dimplesandsass · 4 years
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he bop
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dimplesandsass · 4 years
Say it louder for the people in the MOTHERFUCKIN BACK!!! 🗣🗣🗣
Keep it coming. Keep exposing yourselves. Keep showing your real face. Don’t let the fact that these people use our culture to make a profit tricking you into thing that they are an ally. They are NOT. Not all of them. They will kept showing their real faces and it’s up to you to decide if you want to defend or be done.
David So said it best, that they tolerate black people so they can use the culture and get a check. I’m for one will not support or tolerate this.
David So is a Korean - American comedian that always tries to hold his community accountable in their wrong doings: here is his take on Owen Ovadoz
His caption on the post : KAREN KIM
Korean rapper @owenmyown is a cornball korean “rapper” who is the best example of a lapdog, Uncle Thao, and a culture vulture. Before you stand go up to defend him...
1. NO ... he doesn’t get a pass he was raised in the states as HE expressed.
2. NO he did not apologize what he wrote was a long excuse letter asking you to understand why he was mad. bitch. And at the end he gives us ADVICE on how to protest.
3. The news came later to Korea was your excuse... ok but you wrote you knew about the “campaign” so which is? You did know or you didn’t know? Fuck you. •
4. I agree you shouldn’t speak up about stuff you don’t know anything about BUT YOU DIDNT DO THAT ESTHER! You did a WHOLE ASS POST ON IT.
5. Doesn’t matter how mad you are... you don’t get to make fun of GEORGE FLOYD by writing I can’t breathe because you were suffocating from bad comments you trash bag.
These are facts that he wrote out in his APOLOGY. Your character is rotten, and if you apologize, do better cause right now your true COLOR is showing Eunice kim.
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dimplesandsass · 4 years
Regarding Amber Liu: Bruh fr??? Like dude mind your own fucking business. Tf u care if someone's eating wherever. Like dont u got something better to do w ur life. But that being said dont underestimate peoples ignorance. Remember that Korea and Asia in general is still ways behind us regardless of her being American shes grown up there and thus her views are shaped by those standards not American. Thats my understanding And that isnt to excuse her actions, I completely understand and agree w u.
Yeah it was wild and mad disappointing but it is also the reason a lot of ppl don’t want to support her anymore. While I do think cancel culture can be toxic and I would not go as far as to say “let’s cancel her,” I have definitely lost respect for her. Thank you for hearing me out though.
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dimplesandsass · 4 years
Not trying to start shit or anything but, What did Amber Liu do??? This is regarding the Twitter thread
So in November, she was shown a video that had gone viral of a black man being harassed by a cop for eating a sandwich on a CA subway plate form. While it is technically illegal, like jaywalk, it’s usually something that considered “not worth the paperwork” for like 99% of law enforcement. So not only was he basically harassed, he was singled out and arrested for eating a breakfast sandwich on a subway platform. This was all caught on camera. Amber commentary on the video was: “He deserved it, I think he just deserved it because he’s being super disrespectful, and you don’t have to act like that toward a police officer. A police officer is still a police officer. You should still show some type of respect. Know your rights, but show some type of respect.”
He was detained. For eating a sandwich. In public. He was detained for being black while eating a sandwich in public. This was the outcome from of the whole situation.
She has since come out with a half-ass (in my opinion) apology. Blaming her time overseas as the reason that she did not realize that Black and POC individuals are disproportionately targeted by the legal system. Stating that her 10 years overseas made her unaware that systematic racism has continued and gotten gotten worse in the United States. And that her statement was just a “ignorant, snap-judgement.” So that’s what happened. A lot of people were not here for it (even went as far as cancelling her), and she lost a lot of respect in the public eye. Especially considering she IS an American, she’s from LA, she’s been a champion for “love and respect everyone” for years and then was not practicing what she preached. It was saddening tbh. I welcome people having their own opinion but this is mine.
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dimplesandsass · 4 years
This whole thread sent me!!
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the merch one is sending me the most ajdjdjdk
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dimplesandsass · 4 years
I’ve been feeling so many emotions over these last few days. I’ve cried more tears than I ever thought possible. I’m, I’m speechless and tired. I’m frustrated and stress. I’m tired of being tired. I’m tired of being scared. I have never loved James Corden more than I do in this moment. I have never been more unsure of myself as I am in this moment. Seeing the world actually acknowledge that my life should be equal, that black live are just as important, that I am more than what is trending at the moment. I’m... Thank to the allies. Please continue to use your voice and your platform. Please continue to use your privileges and power. Please don’t let this fight go silent. Please.
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dimplesandsass · 4 years
As a Black Woman I fully support this message
i would love to say im surprised that ppl are turning blacklivesmatter into ammunition for a stan war but tbh this is just the natural conclusion of stan culture. morals are no longer individually curated through introspection nd critical thinking everyone turns to a celebrity they think is ‘unproblematic’ nd center their whole mindsets around their fandom. ppl are harassing their faves not bc they want them to use their platform to spread awareness but bc they want the ‘clout’ of knowing their fave is ‘woke’. social justice isn’t abt changing the world anymore it’s abt looking good nd having bragging rights. like? other ppl are praising their faves for just posting a hashtag nd condemning others when IT DOESN’T MATTER! yes celebrities SHOULD speak up nd they SHOULD open their pockets bc all popular culture is built on the backs of black ppl but this is not a stan war. amerikkka is literally trying to declare war on all black ppl nd the ppl that support us i shouldnt be seeing manifestos abt why bts are too important to speak out or why this group is better than that group bc someone put a pic of george floyd on their insta story. like? can y’all separate yourselves from your fandoms for just a moment? can u care abt black lives without making it abt your fandom? can y’all actually, genuinely care abt us for once?
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dimplesandsass · 4 years
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Let's go ahead and throw CRUSH on that list as well
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dimplesandsass · 4 years
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miss your smile every day 🥺
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dimplesandsass · 4 years
Yo this fic honestly distroyed me. My heart. My heartu! 💔😩😩😩 it’s so well write, you can feel the characters, identify with them, it was- it was tangible. Oh my- I- I just- I just need a moment. That ending is that thing in life you expect but you never want to see happen. All the what if’s, all the should’ve and could’ve moments.
The OC and Yoongi’s development. The OC’a relationship with her brother. The pressure, the pressure coming from all sides. The distinct difference between Runch Randa and Namjoon and the place where the line blurred. Uuuuuggghhh... this was a journey y’all.
Mic Drop | myg
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pairing: yoongi x reader
genre: smut, angst, fluff
au: rapper!yoongi, photographer!oc
summary: when underground rapper min yoongi uncovers the dirty secret behind his biggest rival, your brother and hip hop champion kim namjoon’s success, he is determined to take home this year’s mic drop contest trophy no matter who he hurts along the way. you’re behind the camera, content with capturing namjoon’s picture perfect persona from the sidelines but when his hard-faced enemy Gloss, makes you realise you could be more than just the point and shoot, you start to feel your loyalties shifting.
warnings: multiple smut scenes, dirty talk, dry humping, penetrative sex, fingering, oral sex (both m and f receiving), lots of orgasm denial, multiple orgasms, cum play, cum eating, but also tender fucking lol, very brief mention of death.
word count: 29k (rip)
rating: definitely explicit
playlist: visit my playlist page and select “mic drop.” (all links to be added later)
a/n: ahhh you don’t understand how happy i am to finally put this out into the world!!! i started writing this fic back in july and after a few rewrites (more on this at the end of the post if anyone sticks around until then) she’s finally finished eee <3 also!!! this fic is brought to you courtesy of the love yourself collab! this project has been super fun to be a part of n i wanna say thank you to everyone involved who made it such a welcoming experience! you can check out the masterlist here (link will be added later f u tumblr) to read all the other amazing fics from the incredibly talented authors in this project (literally so talented??? it’s sickening???) (im so excited to finally read them all now im done w this monster lol). all the love as always <3
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Keep reading
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dimplesandsass · 4 years
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Quail had been spotted!!!
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dimplesandsass · 4 years
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dimplesandsass · 4 years
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Happy Birthday to this absolute walking meme!!
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dimplesandsass · 4 years
🍫 ☀️ 🌴 🥰🥰🥰
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[Requested] Vacation w/ Shownu
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dimplesandsass · 4 years
*Got7 pops up from around the corner*
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dimplesandsass · 4 years
Wholeheartedly agree ❤️
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“jin raised jungkook to be his best friend”
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dimplesandsass · 4 years
Feel nostalgic and missing my ultimate bias 
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