disgracediron · 1 year
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(by Nadæc)
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disgracediron · 1 year
Looking For Contact!
「 general information 」
FULL NAME: Koen Asranir Me’daras
NICKNAME(S): Ko | Ranir
TITLE(S): Ironfist | The Disgraced
AGE: 34
DATE OF BIRTH: February 17th
RACE: Half Elf (Human / High Elf)
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual
PROFESSION(S): Brawler, Mercenary, Monk, Master of  The Monastery of the Crimson Fist.
LANGUAGES: Common, Thalassian, Orcish.
「 physicality & appearance 」
HAIR: Koen's hair is a striking blonde, with a natural wave to it that gives it a tousled, carefree appearance. The length of his hair falls just past his shoulders, and it has a slight sheen to it as if it's well-maintained. His hair is parted to one side, allowing it to frame his angular face in a way that accentuates his sharp features. In the sunlight, his hair seems to catch fire, glowing like an ember in the midst of the flames. Despite his tendency to engage in fist fights, Koen's hair remains untangled and free-flowing, a testament to his impeccable grooming habits.
EYES: Koen's blue eyes are striking and intense, seeming to radiate with a fiery determination. They are a bright, piercing shade of blue that appears almost electric in certain lighting. His gaze is sharp and focused, with a sense of unwavering purpose that can be both intimidating and captivating to those who meet it. In moments of intense emotion or concentration, his eyes may seem to glitter or even blaze with an inner light, lending him an otherworldly, almost mystical quality. Overall, Koen's blue eyes are a defining feature of his appearance, conveying both his strength of character and the depths of his passion.
HEIGHT: 6′1″
BUILD: Koen is lean and muscular, with a body honed by years of training in the monastery. He is tall, standing at about 6 foot one inch, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. His limbs are long and sinewy, his muscles rippling beneath his skin. He moves with a fluid grace, and his every motion seems effortless and controlled. Despite his slim build, Koen exudes an air of strength and power, suggesting that he is capable of great feats of physical prowess.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Koen’s teal lightning tattoos on his collarbones are sharp and jagged, resembling an electrifying storm captured in ink. The tattoos are perfectly symmetrical, each lightning bolt starting from the center of the collarbone and extending down towards the chest. The yin and yang symbol between his shoulder blades is intricate and detailed, with each half of the symbol perfectly balanced with the other. The black and white halves of the symbol are intricately woven together, creating a perfect circle that seems to be in constant motion. The teal lightning tattoos and yin and yang symbol complement each other, with the lightning bolts seemingly radiating energy that's contained and balanced within the yin and yang symbol. The overall effect is both striking and balanced, an expression of both power and inner harmony.
COMMON ACCESSORIES: The necklace is a simple silver chain with two wedding rings dangling from it, one slightly larger than the other. The woman's ring is finely crafted in traditional elvish style, with delicate filigree and swirling designs adorning the band. The ring bears the initials "ZMR" engraved in the band in elegant, flowing letters.The man's ring is simpler in design, but still bears the hallmarks of fine craftsmanship. It is engraved with the initials "HM" in Thalassian script, etched into the band with precision and care. The engravings are small and subtle, but still visible upon closer inspection.Despite the simplicity of the necklace and its components, there is a sense of deep meaning and emotion attached to it. It is clear that these rings represent a powerful bond between two individuals, and that Kaelen holds them close to his heart as a reminder of a love that has been lost.
「 personality & traits 」
Koen is a complex individual with a multifaceted personality. On the surface, he comes across as stoic and withdrawn, keeping his emotions in check and rarely displaying them openly to others. However, beneath this exterior lies a deep well of loyalty, determination, and honor that drive Koen's actions and decisions.
•extroverted / introverted / in between.
•disorganized / organized / in between.
•close minded / open-minded / in between.
•calm / anxious / in between.
•disagreeable / agreeable / in between.
•cautious / reckless / in between.
•patient / impatient / in between.
•outspoken / reserved / in between.
•leader / follower / in between.
•empathetic / indifferent / in between.
•optimistic / pessimistic / in between.
•traditional / modern / in between.
•hard-working / lazy / in between.
•cultured / uncultured / in between.
•loyal / disloyal / unknown / in between.
•assertive / timid / in between
「personal information 」
HOBBIES: Engineering, Blacksmithing, whittling, reading, painting, martial arts, music, cooking.
SKILL(S): Hand-to-hand combat Musical instruments (Harp, Violin, Guitar) Weapon proficiency (specifically, swords) Acrobatics and agility Healing and herbalism Stealth and infiltration Tracking and survival skills Leadership and decision-making abilities Negotiation and persuasion Meditation and mental fortitude Traditional Monk techniques. Blood magic.
RESIDENCE: Stormwind City Outskirts
AFFILIATIONS: The Alliance, House Me’daras.
「 relations 」
PARENTS: Deceased
「 habits & vices」
SMOKING:  never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
「 other/ooc 」 FACE REFERENCE(S):
VOICE REFERENCE(S): Josh Hutcherson
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good
SERVER: Moonguard - Alliance
OTHER: Discord can be given out on request!
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disgracediron · 1 year
André Berthiaume  
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