Effervescent • Requests Open! • Might Experience Executive Dysfunction • Anonymous Questions/Requests are Available!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
I'm very sorry for my 40+ followers, sort of abandoned this blog, but I will get to writing again hopefully? Feel free to send in requests for different fandoms!
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I have sort of abandoned this blog and really only remembered it after the truckload of notifications from my Pure Vanilla Cookie post, but I would like to state that now that I will likely return to this blog, I will not be writing for Technoblade out of respect for his passing. No matter what your opinion is on the man, please remain respectful towards his passing and family.
Stay safe, and keep your loved ones close. If you need to talk or let something out, I'm open arms.
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Hello! ^^ Do you do matchups? Just making sure before I request
Almost forgot about this blog ! I'm not sure if I'd be all too good at matchup, but I'd be open to the idea. This ask reminded me that I need to stop procrastinating and get to writing!
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I am begging you for more Berdly content, maybe Berdly ends up having a crush on a Darkner who's one of Queens goons or something and is just..,. his #1 fan??? Like how would he feel after leaving the Dark World, does he think it's real, would he try going back, etc etc? I also assume Darkner's have real world equivalents, kinda like how in the closet in Chap 1 theres themed things around the closet??? Would that play a part in anything, like he carries something reminiscent of the darkner crush? Sorry if this is long and confusing, theres just no Berdly content :(
Well...I did my best! This might be OOC, but I hope you enjoy!
do you like the pun? like closing a fountain?
Berdly x Darkner!Reader who worked for Queen: After Closing Time
He was somewhat surprised when you accepted multiple things he did. You let him talk about his card collection, a recent game he found out about, and nearly everything he wanted to talk to someone about!
To say the least, he quickly warms up to you! You were his friend and companion now.
He remembered that, before he woke up, he was talking to you. You had mentioned something about a Castle Town before he was back in the library.
Upon waking up, he was distressed. Were you going to say something else, anything else? Did the conversation just end like that?
He couldn't really think about it. He had work to do, after all. Now, he has a lot of time to think about it.
Based on the fact that he felt pain in the "dream", he assumed that the Dark World was real. This meant that you were real, too, and that Noelle had actually shaken him... The last part probably meant something important, but he was too focused on you to actually analyze that.
After work, he decided to go back to the computer lab. Going back to the start of this would probably turn up some clues!
Searching the room, he found a flash drive labelled "Concept :P". Letting his curiosity get the better of him, he inserted the drive into one of the computers and investigated the folder.
The images on the folder looked exactly like you, and others looked like sketches of you. There was also a document that was titled with your name... Berdly pulled the drive out of the computer before his curiosity could get the best of him.
This flash drive contained nearly everything about you, which proved that you existed in some way. Now, Berdly just needed to find out more about the situation, from Dark Worlds to the Roaring.
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berdly is a lovable piece of shit who doesn't have nearly enough x reader content
so i've made some content of berdly with an s/o thats super clingy and loves to cuddle
you are the s/o
or one of your ocs
berdly with a clingy and cuddly partner
tw's: language, physical touch, tell me if i need to add more
• first off, he's bragging about you ALL THE FUCKING TIME
• like "look at my s/o. aren't they just so pretty/handsome??" or "you couldn't get a partner as amazing as mine because there are no others. they're just the best."
• anyway, to the fluffy shit
• he's a bit touch starved since he really only hung out with noelle before and they're more of the quality time friends than the physical touch friends
• so ofc when he finds out that you love cuddles n' hugs and such, he's practically hugging you all the time
• or he at least has an arm around your shoulder
• when you're cuddling, he'll love it if you lay your head on his chest with his arms around you
• it makes him feel like he's protecting you which makes him very happy, even if you're taller and/or very strong
• but if you'd rather be the big spoon, he'd let you without any complaints
• honestly he'd just be happy for you to be in the same room as him
• if you're being the big spoon, he likes it when you pet his head feathers
• it's very comforting to him
• ok onto pda
• surprisingly, he's not super clingy in public
• although he does still show you he loves you
• berdly's just a bit awkward about it, he's not quite used to it yet
• at school though
• ohhh boy is he clingy
• he'll ask the teachers to make sure you guys get the same classes and are seated next to each other
• this way he can hold your hand
• when you aren't having class and are just by the lockers with everyone else, like i said before, he's just bragging to everyone about you
• they have no idea how he got someone like you, or really anyone at al
• to be fair, he's not sure either
• like you're just so perfect??? he's confused on how you fell for him
• at the end of the day, even if you hated physical touch and pda, he'd still love you just as much
if it wasn't obvious by that, i love fluff
sorry about all of that and if it was confusing- i'm just so deprived of berdly x reader content
there needs to be more
reminder that my x reader requests are still open
so if you liked this and wanna see more x readers with characters from like 4 fandoms including deltarune, a request is always appreciated!
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Could you do a Berdly x reader where the reader corrects someone who says his name wrong and Berdly is shocked because nobody's openly corrected someone over that?
"So Go Find Burgundy And-"
"....Right. Oopsies." Queen's visor lit up with a red OOPS as she gazed down at you, realizing her mistake. But she just shrugged her shoulders like it wasn't a big deal. "Anyways, When You Find Blerdy-"
"Queen, you're doing it again. His name is Berd-ly. I know he's not exactly your favorite but...he's trying his best to impress you and show he's a loyal peon. So, could you at least try to get his name right if nothing else?" You huffed, brandishing your weapon as you gave her a look, one that many people wouldn't dare to.
If you were an ordinary Darkner, you'd be bitcrushed in a heartbeat for speaking to her that way. Luckily you were a Lightner who joined her side willingly, just to see what her motives were. You had no plans to actually take part in any evil schemes. Fortunately neither she nor Berdly caught on.
But the way she keeps intentionally getting his name wrong had you a bit...miffed, least to say.
She gasped, mouth agape in shock at your request. "Wow, [Y/n]. You Have Me Convinced. My Seriousness Protocols Will Be Active..Just This Once." Then she smiled. "I'll Do My Best To Register His Name As...Berdly. I Don't Mean To Mispronounce His Name (Tho I Kinda Do LMAO). Now Be A Dear And Go Join Him In The Search For Noelle. I'm Counting On You Both...But Mostly You."
As she hovered away on her throne, out of sight, you turned around and wondered where you were going to find Berdly-
Only for him to be right in front of you all along. The expression he held was a seemingly shocked one.
'Huh..did I catch him by surprise?'
"Oh! Hey Berdly. Uh..how much of that did you hear?"
"Ah, just enough." The bluebird smirked, acting like he didn't just drop his guard a moment ago as he strutted towards you. "Well colored me impressed...at least one intelligent being got my name right! Not that Queen isn't smart on her own but...y'know I wish she'd at least try."
"I know, but someone had to tell it to her face. It just..really ticks me off whenever people don't even try to get my friend's name right." You shook your head, though you blinked as you noticed he had yet another flabbergasted expression, making zero effort to hide it this time.
"You...consider me as a friend?"
"Yeah? I have for a long time." You muttered, eventually realizing that probably wasn't obvious to him. Sure, he's smart in academics and video games...not so much social stuff.
Even back in the Light World, people have mispronounced his name again and again. Regardless of whether it's because they didn't like his personality or genuinely didn't know how to say it right..it always annoyed you a little, even if it didn't seem to annoy him. But you wouldn't stand for that, so you'd subtly correct them without making it a big deal.
With Queen intentionally messing up, however, that was the last straw and you called her out on it, hoping that it would finally stick with her.
Although Berdly felt genuinely humbled by your actions, his pride wouldn't let himself soften up in front of you. For he puffed out his chest, gripping halberd's handle like he was preparing for battle.
"Hah. My ego stats have boosted tenfold! I appreciate that, [y/n]. Now let's continue our search for Noelle! She's bound to turn up somewhere..hopefully not with those pesky "heroes".
You'll probably come to regret "boosting" those "stats" for him, but you just kept quiet and followed him through the city.
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I am too old for this deltarune shit ya kids talk about I'm just getting over flowerfell what do you mean there is a continuation of this game
Honestly? I was the same in 2018 when Chapter 1 of Deltarune came out NDNSBSB
It's not a continuation necessarily? It takes place in the same universe but probably not the same timeline? Characters from Undertale appear but they don't seem to know each other and the focus is on the new characters introduced. I enjoy the combat slightly more :)
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╰┈➤ General Berdly S/O HCs
I technically have like 4 requests but I have Berdly brainrot so whatever. There's like, no content for this little shit, so here I go! These are some HCs, sorta-ish, which will fluctuate between 3rd and 2nd person. Woo! Ignoring the guilt of having my Cookie Run PV HCs blow up only to write for Berdly let's goo!
• Alright, let's make the very first thing extremely clear:
• If Berdly has an S/O, they have to be pretty patient in some capacity. Have you seen that man? There's different ways I can see a patient S/O working, either they're equally as passionate as Berdly, sorta like a hypeman, or maybe they're more on the listener side. Incredibly dumb or incredibly smart- there's so many ways this could go.
• The forbidden route is to have his S/O and him be a rivals to lovers situation, where his S/O loathed him prior to their relationship, but showed a moment of kindness like Susie, maybe because while they despised him, they weren't an asshole. Obviously, Berdly is... a total dweeb, and he pulls the whole tsundere bullshit. Would be a bit funny though.
• Whatever the case, whether you're the most kind and blessed soul, or you want to strangle Berdly affectionately, you end up in a relationship. Somehow. No one knows how, and it probably took more effort on your part depending on when you became close to Berdly. In the case you were the one to reassure him he didn't need to be smart?
• LITERALLY SO EXTRA ABOUT EVERYTHING. We saw how he was with Susie after she said he didn't have to be a smartass. Imagine that, but maybe his S/O is a little less harsh. Either way, Berdly is going to try to be subtle, but likely fail miserably and very obviously be infatuated, like, everyone knows it type deal.
• You're a gamer.
• Send tweet
• Okay okay, but fr, you're either a fuckin gamer or you're okay with hearing about that kind of stuff, because Berdly will not hesitate to drop the FNAF lore on your ass and LEAVE. I'm sorry, but it's Berdly. Total degenerate. But it's okay because we (hate) love him for being a little shit.
• I also kinda really super like the idea of Berdly meeting a Darkner and basically crushing on them hard during the whole Ch. 2 ordeal because the idea of him meeting like, one of the Queen's underlings and having brainrot for them is probably a fanfic idea waiting to happen.
• Can you imagine the tragedy though?? Since he can't really stay in the Dark World forever (even though he totally wants to and would) he has to say bye for at least a couple hours depending on if he returns every day.
• Overall v obsessed with the concept of Berdly's S/O being either some sweetheart or generally normal and chill person where everyone questions how he landed them of all people or some equally haughty and bastard person.
#deltarune x reader#deltarune#berdly#berdley#wait have i been spelling it wrong#ok just checked i didnt#berdly x reader#berdly headcanons#help me im dying#i have murdered cringe culture with my baren hands.
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Just a notice, if you're in the CR fandom (or any fandom really) and you're a pro shipper, I'm coming for your crusty ass kneecaps because I hate you <3
why tf r there so many proshippers in the cr fandom smile???
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JGSCHJUYRGHMCSEUIBDSXGI7ERHUREG thakn you for doing my request it's so cute my heart just exploded. I wish you the absolute best!
TYTY, it was such a fun ask :D
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Hello, um, can I request an Pure Vanilla with reader, just general fluff of being affectionate but shy friends in love, very sweet and wholesome? Maybe his son(is Custard the lll his son? I think PV is much older and he's like Custards grand-grand-grandpa or something, but it's up to you^^) Also, as I see new crk and crob writers I instantly want to be friends, but it's completely up to you, of course!
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╰―➺ 𝙍𝙚𝙙𝙚𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙮
Your brain? Absolutely massive. Wrinkliest brain I've ever seen. Here you go! This is my first Cookie Run request overall, and I'm happy to oblige! Not sure if you wanted headcanons or an actual story, so I did bullet points! Custard Cookie III is assumed to be his son :)!
Pre-Relationship? SO MUCH PINING. I'm talking wistful gazes, small and shy shows of platonic affection that both parties wish was just a bit more, but are too shy to truly take it further.
The request specifies friends in love, so I'd say as time progresses and the friendship continues to bloom, affection becomes more common - at least, 'platonically.' Basically hugging, holding hands, etc, all in the name of being good friends. Supposedly.
It does take quite a while for Pure Vanilla and his S/O to get together though, as Pure Vanilla is quite passive, and based on the ask, the reader would be somewhat shy with affection and love. Not only that, but Pure Vanilla holds a lot of responsibility, what with him being the Founder and King of the Vanilla Kingdom, and even just being a student beforehand. Even still, Pure Vanilla makes time for the one who he loves most, and he is overjoyed when it ultimately pays off, and he and his S/O get together. White Lily Cookie was definitely cheering for him!
I don't really take Pure Vanilla to be the shy type normally, as he is shown as rather gentle, and can be confident when needed, especially when it comes to friends and allies. But honestly? I can see that being when it comes to assisting them in battle, and it's cute to think he's a bit shy when it comes to personal relationships, and even moreso when it's affection with someone he truly and deeply loves.
I can not be convinced that he isn't a total romantic, he's the type to want to dance with his partner in a ballroom, with his eyes being reserved for them and them alone. He's well spoken, and is definitely the type to sing his partner's praises to anyone and everyone who will bother listening. Pure Vanilla? Whispering to his partner in a sleepy daze about how much he loves them in the morning? Absolutely. More likely than you think.
Pure Vanilla is, in my opinion, a more passive lover, and shows his love with soft affection such as holding hands or butterfly kisses on his lovers forehead, as well as with small acts of consideration. Definitely the type to help you with nearly any task, which reminds me...
SOFT DOMESTIC PURE VANILLA! Listen, listen, listen. This man? Literally the King, Founder, Prince, etc etc of an entire Kingdom. I know for a damn fact that if they're into it, he has a garden that he specifically takes care of with his partner somewhere on palace grounds. If not, he almost definitely has some spot dedicated to his partner's hobbies, be it a tower with a view like no other for astronomers or painters, or an archive filled to the brim with knowledge for the most scholarly people out there.
It would be a crime not to include Custard Cookie III into the domestic stuff! Under the assumption Custard is his son? You guys are the most wholesome and bright family, you're literally blinding the entire Vanilla Kingdom. You have this sweetheart of a healer, who's gentle and caring, and the kindest man you'll ever meet, his adoring S/O who is the most charming person one could find and who loves Pure Vanilla to no end, and finally, Custard Cookie - a bright young boy, so cheerful and curious about the world, ecstatic to be King and to learn about the world around him. It's tooth-rotting and I love it.
Custard Cookie absolutely drags the two over to parks or local businesses, wanting to interact with other kids while you and Pure Vanilla sit on a bench, or begging to have some of the jelly filled bread from a quaint little bakery. Honestly? Who can say no to his cute little face. Even if PV's partner doesn't give in, he absolutely does, and will just smile at the endearing little boy before getting him some pastries.
Overall, it's just cozy and nice! You can expect Pure Vanilla to show his absolute adoration in simple but charming ways like baking or cooking alongside his partner, or helping swing Custard Cookie forwards and back by holding onto one arm, while his partner holds onto the other. Custard Cookie absolutely adores and admires both of his parents, who absolutely spoil him rotten with love. It's just a little quaint family, despite their high status, they're just as humble and gentle as any normal folk. Through the thick and thin, it would be impossible to break the bond between this family, no matter what disaster struck, every achievement only strengthening their relationship.
Thank you for the request! This gave me some vague ideas for the idea of Custard Cookie being a descendant too, maybe the reader and PV get separated after Dark Enchantreas wreaks havoc, and the two reunite, and along the way reader meets Custard Cookie? I didn't elaborate here though ^^;
#pure vanilla cookie#pure vanilla x reader#cookie run x reader#cookie run#custard cookie iii#custard cookie + reader#its platonic!#parent and son stuff :D#fluff fluff fluff#requester has a massive brain#pure vanilla fluff let's go#this kinda went off track I'm so sorry requester#cookie run headcanons#pure vanilla cookie x reader#gender neutral reader#gender neutral s/o#pure vanilla x gender neutral reader
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╰―➺ Request Rules
• Rules
(Some includes mentions of NSFW. Namely 2 and 3, though it is not in detail.)
I will not take requests that portray topics such as abuse, pedophilia, toxic relationships, etc in a positive light. Things such as yandere are iffy but alright as long as it is made clear they're toxic. Any positivity for yandere posts will most likely stem from stalkhome syndrome.
While I do take mild NSFW requests, I will not take requests for certain kinks. You can ask, but the general idea is no 'gross' ones. By this I mean piss/shit and feet kinks, stuff that's icky, and doesn't include stuff like pegging, which some may think is gross. Basically if it's unsanitary it might be banned, but you can ask, since outdoor stuff can be considered unsanitary but isn't banned.
I will write NSFW headcanons and possibly NSFW-ish oneshots and the like, but full on smutty writing is kinda iffy. Doesn't mean I will say no, it's just a resounding maybe. Headcanons are a probably though.
I will not accept very specific requests that I may find too difficult to fulfill. I've seen posts with requests asking for specifically something like a black reader, however I don't think I'll be able to do this without more specifications. I am hispanic, so my experience with life has been very POC filled, and thus to me POC is the norm, and that's how I write, asking me to specifically write for a black reader might be confusing, since in my perspective, I only know about Hispanic Culture.
If the gender of a reader is not specified for x reader requests, assume the reader is gender-neutral. If it's smut and not specified, it more than likely will be AFAB, or gender neutral.
I will not write bestiality or necrophilia. Things like werewolves, vampires, and zombies do not fall under this if said creature is sentient.
ALWAYS CHECK my masterlist rules too! There are certain ships for certain fandoms I will NOT write for, including but is not limited to: SaiOuma, BakuDeku, Junkan, etc. If I haven't made them yet, please just ask!
There is a chance I won't do your request because I don't feel up to it! I sorta prefer requests that give me a spark for ideas.
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╰―➺ Masterlists
• Masterlists
Considering this blog is new, there won't be any links yet, but these are a lot of the planned fandoms, for both character x character and reader insert stuff, or solo stories and headcanons. There's more fandoms that I'm probably forgetting, so just ask.
The Disasterous Life of Saiki K.
Deltarune / Undertale
Cookie Run
My Hero Academia
Inside Job
Your Turn to Die (Pending, learning about the series.)
#danganronpa x reader#deltarune x reader#pokemon x reader#inside job x reader#mha x reader#bnha x reader#my hero x reader#tdlosk x reader#cookie run x reader#yttd x reader#your turn to die x reader#cringe culture is dead#i killed it
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╰―➺ Welcome to the Dinner Club
• I'm your local Snail Mod, Gastroferric, but Mod Gastro or Ferric works!
You may be asking: what the FUCK is the Dinner Club? Well, primarily this blog is going to be my writing blog, and I'll probably put up a request rule post after this, but for now? This is a simple introduction.
As I've said before, I'm Mod Gastroferric! I'm an enthusiastic eater, fan of writing, and connoisseur of the finest snail images. I'm apart of quite a few fandoms that I will be writing for, though I may also write random bits and pieces of stories unrelated to any particular fandom.
If I had to list my main fandoms though?
Obey Me!
My Hero Academia
Cookie Run
The Disasterous Life of Saiki K.
Maybe not the ideal fandoms, especially with MHA and Danganronpa, but eh. I enjoy em, so whatever!
This blog is probably a place where I'll dump content for fandoms, ranging from random drabbles and headcanons, to character x character and character x reader stuff. Just whatever I feel like.
Anyways, if you'd like to request things, please refer to my rules below!

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