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jae yang. twenty. bartender
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disappntmnts · 5 years ago
          THERE’S  BARELY  A  REACTION  to  the  touch  on  his  skin,  but  that’s  only  because  it’s  so  familiar,  nothing  like  a  stranger  would  feel  after  a  night  spent  together.  it’s  one  thing  that  can  never  come  of  one - night  stands,  no  matter  how  warm  a  person  is  or  how  well  they  click  with  him.  really,  there  are  a  lot  of  things  that  he  gets  out  of  this  that  he’s  happy  for,  and  jae’s  careless  attitude  is  partly  to  blame.  rom  knows  this  is  everything  he’ll  ever  be  to  him  ——   and  he’s  content  with  that.  eyelids  close  briefly,  lips  forming  a  small  pout.  “  that  sounds  like  something  someone  who’s  bad  at  making  coffee  would  say,  ”  he  responds  before  looking  over  at  him,  head  tilted  to  the  side  as  he  takes  in  his  features.  “  i  have  bottled  frappes  in  the  fridge.  you  can  have  one,  if  you  want …  how  long  are  you  staying?  ”
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“ that’s  the  rudest  thing  anyone  has  ever  said  to  me. ”     he  states  with  as  serious  of  a  face  as  he  can  manage,  holding  his  gaze  a  few  moments  longer  before  throwing  his  legs  off  the  side  of  the  bed  and  leaning  down  to  find  his  briefs.     he  pulls  them  on  and  then  stands  up,  another  languid  stretch  to  loosen  his  tense  muscles,  only  shrugging  his  shoulders  at  rom’s  question.    “ depends  on  how  long  i  can  stand  to  sit  here  and  pretend  to  care  about  anything  you’re  saying.      be  right  back. ”     jae  hums  as  he  finds  his  way  to  rom’s  kitchen,  pulling  out  two  bottled  frappes  and  making  his  way  back.    he  flops  down  beside  romeo,  spreading  out  as  much  as  he  can  and  letting  out  a  little  groan.    “ i  take  back  what  i  said  before.    i’m  staying  here  and  kicking  you  out  of  your  bed  so  i  can  sleep  here  instead. ”
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disappntmnts · 5 years ago
             WITH  MOST  PEOPLE,  there’s  a  risk  factor  involved  in  pursuing  something  like  this,  a  high  possibility  of  it  ending  far  worse  than  it  would  have  if  things  ended  on  the  first  night.  rom  had  a  hunch  that  jae  was  different,  though,  not  the  kind  of  a  person  who  sought  commitment  in  the  first  place.  he  trusted  his  instincts  enough  to  keep  things  going,  and  they’ve  built  something  nice  together  because  of  it  ——   and  by  now  he  knows  that  he  wasn’t  off  the  mark.  they’re  both  different,  one  a  people  person  and  the  other  not  so  much,  but  they  have  enough  in  common  for  this  to  be  have  become  a  possibility.  rom  knows  that  nothing  serious  will  ever  come  of  this,  and  he’s  fine  with  that.  outside  of  their  hookups,  they’re  good  friends,  which  is  another  reason  they  go  back  to  each  other.  there’s  no  awkwardness,  and  even  silence  is  comfortable.  when  it’s  broken,  it’s  just  as  peaceful,   half - closed  eyes  finding  their  way  towards  jae’s  back.  the  sheets  of  the  bed  stop  at  rom’s  waist,  the  rest  of  him  exposed  to  the  faint  breeze  that  comes  in  through  the  open  window  every  so  often.  “  mm  …  how  are  your  coffee - making  skills?  are  they  as  good  as  your  bartending?  ”  
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he  can’t  deny  that  when  he  turns  to  look  at  rom,  his  gaze  lingers  on  his  exposed  torso  -  he’s  always  been  attracted  to  him,  wouldn’t  have  kept  this  up  if  he  wasn’t,  but  something  about  him  in  the  soft  light  makes  him  look  like  someone  jae  has  no  business  playing  around  with.    “ bold  of  you  to  assume  that  i’m  bad  at  anything, ”    he  teases,  dimple  appearing  on  his  cheek  as  he  leans  in  to  trace  a  finger  over  rom’s  delicate  collarbones.    “ even  bolder  of  you  to  assume  i’d  go  out  of  my  way  to  make  you  coffee.     you  have  your  choice  of  anything  bottled,  but  anything  that  takes  more  effort  is  strictly  off  limits. ”
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disappntmnts · 5 years ago
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     stumbling  into  bed  with  a  well  known  badge  club  member  had  never  been  jae’s  intention  -  he  was  only  a  bartender  for  the  prestigious  love  alarm  society  because  the  people  were  celebrities,  gave  handsome  tips,  and  they  hardly  ever  cared  enough  to  question  why  he  didn’t  set  off  their  love  alarms.    there’s  always  an  exception  to  the  rule,  however,  and  after  one  drink  and  a  few  flirtatious  comments,  he  found  himself  in  romeo  lee’s  home,  in  his  bed,  underneath  his  silk  sheets.     one  night  turned  into  another,  into  another,  and  another;  but  he  didn’t  consider  himself  to  be  breaking  his  own  rules,  to  keep  casual  sex  to  a  minimum  of  twice.    they  knew  where  they  stood  with  each  other,  knew  they  were  just  a  way  to  release  pent  up  energy  and  frustration  without  having  to  worry  about  feelings.    that’s  how  jae  ends  up  here,  yawning  and  stretching  out  his  tired  limbs  and  pulling  himself  up  into  a  sitting  position  on  the  bed.    “ gonna  go  grab  a  water,  you  want  anything? ”  
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disappntmnts · 5 years ago
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no shame 💀
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disappntmnts · 5 years ago
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191203 ©️ dimple
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disappntmnts · 5 years ago
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disappntmnts · 5 years ago
okay i’m back again but with jae this time ( who is considerably worse than sunny but we still love him... kinda )!
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✧・゚: * ( choi san, cismale, he/him ) have you seen JAE YANG around ? i hear the TWENTY year old is working as A BARTENDER AT THE BADGE CLUB. did you know they have 333 love alarm points? if they ever want to be truly loved someday they should ease up on being BLUNT & NARCISSISTIC. at least you can say they’re HONEST & OBSERVANT, too. 
trigger warnings: parental abandonment !
jae yang was born and raised by a single mother in toronto, canada.
the plot twist is this: the woman he knows as his mother isn’t his biological mother, but a distant friend of his biological mother’s. his biological mother took care of him for maybe three weeks before deciding she couldn’t handle it, called up the woman who used to be her best friend, and asked her to watch jae for just a week.
well, a week turned into two, turned into a month, into six months - his biological mother always swearing that she would come back, she just needed more time. she never came back, stopped calling, and to this day nobody knows where she is, if she’s alive - and if she is, does she regret her actions?
jae learned of this when the only woman he’d ever known as a mother, who he always calls his real mother, sat him down when he was eighteen and explained everything, volunteered to give him his biological mother’s outdated information - to which jae refused. 
he was upset, of course, because she’d withheld information from him for so long - but he never hated her for it. she adopted him when he was only two, cared for him like she cared for his older brothers (her biological sons), treated him the best she could while being single, working two jobs to keep everyone afloat, living in a tiny one bedroom apartment falling apart at the seams.
when he was nineteen, he was personally given a lock for his heart - a lifetime block for love alarm. he doesn’t have any regrets.
he works now for the badge club as a bartender.
tiny headcanons !
so um. jae hasn’t really had it easy, but that doesn’t excuse just how much of a, uh... not great person he turned out to be. 
like, seriously, he does not care about anyone except himself and his family. everyone else can choke.
there was one exception, in high school, a boy he fell head over heels for. but at that point, jae was already pretty narcissistic, was never really a good person for a relationship even though he did care deeply about the boy, and when they were both nineteen the boy broke up with him, broke his heart, and ofc jae vowed never to love anyone ever again. 
he really is an asshole. like, he’ll use you without a second thought. he’ll chew you up and spit you out and go on with his life without so much as a blink. he just does not care.
he’s honest to the point of rudeness, he always speaks his mind... so at least there’s never any mixed signals from him, right?
he likes casual hookups, and that’s about it. he will never stay the night, will never let the other person stay the night, never calls, tries to keep hookups with the same person minimal, if not nonexistent. his own personal rule is to never hook up with the same person twice.
i really do love him tho. 
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disappntmnts · 5 years ago
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san — mama 2019
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disappntmnts · 5 years ago
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san x love shot | weekly idol
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disappntmnts · 5 years ago
tag drop !
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disappntmnts · 5 years ago
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he looks like a dirtbag and i’m into it
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