dimples-darling · 1 year
Bro, this rlly do be like digging up the archives lmaoooo. I forgot this existed
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dimples-darling · 5 years
Rules for asks
1. This account is not really SFW
3. Please no rps, this is an ask only account.
4. I do allow cursing
5. Do not attempt to get very close to mod
6. Put OOC if it’s not for Bunny or Kacchan
7. Please if you have any suggestions for the au I will be glad to talk over msg
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dimples-darling · 5 years
New account
The account is called @ask-bunny-and-kacchan
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dimples-darling · 5 years
Well, if you're leaving this blog. You should give Dimples to someone you trust.
Eh. No. I love Dimples with all my heart! I will return eventually!
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dimples-darling · 5 years
I think what that Anon means is are you going to stay on Tumblr?
Yeah, but with a new account. Not really big on Undertale or rp anymore.
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dimples-darling · 5 years
are you gonna stay ;v;?
Most likely
I might make a new blog for a bnha au I made with a cool aspect so y’all can go follow me when I make it.. or at least I would appreciate it if you would!
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dimples-darling · 5 years
You're finally back!
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dimples-darling · 6 years
I do but I haven't been able to finish it yet
Keep trying.
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dimples-darling · 6 years
How many of you like Danganronpa??
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dimples-darling · 6 years
Oh yeah to add on I finished watching Umbrella Academy and I dont think I’d ever dislike Luther more than Diego but here we are.
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dimples-darling · 6 years
dude are you even alive. We all miss you. come back dimples boy....
Oh yeah I’n alive I’m just very busy and distracted by thing rn. Lately I’ve been obsessed with playing Spiderman on the PS4 and just today I got Danganronpa so I haven’t left the game room since I got it.
Tumblr media
So yeah I’d say I’m ok just busy and distracted.
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dimples-darling · 6 years
Tumblr media
I stole this idea from another blog,but I cant reber the name. Every single person who reblogs this before 10 February will recieve a baby pokemon in their inbox,after this egg harches.
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dimples-darling · 6 years
time for a cuddle puddle. Which means lots of blankets and even more cuddles~
Dimples accepts these too.
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dimples-darling · 6 years
*A large chocolate bar gently descends from above right onto Dimple's head with a note* "I hope you feel better soon!"
Good job you killed him.
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dimples-darling · 6 years
*sends hugs* I have no idea if this to the mun or muse, but I still send them
Dimples accepts the hugs:
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dimples-darling · 6 years
I c-care! P-please don't cry! (Q-Q) Y-you are a w-wonderful person! You d-deserve to b-be loved!
This didn’t stop the tears.
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dimples-darling · 6 years
Nobody cares.
And here returns the crying, while trying his best to hide the tears.
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