I am missing all my pieces
to say they were stolen would be a lie
I have scattered all that God has given me
carelessly, without hope.
A God unlike my imagination, one that would take my form and die for me.
A God that has put his heart where my heart should be in my chest.
A God that feels every sharp object I press into my heart.
I cannot even maintain the discipline to be mindful.
God save me.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son and Word of the mighty God, have mercy on me.
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There are three satanic traps that steal joy and peace: regret for the past fear of the future ingratitude for the present.
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There was a time I tried to hide my feelings because I thought my feelings were less important than God's
They are, but my feelings shouldn't simply be hidden, they should be take to God because his feelings are for mine to matter to him.
His feelings matter to me, that's why I don't hid my feelings from him.
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what might I give you?
you have made the pastel light that made my heart swell
you have brought me texture and flavor
you have made me able to protect others
you have given me a journey to follow and the will to achieve the fruit of my labor
you have given me Love, Faith, and Hope.
you are the beginning and end of each of my days.
what could I offer you except Obedience?
How may I give them the Love you first gave me, Lord?
How may I offer your Hope, Lord?
How may I help them ask for Faith, Lord?
Glory be to you, Please have mercy upon me.
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The I Am sent me
it is plain I am nothing,
a small voice crying
loudly with tears, don't perish
God Himself wants to save you.
D W Eldred
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The author of life
wrote the whole script long ago
penciling in names
of everyone in His plans
before mankind had yet been.
D W Eldred
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Update for the record.
Bench is 225
Deadlift is 320
I can complete the peg board up and down
Chest fly is 190
In sitting at a cool 133 pounds and dropping.
Its nearly time to explode.
I've lost almost 20 pounds and I'm going to lose more. I haven't been this lean in 5 years.
My incline bench is 190
My chest fly is 160
My ab curl is 130
my deadlift is 250
My endurance is ridiculous
My protein intake is at least 70g a day with a max of 140g
I've been operating at a calorie deficit for two months.
I feel like a baby gorilla
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I know God is good because he brought jennifer into my life.
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what greater purpose could I attain?
than to suffer in the name of my God?
truly it is a blessing to live and repent.
I pray that this blessing continues in the goodness of God.
I pray to the Lord Jesus Christ that I may have the spiritual pleasure of getting closer to him through loving those around me with a pure heart, for the sake of the king of kings and lord of lords. I can do nothing without him, there is not even a leaf that falls from a tree without my God being the cause and the knowledge of it.
truly, I must seek my God in all things, and abstain from sin of all kinds. I pray for the strength and wisdom to grow radically in this way from now until my last breath, knowing that loving-kindness, holiness, and righteousness of the one true God of all.
Elohim, Emmanuel, ABBA, Jesus, Yeshua,
Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
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If I don't have love, I have nothing.
Can I love you? Would I be able to?
Would God let me have you?
Your smile is a kind of Gentle I have still not known.
Your eyes contain an exigency for the softest of Love.
Could I provide this? Have I provided it?
Love bears all things.
God is love, and so, as long as I have him, I can care for you.
All things are possible through Him, his Son, and the Spirit
Love, for me, is praying that you truly know this.
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you were constructed in a holy way. it is evidenced and framed between every shadow that touches your face.
when the skin of your palm curves against mine
Its like the feeling isn't subject to time.
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