diseaseapedia · 4 years
Imperial sculpt
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diseaseapedia · 4 years
I'm very minimally around! I'm mostly on twitter since it's the most convenient thing to open on break at work, but I've been busy making baked goods for desserts at my job lately and so far they've been doing well!
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diseaseapedia · 4 years
the primary way I find out about flight rising updates is that I log into tumblr and see everyone posting about it
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diseaseapedia · 4 years
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diseaseapedia · 4 years
i hope we get a new god tomorrow
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diseaseapedia · 4 years
flight rising anniversary tradition: overload the server
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diseaseapedia · 4 years
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It's not art, dragons or anch but it's proof I'm still kicking I guess! I made banana bread tonight and it's so good 💀
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diseaseapedia · 4 years
It's been a HOT minute since I was last on FR but I logged in again yesterday and got blasted in the face with a wave of not knowing what's happened since I looked at it last but Mama's still looking Choice™️
Any ways as of tomorrow I'm halfway through 6 weeks of physical therapy for my back and then back to the dr to see if anything's improved!
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diseaseapedia · 4 years
My job is considered essential so I don't have the opportunity to self isolate/lock down but I'm isolating as much as i can when I'm off work and that means a lot of animal crossing!
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diseaseapedia · 5 years
I've been on acnh all day because I'm off work for the day after an insanely stressful weekend, shoutout to my orchid mantis and my tarantula, bimothy
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diseaseapedia · 5 years
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I know I haven’t been properly active in a while, but I wanted to make a quick post about my current situation.
Due to the coronavirus three of my upcoming conventions have been cancelled. This is income I am unfortunately very much reliant on, so these past few weeks have been pretty rough :(
To try and compensate for some of this lost income I am running a 10% sale on my Etsy during every weekend I would usually have had a con!
You can find my store here!
Any support, be it through reblogs or maybe just sharing my merch with people you think might be interested, would be very greatly appreciated! <3
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diseaseapedia · 5 years
Hello!! Time for a quick update!!
I got a nerve conduction test on Friday and it turns out I don't have cts which is nice but also it means I have to figure out what's making my hand go numb, hurt, and lose grip!! Also my spine is freaking out and I have to go to another specialist!! But my moods have been fine and I'm just glad I'm getting somewhere lmao
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diseaseapedia · 5 years
if st valentine is the patron of love and the plague does that mean that plaguebringer is also the sornieth deity of romance?
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diseaseapedia · 5 years
One of my coworkers agreed to work for me tomorrow so I can go to my insurance agent about the claim and to find out how much more expensive my insurance is going to get, contact the body shop, and make a few more phone calls, and I'm clear to come in late Tuesday after the funeral so there's that at least, my neck is so sore
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diseaseapedia · 5 years
I've been gone a LONG ass time and I'll apologize for that!! In the meantime though, I've been hyper busy at work, my sister moved in with me, a family member passed away on Wednesday night and yesterday I was in a car accident so my mind has been elsewhere lately
Luckily I've been on muscle relaxers since yesterday so I slept for like 12 hours and I've been playing pocket camp to keep my mind busy otherwise
I have drawn some recently but not much as my hand is getting worse, but I'm looking at a nerve conduction test soon and sorry for being gone so long!
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diseaseapedia · 5 years
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I drew Thorn 😍
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diseaseapedia · 5 years
My phone fell out of my pocket and landed on concrete and now the screen is broken as all hell and I have to get it replaced 💀
Update: I got it fixed for like $50 cheaper than I anticipated but it still sucks it broke like it did
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