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"Dude! she's likes girls"
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digindydig ¡ 3 years ago
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A short skit that played In my head, no real plot to it. Little Spider is just a nickname till I find a suitable one.I don’t own any marvel characters just using for fan purposes. Lara is my own character. Feel free to add on
Natasha: Your sloppy today Lara…Something on your mind?
Lara: I’m fine Ms.Romanoff, just tired I guess.
Natasha: *sign* being tired can get you and others killed out there. These are risks we try to avoid. I want to help you Lara…but I need to know what it is that’s bothering you?
Lara: I…I keep getting flashbacks. That day they took me. The things they did to me… how can I get any sleep, if every time I close my eyes I’m back in that Hellhole. A spider bite didn’t give me my powers.
Natasha: Experimentation? I know… and I’m sorry for what happened to you ‘Little Spider’.
Lara: Be honest Natasha… do you think I’m capable of handling this? Do you think I teeter too much? Maybe I shouldn’t think too much.
Natasha: I think that you need rest honestly. And I know you belong here just as much as the rest of us. You’ve proved your place.
Lara: Thank you Nat, really.
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digindydig ¡ 3 years ago
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Been obsessed with Spider-Man: no way home and the new Hawkeye show and I cant get them out of my head.. so worth the watch. Fan art inspired by both show and movie. My own spider 😎. It’s only fan art I don’t own any marvel characters or etc..
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digindydig ¡ 4 years ago
Indy’s Stories
Part 6: Indy and Alex
Indy hid under her covers for a good day or so before she was fished out by Felicity, who wasn’t so gentle about it. She was currently in the shower while Felicity was moving around the kitchen of her flat. Sounds of plates and cups tinkering and the smell of food being cooked temped Indy to rush her shower. Music played in the background when she stepped out the shower dressed in a comfortable sweater and pants due to the cold in her flat. Felicity who was adjusting the thermostat but to no success as the temperature didn’t change. 
“You know you’re paying an arm and a leg for this shitty apartment mate.” Felicity said as Indy took a cup that had been put away.
“Yeah well it’s a lot better than where I was sleeping.” Referring to her times in the jungles and mountains where she trained. Pouring her and Felicity a cup and adding her tea bag. Her back towards as she made them their tea and lower the flame to the breakfast. Looking at the around fluffy cake that sat in the center of her pan with what looks like pieces of chopped up banana in bedded into it. 
“American hot cakes? Didn’t take you for much of a cook.” She turned to look as Felicity who was still tinkering with the thermostat. Giving up on the thermostat she whisper some curses, Felicity turn back towards Indy and moved to the stove. 
“For your information I do know how to make some miracles in the kitchen.” She flips the hot cake over one to see it’s burned on one side. Indy laughed and Felicity face drops to one of annoyance. Lightly whacked Indy with the spatula in her hand caused the Brit to laugh more. 
“Sure. It’s a miracle you didn’t burn my flat down. There be more than just a few burned hot cakes.” She dodged the second swing from Felicity. They agreed for the sake of their rumbling stomachs and Felicity’s dented cooking pride they ordered out. 
“So how was it? Going back there?” Said Felicity referring to the Alister manor. They both sat on the couch and Indy looked away for a second to collect her thoughts, she really didn’t want to talk about it but it’s been three days since her time back in the manor. Reconnecting with her grandfather and Avery but it was no good. They didn’t have the answer she was looking for nor did neither of them has spoken to Simon for quite a few years actually. It was really frustrating to have no clue on what to do next. Indy leaned back more into her couch and took a sip of her tea.
“ It felt really weird. walking down the halls.” she spoke softly still looking away from Felicity. 
“Taking to them after so many years. Feels like I don’t know them now then I did back then.” Her hands gripped her cup as if it was the only thing grounding her to this Reality. They had welcomed her back and they had talked bout her time away but of course Indy had to lie. She didn’t want to but it was to protect them until she knew a way to tell them. Felicity nodded her head and made a small Sound of understanding. 
“Did they have what you were looking for?” She looked at Indy, she shook her head no. 
“Simon has all of my mothers Records.” She sipped again, her face was blank almost as if she was about to drift off into her mind but a hand on her shoulder brought her back. She looked at Felicity. Seeing her trying to find the proper words to say. 
“Do you know where he is? We can grab her stuff ourselves.” She spoke only to see Indy shake her head again.
“The bastard covered his tracks well. Hadn’t seen Avery in years and stop all connections with her. Don’t know where he can be now.” Mentioning the man always gave her a bitter taste and a sour expression. Clearly anyone could tell she despised that man. 
“Felicity what do you think might happen if they found out what I really do?” This was a question she wasn’t supposed to let  slip from her mouth. She’d been thinking about it ever since the visit to the manor. It kept her up thinking about it. 
“What if I really mess up? Like for good this time and one of them gets hurt because of me or worse?” The though of it scared her to no end. Taken Indy’s cup away from her for fear she might shatter the thing with the way her hands gripped it. She placed it with hers on the small table in front of them. This was something she wasn’t use to seeing with Indy. Normally she would brush it off like it was nothing but this was her family... so it was different. Felicity couldn’t really give her a proper answer, she herself wouldn’t know what to do. 
“Listen... let’s not dawn on that too much. Yeah? When the time comes I’ll be there for you but right now we need to know where your mother records are being kept.” She smiled. “Luckily for us, we have a hacker on our side.” Hoping these words will encourage Indy or at least give her some motivation to continue with her mission. But Indy still with a far away look, deep in her mind that Felicity thought someone had put her on pause, then in a instant she looked at Felicity almost unsure of her answer but like always In their line of work ‘Haste makes Waste I guess’. “You’re right.” She said. “And if I have to search every inch of the world to find the cunt, then so be it.” Felicity smiled and pulled Indy into a hug. 
“Know that’s the girl I know.” Still in her embrace, Indy was mentally crumbling, slowly trying to force the blackness clouding around her vision out. She knew she wasn’t ready and it was eating at her. It always comes back and she knew what that constricting feeling was…it was Shame.
small chapter, been a while
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digindydig ¡ 4 years ago
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I FINALLY GOT JOKER TO MAKE AN APPEARANCE!! He was kind enough to take out the leader for me.
I’m putting this in the KH tag because this is the guy who Luxu seems to be based on. He’s a member of Class Zero who was “discarded” and tasked with observing the war instead. He’ll only appear as an SP Unit if you have the item “Tiz’s Prayer”, but the odds of him showing up are really, really low. This took hours.
When he appears in battle, his status is Invisible to protect his identity, so you’re gonna have to look for his outline. He double-disguises himself by wearing the Rubrum legionary uniform and mask.
Note the blade in his inventory named “Unknown.” (アンノウン)
ftr, I was playing as the guy who seems like Ira here. lol Also, I don’t know if this made any difference on the odds of Joker appearing, but the Nox Suzaku was also present, stealing all my lux phantoma, as you can see here. Instead of being collected, it just floats up into the sky where the Nox Suzaku is.
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digindydig ¡ 5 years ago
Indy’s Stories
Part 5: Homecoming
It was a rainy day In England and Indy found herself starring at the front gate of the Alister manor. She took a shaky breath as she approached the intercom. 
‘That’s new' She looked to see if there was anyone around the manor that can just let her in but there was not a soul in sight. Huffing in irritation she turned back to the intercom. She raised her finger to the call button but she couldn’t seem to force herself to push it. Her heart hammering in her chest, the tightness in her lungs, She was scared. Her brain and heart where lock in heated debate. Sixteen years away from home, away from her family, away from a normal life. Something she never got to fully experience. 
“Come on Indy. You’ve been shot at, been stabbed, even drugged and you came out fine. You’ve got this.” She took a deep inhale and tried to push the button but her nerves once again stopped her. She groaned angrily as she stepped away from the intercom. Too nervous to really think clearly, she paced back and forth. Looking at the intercom angrily hoping she had her gun, she would have blasted the damn thing away. The rain was already starting to seep through her jacket and jeans, the cold air wasn’t helping it either. She couldn’t turn back now, not after everything she went through. She wanted her answers and she was going to get them. Once she got over her mini meltdown. Indy often keeps herself in check in any situation but this was different, this was something that could break her good or give her the closure she so deeply wanted. Taken another deep breath but this one more confident, more sure and with that Indy pushed the button. It rang three times before a man’s voice came through.
“Alister residents, state your business.” Taken one last shaky inhale, Indy spoke directly to the intercom with one final thought in mind. ‘God I hope this wasn’t a mistake.’
“I’m here to see Cedric.” Her heart was beating out of control and her body shook, not sure if it was from the cold rain or Indy’s nerves but one thing was certain, indy wanted to bolt out of there. 
‘Shame I’m too stubborn for my own good.’ If she wasn’t in this situation indy would have laughed but she wasn’t laughing, she was scared. Her heart skipped a beat when the intercom started to speak. 
“Again! What’s your business for seeing Mr. Alister? He’s a very busy man.” Rolling her eyes at the idiot. She got to the point. 
“Tell him his granddaughter Alexandra, wants to see him.” Attitude in tone, she waited for a respond but instead heard a buzz then the gates opened allowing Indy to walk through. The walkway to the manor wasn’t long as she remembered it, then again she was six the last time she was there. Everything was bigger back then, now it just feels foreign to her. But the manor was well taken care of, she could tell by the looks of the manor. It was built as far back as the late 1850’s, originally it was built to become a small museum with high sealing and a small indoor botanical garden. It was Indy’s favorite part of the manor when she would visit with her mother and Avery. She loved roaming around the garden pretending she was on different adventures or patiently waiting for one of the many servants to scare. Cedric had a collection of dinosaur fossils. Putting the smaller fossils into the garden for Indy’s amusement. She smiled at the memories, she was so innocent but sadly not anymore. She stood in front of the large double doors half hoping she wasn’t there. ‘Should’ve taken Felicity’s offer.’ She had her hand raised to knock but before her knuckles could touch the door, it opened revealing a women Indy instantly recognized, Much more older than she remembered. They both stood silent for a minute, the poor woman’s face was that of complete disbelief. She looked almost pale the more Indy took notice of her.
“Hi Helen.” She said awkwardly. Helen blinked a few times, still not what to do other to just stand there. But recollection hit Helen. 
“Alexandra!?”her voice cracked this shocking and emotional moment. The child has come back, Much older now but alive and healthy from what Helen could see. She had to confirm it was really Alex but her Green eyes and the scar she had on the left eyebrow was all the proof Helen needed. Indy gave a small shy smile as her real name was mentioned. But what could she really say? Her mind was blank, time felt still. To Indy this was dangerous, her nervous habits started to kick in. The jitters and the finger twitches, her mouth felt like she had peanut butter in it. 
‘Keep eye contact.’ She told her self. Indy had this code she stuck too, this code allowed her to keep pushing even when things went south and that was to keep constant movement. To never stop moving because if she did doubt was always quick to reach her. But Indy didn’t have time to dwell on what her next move was because Helen did it for her. The poor woman after confirming Indy really was there in front of her had passed out. Her body falling back but luckily Indy grabbed her before she could hit the ground. Huffing out some colorful language, Indy looked around the grand hall, again no one was present. ‘Where the bloody hell is everyone?!’ 
She yelled out and waited, Helen felt light in her arms as she looked over her to check if she was ok while she waited for someone to appear. Helen has been with the Alisters for a long time, helping out Cedric look after Venessa and then eventually both Indy and Avery. She had always been strict and old fashioned in her ways, to Indy this was just another reason to test to woman’s patients when she was younger. But it wasn’t the time to reminisce on the past. lucky she heard someone approaching her way. Indy took her wet jacket off, flipping it inside out to they dry side and rolled it. Now using it to level Helen’s head on the floor and she stood. Indy really hoped it was someone other than her grandfather, knowing her own damn luck it was Cedric. He stood at 6’2, he was a tower compare to Indy who was only 5’5. Older with more gray hair than brown, his eyes tired but still warm after all these years. He stopped in his tracks when he saw her. The silence was in the air for a brief moment, to Indy it felt like an eternity. She stood frozen in place, all doubts and memories flooded her mind. Her eyes stung and watered. She desperately told herself to get it together, to not show emotions, to not cave in. To Cedric it felt like he finally awoke from this long nightmare. Seeing his granddaughter there now a woman, no longer the small child form he remembered. Finally feeling light Cedric approached Indy who still stood in her spot. That split second she was in Cedric’s embrace, relief washed over her like a wave. Releasing the breath she didn’t know she was holding that entire time, Indy crumbled. All the prep talk she gave herself went to shit as she cried into her beloved grandfather’s arms. The feeling of being welcomed back after all these years. Cedric lowered him and Indy down to the floor after Indy’s whole weight was put on him as she sobbed. He hushed her gently and rocked in a soothing manner to ease his grandchild’s pain. Something he did when Indy was a child after a nightmare or if she was moody. This was what she needed and she greatly took it all in as she hugged him back. 
‘Your such a sucker’ the familiar smell of his cologne and the warm of his embrace. She was finally home but for how long? The reality of that question hit her. What was going to happen when she got the information she needed from Cedric? She pulled away from the hug, wiped her face dry and stood with Cedric. She felt happy for the moment in fact the happiest she been in a while but it was time to get back to reality...
Memories filled her head with every room she passed, every hallway, every artifact scattered throughout the mansion. Paintings on the walls, the marble floors everything was placed for all to see and it still amazed Indy. Helen had been out cold for a good five minutes but still trying to process that Indy was home but the question was why now? After a much needed drink the trio sat in the family library, Indy explained why she was there and Cedric was understanding about his grandchild wanting to know more about her actual blood, it was bound to happen eventually but even he didn’t know much of Indy’s birth mother other then what Vanessa had told him. It pained Cedric actually, not being able to be much help in her situation. His late daughter was a private person, keeping her record and research in safe locations but he knew something was special about Indy, the day Vanessa brought her home cradling the tiny baby, Too small for an average infant. Something happened, something bad and Cedric knew whatever it was had to do with the child she brought home. Venessa never explained what exactly happened just that it was her responsibility. 
“Unfortunately Alex I don’t have any of your mother’s research. All of her personal belongings are in Simon’s possession.” The bitterness in his voice when he said that man’s name. Of course it would be difficult to get the information she needed, she had really hoped that Cedric would have had the answers but it wasn’t so simple. Simon had become distant and secretive. To the point of cutting all connections to Avery, his blood daughter. No surprise Simon would try to cover his track. ‘He’s a slimy fucker.’  Indy felt bad for Avery, knowing the type of person her father was, if it was possible to hate a person any more. Her sister did come to mind when she arrived at the manor. 
“Where is Avery anyway?” Indy was skimming through the many books that where in the library, her fingers running across the spines of the hard covers.
“Was She is currently on her way here actually. I gave her a call.” Once again Indy’s stomach flipped, she couldn’t hide forever though. It was best to get it over with, Indy prepared herself. Avery was her big sister and as a big siblings duty is to protect their younger but how could she had known? Which is why Indy never blamed her or Cedric, she was thankful she was able to be welcomed back, now it was just Avery who will determine if she wanted Indy back or not. It was a stressful hour for Indy, she was unsure how the situation would play out, mainly she was scared shitless. Who would’ve thought that Indy; a woman who wasn’t scared of jumping out of moving cars, trains, off cliffs, she would run into gun battles or fight her way out of any situation, beating and battered, she took it all without much of a ounce of fear but there are a few things Indy feared and one of them being rejection. She hated the feeling, it hurt. She did get a good pep talk from Felicity when she made a quick escape to the bathroom. She did make things a bit better but Indy just wanted to get it over with so she can go home and hide for the night. Indy walked back towards the library lost in thought when her phone buzzed. She stop to look at it and smile knowing it was from Lara. She wanted to know if Indy was doing ok. 
‘Are you ok?’ 
‘Yeah, it’s just a bit overwhelming.’ 
‘I couldn’t imagine what you must be feeling now.’ Indy’s smile widened at Lara’s concern. She reassured her it was fine, she balled her eyes out enough for the day. She sent a quick reply and went back to the others. Now what Indy wasn’t prepared for was to run right into Avery, an inch taller and fair skin woman with reddish brown hairs much like their mother’s her eyes were more like Simon’s. 
Hazel but there was a softness to them. Avery much like the others was just as shocked and her eye began to water. 
‘No, not again’. The emotional swirl was too much to handle for both of the girls that there wasn’t much words exchange just the small windows where time stood still. It was just them and all of the memories that filled both their minds. Just like Cedric, Avery quickly pulled Indy into her embrace and just like before Indy crumbled...
PART 5. I don't own Tomb Raider or its characters. I own Indy and her crew.
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digindydig ¡ 5 years ago
Indy’s Stories
Part 4: A Night at Bowser’s
Indy sat back in her chair as she read the article. She sipped her warm tea slowly, trying to ease her hangover. She scrolled down as her laptop showed a picture of the sole survivors of the Endurance. Lara being one of them. It was past noon when Indy awoke from her slumber and the first thing that came to mind aside from her pounding headache, was of none other than Lara Croft. She spend a good hour searching the web before she found what she was looking for.
“So you’re ‘that’ Croft.” She said out loud, seeing the names of those who perished and photos of the original crewmen. But her headaches were making it difficult to pay attention to important information, she decided to give up the searching for now. Closing the laptop,Indy stood from her seat before her phone dinged as a text came through. It was from Lara. Indy had text her back when she awoke. Would a friend like Croft be good for Indy? Or would it be problematic? After all Indy was a thief, she wasn’t an archeologist like Lara or her grandfather. She was just a person with dumb luck and fast thinking. Some of Indy’s finds where based off of pure luck alone. She may not share the title of an archeologist but she was the highest paid raider. She knew her stuff and she was bloody good at it. Indy wanted to continue their conversation on Lara’s field of studies. She wanted to know how extensive Lara’s knowledge for history was, what places had she seen? What mysteries had she uncovered? But why was Indy so interested? Indy had to think on that. Why was Lara so interesting? They did share the same interests. Or was it that there was something else. Indy remembered the feeling she had when around Lara. Relaxed but intimidating.
‘Have to be careful around Croft.’ Indy would probably talk to Felicity about it.
She texted Lara back before she walked into the bathroom for a shower.
Later that night, Indy peered over the balcony, cold wind blowing through her hair, her green eyes focused on the busy street. Instinctively she was scanning the area, mapping out all the possible escape routes, her mind playing out scenarios. Something she found herself doing a lot, it had gotten worst after she came home. Her senses going into hyper drive even when she was out of danger. Adrenaline rushing, her mind racing. She knew that feeling.
“Heal that wound Indy.” She said to herself, she had a week of thinking and now it was time to do what she came to do. Lara had told her to get it done just like Felicity. She had no choice at this point, it had to be done if Indy wanted answers.
“Shit! Easier said than done.” She said out loud, she hung her head in frustration. She kept telling herself it was for a greater cause, too not let her anger get ahold of her when she saw the man. How would she feel when she see’s her sister or Cedric? It will only be a matter of time before Indy’s past is revealed. It will come to bite her in the ass later and she knew it. Indy wasn’t particularly the favorite in the tomb raiding business. Definitely will have a target on her back if news got out on who she was. She was screwed both ways. Was all of this really worth it? To Indy it definitely was worth it. She will pay a visit to the manor in the morning. The side door behind Indy opened. Felicity joined Her on the balcony. She leaned on the railing looking out into the city. In the far distance stood the Millennium Wheel, London’s big Ferris wheel illuminating. It was breathtaking for those who weren’t locals. it still amazed Felicity in how beautiful it looked at night. She still considers it a death trap but she can admit it was nice to look at. Sound of a ding caught her attention, she watched Indy smile at her phone as she’s texting back. ‘Interesting’
“Thought your weren’t the texting type? What’s the special occasion?” Felicity spoke and it broke Indy’s concentration. She snapped her eyes away from the phone to look at her partner. oddly enough she felt like she’d just been caught, like a child with their hands in a cookie jar. Strange for Indy to feel but she ignored the feeling and went to answer Felicity’s question. She knew Felicity was going to tease her to it if she didn’t tell her. ‘Might as well clear the air I suppose.’ She thought to herself.
“Well if you must know, I took you advice yesterday and made a friend.” Indy said. But was Croft a friend? Or will she become a foe? Indy was a bit unease about telling Felicity about her time with Lara. Was it a wise decision to tell Felicity everything? Yes, no doubt, Indy had to tell her even if she did want to keep Lara as a separate friend away from her already crazy ones. But her and Felicity where best friend’s and best friends don’t keep secrets. To Felicity it was a surprise to see Indy interact with people she didn’t know. Normally if It was work related or if you hadn’t met Indy before, she was cold and distant. That was her defense Mechanism. She didn’t blame the kid though. It was good to see her get out of her shell.
“Is that so? So who’s the unlucky girl?” Felicity had a smirk on her lips. Rolling her eyes at Felicity.
“Funny. But how do you know it’s not a guy?” She shot back. Sure she was going to tell Felicity but doesn’t mean Felicity will get her answer the simple way not after that comment anyways. Letting out a small tsk she knew Indy was lying.
“Because you don’t smile when a man texts you. So nice try.” Felicity said. She playfully punched Indy’s arm. Sometimes Indy forgets that Felicity knows a lot about her. After a few more playful bickering about who was person. The balcony door opened again only this time it was the youngest member of their crew. Another Aussie by the name Jai, he announced that their pizza had arrived. They joint the rest of the crew. The warmth of the apartment was welcoming and the smell of fresh food was enough to make Indy’s mouth water. After being out in the wilderness for so long Indy had to survive off the land, only time she would have something decent to eat was when Indy was in some town. She didn’t realize how much the familiar taste of pizza would make her relived to be back home. Moaning as the favor hits her taste buds.
“Do you have any idea how fucking good this taste.” Indy sign happily.
“Careful Pup, don’t burn yourself.” Said Dutch. Dutch born and raised in Fort Willams Scotland. He was the oldest of the group and one of Indy’s mentors. For a man in his fifty’s he was well kept, ex military along with Elias. Dutch was a man that really didn’t care about a persons feelings. In her younger years Indy often butted heads with Dutch but because of that, Dutch respected her for it. Dutch would had knocked someone’s lights out if they had talked to him in any ill form but Indy was special to him. Elias was more easy going. After Indy was old enough to tag along with them, Elias began to rely on Indy intuitions and that’s when they found out what made Indy so special. Photographic memory, the kid remembered everything. It was like hitting a gold mine. Over the years their relationship flourished and they gained more people, those Indy considered trustworthy and loyal. Jonathan Becket or Bowser for short, met Indy in the most unexpected and unforgettable time. Rumors where going around about a rookie who’s been picking up hard jobs and coming back loaded, going by the name Indy. Long story short Bowser took a job to steal an artifact from a museum in the middle of a civil war. Getting in was the easy part until Bowser ran into Indy or more into a heavy cast iron skillet Indy had in her grip. That it self started a game of cat and dog. In the end they turned out working better together. Calum Was Jai’s older cousin, they met through Felicity. Calum unlike the others pushed Indy’s buttons and often questioned her judgments on jobs which infuriated Indy at times but his loyalty showed in the end. He was there because Indy needed Jai. The kid was a technical wizard and a hacker to boot. The kid was still in college and stayed with Calum. Indy had no choice but to deal with man.
They all made small talk throughout the night, had a couple of beers. It was nice and relaxing.
“So what are you going to do about your problem, Pup?” Dutch stood next to Indy. He knew why Indy had to go talk to her family and it annoyed him that Amir wasn’t making things easy for her either. Dutch had become very protective over the years. Shaking her head, Indy chugged her beer before she answered.
“Not so sure, At this point I’ll just go with the flow. I’m going to stop by the manor in the morning to get this all over with.” She said. Once more her attention was taken away by her phone. Felicity placed her hand on Indy’s shoulder.
“Do you need me to go with you?” She offered because she knew this was going to be difficult for Indy.
“Or invite that new friend of yours.” She playfully teased but it made Indy chuckle a bit.
“No, This is something I have to do on my own. And I hardly doubt bringing Lara into the mix would help.” She didn’t know why she let Lara’s name slip from her lips but it was too late to take it back now. Much to Felicity’s delight to finally know the person taken Indy’s attention throughout the night.
“Lara? Hmmm sounds like a girls name to me.” She stated. At what joy did Felicity get out of teasing Indy, Indy didn’t know.
“Yes, Her name is Lara and she’s an archeologist to boot.” She didn’t want to say too much about Lara because she didn’t know the her. They had texted all day about little things unrelated to her family situation. It seemed that Lara was avoiding the conversation only telling Indy to go for it. But it seemed Lara was just as interested as Indy was. She asked about Indy’s line of work and other things. Of course Indy played it smart, not telling Lara too much. But sometimes Indy’s curiosity broke through when Lara spoke about history. She only met Croft last night, she was just a stranger whom Indy was curious about. Indy told Felicity and Dutch about her night at the pub where she met Lara but she left out the part about Yamatai.
“Could be a good asset to the team.” Dutch said but Indy shook her head.
“No, keeping her at a distance is the best for now. Until I can find out more about her.” Indy said. she did think about it but there was something in the back of her mind waving red flags and she took that into consideration, maybe now isn’t the right time.
“Smart. Keeping her at a distance until she can be trusted.” Felicity’s said. Dutch and Indy both agreed. The rest of the night was a blur to Indy. She knew when the morning came she will no longer be safe. But her training had to continue if she wanted to truth, she just hope that she doesn’t lose herself in the process.
It took longer then expected. I don’t own Tomb Raider or its characters. I do own mines. I know I didn’t get into details with the other characters but I’ll try to get to them.
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digindydig ¡ 5 years ago
😂 talented people man gotta love them.
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The Great Smudge - Table Cat
Via Lancelot Falk
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digindydig ¡ 5 years ago
Gotta love her
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The best of Jill Valentine’s swearing
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digindydig ¡ 5 years ago
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digindydig ¡ 5 years ago
Indy’s Stories
Part 3: A Good Gesture Goes a Long Way Mate.
Why did Indy think that this was a good idea? She sat in a slightly crowded pub looking down at her 3rd drink and still her nerves were off. She signed, she hasn’t move a single inch since she arrived. Hoping to get a little buzz in before she could look for someone to ‘Vent’ too but that has proving to be harder than she thought. How do people do this? She was so lost in her thoughts that she hadn’t noticed a man stumbling towards her. 
“Oy, you. What’s ah nice place like you…..Doing in a girl like dis.” Obviously he’s drunk, Indy didn’t need to look at him to know. The strong smell of alcohol was all over him. Indy ignored him hoping he’d just move on but luck wasn’t in Indy’s favor. Once again the drunk man spoke only this time he was too close in Indy’s personal space. 
“Oy don’t ignore me!!!!! You.....you bitch!” He yelled. Now this had gotten the attention of some people around. The man attempted to grab Indy’s arm but before Indy could gladly smash her glass against the guys bloody head he was yanked away and pushed in the opposite direction. Indy or more of the drunk idiots savor was now standing in front of her. It was a woman. She was speaking to the man before he stumbled away muttering angrily. 
‘Wow! She’s pretty’ Indy pushed her thoughts out. The woman was looking at the man before she turned to face her. Yep she was definitely pretty. Indy turned away back to her drink, her hand was gripping tightly on her glass. Repeatedly telling herself to calm down, her temper spiked because of the drunken fool. 
“Thanks for that. If not for you the moron was going to have a face full of glass.” Spoke loud enough for the woman to hear. The woman moved in closer before speaking. 
“Normally I try staying out of trouble but I’m not so good at it and I hear the commotion. May I?” She pointed to the empty stool next to Indy. She gave the woman a nod. By now Indy’s temper lowered and her grip relaxed before she drank the rest of the strong liquid in her cup. She grunted at the taste. The woman looked at her and she chuckled. 
“Never seen you around here?” She said, she looked at Indy as if she was studying her. It made Indy a little cautious. The woman was a Burnette, her hair was pulled into a ponytail, her eyes dark brown. for some reason she looked familiar somehow but Indy doesn’t recall ever meeting this woman. It was quite odd for Indy. They ordered a round. 
“Well, I use to come here a lot but I’ve been away for 8 months so that probably explains why I’ve never seen you here either.” Telling herself to keep her Business on the low. She didn’t want to get into detail especially if Indy didn’t know that person but this woman? She had this aura about her that made Indy feel like she can trust her with no judgment but at the same time had Indy feel like she had to be on her toes. Very odd indeed, Indy never experienced that before. 
“8 months? That seems like a long time away from home.” The woman said. She paid for the drinks, much to Indy small protest. Home? Indy hasn’t felt home in a long time. All of her worries came rushing back. ‘Shit....’she wanted to forget but how can she if she’s constantly being reminded. Anything was better then to face her family…..Even the company of this pretty woman was more welcome than the thought of what she’d have to face. Indy didn’t realize she was making faces before she hung her head, she signed again ‘lord how many times I’ve done that’. The woman seen the frustration in Indy’s face, it was one of the reason she came to her. The drunken idiot was the excuse the get closer to Indy. She seen Indy at the bar and didn’t think much of her at first. She stared at her back for almost two hours. Not a single movement from Indy. Normally if a woman is in a pub too long alone things tent to get out of hand sometimes and that’s what this woman was worried about. She waited to see if Indy was waiting on someone but no one came. The woman was with friends at first but they since been gone. Clearly anyone can feel that Indy wasn’t in the best spirit so why not help ease some of this frustrated girls pain. 
“You know frowning puts a lot of strain on your facial nerves. Try to ease up there. You only live once.” Trying to make Indy smile with little Success. Indy looked at the woman, her buzz was definitely kicking in. 
‘You’ve got this Indy’ she told herself. She wasn’t sure when the buzz started but it was doing it’s job right. She felt a little better, a little more willing. Maybe this was the perfect time to vent. Who knows Indy might get some peace of mind in the company of this interesting woman. 
“I guess I’ve been straining them for some time now.” She smiled a little. The woman rested her head on her hand as if she was waiting for Indy to continue. Indy took a sip of her drink again. 
“Things haven’t been going my way and I don’t know what to do.” She said, looking at her hand that held her glass. She focused on the small scars on her hand, some faint and old, some new and more visible but small. Each one she remembered how she got them. Some where from her climbs and some where from fights she encountered on her journeys. The woman noticed and she wonder, she was curious but knew not to ask, she too had scars she’d much rather forget about. 
“And have you done anything about it?” She asked, she drank from her cup. 
“Honestly...... I’m scared shitless. I’ve never been good at family stuff. I’ve been on my own for a while now and this is something new.” The mention of family had put a small frown on the girl’s face. Indy had picked up on it. 
“I’m sure 8 months isn’t too bad to explain.” The woman order another round only this time Indy beat her to the pay. She smiled and thanked her. 
“It’s actually 16 years since I’ve seen them.” This shocked the woman. 
Indy wasn’t sure when the room started spinning or how hot she’d become but she wasted no time removing her jacket. They had talked for a good two hours yet the odd thing was they have never introduced themselves. Indy felt relaxed and was enjoying the girl’s company. She could tell the woman was well educated. 
“What’s your name?” Indy was starting to slur. ‘Shit...’ she didn’t mean to cut the girl off from whatever conversation they were having. Indy had no idea she had said that out loud. She apologized but the girl didn’t mind at all, she too was curious. The girl extended her hand out to Indy. 
“I’m Lara. Lara Croft.” Indy shook her hand
“Nice to meet you Lara. I’m Alexandra Alister or Alex.” But once again Lara’s face change when Indy offer her real name. She must have known of an Alex? ‘Wonder what happened?’ Indy felt bad for making Lara look down. Indy wasn’t so sure if it was a wise idea because something about Lara Croft sound so familiar but where did Indy know this woman from? Her intoxicated mind didn’t care much about the potential consequences that might come back to kick her in the ass. 
“But my friends call me Indy if that helps, I actually prefer Indy Over my real name anyway.” Indy said, she smiled at Lara hoping to ease her discomfort and it had worked, Lara smile back before her face changed too confused. 
“Wait! Did you say Alister? You’re an Alister?” She too had a slight slur. Now it was Indy’s turn to look confused. 
“Yeah? Why?”
“Then that means your grandfather is Cedric Alister. He’s famous for his studies and expeditions on Indian history. I’ve read his books when I was back in college.” Lara ranted on about Cedric’s findings. This perked Indy’s interest more. Knowing someone spoke highly of her grandfather made Indy happy inside. Her grandfather was the reason she loved history, loved exploring. Then her memories started to resurface even the traumatic ones. Ones of her mother passing and then her times in the orphanage. Lara pulled her back. 
“I’ve read an article about the tragedy of your family years ago. I’m sorry about your mother, she was so young. But it mentioned in reports that there was only one child of Vanessa Alister though.” She looked at Indy confused. 
“She does have one biological daughter, she’s my sister Avery. I was adopted a year after Avery  was born. Her father gave up custody and sent her to Cedric.” 
“And what about you?” Lara looked a little frightening waiting on the answer. Indy looked away for a minute to gather her bearings. Too drunk to feel any sort of anger, she looked back at Lara. 
“I was sent to Scotland to an orphanage. I wasn’t part of the bloodline so the bastard didn’t need me.” The sting in her eyes, she knew she saying too much but Indy didn’t care, she could always blame it on the alcohol. She felt the hurt in her chest, it was tight making it hard to breathe. She’d never admit it sober but Indy was always hurt because of that night. It scared her on how easily one person can rip you out of their lives without a second guess. That had always Haunted Indy, it was why she kept only a small handful of trusted people in her life. Why it was so hard to let people in. She was still healing from the wound that man burned in her soul. Lara changed the subject after seeing how quickly Indy retreated back into her shell. 
“I’m sorry. How about this.” Lara took out her phone and clumsily handed it to Indy. 
“Can I have your phone number? You seem like a good person to know and I don’t mind helping with your family ordeal.” After her 3rd attempt to correctly type her number she past the phone back to Lara.
“Are you secretly a therapist?” Indy laughed a little. 
“God, no. I’m actually an archeologist.” Lara said. ‘Archeologist? Interesting.’ Unfortunately they didn’t get too into their conversations as the bartender announced closing. Indy looked at the  clock above the bar, 3am it showed. Indy stood up from her stool, wobbled a bit but she held onto the counter and steadied herself. Lara failed miserably to suppress a small chuckle before she herself stood. She was a bit more sober then Indy, having only drank two of her drinks to not overdue her buzz. She and Indy made their way out the pub and into the chilly streets of London. The cold crisp air helped ease the dizziness in Indy’s head, it was good enough for her to walk without losing her balance. Lara stop at the corner street along side Indy. Smiling at her new companion, Lara stuck out her hand for Indy to grab.
“Well it was a pleasure meeting you Indy, are you sure you’re fine going home by yourself? I could walk with you?” She shook Indy’s hand. 
“No.... It's fine I literally live two blocks away.” She pointed at the opposite direction where they had stopped. After reassuring Lara that she really was ok to walk home alone and if it made Lara feel better she’ll text her when Indy got safely inside. But remembered that she didn’t have Lara’s number. She called out to Lara . 
“Wait! I don’t have your number.”
Lara was already on the other side the street before she turned to Indy. Trying to focus on what Lara was doing, Indy saw her dig in her pocket to pull out her phone. Shortly after Indy’s phone buzz and a number showed. She pick it up. 
“You have it now.” Lara laugh on the other end of the line. 
“Yeah, thanks. ” Indy said, she gave Lara one last look and wave before she hung up and went her separate way.
Finally home, Indy stripped out her jacket and shoes. Too drunk fully change out of her clothing, she sent Lara a text stating she made it home. Finally reaching her bed, she let her body fall into her soft sheets and was fast asleep before Lara’s reply went through. 
part 3 is done. due to all this craziness happening I hope ppl r doing fine and taken care of themselves and their families. ok so when I write I know I'm not the best speller or story writer but I do hope ppl enjoy. indy and other characters in these stories are my own. I DO NOT own rights to Tomb Raider or Lara Croft or the characters from the Tomb Raider games/ comics. its for entertainment and fan purposes only. the time line take place just right before Rise Of the Tomb Raider. I would love to hear some feedback. enjoy.
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digindydig ¡ 5 years ago
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When everything is on lockdown but I’m at work like
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digindydig ¡ 5 years ago
Indy’s Stories
Part 2: Family Issues
London seemed different then Indy remembered it. Eight months of nothing but jungle, she hardly saw other people during the time in South America. Amir said it was better if she disconnected herself from any physical contact until her training was completed but that didn’t stop her from sneaking into a town and sending messages to her friends back home. she’d always made her messages brief and to the point. Sometimes she didn’t know what to do and knowing the only people who would help where hundreds of miles away. Now she was back and still frustrated. She didn’t understand why Amir just didn’t tell her the truth and be done with it. She can live happy knowing instead of feeling like she was getting nowhere and it was pissing her off. 
It’s been a week since they arrived and Amir insisted on staying away from her until she finished her ‘family’ issues. Indy agreed it was for the best to spend some time alone, lord knows they both needed it. But here Indy was at her flat with no fucking clue what to do about her ‘Family issues’. 
“What am I going to say? Honestly Felicity. I can’t just walk up to the manor and expect them to be ok with it.” Indy was pacing back and forth. Felicity rested her tea on the kitchen counter watching her annoyed friend. She didn’t know what to say beside telling her to just go and get it over with. This was Indy’s family they were talking about but there was a large gap. Sixteen years to be more accurate. This was a tough pickle Indy was in and Felicity could admit that. She took a sip of her tea. Oh boy, Indy was in for a hell of a ride. 
“Well, the only thing I can really say is that you will never know how they would react if you don’t go and settle it.” Probably not what Indy wanted to hear but it was her honest opinion. Felicity knew Indy would prolong her meeting with them. Looking for something to busy herself with so that she’d wouldn’t have to face her problems. It was a bad habit of Indys’. 
“Yeah and then what? I get toss aside again? What if they find out what I’ve been doing all these years?” Indy stressed, she had no idea how that would go. Telling her family that she’s a tomb raider for hire, that she’d sometimes have to steal or kill to get what her clients wanted. The pay was good but the drama wasn’t. See...... how does a person explain that without expecting to be arrested? Yeah. Indy stopped, looking beyond stressed. Felicity felt sympathy for her best friend. Lord knows what’s going on in Indy’s head at the moment. She knew Indy better than anyone aside from Elias and Dutch. Indy wasn’t going to take her advice so there was not much Felicity could say to her hardheaded friend. Now Felicity was getting frustrated. She drank the rest of her cup before speaking again. 
“You don’t have to tell them exactly what you’ve been up too. You can say you work as an ‘antique’ collector, therefore you don’t need to lie and you’re somewhat telling the truth just don’t go into details. You’re only there to get information about your mum.” She checked her phone for the time and then she looked back at Indy. Blue eyes looked at troubled green ones. The Aussie knew this Reunion wasn’t going to end well And this poor British girl was going to snap she just knew it. Indy was like a bomb when stressed and Felicity knew that it will only be a matter of time before her fuse sparks. She gave her one last advice before they part way to the day. 
“Why don’t you ask a complete stranger on what to do? That can help a little.”
Indy shook her head and they exited out her flat. 
“No way. That’s too risky and I don’t like strangers.” She open the door that lead them straight into the alley where Felicity had her car parked. Rolling her eyes at Indy’s stubbornness ‘geez this kid’. 
“You know WE were strangers once.” Felicity hopped in her car and gave Indy one last look. Indy huff at what her friend said. Technically she was right they were strangers at One point and they didn’t particularly get along at first Indy admitted but they slowly gained one another’s trust and they stood close friends and work partners. They had each other’s back no matter what. Indy trusted Felicity a great deal. 
“Yeah we were and you were annoying to deal with too.” Indy said with a small smile. She remembered everything they went through. 
“And YOU where an Ill tempered ass with abandonment issues.” Felicity shot back before cracking a smile of her own. She continued. 
“You know Indy. Sometimes you just have to jump out your comfort zone to get where you’re needed to be. I’m no expert at family things myself but you and I both know if you don’t do this mate....You’re going to regret it for the rest of your life. You need to heal that wound that you tell yourself that’s not there but it is. But anyway I’ll let you go Doll. See you tomorrow night at Bowser’s.” With that Felicity Started her car and dove off into the street and out of indy’s sight. Indy just stood there for a minute, processing what Felicity told her. Healing? Her wounds have nothing to do with her sister and grandfather. Mostly towards the bastard that gave her away, it was his fault why she was in that position but then again Indy had multiple chances to go and set things right once she was older. She didn’t instead she focused on making her own path and setting her own mark on the world. Indy didn’t want to think anymore, she was done thinking for one day. She sighed looking around the alley. She wasn’t far from the closest shopping district and perhaps Felicity was right. 
“Pff.... Of course she’s right.” Indy told herself. Maybe she should try and talk to someone else about it. What better way to find strangers than at a pub.
“I guess a few shots wouldn’t hurt.” Indy set off on her way to a pub. 
2nd part.
I don’t own tomb raider or it’s characters. Just my own.
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digindydig ¡ 5 years ago
Indy’s stories
Part 1: I Am Alexandra Alister
Heat. The kind of heat that stuck to your skin like a second layer. That only kind of heat you feel in the dense humid jungles of south America. Pushing vines out of her path, Indy walked further down the trail. It was at least another hour of walking before she got anywhere near the closes town. Sweat rolled past her brow, her clothes drenched with her sweat, Indy didn’t mind as much as she kept walking. Today was the day she’d leave to go back to London, to go back home. 
‘Eight months…since I’ve been home. I should be excited. Right?’ 
Indy pushed the thought out of her mind as she focused on her surroundings. ‘Focus’ she told herself. The chirps of the birds in the air and trees, The screeches of monkeys and other animals in the distance. Soft crunch as her foot hit the floor with her every stride, the smell of wet dirt, the annoyance of mosquitos. She was far from home and nowhere near safe in this thick jungle. Anything can happen at any giving moment, she had to be kept on high alert if she wanted to go home. Though she had to admit training out here for the past eight months have definitely heighten her senses but it also dolled her emotional connection. Now that was something she didn’t want to admit to herself, in fact it kind of scares her. Once more she pushed her thoughts out of her mind and continued on the path that lead out the thick jungle. She wasn’t alone though ‘Thank the heavens for that’ she would have probably lost her mind had it not been for Amir. Now he’s the real reason why she decided go pursue the harsh training. He knew things that she wanted to know, things that would hopefully soothe this ache she’s felt for so long. Things that would make her fully understand where she came from, her place of birth. She wanted to know her real mother. 
Indy had been adopted when she was just a day old by a young archeologists named Venessa Alister. Indy grew up with a wealthy family, they loved her like their own. She has an older sister and a grandfather who was also an archeologists. But her adoptive father didn’t care for her as much. After her adoptive mother passed away when she was just 6. Her father gave up custody and sent her to Scotland to an orphanage and her sister to their grandfather’s. Indy’s life changed after that. She endured a lot at a young age. But that was all in the past now. She looked forward seeing the familiar road that lead to the small town. She exhaled deeply, finally relieved she made it.
“Your absolutely sure about this?” Indy said, she didn’t look at Amir as she was busy walking down the dirt road into town. She wasn’t too happy about Amir’s idea Of a ‘Test’. 
“Think of it being of part of your training.” He try sounding enthusiastic about it but Indy didn’t buy it. 
“I just have a bad feeling about this. I don’t like it.” She confessed, she didn’t want to do it but this was something long over due. It was time to make amends, it was time to go home. To see her family after 16 years and Indy wasn’t sure what she would feel or how it would all play out. Would they hate me? Would they push me away? Or would they welcome me with open arms? So many questions, it was a bit overwhelming but it had to be done. Somewhere in her mother’s research and findings was some small truth  to her origin and if meeting the bloody bastard who had ripped any chances of a normal life for her. She couldn’t let that get in the way but then again she knew herself, she knew her temper. Indy let out a small frustrating groan. 
“I hope I don’t kill the bastard.” She had always imagined the things she would do to the prick. So many ways to hurt him, so many choices to choose from she thought. Amir shook his head, maybe this was a bad idea, maybe Indy wasn’t ready to face this part of her training. But there was no time. Indy had to complete it, so that she can be who Amir needed her to be. What she was destined to be even if she didn’t know it. But her anger was far more deeper than her mother’s, hell it was more than he thought. Maybe she wasn’t ready. He just hope it wasn’t a mistake. But he knew what she went through and he knew why she was doing all of this. 
“You have to remember to stay calm. Emotions lead to mistakes Alex. You must face your anger and learn to control it and push it down. I know this might be difficult but it’s what your mother would have wanted. ” He wanted to say more but that would only feed Indy’s rising curiosity. He had to lie to cover his plans but Indy wasn’t stupid. She had already picked up on his lies on more than one occasion. He may have known her mother  and Indy tells herself that, but why hide it? Why not tell her right away and end this pointless back and forth.
“And if I complete this part of my training will you tell me what happen to her? Why I was sent away to the Alister’s. Or am I not ready yet.” There is was. Her anger slip on the last part . She bit back her frustrations once more. She hated being lie too, hated being taken as a joke, hated being led on. They made it to the town and where on there way to the town’s station that would lead then to the city and eventually a plane back to London. 
[ my Story telling isn't all that great, it like 2am, I’m not good at writing but I have soooo many ideas I just want to jot down,Indy’s Storie are based around my og character named Alexandra Alister or for short Indy. she's a kickass treasure hunter who has photographic memory. I would love to do a crossover with Tomb Raider or have them share the same world. but I hope people like her........ if not i’ll still try to post stuff.]
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digindydig ¡ 5 years ago
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Two sets of remains dating back to the Aztec I Phase.
Source (x)
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digindydig ¡ 5 years ago
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When the whiskey finally hit 💀
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digindydig ¡ 5 years ago
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digindydig ¡ 5 years ago
you’re telling me there are people who listen to music and DON’T use it as the soundtrack for the intense cinematic daydream plot they’ve always got playing in the back of their head???
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