3D Games Design-MI5015
80 posts
Hey! Welocme to my project blog! This is my digital scrapbook of documenting everything related to the module, "3D Games Design(MI5015)" . Here I will upload everything related to my game.. So stay tuned.
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MI5015 Deliverables
The drive folder includes the Play through, the Flythrough, the research document, my critical analysis
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Game Final Playthrough
Comparing Olafur Eliasson artwork with screenshots of my game
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Final Flythrough
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Adding sounds for my game
The aim of the game is to create an immersive experience so I added ambience sounds from Free sound.
Other than that I added other sound effects such as sounds for opening and closing of the doors, sounds of rippling water when walking in water, sounds of wood creaking etc.
Following non-copyrighted sounds from YouTube were used as well
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Connecting all the Artwork's together UI
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Creating interactive User Interfaces for Instructions menu and the About Menu in Photoshop
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About Menu
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Creating my own art for the Start Menu, Win Screen, and Lose Screen.
I took some screenshots of the game and drew on top of it and manipulated the image in Adobe Photoshop to get the final looks
Start Menu
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Win Screen
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Lose Screen
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Creating the User Interface- Main Menu for my game
The Main Menu of my game has 4 options;
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Firstly I tested this out in a separate file and it worked. After that I applied it to my main game.
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Creating the User Interface; Objectives
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I mad my energy source count 20 and binded the text with the collecting items blueprint.
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In this way the number will be increased with the no of items that you pickup.
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The Event Graphs for the mechanisms mentioned down
The player collects all the energy sources and this lights up the power house
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The player fails to collect all the energy sources and this triggers a loud siren noise with a bright red light
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Making a Trigger system to light up the scene and play music when the player collects all the energy sources.
So my next challenge was, making the powerhouse-main energy source light up once you collect all the energy sources. Through the above tutorial I was able to get an idea. I connected the nodes from the above tutorial to my Boolean expression that I made before and after the first few tries it did not work. But after playing with it for quite some time I was able to make it happen.
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Also Likewise, with the same blueprint but with different light settings if the player fails to collect all items I made a system to make a big red light with a Sirensound.
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Applying the collecting system that I made previously to the game with an update.
So previously, I had created a collecting system to collect X number of shiny objects. I updated the blueprint so that the player would not win if he collects the objects but of he goes to the specific location after collecting the objects.
"The Player has to collect 20 items and go to this designated location to Win the Game"
The Blueprints for this system is given below. Basically I had to create 2 blueprints. One for the Collecting items and the other on for the Get to location to win. I made a boolean variable for the amount of items collected, if the condition is satisfied (collected all the items) and you go to the location you win.
Blueprint for the collecting items
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Blueprint to "collect all the items and you go to the location to win"
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Also, I made another version of the same blueprint when the player fails to collect all the items.
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Making the Main power house of the laboratory (The the powerhouse responsible for the balance of the Earth)
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In my game, once the player collects all the scattered enery sources, the final power house which is responsible for the Earth Balance would light up. The main inspirations for this design are the artworks shown above.
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Earth Laboratory Final Look
When I brought all the stuff together this is how the end look came up. I am happy with the way this turned out
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Making props for the Earth Laboartory
Olafur Eliasson uses circular, donut-shaped huge props for his artwork. Especially the ones done in the desert.
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So I started modeling similar shapes to add to my Earth laboratory. I used simple low poly meshes to create these and brought them for Unreal Engine.
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Final Look of the Fire Laboratory
After getting all the assets together and with proper lighting, the output looked really good. I am really happy with the way this turned out. Especially the navigating system is something that I am truly proud of.
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Creating Wires for the Fire laboratory
I thought adding wires would be a good idea because it can show how human intervention is there for the destruction of the Earth.
Also, adding telephone wires can make the scene more natural looking and not so polished looking like an actual artwork. Also, I wanted to the player would feel more connected to the environment.
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