i've got a jar of dirt
163 posts
and guess what's inside it32. she/hers. est.
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dieseldevi Β· 2 months ago
"We are fortunate that President Trump has indicated that he will work with us on a solution to reinstate TikTok once he takes office. Please stay tuned!" how about you go fuck yourself
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dieseldevi Β· 2 months ago
it's hard to have a real conversation about pornography because progressive artist types forget what real world normie porn even is, someone will be like "associating the consumption of pornography with negative moral value is an act of censorship and puritan vigilance that is meant to criminalize sexual desire especially desire deemed deviant, anti-pornography will be used as a tool of facism to shut down queer art by labeling it 'porn', porn is a healthy normal way to explore and express our sexualities" and i'm like word, i think grown white men who search "barely legal latina" on pornhub should die
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dieseldevi Β· 2 months ago
usamericans, do you remember in the incredibles when syndrome made the robot go haywire just so he could swoop in and 'save the day'
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dieseldevi Β· 2 months ago
tiktok refugees i believe you are few but it is VITAL that you know on tumblr you can speak freely. kill. die. sex. fuck. you can say things here
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dieseldevi Β· 2 months ago
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Reminder for when he β€œsaves” it. He was the one who wanted this, and now he gets to be the hero and win favour with young constituents. Don’t give him the credit for fixing his own problem.
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dieseldevi Β· 2 months ago
Elon Musk's N*zi Salute at the Trump Inauguration Rally. The US government will attempt to censor this or shift your perception of it.
You Saw, What You Saw.
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dieseldevi Β· 2 months ago
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dieseldevi Β· 2 months ago
oh my god...
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so the first screenshot is trying to look this up on tiktok normally, "donald trump rigged election" and it says that search violates community guidelines.
the second screenshot is looking up the same exact thing, but with a (australian) vpn on. canadian vpn didn't fix it fyi.
THIS is exactly the type of censorship to be looking out for on tiktok. this actually is crazy.
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dieseldevi Β· 2 months ago
americans. listen to me. you did this before, you can do it again. i don't doubt for a single second that'll be tough going and you're going to see the most damning diabolical shit from that orange man from day zero but don't let him win. fight for whatever you believe in and push back as much as possible. as samwise gamgee would say 'there is some good in this world, mr frodo, and it's worth fighting for"
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dieseldevi Β· 2 months ago
here's some more unsolicited adult advice as someone in her 30s who knows there are a lot of twenty somethings and teens that follow her: if you're trying to build a new habit you really want, and are struggling, you have to break it down to the smallest building block possible. If you're failing, you haven't thought small enough. I know it's possible to hear stories of people who just snapped into new life mode one day by "just deciding", but truly what's happening there is a confluence of events and experiences that force the brain into some sort of epiphany. You cannot will an epiphany. It'll never work. For most times of your life, you will need to build habits intentionally, and that means not working against yourself and to set micro goals. like laughably tiny goals. because once that easy tiny goal is met, you can build off it, tiny goal after tiny goal until you reach your big goal.
so for example, if you want to be a morning person that gets up at ass crack dawn so that you can work out, eat brekkie, shower, and get to work at a leisurely pace, and you're not that person because you will hit your snooze button 800 times, you have to get the big picture goal out of your head. think smaller. "I want to get up 15 minutes earlier than I normally do." If you can't do that, make it 5 minutes. "I want to cook breakfast every day" hell no too big. "I want to eat something, anything, before I leave the house" hell yeah, fantastic. When you go to the grocery store to make sure there are things in the house for breakfast, if you keep buying bagels and microwave sandwiches that you ignore, you gotta think smaller. SMALLER. What's something so easy to eat that you'll never say no to. Is it a yogurt? Is it a handful of grapes? Is it a hostess ho ho? is it hot cheetos? FORGET the big picture of the fantasy put-together woman preparing a full nutritious meal that you'd be proud to admit to. Think only of the smallest goal you can achieve. If you know you can't say no to an ice cream sandwich, put a ton of ice cream sandwiches in your freezer and have one for breakfast every day until it's so instilled in you that you gotta get up to eat something you can start diversifying.
It sounds like, from the lack of habit place, that must take forever. But really it doesn't take too long to form the habit once the discipline kicks in. the trick is that you have to give your brain something easy to become disciplined to. If it's too hard, think easier and smaller. No one has to know. Literally no one in the gd world has to know that for 4 weeks when you were 22 you had an ice cream sandwich for breakfast every day. who cares. If it gets you eating oatmeal with fresh fruit in a few months who cares. you did it, yay. smaller, easier. if you can't do it, think smaller and easier. smaller!! EASIER!!! You are not thinking smaller and easier enough. break your brain thinking how small and easy you can go. SMALLER. EVEN SMALLER, SIS.
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dieseldevi Β· 2 months ago
in light of Trump's inauguration speech declaring multiple national emergencies that require him to take god-knows-what executive actions immediately, I'd like to remember this chapter of "On Tyranny" by Timothy Snyder:
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dieseldevi Β· 2 months ago
Hey. Your brain needs to de-frag. Literally it needs you to sit there and space out.
If you want your memory or executive function to improve, stare out a window at the skyline or sidewalk or trees or birds on the electrical wires for like 20+ minutes per day. (With no other stimulation like a podcast or TV if you can manage but hey baby steps innit). If you're fortunate enough to have safe outside with any bits of nature, go stare closely at a 1 meter square of grass and trip out on the bugs and shapes of grasses and stuff.
Literally this will make you smarter. Our brains HAVE TO HAVE this zone out time to do important stuff behind the scenes. This does not happen during sleep, it's something else.
That weird pressurized feeling you get sometimes might be your brain on no defrag.
Give your brain a Daily Dose Of De-Frag.
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dieseldevi Β· 2 months ago
Blocked. Get lost.
This isn’t an airport, you don’t need to announce your departure. Pretty sure I know which fucking coward you are though, so be sure to check the runway first.
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dieseldevi Β· 4 months ago
You are the child of Death. Everyone always assumes that you were adopted, but you are in fact Death's biological child, although they are unwilling to tell how exactly this happened.
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dieseldevi Β· 4 months ago
When your Character...
Gets into: A Fight ⚜ ...Another Fight ⚜ ...Yet Another Fight
Hates Someone ⚜ Kisses Someone ⚜ Falls in Love
Calls Someone they Love ⚜ Dies / Cheats Death ⚜ Drowns
A Child ⚜ Interacting with a Baby/Child ⚜ A Genius ⚜ A Lawyer
Beautiful ⚜ Dangerous ⚜ Drunk ⚜ Injured ⚜ Shy
A Magical Item ⚜ An Aphrodisiac ⚜ A Fictional Poison
To be Killed Off ⚜ To Become Likable ⚜ To Clean a Wound
To Find the Right Word, but Can't ⚜ To Say No ⚜ A Drink
Astronomy ⚜ Baking ⚜ Cooking ⚜ Cocktails ⚜ Food ⚜ Oils
Dancing ⚜ Fashion ⚜ Gems ⚜ Mythology ⚜ Numbers
Roses ⚜ Sweets ⚜ To Fight ⚜ Wine ⚜ Wine-Tasting ⚜ Yoga
Allergies ⚜ Amnesia ⚜ Bereavement ⚜ Bites & Stings ⚜ Bruises
Caffeine ⚜ CO Poisoning ⚜ Color Blindness ⚜ Food Poisoning
Injuries ⚜ Jet Lag ⚜ Mutism ⚜ Pain ⚜ Poisoning
More Pain & Violence ⚜ Viruses ⚜ Wounds
[these are just quick references. more research may be needed to write your story...]
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dieseldevi Β· 4 months ago
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Uhtred doing what he does best!
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dieseldevi Β· 4 months ago
How to show emotions
Part VII
How to show pride
standing tall
expanded posture, opening of the torso
lifted chin, head held high
big and confident smile
looking around to see if people recognize and admire what they are proud of
How to show enthusiasm
big smile and laughter
wide radiant eyes
raised eyebrows
jumping up and down or bouncing
clapping hands
big hand gestures
loud and high pitched voice
speaking quickly
How to show anxiety
not holding/breaking eye contact
heavy breathing
twitching in their face
often a blank stare or looking away
rigid posture
sweaty palms
bouncing their knees
rubbing palms against each other or clothing
How to show playfulness
using a playful tone
making a silly face
touching the other person teasingly
e.g. tickling, nudging, bumping into them
How to show being offended
stiffening up
hard line around the lips
frozen stare
narrowing of the eyes
Part I + Part II + Part III + Part IV + Part V + Part VI
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