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dietforweightloss · 3 years ago
Top Benefits of Diet High in Fiber
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The American College of Cardiology and the 10th Emirates Cardiac Society Congress recently held a conference. During that study, it was found that in patients who were taking a diet high in fiber foods, there was an improvement in their blood pressure as well as glucose level. High-fiber food benefits the body in many ways. If you are not aware of this, then you can get information about a diet high in fiber through this article.
How Does a Diet High in Fiber Make Health Better?
Research performed recently followed the diet of 200 diabetic people for six months. During this, the food group and the portion of the food were separated so that it could be known what difference would be seen in the body by eating which food. A special diet was given to them for three to six months. A diet high in fiber food was given at about 20 to 24 grams per day. When checked up after six months, there was a 9 percent reduction in serum cholesterol, a 23 percent reduction in triglycerides, and a 15 and 28 percent reduction in systolic blood pressure and fasting glucose. High-fiber food proves beneficial for heart disease and blood sugar.
What is fiber in our food?
Fiber is a component of our food that our body cannot digest. It is extracted from plants in the form of carbohydrates. It is of two types. The first is soluble fiber and the second is non-soluble fiber. You must have understood the meaning of both from their names. The dissolved fiber goes into our body and gets mixed in the water. Once it enters the stomach, it becomes a thick fluid, which prevents the body from absorbing unnecessary food. Due to this, cholesterol cannot be made in the body. Insoluble fiber is considered good for cleansing the stomach. By consuming a diet high in fiber, there is no problem with constipation. We should include both types of fiber in the diet.
How to take a diet high in fiber food?
Doctors say that a diet high in fiber diet plays an important role in controlling diabetes and high blood pressure. If you have a problem, take high fiber food along with medicine. This can help with blood lipid levels as well as protect against major risks in the future. If we can make some changes in our lifestyle then we can get relief from major diseases. Foods like mangoes, chia seeds, oats, chickpeas, bananas are high in fiber. It is also easy to consume them. Berry, chia pudding, cucumber, and avocado can be taken as salads. Take high fiber food to protect the body from disease.
Benefits of Diet High In Fiber Foods
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There are many benefits of taking high-fiber foods. Some of these are listed below:  Maintains Digestive Health Usually, the stomach does not get clear of the problem of constipation. A person suffering from the problem of constipation has trouble passing bowel movements daily. If a person's digestive system is not able to digest food properly he suffers from constipation. People who have proper digestion, have daily fecal discharge. If a person does not have a stool for three to four days, then he may have a problem with constipation. Due to the problem of constipation, a person may have to go through many types of problems. If a person takes fiber-rich food, then he can get relief from the problem of constipation. Diabetes According to a study published in the journal Science, consuming insoluble fiber reduces the risk of developing diabetes type 2. If you already have diabetes, it is beneficial to consume soluble fiber. A diet high in fiber food helps in controlling the blood sugar level in the body. Reduces the risk of cancer Some research suggests that following a diet high in fiber food may prevent colorectal cancer. Along with this, the risk of getting cancer of the digestive system is also reduced by consuming high-fiber food. The risk of cancer is reduced by adopting a good lifestyle. A good lifestyle means a healthy diet, exercise, an adequate amount of sleep, and being stress-free. Good for skin When yeast and fungus are excreted through the skin, it can cause acne. Including high fiber food in the diet flushes out toxins from your body. This improves your skin. Diet high in fiber food for weight control If a person's weight is increasing rapidly, then he should include fiber-rich food in his diet. Fiber-rich food has a lower energy density. That is, eating fiber-rich food gives fewer calories. Eating fiber-rich food gives a feeling of fullness quickly, due to which a person does not need to eat a lot. Fiber-rich food (soluble fiber) forms a gel, which delays emptying of the stomach and sends the food for late digestion. That is, through this action, the person does not feel hungry very quickly. It works to maintain lower blood sugar levels and also helps in preventing a rapid rise in blood insulin levels. Due to this action, obesity remains under control. 
Keeps heart healthy
Fiber, especially soluble fiber, is very useful for keeping the heart-healthy. Taking a diet high in fiber food in the diet improves cholesterol levels. Along with this, the risk of having heart-related problems is also very less. Soluble fiber works to reduce blood cholesterol. Consuming soluble fiber reduces the level of high cholesterol and also reduces the risk of heart disease.
Include water along with a diet high in fiber food
If you are feeling that only by taking a diet rich in fiber, you will get rid of many problems, then it is not right. Along with eating fiber-rich food, you should also drink enough water. If you drink water in moderation, then you may also have the problem of constipation. You must drink eight to ten glasses of water a day. Read the full article
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dietforweightloss · 3 years ago
10 Important Nutrition Facts About Zucchini
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Almost everyone does something to keep the body fit. Whether it is eating healthy food, working out, or any other way, our daily diet is most important to stay fit. When the name of nutritious food comes, we start thinking about what should be eaten? According to research, if we consume nutritious things, then it brings a glow on the face and there are no wrinkles. In this article, we will discuss what is zucchini, and its nutrition facts? What are the health benefits and disadvantages of Zucchini? 
What Is Zucchini?
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The scientific name of Zucchini is Cucurbita Pepo. Zucchini is also known as Courgette. This green vegetable belongs to the food family of pumpkin and squash. It is mostly available in the summer season. Zucchini comes under the category of green vegetables and has high water content. Zucchini is rich in water, as well as fiber, Vitamin-B6, riboflavin, folate, Vitamin-C, Vitamin-K, potassium, and magnesium. Along with these mineral elements, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients are also present, which are beneficial for the body in many ways.
Nutrition Zucchini- Facts and Values
Zucchini is a very healthy vegetable and contains many nutrients that are useful for our body. One cup of cooked Zucchini contains - Calories: 17 - Protein: 1 gram - Fat: - Carbs: 3 grams - Sugar: 1 gram - Fiber: 1 gram - Vitamin A: 40% of the RDI - Manganese: 16% of the RDI - Vitamin C: 14% of the RDI - Potassium: 13% of the RDI - Magnesium: 10% of the RDI - Vitamin K: 9% of the RDI - Folate: 8% of the RDI - Copper: 8% of the RDI - Phosphorus: 7% of the RDI - Vitamin B6: 7% of the RDI - Thiamine: 5% of the RDI
After Knowing Nutrition Zucchini - What are the health benefits ?
As we see from the above Zucchini nutrition values, contain most of the important nutrients, it gives many benefits to the body. The following are the benefits of zucchini if ​​it is consumed regularly and in a balanced amount. Helps to Balance Weight If you or someone close to you is troubled by increasing weight and even after many attempts, the weight is not being balanced, then consuming zucchini can be beneficial. The amount of fiber present in it keeps the problem of feeling hungry again and again. Due to not eating frequently, weight is controlled and gradually the weight starts to be balanced. Keeps Heart healthy Antioxidants present in zucchini are very helpful in reducing stress and delivering nutrients to the body. Therefore, its consumption reduces heart problems and keeps our heart healthy. Beneficial for eyes If seen, young children, as well as elders and old people, also face vision problems as they grow old. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), the presence of elements such as lutein and zeaxanthin in zucchini are beneficial for the eyes. Therefore children, elders, and the elderly can consume it. Controls Diabetes According to research conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the amount of fiber present in zucchini is helpful in maintaining a balanced insulin level in the body. Therefore, to avoid diabetes or sugar patients should consume zucchini in balanced quantities and regularly. Balances Cholesterol Levels Zucchini has high fiber content. According to health experts, cholesterol levels can be kept balanced by consuming fiber-rich foods. Heart disease can also be avoided by keeping cholesterol levels balanced. Beneficial in Asthma According to health experts, zucchini is considered very beneficial for asthma patients. The antioxidants and vitamin C present in it are helpful in relieving respiratory problems. Beneficial in digestive problems If a person has problems related to digestion, then they should consume zucchini. Actually, the fiber present in it is helpful in maintaining the digestive system better. Controls Blood Pressure Our normal blood pressure should be 120/80 mm Hg. If the blood pressure increases more than this or falls below it, then in both cases the blood pressure should be monitored. The potassium present in zucchini is helpful in controlling or maintaining normal blood pressure. If any person has the problem of high blood pressure, then they should consume zucchini. Cures Joint problems Joint problems occur when the amount of uric acid in the blood increases. In such a situation, the problem of inflammation in the joints starts. The benefits of zucchini can be seen in fighting this disease as well. In fact, it has anti-inflammatory properties as well as the ability to reduce pain. Therefore zucchini can be consumed daily and joint problems can be avoided. Makes the immune system strong According to research, the ability to fight diseases is strengthened by the consumption of β-carotene. Zucchini is high in B-carotene. Therefore, according to health experts, the consumption of zucchini is beneficial to increase immunity. If it is understood in general terms, then it is easy to fight diseases by its consumption. Prevents the risk of cancer Zucchini can be consumed to avoid colon cancer. Nutrients and antioxidants like lutein in zucchini are considered beneficial for the body. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), antioxidants are believed to reduce free radicals in the body as well as help prevent damage to cells and other cancers such as colon cancer. The benefits of zucchini are many, because of its amazing nutrition values, but its consumption can also cause harm. Therefore zucchini should be consumed with caution.  - Consumption of this can cause stomach cramps. - Diarrhea can be a problem. If you have never used zucchini before, then be careful before using zucchini. You can consume it in small quantities. Along with these two problems, if you feel any other problem or have an allergy, then do not consume it. If you want to know the answer to any question related to the benefits of zucchini or the disadvantages of zucchini, then it would be better to understand from the experts. Read the full article
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dietforweightloss · 3 years ago
Best Diet for Endomorph Body
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There are many such people around us who eat whatever they do not gain weight and there are some people who eat as little as possible, their weight increases rapidly, so let's talk about the problem behind it. If we talk about the body, then everyone's body structure is different, mainly there are people of three types of body. Let us know about endomorph ectomorph mesomorph. Let us know about the endomorph, ectomorph, and mesomorph bodies. Seeing a fit and slim girl on the cover of a magazine and seeing a model or actor with a fit body on television, we take her as our role model, and we think we'll end up looking as fit and slim as her. It might turn out to be wrong for you. It is very important for all of us to know that our bodies are completely different from each other. But a question always arises in the mind of all of us whether some people are born with a perfect body. It is not that all people are born with a perfect body but before we start any weight loss or fitness Knowing your body type is very important as it will help us to set our expectations. Usually, people set an image in their mind that what type of body they want to have or what type of body they desire, doing so sets them up for failure. We have to stop believing in things that are not within our control. Along with this, we need to inculcate this thing in our mind, that we should love and accept the body with which we are born. Can we change our body with the right diet and exercise or not? As we have told you that there are three body types. Ectomorph, endomorph as well as given some tips for body type. We need the right nutrition and the right exercise. In this article, we will talk about Endomorph Body and Endomorph Diet. In this type of body structure, diet is adopted according to body weight and muscle mass. This diet is called the Diet for Endomorphs. Let us know about it in detail. To reduce or increase weight, experts recommend following a diet along with some exercise. You have to choose a diet plan according to your body. If you have less muscle and more fat on your body then your body is called an endomorph body. Then to reduce such fat, you have to follow the diet for the endomorph body along with exercise.
What is the Endomorph Diet?
Your body is divided into different categories. So that you can know whether you are overweight or thin or normal. Then you also have to choose a diet plan keeping in mind your body size before you can increase or decrease your weight. It makes losing and gaining weight very easy for you. If we talk about endomorphs, those people whose body fat is more than their muscles come in the endomorph category. These people are chubby and obese. Due to the fat present in their body, they must know about its calories and harms before eating everything. Because these people are very sensitive to calories they should only consume as many calories as they can burn.
What should be the diet for Endomorph body?
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If you are also an endomorph then you will need a good diet plan to become fit. Since endomorphs have more fat and less muscle mass, their metabolism is also low. You have to follow this diet regularly to reduce your fat and increase muscle mass. Endomorphs do not have the ability to digest carbohydrates. Therefore they should not take carbohydrates and should take more protein in their diet.
Protein Diet
If carbohydrates cannot be digested, then the intake of a protein diet can be increased. This type of diet will reduce your fat and increase your energy level. You can get protein and fat from food sources like nuts, olive oil, beef, eggs, fish, cheese, etc. Remember, you have to consume only 35 percent protein.
Carbohydrate Diet
If your body is able to digest carbohydrates, then you can also eat carbohydrates and carbs, they can give you plenty of energy. If you remove carbohydrates and carbs from your diet, you will get tired quickly without doing anything. If you keep the number of carbs in your diet low, then you may have problems related to gas. You have to include only 30 percent carbohydrates in your diet.
Vegetables and Fruits
You can eat vegetables and fruits etc. This gives you complex carbohydrates which are not harmful to you. Do not eat those things which are high in calories and sugar. For example, keep the amount of cake, biscuits, and junk food in your diet low. Otherwise, they may harm you. You should not take more than 35 percent fat content.
Exercise for Endomorph body
Now you know the ideal diet for the Endomorph body and here we will talk about exercise for such a body type. Endomorph body people need to do more and more cardio and exercise, because they gain fat very fast, so you need to burn more calories than how many calories you are consuming, only then you will come in a calorie deficit. You should take more protein in your diet and consume carbs to a minimum. Read the full article
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dietforweightloss · 3 years ago
What Diet For High Cholesterol is Good
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It is said that the main cause of heart disease is an unhealthy diet. If we look at the research report published in the World Health Organization, in the year 2016, 17.9 million people died due to cardiovascular diseases. At the same time, according to the report published in the Centre for Disease Control (CDC), 90 million Americans are suffering from the problem of high cholesterol. The main reason for having cholesterol level imbalance is attributed to unhealthy healthy food. In this article, we will understand what diet for High Cholesterol can be used for controlling cholesterol.
What diet for high cholesterol is the best?
There are many types of diet plans that one can use for weight loss. But, when it comes specifically to reducing cholesterol then portfolio diet is the best. Lets discuss it in detail.
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What is a Portfolio Diet for High Cholesterol?
The Portfolio Diet is a simple diet pattern that, if followed on a regular basis, helps in balancing the high cholesterol level. The Portfolio Diet was started by British physician Dr. David JA Jenkins. It was Dr. David who introduced the concept of the Glycemic Index. High Cholesterol has been described as very easy to follow the portfolio diet, as there are not many restrictions while following the portfolio diet like other diet plans. If it is explained in general terms, the emphasis has been laid on what foods to consume and which foods to avoid while following the Portfolio Diet for High Cholesterol. High Cholesterol problems can be avoided with this diet. First, we will understand what high cholesterol is.
What is High Cholesterol?
According to a report published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information, as the cholesterol level in the body increases, it starts collecting in the blood vessels. In such a situation, the problem of blockage can start. At the same time, it also has a negative effect on blood flow. When the condition of high cholesterol starts in the body, then it first has a negative effect on the heart and then on the kidney and gradually on the lower body organs. It is not that high cholesterol cannot be kept in balance, one can stay away from this problem by following a healthy diet and physical activity. Further in the article, we will share what is the Portfolio Diet for High Cholesterol, and what the cholesterol level should be. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, the cholesterol level should be the following. like: Male Cholesterol level in men of 20 years or more Total cholesterol: 125 to 200 mg/dL Non HDL: Less than 130 mg/dL LDL: less than 100 mg/dL HDL: greater than 40 mg/dL Cholesterol level in a woman of 20 years or more Total cholesterol: 125 to 200 mg/dL Non HDL: Less than 130 mg/dL LDL: less than 100 mg/dL HDL: greater than 50 mg/dL
What foods to eat in Portfolio diet for High Cholesterol?
There are 4 main ingredients of Portfolio Diet which are as follows - Soy protein - Plant sterols - Tree nuts - Soluble fiber Consuming these foods can help keep high cholesterol levels in balance. In the article, we will understand how to consume these foods, so that the cholesterol level is balanced.
What are the tips to follow Portfolio Diet for High Cholesterol? 
1. Soy protein: According to a report published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information, soy protein is beneficial for the heart along with reducing high cholesterol. Therefore, if there is a problem of high cholesterol, then instead of consuming meat and dairy products, soy protein-rich food and drink like soy milk, tofu or tempeh can be consumed. 2. Plant sterols: According to a report published in NCBI, the problem of bad cholesterol can be avoided by regular consumption of 1.5 to 3 grams of plant sterols. Therefore, include foods like Sesame oil, Olive oil, Oregano, and Almond butter in the diet. 3. Tree nuts:  According to a report published in the National Library of Medicine, consuming nuts in moderation can help reduce the problem of high cholesterol. Therefore, if you are following the Portfolio Diet for High Cholesterol, then definitely include Almonds, Walnuts, Macadamias, Cashews, and Pistachios in your diet. 4. Soluble fiber According to a report published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information, soluble fiber is able to absorb water present in the body and convert it into a gel, which is considered beneficial for the digestive tract. Apart from this, soluble fiber is also considered capable of balancing high cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Therefore, other foods like black beans, avocados, broccoli, or kidney beans can be consumed in your diet. The above-mentioned foods can be included in the portfolio diet for High Cholesterol, but consume in balanced amounts. It is recommended to consume 35 grams of soy protein, 2 grams of plant sterols, around a handful of tree nuts, and 18 grams of soluble fiber in your diet. Please note that these quantities mentioned above are given as an average. Therefore, before following the Portfolio Diet for High Cholesterol, understand how much your body needs these foods and then consume them.
What Foods to Avoid in Portfolio Diet for High Cholesterol?
If you have a high cholesterol problem and want to follow the portfolio diet, then exclude the following foods from your diet: - Avoid processed foods such as chips, fried foods, or processed meats. - Avoid refined carbs like pasta or white rice. - Avoid sugary foods like cookies, cakes, candies, or baked goods. At the same time, do not consume honey, brown sugar, maple syrup, or sugar from above. - Do not consume soda, tea, sports drinks, or energy drinks included in beverages. We hope this article is helpful to know what is portfolio diet is for high cholesterol, and how you can follow it. Now you know what diet for high cholesterol is good, please feel free to contact us with your questions and experience with this diet plan. Read the full article
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dietforweightloss · 3 years ago
3 Important Common Challenges of Health for Women
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Just like every person is different, health problems are also different in every person. Similarly, there are different health problems between women and men. Some health conditions are common in both men and women. Some challenges of health for women are unique and pertain to them only. These unique health conditions of women include conditions related to pregnancy, menopause, and female organs. If these health issues for women are diagnosed on time, they can be easily treated or controlled. Therefore, it is advised to get timely screening for breast cancer, cervical cancer, bone density, etc. Detecting these problems at an early stage is essential for a healthy and long life.
What are Common Health Issues for Women?
Out of all the challenges of health for women, the most common problem nowadays is obesity and heart issues. In the past, men were more susceptible to heart-related issues. But, with changing lifestyles, women too are facing these problems. Although the problem of a heart attack in women is more serious in men or women who show more symptoms of depression and anxiety than men, etc. Know about major health issues for women along with their diagnosis and treatment. Anyhow, we will start with some serious challenges of health for women which can be life-threatening if not diagnosed earlier. Breast cancer is one of them.
Breast Cancer - Most common challenge of health for women
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Breast cancer is cancer that forms in the cells of the woman's breast. It is one of the common health issues for women. If this cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, then its successful treatment is possible.  Symptoms If you know about the symptoms of breast cancer, then you can identify it yourself. Following are the major symptoms of breast cancer: - Breast Lump - Change in size, Shape of Breast - Changes to the skin of Breast - Skin Peeling around the Nipple or Breast - Redness in skin over the breast Causes and Risk Factors The exact cause of breast cancer is not known, but some things can increase the problem, such as: - Age - Genetic Factor - Health History - Dense Breast - Having a history of cancer - Radiations Treatment Treatment of breast cancer depends on its type, stage, size, and grade. There are many options available for the treatment of breast cancer, such as: - Removal of breast cancer (Lumpectomy) - Mastectomy - Removing a limited number of lymph nodes (Sentinel Node Biopsy) - Removal of multiple lymph nodes (Axillary Lymph Node Dissection). - Removing both Breasts
Cervical cancer
This cancer is found in the cells of the cervix. This problem is also considered serious in Health Issues for women. The cervix is ​​the lower part of the uterus, which is attached to the vagina. Know what are the symptoms in it: Symptoms Cervical cancer does not show any symptoms in the early stages. But the symptoms of this cancer in the advanced stage are as follows: - Vaginal bleeding after sex - Pain in pelvic during orgasm Causes and Risk Factors Cervical cancer begins when the healthy cells of the cervix start to change. This change occurs in the DNA of the cells. Due to this change, the growth of cells occurs in an uncontrolled manner. These abnormal cells form a tumor. This tumor can cause cancer. Treatment To treat cervical cancer, your doctor first determines whether you need one treatment or whether more than one treatment will be used. Its treatment options are as follows. - Surgery: Surgery is done to remove the tumor and some healthy tissue around it. The following procedures are used in surgery: - Conization: This procedure is used to remove all abnormal tissue. - Leap (LEEP): In this, electric current is passed through a thin wire hook and this hook removes the affected tissue. - Hysterectomy: This is a procedure to remove the uterus and cervix. It can be either normal or radical. - Bilateral Salpingo-Oophorectomy: If necessary, both fallopian tubes and both ovaries are removed through this surgery. - Radical Trachelectomy: This is a surgical procedure in which the cervix is ​​removed but the uterus is not removed. - Exenteration: This is the process of removing the uterus, vagina, lower colon, rectum, or bladder. If cervical cancer has spread to these organs after radiation therapy, they are removed.
Ovarian Cancer
Ovarian cancer is the 7th most common cause of death among women worldwide. It is a highly aggressive cancer with a high mortality rate. In most cases, cancer remains silent or goes unnoticed for a long time. It can occur in different parts of the ovary without any major symptoms, such as abdominal bloating, dyspepsia, and sometimes urinary complaints. Many other problems also have similar symptoms. Therefore, it becomes challenging to recognize ovarian cancer at an initial stage. Still, the only efficient way to overcome ovarian cancer is through quick analysis and suitable intervention. This cancer that starts from the ovary is called ovarian cancer. There are two ovaries in the female body, in which estrogen and progesterone hormones are also made along with the egg. Symptoms It is very important to recognize the symptoms of women's health issues so that you can diagnose them yourself. Immediately after identifying the symptoms consult a doctor. These symptoms are as follows: - Bloating - Change in Appetite - Weight Loss - Constipation or Stomach Related Problems - Problems in Pelvic Area - Urge to Pass Urine Causes and Risk Factors The specific cause of ovarian cancer is not identified. But, certain conditions can increase its risk. These situations are as follows: - Aging - Inherited Gene Mutation - Estrogen Hormone Replacement Therapy - Family History Treatment  There are many methods adopted for the treatment of ovarian cancer. These treatments are done keeping in mind the severity, stage, type, etc. of cancer. Some of these are as follows: - Surgery: The type of cancer and how far it has spread is taken into consideration before performing the surgery. Surgical methods include hysterectomy, removal of one or both ovaries, or removal of only the affected lymph nodes. - Chemotherapy: In chemotherapy, drugs are used to remove cancer cells. - Targeted Therapy: In this method only the affected cells are removed. - Radiation Therapy: In this therapy, X-rays are used to remove cancer cells. - Immunotherapy: In this method immunity is used to fight against cancer. Read the full article
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dietforweightloss · 3 years ago
Important Benefits and Side Effects of Keto Diet
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What is ketosis and how does it work for the body?
Ketosis is a normal metabolic process that improves your body's digestive system. By following a keto diet, your liver starts producing ketones, which your body uses for energy. In other words, it contains fewer carbohydrates and more fat, so when our body does not get enough carbohydrates in the food to make energy, then fat burns. In this process, ketones are formed in our bodies. Today in this article, we will tell you important things related to a keto diet. We will know what Keto Diet is? We will also learn the benefits and side effects of a Keto Diet. The Keto diet plan is a high-fat and low-carb diet. When we eat food, our body transforms it into glucose and insulin and gets energy from it. But, in this process, the unused glucose gets changed into fat. This has the potential to increase obesity. This process occurs differently in the keto diet. In the keto diet, energy is taken from fats by decreasing the consumption of carbohydrates. This process is called ketosis. The Keto diet plan has a high amount of fat, moderate protein, and very fewer carbs.
Types of keto diet?
There are generally four types of a keto diet, such as: Cyclic Ketogenic Diet (CKD) Standard Ketogenic Diet SKD Targeted Ketogenic Diet (TKD) high protein ketogenic diet There can be different ways to follow all these keto diets. You can contact your dietician to know about how to follow them and which keto diet will be suitable for you. But it is also more important to know about the benefits and side effects of a keto diet. Let us know below how the keto diet can benefit the body.
What are the benefits of the keto diet? 
Weight Loss Benefits of a keto diet The Keto diet also has benefits in reducing weight. A Keto diet is a healthier diet option, but it is not suitable for everyone. A Keto diet plan keeps you active throughout the day by providing more energy to your body. It can be more suitable for people who want to lose weight or who suffer from diabetes. But if you want to gain weight, then you should not do a keto diet. Benefits of keto diet in cholesterol The benefits of the keto diet have also been seen in curing cholesterol. A Keto diet helps in improving triglyceride and good cholesterol in the body. It is low in carbohydrates and high in fat, which reduces cholesterol levels. Benefits of keto diet in blood pressure The benefits of the keto diet have also been seen in blood pressure. High blood pressure or hypertension raises the risk of many other diseases. This includes stroke, heart attack, and kidney problems. A low-carb diet is an effective factor in lowering blood pressure. It helps you to live a good and healthy life. Keto diet benefits for epilepsy patients The benefits of the keto diet have also been seen for epilepsy patients. It has also been proved many times that the Keto diet has a very positive effect on epileptic seizures. This is the reason why a person having epileptic seizures is advised to follow a keto diet. Talk to your doctor about how to do this, so they can tell you what kind of keto diet you should follow.
Side Effects of Keto Diet
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There can be many disadvantages or side effects of this diet, but we are telling you some of the main disadvantages identified by experts: 1. Cramps in the body In the first few days of its consumption, you may feel cramps in some parts of the body and legs. The reason for this is that magnesium is deficient in the body due to the consumption of the keto diet, but you do not need to panic. You should drink more and more water with your diet and also consume salt so that you can meet the deficiency of magnesium. When you start this diet, the body is not used to it. Therefore, it is common to experience lethargy and fatigue in the body. After some time when the body gets used to the diet, then you feel normal. 2. Hair fall Yes, if you are taking the Keto diet, then you may have a hair fall problem. Hair loss is normal after taking a keto diet. There are many reasons for this, such as taking a low carbohydrate diet, your hair becomes thin and weak and starts breaking faster. 3. The problem of constipation increases One of the side effects of the keto diet is that you do not get enough fiber, carbohydrates, and nutrients. Because of this, our digestive system has a very bad effect and may have to face digestive problems, especially constipation. Many people who are consuming the keto diet, complain of constipation. To get rid of it, consume more and more water. 4. Other Side Effects of Keto Diet: - The heart rate increases with the use of the keto diet. Sometimes there may be trouble breathing, so drink plenty of water. - By following a keto diet for a long time, you feel less hungry and because of this, you do not get many nutrients. In many cases, due to this diet, the deficiency of vitamins in the body also comes to the fore. - Headache, nausea, heavy mood, etc. can also be side effects of a keto diet. Some changes will be seen by taking Keto Diet. Before choosing a long-term keto diet, it is necessary to consult a doctor because it is important to know whether this diet is suitable for your body or not. Read the full article
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dietforweightloss · 3 years ago
Best and Useful Avocado Nutrition Facts
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What is Avocado?
Avocados are a very beneficial fruit. This fruit full of medicinal properties is also very tasty. Its oil is also used for cosmetics. According to some studies, avocado reduces cholesterol. Not only this, avocado improves the lipid profile and can also reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis. By eating things grown from its seeds, there is less chance of tumor formation in rodents. In this article, we will discuss Avocado Nutrition facts and their health benefits.
Avocado Nutrition Facts
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Nutritional value per 100 grams of Avocado Water - 73.23 g Energy - 161 Kcal Protein - 2 g Fat - 14.65 g Carbohydrate - 8.54 g fiber - 7 g Sugar - 0.65 g calcium - 12 mg Iron - 0.56 mg Magnesium - 2 mg Potassium - 486 mg sodium - 7 mg Vitamin-C - 10 mg Vitamin-E - 2.07 mg Vitamin-B6 - 0.258 mg Saturated Fat - 2.100 g Monounsaturated fat - 9.750 g Polyunsaturated fat - 1.800 g Apart from Avocado Nutrition, lets us some more facts about this tropical fruit
Important Facts about Avocado
- Avocados were the food of the giant ground sloths and were saved from extinction by humans. - Avocados are economically expensive and are grown in tropical and Mediterranean regions around the world. - Avocado flowers come from a family of plants known as LORACEAE. The word avocado refers to a tree and a fruit. - Avocados contain 4 grams of protein making them one of the fruits with the highest content of protein. - Avocado, Pumpkin, Watermelon, and Banana are all a kind of berries. - There are more than 500 types of avocados found in the world. - Scientists have unearthed evidence from a cave in Mexico's Cartel. - Studies show that avocado was used as early as 10,000 BC. - Avocado trees do not self-pollinate, they need another avocado tree to grow. - Avocados represent fertility as they grow in pairs. - Avocado was also called crocodile pear. - Avocado trees can grow up to 80 feet in length. - Avocados have a very long life span and some trees in Mexico reach as old as 400 years. How Safe Is Consuming Avocado? You have seen above the avocado nutrition facts, but you should consult your doctor or pharmacist, or herbalist if: - If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, then do not consume avocado on your own. This is because the immunity of the expectant mother is very weak during this time. In such a situation, before taking any kind of food or medicine, you must consult your doctor. - You are already taking some medicines with or without a prescription. - You are allergic to avocado or other medicines or herbs. - You have another type of illness, disorder, or medical condition. - If you are allergic to latex, bananas, melons, or potatoes, chances are you may be sensitive to avocado as well. This means that you may be allergic to its consumption. In such a situation, you should take care or take care before consuming foods made from avocado. - Avocado might reduce the anticoagulant effect of warfarin. Therefore, patients who are taking warfarin must consult their doctor before using it. - The practices for taking avocado are not much stricter than medicines. However, more research is still needed to know how safe its use is. Before consuming this fruit, understand its risks and benefits well. If possible, use it only after consulting your herbal specialist or doctor. - Large amounts of its seeds or leaves can be poisonous. However, only a few reports have been published about its toxicity in the last 50 years.
What are the possible side effects of avocado?
Avocado nutrition facts are well known, but this fruit may also cause the following side effects. like: - Allergies - stomach ache - Gas formation - Vomiting - Migraine - Fever - Diarrhea - Asthma - Paralysis - Flu Not everyone who uses it will necessarily experience these side effects. There may be some other side effects too other than the above. 
Benefits of Avocado
Avocado nutrition facts show that it is a very healthy fruit and it has many health benefits and some of these are listed below. Keep Heart Healthy: According to some studies, Avocado and its oil are very beneficial for our hearts. It is rich in monounsaturated folic acid. Several studies suggest that eating avocado can reduce the risk of heart disease, as regular consumption of avocado can lower LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, as well as lower blood triglycerides. can also be improved. According to studies, eating avocado or its oil with vegetables helps in increasing the number of antioxidants in the body rapidly. Rich in Fiber: Avocado is a fiber-rich fruit. If seen, it contains 7% more fiber than other foods, which is very beneficial for health. Fiber is very beneficial for weight loss and metabolic health. Shield against cataracts: Avocados are rich in antioxidants, including lutein and zeaxanthin. These nutrients are very beneficial for the eyes. Along with this, they reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts. Treatment of prostate cancer: Studies on isolated cells show that the nutrients present in them are very helpful in preventing prostate cancer and reducing the side effects of chemotherapy. Osteoarthritis pain relief: Studies have shown that extracts of avocado and soybean oils can also reduce osteoarthritis to a great extent. Improve digestion Consuming avocado is also very beneficial for digestive health. It is high in fiber and potassium, which work to improve digestion. Avocado is low in fructose, so its consumption also reduces the chances of gas in the stomach. Treat Diarrhea: Avocados can also be used for the treatment of diarrhea. The potassium present in avocado makes up for the lost electrolytes. Therefore, if there is a problem of diarrhea or to avoid any such problem, eat avocado. Help in weight loss: Studies have confirmed that regular consumption of avocado can reduce weight easily. Those who consume it can keep their weight and BMI under control. Avocados may reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome. The monounsaturated fatty acids and fiber elements present in avocados help control weight. Improves eyesight: It can also be beneficial for the eyes. Avocados are rich in carotenoids such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which maintain eye health. According to research reports, lutein can protect against problems related to eyes or eyes in increasing age. Apart from this, avocado is also rich in vitamin E, which is an essential element for better eye health. Read the full article
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dietforweightloss · 3 years ago
Best Exercise - Stretching and benefits
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Known as the best exercise stretching has many benefits. We should include stretching activities in our workout routine. Stretching exercises keep the flexibility in our body and the movement in the joints of the body also remains the same. If the flexibility is equal on both sides of our body, then the chances of injury are greatly reduced. Always warm up for 5 to 10 minutes before doing stretching exercises, and it should always be done after a workout. Do this exercise carefully and very slowly. If you have any health issues or have suffered an injury, consult a doctor about which stretch would be best for you. Stretching before getting out of bed in the morning is very beneficial. It makes you feel energized throughout the entire day. Stretching improves blood flow throughout the body, so you feel energized throughout the day. It eases muscle strain and also cures the stiffness of joints. Stretching also improves blood flow to the brain, which improves concentration.
Exercise - Stretching and its benefits
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The benefits of doing stretching exercises are as follows - You can do stretching anywhere and at any time. If done properly, there is no risk in doing them. - By doing stretching exercises, our body's ability to bend the joints improves. - Stretching increases the agility of our body. - Doing these greatly reduces the chances of getting injured. - Stretching enables the muscles to work effectively. - Stretching increases the length of the muscles and improves the posture of the body. - Stretching exercises increase the flexibility in our body as well as increase agility in the body. When our body's flexibility is good, the physical performance is better and the chances of getting injured are also very less. - Stretching exercises loosen the muscles, thereby reducing their fatigue and increasing the level of bleeding. - Sometimes when we are engaged in work all day, then due to lethargy or fatigue, naps start during work. If you feel like this, then get out of your place and do 2 to 3 stretching exercises. This will increase your energy level. - Stretching increases blood flow to the muscles and helps in keeping the whole body healthy. - Stretching is also helpful in reducing the pain in the body after a workout and also in reducing the recovery time. - Stretching gives the muscles time to rest before and after a workout. There is an increase in blood flow and nutrient supply to the muscles, as well as relief from pain after exercise. - A healthy diet and stretching exercises help reduce cholesterol in the body. For this reason, it protects you from heart disease.
Important tips for exercise stretching
Stretching has many benefits, but it is very important that it be done safely. Here are some tips to follow while doing stretching exercises. Do not think of stretching as a warm-up and if you stretch without a warm-up, then your muscles can be damaged. Walk slowly for 5 to 10 minutes before stretching. Stretching is most beneficial after a workout. Every person has a different genetic trait and the flexibility of his body. If we talk about dancers, gymnasts, then those people are naturally flexible. So a common person should not try to be flexible like them and pay attention to this that flexibility is equal in both the left and right side of the body. . Failure to do so increases the chances of injury to the body. While doing stretching exercises, we should focus on the calf, thigh, hip, lower back, neck, and shoulder as these are the largest muscles of the body. Apart from these, the muscles that you use the most, must be stretched. Stretch very slowly in a very smooth manner. Do not jerk your body. If you make any jerky movement while stretching, then the muscles can get hurt and get stiff. Breathe normally and maintain every stretch for 30 seconds. If there is a problem in any part of the body, then the muscles there may have to be stretched for 60 seconds. While stretching, your aim should be to feel a slight stretch in the muscles and not pain. If you feel pain while stretching, come out of the stretch immediately and go back to the position where you did not feel the pain. If you play a sport or your routine requires you to use certain muscles, be sure to stretch those muscles in your stretching routine. For example, playing football puts the most stress on the hamstrings. So if you play football, it is very important for you to stretch your hamstrings. Stretching exercises can take time. But stretching 2 to 3 days a week is very beneficial for us. If you stop stretching, the benefits will be lost. For example, if stretching has increased flexibility in your joints, not doing stretching exercises can reduce flexibility again. In yoga, you get all the benefits of stretching. The special thing about yoga is that in this you do not remain stationary, but there is a slight movement. If you do not want to do yoga and want to do any other type of stretching routine, then make sure that there is a slight movement of your body in it.
Simple Stretching Exercises for Beginners
Figure-four stretch This stretch is beneficial for your hips, joints, thighs, and glutes. To do this, bend your left knee and then place the right foot on the knee of the left leg. Then grab your left knee with both hands and pull it towards the chest. Bed-to-Floor stretch This stretch helps fresh oxygen reach the brain and wake you up. To practice this stretch, sit on the edge of the bed and touch the ground with your feet. Then while tilting your head down, touch the toes of your feet. Keep in this pose for 10 seconds. Knee-to-Chest stretch This stretch is beneficial for your lower back. To practice this stretch, lie on your back and bend both your knees. Now with your hands, stretch your legs towards your chest. Spine twist This stretch is a better option to correct the strain in your spine. To do this stretch, keep both your knees together and keeping your upper body straight, place both your knees on the right side of the bed. After this, hold your left knee with your right hand and turn your neck to the left. Stay in this position for 10 seconds. Read the full article
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dietforweightloss · 3 years ago
How To Follow Intermittent Fasting and Lose Weight Naturally
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Social media is nothing less than a magic wand in today's time. It has become a world where people have started getting solutions to all their problems. Then whether it is a health-related problem or there are ways to get rid of the sourness in personal relationships. Similarly, many people started following their diet plan through social media, in which intermittent fasting diet plans are trending. This proves to be effective for some people, but most people bear the brunt of it. The biggest reason for this is the lack of experienced consultants and researchers.
Never follow a diet plan blindly
Doctors say that in today's trend people are adopting intermittent fasting diet methods for weight loss. This method is very safe and successful to a large extent. Learn more about how you can naturally lose weight by following an intermittent fasting diet. There are many methods available on social media platforms to reduce weight. It is suggested for such people to understand that before embarking on the weight loss journey, consult your doctor once. Inform your doctor about your medical health and physical conditions. Because the scale of most of what is said on social media may need to be checked.
What do experts say?
 Experts say that Intermittent fasting is a type of diet schedule in which food is eaten in a short period, it can also be called ‘intermittent calorie restriction. During this time, most people pay more attention to 'when to eat' rather than 'what to eat' and this is the reason why this schedule cannot be considered as a form of "diet". It is to be noted here that the emphasis is on the form of eating patterns or schedules in the diet. There are three main components in any diet plan – what to eat and what not, what is the quality of food, and when to eat. An intermittent fasting diet schedule is considered more reliable for weight loss. During fasting, body fat provides energy to the cells, which helps in reducing weight.
Different Ways to Follow Intermittent Fasting
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1. 16/8 method Under this method, you have to fast for 16 hours a day and eat food for 8 hours. In these 8 hours, you will have to eat food three to three times. Apart from this, you can also drink non-calorie drinks like water, sugar-free lemon juice, green tea, etc., during your fast. It is also called time rest feeding. 2. 5:2 method In this method, fasting has to be done 2 days a week. For the rest of the 5 days, you can eat normally. 3. Warrior Diet Under the Warrior Diet method, you have to eat very low-calorie foods throughout the day, while eating calorie-rich food at night. Before adopting these methods, keep these things in mind: - Before starting any diet plan, consult an experienced nutritionist. - Keep in mind that a diet plan can never be the same for two people. It is decided based on everyone's physical health, medical conditions and needs. - When it comes to health, don't blindly trust social media.
Benefits of Intermittent Fasting:
- Some studies show that fasting reduces the level of insulin in the blood, which leads to weight loss. Fasting can also reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes and other obesity-related diseases.
Disadvantages of Intermittent Fasting:
- Prolonged fasting lowers the basal metabolic rate (BMR), which can lead to fat accumulation and weight gain. - Fasting can also lead to increased appetite or to eat more food at once, as one is very hungry after long hours of fasting. - You may also feel tired, weak and irritable due to fasting.
Follow these tips with intermittent fasting
Green tea Drink green tea at least twice a day. Prepare for body tightening Due to weight gain, the body becomes limp. Therefore, along with weight loss exercises, do exercises like dumbbell punches, overhead press, etc. to tighten the body. Don't take mental stress If you want to lose weight, first of all, get out of mental stress. Anxiety or stress will take you away from your goal of being slim. Because of stress, people either feel very hungry or do not feel hungry at all. Along with this, due to mental stress, they are not able to follow exercise or diet properly and give up very quickly. Drink more water Water is the medicine for a hundred diseases. Therefore, along with following the diet chart for women, drink plenty of water, about four to five liters of water a day. This will help you to a great extent in reducing weight.
How does an intermittent fasting diet work in reducing weight?
During an intermittent fasting diet, a person takes special care of what to include in his food as well as when and in how much quantity. During intermittent fasting, a person may also have to fast for 8 to 10 hours. During this time the level of insulin in the body goes down a lot, then our body starts burning the fat already present in the body. During intermittent fasting, lowering insulin levels cause cells to use the glucose stored in the body as energy. During intermittent fasting, our body goes through this process regularly. This results in the consumption of fewer calories, which can prove beneficial in weight loss. At the same time, a Harvard research study also shows that intermittent fasting diets can also slow down the process of aging through weight loss, lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol.
What are the side effects of an intermittent fasting diet?
Intermittent fasting may cause the following side effects. like: - Feeling weak at the beginning of intermittent fasting - Intermittent fasting can cause headache - Irritability or mood swings are likely to persist - May feel like eating more, because stay hungry for a long time - dizziness problem - Apart from these physical problems, other problems can be felt. If such a problem is more or persists for more than three-four days, then visit the doctor and share your physical problem. Read the full article
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dietforweightloss · 3 years ago
How To Follow Intermittent Fasting and Lose Weight Naturally
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Social media is nothing less than a magic wand in today's time. It has become a world where people have started getting solutions to all their problems. Then whether it is a health-related problem or there are ways to get rid of the sourness in personal relationships. Similarly, many people started following their diet plan through social media, in which intermittent fasting diet plans are trending. This proves to be effective for some people, but most people bear the brunt of it. The biggest reason for this is the lack of experienced consultants and researchers.
Never follow a diet plan blindly
Doctors say that in today's trend people are adopting intermittent fasting diet methods for weight loss. This method is very safe and successful to a large extent. Learn more about how you can naturally lose weight by following an intermittent fasting diet. There are many methods available on social media platforms to reduce weight. It is suggested for such people to understand that before embarking on the weight loss journey, consult your doctor once. Inform your doctor about your medical health and physical conditions. Because the scale of most of what is said on social media may need to be checked.
What do experts say?
 Experts say that Intermittent fasting is a type of diet schedule in which food is eaten in a short period, it can also be called ‘intermittent calorie restriction. During this time, most people pay more attention to 'when to eat' rather than 'what to eat' and this is the reason why this schedule cannot be considered as a form of "diet". It is to be noted here that the emphasis is on the form of eating patterns or schedules in the diet. There are three main components in any diet plan – what to eat and what not, what is the quality of food, and when to eat. An intermittent fasting diet schedule is considered more reliable for weight loss. During fasting, body fat provides energy to the cells, which helps in reducing weight.
Different Ways to Follow Intermittent Fasting
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1. 16/8 method Under this method, you have to fast for 16 hours a day and eat food for 8 hours. In these 8 hours, you will have to eat food three to three times. Apart from this, you can also drink non-calorie drinks like water, sugar-free lemon juice, green tea, etc., during your fast. It is also called time rest feeding. 2. 5:2 method In this method, fasting has to be done 2 days a week. For the rest of the 5 days, you can eat normally. 3. Warrior Diet Under the Warrior Diet method, you have to eat very low-calorie foods throughout the day, while eating calorie-rich food at night. Before adopting these methods, keep these things in mind: - Before starting any diet plan, consult an experienced nutritionist. - Keep in mind that a diet plan can never be the same for two people. It is decided based on everyone's physical health, medical conditions and needs. - When it comes to health, don't blindly trust social media.
Benefits of Intermittent Fasting:
- Some studies show that fasting reduces the level of insulin in the blood, which leads to weight loss. Fasting can also reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes and other obesity-related diseases.
Disadvantages of Intermittent Fasting:
- Prolonged fasting lowers the basal metabolic rate (BMR), which can lead to fat accumulation and weight gain. - Fasting can also lead to increased appetite or to eat more food at once, as one is very hungry after long hours of fasting. - You may also feel tired, weak and irritable due to fasting.
Follow these tips with intermittent fasting
Green tea Drink green tea at least twice a day. Prepare for body tightening Due to weight gain, the body becomes limp. Therefore, along with weight loss exercises, do exercises like dumbbell punches, overhead press, etc. to tighten the body. Don't take mental stress If you want to lose weight, first of all, get out of mental stress. Anxiety or stress will take you away from your goal of being slim. Because of stress, people either feel very hungry or do not feel hungry at all. Along with this, due to mental stress, they are not able to follow exercise or diet properly and give up very quickly. Drink more water Water is the medicine for a hundred diseases. Therefore, along with following the diet chart for women, drink plenty of water, about four to five liters of water a day. This will help you to a great extent in reducing weight.
How does an intermittent fasting diet work in reducing weight?
During an intermittent fasting diet, a person takes special care of what to include in his food as well as when and in how much quantity. During intermittent fasting, a person may also have to fast for 8 to 10 hours. During this time the level of insulin in the body goes down a lot, then our body starts burning the fat already present in the body. During intermittent fasting, lowering insulin levels cause cells to use the glucose stored in the body as energy. During intermittent fasting, our body goes through this process regularly. This results in the consumption of fewer calories, which can prove beneficial in weight loss. At the same time, a Harvard research study also shows that intermittent fasting diets can also slow down the process of aging through weight loss, lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol.
What are the side effects of an intermittent fasting diet?
Intermittent fasting may cause the following side effects. like: - Feeling weak at the beginning of intermittent fasting - Intermittent fasting can cause headache - Irritability or mood swings are likely to persist - May feel like eating more, because stay hungry for a long time - dizziness problem - Apart from these physical problems, other problems can be felt. If such a problem is more or persists for more than three-four days, then visit the doctor and share your physical problem. Read the full article
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dietforweightloss · 3 years ago
What is Cardio Exercise and how to do it?
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The word "cardio" is supposedly one of the first words you hear when you first start an exercise regime. You know that cardio exercise is necessary for any workout, whether you want to lose weight, stay fit, or get healthy. Health experts suggest 150 minutes of cardio exercise per week to decrease health risks.  If you want to lose an ample amount of weight (more than 5% of body weight) and/or keep it off, you may need to do more than 300 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity a week. Getting a more traditional knowledge of cardio exercise may be all you need to drive you to do it a little more.
What is a cardio exercise?
Cardio exercise means doing a rhythmic movement that elevates your heart rate in your destination heart rate zone. It is the area where you will consume the most fat and calories. Even as little as 10 minutes of this exercise count towards your weekly cardio exercise minutes. 
Benefits of cardio exercise
When you understand how much cardio exercise you should do, you might want to start exercising soon. There are very few exercises you can do for a short time that have many advantages. - Burns fat and calories fast - Improves sleep quality - Develops lung capacity - Promotes sex life - Improves bone density (weight-bearing cardio exercise) - Decreases stress - It creates a feeling of wellness and may also provide temporary relief from depression and anxiety - Provides greater confidence in how you look and feel - It decreases the risk of heart diseases, bad cholesterol, blood pressure, and diabetes. - It energizes the heart so that it doesn't have to work as hard to pump blood. An exceptional thing about cardio is that you don't have to work out for an hour at a high intensity to get the advantages. Even a 15-minute walk can boost your spirit and improve blood pressure. Don't feel like you have a lot of time and energy for cardio. You can do a little bit each day than doing nothing. With all the advantages listed above, you should see precisely how to choose your cardio exercise.
Choosing a Cardio Exercise
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Now your first step is to figure out what kind of activities you want to do. The trick is to think about what is accessible to you, what fits your personality, and what you would feel comfortable fitting into your life. If you like to go out, run, cycle or walking are all excellent options. If you prefer to go to the gym, you have many more options in stationary bikes, elliptical trainers, treadmills, rowing machines, climbers, pools, and more machines. For home exercise, you can, of course, buy your treadmill or elliptical trainer, but there are other options as well: - practice video - fitness app - Home Cardio Exercises Jumping rope, jumping jacks, jogging in place, planks, and more - online workout programs You have many options, but the trouble is, you may not even know what you like. You may need to try several different activities before you find the cardio that works for you. We all have to participate in this activity, and it can be hit or miss, so don't be afraid to try something and, if it doesn't work, move on to something else.
Here are great points to keep in mind:
• Be flexible. Don't be afraid to branch out. The extraordinary thing about cardio is that you can choose any exercise that increases your heart rate up. You don't need to do the same workout every time or every week. It's easy to change your cardio. Try various things to find more activities that you enjoy. • Pick something that you can do regularly. To meet the exercise recommendations, you need to do exercise 3 days per week. Make it easy to choose an activity that is suitable for you and make it a habit slowly. • Do something you enjoy (or at least something you can afford). If you hate gym workouts, don't force yourself on the treadmill. Walk, jog or bike to enjoy the scenery. If you enjoy socializing, consider sports, group fitness, working out with a friend, or a club. • Keep it simple. If you are worried about what to do, start with an essential exercise. You need at least 20 minutes for the body to get into it. Get your calendar out and allocate just 20 minutes on three different days. You can do something like walking, running, or going to the gym. It would help if you first focused on cardio. Once it becomes a habit, then you should increase the time and intensity.  How long should a cardio workout last? When you choose what you want to do, the most crucial element of your workout will be how long you do it. It would help if you worked on duration before doing anything like high-intensity workouts; It takes time to build up the endurance for constant practice. Guidelines suggest anywhere from 20 to 60 minutes of cardio depending on the types of cardio you need to stay healthy, lose weight and stay fit. It is okay if you cannot do an hour of exercise. If you haven't exercised in a while (or never), that's too much for anyone.
Beginner workout
• To start, choose an accessible and easy exercise. It can be walking or a treadmill. Start with about 10 to 20 minutes of brisk walking at a moderate intensity. Once you are out of your comfort zone, about a level 5 or 6 at a perceived level of zero to 10, where sitting is zero and the highest level possible is 10. Beginner workout options: • Cardio for Complete Beginners: If you're not sure where to start, this program will let you choose any machine or activity you're comfortable with. • Elliptical Workout: The elliptical is excellent for building muscle with low force. This exercise will give you an easy start. • Stationary Bike Workout: This 20-minute workout is great if you are looking for a no-impact exercise. The frequency of your exercises will depend on your health level and your schedule. The general guidelines are: • For general health, you can go for moderate-intensity cardio for 5 minutes a day, three times a day, five days a week, or three days a week. You can also mix your exercises. • If you wish to avoid weight gain and/or gain weight, you may need to do more than 300 minutes of moderate-intensity activity a week.  • To sustain a healthy body weight, about 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity activity a week is essential. 
What happens if you can't follow the guidelines?
If you cannot follow the guidelines but still want to build endurance and conditioning, it may take some extra weeks to work your way up with more regular practice. If you have a busy schedule that's not letting you do your best, try to work out as many days as possible. You can also go for more short training workouts to make the most of the time you have. Read the full article
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dietforweightloss · 3 years ago
Best 10 No Carb Foods
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There are many times that we want to eat something delicious but we stop ourselves because we worry too much about carbs. Choosing the right food according to the diet is very difficult. Many people get so entangled in knowing the nutritional value of any food that they are unable to decide what to eat or not.  Planing your diet with no carb foods is difficult for many people. And we are here to help you with the best 10 no-carb foods that you can add to your diet plan. There are many foods that do not contain carbs. We can eat these foods without any worry of accumulating carbs in the body. The foods are not only healthy but also helpful for our body to get various nutrients. In this article, we will discuss some no-carb foods that have a low glycemic index and low calories.
Top 10 Low Carb Foods
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Seafood Seafood, which includes fish, crabs, and shrimps, is a very nutritious diet. Vitamins, potassium, and selenium are found in salmon and other fish and there is no carb at all. Therefore, you can make these things a part of your no-carb food diet. Low-Carb Vegetables  Most vegetables are not a heavy source of starch and are low in calories and carbohydrates, but high in many nutrients. Most vegetables like kale, broccoli, and cauliflower, and cabbage, etc contain very little carbohydrates. Avocado  A medium-sized avocado will give you about 9 grams of carbohydrates and a high amount of nutrients like potassium. Avocado is also a rich source of several vitamins and minerals. It is also considered a no-carb food. Egg An egg is a healthy and very nutritional superfood. An egg contains not more than 1 gram of carbohydrate. It is also considered a portion of good no-carb food. It gives you about 6 grams of protein with about 5 grams of fat. You can eat it as boiled, omelet, or half-fry. By eating eggs, the stomach will feel full for a longer time and the blood sugar level will also be maintained. In addition, it is also very low in calories. Cheese Cheese is a vegetarian and healthy protein food. 150 grams of cheese contains 18 grams of protein and about 5 grams of carbs. Being low carb, it is almost a no-carb food. By consuming it, your stomach feels full for a long time and you do not overeat. You can eat cheese in different ways according to your taste. Olive oil  Olive oil is a rich source of healthy fat. The following are the types of olive oil that taste good. - Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Virgin Olive Oil - Refined Olive Oil - Pure Olive Oil Olive oil contains 73% unsaturated i.e. healthy fat. Due to being 99 percent fat, it is also a no-carb food item. You can eat it with salads or make any dish. Consuming olive oil gives you many benefits. It helps in reducing weight and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. It is rich in antioxidants and also beneficial for the eyes. Nuts Nuts and seeds are high in fat and contain almost no carbs. Consumption of nuts helps in fighting diseases like heart disease, cancer, and depression. You can consume the following seeds as a no-carb diet. - Almonds - Cashews - Walnuts - Chia seeds - Flaxseeds - Pumpkin seeds - Butter Butter and cream are foods that are also low in carbs and high in fat. But it is very high in calories, so it is beneficial to consume it in small quantities. There are different types of studies regarding butter. Some research has said that the saturated fat found in butter keeps the risk of heart disease. Based on some studies it has also been said that saturated fat is not responsible for heart disease. Studies also show that eating high-fat dairy products in moderation is associated with a lower risk of a heart attack. Meat and poultry  Meats are considered a healthy food for a ketogenic diet because they are low in carbohydrates. These are rich in B vitamins and several other minerals. Meat and poultry are also rich sources of high-quality protein, which is very helpful in building muscle. Coconut oil  Coconut oil has unique properties that make it a good addition to a no carb foods list. This oil is a rich source of medium-chain triglycerides. These are taken up right from the liver and converted into ketones. Ketones are used by the body as an active source of energy. Coconut oil helps people to lose weight and become fit. Plain Greek Yogurt  Yogurt is high in protein. It also contains almost no carbs and can be included in a no-carb food for the ketogenic diet. In 150 grams of curd, you will get 5 grams of carbs with 11 grams of protein. Whenever you eat curd, add cinnamon and walnuts to it to make it taste better. Berries  Many fruits cannot be eaten because they are very high in carbs. But the amount of carb in berries is almost zero and the amount of fiber is high. Blackberries and raspberries contain fiber and are helpful to make the digestive system strong. Berries are a good no-carb food. Read the full article
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dietforweightloss · 3 years ago
Food for Diet - 13 Best
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Whatever food we eat, energy is spent chewing and digesting it. Some food items are very low in calories and are the best food for diet. When our body digests such food the glucose and fat already present in the body have to be used. Food for diet is said to be those foods, the energy expended in digesting them is much less than the energy obtained from them. Therefore eating such food gives fewer calories but fat is not stored, rather it removes fat through energy. Let us tell you about some foods for a diet which can also help in reducing your weight.
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Parsley is one such food item that when you eat, you will not feel that you are eating anything. You will not find it strange to know that it contains zero calories. Parsley is a rich source of vitamins like A, B, and C,  and minerals like potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, sodium, and fiber. At the same time, it keeps the stomach full and there is no feeling of hunger for a long time. Therefore it also helps in the problem of weight gain. 
Oranges are known for their vitamin C but have the fewest calories compared to other fruits. Orange helps in reducing weight, due to the abundance of fiber and vitamin C in it, promotes metabolism, its regular consumption during the orange season reduces obesity and you can lose weight fast.
Cabbage is very beneficial against heart disease and cancer. Cabbage is a rich source of vitamins A and C, which are very useful to reduce weight. Cabbage also contains tartaric acid, which prevents the conversion of sugar and carbohydrates into fat. It is better to consume cabbage through soup. This not only makes it more filling and but calories consumed are also less. 
If you consume beetroot for your diet, then keep in mind that they should be fresh. You can also steam, boil or grill them. If you eat pickles with beetroot, then the number of calories can increase slightly. In addition to low calories, beetroot contains antioxidants called betalains that help in keeping the body healthy. 
There is no match to cucumber in reducing weight naturally. Cucumber contains ninety percent water. It is mostly used in salads. It is also very low in calories, so it is very helpful in diets. It not only helps in reducing weight but also breaks down fat cells. It contains anti-oxidant vitamins like A, C, and E which help in flushing out toxins from your body. 
Lemon cannot be consumed as a fruit or vegetable. But you can lemon juice in water or food to burn and reduce the calories present in the body. Lemon is a rich source of vitamin C. It contains small amounts of various vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, and vitamin E. Lemon also contains many antioxidants that keep you healthy.
Cauliflower is rich in vitamin C and calcium and is an excellent food for diet. It is helpful in absorbing chemical elements in the body and increasing the metabolic system. Cauliflower is high in fiber and water, which means you feel full for a longer period of time and avoid overeating. Be sure to include green cauliflower in your diet 4 times a week.
If you like to eat mushrooms then it is good for your diet. Mushrooms are low in calories, free of fats and cholesterol. They contain nutrients like potassium, selenium, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin D, which provide rich nutrition and help in controlling weight.
Despite being sweet, watermelon is low in calories. Watermelon also helps in controlling weight and is good for the diet. By eating watermelon fat does not accumulate inside the blood vessels. The antioxidant elements present in watermelon bring more benefits to the body. The secret of watermelon's nutritional value lies in the citrulline chemical found in its juice.
Onions are mostly used in salads or cooking. Due to this, onion not only enhances the taste of food but along with reducing weight. It also prevents diseases like diabetes and blood pressure. This helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the body. Onions contain sufficient amounts of calcium and riboflavin (vitamin B). Its smell is due to n-propyl-disulfide.
Ridge gourd
Ridge gourd is very low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and calories, which helps in the diet. In addition, zinc, iron, riboflavin, magnesium, thiamine, phosphorus, and fiber are found in abundance. Apart from keeping you hydrated, Ridge gourd also nourishes you with a variety of vitamins such as potassium, folate, and vitamins A and C. Ridge gourd help in reducing sugar levels in both blood and urine. It is very beneficial for people suffering from diabetes.
Tomato is one of the best sources of vitamin C. Due to this it is helpful in reducing weight and is good for a diet. After eating tomatoes, there is no desire to eat food and the stomach feels full. Some elements are found in tomatoes that reduce hunger hormones and eating them does not cause hunger. Betacarotene, Lycopene, Vitamin A, and potassium are found in abundance in tomatoes. Tomato also reduces the chance of heart problems.
Consumption of carrots is beneficial to reduce the fat deposited on the body. Drinking carrot juice in the morning is considered good for a diet. Carrot juice gives strength to the liver and increases its ability to work. Carrot juice also helps in reducing weight. This will definitely reduce the fat deposited on the body.
Apple- the best food for diet
  It is a great option for diet, as it is rich in fiber. The pectin compound present in apples prevents body cells from absorbing fat. Apples do not allow excess fat to accumulate in the body. An apple a day protects your body from the absorption of extra calories and carbohydrates. Read the full article
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dietforweightloss · 3 years ago
Easy to Digest Foods
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Junk food has become the choice of people today due to bad lifestyles. Due to which people also have to face the problem of indigestion. Excessive consumption of fast food has a bad effect on your digestion. This can cause problems like diarrhea, abdominal bloating, abdominal pain, constipation. In such a situation, you should consume such foods, which the digestive system does not have to work too hard to digest and these foods are also beneficial for health. Easy-to-digest foods also make your digestive system healthy. By eating such things, the digestive system works properly and it also gets good bacteria, which makes the digestive system even stronger. Those people whose digestion is always bad must eat these easy-to-digest foods. 
List of Easy To Digest Food
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Green Leafy Vegetables Iron is found in abundance in vegetables like fenugreek, spinach, beans, beans which are very important for women. It is not only easily digest green leafy vegetables rather it also keeps your stomach clean. Consumption of green leafy vegetables helps to overcome the deficiency of Vitamin A and B complex. Brown Rice Fiber is found in high amounts in brown rice, which helps in reducing bad cholesterol in the blood. Due to the high amount of fiber, brown rice is also beneficial in removing constipation. On the other hand, eating white rice causes constipation and gas problems in the stomach. Therefore, brown rice should always be consumed in your diet. Brown rice is also beneficial for diabetic patients. Brown rice is one of the best easy to digest foods. Oatmeal Oatmeal is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Oatmeal is considered an excellent source of magnesium, phosphorus, and iron. The more delicious it is to eat oatmeal, the more nutritious it is. Oatmeal contains insoluble fiber which keeps the digestive system healthy by removing constipation. It is very beneficial for the stomach, by eating it, the risk of colon cancer is greatly reduced. Oatmeal is very easy to digest. Avocado Avocado is one such fruit that is very easy to digest and this fruit also makes the digestive system better. You can mash avocado and eat it by making chutney. If you want, you can eat this fruit in any way, it is a very beneficial fruit for health. Curd - the most easy to digest food Curd is a very beneficial food for the stomach. Constipation of the stomach is removed by eating ajwain mixed with curd. People suffering from stomach problems must eat curd. It contains good bacteria which get rid of stomach diseases. When there is a lack of good bacteria in the stomach, then you start having many diseases related to the stomach like loss of appetite. Therefore, to avoid all these problems, you must consume curd. Curd is also an easily digestible food. Beetroot By eating beetroot regularly, the deficiency of blood in the body is cured, as well as it also gets rid of the problem of constipation. Eating beetroot also provides great relief in piles. Beet juice is very helpful in the treatment of jaundice, hepatitis, nausea, and vomiting. Mixing one teaspoon of lemon juice in beet juice can be given to the patient for the treatment of all these diseases. For the treatment of gastric ulcers, mix one teaspoon of honey in a glass of beet juice and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning. Beetroot is very easy to digest food and eating it strengthens the digestive system. Sweet potato Dietary fiber and carbohydrates are found in sweet potatoes. Eating sweet potatoes also boosts the immunity of the body. More fiber is found in sweet potatoes than in potatoes, which increases the digestive power. Vitamin C and B complex, iron and phosphorus, etc. are also found in it, which work to increase the immunity of the body. Apple Apples are rich in Vitamin A, Phosphorus, Vitamin C, Potassium, and Minerals. Consuming it gives relief from the problem of constipation. It contains pectin which increases the number of good bacteria in the stomach which helps the intestines to stay healthy. Apple must be eaten during menstruation. It removes constipation and it is very easy to digest food. Banana Carbohydrates are found in good quantity in it and it also increases the blood flow in the body. Constipation patients must eat bananas. Eating bananas after eating food makes the food easily digested.
Ways to increase digestion power
If you want to improve digestion, then you can follow these steps 1. Drink Water: It is advisable to separate drinks (drinkable items) from food during meals. We have to drink a good glass of water an hour before eating and wait for 30 minutes to 1 hour to take fluids after eating. It is ideal to start a meal with vegetable broth or miso soup and have a digestive infusion instead of dessert. 2. Select proper foods: Dairy, fried, chemically sweet, and processed, and refined foods. Cut down on these foods to cure bloating of the stomach. 3. Certain drugs like aspirin, anti-inflammatories can lead to indigestion and even gastric ulcers. If you have to take medicine, always take medicines on a full stomach. 4. Practicing moderate physical exercise is excellent. Excessive exercise, on the contrary, can leave digestion without energy. When we work hard, we don't even feel hungry. Hunger disappears and does not return until we recover. 5. Avoid exposure to cold. When the digestive energy is very weak, even cold can cause deficiency, which will translate into symptoms like diarrhea, restlessness, bloating, etc. Read the full article
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dietforweightloss · 3 years ago
Best Food As Comfort In Winters
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During the winter season, a person becomes ill due to the inability of the immune system to function properly. In the changing season, many diseases like fever, cough, cold, cold, etc surround you. The skin also becomes dry and hard in winters. To avoid colds and other problems in winter and to remove dryness of the skin, you should eat foods as comfort that make your immune system strong. There are some superfoods that you should include in your winter diet. You need to know what to eat and what not to eat during winter. Because whatever you eat these days, its direct effect is seen on your body. These days, eating anything like this can increase your weight, can cause constipation, you can also be troubled by cold, cold, cough, and dry skin. To avoid all these, you should include such foods in your diet during winters, which will strengthen your immune system. According to experts, the body and bones of a person need extra heat in winter. If the body can adapt itself to the weather from within, then the cold feels less and many seasonal diseases can also be avoided.
Food as comfort in Winters
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Green Leafy Vegetables Green leafy vegetables are the best food as comfort for cold weather. They contain sufficient amounts of fiber, folic acid, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, and other nutrients, which keep you healthy in winter as well as balance the hemoglobin level in the body. Pomegranate Pomegranate keeps you healthy and strong during winters. It is rich in antioxidants like tannins and flavonoids. It helps you to get relief from pain and stiffness during winters. Eating pomegranate in winters is very helpful for arthritis patients also. Oranges Oranges are one of the best citrus fruits of winter. It contains high levels of vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps many cells of the immune system perform their functions, especially phagocytes and T-cells. As much as orange is delicious to eat, it is equally beneficial for health. Consuming oranges daily reduces the risk of vitamin C deficiency, which increases immunity against certain microbes. The potassium present in it protects your skin against the harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun. The amino acids present in it also benefit your skin. Orange is juicy and very low in calories.  Carrots Carrots are very beneficial in the winter season. The nutritious elements present in it are very beneficial for our health. Carrots are a superfood that is rich in beta carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A. Vitamin A helps keep the immune system strong, guard against infection, keep the lungs strong, and help with respiratory problems. Moreover, carrots keep the skin healthy, glowing, and vibrant during the winter months. Vitamin A and its various other antioxidants help in repairing damaged skin tissue. It moisturizes the skin and also protects it from dry flaky skin. Beetroot Beetroot and its green leaves not only add color to your winter salad or soup, dish but also help in keeping you healthy. Beetroot is replete with many beneficial phytochemicals and antioxidants that help in boosting the immune system by fighting free radicals. protect against damage to healthy cells and their DNA. This root vegetable is the fuel for white blood cells, therefore helping the good bacteria in your body thrive by attacking the bad bugs in your gut. can eat as Beetroot salad and soup are also popular. Eggs Eating eggs is important during the winter months. Egg yolk contains more than 90 percent calcium and iron and the white part contains half the protein of an egg. Eggs have the proper ratio of all nine essential amino acids for the body. One small egg is packed with several essential vitamins for your health such as vitamins B2, B12, A, and E. Eggs are packed with iron, zinc, and phosphorus, all three essential minerals your body needs. Their antioxidant power fights free radicals, which are known to protect your body from many diseases. Turmeric Turmeric is a must during the winter months. It can boost the immune system if taken regularly. Turmeric, due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, also provides many benefits for people suffering from joint pain during the winter days. It helps in fighting the free radicals that damage the skin and take away the radiance and elasticity of the skin. Adding little turmeric to a glass of hot milk makes a healthy drink. It is a common home remedy for cough, nasal blockage, cold, and flu. It is especially effective to cure dry cough. To prepare turmeric milk, heat 1 cup of milk in a vessel. When the milk is hot, add half a teaspoon of turmeric powder to it. Keep stirring slowly, to reduce any lumps. Add ginger, 2 cloves, and 1 cardamom to it. Boil it for few minutes. Filter the milk and enjoy hot milk. Nuts Eating a bowl full of nuts, especially roasted almonds, is loved by many on a chilly afternoon. Almonds are one of the best foods that you need to keep you healthy during winters. These tiny nuts are packed with antioxidants that can do wonders for your health by fighting free radicals that can weaken your immunity. Nuts are also found to be rich in high-quality protein, magnesium, fiber, B vitamins, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, and many healthy fats. The vitamin E present in it helps to nourish your skin and protect it from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. In addition, almonds help reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging. The Winter season is considered the best to keep you healthy. The better you eat during this season, the better your health will be. Read the full article
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dietforweightloss · 3 years ago
Best Food As Comfort In Winters
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During the winter season, a person becomes ill due to the inability of the immune system to function properly. In the changing season, many diseases like fever, cough, cold, cold, etc surround you. The skin also becomes dry and hard in winters. To avoid colds and other problems in winter and to remove dryness of the skin, you should eat foods as comfort that make your immune system strong. There are some superfoods that you should include in your winter diet. You need to know what to eat and what not to eat during winter. Because whatever you eat these days, its direct effect is seen on your body. These days, eating anything like this can increase your weight, can cause constipation, you can also be troubled by cold, cold, cough, and dry skin. To avoid all these, you should include such foods in your diet during winters, which will strengthen your immune system. According to experts, the body and bones of a person need extra heat in winter. If the body can adapt itself to the weather from within, then the cold feels less and many seasonal diseases can also be avoided.
Food as comfort in Winters
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Green Leafy Vegetables Green leafy vegetables are the best food as comfort for cold weather. They contain sufficient amounts of fiber, folic acid, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, and other nutrients, which keep you healthy in winter as well as balance the hemoglobin level in the body. Pomegranate Pomegranate keeps you healthy and strong during winters. It is rich in antioxidants like tannins and flavonoids. It helps you to get relief from pain and stiffness during winters. Eating pomegranate in winters is very helpful for arthritis patients also. Oranges Oranges are one of the best citrus fruits of winter. It contains high levels of vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps many cells of the immune system perform their functions, especially phagocytes and T-cells. As much as orange is delicious to eat, it is equally beneficial for health. Consuming oranges daily reduces the risk of vitamin C deficiency, which increases immunity against certain microbes. The potassium present in it protects your skin against the harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun. The amino acids present in it also benefit your skin. Orange is juicy and very low in calories.  Carrots Carrots are very beneficial in the winter season. The nutritious elements present in it are very beneficial for our health. Carrots are a superfood that is rich in beta carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A. Vitamin A helps keep the immune system strong, guard against infection, keep the lungs strong, and help with respiratory problems. Moreover, carrots keep the skin healthy, glowing, and vibrant during the winter months. Vitamin A and its various other antioxidants help in repairing damaged skin tissue. It moisturizes the skin and also protects it from dry flaky skin. Beetroot Beetroot and its green leaves not only add color to your winter salad or soup, dish but also help in keeping you healthy. Beetroot is replete with many beneficial phytochemicals and antioxidants that help in boosting the immune system by fighting free radicals. protect against damage to healthy cells and their DNA. This root vegetable is the fuel for white blood cells, therefore helping the good bacteria in your body thrive by attacking the bad bugs in your gut. can eat as Beetroot salad and soup are also popular. Eggs Eating eggs is important during the winter months. Egg yolk contains more than 90 percent calcium and iron and the white part contains half the protein of an egg. Eggs have the proper ratio of all nine essential amino acids for the body. One small egg is packed with several essential vitamins for your health such as vitamins B2, B12, A, and E. Eggs are packed with iron, zinc, and phosphorus, all three essential minerals your body needs. Their antioxidant power fights free radicals, which are known to protect your body from many diseases. Turmeric Turmeric is a must during the winter months. It can boost the immune system if taken regularly. Turmeric, due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, also provides many benefits for people suffering from joint pain during the winter days. It helps in fighting the free radicals that damage the skin and take away the radiance and elasticity of the skin. Adding little turmeric to a glass of hot milk makes a healthy drink. It is a common home remedy for cough, nasal blockage, cold, and flu. It is especially effective to cure dry cough. To prepare turmeric milk, heat 1 cup of milk in a vessel. When the milk is hot, add half a teaspoon of turmeric powder to it. Keep stirring slowly, to reduce any lumps. Add ginger, 2 cloves, and 1 cardamom to it. Boil it for few minutes. Filter the milk and enjoy hot milk. Nuts Eating a bowl full of nuts, especially roasted almonds, is loved by many on a chilly afternoon. Almonds are one of the best foods that you need to keep you healthy during winters. These tiny nuts are packed with antioxidants that can do wonders for your health by fighting free radicals that can weaken your immunity. Nuts are also found to be rich in high-quality protein, magnesium, fiber, B vitamins, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, and many healthy fats. The vitamin E present in it helps to nourish your skin and protect it from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. In addition, almonds help reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging. The Winter season is considered the best to keep you healthy. The better you eat during this season, the better your health will be. Read the full article
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dietforweightloss · 3 years ago
Vitamin B12 Foods for Vegetarians
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To keep our bodies healthy, we need different types of vitamins and minerals. However, there is one vitamin that we get only from the elements of our diet. And that's vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is also very important to stay healthy. Apart from keeping your heart healthy, it is also beneficial for your skin and hair. It is necessary to have a balanced diet to keep the body healthy and get all the necessary nutrients. Vitamin B12 is also effective in decreasing the risk of deadly diseases like cancer. Many people also take many supplements to supply vitamin B12 in the body.  In this article, we will discuss foods you can consume to fulfill the deficiency of vitamin B12 in the body. Many vegetarian and foods are rich in vitamin B12. Individuals who are unable to absorb vitamin B12 from foods and vegetarians who do not eat animal foods at all should consume breakfast cereals and supplements enriched with vitamin B12. Pure vegetarians have a higher risk of vitamin B12 deficiency, as vitamin B12 is more limited in natural foods than in animal foods. Deficiency of Vitamin B12 can lead to a variety of indications such as megaloblastic anemia, tiredness, weakness, constipation, loss of appetite, loss of weight, nervous system changes like numbness and tingling in hands, and feet, etc. In addition to these, there may be some less common symptoms, such as difficulty in maintaining physical balance, depression (depression, dementia, loss of memory, pain in the mouth or tongue, hyperglycemia, physical development may be slowed. If you are deficient in Vitamin B12, consult your doctor immediately.
How common is vitamin B12 deficiency?
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Vitamin B12 deficiency depends on many things. Increasing age, eating habits, and medical conditions are the main reasons for this. Every age needs vitamin B12 in the amount mentioned below daily. 0.4 micrograms for babies younger than 6 months 0.5 micrograms for babies 7 to 12 months 0.9 micrograms for children 1 to 3 years old 1.2 micrograms for children ages 4 to 8 1.8 micrograms for children ages 9 to 13 2.4 micrograms for adults 14 to 28 years old (2.6 micrograms during pregnancy and 2.8 micrograms during breastfeeding)
Vitamin B12 Foods for Vegetarians
Milk and curd 100 grams of fat-free yogurt contains vitamin B12 (10% DV) and 15 percent of the Daily Value (DV, the daily required amount) per cup. Yogurt also contains B-complex vitamins such as vitamins B2 and B1 and B12. At the same time, 100 grams of low-fat milk contains 0.46μg (8% DV) and 19 percent Daily Value (DV, daily required amount) per cup, making milk a good option for vegetarians.  Cheese Cheese is also a rich source of Vitamin B12, but the amount mainly depends on the type and variety of cheese. Swiss cheese contains the best and most vitamin B12. 100 grams (56% DV) of Swiss cheese contains 3.34μg. Cottage cheese is also found to be rich in vitamin B12. Fortified Cereals Sometimes we have to add some amounts of Vitamin B12 to many foods. One such example is your breakfast cereal. If you are a vegetarian and if you have a deficiency of vitamin B12 then you can include cereals in your breakfast.  Yeast extract spreads Consumption of yeast is very popular in Britain and Europe, and it is now becoming a favorite in America as well. Yeast is an excellent source of vitamin B12 for vegetarians. 100 grams of this contains 0.5μg (8% DV) of vitamin B12. Fruits and Vegetables Some vegetables like Beetroot, Alfalfa, Butternut Squash are also rich sources of vitamin B12. Add adding fruits like apple, banana, mango, and orange to your daily diet, you can also meet the deficiency of vitamin B12. Soy Products You may also add some soy products like soy milk, or fermented soya beans to your diet to complete the deficiency of vitamin B12. These are not only high in protein but are also healthy. So you must add them to your daily diet.
What are the things that can increase the chances of Vitamin B12 deficiency?
Vitamin B12 deficiency is more likely in the following conditions: - Vitamin B12 deficiency is common in older people - In Pernicious anemia, the body is unable to absorb vitamin B12. - People with stomach ulcers may also be deficient in Vitamin B12. - removal or surgery of part of the stomach or small intestine - In patients with atrophic gastritis, because in this problem the inner lining of the stomach becomes thin Read the full article
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