Post #13: Promotion
For social media presence, Disneyland is present on all platforms including there very own app and websites. 
Social Media Presence:
Disneyland App:
Disneyland has established their own app which allows visitors to buy tickets, see wait times, skip the ticket lines, browse maps, buy/ reserve seating for food, and locate Disney characters. 
Twitter: Disney joined Twitter in 2009 and now the account has over 6.2 million followers. The account contains a variety of visuals including gifs, images and videos. The account inspires and motivates followers by quoting famous lines from films and characters that everyone can relate to, which is another strategy that they use to attract new customers!
Instagram: The account has over 18 million followers. In contrast to their twitter account, instagram is used to show a more human side of Disney. There are multiple posts that show visitors, characters and events. This is a method to illustrate the connection between the real world and the cinema industry. The extent of the brand is huge, channeling across so many different industries, concepts and ideas.
Facebook: This account is their most popular social media platform, with over 46 million likes. Carrying a similar concept, the account is filled with appealing visuals and popular quotes from films and characters. They are constantly posting inspiring images, character quizzes, as well as links to articles that are all Disney related.  
Youtube: With over 80k subscribers, Disney has created a creative and unique platform to attract individuals with visuals such as their emoji series. They also present a series of short films, which is used as a strategy to combine modern world concepts into Disney’s fairy tales.
Of course Disneyland not only uses social media to promote and advertise but they also use commercials on tv and ads on youtube, radio spots, billboards and etc. they use essentially use every main form of advertising to get the upmost exposure to the public. But as Social media is one of the biggest things right now they release various marketing campaigns through social media.
Econsultancy. (2019, January 31). 10 examples of great Disney marketing campaigns. Retrieved July 21, 2019, from https://econsultancy.com/10-examples-of-great-disney-marketing-campaigns/
How The Walt Disney Company Uses Social Media. (2019, April 29). Retrieved July 21, 2019, from https://linkhumans.com/disney/
Make Every Visit More Magical. (n.d.). Retrieved July 21, 2019, from https://disneyland.disney.go.com/guest-services/download-disneyland-mobile-app/
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Post #12: Place and Distribution
Disneyland is mainly a service based company but they also sell merchandise that one can only buy within the parks and sometimes on there online website but mainly within the parks. Disney is more focused on selling there service of experiencing the parks and sells products as a second priority. Disneyland's products uses a exclusive distribution because guests have to come to the parks to be able to buy there merchandise and many times there merchandise is a limited edition/ only available for a limited time, constantly being changed and providing new merchandise. All this to continue to peak guests interest on spending money on this limited products that can only be bought for the most part within the walls of the Disneyland parks.
Burns, W. (2015, June 15). Disney Proves That Profitable Marketing Is About Brand Stories. Retrieved July 21, 2019, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/willburns/2015/06/09/disney-proves-that-profitable-marketing-is-about-brand-stories/#4ad56291227b
MacDonald, B., & MacDonald, B. (2019, June 18). Here's why Disneyland is selling merchandise inside an original 1955 attraction. Retrieved July 21, 2019, from https://www.ocregister.com/2019/06/17/heres-why-disneyland-is-selling-merchandise-inside-an-original-1955-attraction/
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Post #11: Trends/ Pricing
There are few places in a society where children, young adults, parents, and grandparents can come together and enjoy themselves so thoroughly. All of Disney products are family friendly, which makes it a number one choice for many families.  “Disney offers something for all ages no matter what park you’re visiting, from the grand aerial adventure of Soarin’ to the adorable comedy of Finding Nemo, The Musical, to the thrilling twists and turns and drops of Expedition Everest, to the spine-chilling creepiness of the Haunted Mansion, to the vibrant costumes and music of the Festival of Fantasy Parade”.
They use specific marketing strategies such as embracing the guest experience. Disney embraces the guest experience to improve on their provided services. Whether it’s hotel, parking lots, or theme parks, they are constantly amplifying the guests experience to new levels. So as for “threats” and or opportunities for the company, Disney will continue to do what they always do and that is to continue to be innovative and the guests experience through the park.
Disney already has introduced a limited version of “dynamic pricing” to its parks, charging a range of prices based on three categories of dates: “value,” “regular” and “peak.” Prices range from $97 to $135 for Disneyland and between $102 and $122 for Walt Disney World. Disney parks has adopting a dynamic pricing model similar to airlines, in which prices fluctuate depending on when a ticket is purchased.
Rising prices and attendance at the parks have contributed to strong growth in the company’s parks and resorts division in recent years. Annual income for the segment has grown more than 70% since 2013, hitting $3.8 billion in 2017.
Disney Marketing Strategy - A perspective on the happiest place on earth. (2019, April 23). Retrieved July 21, 2019, from https://zephoria.com/disney-marketing-strategy/
Schwartzel, E. (2018, June 18). Disney Tests Pricing Power at Theme Parks. Retrieved July 21, 2019, from https://www.wsj.com/articles/disney-tests-pricing-power-at-theme-parks-1529331115
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Post #10: Services
Disneyland Is a service based company as to serving there guests the most memorable day for everyone that comes into the park. To also continue to improve there service, which is there brand, is to allow the guests to have the ability to have a say on how Disney should do things to make the guests experience better. 
As for the more defined services they provide to achieve this “magic” Disney provides many from providing hotels, parking lots, transportation services, dining etc. and all of those categories provide a variety. Such as for dining Disneyland offers a variety of restaurants that range from fast food to full-course meals that satisfy everyones needs and wants. As for hotels For visitors’ convenience, the hotel is built across Disneyland Drive from Disneyland and next to Downtown Disney. But not even that Disney also services parents and babies with baby care centers and privacy rooms. They also provide special services for guests with disabilities, which are divided into categories based on the individuals’ needs. Whether they are cognitive disabilities, hearing disabilities, or mobility disabilities,  Disney offers a variety of services to make sure that these individuals are enjoying their experience as well. No one is left out on having fun. Overall Disney tries to provide the best service to there guests without leaving anyone out in all aspects of their services.
Adamson, A. (2014, October 15). Disney Knows It's Not Just Magic That Keeps a Brand on Top. Retrieved July 20, 2019, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/allenadamson/2014/10/15/disney-knows-its-not-just-magic-that-keeps-a-brand-on-top/#683118a95b26
Disneyland Hotel Fact Sheet. (n.d.). Retrieved July 19, 2019, from http://allears.net/disneyland/dlr-accommodation/disneyland-hotel-fact-sheet/
Disneyland Park Hours. (n.d.). Retrieved July 19, 2019, from https://disneyland.disney.go.com/guest-services/
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Post #9: Brand Detail
Disneyland's branding mark is the well known mickey ears with there brand name everywhere as well to the merchandise they sell to the “hidden mickeys” throughout the parks. So without even knowing it one is exposed to the brand countless times throughout the day. But to also to improve there famous brand they switched to a Customer Managed Relationships to better serve the guests allowing them too have the power to tell Disney what was important in making there experience a magical one. With this it has allowed Disney to continue to achieve being one of the most well known theme park but also achieve a 70% return rate for first time visitors. 
As for the product Mix Disneyland has merchandise within there service of making a day magic. They have toys, clothing, ears, themed food and drinks, pins and etc. and all of this to keep the brand as “the happiest place on earth”
Adamson, A. (2014, October 15). Disney Knows It's Not Just Magic That Keeps a Brand on Top. Retrieved July 20, 2019, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/allenadamson/2014/10/15/disney-knows-its-not-just-magic-that-keeps-a-brand-on-top/#683118a95b26
Brand Loyalty Magic: Inside Disney's Marketing Strategies. (n.d.). Retrieved July 20, 2019, from https://www.annexcloud.com/blog/brand-loyalty-magic-inside-disneys-marketing-strategies/
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Post #7: Packaging
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Disneylands Packaging for there merchandise are all different but all carry basically the same thing which is the mickey logo all over them and once you purchase them they give you a bag of the Disney castle on it. So even in there packaging they advertise themselves which in my opinion is very elaborate because you never stop seeing the mickey logo wherever you look!
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Post #6: Competition
Disneyland's top competitors today would be Six Flags Entertainment, Cedar Fair, Universal Studios and SeaWorld. Even with these competitors Disney still continues to profit more then all the other theme parks. Disney continues to do so by always bettering there parks and continue to improve on the experience with new shows, rides, lands such as the new Star Wars land with many cool new things to do. In recent years Universal has been close to catching up with its recent installment of harry potter land and all the interesting things you can do there. But given that Disney has many films that succeeded that can be used to better improve there parks compared to universal that hasn't had as many. Disneyland is still dominating the market in family theme park with its market share still on the rise and higher than everyone else.
DIS's Competition by Segment and its Market Share. (n.d.). Retrieved June 28, 2019, from https://csimarket.com/stocks/competitionSEG2.php?code=DIS
Segal, T. (2019, June 25). Who are Walt Disney's main competitors? Retrieved June 28, 2019, from https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/052115/who-are-disneys-dis-main-competitors.asp
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Post #5: Target Market
I believe I was able to find Disneyland’s NAICS code.
Disneyland has targeted locals, domestic and international tourists as its customers. Disneyland has also managed to be the first of its kind to target both kids and adults and thus appeals to a mass audience as it caters to families (Bhasin). Disneyland uses a multisegment targeting strategy targeting every person in the family where no one is left behind. With many variations of rides and entertainment. Also with there merchandise Disney provides for the adults with there clothing and home decorations and supplies and children with there toys. This way satisfying everyone. 
As for pricing Disney tries to mainly target the average income families, who live in urban areas but also targeting the higher income families by providing more luxurious stuff and experiences in there restaurants, resorts, and park. With these examples one can see that Disneyland doesn't have one specific target because they try to entertain ever single person without discrimination to anyone.
Marketing mix of Disneyland Park - Disneyland Park Marketing mix. (2019, March 13). Retrieved June 28, 2019, from https://www.marketing91.com/marketing-mix-of-disneyland-park/
Top Company Profile: Disneyland International, Burbank CA. (n.d.). Retrieved June 29, 2019, from https://www.naics.com/company-profile-page/?co=7075
Walt Disney Company. (1970, January 01). Chapter 8: Segmenting & Targeting Markets. Retrieved June 28, 2019, from http://thewaltdisneyco.blogspot.com/2011/11/chapter-8-segmenting-targeting-markets.html
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Post #4: SWOT
In my SWOT Analysis for Disneyland I came to see there strength's and weaknesses and what could possibly be done to improve them. My recommendation would be that they find a way to tailor to people of lower class to be able to get the chance to visit the parks as well with providing deals and discounts.
Strength: Disneyland is a family theme park that provides an experience for there guests. With that they do it very well by always focusing on the magical experience rather than the products sold within the park. Disneyland is always looking to improve the park by adding new things, lands, rides (most recent installment would be Galaxy's edge). And finally how Disney has a wide diverse set of characters that originated from there animated movies and popular movies for that matter, getting a chance to get to know these characters more and rides that are themed after them. 
Weakness: One weakness is there prices throughout the park with the most obvious one is the ticket prices, where they recently bumped them up even more and the annual passes well. With very minimal chances at actual deals and discounts, where it is starting to seem like this experience is starting to become a luxury for the people that can actually afford these prices rather than the middle and lower classes. 
Opportunity's: To offer better deals for tourists and people of lower class to be able to have a chance to visit the park. Also reinventing older rides and making them into character themes from there most recent and popular films.
Threat: The main competition for Disneyland is other major/ known theme parks like Universal studios and SeaWorld. 
SWOT analysis of Disneyland - Disneyland SWOT analysis. (2019, February 12). Retrieved June 29, 2019, from https://www.marketing91.com/swot-analysis-of-disneyland/
Zigu. (n.d.). Disneyland Park SWOT Analysis | Competitors & USP | BrandGuide. Retrieved June 28, 2019, from https://www.mbaskool.com/brandguide/tourism-and-hospitality/2594-disneyland-park.html
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Blog #3: Strategy
Disneyland is the leading amusement park aside from Walt DisneyWorld (which is basically the same thing but bigger). Disneyland really values customer service within in there park with having all there cast members go above and beyond to assist guests on there needs throughout the day. Disneyland sells an experience, creating what they call magic. By the shows they watch, the rides that they ride, down to the customer service that is given by every single cast member all to provide that “magical” experience. As for the merchandise in the parks they try there best to provide the quality and magical experience even within the products. What gives Disneyland and well Disney in general a competitive advantage is trying to go with generations trends and creating things that are unique, things that no one has seen before. “the subsidiary Walt Disney Imagineering Research & Development, Inc. has dedicated teams to ensure the uniqueness of entertainment experiences in the company’s theme parks and resorts” (Williams). Disney dedicates teams to ensure memorable moments in guests who come into the parks. 
As for location, Disneyland is located in Anaheim California where most of the year it is sunny even in the winter time. Where the average weather is 70 degrees Fahrenheit which gives Disney the best weather year round to have a fully operational park where there is no need to shut down rides due to inclement weather and where guests can still be happy. All this to maintain this magical experience for everyone. As for operations in the park Disney has been very dedicated in reducing there carbon foot print in various ways such as electricity, there water, plastic, trash and etc. 
Energy Conservation and Emissions Reduction. (n.d.). Retrieved June 28, 2019, from https://publicaffairs.disneyland.com/environment/energy-conservation-and-emissions-reduction/
How Disney Encourages Employees to Deliver Exceptional Customer Service - SPONSOR CONTENT FROM DISNEY INSTITUTE. (2018, February 28). Retrieved June 29, 2019, from https://hbr.org/sponsored/2018/02/how-disney-encourages-employees-to-deliver-exceptional-customer-service
Williams, A. (2019, March 06). Disney's Generic Competitive Strategy & Intensive Growth Strategies. Retrieved June 29, 2019, from http://panmore.com/disney-generic-competitive-strategy-intensive-growth-strategies
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Post#2: Brand Description
My brand is Disneyland Resort. Disneyland Resort is a sub-organization of The Walt Disney Company. While The Walt Disney Company is a public company, Disneyland Resort is a private company. While Disneyland is located in Anaheim California, some of corporate is also in Anaheim but for the majority of corporate headquarters is in Burbank California. Disneyland is in the service business while selling Disney products within the park. Disneyland sells an experience of fun and amusement. While announcing they employ about 23,000 employees. 
Disneyland’s mission statement is, “ to be one of the world’s leading producers and providers of entertainment and information. Using our portfolio of brands to differentiate our content, services and consumer products, we seek to develop the most creative, innovative and profitable entertainment experiences and related products in the world.” Within this statement they plan to be the best that they can be in every venture they take on. Such as by being the most creative, innovative and profitable in content, services, consumer products, and entertainment experiences. From the looks of it they seem to be accomplishing just that because according to there annual report Disneyland’s total revenue was about 18.4 billion in 2017 and in 2018 20.3. By these numbers it seems to be that they are accomplishing what they set out to do in there mission statement. 
Crunchbase (Disneyland Resort). (n.d.). Retrieved June 20, 2019, from https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/disneyland-resort#section-overview
Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Financial Report. (2018, September 29). Retrieved June 21, 2019, from https://www.thewaltdisneycompany.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/2018-Annual-Report.pdf
Williams, A. (2019, March 02). Walt Disney Company's Mission Statement & Vision Statement (An Analysis). Retrieved June 20, 2019, from http://panmore.com/walt-disney-company-mission-statement-vision-statement-analysis
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Blog #1 : Disneyland (brand)
I chose Disneyland as my brand because for one I grew up next to them my entire life and as of right now an Annual Pass Holder. But besides that I think the way they do things is just genius! To the point that Disneyland has become one of the major tourist stops and even with there high prices! I am very interested in learning how they where able to make this possible when other amusement parks such as Knotts Berry Farm can barely compete with them if it is even an equal comparison. 
From the looks of it, Disneyland seems to target all social classes to maximize profits from the lower classes with deals and some discounts to the upper classes with luxury items and services sold throughout the park and hotels. 
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