. I was in the resistance as a nurse and gained my hydro vision while working. Helping my closest friend fight for his life with an arrow in his side. He made it, but only a month before the vision hunt decree ended he had escaped to Liyue on a cargo ship. He left one goodbye note and his sword. After the borders lifted I said my goodbyes and left for Mondstadt.
After making it to the outskirts of Mondstadt, Amber found me. We made it to Mondstadt before nightfall. Amber took me into the knights' headquarters and Kaeya took a liking. Jean spent an hour trying to figure out where I'd spend my first night. Amber offered her apartment, Kaeya offered his house, and Lisa offered her room in the library. I had to have a more permanent home.
We took a stroll down to Angel's Share, it looked beautiful at night. When we entered, a redhead was standing behind the bar cleaning glasses. Jean smiled and chatted with Diluc, I first learned his name the day I got to Mondstadt. He smiled at both of us and offered to take me upstairs himself, he called for Charles and had him watch the bar. When we got into the small attic he shut the door and the room was almost silent. No music, no laughing drunks, no shouting, it was peaceful.
Diluc offered for me to stay in the room until I had steady revenue. I lived above the tavern for a year while I worked as a knight. Every night when I got home from the knights' headquarters, Diluc was always working at the bar. I sat down across from him, ranting about my frustrations with work. He listened, asked questions, and we drew closer to each other. I learned about his favorite drink, his favorite food, and his hobbies.
The night we got the closest was when I ran into him during the winter. I was reading late into the night while watching snow fall outside through the small window. I had seldom seen snow, it was my first chance to play out on a frozen night. I ran out and started to make a snowman, after a bit I heard yelling. A deep male voice on the bridge into Mondstadt. I walked to the entrance gate and saw a redhead in a dark suit and mask fighting an abyss mage.
I ran into my room and grabbed my bow. I rushed back to the bridge. I watched as he fought. He was swift. He was strong. He then crashed to the ground, his claymore falling next to him. The blow knocked the wind out of him, he struggled to stand. I raised my bow, aimed, and hit the mage’s torso. I ran to him, his mask was cracked on the stone next to him.
I kneeled next to him. It was DIluc. His face was scratched, his arm had a gash in it, and his pant leg was torn with a deep cut along his calf. I created a small ball of water in my hand and wrapped it around his leg wound. He grabbed my arm, which left a bruise for almost a week, the water took its healing effect and gently cured his cut. I tried to brush his hair from his face, but he grabbed my wrist.
I shivered from the cold of winter. The snow melted into water through my clothes, seeping through into my boots. I didn’t have a coat or gloves for the winter. He was radiating heat. His warm hand on my wrist felt comforting, even with the icy winds.
I helped Diluc to his feet and took him back into the tavern. We made our way into the room above the tavern. He laid down on my bed and sighed. He spent the next hour apologizing to me while I bandaged him. We stayed up for hours talking about our pasts, but he fell asleep while I was droning on about the vision hunt decree. I changed behind a small curtain into my dry pajamas. I spent that night on my small futon.
In the morning I awoke to the sweet smell of syrup. I got up, feeling stiff after sleeping on the futon and after the short fight, and meandered to Diluc. I leaned on the wall. He handed me a mug of warm tea and a plate of pancakes. After our short breakfast, he thanked me for the help that night, and then he left. I thought that he was angry about last night.
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You know you guys can request me
I don’t bite just follow my rules and we’ll vibe
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Ok which one of you Jean simps manifested this for me last night /Hj /lh /nm
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My ask box was off oh my god I-
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Megumi Fushiguro x Reader
Word count: 1216 words
This fic was made for “The Great Conjunction” a collab hosted by @suna-reversed I kinda put my own take on the whole worlds and ideas colliding thing 😅😅
It all started at 6:30 am. I remember it like it was yesterday, probably because it was yesterday.
I was asleep waiting for my alarm to go off to awake me but way before the annoying beeping began, there was a bang. Did someone or something really crash land into my room? If so, did it really have to be my room? I didn’t want to deal with anything today no aliens, no weird items with powers and no nothing!
After all, I’m just Y/N, a tired and annoyed student who woke up earlier than desired because something decided that my room was a landing pad.
So anyways, I was pissed that I couldn’t sleep and so I woke up and I would’ve never guessed that a boy would be on my floor. Not to mention he was all roughed up and bleeding. Thankfully, his wounds weren’t that severe so I could patch them up.
I waited for what felt like hours for the dude to wake up. Who knew he needed that much rest, but then out of the blue just as I was spacing out, he moved and began to wake up!
“Oh hey you’re finally awake! Please don’t be alarmed but you kinda crash landed into my room and suffered minor injuries.” I whispered so only he could hear me and hopefully stay calm.
He just stared at me, it felt weird. Not like the whole inappropriate “he undressed me with his eyes weird” more like a “staring into my soul” weird. It’s like he’s trying to figure out if I’m dangerous or not. I don’t blame him, he crash landed into my room injured and unconscious.
“My name is (Y/N) (L/N). Are you well enough to at least talk to me so we can figure out what’s going on?”
“Fushiguro Megumi. Where am I?”
“You’re in my home. Do you not remember appearing in my home? Oh wait, you were unconscious.”
“I was never in a home and I certainly have not seen you. Where are we in the world and don’t answer that we’re in your house.” He still is on guard
“Where do you think we are?” I questioned back not really sure of what else to do.
“Not in Japan I know that for sure!” He seemed pissed. Good job (Y/N).
“You’re correct that we’re not in Japan! I’m glad you’re doing better! It really did seem like you had a concussion so I was trying to make you think so I can see how bad it was but thankfully it’s not that bad! I think…” Nice save (Y/N)!
“Can you tell me about what happened before you fell unconscious?” Maybe I can get more information on him and know about his dark past! He seems like one of those anime boys that would have a dark past and tries to make the main protagonist think they’re a bad person to be with but, in the end, the protagonist melts their icy exterior only to reveal they’re a big softie!
“That’s classified information.” He explained. My face contorted into a slightly annoyed look as I went closer to my bed and sighed.
“Look just tell me some of what happened. We’re both stuck together so I at least need to know some of what happened.” He sighed. He’s probably just as annoyed and on edge as I am at this point.
“Fine. We were fighting a curse and turns out it’s cursed technique is to teleport people. Is that a good enough explanation?” I smiled and put my hands together.
“It was a perfect explanation! Thank you!” Before I could say anything else my phone went off and he looked over at it.
“Your alarm is going off. Wait, is that me?” He continued to stare at the phone's wallpaper not caring for the alarm blaring in the background. It was so embarrassing, I turned red and quickly turned off the alarm.
“Now I know why you looked familiar.” I laughed and put my phone in my lap.
“You’re a character in a popular anime here. My favorite character actually!”
“So you’re a nerd and I am fictional.” He said trying to get straight to the point.
“Yeah pretty much. But that’s not the point here.” I brush off what I assume was an insult and get up
“Let me get your clothes while you were asleep I washed and fixed them for you.” I got up and walked out of the room before he could even respond.
“Geez, who would’ve thought anime characters are real. Wait, no that can’t be. I’m probably just hallucinating. Get a hold of yourself (Y/N) go splash some water on yourself or something!” The whisper yelling about whether or not I was crazy continued until I went into the laundry room and picked up a navy stack of folded clothes.
“Still warm…” I mumbled as I walked back to my room and peeked my head in.
“Today’s your lucky day your clothes are still warm from the dryer! Once you get done getting into your actual clothes can you give me my extra PJs back? I need to wash those just in case whatever happens takes more than a day. I don’t want you to wear dirty PJs so…” I quickly slammed the door, blushing furiously.
After a few minutes, I knocked on the door
“Hey, can I come in? I still have to get those clothes”
“Oh yeah, sure. Come in.” I entered and immediately went in a beeline towards the PJs before also going for my phone and turning it on.
“The alarm went off so I tried to stop it” I’m not sure but I swear he looked guilty while saying that but I shrugged it off before looking at my phone again shocked.
“It’s almost noon. Are you hungry? I can’t believe I never asked that! We can go to the kitchen and I can make some pancakes if you want.” I say nervously as he nodded
“Sure. We can make some pancakes” Immediately after he said that I quickly grabbed his wrist and started to drag him downstairs.
“Let’s make pancakes then!”
The day after that was filled with plenty of idle chats, bonding over games which I obviously won and of course, pancakes.
“Hey! Megumi! Follow me! My house has the best view of the stars and I heard something big was supposed to happen tonight!” I dragged the dark haired boy to a ladder that led to the roof and climbed up there with him trailing behind.
“Sit right here next to me!” I plopped down in the middle of the roof and patted the seat next to me, ushering him to sit next to me which he did.
After a few minutes of looking at the sky a comet flew by us leaving me and Megumi in awe.
“What did you wish for?”
“Isn’t there a superstition that if you say your wish it won’t come true?”
“Yeah but I want to hear yours!”
“Maybe I’ll tell you later”
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Non fanfiction related stuff
Literally just look at the tag #the goldfish speaks or block it if you don’t like that stuff
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Lol guess who’s not gonna be able to write for a bit cause I have a report due in four days and I haven’t done any of it because I was working on the main part of it hahah,,,,, I’m fucked
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What I will write if you request it
Platonic relationships
Literally almost anything that’s not apart of the stuff I won’t write section
What I refuse to write
Teacher/Student relationships and major age gaps or romantic relationships with children or anyone that looks or is under the age of 18
If they are siblings blood related or not I WILL NOT WRITE ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THEM
Any other things like romantic relationships with animals and dead people as is like their dead body not like someone who just lost someone they love and is grieving
Important Information
I am the final say in the request so I may say no for whatever reason whether it be I’m too busy or I simply just do not want to write it
Each request may take some time because I put a lot of other things first before my writing including school please be patient if that happens
Thank you for reading please remember this post when you request!
Bye bye!
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Account hub and summary
•About me
You can call me Pablo or Goldfish, my pronouns are She/They and I am an INTP personality type. I make fanfiction right now for Genshin Impact, Jujutsu Kaisen and maybe Obey Me I’m still debating. I’m fairly new to writing fanfiction only truly starting a few months ago.
•Account hub
•Non fanfiction related stuff
This account hub will be constantly updated as time goes on but for now this is all I’m gonna post
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It was called denim in my docs so
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Jean x female! Reader
It’s almost the afternoon in Mondstat and you carried a basket as you walked to the knights of favonius headquarters in hopes of surprising your girlfriend, Jean. After a few minutes of walking and even more to get up the numerous flights of stairs, you finally got up to the knights headquarters and walked in and walked in a beeline to her office. A few knocks were heard and there was no response. Her office door never opened.
“Sorry, Acting Grand Master Jean is out today.” A voice said behind you. You turned around to see it was Lisa and jumped out of fright.
“Did I scare you?” She laughed as she examined your features from your hair to the color of your boots before her eyes widened and her small grin grew wider.
“Hey, you’re Jean’s girlfriend, (Y/N), right? I’ve heard so much about you! It’s so nice to finally meet you!” The brunette exclaimed.
“Wait, she talks about me?” You question surprised at the sudden knowledge that your girlfriend talks about you everywhere she goes.
“Of course she does!”
“I see” your cheeks turned a hue of red after you found out before shaking your head and looking directly at Lisa.
“Do you know when she’ll be back?” You asked. The brunette looked up in thought for a second before looking back at you.
“She’ll be back later tonight.”
“Thank you!”
It’s been hours since you left the headquarters and headed home. From what it looked like, it was almost midnight. A small knock broke the silence and with that you rushed to the door and opened it. Tired would be an understatement to explain the state your girlfriend was in right now as you let her in.
“I’m home (y/n)!” She quietly spoke and you wrapped her arms around her for only a second before pulling away.
“So how was your day?” You asked as you both walked to your shared room, hand in hand.
“Tiring to say the least but it’s all in a day's work for the Acting Grand Master so I suppose it wasn’t that bad.” She smiled softly as she sat on the corner of the bed waiting for you to sit by her.
“I tried to visit you but you were out. How come?”
“How about you tell me about your day before I explain?”
“Fine, so basically I….” you explained what happened including your meeting with Lisa at the headquarters as Jean puts her head on your shoulder and peacefully listens to what you had to say.
“It was a busy day but maybe not for you now would you mind explaining what you…. did.. today?” You turned to look at Jean but she was fast asleep. I guess my shoulder and presence was enough to make her fall asleep, you thought as you lay her down and put blankets on her.
“Sweet dreams babe.” You whisper as you kiss her forehead and snuggled up by her in the bed.
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