9 posts
I’m just a nerd
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discipled1 · 2 years ago
This is from an old writing project I was reviewing. Leaving the original commentary because I find my old thought processes interesting.
(( I like this line but it doesn't really fit since that is an earth story and this isn’t the same earth)Shocked, I try to pull my sword away, but it might as well have been the sword in the stone, and My name just happens to not be Arthur ))
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discipled1 · 6 years ago
They had no choice. Well, that wasn't true. They could wash their hands of the whole mess, just leave.
"We can't do that and you know it." Jormund said.
The glistening plate mail was meticulously cared for. The symbol of the god of light shone, not only from polish but with an other-worldly sheen. That paladin was grim.
"I don't like it any more than you. I probably like it less. A lot less." He continued.
"How can you, of all people, even consider this? You should want to storm the place and start smiting! " Kairou shouted, exasperated.
"Despite her... condition. It doesn't mean she's evil." Jormund replied, calm but pensive.
"Oh and her criminal organization just sells pastries door to door?" Kairou shot back.
Jormund sighed. "Point taken, let me rephrase. I have no proof she's of the abyss. I smite supernatural threats; worldly evil is not given for me to judge. Though you have little room to talk about such things."
Kairou scowled, "That... it's... she's different!"
She may have sputtered more but she was interrupted by the door opening.
Three more persons entered the room, faces solemn.
"It's a bust." One said, a long sword at his side and armor tinkling like ice as he moved.
"Not even Aren's gilded tongue could buy us purchase." Another said, smirking under a broad brimmed wizard hat.
"You can't reason with moron." Aren said, hanging his feathered cap on the hook as he shut the door. His rapier stayed at his side while is lute was put in a case with care.
"It's not like we have much to bargain with." Brunish, said as he leaned against a wall. His armor didn't make so much sound when he stood still.
"But even such a poor position should have been manageable for the great orator." Taliteann said, her smirk still in place.
"Lay off." Aren said completely serious. Taliteann's smirk disappeared. Their banter was usually playful, but even Aren was in no mood for games.
"So that's it then? The worst path is ahead of us?" Jormund asked.
"Unless your man upstairs has sent any divine inspiration?" Brunish asked.
"Unfortunately, he's trusted my faith on this matter." Jormund said.
"Of course." Brunish said, irritation barely hidden.
"And so we find ourselves with no other recourse." Taliteann said, "Neither the arcane, divine, or cleaver tongue provided us any other way."
"And so five heroes must make a deal with the devil for the good of many." Aren finished.
The room was large, well decorated and mostly dark. The carpet was fine, high quality. The tapestries of exquisite detail. Gruesome detail. They showed scenes of demons and other infernal beasts. Some portraits like you would see in a noble's keep, but the subjects hailed from the abyss. Other were battles, these had some mortal subjects, most of them dead and dying at the hands of hellish warriors.
They had walked through a long hall of similar works of "art" and as more hung on the walls of the room the five adventurers had eyes for none of them. They were locked forward.
A tall throne stood on a raised dais, behind it wreathed shadows dancing in the low torch light. Spikes adorned the chair in all but the functional sections. The figure on the throne sat, eyes closed and barely noticeable, their dark skin and dark apparel blending in the low light.
The human servant bowed to the throne before announcing, "These mortals seek an audience with you, oh Great Lady."
The figure on the throne was silent. Then slowly the eyes opened. They were bright yellow and shown in the darkness, almost as if back lit by the fires of the underworld.
"Who?" She said. With the word the torches flared, bathing the room in sudden unfriendly light. All but Jormund flinched.
The added light revealed more. Two armored figures on either side of the throne, invisible until now. They stood silent and still. The visitors hardly noticed them. The figure on the throne, now plainly visible did have dark skin, dark red. She wore black a form fitting type of armor, which looked serviceable but still stylish. It traced her curves perfectly.
She had the form of a beautiful woman in every way. Her shape was attractive, but no one could mistake her for a human. She had two horns which sprouted from her temples, curved out, then back in, narrowing to a straight point directly up. Snaking behind her, lazily draped over one arm of the throne was chevron pointed tail.
"You may announce yourselves." The human servant said, and then promptly walked to stand by the entrance, out of the way.
"We are a humble band of travelers." Aren started. "W--"
"Halt your tongue." The figure on the throne said, her tail flicked in annoyance. Like a cat, if that cat was a hellscape panther, "I know who you are, it is my business to know, and you are no humble travelers. Travel you may but lowly you are not. I will not abide lies silver tongued Aren. In flowerful language you may indulge, but falsities have no benefits of those I entertain."
Silence reigned. Only twice before had the party seen Aren give such pause.
"If you know of us already I shall not misspend your time in introductions oh great Crimson Lady." Aren said.
A... there is no more fitting way to describe it. A devilish grin spread upon the Crimson Lady's face.
"Very good." She purred. Her posture relaxed, but this only caused the five visitors to tense more. She lounged on her throne, her stillness replaced with an idle swing of her tail. In a word, her pose was seductive, she flexed her legs in such a way as to show their form and her head tilted as her eyes glinted, perhaps literally, with mischief.
"We know of each other yes." She said "However we have not had the pleasure of being acquainted. Though what I know of thee is interesting. Or should I say, what I know of thee makes this meeting interesting. Never in my wildest dreams would I think thee to grace my chambers with a visit. Verily, I thought I would have to entice thee here."
"You wear lies like elegant ball gown my Lady." Aren said, "Surely I heard you speak against falsities here."
The grin on the red face deepened into a smirk, "I said no such thing Silver Tongue. I merely informed that lies are of no benefit to my guests. By all means create trouble for yourself with falsities, I shall utilize them most efficiently."
"Double talking snake." Brunish whispered so quietly even Kairou barely caught it.
Taliteann winced.
"You flatter me, stalwart fighter." the Lady said with what looked like a genuine smile. She rose with grace from her throne and looked down straight at the warrior.
His hand went to his sword, only to remember they checked their weapons at the front door. His fist clenched.
The Crimson lady glided down the stairs, or at least appeared to. Her eyes never left the warrior.
"Forgive my c--" Aren started but was silence when the Lady held up a single finger.
She walked across the twenty or so feet that were between the stairs and the group. Her eyes bored into the fighter, her hips rolled from side to side, her eyelids lowered. Her tongue licker her top lip, revealing fangs behind.
The group was frozen, unsure what to do.
The Lady reached Brunish and delicately brushed the armored shoulder. Brunish looked at her eyes without blinking.
"The steadfast warrior of the weak. What is it you seek here?" She asked. Her breath smelled of sulfur.
"This was a mistake." Brunish said, he started to turn towards the door.
A strong grip stopped him. The lady squeezed and the metal of the shoulder pad started to buckle.
"Oh come now, you just arrived. Stay a while yet." The Crimson Lady said.
If Brunish moved, she would break his shoulder, armor or no. The warrior was like a statue.
The crimson lady turned her yellow eyes to Kairou.
"Be a dear and move your hand away from that hidden dagger. My doorman are skilled but I'm sure you slipped at least one passed them Kairou the Thief."
Kairou spread her figures, showing she had nothing in them before moving them back to her sides.
The Lady looked over to Taliteann. "You can let go of that arcane energy you have held there. At this range you can’t be sure your spell wouldn’t hit you ally instead of me Tally."
The wizard was shocked, not so much that the Lady sensed her magic, but that she used her little known nickname.
"We'll stay, for now." Brunish said.
The lady released him and only then did he turn back forward, glancing quickly at the hand shaped dent in the metal.
The Lady laughed. It was a pretty laugh, with school girl enthusiasm, but the rich tones of a great singer.
"Jormund." She said "The Holy. You live your name well. Haven't decided on me yet?"
"It remains to be seen." He said, "But don’t think I take to injuring my companions lightly."
"Of course not. One such as you would not be here to parley if I had proven myself of the darkness. As fun as this has been, we do have business to discuss do we not?"
She looked at Jormund for an answer, he looked at Aren.
"We do." Aren said.
The Crimson Lady looked back at Brunish and with a wink, stroked his cheek, before turning back to her throne.
The warrior yelped in surprise as she smacked his backside with her tail as she turned.
She pranced away towards her throne, slowing down her pace as here tail swished back and forth, playful.
She crossed her arms in front of herself as she stopped before the stairs. She leaned on one leg, the pose almost vulnerable.
"And what business do you wish to discuss?"
Aren paused a moment before answering, "It's a delicate matter. One we do not discuss lightly with our allies, let alone..."
"Demons?" The lady asked, quiet.
Aren gave further pause. Did she--
The Lady spun around, a "gotcha" smile on her face. Aren chided himself for falling for the act. "The devil's in the details my sweet." She said, "It must be serious, especially if you are turning to me for help."
Encounter part 2 "Quite." Aren said, composing himself.
The king is--"
"Dead?" The Lady asked, a knowing smile playing at her lips.
Aren faltered and was frustrated with himself. Silver Tongue was by no means an overstatement. He had and could navigate social situations expertly. Was she just that good or was it the way she looked?
"How can the king be dead when he appears in public so often?" The Lady asked.
Wise to her games now and getting ready to play ball, Aren started, "Because a ne--"
"Necromancy?!" The Lady said, enjoying the fact that she cut him off, but noticed he was ready for it this time. "In this kingdom? Such vile magic hasn't shown its ugly visage in decades."
"We have proof. Undeniable. And a plan to reveal the plot we just need some more boots on the ground and some contacts inside the castle." Aren finished.
"Men I have in spades and always on the lookout for more." She said, turning her gaze back to Brunish and winking. "But would you dare insinuate that I have spies in the court? Surely such a thing would be immoral." She looked at Jormund with a smirk.
Aren drew in a breath, "I would never dishonor your name Lady--"
The Lady clicked her tongue in disapproval.
"I would never doubt your capabilities." Aren amended.
She gave him an approving look.
"Such capabilities I may have. But I have to wonder what I may gain from undoing this so called plot. Surely one such as myself could very will be in league with such a scheme. Don’t deny you've considered it."
Aren was dealt a poor hand, but played it the best he could, "It would not be a large leap in conclusion, but one we've ascertained to be false. You may be on the wrong side of the law but you are loyal to your word and until proven otherwise, you do not fall in line with evil."
The lady smiled, "I like you. You lot. As long as you are agreeable to me I do not wish to stop you. This plot you have uncovered has indeed been a thorn in my side, perhaps I could use some help in removing it."
The group’s tension, finally, lifted somewhat. Perhaps this negotiation may not be a dead end after all.
"However, one never gets into my position by making fair deals." She smiled wickedly.
The group was tense again.
"It is true that these schemers have caused me issue, and should continue to do so more frequently should they take full control of the King's Court. But that is for me to deal with, I have only little vested interest in whether your own plots succeed or fail. Perhaps I could deal with this incursion myself and then I could control the Court."
No one said anything for a moment.
"But alas perhaps such action would be costly and the potential gains only possibilities. If I were to aid another party in eliminating mine enemy, while also gaining a sure benefit. Then perhaps that would be a deal worth considering."
"You have just as much to lose as we do, if not more!" Brunish interjected.
"I have not gained my power by losing little, dear Brunish. I have attained this position by gaining much. I will help you. We will take on our mutual enemy, as friends. But I request one thing."
"What do you request, my good lady." Aren asked.
"One favor."
"Name it!" Brunish said before Aren could speak.
"I shall, in time." She purred, "My help in this matter for your service at another time. After this affair has concluded."
"You'd have us sign a blank check?" Brunish asked.
"In a way. I give you my word, my favor shall not see you break any law, nor harm any innocent. But at this time you shall not know of its details or purpose. Do we have a deal?"
Aren looked back at his companions.
"She won’t have us break any law, or harm any innocent." Kairou said in a whisper.
"You trust the word that she devil?" Brunish whispered back.
The lady smirked as if she heard every word.
"Her word is good." Jormund said, "She will not violate the letter of her deal. I sincerely doubt we will appreciate the outcome of such a favor, however."
"We have little other choice." Taliteann said.
"I still don't like it." Brunish said.
"None of us do." Jormund says, "But I cannot abide a necromancer behind the throne."
"The devil you know..." Taliteann said.
"We don’t know her!" Brunish said, his whisper barely describable as such.
"We know she keeps her deals, and those that don’t keep hers don't stick around long." Aren said, "We have no other option."
He looked around. No one was happy, but no one stopped him. Aren turned to face the Crimson lady.
"We accept your proposal."
Her teeth, fangs included, showed in the widest smile yet.
"Excellent!" She cooed, "My friends, for now I feel I can call you such." Brunish looked disgusted by the term. "Let me assist you in any way I can for we are now allies. We must draw up plans a prepare. I offer to you rooms in my manor here, you shall have all my luxuries at your disposal."
"Oh we couldn't presume!" Aren said as he started to back everyone to the door.
A loud bang signaled the door being shut.
"Oh, I insist." Grinned the Crimson Lady.
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discipled1 · 8 years ago
“Fun Retention”
I was thinking how I don’t like MMO’s that make things a grind just so you play them longer. I fell if a game is fun people will play it. But then I remember my own self and how I do play some games for a long time but most the time I switch between different games.
Maybe a game can’t rely on good game play because “fun retention” isn’t reliable? Then again I’ve played some games for years because I liked the core concept, but those games weren’t always the most popular. 
Maybe my kind of fun isn’t the popular kind of fun, or maybe there are too many kinds of fun so one game can’t draw on them all. Or maybe something else entirely. 
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discipled1 · 9 years ago
Plans for this tumblr
I think I’m just gonna use it to dump my thoughts. Which is gonna be pretty varied. I do like discussion so I’ll throw out a lot of my reasoning behind certain things and I encourage people talking to me about my views.
I do like well put forth arguments too also as well, so I may refine my blabbering into more straight forward well structured posts/article things. I’d like to hear and see other view points on my thoughts before doing such a thing so I’ll probably blabber first, discuss (if any one finds my stuff worth replying to), then refine later. I don’t know if I’ll post those refinements or file them all away in a public location so others can find/see them. /shrug
 Carry on o/
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discipled1 · 9 years ago
Jack of all Trades or Master of One
To main or not to main, that is the question. 
Whether ‘tis nobler to get very good with one hero or play the hero you are best at, or switch depending on the situation and the team needs. The answer is there is no one answer. 
Overwatch is a hit game from what I hear and I’d love to play it, however my situation right now makes such a thing not optimal so for now I just watch random YouTube videos about it. One such video was talking about switching hero all the time in response to the enemy or what the team is needing/lacks. Well, to be more precise, the video was about not doing that.
The video creator (whose names escapes me; google, Force Gaming, was the channel, video here), was saying something to the effect that they were gonna play one hero (in this example Tracer) and nothing but that hero. This forced them to learn the hero inside and out. The video was highlighting the advantages of this.  
Of course the comment section was composed of a myriad of views on the subject, all of which I thought missed a point. 
In any competition the goal is generally to win and the goal of a game is to have fun(well more really, enjoying the experience). So in competitive video games is the goal to win or have fun?
I don’t now, depends on you and your team. Generally in public match making every one goes in with the goal of winning, at least in my experience. There are examples and anecdotes where people convinced an entire lobby to do something weird or different in the name of fun, instead of just competition, but these are rare and not the rule. 
So generally in public match making you want to do what wins. So main or swap? I don’t know, what wins the game for your team do that.
Now with friends or a team you play with commonly, it is a bit different. A lot of the time they wanna win too. Same answer is before. However the great part of playing with a team is that it defines it’s own goals. Sometimes you just wanna play what is fun, you don’t necessarily have to win. On occasion, this will win games too but that is secondary to the goal of fun. As long as the team walks away enjoying the experience, it is a win independent of the actual score board.
This brings up a different side of things. This discussion has all been team based, what about your opponents? Generally, your opponents want to win at the very least, however some also want a good match. To those that just and only want to win. You can do whatever you want, they don’t really care your tactics as long as they have a shot to win.
On the other hand if you are playing for fun, versus a player who wants a good match, they may get disappointed. Now the question is in what arena are you in? Public match making? They are gonna have to deal with it , in public every one is just there to play, rules (beyond game rules and generally not being rude) light. However if you go into a ranked or competitive mode, generally it’s good manners to play your best and try to win.
Probably more to say on that but I’ll mull it over and spit something out later. 
In conclusion (those who care about good writing cringe). In a team game try to play for your team, and if your team does’t like the way you wanna play, it may be a good a idea to find one that does. The world’s not perfect but games are supposed to be enjoyable, if you are not enjoying it you are doing it wrong.  
TL;DR Play what wins if your team wants to win(whichever way that is), or play for fun if your team wants that. 
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discipled1 · 9 years ago
A new chapter
Honestly I have no idea what I will use this tumblr for. For now it will be a place to share my thoughts. I could just type or write my thoughts out but there is something about sharing them that makes them... well a lot of things. 
Personally I am more likely to keep to them if I feel others are watching me. They also take on a more solid sense of reality instead of just floating around in my brain.
The funny thing is that it’s pretty unlikely any one will even see this. However that is not really the point. I am putting this out there so that others could see it and by that virtue it is as if others will see it. So my thought process is the same whether some one reads this or doesn't, my thoughts writing it are the same.  
So, these thoughts, what are they?
I am not sure whether I have finally lived enough of my life to look back and realize how different things have become, or if I have finally decided to have a life in the first place. Certainly my high school life was different than being a “kid”, and college was different than that. However during all of those times there was one similarity. For better or for worse, I was still living under my parents roof. Now don’t get me wrong, I love them dearly and I have nothing but respect for them allowing me to reside with them longer than some. I also do not regret that they let me stay longer than I probably should. It was my decision to move out and that has a lot of meaning to it. 
However, even though I moved out and had to make my own way, it took me a while(and still is) to adjust. At first I tried to live as I always had and it has become apparent that life no longer works that way. I need to make changes, and it is up to me to make them. 
I’m not sure I have finally made the switch but I feel I am making the first step at least. I want to make my life into something I enjoy and can be proud of and that is certainly a heavy work load in and of itself. 
I, quite optimistically and contrary to me current life style, plan to live to at least 100 years of age. This is unlikely especially considering  I don’t do what I should to work toward that goal. 
My last birthday wasn’t long ago and I turned 24, even living to 100 that’s nearly one quarter of my life already spent. Aiming lower towards a more average long life of 75, it is one third. Not only that but a lot of my “good” years are spent, I don’t have many “young” years left (comparatively). 
I want to use the time I do have stuff, so much stuff and it’s about time I start doing that.
I want to make video games and write stories. My past attempts have left nothing but unfinished unrealized projects. This is not what I want to leave to behind. I would love to make my living off of such things but that is unlikely, however, much of the value is in the doing and i want to do it.
Thank you for reading readers, if there are any of you, thank you for making this a “some one did read that thing” instead of “some one could have read that thing”. 
I wasn't gonna tag this just leave it untagged and a buried part of this tumblr once I do figure out what I am gonna do with it. However I think I might make my own tag, one that is not currently in use, This is my first step to hopefully a life worth living and as other such milestones come about I think I will use that same tag. Almost as if tat tag will become a series of snap shots in my life. Its gonna take a while to come up with something I like and that is not used, but you you reading this is will already be the first tag on the bottom, so enjoy. 
On to bigger, better things.
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discipled1 · 9 years ago
New start
Been wanting to post bloggy like things lately, not sure how long that will keep up. However, I decided to make this official as possible in case I do keep up with it. Switched my url to defualtgamer, so that it matches my twitter, which I may also start using. I honestly don’t know what’s gonna go on here and I often use blog type things just to air out my thoughts. But I like video games and fantasy, and am working on learning to make games and write fantasy. So anyway, not that any one will see this but it makes me feel better. =)
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discipled1 · 11 years ago
Tumblr media
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discipled1 · 12 years ago
A beta could be good, get some editorial advice and what not. Also, no story is ever prefect the first time.
or second...
or third...
Still so much revision to do. Darn perfectionist in me, I keep feeling like I’m missing something. D:
I seriously need a beta.
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