Dirty Writing
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dirty-bitz · 4 years ago
This could not go on my main account with the rest of the short stories about these two for so many reasons...mostly the smut. Definitely the smut. And my main accounts are linked to some stuff that I know parents show their kids, so, dirty stuff here where it can’t be found by innocent eyes.
I wrote this for @inkly-heart, and did write a lot more interaction between these characters on my other account. The stories that are not sexy are here. Dit is hers, and so much fun to write about.
Warning: Below the tag is blood, sex, and other stuff. Don’t read if you’re not into that.
“I’m done with humans,” Nim grumbled as she sat with a beer, her other arm draped over the back of the sofa. “Men, women, both, I’m done with them. Just absolutely done.”
Dit looked over at her, one eyebrow raised. She was dressed up nice, in a lavender button-down shirt and black jeans. The woman had put bobby pins in her hair and combed it, wearing black high heels instead of her usual hiking boots. Nim looked like she was ready to hit the town when he arrived. There was even a tiny bit of glitter on her lips, a soft pink lip gloss. She had genuinely put some time into her appearance. It was a good look for her.
But when he had asked, the human had waved it off. She had ordered out delivery, instead of cooking, and had gotten some of his favorites. Now she was having a beer and looked absolutely frustrated with everything. The Ditto couldn’t figure out what was going on.
“Done with humans, huh?” he asked.
She nodded. “Yep, done with them. Completely done. Stupid idiot, cancelling on me because of the triplets.”
Dit stayed quiet, letting her rant. It seemed like the easiest way to figure out what was going. And rant Nim did, sitting up and waving one hand animatedly as she spoke. The Ditto had to lean away a bit when she got particularly annoyed at one point. His expression was one of bemused confusion as he started to work out what was on his friend’s mind.
“Let’s talk, let’s get to know each other. Hey, you’re great, you want to go on a date after a few weeks of talking? Oh, you’re perfect, I can’t wait to go to dinner with you! Wait, you call the Riolu pups your kids? Oh, you know, let’s cancel dinner, I think you’re a different sort of girl than I thought,” Nim growled, clearly imitating what someone else had said to her. “Screw that. Yes, the triplets are like kids to me, anyone who has got a problem with that is not going to work.”
Ah…so Nim had been ready to go on a date, and the guy had said something about the kids. Or girl, Dit wasn’t sure since Nim hadn’t said the gender of her cancelled date and it sounded like she was into both. But the woman had gotten her hopes up, gotten ready to do something for herself, and then had them dashed.
No wonder she was ranting and had gone for a beer.
The Ditto gave her a little smile. “Well, I think you’re a good mom,” he told her. “The triplets love you, and it’s cool that you treat them like your kids.”
“Thanks, Dit,” she said before taking a long swallow of her drink. “But yeah, no, humans suck.”
“Gonna try Pokémon?” he asked with a suggestive waggle of his eyebrows.
She snorted. “No, I’m not, no offense meant to you. I think I’m just…done with dating for a bit. Maybe I’ll just stick to hanging out with friends.”
“Oh yeah? Like who?”
Nim made a bemused sound. “Um…hmm…you’re here?” she said with a shrug. “I need to get out, but the last few times I’ve tried have not ended well. And it feels so strange being around my co-workers and stuff. They just…don’t get it.”
“The weird stuff you deal with?” Dit asked.
She nodded. “Yeah. The weird stuff. Having to round off my rough edges and be ‘normal’ around them.”
The Ditto had to laugh at that. Nim gave him a confused look until he explained. “You? Normal? Nah. Normal doesn’t work for you, lady, it really doesn’t.”
“Probably right,” Nim agreed.
Dit paused when he realized why she was so frustrated. It wasn’t just the date ditching her after Nim had gotten so into the idea of getting out for herself. The woman was still trying to cling to a sense of normalcy. She didn’t get much of that, not with who all she knew and what all the human did for them. What normal interaction Nim got from work just wasn’t enough.
“Where were you going tonight?” he asked after a moment.
Nim shrugged. “Does it matter? Plans got cancelled.”
“It does, where?” he repeated.
He listened as she said that it was <i>The Rayquaza</i>- a fancy club in the uptown area. That was a nice date indeed, no wonder she was bummed about missing that. It was definitely the sort of place the tattooed Pokémon trainer would go to from what little Dit knew of it. Not his sort of thing, he didn’t go for that, but he could see why Nim had gotten all dressed up. She could be classy at times, when she wanted to.
When the woman leaned her head back against the sofa again, he subtly shifted his clothes to black slacks and a pink button-down shirt, open to the second button. He decided to leave the cap on, and kept his shoes as they were. Then Dit elbowed Nim, who didn’t look up but did make a sound of protest. “Pinky, why are you elbowing me?” she grumbled.
“Because, we’re going out,” he said, prodding her again. “So set down that beer and call a taxi. The kids are out, you made plans, let’s get going.”
She blinked when she saw that he’d changed his clothes. “How did you- right, never mind, you’re a Ditto, I forgot that you can do that. Kind of late for the club…but the plan was to go see a movie after dinner and a bit of dancing. I still have the tickets.”
“Movie then, we already ate dinner,” Dit told the woman.
Nim smiled when he got up, offering her a hand. The Pokémon trainer easily helped her to her own feet, even with the heels. Dit then shook his head when she reached for her cane. Instead, he offered her his elbow. There was no need for that tonight, he was going to spoil his friend like her date should have.
“This is nice,” she told him as she leaned on him a bit. “Thank you, Dit.”
“So, what movie are we heading out to see?” he asked curiously.
“A midnight showing of an old classic,” she said. “It’s a silly monster movie, and I’m not even sure there will be many people. It was supposed to be…y’know…the sort of fun movie where you can laugh and whisper to the person beside you. Maybe even kiss a bit if your date is feeling naughty.”
Dit grinned. “And you’re still going to have some fun, lady,” the trainer promised. “We’re going to have a good time.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The movie was as ridiculous as he thought it would be, and the theater was as dead as Nim had expected it to be. But it was nice to share popcorn and point out the obvious plot holes in the film. Dit hadn’t even known this old theater showed films like this late at night on the weekends.
When the ending credits rolled, he glanced over at Nim. She was relaxed and clearly having a great time with him. “This was fun,” he told her with a grin.
“It was, thanks for coming with me,” she replied. “Oof…how is it already two in the morning?”
Dit made sure that she got home alright, and was pleasantly surprised when Nim invited him to stay. The guest bedroom wasn’t made up, though, so she offered the Pokémon trainer her own room. “I’ll sleep on the couch,” she said with a shrug when he asked where she was planning on spending the night.
He gently caught her hand when Nim went to leave. “Hey, you should sleep in your own bed.”
Nim wrapped her fingers around his when he went to leave the room instead. “C’mon, it’s big enough for two if you don’t mind,” the woman told him with a smile.
The Ditto chuckled when Nim left to get changed into her pajamas. His was easier- he just shifted his clothes to a shirt and a pair of sweatpants. When Nim got back with extra pillows, dressed in her comfortable flannel pajamas, she found he’d already pulled the blankets back and closed the curtains so that the sun wouldn’t bother them in the morning.
“We are sleeping in a bit, lady, I know your Pokémon have everything they need to manage breakfast just fine,” he told her before sitting on the edge of the bed.
When Nim laid down, Dit tucked the blankets over both of them. He rubbed her shoulders and smiled when the human visibly relaxed. Dit scootched closer to use both hands, making Nim sigh. “Oooh that’s nice,” she told him. “Got shoulders as hard as a Graveler’s, lady, you need to take more time for yourself,” he teased.
“My bad,” Nim said sheepishly. He stopped after a few moments, rolling over so that his back was facing hers. “Sleep well, Nim. You definitely need it.”
“You too, Dit,” she murmured sleepily.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Pokémon trainer woke up the next morning to find that he was the big spoon, one arm draped over the waist of the other warm body in the bed. His hand had found her chest in the night, cradling the woman in bed with him close against his own body. Pleasant curves were pressed alongside him, even if they were clothed. And he definitely liked where his hand was at the moment. He made a soft sound before nuzzling his face into the hair tucked beneath his chin. It smelled good.
Then he paused when he realized it was the tropical perfume she wore, mingled with the coconut shampoo that Nim liked so much. Dit understood very quickly what an awkward position he was in. Right, the Ditto had been beside his friend the night before, they fell asleep in the same bed. Now he was awake with his hand groping the tattooed trainer in a very inappropriate place. Nim had made it clear many times they were just friends. Did he pretend not to be awake, or did he dare try to move away without waking her up?
Nim made a soft, sleepy sound. “You awake?” she asked, moving one hand to cover his before he could try to get away.
Busted. He nodded, surprised at the tenderness of her gesture. It seemed someone had liked him getting handsy in his sleep. Dit paused only a moment before giving her breast a light squeeze, nuzzling his face into her hair again with a soft sound. Nim didn’t smack him away or protest. If anything, she snuggled a bit closer to his body. It felt like her hand over his was encouragement instead of to stop him.
“When was the last time anyone did this for you?” he asked softly, his other hand sliding under her side to wrap around her stomach. He was holding the woman close to him, still lightly massaging her chest since Nim wasn’t complaining or asking him to stop.
“Held me close first thing in the morning, treating me like I was someone precious and sexy?” Nim said with a snort. “Oh hell, it’s been a while, Dit.”
He made a sound of annoyance for her sake before letting his hand stray down. Nim arched against him when the Ditto’s fingers reached between her legs, gasping a bit. “Hmm! Hey, whoa,” she said with a shaky laugh.
“Want me to stop?” Dit whispered in her ear. “I would if you want me to. I respect you, and I respect your decisions for your body. But when was the last time someone made you feel special? Feel desired? When were you last treated like a queen?”
“It’s been years,” she confessed, still pressed against him as he used his fingers to rub her crotch through the fabric of her clothes. “Ah! Ohhh that’s nice…hmm…don’t stop?”
Dit placed a gentle kiss behind her ear before letting his hands and mouth wander. He soon had Nim purring and wriggling against him, clearly aroused. She made a plaintive sound when he got up to make sure the door was locked. Then he slipped back under the covers with her, smiling at the woman. “Don’t worry, I’m not getting out of this bed again until you’ve gotten your fill of attention or noon, whatever comes last. So what do you like, hmm?” he asked as one hand found its way under her shirt.
“That,” Nim agreed with a sigh, arching into his hand. “Definitely that.”
The Pokémon trainer chuckled as he undid the buttons of her flannel pajama top with his other hand. “How does such a great lady go so long without having some fun?”
“A trust thing, I suppose,” Nim replied as he regarded her exposed curves beneath his spread fingers. “I just…haven’t really found anybody. It’s weird to think of having sex with someone who doesn’t know whole parts of your life. Then after the accident…finding someone willing to be careful of a disabled partner during fun stuff.”
Dit smiled at her when she paused. He could tell what was on her mind as he gently lifted her left leg up to his hip, leaving her less flexible right leg lying flat on the bed still. It was an intimate position that pressed them together in all the right places without putting stress on her, and he shifted out of his clothes as he spoke. “I’m nothing if not gentle, unless you want rougher,” he purred as he leaned down to give her a kiss on the lips.
Nim made a startled sound before leaning into it. She even wrapped her arms around his neck, threading her fingers through his thick hair. When his mouth moved from hers down to her throat and the sensitive crook of her neck, just above her shoulder, the woman pressed against him with a needy whine. Dit grinned when she felt just how much he was enjoying the moment, Nim giggling like a teenager. “Happy to see me?” she asked playfully.
“Very,” he agreed, sliding one hand down to her waistband before slipping his fingers under it, easing the fabric down. “I’d love to see more of you.”
The Ditto had gotten her out of her pants and was using his fingers when Nim flinched slightly, sitting up a bit. “What’s wrong?” he asked worriedly, moving his hand back.
“A reminder of why I pretty much gave up on sex with others,” she said quietly.
“Talk to me, what’s up? Got problems down there, too?” Dit prompted as he sat beside her, cradling Nim on his lap. He genuinely wanted her to have a good time, he could tell his friend needed it. And he himself was also really getting into the idea of having some fun with her.
Nim nodded, explaining. She had several health problems even before being hit by a car- and one of them was an issue where she’d clench up painfully if she wasn’t extremely ready. The woman had partners leave in frustration because they didn’t have the patience for what some people dismissed as a fake issue entirely.
Dit thought it over for a moment before grinning. Well, she had a lot stacked against her, but that wasn’t a bad thing at all. The Ditto knew what he was doing and was genuinely interested in showing her how nice things could be. “I can be patient with you,” he reassured her, gently fondling the woman’s breasts and kissing her neck. “More foreplay is not a bad thing.”
The Pokémon knew what he was doing. He’d been told many times before that he was great in bed- as he should be, all things considered. Dit started with one finger, slowly and carefully prepping the woman with lube from her bedstand to make sure it didn’t hurt. His other hand was at her breasts and stomach, focusing the sensitive areas he had seen were good for her. Nim was all gasps and moans, tense against him as he focused on her pleasure. The Ditto loved hearing how she groaned his name. Seeing her toes curl in delight and knowing that was all because of him was nice, too.
When Nim was good and ready, he shifted their positions so that she was laying on the bed, her head and shoulders propped up with pillows. Dit used one other trick to make sure he didn’t hurt her- he was a Ditto masquerading as a human, he could change anything about himself. Normally folks wanted bigger, but in this instance, he started smaller as he slid between her thighs. They could work their way up to what was most comfortable for the woman. Nim whimpered his name as he pressed himself within her, nails scratching at his back. He was going to have some lovely reminders of this later.
“Is that good?” he whispered in her ear. “Still doing alright?”
She nodded, nuzzling his neck. “Very,” Nim murmured.
Patience was a virtue, and when it came to good sex, Dit had it. He was more than happy to go slow with Nim, being everything she needed. It amused him to see that she definitely liked a very decent size when it was done right and didn’t cause her pain. The Ditto was sensitive to where her body usually hurt, taking care not to put pressure on her right leg or move it in a way that would cause her distress. There were plenty of positions to try that didn’t need her to use that leg much. He was having fun with this go-slow method, too, it felt good. There was time to enjoy things as he made his friend shout his name. He liked being in charge in the bedroom, and Nim had definitely given control of the situation over to the Ditto when he proved he could be the lover she needed.
It was quite honestly a very good time indeed. Dit made certain that they both got what they needed, Nim coming before he did, before happily cuddling with her in the afterglow. The fun stuff didn’t stop just because they’d both gotten good sex- snuggling together afterward was almost as good as the main event. He drew a little scrolling symbol on her stomach below her chest as they nestled together in the rumpled sheets. Both of them were sweaty, tired, but very satisfied.
“Bloody hell,” Nim said with a chuckle. “That was…wow.”
Dit kissed her neck, smiling as he spoke against her skin. “Told you it’d be fun, Nim.”
She giggled, wriggling down further under the blankets with him. “You definitely did,” the human agreed. “I don’t think I’ve ever had sex that good. Did you enjoy that, too?” He nodded before peppering her shoulders with kisses. “I had fun, Nim, that was good.”
Nim made a happy little sound at that. Dit snuggled his face into her hair and exhaled deeply. The two of them soon were sound asleep once more, exhausted from such an intense romp together.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
When Dit woke up again because Nim was stirring beside him, he saw that there was a tray with fast food bags and several bottled sodas on it. There was food he liked as well as things he knew Nim enjoyed. His best guess was that Lewis had been well aware of their activities, ordered food, and let himself into the room just long enough to drop it off before locking the door behind him again. Lots of protein and sugar, just what the two of them needed.
“How do you feel about lunch and round two?” the Ditto asked with a grin as he brought the tray over to the bed.
Nim sat up, her hair mussed and a big smile on her face. “How could I say no to that?” she asked playfully.
He grinned as he sat beside her once more. It was a bit odd to think that he and Nim had gotten so caught up in the moment like that. But at the same time…Dit liked it. The Pokémon had fun with his human body, while Nim had been in sore need of something good. “Where do we stand, lady?” he asked as he fondly brushed some of her hair away from her face.
The woman paused as she unwrapped her lunch. “You know, I was wondering the same thing,” she said softly. “Where are we at? I adore you, you’re an amazing friend, and what we did together was fantastic. But is dating really a thing either of us does seriously? And I wouldn’t call what we have love, not in a dating relationship sort of way. Not like…with the intent to marry.”
“Friends with benefits,” Dit offered, gesturing with his burger. “Our usual friendliness and stuff, but when you need some attention and we’re both in the mood…”
He waggled his eyebrows suggestively, and Nim chuckled. She tilted her head and smiled fondly back at him. “You know? That’s not a bad idea at all, Pinky.”
The Ditto gave her a light kiss. “Less talking, more eating lunch.”
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Round two had been just as much fun, though not nearly as intense. Afterwards they had cuddled together under the showerhead in the warm water. Dit liked the aftercare of washing with a partner. Both he and Nim were handsy under the pretense of soaping up, taking the time to explore the other’s body. The Ditto took note of every scar his hands found, his fingertips tracing them. Nim had a veritable constellation of healed wounds on her soft curves.
“That tickles,” she told him.
He wrapped both arms around the woman, drawing her close. “Be careful, alright?” Dit asked her softly.
Nim nodded as she leaned on him trustingly. The Ditto found it was so easy to kiss and let his hands roam even in the shower when she so willingly put herself in his arms. The tattooed woman made such lovely sounds when she was touched. Both were easily distracted when he started to show more interest than just light petting.
The water was almost cold by the time they were satisfied and had cleaned up again.
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Dit smiled as they snuggled on the sofa for a movie after taking care of both their Pokémon teams. Nim leaned against him, while he had his arm around her shoulders. Lucas looked mildly unnerved at the change in their behavior. The Lucario was an empath and had been able to tell that something was going on when Lewis insisted he stay outside in the barn until Nim came to get them. Nim hadn’t felt distressed, though he could tell that there was a lot of emotion, so he had listened to the Haunter.
But now he had a good idea of what had been going on in that bedroom.
It became all the more apparent as the two trainers playfully fed each other popcorn and Dit leaned in to give Nim a kiss on the cheek. Lucas gave them a horrified look before turning to Lewis. What on earth had happened? Last he remembered, his mother had been getting ready for a date, been stood up, and had gone to the theater with Dit instead. That surely hadn’t become a genuine date?
“Relax, we’re still just friends,” Dit told Lucas when he realized that the Lucario had been staring. “…with benefits. Lots of benefits. Very nice benefits.”
Nim playfully smacked his stomach with her arm. “Dit!” she protested with a giggle.
“You have very nice benefits,” he told her with a grin.
She snorted with laughter at that as she leaned against his shoulder. The Ditto hadn’t realized just how much she needed positive interaction and good things like sensual touch. Lately, aside from her team and family, everyone had been trying to hurt her when it was contact. Well, aside from when he would do little things, like holding Nim’s hand for a few moments or getting cuddly when he was on pokénip.
That had to have been building up. A good tumble in the sheets had been exactly the sort of positive outlet the other Pokémon trainer had needed. Dit was perfectly fine with being the one to give it to her. She was a good friend and really fun in bed when her partner was aware of her problems. It had been a good time, getting creative.
Lucas just stared, not sure what to make of it. But even he could tell that Nim was in a much better mood. It was just weird to think that Nim and Dit had done…<i>that</i>…with each other. Lewis elbowed him lightly before gesturing that he should watch the movie instead of worrying about their friend and trainer. Nim was a big girl, she knew what choices to make for herself. And the Haunter got the feeling this one had actually been a very good decision, unlike constantly throwing herself in harm’s way.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Dit had come over for dinner and a good time when the male Mewtwo, who Nim and the others called MT, arrived in his preferred illusion of humanity. The big Pokémon looked perplexed at how bubbly and happy the tattooed trainer was as she worked in the kitchen. “What did you do?” he asked the Ditto slowly.
He grinned. “She’s doing better, isn’t that enough? Trust me, you probably don’t want to know more than that.”
MT raised one brow. He was about to ask just what the other Pokémon meant when Nim poked her head through the kitchen doorway. “Hey, dinner is almost ready- oh, hi, MT. How are you?”
“Good, you seem to be in high spirits,” he said after a moment.
“It’s a good day,” Nim agreed with a smile. “Here for a sparring match to clear your head a bit?”
He nodded, still looking very confused by the situation. Dit waited until he thought the Mewtwo was in the downstairs training room to catch Nim by the hips, pulling her close to him when she laughed. “And I’ll help you de-stress again later,” he promised, giving her rear a light smack. “Go take care of your friend.”
Nim made a delighted sound at that, perking up. She was about to respond when she realized that MT had come back upstairs for something and seen Dit flirt with her. The big Mewtwo had a very confused and semi-horrified look on his face when he realized what he had just witnessed.
“Are you two-” he started to ask.
“MT, you probably don’t want to know,” Nim said with an amused smile. “I’ll meet you downstairs, ok?”
The Mewtwo glanced at her, obviously having a mental conversation with Nim which Dit was not part of. The woman chuckled after a few moments and rolled her eyes, making a shooing gesture. MT gave Dit a little glare before going downstairs. Now he had a new string of concerns regarding the Ditto that he’d never thought would cross his mind.
“What was that about?” Dit asked Nim.
“Wanting to know if you were a gentleman and listened, yada yada,” Nim explained. “Protective family questions.”
“He’d gut me if I wasn’t,” the Pokémon trainer mused. “Not to mention anyone on your team, particularly Lewis.”
Nim made an amused sound as she gave him a kiss to the cheek. “You’re not wrong. See you in a bit, let me know when the timer goes off?”
He nodded, humming as he kept an eye on everything in the oven. The fixings were there for a lovely dinner- fries and a pan of berry bars in the oven, burger patties in the fridge to be cooked on the stove, and a really nice salad to go with everything. Nim had even gotten vanilla ice cream to make sundaes out of the berry bars.
...with pokénip, he could smell it from the baking treats already. Very naughty cuddles after dinner it was.
When Nim was done training with MT and working him through what was on his mind, she came back upstairs and sat down at the table with a tired sigh. “Lots of team family stuff?” Dit asked with a chuckle.
“Yup,” she agreed.
He waited until MT was gone to rub her shoulders, nuzzling her hair affectionately. “You didn’t tell me you put pokénip in the berry bars,” the Ditto said with a grin. “Naughty.”
“I know you like the stuff,” Nim replied, chuckling.
“I do, and you’re just going to have to sit and be cuddled until dinner is done because of it,” Dit told her.
The woman laughed out loud as Dit promptly wrapped his arms around her shoulders and kissed the back of her hair. “You know, Dit, I never took you for a flirty romantic.”
“I can be,” he purred.
“Get a room!” Lewis teased as he came through the wall. “Eeeew.” “No, that’s after dinner,” Dit managed to say with a straight face.
To be fair, they actually just ended up cuddling in Nim’s bed after dinner. Both of them were too relaxed and full from such a good meal to be properly horny. Kisses, snuggling, and back rubs was good enough to help them both wind down and fall asleep.
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“So let me get this straight,” Lewis said. “Friends with benefits, but only when you guys both really could use it. Some days there’s not even any hugs or hand holding?”
“Yep,” Dit agreed as he ate his lunch.
The Haunter tilted his head, mulling it over. “That actually makes sense. Honestly, I’m surprised Nim didn’t go for it sooner, she really has had terrible luck with dating.”
“We didn’t exactly have many opportunities to end up sleeping in the same bed together for me to get unintentionally handsy,” the Ditto reminded Lewis. “Was not even my plan, I just like warm bodies and went for the nearest one in my sleep.”
Lewis lightly poked Dit in the shoulder. “Well, I never would have seen this one coming, but you know what? Nim is doing a helluva lot better. So…thanks. Whatever you’re doing, it’s appreciated.” “Human bodies are fun. Like others, people need affection. They’re not usually wired to be alone. Having a bunch of failed dates who didn’t understand her had to be hard,” Dit said. “And don’t get me started on how toys just don’t cut it. They’re fun, yeah, but it’s not the same as the warmth of a person who is enjoying what you’re doing together.”
“Makes sense,” Lewis said. “Just gotta remind ya, hurt her and I’ll gut ya, yada yada yada. Friend stuff.”
“Wouldn’t expect anything less,” Dit reassured him.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Dit made an amused sound as he cuddled with his friend in the grass. They’d had a Pokémon battle under the stars, then found a quieter, more secluded place to enjoy the adrenaline rush of a good fight. He had one arm acting as a pillow for her head, allowing him to stroke her hair as well, and his other hand was just lightly running along her body.
“Did not expect we’d ever end up having fun like this when we met,” he said slowly. “But also not complaining.”
She giggled, and was about to say something when they heard voices. “I’m telling you, I saw a major Pokémon battle this way,” the first voice said.
“It had better be worth the trek out here,” the second replied.
Nim made a frustrated sound. “Team Rocket goons, you think?” she asked Dit. “Probably,” he grumbled, shifting into clothes as he rose to his feet.
The woman groaned, then frantically dove for her clothes when she heard the footsteps nearby. “Crap, I am not having a Pokémon battle starkers!” she muttered.
Dit snickered at that as Nim hid in a nearby bush to get dressed. “Cute, lady,” he called out to her before squaring off against the pair from Team Rocket.
Nim had managed to get shoddily dressed, joining him a few moments later. She then managed to distract one with her use of Aura as a weapon, allowing Dit to easily dispatch the other. When he realized that his partner had been killed, the second goon tried to run. But the Ditto was not having that. He easily killed the other of the duo, standing with his legs spread in an aggressive stance as blood dripped from his clawed hands. Then he tilted his head and gave Nim the grin that so many found disconcerting.
“Now, where were we?” he asked as he reached for her. The woman snorted, skipping back. “Eeew! Dit, you are not getting cuddles until you wash up, no blood cuddles for you.”
“Awww, am I not handsome?” he asked as he raised one bloody hand to his cheek, reaching out to her with his claws.
That made the trainer roll her eyes. “Dit, seriously, gross! No bloody sex.”
“No more sex?” he asked in mock horror.
“Not what I meant and you know it,” Nim told him, hands on her hips.
He smirked, giving her the once-over. She looked good with her shirt mostly un-buttoned and her pants barely on her hips. The Ditto then gave a fake sigh. “If you insist,” he said with a pout.
“I do, no blood,” she said firmly.
The Pokémon trainer chuckled and shrugged. “Come on, let’s clean up this mess. But I expect more cuddles later, lady.”
Nim gave him a smile at that. “Good, because I was enjoying cuddling under the stars. Eeew, this is a mess, alright. You must have hit a few main arteries here, my friend.”
Dit grinned, sneaking a playful kiss to her cheek when Nim turned away. She squeaked, then rolled her eyes. “Dit!” Nim protested. “How can you be horny after that?”
“Pretty easily,” he mused as he waggled his eyebrows suggestively. “Gets the blood pumping and all.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Nim and Dit squared off against each other, each holding a pokéball. It was to be a one-on-one stress relief match. They needed a good fight every once in a while as much as a romp in the sheets. The Ditto respected Nim as a trainer, loving the challenge she proved to be. Win or lose, it was always a fantastic fight.
“You ready for this?” he asked with a smirk.
“Bring it, Pinky,” the woman replied with a determined grin of her own.
The Ditto had never imagined when they first met that they’d become friends. He certainly would never have expected how their relationship had changed. But it was good. Neither of them expected anything of the other, just the friendship they had made. The sex was nice, but Nim never judged that he had other partners or expected him to be monogamous, just as he didn’t expect it from her. It was just nice to burn off some tension in a way aside from a Pokémon battle.
…not that he wasn’t looking forward to a good fight.
“I don’t think you’re ready,” Dit teased. “Prove it, lady.”
Nim chuckled. “Oh, you asked for it.”
Considering Dit had tried to kill her several times in the early days of their relationship, things were pretty good now. And Nim offered as much a challenge as she always did. They might have been having fun in bed, but neither was about to go easy on the other when it came to a good Pokémon battle.
Just the way he liked it.
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