Dimensional Blog of Stuff
18K posts
28 | He/Him/His | ♏ | Bi | Germany Name's Marcel, my friends call me Dim! Part-time furry who likes to draw sometimes. S'up. Wanna know something about me? Check my about page. Or ask me. Both is fine.
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dimensional13 · 2 days ago
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i enjoy this particular genre of creature
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dimensional13 · 13 days ago
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dimensional13 · 15 days ago
“My dogs thought I was still in the front yard”
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dimensional13 · 22 days ago
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this is the funniest tweet i’ve seen in months bye
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dimensional13 · 24 days ago
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dimensional13 · 25 days ago
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The last version of my guide is 2 years old, and doesn't account for some new features, new competition, and some rebrands, so once again;
Here's a purchase guide for when RPG Maker is on sale, as well as the Visual Novel makers available.
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dimensional13 · 25 days ago
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dimensional13 · 25 days ago
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I felt like I needed to clarify some things before we could continue any more conversations on this godforsaken website.
I’m very proud of the European Robin, I think I really captured it.
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dimensional13 · 28 days ago
Why doesn't tumblr on desktop show the individual icons of each person who added something to a reblog anymore? Is there a way to restore this or something? And why did they keep it in the app?
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dimensional13 · 1 month ago
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dimensional13 · 1 month ago
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dimensional13 · 1 month ago
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i enjoy this particular genre of creature
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dimensional13 · 1 month ago
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dimensional13 · 1 month ago
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well yes!
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dimensional13 · 1 month ago
I want to be the first person on the moon to shoot a sniper rifle at earth and hit a wasp nest.  my whole life so far is leading up to that moment
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dimensional13 · 2 months ago
Listen, I'm having fun playing with the ultra patriotic voice, but after a couple years in blue-collar landscaping jobs, you really do need to phrase things like that.
"I'm pretty sure that fella ain't here legally."
"Well, that ain't your business Chip, it's his."
They hate being preached to. If you pull out words like 'gender wage gap' they'll tell you you're brainwashed by the far left media.
"He's one of them transgenders."
"He got freedoms too, Jimmy."
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dimensional13 · 2 months ago
FRICK that was supposed to go to my art blog! Ah well. Too lazy to upload again, frick it.
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Cumulonimbus Cobaltshine - The Cobalt Dragon of Svantmiirik
I’ve been waiting quite a long time to post this, since I didn’t want my players to see it. But here it is, the NPC picture from my campaign I am the MOST proud of so far, a friendly blue dragon the party encountered, and Nax’s “master”, I suppose! Species: Blue Dragon (refers to himself as “the one and only Cobalt Dragon” to set himself apart from other chromatics, as true, ferrous Cobalt Dragons don’t exist on Sancstoryl) Age: Ancient (thought to be around 850). Alignment: Lawful Good (at least according to magical effects that detect alignment) - Cumulonimbus Cobaltshine of Skyscale, the Cobalt Dragon of the Svantmiirik, the Sky-Blue Virtuoso. There’s much confusion around this oddball of a blue dragon, who acts as the protector and de-facto leader of the kobold-founded city of Svantmiirik, AKA “Sky’s Song” in the common tongue, a semi-independent city state in the southern forest of the Kingdom of Bursztyn with a famous Bard’s College. Not only does he avoid the usual favorite places of blue dragons, hot deserts and rocky cliffs by the sea, in favor of a lush forest environment, but in place of following Tiamat, he praises Bahamut and, interestingly, Corellon. In place of tyranny and control, he promotes the values of artistic expression and harmony. Instead of putting others down, he seemingly wishes to lift people up. According to local legends, Cumulonimbus is the son of “Ozone the Skyscale”, another legendary Blue Dragon, who is said to have founded the founding Skyscale Kobold-Tribe of Svantmiirik about 1000 years ago, after breaking from Tiamat to take a kobold who he fell in love with as a mate, and starting a line of sorcerous kobolds within the tribe. And after hearing that half of the Skyscales had fled the desert and made a new home further northwest, he immediately rushed to their aid, to become their new dragon in place of his father, who remained with the other half of the tribe in their desert homeland. There, in these unfamiliar woodlands, he encouraged the Skyscales to open up to the outside world, and created the community of Svantmiirik; where kobolds and other humanoid peoples could live in peace. Now, chromatic dragons breaking from their more selfish base instincts and the ways of Tiamat, and instead embracing the ways of Bahamut (or metallics doing the opposite) is no impossibility on the world of Sancstoryl. It’s rare, but not unheard of. After all, the legend of Kethindras the Blazeheart, the good Red Dragon King of Wanil, as well as reports of a green dragoness protecting and tending to a lush, druidic grove in Grenwal, come to mind. But two blues in a row? Quite a statistical anomaly to say the least! To this day, many people think he’s just an elaborate Illusion, or a fake of some sort. However, according to some magical inspections by various adventurers, he’s supposedly the real deal. Cumulonimbus, also lovingly called “Uncle Nimbus” by the younger Skyscale Kobolds of the city, is often an unseen presence in the city, unless there is an emergency, like when the city is under attack. And in that case in you REALLY do not want to see him. However, he can also be spotted when there’s revelry to be had at a festival or concert, which is often, due to Svantmiirik’s focus on the bardic arts. Sometimes, he even joins in with the fun, using a magical instrument called the “Cobalt Dragon’s Octobass”, a gigantic Viol that can either sound like a normal, deep Octobass, or like any other Instrument in the Viol Type. Due to the Octobass’ size-changing capabilities, and Cumulonimbus’ shapechanging that he mastered, most people usually do not know that a concert has Cumulonimbus performing as a violinist until a blue Dragonborn dimension doors 500 feet into the air, suddenly transforms a massive dragon and flies away under joyous laughter. When a celebration or fight isn’t to be had, however, he tends to relegate most tasks regarding diplomacy, communicatons, public relations and bookings of face-to-face meetings with other regional leaders to his speaker, a kobold called Nax Skyscale with bardic and draconic sorcerous abilities, who also happens to be a former adventurer at the continental adventurer’s guild. Cumulonimbus seems to trust Nax and his input almost unconditionally; most likely because they share familiar bond through Ozone, the previous dragon of the Skyscales who also happens to be Nax’s ancestor, making them cousins of a sort. However, despite his apparent benevolence and love for the arts and music, some tendencies that blue dragons are known for still seem to come to the surface of his personality from time to time. For example, despite everything, Cumulonimbus believes running a city requires order and structure, and he takes personal charge in enforcing it. Svantmiirik may be technically led by an elected mayor, who does most of the work, but this mayor still answers to him on many matters. He also believes in doing most things “by the book”, and always seems a bit anxious to think outside the box, or the confines of common law; very unusual for someone so favorable of the bardic arts. He even has a paladin order, the Cobalt Knights, who swear a unique Oath of Harmony that focuses on joy and the protection of bards, under his wing. Despite these tendencies, he nonetheless has been describes as evenhanded and fair; even having personally pardoned people who personally have wronged him in the past… such as, but not limited to, the occasional overzealous adventurer who thinks “chromatic dragon bad” and attacks out of nowhere when he gives a speech during the opening ceremony of a festival. The location of this blue wyrm’s lair is a mystery to most but the Skyscale kobold-tribe or Cumulonimbus’ closest associates. It also seems to not have the usual effects that an ancient dragon’s lair would have on the environment; at least, not a single thunder- or sandstorm was sighted near the forests of Svantmiirik, nor the nearby mountains. A leading theory is that these effects are being actively suppressed by either a spell or a magical effect. Either way, his lair’s location remains a well-kept secret amongst the Skyscales. Probably the best kept secret of Svantmiirik.
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