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dieonerememerberbook · 3 years ago
When I die, dig deep in my grave,
If so, write the following:
I was a broken wire, a broken reed,
For a moment in the world, I said tin and left.
I would pay attention to the right of the servant,
I loved the Messenger of Allah, for God's sake,
Hope to meet, My dear friend,
I went to my black land, rejoicing.
I would say; When I die, let me tear the quilt,
Let me be deprived of a sip of water,
As long as he doesn't say, no one follows me,
What a bad person I was, I died and left.
Everything is a dream, everything is a lie,
I had my galls plundered.
A great regret left behind me,
I was beaten and gone for my wasted life.
I searched for the hardest stone in the world,
I hit him with regret, my head,
The poison overflow called the world,
Thinking it was sweet, I ate it and left.
I didn't know what; wind or wind?
A raging flood from the mountains?
From the palms softly, the one that slipped away,
Finally, I understood, learned and left.
Ummah divided into three or five parts,
This is service to the enemy, not to Islam.
Does himmet serve the enemy?
I called and went by saying get together.
Our God is one, Prophet Muhammad
Ukap, gather here, Ummah
Divine mercy that will rain when gathered
I begged and left.
How exalted is the one who died for the Lord,
He who gave his life without blinking an eye,
He had a pinch of bite, a shroud for Mus'ab,
I envied that glorious man and left.
I put the sin on my neck
Entering the black bosom of the land,
Back to the world of lies
I turned my face to reality and left.
When I found the truth, I was surprised,
I left everything for God's sake.
I gave the love of the world to the flood,
I said God, God, God and left.
Azrael has come, he said, let's go.
I said, but I'm not ready
It is Allah's command, he said, let's obey.
I went suddenly on that long journey.
Long dream you call life,
It was all bitter and sweet,
That thorny road that suddenly took off.
I was negligent and went without shoes.
They say that when you die, eyes close
Our soul always longs for the world.
Such words are all lies,
I opened my eyes and went.
The greeting was read, the prayer was made,
It was halal, I prayed.
Spouse gathered around me a little,
I sank into a deep pit.
When Azrael took my life.
He said, your work is done in the world,
I left behind the inn and the hamam,
I was wrapped in a cloth of five cubits and left.
When I died, my goods were plundered,
First my inns, then the hamam.
It's a sin left to me,
I carried my heavy burden and left.
I lost my burden, my mind when I saw it,
It was so heavy I finished the strength,
I turned my tongue and said takbir,
I took refuge in the womb and the merciful.
When he comes, Münker Nekir is with him,
A big bun is in her hand,
When you ask questions, in the language of the grave,
I thought I don't know and went scared.
They asked: What is God? I said He is One.
Who is Mohammed? I said it is the Messenger.
He is the supreme servant whom Allah loves.
When I answered, I escaped.
When you arrive, the sofa of the right was established,
They asked, what did you do, world time?
The sword of justice is gone
I reaped what I sow and went.
For years I carried the burden of life,
I did not understand the word of the world, example,
Taking my own embers from this world,
I blew my burning hands away.
A great cauldron called Hell,
Paper clip under it, are you hot?
I begged when I was thrown, oh my!
I've been scorched as my sin.
When the saplings are planted, the tree becomes
When the wolf bird sweats, it is hungry,
The dead are as needy as the living,
I planted a few saplings and went.
A great plane tree that has become my sapling,
Is it dark, it has a shadow.
The sun was as close as a cubit.
I sat quietly under it.
One of the saplings stood to fruit,
The beauty of the fruit is delicious,
He only ate them on thorns.
I was satisfied by eating my fruit and left.
It is a great mountain called Paradise,
One side is the garden, the other side is the vineyard.
Those who died with charity are alive here.
I was surprised to see them.
I arrived in the garden, gleaning in front of you,
His eyes are on the ground, the handcuffed sofa.
I understand that he is waiting for a decree from someone,
Who is this place? I asked and went.
This beautiful garden is your property.
The sapling you plant is the seed you sow.
Come, sir, come and order
When he said it, I was filled with joy and left.
The golden gate of the garden opened,
Pavilions lined up, pearl structure,
Its fragrant scent envelops all around,
I sighed and went enchanted.
Said; Thank God.
Greetings to that glorious Prophet,
May the hearts be filled with the light of faith.
I said and went to prostration.
In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Merciful,
With the permission and grace of the Almighty Lord.
Undoubtedly, no work can be started or finished without the permission and grace of my Lord.
Allah (c.c.), to us sons of Adam; He bestowed a blessing like wisdom so that we can see and know His verses, recognize His Existence, and walk on the Sirat-i Mustakîm He has shown; He has given us all that is in the earth and in the sky.
But our mind and understanding cannot reach everything. Therefore, it is always open to mistakes, mistakes and flaws. We also have a soul that is prone to sin.
Actions are by intention. If a person hopes and desires that a deed he intends to do for fisebilillah will lead to goodness and goodness; He should avoid mistakes, mistakes and mistakes that he may make due to the deficiencies in his creation, but should not be afraid or give up on doing that job, and should always try to use the blessings that our Lord bestowed upon us, the sons of Adam, for good and good.
This is just like the fear that a few fruits on the trees that have been planted and grown with a lot of effort for the sake of Allah (c.c.) and that bear fruit may turn out to be rotten; If it is planted, it is not cut, but it is tried to be improved. This is a debt in return for these blessings.
In this work of mine; I seek refuge in my Lord, the Most Merciful and Merciful, from all kinds of mistakes, mistakes, imperfections that may occur unknowingly, unintentionally, and from the sins that may occur as a result of these, due to my narrow and limited mind, my deficiencies and weaknesses due to my nature.
Undoubtedly, He knows best what is in the hearts.
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dieonerememerberbook · 3 years ago
Since when was my life in turmoil? I was living vaguely behind a veil of smoke. I was in the tender arms of my warm bed and my friends. My sons, my friends were around me; they didn't leave me alone, they tried to cure my problem, but I was still not comfortable. They were next to me, but I could only vaguely notice that I was slowly and slowly being involuntarily removed from them, pushed towards solitude.
For a long time, a severe weakness resembling numbness had come and gripped my body. My springs of life were slowly drying up, my strength was waning. It was as if there was a heavy burden on my back that crushed me and made me feel bored with its presence. The weight of my body was crushing my soul, making me tired. I was always out of breath as if I had run a long marathon.
My ties to life were slowly weakening, and death was approaching step by step. And I was aware of that. This; It was a fact that could not be escaped, that had to be accepted willingly or unwillingly, a way to go, a necessary direction.
I resigned to my fate in silence. I was trying to prepare as much as a person can be prepared for the coming of the destined, the inescapable.
But the first blow came suddenly and unexpectedly, when I felt a little better, and I thought my ties to life had strengthened a little.
A knife was stuck in my left side. The lightning bolts of a sharp pain fell on my horizons. A silver spear pierced my eyes, dazzled and blinded, numbing first my brain, then my body. I fell to the ground in an instant. I've been held captive by a ball of hard, painful, nauseating emotions. I tried to escape but failed. There was a foul odor in my nostrils, as if I had swallowed that blood when my nose bled.
These piles of emotions that pierced through my body were very heavy, painful and sharp. They were stretching and forcing the thick ropes called soul that hold and bind me.
Finally, sharp blows cut these ties; My efforts to hold on were in vain. I fell into a deep purple-rimmed well, into a nauseous darkness.
This fall was spinning like a somersault. It left a nauseous, disgusting taste in my mouth that looked like stale blood. The rumbles coming from the depths of my being are making me dizzy; it was pulling me out.
I thought I was going to crash into a hard floor and fall apart. But my fall was not drastic. It ended in slower and slower oscillations, as if I was caught in a springy mattress or net.
It was dark, wet, and cold where I came from, but I still felt a bit of peace. But my fall into the unknown was not over. It continued, albeit slowly, like a dry leaf swaying in a gentle breeze.
In the endless darkness that was imprisoned in my being, I was slowly rolling towards somewhere, whirling around. Something I didn't know was pulling me inside myself.
Great, cold and black mountains, vast holes opened into infinity, deep chasms had formed inside me. I was falling into myself, falling.
But that didn't last long either; it ended in the thick, cold, deep shadows of a mysterious, echoing darkness.
First, a cold, wet, black calm surrounded me. I was chained by bewilderment and imprisoned in obscurity. Something was squeezing me, crushing me, trapping me inside myself. My prison was my body. Then the walls of this dungeon collapsed. One of the doors opened. I found myself in a vast space.
I could barely discern the presence of tiny, colorful flashes of light flashing in the infinities of my horizons. Maybe the blinks are behind my eyelids that open and close like tiny wings; The lifeless sparks of a tiny flame that was about to die out and stuck to my eyeballs were the last struggles of the substance called soul trying to survive.
It was as if I had suddenly teleported and landed softly into an alien and mysterious world, where tiny clumps of light twinkling like stars through the fog, flashing and fading.
It was as if I had passed into another world, but there was still an unbroken thin bond between us and the place beyond. The painful black sword that had pierced through my very being had dried up inside me, turning into a group of thorny bushes. A thousand and one-tongued black dragon was tearing me apart, splitting, burning and catching cold. Something in me is contracting, expanding; An unstoppable force was pulling and pushing me. It was like inflating like a balloon while being crushed under a press. It was as if my self was splitting, disintegrating, numbing, raking, falling apart.
I felt the gilded blow of a crash into a hard ground as I faltered in amazement at what I saw and felt. My brain went numb, my horizon lit up for a moment, then plunged into darkness again. In the end I exploded like a bomb, shattered into granules. My horizons brightened and darkened for a moment, then I was enveloped in a black veil called obscurity.
Everything and everywhere was covered with a velvety soft darkness. I was somewhere in that fluffy velvet wrap. That wrap was both inside and outside of me. Spiritually and materially, it was divided into two, and a part of me was lost in the darkness. But these darknesses; It was an echoing, round, warm, full sound, and it was soft. A sluggish, swaying, round ball of emotion fills one of my heavy, heavy parts, seeks me out like a steep mountain vanishing behind mists or veils, driving me away from me; but it wasn't painful or painful.
I was slowly losing myself, even though I was torn in two, as if by mists, with a bundle of drowsy feelings like a heavy sleep. But that thin bond between my two parts was not broken yet.
Suddenly something roared deep inside me, something inside me shook. A timeless volcano erupted in my depths, and a relentless earthquake shook everything and shook it. Maybe I was thrown into infinity, then fell somewhere, hit something.
In an instant, the whole place was ablaze with a painful red. My throat was filled with a blood-like scent once again. A black cloud, driven by a strong wind, turning everything upside down, spewing white and sharp flames loaded with flashes, and an ominous whirlwind perched in these clouds blew from all around me, their hums echoing all around me.
A sharp, heavy, flaming pain swept through my veins like a net; burned, destroyed, destroyed.
My self first bent, twisted, stretched to the point of breaking. In an instant, I turned into the simplicity of aches and pains, I identified with them.
This pain was a bare sword. With vertical blows from my middle, he was dividing, slicing, dividing me into tiny granules, tearing me into pieces. But that didn't last long either. With a loss, a loss of myself in the darkness, it also ended and disappeared. Later….
I lost myself in the dark and found myself in the dark again. It was like I was in two pieces. The thin bond between them was broken. Each piece was separate from each other but still side by side. My integrity was intact.
I was two pieces side by side, but I knew I was myself. It was like waking up from a deep but dreamless sleep.
I was dazed and alone, tucked into the bottomless depths of a soft, still, but black sea that surrounded me. There was no one else there but myself.
my consciousness; It was trying to shine, to live indistinctly, like the sun behind a thick black cloud, or a tiny ember under gray ash. Later…
My unstoppable fall, which looked like a nauseous sway, started again. Involuntarily, I surrendered myself to these falls in desperation. After a while, this alternating fall slowly came to an end. Suddenly, something black, a darkness fell over me.
Once I heard the thumping sound of a soft object crashing against a hard ground, and I was once again dispersed, heavy and heavy like a dense smoke.
But it wasn't just a feeling, it was mixed with some feeling. As if it was about my stance. It seemed to come from below, from the depths, but it was clearer than before, harder but strangely light.
A little lethargic with loss of self; His pains were mixed with the flame of the pain he felt. It was as if it were the reflection of the rolling, rumbling, flame-colored sound of a lightning exploding within me, echoing in my depths.
This rattling, humming, round and colorful sound was soft and light, but it filled my whole being, and I was turned towards it, I was just transformed into it.
I felt some hustle and bustle around me, but I couldn't understand or hear anything. My consciousness, veiled and numbed by a smog, was not enough to reach them.
It was as if my scientist was imprisoned in a narrow steel cage and could not get out.
Somewhere, something like a pot lid was rattling, jingling. Something must have fallen. But I didn't know yet if it was me who fell.
Suddenly my horizons brightened and darkened, the darkness grew and surrounded me. The iron cage in which my consciousness was imprisoned got smaller and smaller; disappeared with its contents. My fragmented self, which I sought and found, was once again split, slowly removed from myself. As I was walking away, I lost my other part again in the mist like a slow fading image.
Again, I fell into the hope of darkness, which was thickened and enlarged by the unconsciousness that surrounded me. But still, inside me, an unquenched ember is alive like a pulse; There was a tiny, slow, slowly rolling white marble. My heavy, slowly melting self clung to it with all its might, clung to it. This; the darkness was like a tiny drop in my hope, a swaying white boat.
I sometimes saw flashes like tiny sparks on my horizons, which were fading into darkness, but they were far away from me. They were like tiny, colorful sparks trying to burn. They were painting my dark horizons a purple color.
But the radiant pulsations of these tiny sparks were short-lived, the bruises darkening, turning into sheer blackness once more. These blacks materialized, became heavier and thicker.
It was as if I was inside a giant purple-colored funnel that was getting narrower and deeper. An unstoppable force was pushing me to the bottom, crushing my particles, suffocating me.
Everywhere seemed to be in deep darkness, but still, that darkness was not absence. I can see and feel it as if it were a substance; I could take handfuls, handfuls, drink, smell. Maybe it was something else. Maybe it was the illusory darkness of my eyes dazzled by the light for that thing.
Then… My oscillating fall stopped once again; I reached a stillness like a calm and wide sea.
There was a smell coming from somewhere. This; It was fresh and appealing, like the smell of freshly baked bread. It was beautiful, it was bright, it was warm; It fed my soul, cooled me down, warmed me, caressed me, fueled my longing, as if I had sipped a sherbet with honey. But I didn't know where it came from.
Then… That smell stopped.
All of a sudden, the tide turned, everything turned upside down once again. Then a curtain, a door opened. I was brought to a bright place. It was as if I had passed into another world, I was a stranger here, I did not know. This recognition was tantamount to mere surprise.
Confusion breeds loneliness. Loneliness is fear...
Solitude was a steep slope. Fear was the snowballs rolling down this hillside. They grew, they grew, they grew. They rolled over and took me in and circled me on all sides.
Fear and loneliness were high mountains and they were very high. Their dark, heavy, cold shadows fell on me, crushing my being.
Darkness was the thick walls that surrounded my horizons. I was enveloped in a blanket of thick, black, heavy shadow. The silence was harsh and sharp. And I was alone in this steel silence.
I tried to hear the click and footsteps of that single thing, that piece of light, that I thought was coming with me. But he, too, had melted into this silence and left without saying goodbye.
From deep and far, echoing, rolling, sharp screams, shrieks, cries, like bare swords, some as straight and sharp as a spear, some sharpened by pain, break the silence; it was crushing, hitting, piercing and bleeding.
Someone must have been beating and crying. your laments; I was surrounded by the purple-colored trembling smell, which was haunted by the voices and gave the feeling of sadness and crying to the hearts. I felt this sadness with all its might, my lips were trembling, but I could not see those who were lamenting.
My loneliness fueled my fear, and fear fueled my loneliness.
They were both on the back of a strong bewilderment. My solitude was like raging storms coming back and forth from the peaks of the steep slopes. They had relentlessly bombarded me with tiny cannonballs and surrounded me from all sides. Black curtains hung all around me, all around me, and they were wrapped around my neck like nooses, suffocating me.
Then I was caught in a black snowfall. Then this precipitation turned into a relentless blizzard.
Whatever rained down on me was black and cold. My gaze did not pierce his intensity. My consciousness was captive to them. All three of them were hiding what lay before me, punching and curtaining my eyes, preventing me from seeing. These fist blows thrust me into vast seas of fearful amazement. Later…
Time swept over me like a slowly spinning cylinder. Later…
My fearful astonishment deflated slowly, like a balloon; My numb consciousness slowly awoke, lifting its head like a springtime seed from under its thick cover.
Something warm, a fresh, unseen spring sun surrounded me, awakening and invigorating me. I couldn't see it, but I could feel it. This was a big change. I was like a butterfly in the dark trying to come out of its cocoon.
It was an awakening, a resurrection, but my wandering fixed eyes found solitude, solitude and fear. Hope was a warm sun rising after my mountains of fear. But it was not enough to melt my fears. I was left alone with my fears, loneliness and hope. Fear and loneliness killed my hope. They both came together and swooped on me.
Fear and loneliness grew heavy, materialized and solidified. I felt their weight on my back, their icy shadows fell on me, I was shaken by tiny earthquakes.
Then… The thin thread holding my selves stretched once more and broke once again. I came out of my cocoon and abstracted from matter. I just became feelings and sensations. They were extremely sharp and lean in these.
Like a novice butterfly that has just emerged from its cocoon, it has become numb and hardened; While I was floundering in bewilderment, fear and loneliness, suddenly a white dot, a tiny cloud approaching, tearing the darkness of my horizons, appeared and grew as it got closer.
As if he; It was a huge star, growing as we got closer, twinkling in a pitch-black night. The closer he got, the closer he got. He melted the ice of my darkness with his light. A luminous human silhouette appeared from within. She came with him in a very light breeze, peaceful, cool, fragrant, ruffling her long, white hair that fell over her shoulders.
She was dressed in a white dress and was tall. She had a face that was dazzlingly beautiful and as bright as the sun. Their eyes were black as coal, lively-eyed, and large. His body was straight and imposing as a harpoon. Every part of them was in harmony with each other and they were very beautiful.
In his left hand he held a cane-like silver wand with a curved end. White, long, graceful fingers gripped the knob of the staff. He had a ring on his middle finger. In this ring, a large green stone was shining brightly even in the white of the environment.
It looked like it had come from far away, but there was no trace of the tiredness of his journey or anything like that. He was fresh, alive and vigorous, like a healthy child who had just woken up. And he was smiling at me in a friendly way.
This smiling face caused my sun of hope behind the steep mountains to rise once again. My eyes were dazzled. At last I dared to look into his face.
His face was pink mixed with white, and it was bright, bright with a smile. Her one-piece dress, white as snow, like silk, was touching the ground and covering her feet. His clothing was so light that it was as if he was dressed in a white cloud.
Her broad locks of hair were parted and left in the middle of her shapely head and were long enough to touch her shoulders.
His mustache was clipped short. His beard, the color of his hair that framed his smooth cheeks, was also a little longer.
He was very old, but not old.
His large, dark eyes covered most of his face. The black of his eyes was very black, and the white was very white. His eyes were fresh, lively and luminous, like the eyes of a mischievous child. A benevolent radiance warmly enveloped these damp worlds.
He was as majestic in appearance as the steep-sided mountains. But his majesty was full of abundance and humility, like lush forests. It was warm and soft, exuding a dignity filled with confidence rather than fear.
When I saw him, my loneliness softened and melted. Fear, on the other hand, was still a mountain of ice on my back, but the warm and reassuring look of the guest was melting this heavy load, making it a little smaller and lighter.
He is for me at that moment; with warmth and softness clearly felt in his apparent personality; it was the shadowy hope of a warm friendship and friendship sun that would warm and cool my heart, which was freezing, burning and suffocating in the sullen hell of loneliness.
That musk smell from somewhere still persisted and was all over the place. I thought it must have come from him.
When I suddenly saw it in front of me, I was first scared, then glad. His presence made me forget everything. I thought he was one of my friends who came to visit him.
It was normal for me to expect and expect him as a friend, a friend.
For a long time, illness was a burden on my back and chains on my feet. In my bed where I was a prisoner, I longed for the smiling face of a friend, the warmth of compassionate hands, I was hungry and thirsty for these. My children swirling around me could not satisfy my hunger or quench my thirst. Bedridden and sick people like me are always hungry and thirsty for friendship and love.
He came right in front of me and greeted me. I received your greeting and commanded.
-I said welcome. I'm sorry I couldn't greet you standing up. The debility brought about by my illness prevents me from showing this respect. My place is very narrow, but still, welcome to the best and most spacious place. All I can offer you for now is heartfelt love and respect.
This bright-faced man came to my place and sat comfortably. It was like he was used to coming and going to places like this.
Looking at his face one more time with joy:
"You don't know how happy I am to see you," I said. Perhaps the hope of this big problem called loneliness, you will be the warmer and the contender of this cold load on my back. You see that I am cold with loneliness and trembling with fear with the insecurity it brings.
He looked at me and smiled. But this; it was not a bright smile like a joy, but a smile that was darkened with a slight sadness, a little sad and sad.
It was as if I was an old friend who had come from far away and brought me bad news.
After her beautiful and bright eyes wandered over my face for a moment:
"We found it nice, but people don't usually feel happy when they see me," he said.
Looking at his face curiously:
-Sorry. I said I didn't know you. It's like I've never seen it before. Or have we met before?
Shaking his head in the negative:
-He said no. With me, people only meet once in their lives, they meet once. I only come to them once.
I was going to ask why he had come here, when he immediately understood my intention.
Looking at my face
“I came here for you,” he said. I'll take the shackles off your neck and open the cell door. You were a drop of water in an old whip for a long time. I'm going to pull you out of this prison you've been in for so long, this old and torn cocoon.
His words intrigued me, but also shocked me.
-Shackles? Is it a cell? I asked. Or was I a prisoner here?
- He said yes. How long have you been in this seedy cell with shackles around your neck and chains on your feet, but now it's time to get out. Your chains and shackles are now well rusted and worn out.
I couldn't understand your words. I thought I could grasp everything, know everything with my mind. I had not yet learned that a limit of reason, sometimes of seeming freedom, can be captivity. So I immediately objected.
"But I'm not a prisoner," I said. Contrary to what you said; I don't have shackles on my neck, shackles on my feet, or handcuffs on my hands. As you can see, I have neither eaters nor guards.
Until yesterday, I could go anywhere I wanted, do whatever I wanted. What connects me here; it is nothing but old age and the disease that comes with it, which takes away my strength and power.
Old age became identified with me, it settled in me inextricably, it became a part of me, but I think my illness is temporary. Aren't you wrong about that?
Shaking his head in the negative direction again:
He said, "People generally cannot see the shackles around their necks, the papier-mâché on their feet, the handcuffs on their hands, the guard on their heads, and they cannot notice the cell in which they are staying. It's like the inability to see a caterpillar's cocoon or a human being himself. This is a human disease. People are in the prison of their selves, and they are often not even aware of it.
You are also suffering from the same problem. You still do not realize that what you describe as old age is a part of what you cannot see.
His words were perfectly reasonable. I was old, wise, and experienced enough to notice the fine line between straight and curve, to know that sometimes the truth can go the other way, and that the short, cross-eyed mind is not always a good guide.
What was in front of me must have been my destiny, which I could not change. So I bend my neck:
-Alright! Since you will set me free. So I said do what you want.
Looking at me with interest:
-Freedom? "Like everything else, this is up to you," he said. This right of choice is exclusive to you only. This right has been given to you by living and using the virtues of your creation, but it is hidden within them. You have to seek and find.
Freedom is the air you can inhale. What's the value of the atmosphere you're swimming in if you can't bear it?
People are generally heedless. They cannot see, understand or know the virtues given to them that make them real people. That's why, thinking they will be free, they leave one cell and enter another. Unfortunately, the second cell is narrower, darker, and its shackles are thicker.
His words were strange to me.
-Since I leave one cell, I will enter another, narrower and darker cell. So there's not much difference between staying here and leaving.
At least I'm happy here, with my loved ones. Why did you come here? I said let me stay here.
Shaking his head in the negative direction:
-He said no. There is actually a lot of difference. I told you, this choice is up to you. Every event has a consequence. You will reap what you sow. Also this; unchanging appreciation is mercy towards you.
Bowing down:
-I said okay. I submit to this unchangeable fate and discretion. As far as I understand, you are the only authorized and responsible person in this business.
I know that hilm is one of the greatest virtues. You will not find me rebellious and rebellious. For mercy, I think I have no choice but to hope.
My guest nods negatively:
-No! Said. As with everything, this is your will; The sweat you shed is the product of the seed you sow in your field. Do not be astonished by those who go from planting to harvesting.
-I said okay. I silently submit to my divine providence and destiny.
He smiled at me and said:
-Submission; He said, "It is a result that you inevitably follow, like your will, like destiny. In the end, everything comes to Him, what He says happens. Divine judgment is not delayed, it is not delayed. Come on, give me your hand.
I extended my hand. He grabbed me and lifted me up. His hand; she was cool like mercy, warm like a mother's skin, full of love and soft. That musk scent I heard became stronger, fresher and more beautiful.
The thick black walls that surrounded my horizons, that surrounded me, collapsed. I found myself in a luminous light.
We were somewhere a little higher. I could see everything clearly and distinctly, as if from a bird's-eye view from the top of a mighty mountain, but I was both too close and too far from them. This was going to me too.
Since when was my vision blurred? My hearing power and other senses were weakened, my lifelines and bones were thinned, and that driving force called soul was replaced by a weakness and lethargy. I was also afflicted with that inevitable disease called old age, which takes power and strength from the hands of people.
From the moment my old friend took my hands, something warm passed from him to me, and the heavy weight that I had been crushing for so long was lifted from my back. Like pressurized steam coming out of a tiny hole, I suddenly found myself in a peaceful void. That infallible pressure on me was lifted. The sharp sword that sliced ​​through my self was broken. My oppressive pains and pains that I felt with all their might suddenly came to an end. And I found a deep peace.
I felt light as nothing. It was as if I had gone to another world or been reborn. This; It must have been like the sheer amazement and amazement of a baby who came out of the womb and saw and felt the world for the first time.
The veils in front of my senses were lifted, the barriers collapsed, they became their mere essence. They were incredibly sharp and powerful. I could hear the tiniest click and see the furthest things.
I could easily see and hear the people around me, but they could not see or hear me. between us; there seemed to be a very thin curtain, transparent, strange, like a one-way mirror.
The sudden awakening and sharpening of my senses; It made me happy as much as it surprised me and left me in awe.
-Ahhh! How beautiful I cried. My senses were awakened and sharpened. It's like I was reborn. I can see and feel everything easily.
My friend looked at me at my words and smiled. His smile this time was warm and bright.
-Yup! Said. You really were just born. Your existence up until now has been incomplete and flawed in some ways. You will see and realize that you have other senses, feelings and faculties besides the ones you know. They are the means of manifestation of divine providence.
We were looking down on a room. In the middle of the room was a bed, with an old man lying on the bed. It was yellow as wax; His long, white beard came to his chest. His eyes were closed, his mouth ajar. His hair was messy, gray and white on the ground, his long hair protruding from the pillow where his head was buried, and some people surrounded him. I couldn't see their faces. They must have been crying. I recognized the old man immediately.
With amazement:
-Aaaah! What is this? I shouted. I'm the one lying there in the bed, but here I am. How can this be?
My friend once again shook his head negatively:
-He said no. There are unbreakable bonds between you, but the you there is no longer you. He's now nothing but a drained, useless old whip inside him.
I looked at my friend's face in amazement. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
-So… So I'm dead now? I asked. But how? Isn't death a transition from the world of existence to the world of non-existence? But I see that the opposite is true. It is as if I have passed from the world of non-existence to the world of existence and awakened from a deep sleep. I also felt neither the pain nor the pangs of death. What I heard was a part of myself as if in a dream, and they passed away like a wind.
-Yup! He said you are right. What you describe as death is actually an awakening from a dream world, or from a sleep with long or short dreams, opening your eyes to reality. It is the transition from the world of nothingness and imagination to the world of existence. As for the pain and suffering of death; they were really the pains and pains of life, not death, and they were too light for you. There is no doubt that this is the mercy of our Lord towards you.
I looked at me, who was no longer me. Everything was a little strange. I found this strange, and I was astonished, but its strangeness was not because of its strangeness, but because of my opinion.
The place was full of people, but there was no one but the two of us. We were alone in this crowd. Loneliness and silence pervaded everything like an invisible mist.
This is how I polled myself. I was becoming more and more aware of the changes taking place on me. I realized once again that the pains and pains that had been going on for a long time, that had ravaged my very being, ceased and disappeared. It was as if they were trapped down there in me, which was no longer me. Those thick ropes were broken, the shackles on my neck and the knuckles on my feet were loosened, and I came out of my cell. I was free now.
In a way, I was happy with these, but my second wife, children and other loved ones who had been circling around for a long time were on the other side. There was a thin line between us, but I could not cross this line and reach them. It was as if they were not yet aware that I had crossed over to this side. They still thought that I was me, who was not me, they were praising that old whip with a hole in the bottom, they were hugging themselves and crying. In the meantime, I was just noticing that big change in me.
They weren't the only ones on the other side. It was my self in matter that stayed with them. I had lost my self that I thought was me, and found my true identity. But at first it was just a feeling.
A heavy load that I have been trying to carry for a long time has been taken off my back; I was relieved and relieved. I was abstracted from matter, as light as absence, but I was not absence. I knew that for sure.
And that greatest truth, more real than truth, appeared before my eyes once again.
The shackles on my neck and the knuckles on my feet were removed, my cell door was opened, and the thick ropes were cut off. I was free now. I was free, but in the bewilderment and ignorance of freedom, I was in a way a prisoner of freedom. I had not yet gotten rid of the influence and habits of that tiny cell I had lived in for years.
I seemed isolated from what lies below, but there were still some strange bonds between us that I couldn't break out of, that I couldn't describe. It was as if we were apart, but still together. This blinded my eyes and prevented me from seeing the truth.
The tiny oil lamp that had been burning inside me for a long time, longing for the footstools, had gone out. My visible being was numb and cold. The rustling light and heat from the flame of that tiny lamp had vanished.
My friend turns to me:
"Let's go now," he said. I said that divine judgment cannot be delayed or delayed.
I was with the one lying there. I was inside, but separate from him. She was under soft clothes and thick duvets, but I was naked.
That's when I realized that I was naked. I was also very cold. My friend seemed unaware of my situation. He was in a hurry to leave immediately.
I turned towards him. Tir, trembling:
-I said I'm so cold, I'm also naked. Let me get something on me from here.
My friend shook his head again in the negative:
-No! Said. With your own hands this is no longer possible. You are not in a position to do your own work, to help yourself.
Those on this side of the line reap only what they sow. This is not sowing, but harvesting. They must have told you all this. You should have been prepared. If you're not prepared, it's your fault. There is Right, there is no injustice. Good is rewarded and evil is punished and is not delayed. Everyone here is their own prosecutor, their own judge, their own executioner. Here, everyone judges himself and carries out his own execution.
Out of self-preservation instinct, I immediately objected. It was the irrational illusion of the soul restrained mind.
-No! I said that no one told me that he would come, that he would free me, that I would be left naked like this.
Looking at my face with amazement:
-Didn't they inform you? Are you saying I didn't know about this big expedition that you're going to leave sooner or later? Very interesting. In fact it; Your mother, father, spouse, friend, relative and other people have said and shown many times and continued.
Death is the greatest lesson, the greatest lesson for wise people. Death was enough as an advice for you.
Do not forget. Sometimes what you see is more eloquent, eloquent than words. If you still don't understand it's your fault, not theirs. You had to learn to hear with your eyes and see with your ears.
He was right. I had seen and stopped this great truth over and over again. But always in front of me stands a thick wall called nafs, an insurmountable obstacle; it was covering my eyes, covering and hiding the truth.
The mind was a light that illuminated the darkness of the lurking, but I couldn't use it enough either. The soul loved the world. When this love is illuminated and not guided by the light of the mind; it was turning into heedlessness, like a beautiful dream in a deep, dark, heavy sleep. I couldn't take enough lessons from that great lesson and I couldn't benefit from it enough because of my mind that was blinded, drugged and deceived and cast aside by the beautiful dream in that deep sleep of heedlessness.
How strange it was not to hear and not see the facts even though they were shouting and shouting before your eyes. Eyes that were thought to see sometimes did not see, and ears that were thought to hear sometimes did not.
What I actually saw were words that were more elusive than the words I heard with my ears. The truth was hidden by what we saw and heard, behind or under it. They whispered under their veils, reflected as though they were mirrored in a mirror, were visible, albeit vaguely. But I had not learned enough to see with my ears and hear with my eyes. This was a huge shortcoming for me. And now it's too late. It was certain that regrets from now on would be of no use. It's real right now; unsheathed, it lay on my neck, sharp, relentless like a bare sheathed sword.
The fear that I would tremble like this, that I would be naked was about to fill me, when a little boy appeared, whose origin I did not know. I knew him from somewhere, he didn't sound foreign at all, but at that moment I couldn't make out. She was wearing a beautiful dress and a sable fur coat. He looked at me and smiled, then said:
"Here, uncle, I brought these to you," he said.
I just bought it and got dressed. I was in such a hurry and rush that I did not think to ask where and how this little boy got these beautiful clothes and sable fur. Turning to the boy who was standing next to me and looking at me with his smiling eyes after I had dressed well and put on:
I said thank you, my child. But I couldn't recognize you. How did you know that I was so cold, that I needed a dress?
The child laughs:
"Of course you can't remember," he said. It's been a very long time. You must have forgotten, but I did not forget. Because good deeds, like bad ones, are not forgotten or lost. They are written in an indelible place.
I was an orphan boy in your neighborhood. It was years ago. You bought me a dress on a cold winter day and dressed it. This is the dress you bought me.
I immediately remembered the boy.
-Aaaah! Said. Now I remember. You are the orphan of our neighborhood, little Osman. Oh my God! Here I see what should not be seen and hear what should not be heard. Surely this is; It is an illusion of my senses and mind, which is open to mistakes and mistakes, which confuses and confuses me.
As I recall, you died as a little boy years ago. We also had your corpse removed. I was very upset that day. I still feel the pain of that day, and the tears flowing from my eyes wet my face. Now tell me. Answering my questions also quenches my thirst, which is called curiosity, even if it is a little bit.
How did you get here and what are you doing here?
The boy laughed again.
-Of course he said. I will answer your questions as I know them. But first let me state this. You're wrong when you say I died years ago. No, uncle. I didn't actually die years ago, I was born. I am here with my parents. Traveling and commenting as I want.
I was still in deep astonishment and astonishment. one in two; I was looking at a child, the fine clothes I was wearing and the sable fur on my back. My astonishment increased even more. Still, I couldn't help myself from asking.
But I said my child. What I got you was a used, shabby, worthless thing. If this dress and sable fur are the same clothes, they must be very valuable. Aren't you making a mistake?
The boy looked at me with a smile and said:
- No, uncle said. I'm not wrong. Those who are sent here multiply exponentially and return as they are valued. You actually bought that dress for yourself, not for me. I was also in custody. They are your own property. Goodbye, wear it.
The boy's words were extremely interesting. This triggered my curiosity, an old illness that I thought was good.
"Well, Osman?" I asked. Where are you staying here?
-I told you, uncle said. I am here with my parents. I wander and dust as I want in heaven. All my requests are fulfilled immediately.
I knew his father from his health. He was a drinker, a gambler. He did not take care of his family and children. I had given many advices and help to bring him on the right path, but it was of little use. That's why the child's words caught my attention and increased my amazement. I couldn't help myself from asking.
"Okay, but my child," I said. As far as I know, your father was a naughty drinker. We tried very hard to put him on the right path, but it was not possible. Again He the Greatest knows, but I didn't think he was heavenly.
The boy's face and eyes suddenly became sad, as if he had recalled some bad, painful memory. Some of the stars of joy playing in his eyes faded. His eyes darkened the horizon with a sadness that he could not block, but accepted as a fate and quietly surrendered.
Causing a small child's distress was not something I could accept at the time. I felt sorry for myself when I realized that I had hurt him. I regretted like crazy when I asked such a question. I scolded myself.
The boy looked at me as if he understood my feelings. He must have seen and read my sadness and the regret it brought in my eyes. His eyes and then his face lit up with a sweet smile, as if he understood that the deeds were intentional, that I was only asking my questions for the sake of learning the truth, only for knowledge, and as if he wanted to console me. It was as if he was telling with this smile that sometimes one has to grieve or be sad in order to reach the truth.
The child taught me once again the most beautiful and the most valuable thing I have learned so far with what he said with great maturity. With your beautiful eyes fixed on my face:
-Yes, uncle said. As you said, my father was a mischievous person in his health. He would not look at us, sometimes he would beat us. But it was still my father. He put his trust in my death and took refuge in Allah (c.c.). I prayed for intercession for him. I cried and begged so much that He the Greatest, Most Merciful and Most Merciful accepted my prayer, my request for intercession. He forgave my sinful father to me.
You must have known. The prayers of mothers, fathers, those who pray at dawn, the innocent and the oppressed are not rejected.
What the boy said, the great knowledge and maturity in what he said, caught my attention and interest. I looked at him with envy and thought how ignorant I was. Surely this is; He was the manifestation of the Mercy of the Most High, the manifestation of the attributes of Rahman and Rahim.
I wanted to talk to him more. He seemed to have some of the remedies for my beautiful disease called curiosity, and I was dying for it, but my friend was getting impatient. So I had to cut it short.
- Okay, Osman, I said. I'm glad you're in heaven with your father and mother. Say hi to your dad for me. I don't know if we will meet again. Pray for me.
He said, "My prayers are for my parents first, and then for you who take care of me." I have never forgotten you and will never forget you. I hope we will meet again.
I kissed the boy's cheeks. It disappeared as suddenly as it came.
I went with my friend. It was very cold, but I was warm in my clothes and sable fur.
Weddings and joys were coming from one place, and crying and lamenting sounds were coming from another place, mixing with each other.
Turning to my friend:
I said what a strange world this world is. What we hear are from him and they are in complete contrast. While weddings are held and entertained in one place, they cry and lament in another place. Both get mixed up.
- He said yes. For some, this day is the wedding day and the night is the night of vuslat, Seb-i Arus. They are very happy. For some, it's the opposite. That's why; Joy comes from one place, and lamentation from another. These are opposites that complete the life of the world. Happy is he who can read the book of the world correctly.
-Integration with opposites? But isn't that unfair? I asked.
My friend nodded again.
-He said no. Why is it unfair? Each person chooses his own path, draws it himself. Created equal on both sides, they are brothers and are at the same end of the line at the start of the race. The influx or land is of no importance. No one is favored. The difference is only in deeds.
All human beings are generally endowed with the same faculties. If the result; people's choosing and planting seeds of their own free will is the manifestation of divine justice that occurs after a good or bad harvest.
Divine manifestation is the result of the chosen one, the harvest of the sown. In a way, man will reap what he sows. Where there is right, there is no injustice or oppression.
I really liked these wise words of my friend. I admired him. He must have been a very knowledgeable, wise person. But I didn't know him well enough. I couldn't help asking the question that stuck in my brain for a long time.
Turning to my friend:
-I said I'm sorry. Maybe it's a little late. Surely you are a wise and good person. You showed me the way and direction. You have done favors. I owe you a debt of gratitude. I want to thank you if you donate your name.
My friend looks at me and says:
He said, "I am Azrael.
The response was utterly surprising and frightening. Looking at her face again in amazement:
-Is it Azrael? I shouted. But how? We Azrael; we know him as a tall, ugly skeleton man in a black suit, with a black hood, holding a huge scythe in his hand. That's how we learned about Azrael, that's how we thought, that's how we imagined it. On the other hand, you are a very beautiful, wise and good person. You don't fit this schedule at all. I think you are making jokes.
She smiled slightly, her beautiful face brightening a little more.
In a way, you might be right. He said, "I will come to people in any way they want." And this is the result of the manifestation of that divine justice. That is why I am formed in separate disguises. My development, behavior and disguise are entirely up to your people's wishes.
Some people accept their lives as a trust and surrender them willingly. Some people do not want to accept it. They immediately rise to rebellion. At that time, I will beat the souls of those people in their faces and backs.
There is nothing really bad or ugly in His creations. Goodness in evil and ugliness comes from people's souls like beauties. their souls; The highest of goodness and beauty is fermented with the ugliest of wickedness and vileness.
All other creatures cannot step outside the line from which they were created; they neither ascend nor descend, but human beings are beyond that. Reason is their guide, so the choice is theirs.
The soul accepts the guidance of the mind and rises if it follows it. This ascension can be up to the top of all creation.
If the mind follows the soul and accepts its guidance, it descends and falls to the lowest of the creatures. Well; This right of choice given to people can raise him to the highest and lower him to the lowest. That is why they are weighed on the delicate scales of divine justice. Man may be the most honorable of creations, but he can also be the most honorable of you.
I stared in amazement at my friend's face. His words were also extremely interesting, eloquent, beautiful. This beautiful-faced, wise and good-hearted person; Could it be the Azrael who took the lives of people and tortured them?
-No no! I muttered. This good and beautiful person cannot be Azrael. This must be a joke or a joke of my friends towards me.
I remembered a joke made to a friend of mine years ago. Some mischievous friends went to a mosque saying that he died for our friend and had his sala read. That confused expression on the face of our friend, who heard his name after the Sala, became a joke that caused laughter for years, and it was talked about. Surely this was such a joke, it should have been a joke. I thought if this was a joke it should be read in salami now.
I had just gotten rid of these thoughts when the raft began to be given.
-Huh! "Okay okay" I mumbled. I wouldn't be surprised if it is read on my tag after Sala. This must be a joke my friends play on me. This good person is also a specialist physician they sent.
I kept giggling.
-Let me pretend to swallow this joke and take it to the end. Let's see what will happen?
Looking at my friend's face:
-I said it's being read. So who died?
Looking at my face meaningfully and meaningfully:
He said listen to the end of the hall. They will tell you the identity of the deceased. Then you learn.
As I guessed, my tag was read at the end of the session. Now I was sure that all this was a joke, a joke directed at me.
Shortly, laughingly:
-But this is mine, I said.
My friend didn't say anything. We came to the mosque together.
- I went to the fountain, saying that I should take an ablution, and my friend became an obstacle. Throwing a meaningful look at my face again:
- Didn't you have wudu? She asked
I choked myself. Somewhere deep within me, a tiny but bright light was burning. It was very, very small. Maybe it was a tiny speck, but this light illuminated me, washed me with cool water and refreshed me. This feeling is just like a person who likes to do good after doing good; It was like the joy and relief he felt in his conscience.
I remembered that I heard these cool and refreshing feelings a lot after I had ablution. This light that swallowed and washed me cleared my doubts. I had been lying on the sickbed for a long time, but strangely enough, I was still abducted. I knew that for sure. It must have come from the family.
Looking at my friend's face:
-I said yes. You're right, I have ablution. I know that for sure.
As I was passing by the fountain, I saw some darks crowding the faucets. Most of them were naked. Men and women were mixed, but the concept of men and women lost their reality, and they all assumed a single species identity. Their situation was extremely strange and unusual.
There were large boils on their faces full of surprise and fear, and there were pus-like foul-smelling discharges. They tried to open the taps to wash, but they could not succeed. From what they opened, a foul, heavy-smelling yellow water flowed out. Regardless of its foul smell, they were attacking here, crushing each other, trying to be cleaned with filth, to cover and remove the filth with filth. Some of them extended their heads to each other; they were trying to clean each other by licking the pus and dirt that was flowing from their faces. They must have had no other choice.
Seeing them like that filled my heart with compassion. Turning to my friend:
I said the taps must be stuck or broken. They often get stuck and break down anyway. If you let me, let me help these people so that they get rid of their dirt.
My friend holding my hand:
-No! Said. Neither they nor you can help each other anymore. They are those who do not have wudu before they die. That's why they try to clean up the mess with the mess. Here; It is the place where goodness, evil, beauty and ugliness cannot be hidden, where everyone carries their own burden and reaps what they sow. This is also a part of divine manifestation.
Leaving them to their fate, we proceeded towards the mosque.
As Gasil passed by the house, I saw some activity there, too. Some people were rushing in and out. Both of them were my sons. They were helping the housekeeper of Gasil. This was perfectly normal. All my life, I had tried to teach them about the virtue of dealing with funerals, hoping for the pleasure of Allah (c.c.). They must have been attending the funeral of an acquaintance or close friend.
We entered the mosque and sat in the front row. After the prayer is over, when it's time for the rosary, the muezzin brings istirca and says:
He said, "Inna lillah wa inna ilayhi raji'un = We are the servants of Allah and we will return to Allah." This meant that there was a funeral and the prayer would be performed.
Laughing for:
- Wow, meatballs, I thought. How well they arranged everything. So I came to this game of theirs. I'll take it to the end. It'll be really fun to see their faces when they realize I didn't swallow their jokes.
After the prayer, we were at the forefront of the funeral prayer. When the Imam raised his hand for takbir, he pushed me with a hand and led me to the side of the coffin. I had to stand there during the prayer. But I was determined to take this game to the end no matter what.
After the prayer, the coffin was loaded. There was me on the right front of the coffin, and my friend on the left front. A few people were also helping us. The rear end was loaded by my sons and relatives. The coffin was moved from hand to hand quickly and quickly. From hand to hand, we carried the coffin to the carriage at once, like a boat flowing down a river of outstretched arms and hands.
After the coffin was placed, when I saw my friend get into the car, I got in too. Just like when moving, I was on the right front and my friend was on the left front. My two sons were sitting at the back of the coffin. Their heads were down, their eyes were teary, and their noses were crimson-red. It was as if they had not seen me and my friend.
Shortly, laughingly:
I muttered, "Get out of you." You try to deceive me, to play games, huh… Look at them, how sincerely and beautifully they play their roles, as if they were real.
I chuckled, trying to imagine the look on their faces when they realized that I hadn't swallowed their game, that I knew everything from the start, but that I had tricked them. It gave me immense pleasure as it showed my vigilance and intelligence, and I was determined to make it through to the end.
It didn't take long for us to reach the cemetery. Together with two people, my friend and I carried the coffin in the front and brought it to the pit that was dug with the help of the other people.
My friend landed in the pit and signaled for me to get down. Two more people went down with us. The pit was narrow, but even though we were four people, we didn't bump into each other and didn't hinder the movements. It was as if the two of us weren't there.
The four of us held the body wrapped in a white cloth, lowered it into the grave and placed it. Two other people were placing the extended boards, while me and my friend were straightening them.
Everything was fine until the last piece of wood was inserted. When the last piece was put in, I found myself on the other side of the boards, next to the corpse. Did someone push me here? For a moment, I was stunned in this unexpected movement or situation. The rumbling and loud noises of the discarded lands on the boards would remove my surprise. Frightened, I tried to shout.
Since when was my life in turmoil? I was living vaguely behind a veil of smoke. I was in the tender arms of my warm bed and my friends. My sons, my friends were around me; they didn't leave me alone, they tried to cure my problem, but I was still not comfortable. They were next to me, but I could only vaguely notice that I was slowly and slowly being involuntarily removed from them, pushed towards solitude.
For a long time, a severe weakness resembling numbness had come and gripped my body. My springs of life were slowly drying up, my strength was waning. It was as if there was a heavy burden on my back that crushed me and made me feel bored with its presence. The weight of my body was crushing my soul, making me tired. I was always out of breath as if I had run a long marathon.
My ties to life were slowly weakening, and death was approaching step by step. And I was aware of that. This; It was a fact that could not be escaped, that had to be accepted willingly or unwillingly, a way to go, a necessary direction.
I resigned to my fate in silence. I was trying to prepare as much as a person can be prepared for the coming of the destined, the inescapable.
But the first blow came suddenly and unexpectedly, when I felt a little better, and I thought my ties to life had strengthened a little.
A knife was stuck in my left side. The lightning bolts of a sharp pain fell on my horizons. A silver spear pierced my eyes, dazzled and blinded, numbing first my brain, then my body. I fell to the ground in an instant. I've been held captive by a ball of hard, painful, nauseating emotions. I tried to escape but failed. There was a foul odor in my nostrils, as if I had swallowed that blood when my nose bled.
These piles of emotions that pierced through my body were very heavy, painful and sharp. They were stretching and forcing the thick ropes called soul that hold and bind me.
Finally, sharp blows cut these ties; My efforts to hold on were in vain. I fell into a deep purple-rimmed well, into a nauseous darkness.
This fall was spinning like a somersault. It left a nauseous, disgusting taste in my mouth that looked like stale blood. The rumbles coming from the depths of my being are making me dizzy; it was pulling me out.
I thought I was going to crash into a hard floor and fall apart. But my fall was not drastic. It ended in slower and slower oscillations, as if I was caught in a springy mattress or net.
It was dark, wet, and cold where I came from, but I still felt a bit of peace. But my fall into the unknown was not over. It continued, albeit slowly, like a dry leaf swaying in a gentle breeze.
In the endless darkness that was imprisoned in my being, I was slowly rolling towards somewhere, whirling around. Something I didn't know was pulling me inside myself.
Great, cold and black mountains, vast holes opened into infinity, deep chasms had formed inside me. I was falling into myself, falling.
But that didn't last long either; it ended in the thick, cold, deep shadows of a mysterious, echoing darkness.
First, a cold, wet, black calm surrounded me. I was chained by bewilderment and imprisoned in obscurity. Something was squeezing me, crushing me, trapping me inside myself. My prison was my body. Then the walls of this dungeon collapsed. One of the doors opened. I found myself in a vast space.
I could barely discern the presence of tiny, colorful flashes of light flashing in the infinities of my horizons. Maybe the blinks are behind my eyelids that open and close like tiny wings; The lifeless sparks of a tiny flame that was about to die out and stuck to my eyeballs were the last struggles of the substance called soul trying to survive.
It was as if I had suddenly teleported and landed softly into an alien and mysterious world, where tiny clumps of light twinkling like stars through the fog, flashing and fading.
It was as if I had passed into another world, but there was still an unbroken thin bond between us and the place beyond. The painful black sword that had pierced through my very being had dried up inside me, turning into a group of thorny bushes. A thousand and one-tongued black dragon was tearing me apart, splitting, burning and catching cold. Something in me is contracting, expanding; An unstoppable force was pulling and pushing me. It was like inflating like a balloon while being crushed under a press. It was as if my self was splitting, disintegrating, numbing, raking, falling apart.
I felt the gilded blow of a crash into a hard ground as I faltered in amazement at what I saw and felt. My brain went numb, my horizon lit up for a moment, then plunged into darkness again. In the end I exploded like a bomb, shattered into granules. My horizons brightened and darkened for a moment, then I was enveloped in a black veil called obscurity.
Everything and everywhere was covered with a velvety soft darkness. I was somewhere in that fluffy velvet wrap. That wrap was both inside and outside of me. Spiritually and materially, it was divided into two, and a part of me was lost in the darkness. But these darknesses; It was an echoing, round, warm, full sound, and it was soft. A sluggish, swaying, round ball of emotion fills one of my heavy, heavy parts, seeks me out like a steep mountain vanishing behind mists or veils, driving me away from me; but it wasn't painful or painful.
I was slowly losing myself, even though I was torn in two, as if by mists, with a bundle of drowsy feelings like a heavy sleep. But that thin bond between my two parts was not broken yet.
Suddenly something roared deep inside me, something inside me shook. A timeless volcano erupted in my depths, and a relentless earthquake shook everything and shook it. Maybe I was thrown into infinity, then fell somewhere, hit something.
In an instant, the whole place was ablaze with a painful red. My throat was filled with a blood-like scent once again. A black cloud, driven by a strong wind, turning everything upside down, spewing white and sharp flames loaded with flashes, and an ominous whirlwind perched in these clouds blew from all around me, their hums echoing all around me.
A sharp, heavy, flaming pain swept through my veins like a net; burned, destroyed, destroyed.
My self first bent, twisted, stretched to the point of breaking. In an instant, I turned into the simplicity of aches and pains, I identified with them.
This pain was a bare sword. With vertical blows from my middle, he was dividing, slicing, dividing me into tiny granules, tearing me into pieces. But that didn't last long either. With a loss, a loss of myself in the darkness, it also ended and disappeared. Later….
I lost myself in the dark and found myself in the dark again. It was like I was in two pieces. The thin bond between them was broken. Each piece was separate from each other but still side by side. My integrity was intact.
I was two pieces side by side, but I knew I was myself. It was like waking up from a deep but dreamless sleep.
I was dazed and alone, tucked into the bottomless depths of a soft, still, but black sea that surrounded me. There was no one else there but myself.
my consciousness; It was trying to shine, to live indistinctly, like the sun behind a thick black cloud, or a tiny ember under gray ash. Later…
My unstoppable fall, which looked like a nauseous sway, started again. Involuntarily, I surrendered myself to these falls in desperation. After a while, this alternating fall slowly came to an end. Suddenly, something black, a darkness fell over me.
Once I heard the thumping sound of a soft object crashing against a hard ground, and I was once again dispersed, heavy and heavy like a dense smoke.
But it wasn't just a feeling, it was mixed with some feeling. As if it was about my stance. It seemed to come from below, from the depths, but it was clearer than before, harder but strangely light.
A little lethargic with loss of self; His pains were mixed with the flame of the pain he felt. It was as if it were the reflection of the rolling, rumbling, flame-colored sound of a lightning exploding within me, echoing in my depths.
This rattling, humming, round and colorful sound was soft and light, but it filled my whole being, and I was turned towards it, I was just transformed into it.
I felt some hustle and bustle around me, but I couldn't understand or hear anything. My consciousness, veiled and numbed by a smog, was not enough to reach them.
It was as if my scientist was imprisoned in a narrow steel cage and could not get out.
Somewhere, something like a pot lid was rattling, jingling. Something must have fallen. But I didn't know yet if it was me who fell.
Suddenly my horizons brightened and darkened, the darkness grew and surrounded me. The iron cage in which my consciousness was imprisoned got smaller and smaller; disappeared with its contents. My fragmented self, which I sought and found, was once again split, slowly removed from myself. As I was walking away, I lost my other part again in the mist like a slow fading image.
Again, I fell into the hope of darkness, which was thickened and enlarged by the unconsciousness that surrounded me. But still, inside me, an unquenched ember is alive like a pulse; There was a tiny, slow, slowly rolling white marble. My heavy, slowly melting self clung to it with all its might, clung to it. This; the darkness was like a tiny drop in my hope, a swaying white boat.
I sometimes saw flashes like tiny sparks on my horizons, which were fading into darkness, but they were far away from me. They were like tiny, colorful sparks trying to burn. They were painting my dark horizons a purple color.
But the radiant pulsations of these tiny sparks were short-lived, the bruises darkening, turning into sheer blackness once more. These blacks materialized, became heavier and thicker.
It was as if I was inside a giant purple-colored funnel that was getting narrower and deeper. An unstoppable force was pushing me to the bottom, crushing my particles, suffocating me.
Everywhere seemed to be in deep darkness, but still, that darkness was not absence. I can see and feel it as if it were a substance; I could take handfuls, handfuls, drink, smell. Maybe it was something else. Maybe it was the illusory darkness of my eyes dazzled by the light for that thing.
Then… My oscillating fall stopped once again; I reached a stillness like a calm and wide sea.
There was a smell coming from somewhere. This; It was fresh and appealing, like the smell of freshly baked bread. It was beautiful, it was bright, it was warm; It fed my soul, cooled me down, warmed me, caressed me, fueled my longing, as if I had sipped a sherbet with honey. But I didn't know where it came from.
Then… That smell stopped.
All of a sudden, the tide turned, everything turned upside down once again. Then a curtain, a door opened. I was brought to a bright place. It was as if I had passed into another world, I was a stranger here, I did not know. This recognition was tantamount to mere surprise.
Confusion breeds loneliness. Loneliness is fear...
Solitude was a steep slope. Fear was the snowballs rolling down this hillside. They grew, they grew, they grew. They rolled over and took me in and circled me on all sides.
Fear and loneliness were high mountains and they were very high. Their dark, heavy, cold shadows fell on me, crushing my being.
Darkness was the thick walls that surrounded my horizons. I was enveloped in a blanket of thick, black, heavy shadow. The silence was harsh and sharp. And I was alone in this steel silence.
I tried to hear the click and footsteps of that single thing, that piece of light, that I thought was coming with me. But he, too, had melted into this silence and left without saying goodbye.
From deep and far, echoing, rolling, sharp screams, shrieks, cries, like bare swords, some as straight and sharp as a spear, some sharpened by pain, break the silence; it was crushing, hitting, piercing and bleeding.
Someone must have been beating and crying. your laments; I was surrounded by the purple-colored trembling smell, which was haunted by the voices and gave the feeling of sadness and crying to the hearts. I felt this sadness with all its might, my lips were trembling, but I could not see those who were lamenting.
My loneliness fueled my fear, and fear fueled my loneliness.
They were both on the back of a strong bewilderment. My solitude was like raging storms coming back and forth from the peaks of the steep slopes. They had relentlessly bombarded me with tiny cannonballs and surrounded me from all sides. Black curtains hung all around me, all around me, and they were wrapped around my neck like nooses, suffocating me.
Then I was caught in a black snowfall. Then this precipitation turned into a relentless blizzard.
Whatever rained down on me was black and cold. My gaze did not pierce his intensity. My consciousness was captive to them. All three of them were hiding what lay before me, punching and curtaining my eyes, preventing me from seeing. These fist blows thrust me into vast seas of fearful amazement. Later…
Time swept over me like a slowly spinning cylinder. Later…
My fearful astonishment deflated slowly, like a balloon; My numb consciousness slowly awoke, lifting its head like a springtime seed from under its thick cover.
Something warm, a fresh, unseen spring sun surrounded me, awakening and invigorating me. I couldn't see it, but I could feel it. This was a big change. I was like a butterfly in the dark trying to come out of its cocoon.
It was an awakening, a resurrection, but my wandering fixed eyes found solitude, solitude and fear. Hope was a warm sun rising after my mountains of fear. But it was not enough to melt my fears. I was left alone with my fears, loneliness and hope. Fear and loneliness killed my hope. They both came together and swooped on me.
Fear and loneliness grew heavy, materialized and solidified. I felt their weight on my back, their icy shadows fell on me, I was shaken by tiny earthquakes.
Then… The thin thread holding my selves stretched once more and broke once again. I came out of my cocoon and abstracted from matter. I just became feelings and sensations. They were extremely sharp and lean in these.
Like a novice butterfly that has just emerged from its cocoon, it has become numb and hardened; While I was floundering in bewilderment, fear and loneliness, suddenly a white dot, a tiny cloud approaching, tearing the darkness of my horizons, appeared and grew as it got closer.
As if he; It was a huge star, growing as we got closer, twinkling in a pitch-black night. The closer he got, the closer he got. He melted the ice of my darkness with his light. A luminous human silhouette appeared from within. She came with him in a very light breeze, peaceful, cool, fragrant, ruffling her long, white hair that fell over her shoulders.
She was dressed in a white dress and was tall. She had a face that was dazzlingly beautiful and as bright as the sun. Their eyes were black as coal, lively-eyed, and large. His body was straight and imposing as a harpoon. Every part of them was in harmony with each other and they were very beautiful.
In his left hand he held a cane-like silver wand with a curved end. White, long, graceful fingers gripped the knob of the staff. He had a ring on his middle finger. In this ring, a large green stone was shining brightly even in the white of the environment.
It looked like it had come from far away, but there was no trace of the tiredness of his journey or anything like that. He was fresh, alive and vigorous, like a healthy child who had just woken up. And he was smiling at me in a friendly way.
This smiling face caused my sun of hope behind the steep mountains to rise once again. My eyes were dazzled. At last I dared to look into his face.
His face was pink mixed with white, and it was bright, bright with a smile. Her one-piece dress, white as snow, like silk, was touching the ground and covering her feet. His clothing was so light that it was as if he was dressed in a white cloud.
Her broad locks of hair were parted and left in the middle of her shapely head and were long enough to touch her shoulders.
His mustache was clipped short. His beard, the color of his hair that framed his smooth cheeks, was also a little longer.
He was very old, but not old.
His large, dark eyes covered most of his face. The black of his eyes was very black, and the white was very white. His eyes were fresh, lively and luminous, like the eyes of a mischievous child. A benevolent radiance warmly enveloped these damp worlds.
He was as majestic in appearance as the steep-sided mountains. But his majesty was full of abundance and humility, like lush forests. It was warm and soft, exuding a dignity filled with confidence rather than fear.
When I saw him, my loneliness softened and melted. Fear, on the other hand, was still a mountain of ice on my back, but the warm and reassuring look of the guest was melting this heavy load, making it a little smaller and lighter.
He is for me at that moment; with warmth and softness clearly felt in his apparent personality; it was the shadowy hope of a warm friendship and friendship sun that would warm and cool my heart, which was freezing, burning and suffocating in the sullen hell of loneliness.
That musk smell from somewhere still persisted and was all over the place. I thought it must have come from him.
When I suddenly saw it in front of me, I was first scared, then glad. His presence made me forget everything. I thought he was one of my friends who came to visit him.
It was normal for me to expect and expect him as a friend, a friend.
For a long time, illness was a burden on my back and chains on my feet. In my bed where I was a prisoner, I longed for the smiling face of a friend, the warmth of compassionate hands, I was hungry and thirsty for these. My children swirling around me could not satisfy my hunger or quench my thirst. Bedridden and sick people like me are always hungry and thirsty for friendship and love.
He came right in front of me and greeted me. I received your greeting and commanded.
-I said welcome. I'm sorry I couldn't greet you standing up. The debility brought about by my illness prevents me from showing this respect. My place is very narrow, but still, welcome to the best and most spacious place. All I can offer you for now is heartfelt love and respect.
This bright-faced man came to my place and sat comfortably. It was like he was used to coming and going to places like this.
Looking at his face one more time with joy:
"You don't know how happy I am to see you," I said. Perhaps the hope of this big problem called loneliness, you will be the warmer and the contender of this cold load on my back. You see that I am cold with loneliness and trembling with fear with the insecurity it brings.
He looked at me and smiled. But this; it was not a bright smile like a joy, but a smile that was darkened with a slight sadness, a little sad and sad.
It was as if I was an old friend who had come from far away and brought me bad news.
After her beautiful and bright eyes wandered over my face for a moment:
"We found it nice, but people don't usually feel happy when they see me," he said.
Looking at his face curiously:
-Sorry. I said I didn't know you. It's like I've never seen it before. Or have we met before?
Shaking his head in the negative:
-He said no. With me, people only meet once in their lives, they meet once. I only come to them once.
I was going to ask why he had come here, when he immediately understood my intention.
Looking at my face
“I came here for you,” he said. I'll take the shackles off your neck and open the cell door. You were a drop of water in an old whip for a long time. I'm going to pull you out of this prison you've been in for so long, this old and torn cocoon.
His words intrigued me, but also shocked me.
-Shackles? Is it a cell? I asked. Or was I a prisoner here?
- He said yes. How long have you been in this seedy cell with shackles around your neck and chains on your feet, but now it's time to get out. Your chains and shackles are now well rusted and worn out.
I couldn't understand your words. I thought I could grasp everything, know everything with my mind. I had not yet learned that a limit of reason, sometimes of seeming freedom, can be captivity. So I immediately objected.
"But I'm not a prisoner," I said. Contrary to what you said; I don't have shackles on my neck, shackles on my feet, or handcuffs on my hands. As you can see, I have neither eaters nor guards.
Until yesterday, I could go anywhere I wanted, do whatever I wanted. What connects me here; it is nothing but old age and the disease that comes with it, which takes away my strength and power.
Old age became identified with me, it settled in me inextricably, it became a part of me, but I think my illness is temporary. Aren't you wrong about that?
Shaking his head in the negative direction again:
He said, "People generally cannot see the shackles around their necks, the papier-mâché on their feet, the handcuffs on their hands, the guard on their heads, and they cannot notice the cell in which they are staying. It's like the inability to see a caterpillar's cocoon or a human being himself. This is a human disease. People are in the prison of their selves, and they are often not even aware of it.
You are also suffering from the same problem. You still do not realize that what you describe as old age is a part of what you cannot see.
His words were perfectly reasonable. I was old, wise, and experienced enough to notice the fine line between straight and curve, to know that sometimes the truth can go the other way, and that the short, cross-eyed mind is not always a good guide.
What was in front of me must have been my destiny, which I could not change. So I bend my neck:
-Alright! Since you will set me free. So I said do what you want.
Looking at me with interest:
-Freedom? "Like everything else, this is up to you," he said. This right of choice is exclusive to you only. This right has been given to you by living and using the virtues of your creation, but it is hidden within them. You have to seek and find.
Freedom is the air you can inhale. What's the value of the atmosphere you're swimming in if you can't bear it?
People are generally heedless. They cannot see, understand or know the virtues given to them that make them real people. That's why, thinking they will be free, they leave one cell and enter another. Unfortunately, the second cell is narrower, darker, and its shackles are thicker.
His words were strange to me.
-Since I leave one cell, I will enter another, narrower and darker cell. So there's not much difference between staying here and leaving.
At least I'm happy here, with my loved ones. Why did you come here? I said let me stay here.
Shaking his head in the negative direction:
-He said no. There is actually a lot of difference. I told you, this choice is up to you. Every event has a consequence. You will reap what you sow. Also this; unchanging appreciation is mercy towards you.
Bowing down:
-I said okay. I submit to this unchangeable fate and discretion. As far as I understand, you are the only authorized and responsible person in this business.
I know that hilm is one of the greatest virtues. You will not find me rebellious and rebellious. For mercy, I think I have no choice but to hope.
My guest nods negatively:
-No! Said. As with everything, this is your will; The sweat you shed is the product of the seed you sow in your field. Do not be astonished by those who go from planting to harvesting.
-I said okay. I silently submit to my divine providence and destiny.
He smiled at me and said:
-Submission; He said, "It is a result that you inevitably follow, like your will, like destiny. In the end, everything comes to Him, what He says happens. Divine judgment is not delayed, it is not delayed. Come on, give me your hand.
I extended my hand. He grabbed me and lifted me up. His hand; she was cool like mercy, warm like a mother's skin, full of love and soft. That musk scent I heard became stronger, fresher and more beautiful.
The thick black walls that surrounded my horizons, that surrounded me, collapsed. I found myself in a luminous light.
We were somewhere a little higher. I could see everything clearly and distinctly, as if from a bird's-eye view from the top of a mighty mountain, but I was both too close and too far from them. This was going to me too.
Since when was my vision blurred? My hearing power and other senses were weakened, my lifelines and bones were thinned, and that driving force called soul was replaced by a weakness and lethargy. I was also afflicted with that inevitable disease called old age, which takes power and strength from the hands of people.
From the moment my old friend took my hands, something warm passed from him to me, and the heavy weight that I had been crushing for so long was lifted from my back. Like pressurized steam coming out of a tiny hole, I suddenly found myself in a peaceful void. That infallible pressure on me was lifted. The sharp sword that sliced ​​through my self was broken. My oppressive pains and pains that I felt with all their might suddenly came to an end. And I found a deep peace.
I felt light as nothing. It was as if I had gone to another world or been reborn. This; It must have been like the sheer amazement and amazement of a baby who came out of the womb and saw and felt the world for the first time.
The veils in front of my senses were lifted, the barriers collapsed, they became their mere essence. They were incredibly sharp and powerful. I could hear the tiniest click and see the furthest things.
I could easily see and hear the people around me, but they could not see or hear me. between us; there seemed to be a very thin curtain, transparent, strange, like a one-way mirror.
The sudden awakening and sharpening of my senses; It made me happy as much as it surprised me and left me in awe.
-Ahhh! How beautiful I cried. My senses were awakened and sharpened. It's like I was reborn. I can see and feel everything easily.
My friend looked at me at my words and smiled. His smile this time was warm and bright.
-Yup! Said. You really were just born. Your existence up until now has been incomplete and flawed in some ways. You will see and realize that you have other senses, feelings and faculties besides the ones you know. They are the means of manifestation of divine providence.
We were looking down on a room. In the middle of the room was a bed, with an old man lying on the bed. It was yellow as wax; His long, white beard came to his chest. His eyes were closed, his mouth ajar. His hair was messy, gray and white on the ground, his long hair protruding from the pillow where his head was buried, and some people surrounded him. I couldn't see their faces. They must have been crying. I recognized the old man immediately.
With amazement:
-Aaaah! What is this? I shouted. I'm the one lying there in the bed, but here I am. How can this be?
My friend once again shook his head negatively:
-He said no. There are unbreakable bonds between you, but the you there is no longer you. He's now nothing but a drained, useless old whip inside him.
I looked at my friend's face in amazement. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
-So… So I'm dead now? I asked. But how? Isn't death a transition from the world of existence to the world of non-existence? But I see that the opposite is true. It is as if I have passed from the world of non-existence to the world of existence and awakened from a deep sleep. I also felt neither the pain nor the pangs of death. What I heard was a part of myself as if in a dream, and they passed away like a wind.
-Yup! He said you are right. What you describe as death is actually an awakening from a dream world, or from a sleep with long or short dreams, opening your eyes to reality. It is the transition from the world of nothingness and imagination to the world of existence. As for the pain and suffering of death; they were really the pains and pains of life, not death, and they were too light for you. There is no doubt that this is the mercy of our Lord towards you.
I looked at me, who was no longer me. Everything was a little strange. I found this strange, and I was astonished, but its strangeness was not because of its strangeness, but because of my opinion.
The place was full of people, but there was no one but the two of us. We were alone in this crowd. Loneliness and silence pervaded everything like an invisible mist.
This is how I polled myself. I was becoming more and more aware of the changes taking place on me. I realized once again that the pains and pains that had been going on for a long time, that had ravaged my very being, ceased and disappeared. It was as if they were trapped down there in me, which was no longer me. Those thick ropes were broken, the shackles on my neck and the knuckles on my feet were loosened, and I came out of my cell. I was free now.
In a way, I was happy with these, but my second wife, children and other loved ones who had been circling around for a long time were on the other side. There was a thin line between us, but I could not cross this line and reach them. It was as if they were not yet aware that I had crossed over to this side. They still thought that I was me, who was not me, they were praising that old whip with a hole in the bottom, they were hugging themselves and crying. In the meantime, I was just noticing that big change in me.
They weren't the only ones on the other side. It was my self in matter that stayed with them. I had lost my self that I thought was me, and found my true identity. But at first it was just a feeling.
A heavy load that I have been trying to carry for a long time has been taken off my back; I was relieved and relieved. I was abstracted from matter, as light as absence, but I was not absence. I knew that for sure.
And that greatest truth, more real than truth, appeared before my eyes once again.
The shackles on my neck and the knuckles on my feet were removed, my cell door was opened, and the thick ropes were cut off. I was free now. I was free, but in the bewilderment and ignorance of freedom, I was in a way a prisoner of freedom. I had not yet gotten rid of the influence and habits of that tiny cell I had lived in for years.
I seemed isolated from what lies below, but there were still some strange bonds between us that I couldn't break out of, that I couldn't describe. It was as if we were apart, but still together. This blinded my eyes and prevented me from seeing the truth.
The tiny oil lamp that had been burning inside me for a long time, longing for the footstools, had gone out. My visible being was numb and cold. The rustling light and heat from the flame of that tiny lamp had vanished.
My friend turns to me:
"Let's go now," he said. I said that divine judgment cannot be delayed or delayed.
I was with the one lying there. I was inside, but separate from him. She was under soft clothes and thick duvets, but I was naked.
That's when I realized that I was naked. I was also very cold. My friend seemed unaware of my situation. He was in a hurry to leave immediately.
I turned towards him. Tir, trembling:
-I said I'm so cold, I'm also naked. Let me get something on me from here.
My friend shook his head again in the negative:
-No! Said. With your own hands this is no longer possible. You are not in a position to do your own work, to help yourself.
Those on this side of the line reap only what they sow. This is not sowing, but harvesting. They must have told you all this. You should have been prepared. If you're not prepared, it's your fault. There is Right, there is no injustice. Good is rewarded and evil is punished and is not delayed. Everyone here is their own prosecutor, their own judge, their own executioner. Here, everyone judges himself and carries out his own execution.
Out of self-preservation instinct, I immediately objected. It was the irrational illusion of the soul restrained mind.
-No! I said that no one told me that he would come, that he would free me, that I would be left naked like this.
Looking at my face with amazement:
-Didn't they inform you? Are you saying I didn't know about this big expedition that you're going to leave sooner or later? Very interesting. In fact it; Your mother, father, spouse, friend, relative and other people have said and shown many times and continued.
Death is the greatest lesson, the greatest lesson for wise people. Death was enough as an advice for you.
Do not forget. Sometimes what you see is more eloquent, eloquent than words. If you still don't understand it's your fault, not theirs. You had to learn to hear with your eyes and see with your ears.
He was right. I had seen and stopped this great truth over and over again. But always in front of me stands a thick wall called nafs, an insurmountable obstacle; it was covering my eyes, covering and hiding the truth.
The mind was a light that illuminated the darkness of the lurking, but I couldn't use it enough either. The soul loved the world. When this love is illuminated and not guided by the light of the mind; it was turning into heedlessness, like a beautiful dream in a deep, dark, heavy sleep. I couldn't take enough lessons from that great lesson and I couldn't benefit from it enough because of my mind that was blinded, drugged and deceived and cast aside by the beautiful dream in that deep sleep of heedlessness.
How strange it was not to hear and not see the facts even though they were shouting and shouting before your eyes. Eyes that were thought to see sometimes did not see, and ears that were thought to hear sometimes did not.
What I actually saw were words that were more elusive than the words I heard with my ears. The truth was hidden by what we saw and heard, behind or under it. They whispered under their veils, reflected as though they were mirrored in a mirror, were visible, albeit vaguely. But I had not learned enough to see with my ears and hear with my eyes. This was a huge shortcoming for me. And now it's too late. It was certain that regrets from now on would be of no use. It's real right now; unsheathed, it lay on my neck, sharp, relentless like a bare sheathed sword.
The fear that I would tremble like this, that I would be naked was about to fill me, when a little boy appeared, whose origin I did not know. I knew him from somewhere, he didn't sound foreign at all, but at that moment I couldn't make out. She was wearing a beautiful dress and a sable fur coat. He looked at me and smiled, then said:
"Here, uncle, I brought these to you," he said.
I just bought it and got dressed. I was in such a hurry and rush that I did not think to ask where and how this little boy got these beautiful clothes and sable fur. Turning to the boy who was standing next to me and looking at me with his smiling eyes after I had dressed well and put on:
I said thank you, my child. But I couldn't recognize you. How did you know that I was so cold, that I needed a dress?
The child laughs:
"Of course you can't remember," he said. It's been a very long time. You must have forgotten, but I did not forget. Because good deeds, like bad ones, are not forgotten or lost. They are written in an indelible place.
I was an orphan boy in your neighborhood. It was years ago. You bought me a dress on a cold winter day and dressed it. This is the dress you bought me.
I immediately remembered the boy.
-Aaaah! Said. Now I remember. You are the orphan of our neighborhood, little Osman. Oh my God! Here I see what should not be seen and hear what should not be heard. Surely this is; It is an illusion of my senses and mind, which is open to mistakes and mistakes, which confuses and confuses me.
As I recall, you died as a little boy years ago. We also had your corpse removed. I was very upset that day. I still feel the pain of that day, and the tears flowing from my eyes wet my face. Now tell me. Answering my questions also quenches my thirst, which is called curiosity, even if it is a little bit.
How did you get here and what are you doing here?
The boy laughed again.
-Of course he said. I will answer your questions as I know them. But first let me state this. You're wrong when you say I died years ago. No, uncle. I didn't actually die years ago, I was born. I am here with my parents. Traveling and commenting as I want.
I was still in deep astonishment and astonishment. one in two; I was looking at a child, the fine clothes I was wearing and the sable fur on my back. My astonishment increased even more. Still, I couldn't help myself from asking.
But I said my child. What I got you was a used, shabby, worthless thing. If this dress and sable fur are the same clothes, they must be very valuable. Aren't you making a mistake?
The boy looked at me with a smile and said:
- No, uncle said. I'm not wrong. Those who are sent here multiply exponentially and return as they are valued. You actually bought that dress for yourself, not for me. I was also in custody. They are your own property. Goodbye, wear it.
The boy's words were extremely interesting. This triggered my curiosity, an old illness that I thought was good.
"Well, Osman?" I asked. Where are you staying here?
-I told you, uncle said. I am here with my parents. I wander and dust as I want in heaven. All my requests are fulfilled immediately.
I knew his father from his health. He was a drinker, a gambler. He did not take care of his family and children. I had given many advices and help to bring him on the right path, but it was of little use. That's why the child's words caught my attention and increased my amazement. I couldn't help myself from asking.
"Okay, but my child," I said. As far as I know, your father was a naughty drinker. We tried very hard to put him on the right path, but it was not possible. Again He the Greatest knows, but I didn't think he was heavenly.
The boy's face and eyes suddenly became sad, as if he had recalled some bad, painful memory. Some of the stars of joy playing in his eyes faded. His eyes darkened the horizon with a sadness that he could not block, but accepted as a fate and quietly surrendered.
Causing a small child's distress was not something I could accept at the time. I felt sorry for myself when I realized that I had hurt him. I regretted like crazy when I asked such a question. I scolded myself.
The boy looked at me as if he understood my feelings. He must have seen and read my sadness and the regret it brought in my eyes. His eyes and then his face lit up with a sweet smile, as if he understood that the deeds were intentional, that I was only asking my questions for the sake of learning the truth, only for knowledge, and as if he wanted to console me. It was as if he was telling with this smile that sometimes one has to grieve or be sad in order to reach the truth.
The child taught me once again the most beautiful and the most valuable thing I have learned so far with what he said with great maturity. With your beautiful eyes fixed on my face:
-Yes, uncle said. As you said, my father was a mischievous person in his health. He would not look at us, sometimes he would beat us. But it was still my father. He put his trust in my death and took refuge in Allah (c.c.). I prayed for intercession for him. I cried and begged so much that He the Greatest, Most Merciful and Most Merciful accepted my prayer, my request for intercession. He forgave my sinful father to me.
You must have known. The prayers of mothers, fathers, those who pray at dawn, the innocent and the oppressed are not rejected.
What the boy said, the great knowledge and maturity in what he said, caught my attention and interest. I looked at him with envy and thought how ignorant I was. Surely this is; He was the manifestation of the Mercy of the Most High, the manifestation of the attributes of Rahman and Rahim.
I wanted to talk to him more. He seemed to have some of the remedies for my beautiful disease called curiosity, and I was dying for it, but my friend was getting impatient. So I had to cut it short.
- Okay, Osman, I said. I'm glad you're in heaven with your father and mother. Say hi to your dad for me. I don't know if we will meet again. Pray for me.
He said, "My prayers are for my parents first, and then for you who take care of me." I have never forgotten you and will never forget you. I hope we will meet again.
I kissed the boy's cheeks. It disappeared as suddenly as it came.
I went with my friend. It was very cold, but I was warm in my clothes and sable fur.
Weddings and joys were coming from one place, and crying and lamenting sounds were coming from another place, mixing with each other.
Turning to my friend:
I said what a strange world this world is. What we hear are from him and they are in complete contrast. While weddings are held and entertained in one place, they cry and lament in another place. Both get mixed up.
- He said yes. For some, this day is the wedding day and the night is the night of vuslat, Seb-i Arus. They are very happy. For some, it's the opposite. That's why; Joy comes from one place, and lamentation from another. These are opposites that complete the life of the world. Happy is he who can read the book of the world correctly.
-Integration with opposites? But isn't that unfair? I asked.
My friend nodded again.
-He said no. Why is it unfair? Each person chooses his own path, draws it himself. Created equal on both sides, they are brothers and are at the same end of the line at the start of the race. The influx or land is of no importance. No one is favored. The difference is only in deeds.
All human beings are generally endowed with the same faculties. If the result; people's choosing and planting seeds of their own free will is the manifestation of divine justice that occurs after a good or bad harvest.
Divine manifestation is the result of the chosen one, the harvest of the sown. In a way, man will reap what he sows. Where there is right, there is no injustice or oppression.
I really liked these wise words of my friend. I admired him. He must have been a very knowledgeable, wise person. But I didn't know him well enough. I couldn't help asking the question that stuck in my brain for a long time.
Turning to my friend:
-I said I'm sorry. Maybe it's a little late. Surely you are a wise and good person. You showed me the way and direction. You have done favors. I owe you a debt of gratitude. I want to thank you if you donate your name.
My friend looks at me and says:
He said, "I am Azrael.
The response was utterly surprising and frightening. Looking at her face again in amazement:
-Is it Azrael? I shouted. But how? We Azrael; we know him as a tall, ugly skeleton man in a black suit, with a black hood, holding a huge scythe in his hand. That's how we learned about Azrael, that's how we thought, that's how we imagined it. On the other hand, you are a very beautiful, wise and good person. You don't fit this schedule at all. I think you are making jokes.
She smiled slightly, her beautiful face brightening a little more.
In a way, you might be right. He said, "I will come to people in any way they want." And this is the result of the manifestation of that divine justice. That is why I am formed in separate disguises. My development, behavior and disguise are entirely up to your people's wishes.
Some people accept their lives as a trust and surrender them willingly. Some people do not want to accept it. They immediately rise to rebellion. At that time, I will beat the souls of those people in their faces and backs.
There is nothing really bad or ugly in His creations. Goodness in evil and ugliness comes from people's souls like beauties. their souls; The highest of goodness and beauty is fermented with the ugliest of wickedness and vileness.
All other creatures cannot step outside the line from which they were created; they neither ascend nor descend, but human beings are beyond that. Reason is their guide, so the choice is theirs.
The soul accepts the guidance of the mind and rises if it follows it. This ascension can be up to the top of all creation.
If the mind follows the soul and accepts its guidance, it descends and falls to the lowest of the creatures. Well; This right of choice given to people can raise him to the highest and lower him to the lowest. That is why they are weighed on the delicate scales of divine justice. Man may be the most honorable of creations, but he can also be the most honorable of you.
I stared in amazement at my friend's face. His words were also extremely interesting, eloquent, beautiful. This beautiful-faced, wise and good-hearted person; Could it be the Azrael who took the lives of people and tortured them?
-No no! I muttered. This good and beautiful person cannot be Azrael. This must be a joke or a joke of my friends towards me.
I remembered a joke made to a friend of mine years ago. Some mischievous friends went to a mosque saying that he died for our friend and had his sala read. That confused expression on the face of our friend, who heard his name after the Sala, became a joke that caused laughter for years, and it was talked about. Surely this was such a joke, it should have been a joke. I thought if this was a joke it should be read in salami now.
I had just gotten rid of these thoughts when the raft began to be given.
-Huh! "Okay okay" I mumbled. I wouldn't be surprised if it is read on my tag after Sala. This must be a joke my friends play on me. This good person is also a specialist physician they sent.
I kept giggling.
-Let me pretend to swallow this joke and take it to the end. Let's see what will happen?
Looking at my friend's face:
-I said it's being read. So who died?
Looking at my face meaningfully and meaningfully:
He said listen to the end of the hall. They will tell you the identity of the deceased. Then you learn.
As I guessed, my tag was read at the end of the session. Now I was sure that all this was a joke, a joke directed at me.
Shortly, laughingly:
-But this is mine, I said.
My friend didn't say anything. We came to the mosque together.
- I went to the fountain, saying that I should take an ablution, and my friend became an obstacle. Throwing a meaningful look at my face again:
- Didn't you have wudu? She asked
I choked myself. Somewhere deep within me, a tiny but bright light was burning. It was very, very small. Maybe it was a tiny speck, but this light illuminated me, washed me with cool water and refreshed me. This feeling is just like a person who likes to do good after doing good; It was like the joy and relief he felt in his conscience.
I remembered that I heard these cool and refreshing feelings a lot after I had ablution. This light that swallowed and washed me cleared my doubts. I had been lying on the sickbed for a long time, but strangely enough, I was still abducted. I knew that for sure. It must have come from the family.
Looking at my friend's face:
-I said yes. You're right, I have ablution. I know that for sure.
As I was passing by the fountain, I saw some darks crowding the faucets. Most of them were naked. Men and women were mixed, but the concept of men and women lost their reality, and they all assumed a single species identity. Their situation was extremely strange and unusual.
There were large boils on their faces full of surprise and fear, and there were pus-like foul-smelling discharges. They tried to open the taps to wash, but they could not succeed. From what they opened, a foul, heavy-smelling yellow water flowed out. Regardless of its foul smell, they were attacking here, crushing each other, trying to be cleaned with filth, to cover and remove the filth with filth. Some of them extended their heads to each other; they were trying to clean each other by licking the pus and dirt that was flowing from their faces. They must have had no other choice.
Seeing them like that filled my heart with compassion. Turning to my friend:
I said the taps must be stuck or broken. They often get stuck and break down anyway. If you let me, let me help these people so that they get rid of their dirt.
My friend holding my hand:
-No! Said. Neither they nor you can help each other anymore. They are those who do not have wudu before they die. That's why they try to clean up the mess with the mess. Here; It is the place where goodness, evil, beauty and ugliness cannot be hidden, where everyone carries their own burden and reaps what they sow. This is also a part of divine manifestation.
Leaving them to their fate, we proceeded towards the mosque.
As Gasil passed by the house, I saw some activity there, too. Some people were rushing in and out. Both of them were my sons. They were helping the housekeeper of Gasil. This was perfectly normal. All my life, I had tried to teach them about the virtue of dealing with funerals, hoping for the pleasure of Allah (c.c.). They must have been attending the funeral of an acquaintance or close friend.
We entered the mosque and sat in the front row. After the prayer is over, when it's time for the rosary, the muezzin brings istirca and says:
He said, "Inna lillah wa inna ilayhi raji'un = We are the servants of Allah and we will return to Allah." This meant that there was a funeral and the prayer would be performed.
Laughing for:
- Wow, meatballs, I thought. How well they arranged everything. So I came to this game of theirs. I'll take it to the end. It'll be really fun to see their faces when they realize I didn't swallow their jokes.
After the prayer, we were at the forefront of the funeral prayer. When the Imam raised his hand for takbir, he pushed me with a hand and led me to the side of the coffin. I had to stand there during the prayer. But I was determined to take this game to the end no matter what.
After the prayer, the coffin was loaded. There was me on the right front of the coffin, and my friend on the left front. A few people were also helping us. The rear end was loaded by my sons and relatives. The coffin was moved from hand to hand quickly and quickly. From hand to hand, we carried the coffin to the carriage at once, like a boat flowing down a river of outstretched arms and hands.
After the coffin was placed, when I saw my friend get into the car, I got in too. Just like when moving, I was on the right front and my friend was on the left front. My two sons were sitting at the back of the coffin. Their heads were down, their eyes were teary, and their noses were crimson-red. It was as if they had not seen me and my friend.
Shortly, laughingly:
I muttered, "Get out of you." You try to deceive me, to play games, huh… Look at them, how sincerely and beautifully they play their roles, as if they were real.
I chuckled, trying to imagine the look on their faces when they realized that I hadn't swallowed their game, that I knew everything from the start, but that I had tricked them. It gave me immense pleasure as it showed my vigilance and intelligence, and I was determined to make it through to the end.
It didn't take long for us to reach the cemetery. Together with two people, my friend and I carried the coffin in the front and brought it to the pit that was dug with the help of the other people.
My friend landed in the pit and signaled for me to get down. Two more people went down with us. The pit was narrow, but even though we were four people, we didn't bump into each other and didn't hinder the movements. It was as if the two of us weren't there.
The four of us held the body wrapped in a white cloth, lowered it into the grave and placed it. Two other people were placing the extended boards, while me and my friend were straightening them.
Everything was fine until the last piece of wood was inserted. When the last piece was put in, I found myself on the other side of the boards, next to the corpse. Did someone push me here? For a moment, I was stunned in this unexpected movement or situation. The rumbling and loud noises of the discarded lands on the boards would remove my surprise. Frightened, I tried to shout.
-Hey! I'm here, you forgot me.
But no one could hear me, and my friend had disappeared. I tried to shout a few more times in horror, to get out of my place, but I couldn't.
The roar of the shoveled lands slowly faded, and I found myself in deep darkness. His eyes could not see. The place I was in was narrow and small, but it seemed as wide as the horizons to me. The one next to me was wrapped in a white cloth. A white statue that had fallen by my side hung in the darkness like a reclining white ghost.
While I was thinking about what to do in confusion and fear, a voice read my tag. My head hit the boards in the haste of trying to figure out where the sound was coming from. This crash made me wake up from sleep and sharpened my attention. The voice that read my tag started to give the talk. I was listening to him carefully. When your talk was over, I came face to face with reality for the first time. At first it was a fearful doubt. my god! Or am I really dead? I rushed to the one who was lying in a white cloth and looked at his face. There was my face that was no longer mine, my hair and beard still wet. I should have been the one bathing in the house of Gasil. And there, for the first time, I realized that I had died. Everything was more real than real. I was dead, buried in my grave and all alone.Hey! I'm here, you forgot me.
But no one could hear me, and my friend had disappeared. I tried to shout a few more times in horror, to get out of my place, but I couldn't.
The roar of the shoveled lands slowly faded, and I found myself in deep darkness. His eyes could not see. The place I was in was narrow and small, but it seemed as wide as the horizons to me. The one next to me was wrapped in a white cloth. A white statue that had fallen by my side hung in the darkness like a reclining white ghost.
While I was thinking about what to do in confusion and fear, a voice read my tag. My head hit the boards in the haste of trying to figure out where the sound was coming from. This crash made me wake up from sleep and sharpened my attention. The voice that read my tag started to give the talk. I was listening to him carefully. When your talk was over, I came face to face with reality for the first time. At first it was a fearful doubt. my god! Or am I really dead? I rushed to the one who was lying in a white cloth and looked at his face. There was my face that was no longer mine, my hair and beard still wet. I should have been the one bathing in the house of Gasil. And there, for the first time, I realized that I had died. Everything was more real than real. I was dead, buried in my grave and all alone.
0 notes
dieonerememerberbook · 3 years ago
While I was drifting with stillness in the storms of fear and loneliness, two lights appeared in white drops, tearing my dark horizons and they got bigger as they got closer. Two people came out. Like my friend who told me that he was Azrael (a.s), they were dressed in white and long dresses and had beautiful faces. They had wands in their hands. They approached and saluted.
Loneliness and fear weighed heavily on my back and made me feel cold and overwhelmed. The white and soft images of the visitors were warm and reassuring. I received their greetings with both astonishment and joy and replied. They sat down on their knees right in front of me and gestured me to do as they did. I sat across from them like them and looked at their faces with curiosity. The corpse lay between us, like a white sculpture hanging in the darkness.
They both looked alike, like twins. It was as if they were copies of each other.
The one on the right, smiling:
He said, "We are Munker and Nekir. Our duty is to meet you at the door of the hereafter and to ask some questions.
I was stunned but also filled with joy.
A little confused, looking at their faces:
-Ask questions? Said. Do you need this? What can be hidden from the All-Knowing, inside and out?
The angel on the left intervenes:
-Surely, He knows everything best; He creates and directs. Of course we know who and what you are. He said that what is asked of you is confession only with the tongue.
-I said okay. But if you'll excuse me, first of all I want to ask you a question. This is the thirst-like urge of a faculty bestowed in my creation. I would be glad if you answer.
Munker looked at his friend and smiled. It was as if there was a hidden meaning, a secret about me in his look and smile. Looking at my face again
Surely the easiest way to learn is to ask questions. Asking questions is the mother of knowledge and the easiest way to learn. Ask us what you want. He said, "We will answer as much as our Lord allows and as much as we know."
Curiosity was in my creation as an impulse. He was always by my side, like a naughty but cute child or a good and beautiful friend who pokes his nose into everything.
I was aware that sometimes my questions were childish. It was like an unquenchable thirst. Despite everything, I forgot where I was and my situation because I had such an opportunity to satisfy and satisfy my impulse. I was extremely happy and excited.
This excitement, joy and happiness must have been reflected on my face. Like a child who finds the toy he wants, I can't fit in, I forget the pathetic situation I'm in, and I am thrown out, overflowing with happiness. It was the opportunity to learn something that made me so happy and forgot everything.
To my visitors:
I said, "If you are really Munkar and Nakir, you must be two angels from Allah's (c.c.) angels.
Then I continued looking at their faces with curiosity and interest.
-We thought of angels in the image of women, we imagined them that way, we learned that way. You are the men. Or are angels private persons?
Nekir's face lit up with a smile. He directed his eyes towards Mun-ker's direction. It was as if he were asking what should I answer this childish question I posed to him. After his eyes spoke for a moment and agreed with those meaningful lights that I had just seen, Nekir turned his face to me again and said:
He said, "The greatest blessing of Allah (c.c.) is the impulse of curiosity, which is the product of your mind, that has both elevated and humbled you. Happy are those who can use their minds and other faculties in the right way.
Then he continued, shaking his head in the negative sense.
-No! There is no gender in the sense that you think with us. We do not have anything of our own. Our images are for the people we go to visit.
-I said I understand. You come to women as women and to men as men. Thank you for satisfying my curiosity. As for the previous topic...
I hesitated for a moment. This; It stemmed from my own doubt, or fear, of knowing or not knowing what was being asked. I was feeling a little nervous and very excited, like a student taking an exam.
But my hesitation did not last long.
"As always, I bow to my fate," I said. I realize that October is already past. Ask me what you want. I hope I can answer.
The angel named Nekir came a little closer to me and said:
-Who is your Lord? He said let me know about him.
In response to his question, I recited the basmala and read Surah İhlas.
“In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful,
Say: He is Allah, the only one. He has no spouse.
He is Allah, He is Samed.
Not born, not justified.
Nothing is his equal.”
When they heard the Surah Ihlas, the eyes of the angels who came to question me shone.
This time, the angel named Munker:
-Who is your prophet? He said let us know about him too.
Remembering our Master Rasul-u Ekrem took me to a deep excitement and happiness resembling awe. I was overflowing with my love for him. For a moment I forgot where I was. After a nice time:
-He is the Sultan of one hundred and twenty-four thousand prophets. He is Hatem-ul-Anbiya.
It is the Self-Kibriyâ, whom my Lord created the universes for, for the sake of his face.
I said that he is the Beloved of my Lord, Muhammad Mustafa.
This time the angel named Nekir:
How did you spend your life where you lingered for that moment? Where did you spend your life that our Lord bestowed as a blessing? she asked.
I said by trying to raise two children and pursuing knowledge.
You are someone who has pursued knowledge all your life. Give us some advice and advice, benefit from your knowledge. Let us know, too. Who is the best person who spends his life's capital and makes the best use of it? She asked.
I didn't need to think too much to answer this question.
-Those people who spend their lives raising better and better Muslim children than themselves. I said that in the world where we lingered for a moment, they are the most beneficent people who make the best use of life capital.
Nekir's eyes gleamed:
-So, better and better children than parents? She asked.
-I said yes. It is. Islam only rises in this way.
The angels asked me many more questions about my religion, and I tried to answer them as much as I could. Finally, they smiled. This was like proof that I passed the exam successfully.
Angel on my right:
"That's enough," he said.
Throwing in hope:
-I said okay. Will I be able to see the Messenger of Allah and be a drop of the ocean that surrounds him?
Nekir answered this question.
Everyone who knows and obeys Him is a drop of this ocean. “This is divine promise and predestination,” he said. But in order for you to see Him, first of all, you need to be purified and cleaned. Because you can't go to him dirty.
It had only been a few hours since I had washed them, but they were talking about my dirt and my mess. I would say that I am clean, I just washed, but I immediately realized that this was not the truth. There must have been soul pollution, that is, sins that the angels talked about.
I said, "I think you are talking about my soul, which is open to the dirt of sin." I seek refuge with the Most Merciful and Merciful from the sins I have done knowingly or unknowingly, and hope for the intercession of our Messenger of Allah.
Those who take refuge in Him in time and place usually do not return empty-handed. They said, "Stay here for a while until the divine will manifests itself."
Then, without another word, they left as they had come, leaving me alone with my hopes and my fearful and dull solitude.
Again, I was left alone in that tiny and narrow cell that seemed to me as big and wide as worlds. My loneliness filled universes, but my place was tiny.
The thing that stood like a white statue overturned, shimmering with pale and cold lights in the darkness, occupied most of this narrow place. I was side by side with him, I was together, but my loneliness was still as big as universes. The universes of solitude were trapped in this tiny and narrow place. And I was among them, lost in them and gone. I was not even a lost drop in these dark oceans.
A tiny light appeared on the right side of my grave from somewhere in the dark horizons in which I was lost, and it got closer and closer. It got bigger as it got closer. When he came right in front of me, I saw that it was a big hole or a window. A bit of hope, more of curiosity, I bent down and looked.
A lush plain stretching to infinity unfolded before my eyes. This plain contained every shade of green. A deep blue sky covered it, like a satin quilt. There were tiny clouds of white cotton balls hovering here and there on this atlas quilt. Every place, everywhere I know, what I don't know, what I see, what I don't see; It was covered with trees, flowers, grasses, grasses, as small as a hand, gigantic, the tops of which I was unable to see. In some parts of this green ocean, tiny lakes gleamed like broken mirrors thrown into the grass. Flowers and fruits hung from the silver branches of the trees that stretched out in all directions. These were both similar and dissimilar to what we knew, what we knew. They wish a little different, much more beautiful-than the flowers and fruits we know.
My mouth fell open in dreamy astonishment at what I had seen. It was as if I was having a very pleasant dream.
The radiant fruits hanging from the branches looked like fragrant diamonds, their sparkles were mixing with each other from where they were, and they were tempered in a thousand and one colours. Everywhere was in a rain of color and light. Colors and sparkles were mixing, complementing each other, making them stronger and more beautiful. There was such harmony and integrity in them that; I was listening to the composition of these colors, sparkles and beauties with my eyes and my heart, admiring and enchanted.
Flowers sparkling like little diamonds appeared from the trees, birds of a thousand and one colors and a thousand species were merrily up and down, chirping and playing like children. Crystal juicy waterfalls flowed from the beautifully curved little mounds. In the depths, on the hills of green valleys or slopes; very nice mansions and palaces looked like big stars or pearls.
What I saw was so beautiful that for a moment I just stood there in awe. I couldn't help thinking how happy and rich the owners of these palaces and mansions must be. For a moment, I thought of myself as one of the people living there. I was filled with envy and longing.
This beautiful dream did not last long. After a few minutes, this window or hole through which I was looking went away as slowly as it came, then disappeared.
While I was enchanted by what I saw and in the bewildered drunkenness of it, this time a hole appeared on the left side of my grave. Thinking that I could see what was shown again, I ran with excitement and joy to the newly opened place to look.
In front of me was a black hole, a corridor resembling a huge and deep well, twisting downwards. At the bottom of the well or the corridor, a “Something” was stirring, shimmering in strange intertwined colors, roaring and grunting like lions, and occasionally leaping towards where I was.
That “The Thing” was like flames, like fiery snakes. It was playful like them, with long, red tongues like them, but it wasn't fire or snake as we know it. It was something different from that. More different, more agile, more burning than him; he was like a living, trained but ruthless animal. His Creator revealed and taught what he was in charge of, and he was in the realization of this duty, in his thirst, and he was impatient to do it as soon as possible, he was stomping and could not sit still.
When I saw this throwing, roaring, grumbling “Thing,” I froze for a moment.
With a sudden reaction:
-My God! What is that? I shouted.
The heaven that was just shown, was this hell too?
By prostrating repeatedly:
-My God! I seek refuge in the attributes of Rahman and Rahim from Hell. I begged you to forgive my sins and put me in a paradise of paradise.
While I was in prostration, that “Thing” slowly disappeared like the other one and was never shown again. And again I began to patiently await my fate, which was appreciated in that cold and silent solitude.
The place where I was and the others were intertwined like honeycombs, and it was as if there was a transparent layer, a curtain between us. I could easily see and hear the other graves, their inhabitants, what they were doing, what was going on. We were side by side, we were together, but we were still far from each other and isolated. We couldn't talk to each other, we couldn't make our voices heard, we couldn't help. It was as if we were watching a movie in which we were the actors and the audience.
Sometimes; As if in a dream, I would emerge from where I was, become a tiny bird, and fly away towards those beautiful places I had seen. I ate the fruits that looked like tiny gems hanging from the branches, and after I had fed, I was returning to my grave, to my cage. I did not want to return, but it was divine destiny; It was impossible for me to resist.
Some of those in the grave were naked and trembling. Some of them also wore precious clothes and furs.
The first thing I noticed; Besides, where did some of the graves come from, and that they were illuminated with a bright, shining light of unknown origin. Others were in a heavy, dark, foul-smelling darkness and were hardly noticeable.
The faces of those whose graves were illuminated looked very comfortable and happy. However, crying, begging, groaning or tormenting sounds were coming from the other graves that I could hardly feel and see their movements.
It was bright where I was, but brighter than my grave; When I see those who are bathed in a bright and shining light, I can't help but envy them; As I saw and felt the groans, crying, begging voices coming from the depths, I was afraid to prostrate myself, asking for forgiveness and forgiveness, and thanking them.
In the first days, my grave narrowed a little and it got hot enough to make me sweat. This first surprised me, then scared me. From some of the dark graves there are groans, shrieks, the smell of meat, it terrifies me; Again and again, it caused me to prostrate myself for forgiveness and forgiveness.
Time was still and slow, like a raging river reaching the ocean; he dragged them and collapsed on me with what he brought. It had collapsed, but beyond a thin line, it flows as far as it knows, it implements its eternal decree, it destroys everything; the glutton opened his insatiable mouth; He was eating heavily and eating heavily.
It was as if I was completely isolated from the one lying next to me, but we still had strong and unbreakable bonds. I knew and felt this from the very first moments. These ties were a little strange, severed, isolated, but still intertwined with him.
It was as if he was in a deep sleep lying there and I was his dream. Or it was black writing on a white page, and I was its meaning. But what happened in him and what was formed did not affect these bonds and me.
Those big and ruthless wheels of time started to grind and crumble me like the previous ones. First my eyes watered, then my brain and flesh were eaten by worms and insects. Maybe months, years passed when I turned into white bones, but not a moment had passed where I was.
From time to time to listen; I was listening to the noises and footsteps. In the first few months of my death, these clatters and footsteps were quite frequent. The prayers were like bountiful rains. It fed us, cooled us, made us happy. As they came and went, our graves were getting wider, brighter and cooler. We were looking forward to the arrival of our visitors.
As time passed, these comings and goings decreased, and then they stopped altogether. Time implemented its eternal decree, and we were slowly and slowly forgotten like the others.
The heavy roller of time had smashed, destroyed and was destroying everything, we had become our essence now, but there was no change in their situation other than the number of me and my neighbors in the grave.
My bottom, my top, my right and my left were filled with intertwined graves like honeycombs. Pretending to sleep in a frozen black silence, without actually sleeping, with our eyes closed but seeing everything very well, our eyes were on the road, waiting for our visitors, hoping they would come. In these days, I learned that hope does not die easily, that when it dies, its backbone is broken, and what real loneliness, hope or despair is.
After a while; when my white bones are bruised and become earthy; From the depths, from the very depths, a wall sound was heard. This sound was so strong and high-pitched that we were instantly shaken from our places like geysers gushing out; We awoke from our sleepless sleep.
We were all in a state of alert. Our senses were extremely sensitive and keen, but it was as if all our strength had come to our hearing, concentrated there, and we were listening to the sounds coming with great attention. We were all in a state of complete waiting and listening. Our whole being was focused on one point.
Then… Suddenly the ground began to shake. Cracks and crevices formed in the darkness that covered us like a ceiling. Like the water flowing from these crevices and cracks, human beings were falling on us, deviatingly and deviatingly. Everywhere was full of dead people without graves and shrouds. They were much more than large drops of a heavy downpour. We were in a flood of people flowing, stagnant and growing.
The whole world, the whole universe, started to shake with our graves, and this shaking was getting bigger and bigger. It was as if a very strong earthquake, or a volcano that erupted, was throwing everywhere like cotton balls, interlocking them, and the whole universe was collapsing on itself.
From the holes, crevices and cracks opened towards us, a dirty yellow smoke, as dense as a cloud of mist, started to come out. It was as if the universe above us was being thrown left and right with a crazy whirlwind. It was ignited by an unstoppable fire, and a thick-smelling smoke enveloped everything.
Finally, this crazy whirlwind died down slowly, and the whole place fell into an odorous silence, much darker than in the first periods. This silence; it was dull, heavy, hard and sharp as steel. We were listening in this steely silence, confused but still in order.
We are again in the astonishment of what we see and in complete calm in appearance, but in reality in a whirlwind of fear and uneasiness; we were waiting and waiting for what would happen, agitating in stillness and silence, drifting here and there with stillnesses. The uneasiness of feeling that something very important was about to happen was making this dull and still whirlwind stronger.
After a while, a second wall sound was heard. This voice was stronger and higher-pitched than the first.
How long has it been lying next to me, crumbled, grounded, lost, and forgotten; He just shrugged off as if nothing had happened. He straightened and opened his eyes.
I realized right away that it was actually me who shook off, opened his eyes. It was as if I had been in a deep sleep and had just woken up. In this awakening, my body, which was lost to dust, was in me, and I was in him. It was like we had never been apart. For a long time, my disembodied body was embodied, and it became me again. Again I saw with his eyes, spoke with his mouth again, touched with his hands, heard with his ears. That sheath, called the body, became my body again after thousands of years.
That me, which was not me, had become me again, identified with me, but this was me at least thirty years before my death.
I was wearing a white dress that looked like a shroud. It was as if I was in ihram in Arafat. Later, excesses and deficiencies were removed and I was transformed into the original state I was created. When I died—that old, diseased me was gone, and another me took its place. I must have been maybe a little over thirty. As if I was young, vigorous and healthy, it was as if I had never died, never been in a grave.
While he was in complex emotions such as fear, surprise, joy, astonishment, that earthquake or crazy whirlwind started once again. An erupting volcano was raging everywhere with all its violence, moving worlds and throwing them like cotton balls. My eyes were popping out of their sockets. My health, vigor, and youth were increasing these horrors and fears. The fear of losing again after gaining what I had lost was really heavy and difficult.
I looked to my right and to my left at those who had surrounded me. They were all sitting up straight. They listen to the sound of the wall with their protruding eyes, they are tossed left and right like me, asking each other, "What's going on?" they were asking.
A small hole appeared at the right end of my grave. It was spinning like a whirlpool, widening more and more. Curiously, I approached him and bent down to look at him. Inside was that “Thing” I had seen before. A “Something” that cannot be explained with words, that does not fit into meanings, and is similar to what I have seen before.
A hungry and frightening “Something” approaching, growling like packs of raging lions, roaring, leaping like hungry tigers, swaying like coils of fiery snakes, trying to snatch whatever they catch with their long fiery tongues.
Frightened by the fear of what I saw, I startled and threw myself at the far end of my place, to the left of my grave.
They must have noticed that “Thing” in my other neighbors because they are doing the same as me, looking at each other with eyes that pop out of their sockets with horror; they were shouting loudly.
There was only one place to escape, to take refuge. I did that too. Immediately prostrate:
-Lord, what is this? From what I've seen; I groaned to seek refuge in the attributes of Rahman and Rahim, and in your mercy.
That hole got bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger to fill where I was.
We all came close to the left end wall of our graves and leaned our backs firmly; We were waiting for what would happen, for the manifestation of our destinies, in a way. We were pale, our eyes bulging out of their sockets, and we were screaming in fear.
At this time, a cry was heard from the depths.
- Those who are able should go to the other side.
The “Thing” that had ripped our hearts out with fear was clearly visible through the widening and deepening hole. It was stated that those who were able should cross, but how could this be possible when there was that huge bubbling, roaring hole in front of us and that “Thing” in that hole?
My talent, which is inclined to learn and research and resembles that unquenchable thirst, came to my rescue here as well. Hoping to find the answer to this question, I glanced at my neighbors.
Since when did I take those who were filled with light and bathed in that light as my guide, doing as they did and imitating them.
Most of the people there were like me and desperately trying to do something; but they could do nothing but wail and scream.
However, when I looked more carefully, I saw that those I had guided myself crossed easily as if there was a passage or a bridge over a huge hole or well opened in front of them. This was a great hope for me that I could hug with all my hands and sprinkled water and cooled my inflamed heart.
My eyes; He hovered over the huge vortex that grew bigger and bigger in front of me, filling almost my entire tomb. I was delirious with joy when I saw that a bridge had formed over that vortex, although not too thick, suitable for walking and crossing over it. And now; Without forgetting, I went to the prostration of gratitude to my Lord who bestowed this blessing.
While I was crossing the bridge, I had opposite emotions such as fear, hope, terror, joy. When I managed to cross to the right end of my grave, I could not help myself from prostrating once again. After the prostration:
I said a thousand thanks to my Lord.
After raising my head from the prostration of gratitude, I looked over my neighbors. It was the force called curiosity that drove me to it. Despite everything, I knew and hoped that there could be many lessons and wisdoms in what I saw and learned.
Most of my neighbors were at my first surprise and as if they did not know what to do, they look at the hole, the well, which is getting bigger and bigger in front of them, ready to be swallowed; they tried to escape, to avoid, and when they failed, they screamed in despair.
Some of my neighbors had bridges that looked like the one I was crossing, and they were of varying thickness. Some of them were wide enough for a person to shake their hands, some were as thin as a hair and as sharp as a sword. Some did not. Maybe there was but I just couldn't see it.
Finally, some of them must have noticed the bridge over the well, because they started trying to reach the right side by crossing it. Some of them succeeded in this, while others screamed and fell into that giant vortex and disappeared.
After a while, everything happened; Screams, shrieks, pleadings died down slowly, and the whole place became that steely silence again. We and that huge hole on our right were patiently waiting in this nerve-racking steel silence. That “Thing”, on the other hand, seemed to have entered its nest, had calmed down, and had fallen into a deep sleep.
And after a long time that “Thing” woke up again; it began to sway, to grow, to fill our place. When I realized it, I looked to my right and left with fear and haste. Meanwhile, on my right, a door with a huge padlock appeared. I had never seen this door and its lock before. Maybe there was and I didn't notice.
The lock on it looked rusty and too big to open. I knew salvation was behind that door, but I had no idea how to open it.
A voice, from which I do not know where it came from, cried out again.
- Those who have the key should open the locks and go out.
inside me:
-My God! We came here naked and alone. Where can I find the key? It was too late to ask, but Azrael (a.s):
I remember him saying, "People take their needs themselves".
I looked to my right, a string of keys dangling. I had never seen or noticed them before. There were some inscriptions on them. But I didn't know which key would open that huge rusty lock.
My eyes wandered over my neighbors, mostly when I took a guide. Some of those; those whose graves are bright and full of bright light; They would take the largest of the hanging keys, insert it into the lock, turn it, and open the door with ease. In others, the strings of keys were hung from their waists, but the key they took out did not fit the lock; Even if it fits, it breaks, those who don't break try again and again, but they still couldn't open it.
His eyes popped out of their sockets; they look with horror at the pits that are getting bigger and bigger, preparing to swallow, widening and deepening like the mouth of a funnel; they try to open the door again and again in a hurry and fear, but they cannot succeed; wailing and screaming, they fell into the pit and disappeared.
Some had no keys at all. They were also desperately looking left and right, but could not find the keys. Their fate was like the others.
It was a hope for some of them that they could easily unlock the lock with their keys, but the others I saw were also a source of horror, pushing me into the hell of fears, making me panic.
-My God! Begging for your mercy, I took the largest of the strings of keys hanging from my waist. It had the word "Kelime-i Tevhit" written on it. I put the key in the lock, it fit and it opened easily.
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dieonerememerberbook · 3 years ago
I took my steps outward, full of gratitude. The door opened into a vast plain that stretched out to the horizon. Everything was as flat as a tray. There was not the slightest indentation, protrusion, tree, mountain, hill, or anything like that. Everywhere was swarming with people.
Two people greeted me outside. They both looked like men. They were dressed in white like the ones who had come to me before, and they were very beautiful. The face of the one on the right lit up with a smile. The face of the one on the left, as if with sadness or sadness, was darkened and slightly hung.
The smiley one on the right:
- Welcome. He said I am Muhlis.
And the sullen one standing on my left:
- Welcome. He said, 'I am Gaffar too.
Then both:
-This is Arasat. It is where the great journey begins. They said, 'We have been waiting for you here for a long time.
His words were astonishing and aroused my curiosity.
-Were you waiting for me? I asked. Or did you know me before?
Muhlis answered on behalf of both of them.
- We were always with you in that place where you lingered a little, like a passenger taking a break in the shade of a tree on a long journey. I was on the right and my friend was on the left, and we never left his side as long as you were there. We were the witnesses and scribes of your deeds there, together with you.
I cried out in amazement.
-Or were you my kirâmünkâtib angels?
They both confirm what I have said and shake their heads:
They said yes. As long as you were there, we were always with you, but sometimes you noticed us, sometimes you didn't. When you knew about us, your deeds were good, and when you forgot them, they were evil.
They continued, showing a thick, black-covered notebook.
-What is written here is about your good or bad deeds that you did there. This is our report about which we will present to our Lord. They said you are responsible for what is written here.
I was a weak creature with a soul. Most of what was written in this thick notebook must have been my sins. Ashamed of the multitude of sins I have done knowingly and unknowingly:
I said, "I seek refuge in the forgiveness and forgiveness of my Lord from the weight of that notebook." Otherwise, how can I carry them with my weak body? It is not possible for me to pay for it. I hope you treat me with good judgment and compassion.
-Here, neither bribery nor favor is possible. With the permission of our Lord, we practiced favoritism abundantly, while you were on the other side. We hastened to write while you are doing good deeds, waiting for you to repent when you commit a sin, and took it slow.
This is not sowing, but harvesting. Here, justice does not go astray even a single moustache, it is not bent.
We can only say this much.
People get bad habits from Iblis. The seeds of sins are in bad habits. They feed and grow in wombs called nafs. That's why sins to the soul look beautiful and sweet, just as puppies appear to their mothers.
Good habits are from my Lord. They are in the light that he has added to the slime of creation with his eyes. That light is the mother of good habits and good feelings.
Mercy is the most beautiful of good habits and comes directly from my Lord.
Those who do not show mercy have no share in being shown mercy. Only those who show mercy are shown mercy.
But people generally don't feel sorry for themselves. They are inclined to sin by following their nafs. If they are nafs, they are selfish and cruel. For the nafs, sin is like honey in which poison has been added. That's why they think that the souls tasted while they sinned, they like it. But in reality they have driven themselves to destruction.
Our Lord is Rahman and Rahim. It's very forgiving. He has left the doors of repentance and forgiveness open to his sinful servants, but only He knows the validity of what was done at the last moment. That's why we never lose hope in His mercy. It is hoped that you will be one of his happy servants who have attained His forgiveness and forgiveness. There's nothing we can do about it. They said that we are only your guide, your guide on this journey.
Despite everything; I was in the thirst of a friend, a friend, which increased and frothed my loneliness, which I thought had lasted for many years. Meeting them and these encouraging words delighted me as if I had found a spring of cool water; It made me feel cool and refreshed. I was thrown out with a thousand hopes.
-My guides? I asked. So are you my comrades, my friends? Will you be my hand and my burden, like a true friend?
They both shake their heads in the negative:
- They said no. Our job is only to show the way. We cannot help you with this. We seek refuge in Allah (c.c.) from the burdens you bring. We are from them. We cannot afford to carry them, to hold them by the end. Every person brings his own burden, carries it himself. This is the requirement of divine manifestation.
I said I understand. You are free from these dirty burdens. Those who are only on the backs of created souls. But I still can't help wondering about certain things. This is the natural result of the greatest blessing bestowed upon me. That's why I see it as my right to ask you some questions. Will you allow me to quench the thirst of my curiosity, which is the product of my mind, with your answers?
For a moment, they looked at each other's faces with eyes full of meaning. They spoke and agreed in the strange, mysterious and silent language of your eyes. Finally, a smile crossed their faces and enlightened them. Seeing them like that made me feel enlightened and warm. In them I found the fertile brightness and warmth of the spring sun. And this was watering and cracking the seeds of my flowers of hope, which were never lacking in me.
Both turn to me:
They said as much as our Lord has given.
I said, "I've just seen and lived the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly together. I tried to understand, learn and interpret some of these with my mind, which I thought to be endless, but which was actually narrow and limited. But I know that my mind is narrow, short, and cross-eyed, and cannot always find the truth.
I also know that what I have seen is related to divine manifestation, that there will be no injustice or oppression here, and that divine justice will not go astray. I'm just asking out of curiosity. Because to seek the truth is to seek the truth.
Some of our grave friends could not cross the bridge. Some of the passers-by did not have keys. Some of what happened didn't work, didn't open the doors, or they broke while opening them. All of these I counted fell into pits of infinite depth and perished. Why is that?
-Didn't you read the writing on the key that unlocked it? she asked.
-I said I read it. He wrote Kalima-i Tawhid. But there was the same writing on the keys that did not open or were broken. Some had no keys at all. This is one of the reasons that confuses my mind.
“The reason for this is quite simple,” he said. Those who cannot cross the bridge; Those who do not know their Lord, associate partners with Him, stubbornly defend them, and spend their lives persecuting. This group is the eternal guests of hell.
From the pits they fell into to the lowest level of Hell; They are thrown into Haviye, Derk-i Esfel without question, and they can't get out of there again. The doors of mercy, forgiveness and intercession are also closed to them. They are there forever.
The hell they fell into makes them their own. While everything is rolled up and lifted after it is done, they are also rolled up and lifted with it.
Those who pass the bridge without a key; Those who do not have faith, deny their Creator even though they see and know that they were created, those who cannot be blessed with Kalima-i Tawhid, and those who associate partners with Allah. But even if they do not know the Rahman; they have succeeded in embellishing their lives with good habits and good deeds. Otherwise, they would not be able to cross the bridge like those in the first group, and they would be in torment forever. Their location is slightly above Derk-Esfel. It is hoped that they will attain my Lord's forgiveness and forgiveness after a while.
This shows that the benevolent goodness and good nature have no value other than a small hope bestowed on them. This hope, on the other hand, is the good news that they will be forgiven by my Almighty Lord after a while, because they embellish their lives with good habits and goodness.
Those who have the keys but cannot open it or whose keys are broken are the hypocrites who confess with their tongues but do not believe with their hearts, the hypocrites, the miserable people who think they are deceiving Allah (c.c.), and those who deliberately kill innocent lives. They are in the first or second group according to the acts they commit. God forgives if He wills.
Those who open the keys; Those who acknowledge Kalima-i Tawhid with their tongues and approve with their hearts, that one word saved them.
As you see and know, no one is treated unfairly or oppressed here. Here the scales of justice are full and balanced.
I bow my head:
-Yes I understand. I said thank God.
Search for:
It was called for everyone to come to their load.
Gaffar pointed to a pile of black sacks:
-There he said. This is your load.
In horror:
I cried out that I would take refuge in the mercy of my Lord. How do I carry all this burden?
-Or do you have an objection to your load? She asked.
I thought for a moment. Those two angels standing in front of me were my rental menkatibin. Everything, good or bad, was indelibly written in my notebook. In addition, my own soul was witness to every sin I did. Objecting my burden would be tantamount to denying myself. It was also impossible for me to doubt the justice of my Lord. Therefore, I did not fall into any doubts.
-I said no. Undoubtedly, my Lord is just. There are also witnesses to my sins. To object means to deny my own self with you. I submit to the will of my Lord without objection, and I take refuge in the attributes of Rahman and Rahim.
Everyone was beside each other in the human hope that filled this vast plain. Heads bowed to the ground in an uncontrollable sense of shame. Even mothers pretended not to recognize their cubs.
Your wait was bored and the air of this day did not last long. The sea of ​​human-humans suddenly began to ripple and sway, as if caught in a sudden storm. A deafening hum covered the whole place. The human beings began to argue, fight and fight with their own selves. Everyone was blaming themselves, and some were cursing their souls. Hands witnessed what the mouths said, arms what the hands did, and feet witnessed what the arms did. Every person was at the same time guilty, oppressed, prosecutor and judge. Most human beings deny their sins with their mouths; no, they were saying that we did not commit such a sin, but their hands, arms and eyes were denying what they said, and they were testifying against themselves. There were even those who fought and fought with themselves in a somewhat strange and ridiculous way. Some of them had blackened faces, eyes, and split heads from their own blows. I stared at this state of human beings in amazement and amazement.
Gaffar, pointing to the people swarming around me with his hand:
"Look around," he said. Maybe you will be one of those who take lessons and increase your gratitude.
With amazement and amazement:
-O my Lord! What are these humans trying to do like that? I shouted that I saw them arguing and fighting with themselves.
Muhlis answered this question.
Every person is his own prosecutor, his own judge here. Every person judges his own soul here. He said that if you had not accepted the will of your Lord without objection, you would have been like them.
The human beings took a long time to reason with their own selves. Finally, this huge sea of ​​people settled down slowly. The reasoning of people with their own selves came to an end and their punishments were cut.
Humans carry loads like huge hills or tiny mountains; heaps had filled this huge, huge plain, and they were swarming, overflowing, swarming, stretching out towards the horizon. These loads had a few sacks, small ones as well as big ones as mountains, and most of them were these. This too; It was like a proof, a sign of how little people felt sorry for themselves, how prone to sin, how open they were. In general, these loads were too heavy and large for their weak backs and shoulders.
Compared to the other loads, my load seemed very small, but even the current one was enough to embarrass me and put me to the ground. I bow my head in shame and again:
I said, "I seek refuge in the mercy of my Lord.
Again a shout was heard.
- Let everyone see their accounts with each other. No one should have any rights.
The activity of the people filling the huge plain and boiling hot has increased one more fold. They were going left and right, searching and finding whoever had how much they had left.
In the world where I lingered for a moment, I paid great attention to the rights of the slaves. I thought I didn't have the right to use it, but a person approached where I was. I recognized him immediately. This was our neighborhood's grocery store.
He looked at me as if ashamed and said:
He said, "I'm going to buy a civet from you."
His words both surprised and frightened me.
-But… But how? I stuttered. I was very meticulous so that the right of slave would not be exceeded. I did my best in it.
The grocer looks at me again and says:
"It's a very small thing," he said. You must have forgotten because you were small. But here the big and the small, the weak and the strong are in the same place, in the same place. The fact that you forgot it does not waste this right. Give me my right. Otherwise, you will bear some of my burden.
But how can I give you your due? I was going to say that I have nothing here, but Azrael (a.s.):
The phrase “-People take their needs from here” came to mind.
I looked hopefully at the place where my load was. I saw that there was a white pouch on the edge of the sacks. I ran excitedly and grabbed it. Intra; It was filled with precious stones similar to pearls, diamonds, rubies, but much more beautiful.
Muhlis and Gaffar:
They said, "They are the reward for your good deeds and good deeds."
-I said OK. I can pay for all this. What do you want from me for a miskal slave right? Is it enough if I give you a big pearl?
The grocer shook his head as if he would not consent:
-He said no. The value of one mikallik slave right here is a hundred carat diamond. I will not accept anything less.
"But it's too expensive," I shouted. You think about taking advantage of the opportunity, you try to sell your right more expensive than it is.
Muhlis prodded me:
-Give him what he wants and say goodbye. You cannot go to your destination with the right of servants, and you cannot reach your destination with the right of servants. Get rid of the hump on your back, the dirt on your face, the blemish on your forehead.
I gave him what he wanted. After saying goodbye and sending the grocery store, a few more people came. After I gave them their rights and became halal, there was not much left in my purse. All these were things I had never thought of, never calculated. I was afraid that other people would come and that what was in my purse would not be enough. This fear must have hit my face because Gaffar turned to look at me and said:
-You're afraid, he said.
-I said yes. Almost nothing left in my purse. The debts of human rights that fell on me without realizing it consumed almost all of my wealth. Oh my God!.. If those who pass by unknowingly are like this, who knows how those who pass by knowingly are? I seek refuge in my Lord from falling into such a situation. I am afraid that others will come, that I will not be able to give their rights and reach the range.
Muhlis intervenes in the words:
-Undoubtedly, this fear is one of Allah-u Teala's (c.c) kahhar attributes. It is the most necessary thing for a servant that protects him from sins. Undoubtedly, our Lord is very merciful to His servants and is also just. He said to check the cut again.
When I checked my pouch, I was astounded. My ores, which were almost depleted, had increased and had returned to their old amount as if they had never been spent.
I cried with joy.
-The ores in my bag have increased. But how can this be? I didn't do anything to win them?
Muhlis' face lit up with a smile.
He said, "You once planted a tree on such and such ground. You must have forgotten. He was a hase. The fact that you forgot it does not change or affect its being hasene. From the fruits of this tree; humans, wolves, birds, all living things ate, took advantage of them, and prayed to you. For this good deed, your Lord has rewarded you with a handful of gems. As long as it stays good and living things benefit from it, there are rewards for you even if you die. Here, some of the ores in the chest are the earnings of this hasene. The more Hasenen he has, the more he earns.
When people die and go, their deeds are not closed immediately. It continues to be processed in terms of good or evil until its traces in the world are erased.
In the meantime, I learned that the books of deeds remain open until the traces of people in the world are erased, and that they are processed and continued in a good or bad way. Surely, it was a mercy that he acted in the direction of good. I would later see and learn how much of a shame and torment it would be to be committed in the direction of evil.
But I was wondering one thing too. Turning to Muhlis, whom I saw as very knowledgeable on these issues:
-What about those who do not have enough goodwill and do not have the equivalent of the right of the servant? How do they pay their debts? I asked.
-They said it before, he said. In them, the owner of the right bears the burden of some sin, but even a miskal right will not be wasted.
Looking at the human sea, which ripples like a vast ocean:
-All the people who have lived more or less in that temporary world must have gathered in this place of Judgment. How do people seek and find those who have their rights in this crowd? I asked.
Gaffar answered this question of mine.
Don't you know that every person is unique to himself, no person is alike. Every human being is created with his own unique identity, he carries his seal on him. Every human being; confesses his guilt, sin, and the rights of another person on his back in his own language. The oppressed seek and find the oppressor, with a special ability given to them. It is like lambs in a flock finding their mother. This is the manifestation of divine justice commanded by my Lord.
Gaffar's answer was strange to me. There was a subject that did not fit my mind and logic. It was a habit of mine to seek and find the truth, even if it was against me. In that temporary world, I have seen many financial losses of this behavior, but I have never regretted it. Therefore:
-But how? Said. The grocer who came a little while ago told me that he had the right, so I paid. But my tongue did not acknowledge his right, did not declare it. Doesn't that contradict what you just said?
He said no, it doesn't contradict. Because what you did was unintentional. You did it on purpose, you didn't deserve it on purpose. Even so, the right of the oppressed was not lost.
Listening to the conversation between us with interest, Muhlis interrupted:
-You have the virtue of telling the truth even though it is against you. He said, "May my Lord bless this virtue and bring it to goodness."
This reckoning between the servants, the great shopping took quite a long time. I've had this type of purchase from a few people as well. I had no difficulties with this. When everything was over without the slightest iota of right wasted, the burdens of some people became heavier, while others became lighter.
Rights were taken and given from each other, and we were freed from the right of slaves. Only the burdens of our souls remained on our backs. This was what was between us and the Most Gracious and Merciful One.
There was a surge of determination in this human ocean when the cry was made for everyone to face their own soul. And this surge lasted a very long time. The nafs of people are suing their minds; The nafs badly blamed the minds that were supposed to guide the right path.
It was a very difficult, very difficult period for me, like other people. It was during this period that I learned what the right to the nafs is. As a result, I realized with horror that my burden of sin had increased a little bit more.
After this exchange between the servants and their nafs was over, another call was heard.
-Everybody load up.
I had a few sacks of cargo, but each one weighed a ton. It was very difficult for me to get them on my back. My feet were cramped, my legs were trembling, I had difficulty carrying. However, despite everything, the flaming fire inside me, called curiosity, continued, this feeling that looked like an unquenchable thirst was pushing me to carefully examine the surroundings, to learn something, and was waiting to be quenched and fed. That's why, even though I could hardly walk with my burden on my back, I couldn't help looking around and trying to learn something.
The humans here were as diverse as those in that temporary world—but much different. While some had the perfect integrity and beauty in their first creation, others lacked it.
Some of them did not have one foot, some did not have two legs or legs. They were trying to go, to walk, to move forward by crawling and bending over places like snakes or worms. Some did not have one or both hands, some had one or two arms, some had one or two eyes. Some had their faces flat as if they had been slashed with a sharp sword. Some of them were facing backwards, some of them were mischievous and ape-like. Some had their heads formed between their cronies, some had their legs protruding from their shoulders. Some of them had humps like tiny hills on their backs. The situations of most of them were extremely strange, maybe even a little funny. It was as if they were all those strange creatures whose genes had been randomly manipulated.
They strayed from their original perfection and were resurrected with some of their limbs missing or formed in the wrong place, but they were not freed from their burdens. All of them had loads more or less. Some were crushed under the load on their backs. Their spines crackled as they tried to move forward, their noses crawling on the ground. They were crushed, but they had to carry their burdens.
While my eyes were wandering left and right in astonishment, I discovered that there were some small creatures and creatures that were crawling under my feet like ants. I bent over. What I saw were people, but they were tiny. Like ants trying to carry leaves and seeds that are tens of times larger than themselves, they were advancing with their loads on their backs.
Others were the same size as their first creation, and they were all the same age. Those in this group were just like those in that temporary world. Women, men, black and white, beautiful, ugly, blind, lame, smiling, sullen, short, tall, fat, weak… They looked just like the people there. They were similar, but when I looked carefully, I was not late to discover that there were some strangeness in them too. For example, the more beautiful one half of some people's faces, the uglier the other half. The legs of some of them were as thin as whiskers under their fat, well-bred bodies, while the heads of some were too heavy and big to carry.
Some were not loaded. They were tall, majestic and beautiful like young saplings, with a mixture of pink and white skin, big dark eyes, dark hair. They were male and female and looked alike like twins. They move freely by waving their hands and arms as if they were walking in the countryside; they shrieked and laughed, occasionally looking with pitying eyes at the likes of us. But here; where one could not help the other, where the mother forgot her baby, where each sheep was hanged by its own leg.
I thought there should be no difference between them and the others. According to what I know, when every human being is resurrected, they would be re-created in their original form, and they would be purified from all deficiencies and excesses. That's why I was surprised that there were such differences between them. Was this normal? Surely this must have been some of the parts of divine justice.
As I was walking on this long and grueling road, something caught my attention. Darkness between my feet was following me like a shadow, tangling at my feet, making me stumble. It was as if the sun was directly overhead, and my shadow had shrunk and squatted, falling under my feet. But he was not a shadow. Because there was no sun above me. That shadow was something much different, as if it had materialized a bit, but I couldn't understand what it was.
I looked at the people that surrounded me, trying to overcome this difficult road. All but a few had dark patches under their feet similar to mine. But these blackouts were small in some and large in others. But this smallness and greatness was not about size. Just as the shadow of a tall, gigantic human being is tiny; the shadow of a short, tiny person could be gigantic. This must have been one of the parts of that divine manifestation.
While I was thinking about this subject, another issue caught my attention. I turned my attention in that direction.
It was as if a gigantic fire was burning, which dwindled and multiplied, covered us like a dome, and painted the left half of the dark-yellow sky with a moire red, filling the horizons of our left side completely, and the red of its flames extended to this place, and the crackling of the fuels was heard.
The darkness that ran under my feet, wrapped around my legs and tried to make me stumble, was as if the reflection of the red on me, like a shadow, coming from my left side. It was as if he was feeding on that red, growing and shrinking with that red.
On the horizon to our right, there was a huge sun preparing to rise, and its light filled the other half of the sky above our heads. Our right side was shining brightly with the reflection of that light.
It was as if these two hemispheres converging right above us were fighting and fighting each other for us. As if we were the spoils. Like everything here, in this case it was extremely awkward.
We were trying to crawl forward, our bones crunching. I was also wondering why we embarked on this long and arduous road, and why divine justice did not manifest itself as soon as possible. The answer to this, along with others; I was trying to find it with my short, narrow and omnipresent mind. But all my efforts were in vain. Finally, unable to bear it any longer, I asked Muhlis about it.
-My Lord does not rush to punish. He is Sabur. He added, "You could have found the divine mercy hidden in this journey with the blessing that my Lord bestowed on you."
-I will talk about this later, if my Lord permits.
I tried to learn how to use my mind correctly, but I looked for the divine mercy hidden in this long and difficult road that we were driven into, which was very difficult for my soul, but I could not find it no matter how hard I tried.
The journey took quite a long time. Finally, we came to the two crossroads and landed. In the middle of where we were, there was a high hill with a flat top like a table. We, those with the burden of sin on their backs, had surrounded this hill and surrounded it. I was trying to catch my breath, while looking around curiously.
During this time, I noticed that there was a movement at the top of the high hill that we surrounded. Some luminous people, like my comrades who brought me here, brought a burgundy, a large black ram with twig horns. That voice, which I do not know where it came from, or more accurately, which seemed to come from everywhere, cried out again.
-O travelers of the way of the Hereafter! You are the people of heaven and hell. Do you know what this black ram is that makes the people of heaven happy and the people of hell upset?
None of us answered. The same question was asked once again and it was said to take a better look at the black coach that was brought. We took better care of him and got to know him.
When you recognize it:
-Yup! We shouted. This; it is death where we linger for a moment, we persistently try to escape, but as a manifestation, promise and destiny of our Lord, we cannot escape, we cannot prevent its coming, and it turns us pale as we remember it.
Two people immediately laid the black ram and cut it. While cutting, they hit his neck three times with the knife. The pitch black blood of the ram suddenly gushed out.
The same voice cried out again.
-The black ram has been cut. The black ram has been cut. The black ram has been cut. Death was killed. You know that after this there is no death.
We looked at each other's faces. In some of us; There was a sadness that darkened the faces like night and plunged them into heavy and black depths, and some of us had a strong joy that illuminated our faces like the sun and made our hearts wing and fly.
Those whose faces are blackened:
-Ahh! Ahh! they were shouting. Death was our only salvation. There was hope that we would be saved once he was killed and destroyed. Now that hope is gone. Our bunker of death has fallen upon us. We were left hungry and exposed. O extinction, where are you? Woe to us!
And those whose faces are lit up like the sun:
We have found the promises of our Lord to come true. Undoubtedly, He is the keeper of His promises. Ohh! Lovely! They said that we will live happily ever after in heaven.
Where we lingered for as long as a ram, there was a fusion again and a shout was heard:
- Those who have a burden should be separated from those who do not have a burden.
Again, as a result of a short fusion, those who had a burden and those who did not separated, formed two groups. The unloaded were a small group, taking the bright road on the right and merrily on their way.
Those who tend to the left and have a load on their back, which constitute the majority:
-O sinners! Can't you just look at these happy people turning to the right and see? They will enter the Gardens of our Lord and will be provided with the countless blessings of those places. It was shown to us before; We hoped to forget the burden on our backs and the dirt on our faces, and hope to be among the passengers of that road. We have just learned that hope and deserving are separate and separate. They used to say that the place where we are led and dragged is not a bad or an ominous road.
I was on the side of the burdened. I was in deep disappointment and fear. I just stood there with the bewilderment and fearful hesitation of those who did not know what to do.
It was also a strong hope that drove me to this bewilderment and hesitation. The mother of this hope was the lot of things I could tire of in terms of good from what I saw in my life in the grave. I expected to be among those who turned to the right, I hoped for this. Being among those who turned left had turned my hope into a deep disappointment and a heavy fear.
Gaffar looked at me with pitying eyes for a moment. Or rather, I thought so. In fact, deep in his eyes, there were soft and bright lights of a faint but warm smile, hidden under his scowl, showing a masked sincere love. It was as if he wanted to hide his true feelings. There was some chuckling coming from somewhere. But the bewilderment of not finding my hopes and the terrific storm of fear I was about to pass through prevented me from discerning enough of all this.
After a short hesitation, Gaffar handed me that thick, black-covered book to my left, and pointed the way to the left again:
He said, "This is A'raf, where the two roads diverge. For a while you will end up at the end of the road on the left. Until he pays for the burden on his back and lifts it.
I wish this wasn't too long. This is one of the manifestations of divine justice. Therefore, submit to the will of your Lord. Do not be one of those who destroy themselves by rebelling. I'll be your guide until you reach your range on this road.
Muhlis stepped out as if to give consolation.
I'll wait here patiently for you until you return. Then I will take you to the land of eternal joy and happiness. He is on the way-that's my guide, he said.
Curiously, I turned my face to my left. A sullen wind, angered by a raging flame, scorched my face. It was as if a dragon I had heard of in fairy tales had appeared, and it was his angry breath that burned everything.
Looking at Gaffar's face in horror and fear:
-My God! What is that? I shouted.
Gaffar's sad and sullen face was a bit more confused.
-He is hell. He said it is one of the manifestations of my Lord. It is forty years away, but the warmth and anger of its flames reach this point.
I was speechless with the fear and horror I felt.
-So…So now you're going to take me to hell? I stuttered.
-Only there you can pay for the burden on your back, the dirt on your face, the stain on your forehead, only there you can be cleaned. You cannot enter Paradise with this burden and dirt. He continued, saying that Paradise is the home of the pure and clean.
-Hell is also a place to get rid of burdens, to be cleaned from dirt and to be purified. It is a blessing for sinners. In a way, it is one of the gates of heaven that is used after cleansing. It is not the land of despair, except for some sinners.
I was so frightened that I immediately prostrated in tears:
-My God! I came before you with the burden of sin on my back. I am a weak servant with a sinful soul. You are the merciful and the womb. You are so Forgiving. I begged you to forgive me.
Gaffar took my hands and showed some darkness coming from the direction of hell:
-Can not you see? Said. It is a place of mercy as well as a place of punishment. It is very difficult to endure, but like everything else, it is a blessing and a mercy from my Lord to his sinful servants. Surely, my Lord is not unjust. He does not persecute anyone. If it were not there, sinful servants would not be able to get rid of their dirt, they would never be able to enter heaven, and they would be deprived of that land of eternal happiness forever.
Surrender to your fate, dress with the armor of trust, get dirty and stay in hell with the amount of your load, pay your debt and get clean.
I looked at the arrivals. In the middle of their foreheads, there was a dark, black spot that got bigger and smaller according to the length of their stay in hell. They, too, lowered their faces and gazes to the ground, as if ashamed of it, and were hurrying and hastily, their heads bowed to the ground in shame.
The heat of the wind blowing from hell was so strong that it scalded my hair, reddened my face, and brought tears to my eyes. Like all people, I was not ready to go to such a place.
At this moment, someone started laughing out loud. He was screaming and laughing merrily, as if he was very happy that I was in hell. This was extremely strange. Therefore, surprise was added to my fears. My eyes, which popped out of their sockets, sought the owner of the laughter and joyful cries.
Laughter and laughter were coming from under my feet. I bent over and looked. Since when did that shadow that's been running around my legs, trying to stumble me, somersaults, laughter, happy screams, wearing bells, belly-baiting as if it were very happy.
His move was so strong that I couldn't help kicking him right. But my kick was wasted as if I had hit a shadow. That shadow transformed into a human form. It looked like me, but very, very ugly. He grinned at me, showing his rusty teeth. Then after sticking out his tongue and being snobby:
-It's too late now. "I tricked you again" he shouted. Then, like crazy with joy, he tossed three more in a row:
-Ohh! Ohh! He said, "I have deceived another person who thinks he is one of the righteous servants of my Lord.
With bewilderment dread:
-O dark shadow! Who are you? What have I done to you that you are such an enemy to me? I asked.
Shadow grinned once more, staring at my face with red eyes of a treacherous light:
-Don't you recognize me? However, I was always with you in that temporary world. I would make the pain look sweet and the sins beautiful. He said, "I did my best to send you to hell, but your soul has become a partner in my business."
-But why? I shouted.
Again the shadow grinned nasty:
Because I'm your demon. How would you learn the value of good without evil, beauty without ugly, and heaven without hell? This is the wisdom of my creation. Did you think that it would be easy to enter the Gardens of my Lord? Said.
After saying that, the shadow silently lengthened and expanded. He walked towards me in one swift move. It stuck to my body like a paint. My garment, white as snow on me, turned a light gray. This caused panic. At that moment, I took refuge in the only place of asylum.
In prostration again:
-My God! I am a sinful servant. You, on the other hand, are the Rahman and the Rahim. You do not oppress your servants. I regret what I did. I repented again and again, but I broke my repentance again and again. I brought my fire with me with my sins on my back. There is no doubt that this is the manifestation of true justice. This is the harvest place where what is sown is reaped. I know I deserve hell.
My God! Although I was a sinner, I loved Your Habib. This love was sincere and sincere and continued throughout my life. For the sake of your Habib, have mercy and forgive us sinful servants. I groaned, not to put the burdens we cannot bear on our shoulders, and not to make our demons laugh.
Gaffar took my hand as if to say let's go now, when suddenly he turned pale and began to tremble. His eyes were fixed on an unknown place. Then he suddenly fell into prostration. When he lifted his head, beads and beads of sweat were dripping from his forehead.
Looking at my face
-O sinful servant of my Lord! Our Lord says that we love those who love what we love. He ordered me to say the following about you.
“When some of our servants say that they love my Habib, this love is only in their language. It did not reach their hearts. What kind of love is this that they don't know anything about the loved one?
But the known and known can be loved. Surely, lovers know and know their loved ones very well.
It is not possible to be known and loved the unknown.
If he truly loves our servant Habib, let him describe him to Us. Let him show us a sign, a sign from Him."
In prostration again:
-My God! You know everything, on earth, in the sky, inside and out, wherever there is. You probably know me better than I do.
My God! Don't burden me with a job I'm incapable of doing. How can I describe Him accurately?
O supreme Lord! I did not see him with the eyes of the world. What I learned about him is only the information that reached me. I am afraid of making mistakes, disrespecting him, hurting him while describing him. I'd rather be thrown into hell than be put in a position to hurt him.
The mark I have from him is my beard that has started to turn white. I groaned that I tried to imitate Him, at least to look like Him.
Gaffar's face turned pale again, and he prostrated himself. When she lifted her head and looked at me again, her beautiful face was covered in sweat.
-My Lord says:
“Some people saw him with the eyes of the world; but they did not know. They seem to see, but in reality they are blind. Shame on those who see him with the eyes of the world and hear his beautiful voice but do not recognize him and do not love him.
Some of them saw him with the eyes of the world, got to know him and loved him. We have made them honorable companions to Him at the edge of the Kevser pool. They are above their ummah with their honor like waves in Oman.
Some of our servants got to know, knew and loved Him through those who reached them without seeing them with the eyes of the world. We made them see when their hearts are opened. These are the real seers and lovers.
Our servants who, like the white foams on the waves, are at the very top of this ummah, will be his next door neighbors, they will feel the warmth of their skin, and they will smell his fragrant breath.
Let Our servant describe Him according to those who have reached Him. Let him beware of making mistakes, but do not be afraid of trying to get to know Him. Surely, the eyes of the heart are much sharper, much better seers than the eyes of the world.”
I have tried to gather together what has come to me about him. I was hoping that if I had obtained correct and sufficient information about him, my eyes would be opened and I would be able to see him. Undoubtedly, my Lord was a keeper of his word and a fulfiller of his promises.
I was trying with all my might to think of Him, to live Him, to see Him, when a light emerged from my horizons. It got closer and closer, and a human silhouette appeared from within that Light with a beauty I had not seen.
He had some comrades with him. They surrounded him, and when he said something, they listened intently and rushed to carry out his orders. They were all beautiful people, but He was immediately evident in them.
It was as if he was such a sapling that when a sapling had grown in his forest, it had prevailed over the others with its brilliance and greenery.
What I saw was such a Person that his beauty and superiority were evident. He couldn't fit into words. But I knew and felt it without hesitation in my heart.
Surely he was one of the proud creations of my Lord.
He had neither the size of the abdomen nor the small size of the head. All his limbs were even, harmonious and perfect. There was not the slightest deficiency or excess that could be shown as a flaw in them either.
She was wearing a loose-fitting white dress that covered her beautiful body all the way down to the floor. He stretched out his arms as if he wanted to embrace his ummah, but his pink and white hands were visible from the ends.
His skin, like his hands, was a light pink mixed with white.
He was of medium height, almost tall. He was neither too tall to be liked nor too short to look at someone else with scorn.
His beard was thick and black. It was elongated in a tuft, covering her sculpted chin and cheeks.
His head was clear. His hair was as black as his beard. There were about six or seven white hairs in his hair and beard. His hair was neither curly nor straight. It was elongated to the tips of his ears and split in two from the middle of his head.
All his limbs shone as if they were gold with light.
He was very well-formed and had a beautiful face.
His eyes were big. Its black was very black, and the flux was very flowing. It should have lasted. There was a slight redness in the corner of his eyes.
His eyelashes were abundant and long. His upper and lower eyelashes were turned outward with pleasant curves. When he closed his eyes, they were harmoniously merging and meeting with each other.
The tip of his eyebrows was thin, in the shape of a few days old crescent.
His neck was long, high and beautiful, like a swan's neck, white and smoother than ivory.
There was gentleness and softness in his voice. One by one, he was speaking slowly, repeating three times what he considered important.
When he was silent, a dignity and solemnity were seen in him, when he spoke, he was smiling and sweet-spoken, and his words were flowing and pouring out of his mouth without any difficulty, like stringed pearls.
His words were clear, distinguishing between right and wrong, and they were neither too little to be considered helplessness nor too much to be considered empty and unnecessary.
His mouth was neither too big nor too small. His mustache was clipped short. Her white teeth, like pearls, were full but sparse, sparse.
While walking, he was walking fast, with his head bowed as if he were going down a slope, and his comrades were having difficulty in catching up with him. But he liked to follow his companions and preferred this.
He didn't turn his head left or right. When he was going to return to a place, he did it with his whole body.
He was very good-natured. He did not condemn, get angry, or scold anyone for his own self. But if he saw an injustice, no one could hold him until he corrected it.
His wrath was directed only at injustice. When he was enraged, a vein swelled in the middle of his two eyebrows, and lightning flashed in his soft-eyed eyes.
With Him, the strong were weak, and the weak were strong. White and dark skinned people were on par with the weak and the strong, the rich and the poor. His only measure of value for people was taqwa. Although he was the greatest and most superior of all human beings, he had great humility.
He wasn't sour and sullen, he was smiling. But He was not laughing with laughter. His smile was in the form of a smile. When he smiled, his pearly white teeth were slightly visible.
From afar, he was the most majestic of men.
When he got close, he was sweeter and more charming than anyone else. Those who saw him and knew him closely were immediately attached to him from their heart and could not leave him again.
A musk smell resembling the scent of roses rose from him. His arrival was evident from this musk scent, and when he left, this scent remained where he was for a while.
That good moral was on good manners.
He was Muhammad, son of Abdullah, from Amine Bint-i Wahb. (s.a.v)
He was the Habibi, servant and Messenger of Allah.
He was such a beautiful, exalted person that his description could not fit into words, they were incapable of expressing him.
Even though I was filled with him, I could not find words to describe and describe him, I did not find the meaning of any word worthy of him, I was incapable of expressing my feelings verbally. All I said was nothing more than a few drops overflowing from an overflowing, barely-flowing jug.
Hz. When my description of Muhammad (pbuh) was finished before I finished, I bowed my head in despair and waited. Listening with interest to what I told, Gaffar's face turned yellow once more and he threw himself into prostration. When she lifted it up after a while, her beautiful face was still sweaty, but it was lit by a smile that concealed a whistle. This seemed a little strange to me as I got used to his sullen face. But I immediately perceived the good news in that bright and sincere smile. It filled me with wild joy. The winds of happiness blew me away.
Gaffar looks at my face and says:
-My God:
“We love those who love what we love. In addition, we found some of our servants as believers who are very repentant, generous, and race to perform their prayers in the forefront. We unloaded them and brought them to peace.
We wish to reward my servant's devotion and love for our Habib. Whatever our servant wishes from Us, except to return to that false world, he said.
Proudly prostrating:
I said, "First of all, I ask my Lord's approval, forgiveness and forgiveness. I don't have any ties in that lying world except for a few loved ones. They will come here anyway. That's why I don't want to go back to that world and make my load heavy….
I was going to ask forgiveness and forgiveness for my loved ones for a moment, but to my Lord's Habib:
I remembered that he said, "You cannot guide all your loved ones."
Undoubtedly, the things He loved were much more valuable than the ones I loved. They saw Him with the eyes of the world, endured all kinds of torment and suffering for Him, suffered for Him and made sacrifices. Even for such people, being guided was a matter of choice, ultimately a matter of privilege and discretion. Making such a request from my Lord would be disrespectful to that dear Human Being, to whom I am deeply attached. That's why I gave up.
Gaffar stared at my face for a moment and then prostrated again. When he lifted his head, his face was sweaty again.
Turning his face towards me
-My God:
“We promised that we would accept the wishes of forgiveness and forgiveness made on time, and the prayers of those who took refuge in our merciful and merciful attributes. Our servant was one of those who asked for forgiveness and forgiveness. Of course, we keep our promises. Let my servant ask for something else," he said.
I prostrated again with joy.
-Thanks to my Lord. I said, "I wish to be a drop of the ocean that surrounded our Prophet, and a speck of dust under his feet.
Gaffar's eyes were fixed on an unknown point again. He prostrated again, groaning, "My Lord, my Lord." After a while, when he lifted his head, his face was soaked as if he had fallen into water, but it was still illuminated with that smile.
Looking at my face again
-My God:
"- Those who follow him are already a drop of that ocean. Those who see, wake up and love him will be his comrades in the Kevser pool, and those who sleep and love him without seeing him from the eyes of the world will be their next door neighbors. This is our eternal promise. Let my servant ask for something else," he said.
I was so happy that for a moment I didn't know what to ask for. Again, my curiosity, which is the most beautiful product of my mind, prevailed. He prostrated again:
-Thank you to my Lord for the number of creatures He has created. I praise him. I said, I wish to be a servant who sees their manifestations, knows the value of their blessings better and is more grateful.
Again there was some chuckling. They were stronger than the first I heard, and it was as if they were closer, but I was so happy and ecstatic that I couldn't notice it well enough.
When Ghaffar prostrated once more and raised his face:
-My God:
“We are content and content with our servant. He was not selfish in his wishes for forgiveness and forgiveness, which he made by naming our servant Habib. Surely, we like the generous and the mild-tempered more.
We have forgiven our servant and his loved ones. Therefore, our servant should not be ashamed and bored by thinking that he is disrespecting our Habib. Because only those who have the light of faith in their hearts can benefit from our attributes of Rahman and Rahim.
If there will be a servant who knows our blessings better and is more grateful, he can see what he wants to see from our manifestations. If he wants, we can give a thousand angels to his order.”
I was like crazy with joy. He prostrated again in tears:
-Thank you to my Lord for the number of His creations, a thousand times more than them. I praise him again and again. I know that my Lord does not like to show off and show off. He loves the good, the clean, the beautiful and the humble. These two comrades are enough for me, I said.
At this time, crying sounds, laments, screams and shrieks began to come from places I could not see. Someone must have been crying and shouting and throwing himself to the ground as if something terrible had happened to him.
While I was standing there in the bewilderment of not being able to understand what was happening, a shadow slid down my body and landed at my feet. It was as if the shrieks, laments, and cries were coming from that shadow.
When I bent down and looked curiously, the shadow that flowed from my body took the form of an ugly human being. I recognized him immediately. He was my demon. Seeing him:
-Get out! Get out of here quickly. I yelled and kicked him not to be seen in my eyes again. This time my kick didn't go in vain. Grabbing his back, my god damn it, he ran away squawking like a beaten dog without looking back, and was never seen again.
When my devil was gone, he prostrated again in tears:
I said, "Praise be to my Lord, who protects me from the evil of Satan."
When Muhlis learned that he would be my companion in the manifestations, he almost died of fright. Pointing to his left:
I seek refuge in Allah (c.c.) from going there. My God! You yelled at me for pain. But it was a natural reaction of a strong fear rather than a rebellion.
By holding his hands:
I said don't be afraid. God allowed. What can go outside of His will? Surely it will be the fire of Ibrahim (a.s.) for us. I hope we will wander around like we are in rose gardens.
Gaffar had already submitted to divine will.
Those who were forgiven and forgiven like me, freed from their burdens and dirt, were running to the road on the right side happily, and were walking away from the group of sinners. When I realized that some of my loved ones were among them, I felt great joy and happiness.
One more thing caught my attention this time. We had come to the point where the two groups separated from each other, all dressed in white. We were wearing two-piece, white dresses resembling an ihram or a shroud. The clothes of those who turned to the right had turned whiter than snow, and they were shining like a halo of light. Their shadows falling to the left also flowed more than that halo of light.
The clothes of those who turned to the left, on the other hand, ranged from light gray to pitch black. Their shadows to the right were also dark and dark. This color change should have marked the distinction between the two communities.
I immediately looked at what was above me with curiosity and excitement. My dress flowed more than the snow, as light and fluffy as a cloud, as if it were not on me. It flowed so much that I could easily see it through the eyes of Gaffar and Muhlis, who turned towards me. When my devil flowed over me, the filth that changed the color of the clothes he brought disappeared, and my clothes turned into their own color, that is, light. I was shining brightly like a tiny sun in the darkness turning to the left.
The unfortunate ones of the hell road:
-Ah! I wish we could go back to the world again, they would cry out that we would move away from them as they are moving away from us now, that we would dress as they did—but the last regret was generally not helpful.
For a moment, my eyes wandered with joy and happiness over those who received divine forgiveness and rushed towards the light-as-a-feather road on the right, winged with wings of frenzied joy. It was during this time that I realized that there was a very clear difference in creation between them and those whose books were given on the right hand before.
The first group had perfect beauty. There was not the slightest excess or deficiency in them that could be shown as a flaw. All of them were on the sheer beauty and perfection of their first creation.
The second group was not like that. Rather, there was a more or less ugliness, a defect that was immediately noticed in their faces and rarely in other organs. Undoubtedly, this was a necessity, a result of divine justice, which did not fail even one bit. The ones I compared to strange creatures whose genes were randomly manipulated were the passengers of the left side.
Of course, this situation immediately caught my attention and interest. I asked this to Gaf-far.
He said yes, you are right. There is a great difference between the two groups stemming from the manifestation of divine justice. The first group is on the perfect beauty that comes from their creation. My Lord has put them in the original form He created and freed them from their burdens, if any.
What you see as strange in the second group is because of what they brought from that temporary world.
I said I understand. Surely, there had to be a difference between those who adorned their lives with goodness and obedience, and those who did not cloud it with evil, and those who did so, in accordance with divine justice. Otherwise, divine justice would be damaged.
For a moment, my heart pounded with excitement as I stared at the dark road like a hole or cavern that stretched out before me. Surely, there were great lessons and lessons to be learned for me in what I was going to see.
Looking at Gaffar's face:
I said, "If our guide and guide deems it appropriate, let's go now."
-Certainly! “I have been commanded to fulfill their wishes,” he said. I want to give you something before I set off alone.
Without waiting for me to say anything, he put his hand in a pocket on his right side, and pulled out a small sac like silk, but more beautiful, whiter than snow, and fragrant. The pouch was shirred at the brim and the drawstring was long enough to be worn around the neck.
While wearing the pouch around my neck:
“It is full of heavenly blessings,” he said. With whatever intention you eat or drink them, you get that taste. What remains of them is nothing but a light sweat. You can't just give them to someone else. Because they are from your destiny in heaven. They are your provisions on this long and hard road.
Curious, I loosened the white silk drawstring of the pouch around my neck and peered inside. It was filled with some objects that looked like marbles of various colors, the size of pearls but more beautiful than pearls. It came to my memory that I was very thirsty at that moment. I made my intention to drink an ice-cold glass of honey sherbet while I took one of them with basmala and popped it into my mouth. I was astounded when I felt that I tasted a sweet sherbet with a fragrant honey-scented taste on my palate, and that what I had tasted was pouring into me coolly. Surely, this was just one of the countless blessings of our Lord upon us servants.
After drinking the offered sherbet:
-Hallelujah! Thank God. I would quench my thirst. I said we can go now.
“Then from here,” he said, pointing to the black and wide hole that looked like a cave entrance.
We three friends entered the road that looks like a hole on the left and started to move forward.
The brighter and wider the road that curved to the right, the darker, hazier and narrower the road to the left was. Towards the darkness that evokes fearful feelings; through a narrow passage, a stony road that stretches and twists and turns like a deep chasm, a crack, opened like a huge toothless mouth; we were advancing through the mists and the foul-smelling fumes. We were surrounded by steep, steep slopes, crooked like a high wall. Very, very high, but as high as I can see with my head bent high; bordered by zig-zag peaks resembling saw-tooth; At the western end of the dark blue, starless sky that looked like a long, narrow, misshapen ribbon, there was a reddening like dawn. But this redness was not balanced. It was playful. It seemed to come and go. Far out; but it was like the playful crimson of a fire that had been kindled far away, well-heated. A fiery crimson that seemed to be burning from within, that changed every second, painted the dark blue sky in stripes. These playful stripes of color; it illuminated the places we were in, the narrow passage through which we were trying to advance, with a faint red light that appeared and disappeared. But it was very weak, vague. That's why this sinister road we tried to take was appearing and disappearing. It was as if we were driving in the pitch dark.
In some places, this narrow passage suddenly widens; Tiny, bare hills of strange shapes, made of large black rocks, stretched before us. Behind the craggy and sharp peaks of these tiny hills, erected like rotten teeth, the black silhouettes of higher mountain ranges seemed vague. Behind them, that playful flame was seen as livelier, brighter, and larger, igniting the piece of dark blue sky above it with a playful crimson. It was as if the whole universe was on fire behind those peaks and mountains.
When I got here, I was looking around for a long time, trying to figure out what that Thing was, like an undecided sun trying to rise in the west. When we came to such places, the group would stop for a moment, then either climb the hill in front of us or change direction.
It wasn't very obvious, but it was as if the road was winding down a slight slope, winding down into a huge pit. As we advanced, the steep slopes surrounding us were getting steeper and higher, approaching each other and narrowing the road. It was as if we were walking inside a crooked stone pipe with a slit at the top and a twisting and twisting pipe.
After a while, the slit-like opening above us narrowed even more, and the stony road turned into a tunnel. As if we were swallowed by a huge mouth; we were moving down to the stomach, to the intestines. The dimly lit rocky landscape appeared and disappeared like ghosts in pitch-black darkness stained by a light, oscillating dimness.
The crevices, holes, cracks between the steep cliffs; you can hardly discern them as darker than medium, above us; it was like monsters that had fallen asleep and would wake up at any moment and leap on us.
From caves and dens-like cavities, spouts come out like steam or smoke, but with a denser and more foul-smelling odour; Although they were actually light yellow, their mist, which we perceived as dark clouds, was descending on us, giving this misty and misty atmosphere a more mysterious and frightening atmosphere.
He was surrounded by a strong smell of burnt sulphur. Flickering lights of flames that glisten through cracks, holes, cavities, flickering, appearing and disappearing, wrinkling; He evoked strange and terrible beings, animals, monsters, staring at him with hungry, vicious and harsh eyes. What we saw triggered our imaginations, affected us negatively, images of the most unlikely beings appeared in our minds, making our souls twisted with fear tremble.
Occasionally I would turn my head and look at my comrades and others. All of their eyes were wide, wide, and they were wide with horror. We were all shaken by shuddering earthquakes of fear that we couldn't help, and we were involuntarily shaking and trembling.
I was afraid, it was perfectly natural. Knowing that I was under the protection of my Lord gave me confidence and peace in a way. This peace and security was stronger than my feelings of fear and hesitation. In a way, he had me wrapped in thick armor that protected me.
I was in complete surrender. Despite everything, the fact that I felt safe fueled my curiosity. I opened my eyes to see and learn something.
That the road is so narrow, terrible and steep; it reminded me of some of the things I brought back where I lingered for that moment. There was such a contrast between what I saw and what I remembered that it was strange to me; which made me laugh a little, even giggle a little, despite the eerie atmosphere. This is because; I had not been able to discern with all its sharpness how mistaken, deceptive we can be, filling our brains with false information, and our helplessness in this matter, in terms of intelligence and its product of knowledge. In a way, I was mocking and laughing at my own helplessness, which comes from being fallible, deceiving.
Noticing my chuckle, Gaffar looked at me with some surprise, more astonishment, as if to ask what's going on.
-I said I'm sorry. People are pretty weird. Sometimes they can make something to laugh out of. There are such great contrasts between what I have in mind and what I see, which shows how helpless and fallible we really are. If there is a humor in this smile of mine, it is actually myself, my innate helplessness and weakness.
These words turned Gaffar's astonishment and bewilderment into curiosity. He looked at me with some surprise, more with envy. I had to explain as his eyes swept across my face as if asking again.
-I think most of what we fill in our brains by searching and finding is wrong and added it.
While I was in that temporary world, I was curious about the real thing and tried to learn something about it. I was always hungry and thirsty for knowledge and knowledge.
I have such a disease called curiosity; sometimes it would cause me to poke my nose in the most unlikely places, which would sometimes put me in ridiculous or even difficult situations. But I do this; I used to see it as the clean, innocent and noble efforts of a farmer trying to till his field and call it that. That's why I've never regretted what happened to me because of my curiosity. Perhaps this curiosity has filled and illuminated my life.
Of course, most of what I learned in the name of science was false and wrong. My mind; Nor did it have the quality and capacity to distinguish between right and wrong without mixing them up, and to sift them like a fine-meshed sieve. It was open to mistakes and mistakes. Undoubtedly, when I remember now, these are just a few of the mistakes I make frequently.
I had heard that the road to hell was straight and comfortable, and the road to heaven was steep and rough in that ephemeral place. What I've seen is the opposite.
Gaffar smiles:
He said, "What you say is valid for that false world. You must be realizing that people actually make their choices there, plant the seeds of their destinies there, and draw with their own hands.
My Lord knows the preferences of people from the past, approves or disapproves of it. This is in His infinite knowledge. This appreciation belongs to Him alone.
In fact, with the permission of my Lord, people determine their own destinies and draw the path they will take with their own hands. The Creator has given them a guide like reason, but people have made this blessing a slave to their selves, so they have deviated from the right path.
The soul is squint. In accordance with their wishes, the steep and difficult roads show smooth, and the smooth roads appear steep and difficult. What you say is true for that place. According to the world, the way to heaven is steep and tough, and the way to hell is wide and comfortable.
That tiny creature called an ant works non-stop during the most beautiful periods of the world's life, when every blessing is most abundant, when the sun is warmest and shines brightest. He doesn't look at those fake beauties that surround him, he doesn't care about them and he doesn't get affected. What he gains as a result of these clever efforts is a warm home he finds when those ruthless days come. Because this is how he was revealed and shown the right way. Man could learn a lot by looking at his surroundings.
Our conversation on this subject was going to go on and on, but something I saw diverted my attention and attention to another direction. Undoubtedly, I would like to continue this beautiful conversation if what I saw were not interesting enough to make me forget everything at once.
The curve, which I describe as a gigantic pipe with a slit at the top, bounded on two sides by high and steep slopes like the fortification walls, suddenly turned into a relatively flat place compared to where we came from, resembling a wide plain or a plateau. Everywhere as far as the eye can see; it was illuminated with that playful crimson that we could barely discern during our travels, and on our horizon was an object resembling the moon. The object, which looks like this moon but is not, larger and more complex than it, was quivering and changing from color to color as if it was on fire. resembling tongues of flame; red and yellow, it gave a playful light that flashes and disappears, it glimmers on our horizon, it illuminates and darkens the plain or plateau that stretches out in front of us. I was trying to see and get to know the area that dims, brightens and darkens under this moving light.
The area was full of strange-looking large rocks and tiny hills. The road was narrow again; It stretched and folded between rocks and hills. Between these boulders, on the summits or slopes of the hills, which were darkened and illuminated in the dimness of the narrow surroundings, were some dwarf trees without flowers or fruits. They stretched their thin, leafless branches straight into the sky like withered arms. They looked like black ghouls who had risen from their graves and stood in an environment where the strange lamp illuminated from above was illuminated and darkened, peeping around and screaming silently.
I intended to ask these to Gaffar. But the setting was as interesting as it was scary. For that moment, it would be more appropriate for me to open my eyes and look around and try to learn something. That's why I postponed my questions.
For quite a long time we had been walking in horrible, heart-rending places that were often alike. Time had stopped. Maybe he hadn't stopped, his wheels were turning too slowly. We were the only creatures moving in a frozen state, but we were still a part of that frozenness, of timelessness.
I would later see that this frozen, stone-turned world was many times more active than the world we came from, and that it lived at least as much as it did.
With its fruitless and leafless trees, like withered gorse, surrounding us on all four sides; These places, with their large rocks and hills resembling strange, rather wild, strange-looking animals, and their spouts like steam or smoke that I see left and right, brighten and darken; it was mysterious, terrifying, and terrifying enough to rip our hearts out.
On top of the hills, which were often steep and craggy like rusty stakes piercing the dim sky, rarely stunted and rounded, these trees looked like intricate grizzly hairs on giant heads.
Finally, the road came to a wide gap. Here the road splits in two. On the narrow road on my left, similar to the one we came in, little people were entering in groups and walking away. To my right, people were coming in and out like freshly baked bread. The left side should be the entrance to hell, and the right should be the exit.
We were driving on the left side of the road. A bunch of people were coming from my right side. These were the ones who were liberated from hell. As I had seen before, they had a stigma, a mark on their foreheads that grew and waned according to the length of their stay, and their owners were bowing their heads as if they were ashamed and trying to hide their stamp, but still they could not prevent a smoldering luminous joy from illuminating their faces. Undoubtedly, it was the unstoppable joy of getting rid of hell, whatever the consequences, the overwhelming joy that swept away human hearts.
However, when I looked at these visitors with more attention and interest, I could not find the light of the embarrassing but exuberant joy that I saw in most of them. They were among those who had come out of Hell, but their faces looked sullen and sad, as if they were sad with a hidden affliction or suffering from an incurable affliction, and they were dragging their tired and heavy legs with difficulty. They were not happy or joyful at all. They were pressing down on those in front, trying to make way for themselves with impatience and haste, as if they were trying to get away from there as soon as possible.
Their faces are dimly illuminated with a happy but secret smile, beside those who try to hide their faces with shame from the black stamp that has their burdens taken off their backs and their heads are bowed to the ground like a weight on their foreheads; My astonishment increased even more when I realized that there were these people whose faces were sullen, unhappy and unhinged, as if they had been freed from their burdens and had not been cleansed of their dirt.
Had some sinners managed to escape Hell by mingling with those who had paid their atonement? If so, why were their faces so sullen and full of anger?
Again, my curiosity prevailed. I immediately asked Gaffar about this.
Shaking his head negatively:
-He said no. It is not possible to escape from Hell and that divine manifestation. Where will you go even if you run away?
You are right that there are those who have not been cleansed of some of their sins and uncleanness among those who have come.
Some sinners' burdens are so heavy and heavy that they cannot be carried at once. Them; They come and go many times on this road until they carry their sins and finish them. That is why you see them among those who have paid their penance and attained salvation.
I said I understand. So, will those who pay their penance and be cleansed go straight to heaven?
- He said yes. Except for the eternal ones in Hell, every slave goes to heaven after paying his penance and being cleansed. This is a requirement of divine promise. That's why they are so hasty, impatient like lovers running to their loved ones.
-What about the ones they carry on their foreheads; This black mark that shames them, that makes them bow their heads like a heavy burden? Will they carry him there forever? Didn't they burn in hell and pay atonement for their burdens and get rid of their dirt?
People are generally prisoners of that bad habit called envy. Therefore, will this not be a cause of duality among the people of Paradise? I asked and added.
- Surely, my Lord can delete them if He wishes.
Gaffar once again shook his head left and right:
He said, "What a nice trait it is to actually be curious and ask questions about his beautiful child." Perhaps the easiest way to learn. I see a lot of this gem in you. But sometimes people can be ridiculous because of these traits.
Do not forget! Both heaven and hell are manifestations of divine justice. No injustice is done here. With this stamp, my Lord intended to separate his sinless and sinful servants, and gave the worthy ones to the deserving ones. This distinction is valid and necessary in both places.
Surely, my Lord's attributes of Rahman and Rahim are for their creation and have surrounded them all around. In reality there is no distinction between them. It is like a parent loving their good and bad children. Can you argue that a parent loves a good child but not a bad child? This is similar to him. Undoubtedly, the good son is loved more, but the bad son is also loved.
Undoubtedly, there is and will be a difference between the sinless servants of my Lord and their sinners in accordance with divine justice. Because He is just as He is Rahman and Rahim. This; hardworking, with good son; being lazy is like the difference between a bad boy. Here, injustice is not done, even the smallest right is not lost. There is a reward and it is given.
I said yes, I understand. Surely my Lord knows best.
What Gaffar said was hearty and clear enough. However, I wanted to talk to one of those who, despite being temporarily freed from Hell, were sullen with a secret problem. I wished to hear this great truth from their mouths.
This desire came from insatiability fueled by an insatiable curiosity, rather than doubting what Gaffar said.
I approached one of them and greeted him and said:
I said, "O person who is among those who have been freed from Hell, but whom I think is unhappy. For the faces of his other brothers, I see his face sullen, dark and sad, as if he were worried, even though it was lit and enlightened by the luminous flame of a refreshing joy. This caught my attention and curiosity. Can you tell me the reason for this situation?
The person I asked this question looked at me. There were deep traces of pain and sincere regret on his face and eyes.
It's as if my words and question have pierced a wound in it:
-Ahhh! Said. Ahhh! Don't ever ask. I have such a problem that I hope you don't have it. His solution is in patience and in my Lord. Don't ever ask me that.
Then he continued looking at my face again.
-O bright-faced person! Obviously, you are not the people of these places and you are not a traveler of this road. I'm not asking you what you are doing around here. I have already learned the virtue of asking and learning, but now is not the time for me to ask and learn.
We are among those who are in a hurry to throw the fire off their backs as soon as possible. That's why you can neither understand this problem nor know its cure. Don't waste my time for nothing. Get out of my way, let me go on my way so that I can get rid of the fiery load on my back as soon as possible.
I wanted to talk to him more, but he didn't want that. He was obviously in a hurry and was impatient in that way. He quickly walked away from me. It was as if he was running away from himself rather than from me. I suspect it was because of his deep shame about his condition, as well as the impatience of the weight on his back. I did not insist and went back to my friends.
From that highland or plain-like place we came out on, we took another narrow, dark road with steep cliffs on one side, and we were advancing from there. Sometimes, on one side of us, there were black and deep cliffs that darkened and seemed to us to be endless depths, and on the other side there were steep and craggy cliffs, and we were descending towards somewhere. But strangely, in these places where we descended, steep mountains and hills appeared before us. So we crossed many steep mountains, through cracks and fissures, through holes that looked like caves or long tunnels.
I could no longer see those who had been freed from hell, which I had often seen before. It's time to walk quite heavy; I was trying to measure and perceive what I saw and heard. There was no concept of day or night here. I soon gave up my desire to measure time as I began to stir. It was as if we were walking in the middle of a vast hope, in a timelessness and stillness.
After a long time, there was an explosion from the horizons of an enlightened and darkened environment towards the center. For a moment, a dazzling fire, a giant ball of fire, a mass of flame that covered the entire sky appeared. This fire was so great that it instantly devoured the moon-like object that appeared and disappeared among the mists and smoke in the sky. Maybe it wasn't just that object that was licked up, but the entire sky. The whole place suddenly caught fire.
After this huge ball of fire that dazzled the eyes and blinded them for a moment, a deafening roar was heard. It was as if a gigantic lightning had struck somewhere, then exploded from the center of the earth, scattering in all directions. A fiery tongue that rose up to the sky and ignited the whole sky licked everything up and made it invisible. This fiery tongue was throwing pieces of fire in all directions like an erupting volcano, scattering them in all directions like exploding firecrackers.
A few of them fell just a short distance from where we are. Some were long like thick sticks, others were angular and rounded like large stones.
We were stunned by the horror of what we saw. The horror that caused this stupefaction was so great that I couldn't think of asking my comrades what I had seen. When we came to where we were, a pinch of this downpour, we fled to the right and left.
Muhlis, who was not used to such places, fell into prostration in fear and said:
-My God! He started begging to protect us.
I threw myself on the ground and did the same as him.
The face of our guide and guide, Gaffar, on this path was also turned yellow with fear, and he was trembling and trembling with the tiny earthquakes he could not prevent. He closed his eyes for a moment, as if trying to digest the horror he felt. After she got herself together, she looked at me. He must have seen the traces of some questions as well as fear in my gaze and facial expression:
He said, "My Lord has ordered me to answer any questions you may have during our journey. You can ask me whatever you want. I tell what I know, and what I do not know, I ask a Knower.
These words of my comrade had a doping effect that boosted my morale. I was able to pull myself together, albeit with difficulty.
I said thank God. What is it that we see that throws us into a whirlpool of terrible fear, brings our hearts to our mouths, and makes us forget ourselves?
He said, "It's a piece of hell, it's one of the parts of hell." Sometimes he swells up and gets horny, just like a furnace with fresh fuel poured into it. Although we are at a distance of forty years, its influence and warmth reach this place.
"But we don't feel this warmth," I said.
-Yup! My Lord accepted your prayer and turned it into the fire of Ibrahim (a.s.) for us. But this is not so for others. Undoubtedly, He is able to do everything.
From time to time, that fiery ball would come out of its nest and hover in the sky, filling the whole place with a dazzling raw light, and some objects clattering over our heads. My comrades were closing in on me, trying to protect me from all this spillage, fireball and others. I, on the other hand, was in fear and terror, trembling, constantly begging my Lord.
After a while, this huge fire was slowly extinguished. Hell has returned to its home. The moon-like object I had seen before reappeared.
When our hearts calmed down a bit, we set off again. It looked like a long, narrow, one-way street where only pedestrians walked. I could no longer see those coming out of Hell. The humans, with their burdens on their backs and their strange condition resulting from these burdens, were slowly advancing towards their destiny in rows of twos or threes like ant trains. I would stop every now and then, looking at them.
The humanoids carry loads on their backs; they could hardly walk, their legs bent as if their backs were about to break, and the crackling of their bones could be heard. The burdens of some were so heavy; they could not carry it, they were trying to walk by crushing and crawling. They had disappeared beneath them.
But there were neither eaters nor forcing. They all had guides like Gaffar with them, and they were doing nothing but guiding. Every person was walking towards their manifestation with their own feet and willingly, and they were in a hurry to reach their destination as soon as possible.
I was going to ask why they rushed, but when I remembered that even hell is a blessing and mercy for sinful servants, I stopped asking. The reason for this rush must have been the desire to close the account as soon as possible and to reach that realm of eternal happiness as soon as possible and the deep longing for it. Indeed, it was a lesson to be learned that human beings voluntarily, with their own feet, entered Hell as soon as possible and ran to settle the account, hurrying and getting impatient.
I couldn't help asking Gaffar the question that had been forming on my lips for a long time.
-O Gaffar! Said. around here; they eat people so terribly and terribly that they make mothers forget their offspring. What are the leafless and flowerless trees that I see left and right, like these thousand-armed monsters reaching towards the humanoids?
He said, "They are fire trees, they are sinners. They only grow in Hell and its surroundings. The other side of you is poisonous oleanders in the word of your tongue, and they are the seventy times cooled and de-energized variety compared to those here.
What you see consists of the seeds that came up to this place with sprays during the times when hell got raging and angry, but because they could not find their soil and sufficient food, they are so stunted, spindly, leafless and flowerless. As you get closer to their homeland, you will see much bigger ones, those that stand on leaves and flowers, and much more magnificent ones….
The floor of the road we walked was filled with strange looking stones that looked like human heads and bones, or something like that. To Gaffar, those on the ground; I showed them the ones we passed and crushed, chewing on them with squeaks.
-And what are these? I asked. It is as if human heads are bones, and they bring hearts to mouths and make this path of sin even more terrible.
gaffar; After correcting the way of sin as a way of cleansing from sins:
He said yes, you are right. What you see under these feet are the skulls and bones of some people. Some people come to Hell with such heavy and dirty sins that they are disgusted with them and try to spit it out and get rid of them. What you see; They are the remains of people whom hell hates and spit out because of the ugliness and filth of their sins. They will be trampled underfoot here until the Judgment Day. By this time, they will smell so bad that even hell will block their nose and will not want to take them in and clean them.
However, despite all their filth, they are not among those who are forever deprived of Allah's (c.c.) blessings. After other people are freed, they will be thrown back into hell; they will be the last to come out after they pay their fines and are cleared.
I said, "Praise be to my Lord, who is merciful and merciful. Surely He is the greatest of forgivers.
We were progressing rapidly on the path of cleansing from these sins. As Gaf-far said, as we progressed, the atmosphere got warmer and more terrifying as we got closer to Hell. It was as if we were walking in a very hot tropical forest. A poisonous and stagnant air pervaded the whole place. It was as if we were in a dull, lethargic, invisible flame. But this did not last for long. All of a sudden, we found ourselves in a deep valley full of steep and sharp cliffs, where not even a pinch of grass could grow, and where there was no plant, or on a high hill. This place was the complete opposite of the other. A light but cold wind was blowing from the depths of this hill or valley, our almost flaming bodies were rapidly cooling down, this cold and sharp wind was penetrating our internal organs and our teeth were banging against each other. Hot and cold sharpened each other's effects, slicing our bodies like sharp swords, biting like fangs.
All my attention was on those who were on the path of purification from these sins. When I realized something, I was swallowing my small tongue in amazement and surprise.
Gaffar immediately understood my astonishment and the questions hidden in my bewilderment. Looking at my face and smiling:
He said, "My Lord has given you the right to ask questions and me the right to answer. You can ask me whatever you want. You don't need to be ashamed or shy about it. One does not feel ashamed or bored while searching for and finding the truth.
I said, "Indeed, the wisdom of my Lord cannot be questioned." The magnitude of the terrifying astonishment I saw and realized was certainly due to my weakness in my creation. The fact that I never expected or expected this increases, strengthens and aggravates these feelings that crush me. I wish this had not happened, that I had not seen what I saw.
I see that most of the sinful people on this road to hell are women. However, they are ours; kissing hands are our mothers, our wives who add color and meaning to our lives and give us children, our basil-scented daughters, our sisters and our religious brothers.
We have always seen goodness and goodness from them. However, them; I see them with their heads bowed in shame, crushed under the heavy burdens of their weak bodies, alone, trembling and frightened as they try to walk on the path of purification from these sins. Why is this Gaffar?
Gaffar could not bear the weight of my question. He hesitated for a moment. His face turned pale as he lowered his head. I prostrated myself as he prostrated himself. After a while, when he lifted his head, his beautiful face was beaded and beaded with sweat.
Looking at my face
-My God:
“We granted women the chance to rise to a higher rank than men, the honor of carrying the future of humanity, and the honor of being a mother. We armored and protected them with the armor of the blessings we bestowed on women.
The station that we bestow, which is above our creations and is very exalted. We gave them chastity so that those who fell into their wombs would be pure. He is a gem like the Pleiades star that shines on the foreheads and hearts of believing women, and the future and survival of humanity is hidden in it.
We slowly destroy societies that do not know the value of that ore, ignore it and throw it away, like candles that burn and devour themselves.
In chaste women, you can easily see and feel the light and warmth of that gem. It is the trust given to women by your Lord, that raises them from high to higher, to the most honorable ranks. The reward for what we promise to protect this trust is its debts.
However, many of them did not appreciate the value of this honorable trust, so they sold it for very little and changed it. For them will be a fall from greatness and a painful torment. Blessed are those who preserve their chastity and meet their Lord.
In addition, they are more open to the breezes of their souls and emotions than others, and they are easily affected by them. This pushes them to talk a lot and to rebel with language, so much lies and backbiting easily enter into it. This is just one of Satan's three biggest traps for humans.
Few of the people of Paradise are women, but those who enter are in higher positions than the others.”
Prostrating again:
I said thank you to my Lord once again. Undoubtedly, He is the most knowledgeable, the all-knowing and the ruler.
The road we were on was becoming more and more terrifying, as well as interesting. Everything and everything caught my attention, I was asking strange questions to Gaffar like children whose language had just been deciphered, and I was trying to satisfy my curiosity. Gaffar, on the other hand, was patiently trying to answer my questions.
On the rare occasions when I did not ask him questions and did not receive answers, all my attention and attention was on the passengers of the path of purification from these sins, as before. Each and every one of the people here attracted my attention and interest, but there was such a person among them that he was very different from the others, as if he was separate from them.
He was very, very old. His large and square head was completely naked, as if it had been smashed by an iron fist in the upper middle, except for a lock of hair near the nape of his neck. The sky-colored eyes on his face, as big and wide as his head, gleamed with indescribable pain. Big and heavily loaded like a mountain, his waist was bent double. His long, sparse beard creeps on the ground; trembling, he was trying to carry the weight that was piled on his weak body, weak and white bones, with difficulty but patiently.
From this situation, I could easily guess that he had been around for many years.
He turned his head for a moment and looked at where I was. I saw a lot of envy, curiosity and some questions in his eyes.
After approaching him and greeting him:
I said, "O old traveler of the path of purification from these sins. I saw a lot of envy, curiosity and the light of some questions in their gazes towards me. I think you want to talk to me, ask some questions.
Looking at my face again
- He said yes. On her face is the luminous shimmer of happy people going the other way, and on her back is the white dress that symbolizes cleanliness. Also, he doesn't have a load on his back. But you are still on your way to this fire pit. My envy is for its features, my curiosity is for the reasons why it is here. My questions are about this manner.
I said yes, you are right. I was a sinful servant who carried his burden with difficulty, like you, until the crossroads, and I sought refuge in the forgiveness and forgiveness of my Lord. My Lord has forgiven me. It took the load off my back. He erased the arrogance in my heart, the dirt on my face, the stain on my forehead.
The expressions in the eyes of the old and unfortunate traveler of this path of redemption were mixed with strong astonishment.
-But how? Said. Last-minute repentance and asking for forgiveness are of no use. I know this is so.
-I said yes. Maybe what you know is true. But to despair of Allah's mercy is a greater sin.
I was a sinful servant who often repented and asked for forgiveness in that place where we reconciled for a moment, and often broke their repentance and forgiveness. But I never gave up hope in the mercy of my Lord, I always took refuge in Him.
Also, I loved what my Lord loved. It hurt too. Ha-bib's face forgave me for the sake of water.
O old man! Tell me a little about yourself. Even though you are old, weak and bent, I found your burden too heavy. You must have brought all this from the place where we lingered for that moment.
After the old man sighed with regret:
He said yes, you are right. I was in a prestigious position in the place you mentioned, but my students and disciples, who surrounded me in front of me and behind me, would sit in rows, listen to me, and rush to fulfill the orders I gave. I was proud of my knowledge, I thought I knew everything. I had forgotten that knowledge begins and continues by knowing that you do not know. I could not understand and understand that useless knowledge is a burden of fire on the back.
to my religion; In my own mind, I made some additions, subtractions, changes, and introduced bid'ahs with my knowledge, which I value very much, but which I see is not of much value in reality. My students also practiced these and taught their children. Both I, those who followed me, and their children perished. My sins were blamed as much as all their sins. My book of deeds in the world remained open from the side of evil.
I have been on this road for years, and every time I come back, I find my burden a little more and a little heavier. I'm afraid that this reckoning will last until the end of the world, although I am one of the first to enter Hell, I will be one of the last to leave.
I saw the burden of keeping the book of deeds open from the evil side in this old man's situation with all its bitterness, weight and horror.
The old man who saw the pity and mercy in my eyes:
-He said no. Don't hurt me. Because I didn't hurt myself. A person may sometimes need to be very cruel to his own ego. There is no mercy for those who do not show mercy. We are not worthy of pity and mercy. We found all these with our own minds, planted, grew and raised them with our own hands. All these things you see are the product of our own field, the product of what we planted.
I only have one request from you. I was proud of my knowledge, so my head would stand tall and my eyes would wander high. This made me an arrogant person who despised and despised other people. In reality; Although I am smaller, lower than everyone else; I saw everyone as inferior, smaller, and worthless.
My smug personality made me deaf to what others said, and my arrogance dazzled me and blinded me. This is blindness and deafness; It prevented me from asking for and receiving advice and advice. However, he; it was a need and a blessing for us who are always prone to mistakes, flaws and sins. My personality, open to mistakes, flaws and sins, but closed to advice and counsel, threw me into those deep and filthy pits of black ignorance. My eyes, dazzled and blinded by arrogance, prevented me from seeing this truth.
I thought that my knowledge would protect me from all kinds of deficiencies and faults, that I was the only adviser and the only guide, and that my knowledge gave me this right. But I also see that useless and perverted knowledge has no other result than aggravating the burdens on the backs.
O radiant person who has attained the forgiveness of my Lord!
As you can see, I bend my proud head and my proud eyes that look down on everyone with regret and remorse, I trample them under my feet and trample them.
I take my pride and arrogance out of myself like a dirty dress, throw it away like a scumbag in my personality. I take my soul where it deserves, under my feet.
O person with a bright face, happy traveler of the right side!
Advise and advise the man you see, who is old and hopeless, who thinks he has knowledge but realizes that he is ignorant, and who is humiliated by falling from the heights. Surely, the way you will show is much better, much better than the one that I sought and found with my perverted knowledge and that I am going to right now, ultimately reaching that deep pit of fire….
I didn't have what that old and miserable person wanted, who took his soul under his feet and tried to take it off his back like a dirty linen. That's why:
I said, "I cannot find the power and authority to give you advice and advice. I don't think I have enough knowledge for that. But I can only tell you this much.
The sign and wisdom of the mind is to be victorious and dominate the nafs and to prepare what is needed after death. The sign of stupidity is to follow one's soul and commit a sin, and then to expect forgiveness and mercy from Allah (c.c.). However, never lose hope in the mercy of my Lord. Repent often and ask forgiveness. Undoubtedly, my Lord is Most Merciful and Most Forgiving.
As I see it, you are in deep regret and remorse. I hope this will be of use to you.
The old man took my hands and said:
He said, "O bright face, the one who guides people to goodness. You have shown that you have real knowledge by saying that you know that you do not know. But tell me. Here too? This is the place where the judgments are finalized and the punishments are applied. Just as the last regrets will not benefit, will the last repentance not be beneficial in asking for forgiveness?
I said yes, maybe it's like you said. But to despair of the mercy of my Lord is a heavier burden than the burdens on one's shoulders, a greater sin. Still, try to be a servant who repents frequently, sheds tears of regret, takes refuge in the mercy of my Lord, and hopes. This is the best advice and advice I can give you.
Old man:
-Ahh! said. You opened my blind eyes, you sprinkled water on my burned heart. From now on, I will repent and seek forgiveness to my Lord in every step I take; I will wait patiently for your mercy.
After leaving the old man, all my attention and attention was directed to other human beings with heavy burdens. I used to go to them often and talk to them. After all; At the beginning of the reasons that push people to sins; Besides those three big traps of Satan, who takes advantage of the weaknesses of the nafs; I have seen that those who do not use the greatest blessing that my Lord has given to us humans, those who do not use it correctly or at all, and those who deal in commerce, do not hold the ball of the scale correctly, so they come with the right of the slave that they cannot lift or carry. It was really a burden that bent the back and broke the legs, and there was no possibility of forgiveness. In a way, this place was a place for the bad-tempered.
The caravan was advancing slowly on the way to be cleansed of these sins. We were passing through terrifying places that were heart wrenching, eyes popping out of their sockets and protruding.
At the beginning of the road; What I saw as a red, thick line on the horizon became thicker and more pronounced as I approached. At this time, I realized that that was our target.
It was starting to get warm on the way we went. The red tongues of flaming rose and multiplied, appearing and disappearing from the smoke or vapors emanating from slits, cracks, or holes. It illuminates and dims this dim and frightening world a little bit in spots; it gave off a more mysterious and frightening air.
They have grown and grown like plants that have found a fertile place in the oleanders, which I saw on the right and left and asked curiously; They stood on leaf and flower. As they progressed, they found their food to its fullest and the closer they got to the place where they would get it, they grew larger, stretched out their arms like a thousand-armed octopuses, and crossed into each other. They were as frightening as they were interesting, with dark blue leaves resembling elephant ears and scarlet berries resembling strawberries the size of water cubes.
Seeing that I was looking at them with interest, Gaffar came to me and said:
"You shouldn't get too close to them," he said. Especially the fruits are poisonous embers from pure fire, which only the people of hell eat them. They are their sustenance.
Withdrawing in fear:
I said, "I seek refuge in Allah (c.c.) from such sustenance.
As we progressed, this dense forest became denser. Giant trees covered our horizons and us. The moonlike thing that hung like a lamp above this dreadful world and illuminated it a bit disappeared. Everywhere was pitch black. If it weren't for the red spots of the oleander branches that surrounded us and the flames of fire that appeared and disappeared from afar among the leaves, I would have said that we had fallen into a pitch well.
The gloom that had descended on us like a still flame had darkened a little, and the atmosphere had warmed a little. The air we inhaled into our lungs was burning and smelly like ignited sulphur, and it was getting heavier and heavier, reaching unbearable levels.
The people in the caravan were in great distress and pain, but they were patiently trying to continue on their way. Nerves were taut like a violin string. It was doubtful how long they would last in this increasingly heavy atmosphere.
Finally, a few of them could not stand it any longer. Some of the stretched nerve wires snapped. As if they were lost, they threw off their burdens and began to flee towards the oleander forests.
I can't see where they came from, where they came from, dressed in men's and women's clothes, but much taller, much bigger, stronger than normal people, and they followed those who fled towards the oleander forests; I saw them seizing and dragging them, putting shackles around their necks, shackles on their feet, and chains on their hands. This was certainly a manifestation of divine promise.
I was terrified. We came face to face with Gaffar for a while.
I said, "There is no question about the wisdom of my Lord. Surely, this is the manifestation and necessity of divine justice. However, I was seeing that my Lord had not oppressed or forced anyone until now, and that every person went towards their destiny with their own feet and their own will. Surely, there is endless wisdom in what I see. But I was incapable of finding and comprehending these wisdoms with my narrow mind.
He said yes, you are right. Undoubtedly, our Lord does not oppress His servants. People do cruelty. Strangely enough, these persecutions are usually directed against their own selves.
People see the worst evil in themselves. What people have done to themselves, others have not done to them. The mind does not always show the right path.
Don't be one of those who look at things from the surface and be wrong. Teach your eyes to see deeper, your mind to grasp further.
There is no doubt that within these events there are some blessings, wisdom, and mercy of my Lord for his sinful servants that his eyes cannot see and his mind cannot comprehend.
What you see is not persecution, but rather a blessing and mercy from my Lord towards His servants.
I said, "Of course it is." But with my narrow mind, I still cannot find these blessings and mercy.
-People often can't use their minds in the right way. That's why they can't find the truth, the truth. As I said, the eyes of your mind wandering on the surface of what you think are real, cannot see, know, or seek to find the mercies and blessings hidden in the depths of reality, such as the inability to see the treasures under the ground.
This is for those who flee to the right and left; It is those who are under the influence of what comes to their souls and therefore fall into that great mistake. A soul that devours weak minds and uses it as it wishes is actually a collar around the neck, and the result will be complete frustration.
Look at these idiots who are trying to flee in a panic from what is happening to them. You will see that they cannot use their minds in the right way. They can't even think that they can't escape from here.
Their duty should have been to submit to their destiny and take refuge in the mercy of my Lord, as the detached path shown by the righteous minds, but as always, they followed their own selves with these actions and strayed into the dead end he showed. Again they rebelled against him.
However, the only way of salvation for them was this way they did not want, escaped and left because of what had come to their souls. They, on the other hand, persecuted themselves, by following their nafs and leaving this stable path, as they always do.
If my Lord had not sent his demons and had them caught and turned them to the straight path, they would have lost their way and lost their way in these oleander forests; they would lose their chance of salvation, they would suffer eternally, they would perish.
I said yes, I understand. Now, seeing the reward for what they brought, maybe they will suffer in Hell for a while, but after being purified and cleansed of their dirt, they will have a chance to go to the eternal realm of bliss and paradise. I had no doubt that my Lord did not oppress His servants. What happens to me is just curiosity, a product of my mind. Thank you for the information you provided…
I didn't know exactly how long it had been since I had taken this road. Time stood still here, there seemed to be no such notion. It must have been years, many years. Since when we were in a continuous descent, as if descending from a slope. Finally this descent is over. After walking for a while on a flat place, we hit a steep, sharp rocky slope and were advancing with difficulty. As a sign that we were getting a little closer to Hell with every step, what was under our feet and above our heads was getting hot and almost turning into embers.
In that Thing, which was like the moon, but not the moon, that covered our horizon, it appeared a little bigger and a little brighter. They were more noticeable in the flickering, flashing lights inside. I would have been able to see and examine it better had it not been lost among the mists and fumes that often cover the environment. I was aware that That Thing had a close connection with hell.
The oleanders, on the other hand, had reached incredible sizes. We were passing through narrow passages made of branches that looked like long and thick branches, trying to avoid the fruits that lay in clusters like giant chandeliers in mansions or palaces. Wrapped in gigantic oleander stems; large, purple leaves; thick, tangled vines like black snakes hung all around us.
The foul-smelling swamps that we came across from time to time became more numerous. They were bubbling and bubbling like huge cauldrons boiling from the inside, in which something nasty was cooking, as if the fire under them had suddenly flared up, their boiling increased, their contents overflowed, and some of them were thrown and splashed on us.
As you progress; As the ground warmed, the plants began to diversify. To put it more accurately, this diversity existed before. But they didn't attract much attention, they didn't look like much because they were skinny, not big enough and not developed enough. As they grew and developed together with the oleanders, they became more prominent. I thought I was seeing them new, new, emerging, diversifying.
These plants were in every color and every shade of every color, but the warm colors were more and they were incredibly vibrant. The vibrancy of these colors gave them the appearance of an animal rather than a plant. It was as if some strange-looking creatures surrounded us, and they opened their eyes with wonder and bewilderment, were watching us, speaking in a quiet language, asking each other who and what we were.
They had sparkling eyes. It is strange; These creatures, appearing and disappearing like ghosts in the terrible and dim world that brightened and darkened, added an even more mysterious terror to the environment.
They began to surround us with some plants that looked like grass but were not, usually red or blue in color. Those who entered into these grasses or plants were bitten and stabbed like stinging nettles, and they suffered. I could easily see and understand the strength and severity of this pain from the facial expressions of those who were exposed, from the way they were throwing themselves to the ground, from the violence of these shots, and from the painful writhing they made by bending and twisting like snakes. These plants, like oleanders, must have been created from poisonous fire.
In the meantime, I have only recently become aware of the existence of some animal species living in these fire forests. Undoubtedly, these creatures existed and lived in all parts of these fire forests covering all directions, but for some reason, even though I came here, I couldn't notice them, or to put it more accurately, I couldn't see them.
Although from afar I heard some scary sounds that looked like howls and squeaks, but I thought they were coming from the spouts that made strange noises that I often saw on the right and left, and I did not hope and did not expect that animals could live in this world of fire.
Maybe the reason I didn't notice them was because we were just starting to reach the most suitable places for these animals to live, they weren't found in the places we passed before, or they were few in number.
As I progressed through these forests of fire, the closer I got to the target, the closer I could feel the presence of these animals, the closer I could see them. With every step we take, we can see that some creatures resembling snakes and scorpions slip away from under our feet, that oleanders that have reached gigantic dimensions and surrounded them on all sides, vines that wrap them like snakes, or that some of the branches and leaves of other animal-like plants fly, appear and disappear. I could hear the rustling sounds coming from its wings. But they were like ghosts. They appear and disappear for a moment in this dim, mysterious environment that brightens and darkens; It was not possible for me to see and understand their quantities and qualities sufficiently.
In this giant fire forest we are trying to move through, I noticed that some creatures, resembling tiny sparks, shining bees or flies from the hot fires on which fresh fuel is poured, fly and become more diverse and multiply as they progress. These creatures, like other passengers, surround us on all sides, but they could not get close even though they kept circling around us as if there was an invisible curtain or armor around us. Therefore, I was not affected by them, I was not disturbed.
But the other passengers were not in our situation. Tiny creatures resembling these sparks were swarming over them and stinging like bees. This must have been an extremely disturbing thing, that while these people tried to hold their load on their backs with one hand, they tried to drive them away with the other, they were generally unsuccessful, they could not prevent tiny shrieks from coming out of their mouths as if they had been stung by a bee.
The situation of those who had shackles around their necks, buckles on their feet and chains in their hands seemed more difficult and more dire. These shackles, chains, and shackles prevented them from moving freely compared to others, and they could not drive away or chase away these flies or bees-like animals that clung to them. It was as if it was a punishment for their previous rebellion.
The forest of fire in which we are advancing is getting more and more dense; As we scrambled through the mist and the poisonous fumes, there was a hissing, then a rattle. The caravan of sinners dispersed in panic. Despite the demons on duty warning them not to leave the caravan, no one listened to them, they were thrown into the depths of the forest, where they did not know what awaited them, and they fled left and right in a panic.
Mankind once again did not listen to those who tried to guide them to the right path, and they once again threw themselves into unknown dangers with the impulse of their souls.
I took a few steps forward with my eyes wide open to understand what was going on. Noticing that I was a few steps ahead, one of my comrades stepped in front of me and the other behind me. Gaffar was in the front and he was facing me. They both opened their arms to form a ring that protected me. That's when I saw the owner of the rattle and hiss. It was a giant rattlesnake. It had lifted its neck up like a thick black tree without branches. His mouth was open like a cave, with inverted fangs and a forked tongue like a thick black strap that occasionally protruded outward.
The giant snake swung slowly and heavily, wiggling its neck from side to side. He scanned the area with his large, slanted eyes like red-light lanterns. I just froze there. He didn't seem to see us even though we were right in front of him. The head and neck hissing of this giant shot forward like an arrow. When he withdrew, there was a shrieking, fluttering sinner in his mouth. After swallowing the sinner it had caught before our eyes with one or two swallows, the giant snake stretched its neck forward and glided silently into the depths of the fire forests.
Just as I was thinking that everything was over, desperate screams and shrieks began to be heard from the depths of the forest, their daggers and their torn throats, freezing the blood. Then, slowly, these cries and shrieks faded in strength, and then ceased altogether. Everything should have happened.
Like the whole caravan, I was just frozen in terror. In the meantime, I learned that in the depths of these ominous forests, some large-bodied wild animals live as if they had come from the depths of mythology. As a matter of fact, as we moved deeper into the forests, the howls and roars became stronger and more intense.
In the hazy environment, some ominous eyes were watching us carefully, not leaving us. Sometimes these roars and howls that come from the depths of the forest are desperate cries and cries; human voices calling for help began to mix. Now that I knew very well what they were and what they meant, I just stood there helpless. In a way, my blood was frozen with fear.
This situation naturally increased my feelings of horror, and I was careful not to leave my guards.
A spooky array of hills appeared before us, twisting and twisting, like an open-mouthed dragon crammed with giant oleander trees. Slowly, we began to climb the frontmost hill.
We had barely climbed halfway up the hill when suddenly:
It was shouted so that everyone would hide somewhere.
I realized that the sinners in the caravan, which looked like ant trains and were moving slowly and slowly, threw their loads to one side and fled in panic, trying to hide under the branches of the oleander trees, ignoring their fruits that looked like cube-sized strawberries and were actually made of poisonous embers.
Gaffar, who always walks in front of me, turns towards me and takes my arm:
-Come, he said. Let's hide somewhere.
I was going to ask why, why we should hide, but I realized from Gaffar's hasty movements that it would not be appropriate to waste time with such questions, so I followed him silently.
We ran and hid under a drooping oleander branch. My eyes, which were widened a little more out of curiosity, were wandering around, but I couldn't find or see the reason that drove us here with such fear.
Gaffar, who knows me well now, must have guessed that he would come across a question about our situation and that I would ask him, because he stretched out his shapely, graceful, white hands forward:
-Look, he said.
Just ten meters ahead of us; There was another small hill, high, strange-looking, made of rocks piled on top of each other like pyramids. It looked like a hump on the terrifying-looking hill, twisting and twisting, on which we were advancing. Since we often come across such hills, they were taken for granted, and they did not attract my attention and interest as much as before.
My eyes, illuminated by the fire of curiosity and sharpened even more, turned in the direction pointed by Gaffar's white and beautiful hands, wandering the slopes of the rocky hill on this side, and was not quick to find a strange, strange yet frightening large creature near the top of the hill. I had never seen such a creature before.
This creature looked more like a bird, with its wings curled up and gathered to its sides, but its beak and head were like those of a crocodile. If it hadn't been for the slightly curved tip and slightly pointed tip, I could easily have said that it was a crocodile head. Its color was also a strange color that changed every second, like a mixture of black, dark green, dark blue, buke-lamun, and kept tempering in the dimness of the environment. It stood silent and motionless, like a great craggy rock on the hill.
He was hairless. His whole body was covered with a thick, folded skin like that of a hippopotamus. Near the necks of this dark blue, green crocodile-headed bird, the parts of the bird were adorned with tiny triangles, mostly red, bright yellow, but with some flecks of all colours, shining brightly, mixed and tempered. On the top of his head were three protrusions of skin, resembling blood-colored bricks or cockscombs. Just under these ledges, his dark red eyes, large, sharp and hard-eyed, shine with a wild radiance; without turning his head, he wandered carefully from right to left, searching for his prey.
It looked like a large boulder perched on the top of a hill, with its wings bent sideways. His short but thick feet under his large body covered with many layers of skin, and the large and sharp claws on the tips of these feet, seemed to grip the rock on which he was standing, as if they were about to shatter.
All of a sudden, this crocodile-headed bird poked its head in our direction. His head flicked back and forth a few times, going back and forth. It was as if he was concentrating on something or something.
Suddenly, like an owl, he sprang from his quiet but massive body with an incredible, unexpected speed. Splitting like bat wings, its wings with curved ends closed our horizons for a moment. Just like a master swimmer jumping from a trapeze, he took off and rose a little, then plunged into us with a steep slope. It was so harmonious and powerful with its massive body that its wind ruffled my hair and its hum filled my ears. A few seconds later, he flew silently out of sight, though a few sinners were fluttering and wailing between their crocodile-like beaks.
Like the rest of the caravan, I was terrified. My eyes wide with fear turned towards Gaffar. He was as pale as me. Immediately understanding my question, which was expressed in the light of fear and terror in my eyes:
He said he is a fire bird. the most savage of the creatures here, the most ruthless. Like everything else, it is a creature of my Lord's creation. As with every creature, some divine duties were revealed to him. There are thousands of other creatures, similar or dissimilar, in this forest of fire you see, but this one is the wildest, most ferocious, most fearsome and biggest of them all. It is strong enough to snatch three or five sinners once.
I said I understand that. Undoubtedly, where there are plants and trees, there will be animals. They are a part of the established divine order, and they have a duty in this order.
I know that no living thing was created in vain. What I don't understand is why we need to hide here? Are we not under the protection of our Lord?
Undoubtedly, those who are under the protection and protection of my Lord; It is not possible for an evil to strike or reach without his will and permission.
Gaffar smiles:
“Of course your words are true,” he said. But don't forget. Our Lord always commands us to be cautious, and loves his cautious servants more. Also, as you can see, we are a society here. We have to listen to the orders of the leaders and obey them…
No doubt I knew that too. I had practiced this divine rule many times in my short life, but for some reason it was as if I was hearing it for the first time, learning it for the first time. And again, there is no doubt that the sinful human beings who were screaming and fluttering in the beak of the giant bird were a part of this divine order, and there were many wisdoms in this that I have not yet discovered. I knew this and believed it wholeheartedly, but still, a question was hooked in my brain. I couldn't help asking this to Gaffar.
-Indeed, what I have seen is the manifestation of divine justice. I don't have the slightest doubt about it. You know that my questions to you are just the result of an impulse called curiosity. What about Gaf-far, can you please tell me?
The accounts of those who were travelers on this path had been cut and finalized, and were they not going to pay their debts to divine manifestation?
I've just seen sinful people snatched up by the firebird. Will their punishment not be greater than that which is snatched away? Isn't this an injustice and cruelty? Undoubtedly, if my Lord had willed, he would have prevented them from being taken away and would not have allowed it.
Gaffar looks at me and smiles:
- He said yes. You are trying to think right and find the facts with your narrow and limited mind. But you seem to have forgotten or missed a fact.
Humans are first and foremost social creatures. In societies, some laws and rules are set for the safety of that society. It is up to people to obey these rules and laws and to fulfill the orders given by their leaders.
But human beings are always more or less rebellious. There are such people in every society. Those who do not abide by these rules and laws generally harm themselves as much as the societies they belong to.
If you notice, even though everyone was ordered to hide somewhere, the people you pity did not obey this order, it was difficult for them to hide under the fire trees and they left themselves in the open.
If they had obeyed the order, it would not have been possible for the firebird to find and snatch them from its hiding place. In a way, after all, those people drew their own destinies, they found what they did.
Gaffar was right. To rebel, to disobey the laws and rules should have been in the dough of human beings. I have seen before how much evil can be caused by the soul, which cannot be controlled by reason. Certainly, Gaffar wanted to set an example by following this order, even though it was not necessary for us.
After a while, the people who had run away and hid, looked around, sticking their heads out from where they were. They understood that there was no danger now, but they still could not emerge from their fears, waiting for a second order to be given. Surely, this is because what just happened was an unforgettable lesson and experience for human beings.
Finally, the expected cry was heard.
-Everyone should come out of their hiding place, let their burdens come upon them. There is no longer any danger.
The people in the caravan left their places and came to their cargo, and this great caravan set off again.
The further he went, the closer he got to Hell, the more terrifying the atmosphere became. Now the animals wandering on the right and left, their thick and bulging-necked snakes resembling cobras wrapped in the branches of oleander trees, long like train trains; We could clearly see centipedes fleeing to the right and left, and gigantic scorpions resembling scooped bulldozers with their inverted tails.
These animals were similar to those we often see in the world. With their flying sparks, their flies, their strange-looking birds and their reptiles, the animals here were just as diverse and interesting as those in the world.
Their colors generally ranged from dark blue to red. But some species were just as colorful as parrots, and all of them must have been created from fire or something like it.
We often came across boiling water cascades. The crevices, holes, cracks had increased, and the tongues of flaming between them had grown. The dim blackness of the sky I saw in the early days had changed to a crimson color. Everywhere, everything was red. The smoke or mist that had stubbornly surrounded us grew thicker, turning the color of blood. We were trying to move forward with patience and fortitude in this red world.
Since when, from afar, I began to hear some murmurs and bubblings, different, harder and more violent than those coming out of the spouts that we now come across frequently, and I asked Gaffar what it was. He also said that it was the sound of hell, that it had come this far. The further we advanced, the closer we got to our target, the louder these grunts and bubblings got. It seemed to come after the hill or mountain we were climbing. It was as if a huge cauldron set on a well-heated fire was boiling, and the crackling of the hot fire could be heard underneath.
Oleander and other plants surrounded us, obscuring our horizons. They were everywhere, and everywhere was a deep blue and red. We came across animals that were huge and terrifying, which brought our hearts to their mouths, and we were running left and right, trying to protect ourselves, in panic fueled by a fear we could not help. But, as in every society, there were also those among us who could not learn from what they saw, neglected and lazy. Despite all the warnings and warnings, he could not prevent some of us from being snatched up and kidnapped by these animals, hearing the shrieks of these sinners coming from the depths of the oleander forest, and we were getting goosebumps and goosebumps.
I had completely lost the notion of time. It must have been years since he entered the path of purification from these sins. We were still advancing, trying to reach our goal, which I thought we were getting closer to now.
This narrow road, on which we were trying to advance, became very steep and steep. The rocks and stones under our feet were razor sharp. Every time we took a step, we were cut and bled. We were climbing in zigzags, whirling, like climbing a mountain. We were passing through a thousand and one kinds of plants that surrounded us, and through the endless corridors and tunnels they created.
After a long, grueling and grueling journey, the plants that surrounded us finally got thinner and we came across a space resembling a wide square. This gap was the result of the steep and steep slopes resembling high ramparts or walls surrounding us on both sides, curling inward with a slight curve and was quite wide. It looked like a wide plateau formed between the slopes of two great mountains.
At the very edge of this plain was a very high wall, or rampart, whose end reached the horizon. I saw the same wall or wall behind me. It was as if Hell had been symmetrically split right in the middle, split into two parts.
The place we were in was a little above and it was gradually opened; thick, a path resembling a white line led with a slight incline towards the wall on the left. I asked Gaffar as we made our way down this gently sloping path.
I said, 'I see some pretty surprising things here. It is as if the places we wandered and tried to reach were split in half in the middle, and doors were opened from both sides. Or is hell two?
Gaffar looks at my face and says:
"In a way, it counts," he said. You might find the answer to that in what you know. But I'll say it anyway.
As you know, Mr. Muhammad (a.s.) is Hatem-ül Anbiya; It was sent to humans and jinn, to all human beings. As with humans, there are sinners among the jinn as well. Since jinn are created from pure flame, fire, which is a great source of torment for people, does not affect them. That's why their hell is cold unlike the others. Jinn are punished not by fire, but by cold. Since they were created from smokeless flame, the cold inflicts upon them the torment of fire. The place you see on your right is for them.
I said yes, I understand. Thank you for enlightening my mind with the information you provided and quenching my thirst called curiosity.
Gaffar smiled and said:
-There's no need to thank you for that. You know, my Lord has given you the right to ask questions and to answer me. It is also my duty to answer their questions.
I smiled at him too.
-I said let it be. Even if it is a duty, it is necessary to thank the services and good deeds. This is the simplest rule of courtesy.
Together we started to follow the path that descends with a slight incline. As we approached this wall or fortification, I had the opportunity to see it closer. This wall or rampart; It was made by stacking a kind of light gray, smoke-colored cut stone, similar to granite but much harder and stronger. When viewed from afar; It looked and resembled a kind of dark smoke, without joints, as if cut into one, rising and reaching the horizons, into the depths of the sky. But this construction was so magnificent, so harmonious and beautiful; I just stared with my mouth wide open in admiration, my eyes fixed on its majesty, perfection, and the beauty of the art in its making.
During these times, I noticed with difficulty that there was a single-winged door in the place that hit the lower middle of the wall or the wall. It was as if the door was made of the material of the wall, and it matched perfectly with it. I wouldn't have noticed if its wings hadn't been wide open and I hadn't seen some sinful humans enter, like ants, through the gap.
The door leaf was opened outward as far as possible. The door was narrow and small enough to contrast with the majesty of this majestic, gigantic wall. Over:
-This is the manifestation of the kahhar attributes of Almighty Allah (c.c.). Hearts come to mouths, hopes turn into despair; It is the place where death and destruction are longed. This place is for the bad guys. Hell is the home of the oppressors and the proud. This is the place of manifestation of my Lord's torment. It was written that my Lord takes revenge on the cruel and proud here.
The door was so narrow and small that it was like a tiny mouse hole at the foot of this steep mountain. It was barely enough for a sinner with a load on his back, provided he was also bent over. The sinners stood in a single file at the door, waiting for their turn to enter.
When I got to the door, Gaffar stopped and looked at me and said:
He said, "After this, there are places that are haram for us. We cannot go beyond this door. Malik, who is the guardian and eunuch of Hell, will be your guide and companion on your journey from here on.
I squeezed his hands affectionately.
I said, "I found you as a good friend, a good comrade on this long journey. May Allah (swt) be pleased with you. Thank you so much. But if you'll excuse me, I'd like to ask a few more questions before I leave.
Gaffar smiles:
He said, "Permission can only be obtained from our Lord." As I said before, you don't need permission to ask me questions. I was ordered to answer their questions. You can ask me anything you want. I tell what I know, I ask a Knower what I do not know.
I said, "Of course I know that a job cannot be started or finished without the permission and grace of my Lord. But you are also very valuable to me. With these words, I wanted to show that I value you and respect you.
Gaffar smiles, satisfied with the value I give them:
He said, "May Allah be pleased with you too. We want to be worthy of your value.
I said, what a good wish. There is no doubt that the pleasure of our Lord is the greatest reward. May Allah (c.c.) be pleased not only with me, but also with our sentence.
As for my last question to you; It has been quite a long time since he left that fork in the road. We have come a long way to this place of purification and purification from sins. Undoubtedly, there is no question about the wisdom of my Lord. He is not oppressing to His servants, complicating their way, and not making them difficult. Her; I saw that He bestowed His mercy upon His servants abundantly and sprinkled them on them, and I lived.
But I really found this long road to be very difficult and ordeal. The humans had a hard time crossing this steep road with their loads on their backs, and they suffered a lot.
What I wonder is why this road is so steep, painful and long. Undoubtedly, my Lord is able to shorten this long and grueling path, and is capable of it.
As for my second question, I think this place I see is the entrance to hell. I pay attention, I haven't seen happy people who were freed from that divine salvation for a long time. From this I understand that we are far from the exit of hell. If this is the entrance to hell, where is the exit?
“I see what you mean by the first question,” he said. You know that my Lord has never oppressed His servants and that there is a thousand and one wisdom and mercy in every action he does, but you still see this long and painful road as an oppression of his servants, right?
-I said yes. In a way, it might be. Undoubtedly this is; It is an error of my narrow and limited mind, which cannot reach and reach everything, cannot grasp everything, is always open to flaws and mistakes. Otherwise, it is not a doubt about the Rahman and Rahim attributes of my Lord. It is only wondering about the wisdom and goodness for the helpless servants who are hidden in this long and painful road, and wanting to see and know them.
Gaffar smiled again:
He said yes, I know. If there were any doubts about the attributes of our Lord, you would have come here as a sinner and a heavy burdened servant.
It is true that that road is extremely arduous, grueling, steep and long. The longer this path of torment, the shorter the path to eternal bliss. That's why the exit of hell is right next to heaven.
If you remember; At the crossroads where the sinless and the forgiven and the burdened of sin separate, to you, hell; I said that this place of purification and purification from filth and sins is forty years away.
After walking this long and grueling road for forty years, we were finally able to come to this place of purification and cleansing. Meanwhile, on this long road, the sinful servants of my Lord carried and brought their burdens. Some spilled on the roads. Their burdens and sins were reduced.
In addition, human beings; He is equipped with an ability, a weapon, to get used to the conditions he is in. This is just one of the countless blessings that my Lord has given to the sons of Adam. He is such a blessing; if it were not, none of you would be able to bear, endure, endure the torment of this manifestation.
That rough road, in a way, made them accustomed to this difficult place that they would soon enter. This means that they will feel less torment.
Looking at Gaffar's face with amazement and amazement:
-So people get used to burning and the torment of burning? I asked.
- He said yes. People get used to burning like everything else. This is one of the greatest blessings bestowed upon them.
Undoubtedly, my Lord is able to grab the knuckles of his sinful servants and throw them straight into Hell. As a matter of fact, some of them were caught in this way and thrown into hell. You must have seen it in all its horror in its early days...
These words of Ghaffar reminded me of the hole that was opened in my grave towards the end of my life, growing and resembling a well, and the Thing I saw in the hole. For a moment, I experienced those horror-filled moments once again. I got goosebumps. I started sweating cold, cold. But Gaffar continued without realizing this change in me:
-Those who fell from those holes that lead straight to hell; Those who do not recognize His existence, associate partners with Him, hypocrites, and those who take an innocent soul unjustly. Some of them are those who are deprived of taking refuge in the Most Merciful and Merciful attributes of my Lord, and from His mercy, who will remain forever in Hell.
As for the other sinful servants of my Lord, who came to this manifestation by carrying the burdens they brought with their own feet; if they had not crossed this steep road and been thrown straight into hell like the others; their burden of sin would be greater, and the torment they suffered because they were not used to it would be too great to bear.
In a way, this difficult road; It is a place of manifestation and mercy, where those who are deprived of His mercy and those who are not, are separated, as always, where the slightest injustice is not done.
Also remember; After you were freed from your graves and purified from the rights of the slave, you were again set on such a difficult path. In fact, it was a blessing and mercy of my Lord for you on this path. And you kept asking me about the blessing hidden in your being driven to this hard road; I told you that I will talk about this later, if my Lord allows it. Now its time and time has come.
All of you; You were driven to that hard road without any discrimination or consideration, but that road was very difficult and difficult for your souls. Instead of taking refuge in the Most Merciful and Merciful attributes of my Lord, and asking forgiveness and forgiveness; she preferred to cry, whine and complain. They seemed to have given up hope on His mercy. However, he was the only place to take refuge and seek help. It was the most rational and correct way to take refuge in Him and ask for forgiveness and forgiveness, but few of you could think and reason about it.
-As you said, this is certainly a wisdom, mercy and blessing of my Lord. I said thank God. Your words and the information you gave warmed my heart a little bit more and enlightened me. You would once again quench my mind, the most beautiful product of my mind, which is the greatest blessing that our Lord has bestowed upon us Adam's sons, my curiosity, which looks like an unquenchable thirst. You watered and fed this most beautiful flower of my mind. Thank you once again.
While we were talking about these things with Gaffar, a tall, big-bodied person, with long and black hair parted from the middle of his head, came out from the door of hell and came to us.
He was so tall and large that I had to lift my head high and bend it to my neck, as I did when I wanted to look at the very top of a tall tree to see his face. If I had a cap on my head, no doubt, it would have fallen with my move. The question of how such a tall, burly and majestic person got out of that tiny door and how he got there was a puzzle that I couldn't solve at that moment.
His face was perfectly well-formed and beautiful, like any other missionary angel I had seen, but somewhat still, with a sincere sadness. It was as if he was upset about something, dissatisfied with what he had done.
She was wearing a dress made of thick leather that went from the shoulders to the waist, leaving her arms bare. There was a slight whistle and blackness smeared on various parts of his muscular, thick bicep-like arms, and he smelled faintly of soot. His apron made of thick leather that goes from his waist to below his knees, soot stains on his arms and face; he compared him to a blacksmith who had just quit his job.
A deep and loud voice:
-Our guests who are curious and want to see the manifestation of my Lord, who cause the whole world of the heavens to laugh because of this, and who are his comrades! Welcome, you brought joy. He said, 'I am the keeper of these places, and I am Malik.
All three of us:
"We're welcome, Malik," we shouted.
Malik's words caught my attention, reminding me of some chuckles I had heard, but I didn't know why. I thought of asking this to Malik later. But what I saw and experienced afterwards made me forget this issue about myself.
My hand, which was rather small, disappeared between Malik's large hand, which was outstretched to squeeze it. His hand was large and strong, but warm with a sincere friendship.
Gaffar and Muhlis had happy and peaceful smiles on the faces of those who fulfilled their duties properly.
Gaffar looked at me and spoke on behalf of Muhlis:
"Now if you let us," he said.
After cuddling with it:
-Certainly. Permission is first my Lord's, then yours. I found you very good, good comrades and friends. You showed and illuminated my way, my direction. I said, "May the Almighty God be pleased with you and reward you".
-God bless you too. He said that God's will is enough for us.
While hugging and hugging Muhlis, he whispered in my ear:
-Do not forget! I will be waiting impatiently at the gate of heaven to take you to that eternal realm of happiness, to show you the way and direction, and to be your friend and comrade again. I hope you won't keep me waiting too long.
I said I wish and hope that too. If my Lord permits, I will run to you as soon as I quench my thirst, which is curiosity.
0 notes
dieonerememerberbook · 3 years ago
After saying goodbye to Muhlis and Gaffar, Malik showed the door wings of hell that were wide open:
He said, "This is the entrance to the manifestation that you want to see," he said very curiously. You can enter whenever you want; You can visit the places you want. With the permission and mercy of my Lord, even a single hair of it will not be harmed.
I said, "If possible, I would like to see Hell, the greatest manifestation of my Lord, first as a whole.
Malik looked at me with interest:
-Of course he said. You are wrong about only one thing. Hell is not the greatest manifestation of my Lord. That land of eternal happiness is much, much greater than it. Because the attributes of my Lord, Rahman and Rahim, are much more than the attributes of kahhar.
This is the place where some sinful servants of my Lord linger for a while, get rid of their dirt and filth, and transform into the essence of their creation, which is like the bath of the mansions of Paradise. This place is like a huge inn where its guests more or less enjoy themselves. Except for a very few, all of them here go to that land of eternal happiness.
-I said yes. Surely you are right. What is missing from the creation of error and error is my mind. We think that he can grasp everything and achieve everything, but the reality is not like that. We are open to mistakes and mistakes as well as truths. We can easily be deceived and wrong.
But for people who can use their minds correctly, mistake is also a good teacher. Because experiences are born from mistakes and flaws. It can be found in right directions from wrong directions. We have learned a lot from our mistakes and shortcomings.
-After saying how nice it is to complete the deficiencies from the deficiencies and find the beautiful by purifying the whole from the ugly ones, and pointing to that majestic wall with his hand:
He said, "This is Sürâdik." These walls you see encompass all hell-nether.
Malik looked at me. Then he paused for a moment. It was as if he hesitated. But his ambivalence did not last long. Reaching out his hand again; He continued, pointing to the stairway-like place that started right next to the tiny door and climbed in zigzags to that great wall or wall.
- If you really want to see hell as a whole from a bird's eye view, you have to go through the arduous road that starts from these stairs and continues.
I followed the ladder he pointed to with my eyes. It begins at the edge of the huge wall or rampart, at which we stand; the fold, the fold extends upwards; was lost in the clouds and mist. It seemed as if it stretched into infinity. I hesitated for a moment, but this indecision did not last long.
I said, "As you said, this journey seems like it will be very tough." It's like this ladder stretches out into infinity.
Malik looked at me with pitying eyes and said:
-I find you a little weak and powerless for this long and difficult road. He said, "If you want, I can order some demons so that they can take you upstairs to the wall at once."
-I said no. I know that what is achieved with inherent effort and effort is more valuable. As you said, this road is quite tough and challenging. And again, as you said, I will have a hard time on this road and get tired. But the salt of the term that will flow for this cause will add flavor to what I have achieved as a result of these efforts.
Together with Malik, we started to climb the ladder that stretches towards infinity. At the junction where, after a fairly steep climb to the south, the ladder curved vertically to the north, there was, I think, a chamber made for rest. When we got here I was out of breath; It was the wisest way to sit and rest, but again, my urge called curiosity did not leave me alone.
I went to the tiny window on the outward side of the room and looked out. As in places I have seen for a long time, oleanders were all over the place and they were covering my entire horizon. As they approached Hell, they had grown to incredible proportions, and some of them reached almost halfway through the gigantic wall that touched the clouds.
Showing them to Malik:
I said, "But they've grown up."
-Yes, you're right, but call them Mashallah again. Because they are just a few of my Lord's creations.
Ashamed of this great blunder I have made:
I said, "May Allah be pleased with you for straightening my curve." I want and expect this behavior to continue. Mashallah, there is no doubt that they are one of the most beautiful creations of my Lord.
Malik smiled.
He said, "May Allah be pleased with our sentence. We are free from mistakes, faults and sins by nature, we are free of them, but I know that accepting and trying to correct mistakes is also a great virtue and maturity.
We are at the highest place we can be. Where we are is at the discretion of our Lord. If you; By using the great blessing that my Lord has given you in the right direction and in the right place, you have the chance to reach much higher levels than us because of your egos that are open to mistakes, faults, mistakes and sins.
-Yup! I said, in a way, you might be right. Our nafs, which is open to mistakes, faults, mistakes and sins, can raise us to a higher and better level than you, and can also lower us to a lower level than animals.
After resting enough, we set off again. As Malik said, it was very difficult and tiring to reach the goal. It must have been quite a long time, but since there is no measure for the concept of time here, I could not know the elapsed time exactly. Finally, we came to a very, very wide plain. I almost swallowed my little tongue from the amazement of what I saw there.
Malik looking at my face:
"This is the top of Sürâdik," he said.
It was as if the place we came to was not the top of a thick and imposing wall, but a gigantic plain without the slightest indentation and protrusion that filled my horizons. This could give an idea of ​​the thickness of Sürâdik.
A huge mass of fire, as large as worlds, was burning in my opposite direction, which seemed to be lost in the mists and clouds, within my sight. But it wasn't just flame. Behind a rather large section steaming, roaring with a secret storm and boiling inside; It was a giant torch, whose multicolored tongues of flame licked the skies and horizons.
The flames of this torch were mostly pink, red, and blue, but it also carries every shade of every color, it is violet in a thousand and one colors; He was fidgeting and wiggling, as if a light wind was moving through him.
The flames emanating from this giant torch covered the entire sky and painted it in its own playful colour. And it was as if I was a tiny ant, or a speck of white dust, on the outer edge of the firebox of this giant, smoking, steaming torch, but I just stared in surprise and admiration.
The scorching heat of the flames, which I saw far away, was hitting my front face towards that giant torch, but at the same time the other side of me; A strong ground wind was also freezing my back. Between the two of them was a heavy but powerful current that strengthened and multiplied its effects. Although I was protected by the special armor of divine mercy, I could still hear and feel the warmth of the flames coming from my front and the coldness of the ground wind coming from behind me.
Curiously, I turned around and saw a scene similar to the one before. Another wall, resembling the one we were standing on, was just ahead of us and encompassed the entire view, except for what looked like a deep chasm between us. It was as if this deep rift was a gigantic fissure dividing this strange and frightening world in its middle. It was as if they were equal and symmetrical on both sides. But the flames that covered the whole sky and horizon were not on this side. This place was steaming like the other side, but these mists were much thicker, a little more dense and stagnant than the other side. It was as if an icy quilt had covered and covered the whole place, and something was quivering under it.
This all-covering white quilt was like thick, swaying clouds that changed color as they moved towards the horizon, changing from white to very light blue. These clouds were heavy, crumpled, swaying like waves in still air in a great deep ocean.
Seeing it like that, I remembered Gaffar's words. These thick clouds, turning from white to light blue and covering everything and swaying slowly, must have belonged to the hell of the demons. Despite my protective armor, the ground-cold, which I perceived with all its intensity, came from there.
But my current point of interest was on the side of the giant flaming torch, which I first saw. Because that was my real range.
Reserving my right to question about the jinn hell, I turned my face and attention back to that flaming side, to that which belongs to humans.
The gigantic wall stretching out on either side of us, on which we are near the outer edge; As it approached the horizon, it became smaller in appearance, eventually taking the shape of a crescent, embracing hell from both directions, disappearing into the smoke, the mist, the mists and the glows. The edge of the wall facing me was the closest this giant torch was to me.
Lift my head; I looked at the sky, painted with the vibrant color of flaming, brightened and darkened by this misty and fiery atmosphere. And when I realized a fact here, my surprise and admiration increased even more.
-Oh my God! I shouted. What looked like the moon when we first started our journey turned out to be the reflection of hell hitting the sky.
My shout of astonishment and astonishment must have caught my comrade's attention as well.
Malik looking at my face:
“If you want to see him more closely, we will have to go to the other shore,” he said.
Although my admiring and bewildered eyes are on that strange object:
-I said yes. I want to see hell closer.
Our way was quite long, but the ground was level. That's why I didn't have much trouble except what the length brought. I could see some leftovers that we squeaked over, like garbage from a great flood, under my feet, but I knew what they were, so I didn't ask Malik about it.
When Malik noticed that I was looking at them with interest and compassion:
He said, "Hell sometimes gets angry, gets horny and overflows from its nest." What is left of these floods when they see it is what he has taken out and thrown away. These will be cleared as hell is finally wiped out and swept away.
-I said yes. In the first moments when we started this long journey, I saw and witnessed that hell was getting raging and wrathful. Even though we were at a distance of forty years, its sprays had come as far as we were and fell on us like rain.
All these bone fragments, skulls creaking and crackling under our feet, making me stumble from time to time, making it difficult for me to walk. But his problem with me was in another way. I really didn't mind the difficulty in walking. It was extremely demoralizing to have this march on them. It gave me a heavy feeling of horror and disgust, as if I was walking on human corpses.
It also took us a long time to traverse that huge wall we were on. It was as if we were walking on a very wide, flat plain without the slightest indentation. I wasn't sure exactly how much time it took to get to the other end, but it must have taken days or even weeks anyway.
I tried to imagine the enormity of hell if the wall or wall that surrounded it was that thick, but I couldn't. This magnitude was beyond my thinking and imagination.
When I reached the edge of Sürâdik, I approached well. At first, I had the feeling that I was looking at a vast sea from a great height, and I was dizzy in a part.
The stretch in front of me was so big and majestic that it couldn't fit in my eyes, I had to turn my head left and right, and look over it. But then, such an ability came to my eyes that these places that could not fit into my eyes began to fit in, I began to see it as a whole. It was as if I had been lifted to a very high place and from there I could see everything from a bird's eye view.
It was there that I saw Hell as a whole for the first time in all its glory. It was unbelievably big and majestic, and it was overflowing from the horizon.
If I had to describe what I saw, I would say this. A hollow in the middle; Imagine a giant bowl filled with a tempering, bubbling, steaming liquid. In the middle of this bowl, there should be an inverted funnel, much smaller than this giant bowl, burning reddish. Let the pointed end of this funnel, which extends towards the sky, come out of this liquid and as if a bomb had fallen on it, it would be torn apart by the effect of this bomb, scattered in all directions, so it would be slightly expanded.
From this place, which looked like a scattering chimney, dazzling relentless flames sprang forth that ignited the entire sky, spreading all over this strange and so frightening world.
This huge bowl was filled to the brim with smoke, flames, mists, and mists that, if you look carefully, you can see some black and purple shadows under them, and a deafening hum was heard. It was as if a very strong hurricane was blowing under hell, turning it upside down.
The gigantic wall we were standing on embraced this huge bowl from two directions, stretching from both sides, encircling it in the shape of a giant crescent.
As this wall got closer to the horizon, it got smaller and thinner, curved slightly like a sunflower, then disappeared into the mist, clouds, and smoke.
It is as if a huge, colorful cauldron was boiling from a very high place, moving and moving; It was as if I was looking at an ocean that was alive and lively, lost among the mists, the smoke, the clouds and the heat.
The disappearance of the wall by embracing hell and curving, it; He compared it to a giant hemisphere cut off from the top, or a very deep well with a round mouth that narrowed towards the bottom.
I was looking at this giant cauldron, which was boiling, bubbling and changing color in front of me, with interest and fear. This giant cauldron was mostly covered with a red-blue mist cloud, and it was as if it was smoking.
But this fog was not as dull and heavy as on the other side of hell. It was as if a light wind was moving through it, mixing its contents with each other, bringing a lightness and liveliness to this part of hell compared to the other.
It is far enough to fit my gaze, but I can see clearly with the bestowed talent, in a place that could be the center or the middle of this gigantic cauldron, in a thick line; There was something dazzlingly bright, where the colors of pink, scarlet and blue were intertwined, turning from color to color as you looked deeper into them. It goes so far for me to understand that this is the essence of fire; It was enough for me to see huge tongues of flames spewing froth and licking the sky.
I thought this was the roof of the lowest part of hell. That thought alone was enough to make me shudder with fear.
The essence of fire, which I could see in the distance as a thick line, seemed to be a whole, yet a watchful eye armed with faculties and sharpened; He could easily notice that it was descending step by step, separating into many layers.
The topmost one of this layer was pink in color, close to red. This color fused in a thin border with a lighter pink just below it. Beneath this pink was a layer of light blue mixed with a lighter, slightly reddish tinge. It was followed by a slightly darker layer of blue, which was turning darker and darker into a navy blue that looked like black in the center. I could see that all these were layer by layer, like a rainbow, and I could easily spot them even though I was far away.
My eyes wandered over what looked like a moving cloud, mist, smoke at the top of the bubbling hell like a boiling cauldron. This layer was generally smoke-colored, but when you look carefully; it was noticed that there were some objects in them that were different from this color, resembling dark blue or black, as if swaying in a wind, undulating tree branches.
It was not possible for me to distinguish their qualities and quantities from where I was. Undoubtedly, if I asked this to Malik, he would have answered and satisfied my curiosity, but I did not find it necessary. Anyway, after a while, I would go into hell and see it with my own eyes. Undoubtedly to see; It was much more beautiful, much more attractive, much more instructive than listening and dreaming.
A playful mist, shrouded in a cloud of smoke; As I looked at the scalding, scalding hell, lying in front of me with all its magnificence, I once again felt dizzy and nauseous.
Realizing that I was dizzy, nauseous and staggering for a moment, Malik grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. Under the protection of his strong arms, I had to close my eyes until the dizziness and nausea subsided.
After a while, I opened my eyes and said:
I said I think I've seen enough of hell. But before I go, I would like to ask you a question?
-Certainly! He said, "My Lord has ordered me to answer your questions."
I said thank God. Then I pointed to Sürâdik and continued:
-These great walls seem to surround and encircle all hell. Is it really so?
Malik looked at me with interest and said:
-Yup! He said you think right. These walls you see surround all hell. There are four more like this.
Looking at his face with amazement:
-Four more? I asked.
- He said yes. Four more. Hell is actually divided into seven parts, and between some of them there are higher, bigger walls than this one sees.
Looking at Malik's face again:
"If you'll excuse me, I want to ask you one more question," I said.
"You don't need permission for that," he said. This is a right given to you by my Lord. You can ask me whatever you want. I'll tell you what I know. I also ask the One Who Knows what I do not know.
Hell, as I see it, is a rather large and lofty place. It must be quite difficult to guard this place. Do you have any help in this matter?
-Yup! Hell is much bigger and wider than you imagine. It is so big and wide that it does not fit into the horizons of the eyes. Your perception of it as a whole is through an angel bestowed by my Lord. It is like the gaze of a person who sees the stars in the sky on a cloudless night, but fails to notice the unbelievable distances between them.
We, the guardians of hell, are nineteen of us. Each of us is responsible for its various parts. But I am their head.
-Yes I understand.
After waiting for a while as if the owner wanted to see if I have any other questions:
He said, "If you've seen him enough, satisfied his curiosity with your questions and there are no other problems, we can go back now if you want."
-Yup! Thank you for the information you provided on this matter. There is no longer any need or meaning to stay here any longer.
-There's no need to thank you for that. I said, this is my duty. Come on then, let's set off in the name of Allah (c.c.).
Seeing Malik heading towards the way we came, he said:
I said, "Spending time to see the places I've seen again will delay my return to that land of eternal happiness." I don't want to keep my friends waiting on his way either.
We are here in eternity, we really do not lose anything, but we still need to use and spend time in the most appropriate and most valuable way. If you see fit, order some of the demons to take us down.
Malik looks at me and smiles:
-This is what you said; It should be something like using water sparingly on the edge of a raging river that never dries up or dries up. Surely, my Lord does not like the wasteful.
Alright! Let it be as you wish. “Close your eyes for a moment and open them,” he said.
I closed my eyes for a moment, opened them, and found myself at the entrance to hell, by that tiny door, where the humanoids were waiting for their turn in strings. Malik was with me. Pointing to the door leaf that has been opened outwards as far as possible:
-If you want to see hell from inside, you have to enter from here. He said, "This is the first gate of hell."
-Yup! I said I would like to see and get to know more closely the manifestation of this exemplary, wrath of my Lord. Maybe that's why I become a servant who knows his blessings better and is more grateful to Him.
Then, looking curiously into Malik's face:
-I said thank you. You're pretty big. I see that it is not possible to enter through this tiny door. Or will you not accompany me on this journey?
Malik smiled.
He said, "My Lord has ordered me to follow you throughout your journey in Hell and to do whatever you want. Of course I will come with you. It's okay for me to have a small door.
I entered through this tiny door, where the human beings, waiting in rows like ant trains, entered one by one with their loads on their backs. My comrade was with me and he seemed quite comfortable. Did the door and the vestibule it opened grow larger or had we shrunk? I was curiously examining both my comrade and the surroundings, looking for the answer to this question but could not find it. Surely this must have been one of the oddities that I did not think of and that I saw and encountered frequently along the way. Once again, I realized how helpless and powerless I was.
From the first moment I entered the door and stepped into a place like a corridor or cave that opened in front of me, my heart started to beat madly. An excitement and fear that I couldn't help was wandering in my inner world, which created storms and hurricanes in my whole being, both cooling and warming my blood. Although the environment was cool outside, I felt that I was sweating beads and beads.
I was conscious that I was under the protection of my Lord, but still felt a little afraid, more excited, my heart was pounding violently as if it would burst out of my chest.
The place we entered looked like a narrow, long and dark tunnel, a corridor. We were walking and walking in this invisible place, lost among the mists and vapors.
Some of the sinners had stinking and stinking torches in their hands. Under the bright red light of the torches, the corridor we were advancing was fading and disappearing.
For many thousands of years, sinners must have been traveling on this road, because the stalactites and the crooked ceiling of the corridor were smeared with black.
Far, far away, there appeared a brilliance like a great twinkling star, haze and shadowed by mists, and a dash of light from it added a twilight-like twilight to our path.
The corridor in which we were moving was divided into many branches, left and right, up and down. The slope of some descending arms was so steep that it was as if we were walking on the edge of a deep pit or a well. Since the weak light of the torches in the hands of some sinners could not illuminate the bottoms of these wells and pits, these places turned into dark navy blue, and this color added a mysteriousness that aroused fearful impulses in dreamhouses.
It immediately caught my attention that the corridor in which we were moving was divided into many branches, from which some mysterious-sounds resembling grunts, hissing, roars, squeaks came from, and that these branches were too many to control. At least some of the sinners who tried to advance on this path of sin could have escaped to these roads, to the corridors, and tried to escape from the fate that awaited them.
I asked this to Malik.
He said, "It is true that this road to hell is divided into many branches and is not inspected.
Not being checked is not due to the weakness of my Lord. Like everything else, this is one of His wisdoms. Those who grasp this wisdom are the ones who find the right way even at the last moment.
As you said, some of the sinners can run and hide here. They may try to escape from the manifestation that my Lord has ordained for them. But know this well that the place they go to is not better than the place they will reach.
But what is there to be surprised about? Didn't some of the people do the same in that temporary world? Didn't they find the path shown by the Guides guiding them to the right path difficult and difficult, denying and rejecting them and deviating from the path that their souls showed as right, but which was actually crooked?
Malik was right from the ground to the sky. Humans have been in this great mistake since the moment they were created.
In Malik's reply; In particular, the statement that the place they go is not better than the place they will arrive at caught my attention and interest. With this word, Malik wanted to point out that the place where they went with their eyes closed was worse and more unhelpful than the hell they were going to reach. What and where could that place be worse than hell?
My eyes were fixed on one of these roads, and I was lost in thought. Malik immediately understood what I wanted.
Looking at my face
"See it with your own eyes," he said.
When I made a sign that I accepted, Malik pulled me to a place where we could see the separated arms easily and hid me. We did not have to wait long in the place where we hid. Two men and a woman, a sinner, first looked at them carefully to see if there was anyone watching them, and then they extinguished the torches in their hands with a single move. They tossed aside their burdens and plunged into one of the arms. Seeing what they had done, another female sinner did the same. Thus, four sinners, two women and two men, took a dark path towards unknown and unknown places. We went after them.
It was pitch dark all over the place. Our Lord gave us the ability to see them in this darkness. Therefore, we could easily see them, watch what they were doing, and follow them easily.
It was so dark that the sinners could only crawl, grope, and with difficulty.
Finally, they must have come to the conclusion that they had gone far enough that one of them said to the others:
We've gone far enough now. They cannot see us here. He said let's light one of those torches.
I heard the sound of two flints hitting each other. For a moment, a flash of fire appeared and disappeared, like a firefly. Other voices and knocks followed. The sinners struggled a lot, but in the end they managed to light one of the torches. The crimson and playful lights of a sooty, feeble flame illuminated the atmosphere.
They were in a rather narrow, gnarled corridor where the steep stalactites looked like hanging sharp swords. The bravest of the men took the lead and started walking at random, not knowing where he was going. Others unconsciously followed him. The hall was separating into other branches. The leading man, without thinking, blindly dived into one of the arms and advanced. He must have had a black eye. It was here that I learned that boldness and courage are two separate things.
It was branching off into other branches. As their leader came across the branches that diverged left and right, he randomly dived into one of them, and the others followed him unconsciously. As far as I can tell, they were thinking of nothing but getting away from the convoy going to hell as far as possible, and they were advancing without calculating their front or back, with a thoughtlessness that could be called a panic state. During this time, I noticed that the corridor arms were constantly descending with a slight inclination.
As I progressed through these corridors, which were no different from a labyrinth, those strange sounds that resembled the howls, hisses and squeaks I heard from afar began to get stronger. As the group of sinners heard these voices, they froze for a moment, listening in horror to these terrible voices coming from the deep.
Finally, one of the women could not bear the terrible weight of the environment any longer.
-Lets go. Let's get out of here, she shouted.
His shouting created an atmosphere of complete panic. Every sinner plunged into the first passage before him without thinking. They separated from each other. We have; Let's go, let's get out of here, we went after the woman who triggered the panic.
The woman seemed to have lost her mind with horror. That's why she didn't realize that she was moving towards an increasingly loud hissing sound, approaching an unseen animal. Finally, the faint light of the torch in his hand illuminated a black neck rising in front of him, a large head at the end of the neck. In this head, a mouth that was as wide open as possible, in this mouth were pointed teeth that curved inward like a dagger. A forked tongue protruded from the open mouth, then quickly receded, as this bulging neck and head swung gently from side to side in a rhythm. This gaping head swung back and forth, a pair of slanted eyes above them gleaming treacherous, treacherous.
The woman froze in horror. Realizing what he had seen, he let out a desperate cry of terror. But it was too late. The black neck, erect, swaying, darted like an arrow, and he snatched her up. Her arms were flung forward as wide as possible in horror.
The snake stretched its neck towards the ground and began to swallow her slowly, ignoring her screams and struggles. After a while, the sinful woman disappeared into the open mouth.
I was trembling with the horror of what I saw. Malik pulled me towards him. I also hugged her. While hugging:
-My God! I said you protect us.
After Malik waited a while for me to calm down:
-Come, he said.
The second sinner we followed was the other woman who joined them in the final ten. He, like the others, was running with all his might without knowing where he was going in a panic, occasionally stumbled, falling on sharp rocks, cutting here and there, injuring him. She didn't seem to notice that she was covered in blood. The woman was in such a state of bewilderment and panic that she would go round and round, enter the same corridor again, and come back to the same place.
The smell of blood triggered other creatures there. I was not late in noticing that some creatures were approaching towards the woman's place. The tapping of their feet, their sharp breathing was easily audible. Finally, two mice the size of a car appeared. Their long mustaches and clover-eared heads were toying, their damp noses sniffing, looking for their prey.
The woman noticed them at the last moment. She let out a cry when she saw it. She tried to run away in the direction she had come from. But the path he had fled brought him round and round and back to the same place. A few moments later she found herself next to the second mouse standing a little behind. The mouse in front noticed that he was there, and suddenly turned back. The two of them jumped at the woman at the same time. Each of them snatched a piece of him. After swallowing it in one swift move, they quarreled with each other for what was left of the woman.
While all this was going on, the leading man, who was the bravest among them, was trying to protect himself from a centipede like a train train. When we approached him, he could not be seen, but his cries could be heard. The centipede had collapsed onto something. After a short while, the screams turned into muffled groans and then stopped. The atmosphere fell into a deep silence. On the cross-country ski, he stretched a little, stretching at full length to digest his prey, then disappeared into the darkness.
We found the last sinner caught in a cobweb. A spider the size of a truck came close to him, sucking him alive. The sinner was not strong enough to scream.
I was trembling and shaking, very impressed by what I saw. Malik holding my hands:
He said, "If you see what you're going to see, let's go now."
I was afraid that, like other sinners, we might have lost our way.
To Malik:
How will we find our way? I asked.
Malik smiled.
-We haven't lost our way so that we can find it. Do not worry about it. “Just close your eyes for a moment,” he said.
I closed my eyes, and a moment later I found myself where we were chasing sinners. The sense of terror was still not over me. I was not uttering the name of my Lord.
When I calmed down a bit and my heartbeat returned to normal, I couldn't help asking Malik the question that stuck in my mind.
-O Malik! Said. The sinners we have just seen have surely reaped what they have sown. I know that this is a requirement of divine justice. I'm just wondering this. The sinners were devoured by some animals and disappeared. Is their torment over?
Malik looked at me with amazement:
-Of course he said no. Or have you forgotten that death is killed here?
I said no, I didn't forget. They were devoured and disappeared. This is the source of my curiosity. In that case, will their torment continue in those animals?
-He said no. They will be recreated from excrement, devoured by other animals, and their torment will go on and on. This situation will continue until Hell is rolled up and lifted. Whether their torment will last forever is at the discretion of my Lord.
This answer was enough for me. I praised my Lord once again.
Once everything was back to normal, we set off again. I knew I had to traverse that huge wall one more time. The brightly lit hole, resembling a huge star, barely visible in the distance, but very far away, must have been the exit of this place, in other words, the entrance to hell.
For days and weeks, we walked in the bright light of crackling torches. The path we drove was zig-zag, narrowing and widening, dividing into innumerable branches. Sometimes we were diving into the blinding pitch darkness, passing through places where there were icy breezes that froze our internal organs.
The illuminated hole that I had seen from afar since the first moments I stepped in here grew larger as we approached, and the dim light that dimly illuminated our path took on a pink color. As he turned left and right, this light would disappear for a while and then reappear.
Some grunts, like a strong wind coming from the chimneys, were beginning to mix with the sounds of animals heard in the distance in the hums. These murmurs and grunts were mixed in the shrill screech of the spouts, making what I heard more terrifying and more ominous. All these are in me, with associations; it was causing crazy, frightening dreams running in my mind, angry storms that made my heart beat like crazy and sweat beads. Some questions that I couldn't answer, fueled by a curiosity stuck in my mind, strengthened these associations and aggravated the storm inside me.
Were we heading into a gigantic furnace raging with a frantic fire? With spears like scythes in their hands; ugly-faced demons with long tails, hairy bodies, and tiny horns on their heads; were they going to throw these sinners, walking silently, who seem to have surrendered to their fate with humiliated oppression, one by one and throw them into this merciless furnace? Were the playful sparkles visible from afar behind the mists and mists the spurs of those raging flames?
The pounding of my heart grew louder as I approached that hole, which was growing and turning pink. The reason for this was the great curiosity I felt as much as the fear. Despite everything, the icy winds of fear were running through me, making me shudder. It was such a strong feeling that I thought about giving up going to hell for a while. But..
Again, my curiosity overcame my fear. Hearing the pounding of my madly beating heart, I walked towards that huge hole, pale from fear and excitement.
0 notes
dieonerememerberbook · 3 years ago
The hole got bigger as it got closer. The hum, like a whirlwind I heard from afar, grew stronger and louder. Like all sinners, I paused from time to time, listening to what we heard, trying to make sense of it. Our eyes popped out of their sockets and we were pale. Our hearts were beating like crazy from fear and excitement. Terrible, terrifying images swarmed our dreams. It was as if we were approaching an oven with an open door, storms and wild flames inside. Or rather, I thought so.
Visual and auditory images caused a whirlwind of terror to arise within us and blow it with all its might. We see from afar; The place where we heard his growl and roar was a huge monster mouth that opened its mouth, preparing to swallow us.
As we got closer, this sense of dread was getting stronger, pushing us to panic. Among the group of sinners who generally progress with complete surrender, however, some are unable to control themselves; screaming and wailing in a natural reaction, they were trying to flee back in the direction we had come from.
But this; it was nothing but a desperate struggle, a loss of mind brought on by fear and its natural consequence, panic. It was not difficult to understand that it was not possible to escape from this place for a person who has a little intelligence and can think, but the soul that was stretched before the mind like a curtain and blinding the eyes prevented this. no doubt here
The most correct and correct thing to do should have been to take refuge in Allah's mercy and forgiveness, and to surrender to His greatness and majesty.
Those who tried to escape, screaming and screaming, were caught and brought by the men and women, who I could not know or see where they came from, and they were brought in by the men and women who looked like the previous ones, and they put these papers on their feet and put chains around their necks so that they would not do the same.
Here all the people were seeing each other. It went on like this all the way. No one was hidden from the others. Mothers, fathers, children, siblings, relatives and relatives were all together. But they were all ignoring each other, ignoring each other. Everyone was preoccupied with their own ego. Everyone was afraid of each other. No one had the strength or the mood to think about or help another. Everyone was thinking of one thing, getting out of here as soon as possible. For this, they were ready to sacrifice their children, spouse, friend, relatives who protect and shelter them, and everything else on earth without hesitation.
Sinners in unison:
-How bad is the place where we are driven away. It is the place where hands, feet and all limbs are removed and sins are rewarded. It's sinners; Come, come towards me, they were calling and shouting that no one could refuse.
As we approached the exit of the corridor we are in, or more accurately, the entrance of Hell, the coldness of the cold that came after us and hit our backs increased. So much so that while our back was freezing, our front was scorching. This was such a torment that the sinners accepted the fire of hell and forgot everything and started running towards that direction.
The exit, which I saw as a small hole from afar, got bigger as it got closer, its distinctive hum and growl became stronger and more numerous. As we got closer, the heat of the place in front of us was getting higher.
Finally, after a journey that took days or even weeks, we approached the exit. The cold of the ground that hit our backs was so intense that the people were running towards the entrance of the hot hell, they were piling on each other, they were dying to enter as soon as possible.
I had no idea how long this journey took. In a place where there is no concept of time, I had a hard time giving a measure of time. This measure was generally the result of characterizing it as before and after a place that I saw and attracted my attention, but there were so many of them that I started to mix it up after a short while.
Such feelings increased as I got closer to the place that I had seen from afar as a white hole and described as an open oven mouth and dreamed of it, where this dream turned into a nightmare, fear and horror, and made my soul tremble. Awareness that I am under the protection of my Lord; it was like an avalanche rolling from a steep purpose, restraining and reducing my feelings of fear and horror, which were increasing and getting stronger with each passing moment, but I still couldn't help being deeply affected. This too; It helped me to perceive and try to understand the feelings of these sinful human beings, who were out of such protection, who came in endless flocks, and some of them were pushed around, and it fueled and swelled my feelings of pity and compassion for them.
Some of those found in these human trains are:
-This is Sheol. Here; It is the ominous homeland of those whom Allah has cursed and condemned to oblivion. This place is insatiable and always wants new victims. Those who enter here are shouting that they can never leave again, they do not want to enter; but they were compelled to go to the push and go.
Resembling the exit of a long tunnel or hole, this place was much larger than its entrance. To put this by comparison, the entrance was the size of a normal door, in which a sinner could hardly fit in with his load. But the exit was a giant doorless hole hundreds of times its size. The fact that the exit was much larger than the entrance must have been a requirement of divine manifestation.
When I got a little closer to the door, I saw the following written on it in letters of flame:
This is the home of the bad-tempered, the tyrants and the arrogant. It is a place where sins are fully repaid, but it is not a place of despair.
O sinners! Get rid of your sins here by giving back.
As I prepared to take my first steps through this gigantic door into the mysterious and terrifying world I was trying to describe, my heart began to beat faster and my breathing tightened. What I heard was pure excitement and fear. I wouldn't have been able to enter this horrible world if it weren't for my curiosity, which is like an unquenched thirst. My image must have faded and turned yellow because Malik looked at my face and said:
-You're afraid. He said it's normal to be afraid. There is no creature of my Lord that would not be afraid of this place and mention it with horror.
I said yes, you are right. Although I know that I am under protection, I am still very afraid. I seek refuge in my Lord from here.
Malik, who saw the stampede at the door where some people crushed each other to enter, took my hands and said:
-Come, he said.
I didn't know exactly how it happened, I couldn't understand, but just a moment later we were on the other side of that big door. That's why we were the first to enter hell.
Despite everything, I was terrified, my heart was beating like crazy. I tried to prepare myself as much as possible to be thrown into a cruel furnace and fall into a magma pit, but during this time I realized that hell was not at all what I had imagined. What I saw was a little different from what I had imagined.
That huge hole-like door is as big and wide as the universes; The ground opened up to a strange place with strange-looking rocks and tiny hills. It looked like a stony, lumpy desert where nothing but a few strange-looking cactus-like trees grew, overflowing the horizon, the sun approaching and scorching. The huge wall, which was right behind us and which Malik described as Sürâdik, surrounded this strange and interesting world all around.
I was looking at this strange, interesting and scary world with interest, trying to learn something. Like transparent mists rising in the desert on a very, very hot day, a veil of fog stretches before us, rippling; appearing and disappearing gave this mysterious place an even more mysterious, more terrifying air. It was like mists rising in a huge boiling cauldron, the smoky, rippling transparent fog curtain sometimes got so thick that I had trouble seeing around from place to place.
Together with our other comrades, we started to move forward in this world, which appears and disappears, mists and smokes.
These are the feelings I had when I first stepped into Hell. This mysterious, terrifying and strange world, lost in mists, smoke and mists, triggered my sense of curiosity as much as my fear.
Malik, who noticed that I was looking at his face and the questions that were expressed in my eyes and fueled by a curiosity:
He said, "This is the first level of Hell and the lightest level in terms of torment, and it is the closest place to Paradise.
Then he looked at me with interest and continued.
-I'm sure you know better than me, but I'll say it again. The sins brought by bad habits that lead people to disaster and hell are generally three. Responsiveness, following one's self and self-admiration.
The weight of the loads that these bad habits hit on the back also determines the place of the owner of that load in Hell. Hell is for the wicked.
In reality, sins are not big or small. Sin is sin. But some are so large that human beings have difficulty carrying them.
Here; Compared to others, those who commit minor and minor sins due to their weaknesses due to their nature, forget to repent and seek forgiveness, and do not take refuge in the forgiveness and forgiveness of my Lord; again, it is the place of those who do not fulfill the orders of my Lord unintentionally, due to weaknesses such as laziness due to their creation.
Here are; after they have paid and closed their accounts by being tormented by the burdens on their backs; After being washed and cleansed, they will go straight to Paradise.
I said yes, I understand. From what I've seen and understood it should be quite large and spacious.
- He said yes. Only this part of Hell is the distance between the first floor of the heavens and the earth.
-I think its size and breadth show how open human beings are to sin.
-Yup! You're right about that. This is the home of those who deserve it. People are here more or less depending on the load on their backs.
-I think most of these burdens must be due to Hukukullah.
Malik looked at me with surprise:
-No! Far from it. There are not many people found here because of Hukukullah. Even if they come, they are the first to leave. Those who come here are generally responsible for the law of worship, that is, they are the ones who have put the rights of the people on their backs.
These words of Malik took me by surprise.
-But how? I asked. Aren't those who do not fulfill the orders of my Lord adequately here?
Malik looking at my face:
"Sometimes you surprise me with your questions," he said. In human beings, the soul is likened to my Lord, and the soul to the devil. Beautiful habits arise from the soul, and ugly habits from the soul. Ugly habits, on the other hand, are the mother of sins, or they are itself.
My Lord asks human beings to be equipped with good habits and commands them.
My Lord has not spared himself from what he wants and commands from his servants.
I said, "Still, I don't quite understand."
-From good habits; He said to the soul, remember the most difficult, the most difficult to implement, the most beautiful and the most generous.
I had to remember this, to think thoroughly, to research, to scrutinize what was in my mind in order to find the answer to this request, which resembled a question.
But after a while, I was able to reply.
-This is what you said; Forgiving the evildoer, I said, "Doing good should be done."
-Yup! If you call one of the good habits that are the most difficult for human beings to apply, the other is; It is telling the truth even when it is against one's own soul. In these two good habits, there is the nafs, and therefore the trampling of Satan.
As I said, my Lord is not free from the good habits He has commanded His servants. He is offended and offended by his servants because of their sins as a result of Hukukullah, but he still forgives them and allows them to enter Paradise. This is His glory.
However, the light of faith may be extinguished and wiped out from those who do not adopt the law, do not value it, and make this bad habit a habit. They are now in the group of sinners and hypocrites, and their place is at the bottom of Hell; It is the place where the torment is the most severe and the most dreadful.
In reality, there is not much difference between jurisprudence and human rights. These two rights are intertwined. In reality, my Lord does not need the worship of His servants. It is not my Lord who needs these worships, but his servants. Because worship is a step that brings people closer to my Lord. Worship is a shield that protects servants from sins. Because worship does not make us forget my Lord, it always reminds us of him. Worships are the fruits or seeds of good deeds. Good manners are the stairs that take the servants to the heavens. Those who obey and pay attention to the Law of Allah also obey and pay attention to human rights. Hukukullah is what souls need the most.
As you can see, those who do not give importance to the law of Allah, in a way, have wronged their own selves, encircling the rights of their souls around their necks.
The rights of the nafs are among the rights of the people and it is a heavy burden on the backs. Those who throw their souls into fire by not using their minds will be litigant.
Faith is like a mirror. Just as the dirt removes the brightness of the mirror, sins darken the light of faith, eventually causing it to disappear completely. That's why; human being, who is open to sin with his weaknesses; He should wash and clean himself by repenting frequently and asking for forgiveness, and in a way he should keep his mirror clean.
Even if they have debts from people and law-Allah, those who do not have the right of servants will enter Paradise, where they will receive abundant sustenance from the blessings of my Lord.
The lower two floors of Paradise are reserved for those who are responsible for the law, and those who are thrown into hell with the right of the slave and come out of it. They benefit from some of the blessings of Paradise, but if they lack faith, they will be forever deprived of divine love. This is enough punishment for them.
-Oh my God! I shouted. To be deprived of divine love forever? If the end result was to attain divine love, I would certainly be content with the torment of Hell.
Malik shook his head.
He said don't want it. Always seek good and good from your Lord. Avoid and stay away from sins, especially the rights of people.
After all, as you can understand, the people of Hell are generally the ones who have the rights of slaves on their backs. They will be in various levels of Hell according to the burdens on their backs and those that will come later.
Undoubtedly, the worst of the sinners are those whose records of deeds are left open in terms of evil. Their sin load keeps increasing. So much so that even if they suffer eternal torment, some still cannot pay their debts. At the end of everything, when hell is rolled up and gathered, it will take them for itself and they will stay there forever.
These words of Malik reminded me of the reckoning about the rights of the people before coming to the crossroads. That's why I objected.
I said, "But before we embarked on this long and unfortunate road, we had been purified and cleansed of human rights.
He said that slave rights are not that simple. People have the right to use all the behaviors they do throughout their lives. Most of them are selfish.
This is an extremely delicate and sensitive subject. If I have to sample; Even looking at another person with a bad eye is considered an injustice done to that person, since there is an evil in it, and this is considered the right of the servant. Again, for example, wet cuts a fruity tree; Since it is the same as hindering the sustenance of the living things that benefit from that tree, it is the same as taking the rights of all those living things and burdening them.
Of course, according to this calculation, looking at another person with good eyes and good thoughts is a concubine sadaqah, hasene, that is, reward in planting a tree that is offered to all living things.
To Malik:
I said, 'I want to ask one more thing about this. Is it like what you say about those about whom a verse was revealed? Will those who do not have a share of faith also enter Paradise?
-Of course he said. Few of them are exceptional. Both the anger and mercy of my Lord are general, not specific. My Lord does not hold grudges against anyone, he does not hate anyone. Because holding grudges and hating is one of the worst traits that come from the nafs. My Lord is free from such ugliness. Evil and ugliness do not come from him.
As for those about whom the verse was revealed, the people you mentioned are in Lâzî because of the rights of the servants on their backs, and they are paying their fines and paying their debts. The wife* of one of them carries wood with a rope on her back. Even if they are expelled from Hell after a while, they will be deprived of divine love forever because they do not have the light of faith.
All people with faith the size of a mustard seed will enter Paradise. God knows the others.
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* Umm Jamil, wife of Abu Lahab
But the measure here is generally the rights of the servants.
I was satisfied enough with Malik's words. Now I knew that the people of Hell usually came with the right of servants, stayed here as long as their load was sufficient, and were tortured accordingly.
Some of the humanlets that come in cataracts are branching out; Seven of them, or their guides, were taking them into this interesting and terrible world, to a place I did not know, while others continued on their way.
who are with us; The group, which did not disperse to the right or left, was silently advancing directly towards the range waiting for them. I asked Malik why.
-As you see and know, people's burdens are different. He said that every person will go to where he belongs according to his load.
-Where they belong? I've heard that hell has seven floors.
- He said yes. You heard right. The last three floors of Hell belong to those whose notebooks are open in terms of evil. Their load increases but does not decrease.
Malik, my companion, guide, and guide, separated me from the long caravan of sinners so that I could better see this first part of hell.
Turning to the right, we made our way into this strange, strange as well as terrifying and interesting world.
We were advancing in this stony, barren and waterless place that looked like a desert, with mists and mists. The earlier sinners formed groups, stationed in various places. While these groups were only a few people, there were also those with thousands of expressions. Prayers were sung, bells and drums were played. I found it strange that the bells and drums were played together with the call to prayer. That's why I asked Malik.
-There are sinners here from the ummah of every prophet. Every nation does what is necessary for its worship, as it sees from its prophet. That's why he said that the bells and drums are played while the adhans are being recited.
Sinners rushed to mosques, churches, synagogues, or prayed wherever they saw fit.
Each group was trying to fulfill their debts to Allah (c.c.) according to what came to them and what they were taught. Sounds like the hum of bees were coming from all directions.
Some of these voices and what I saw went to my strange. I asked Malik what they were.
-Don't let their presence here deceive you. He said, "They are truly among the sincere servants of my Lord." The reason for their being here is a momentary forgetting caused by their weaknesses. They read what is downloaded for them. They worship as they see their prophets.
-Will it do them any good?
- The court was established and the decision was made. Divine justice will prevail. For this reason, only my Lord knows whether the praises and prayers made here reach or not. But still, it is a consolation, a hope for those who do it.
Watch out. Sincere prayers, like clear watery springs, cool and refresh the souls of believers wherever they are. Prayers are a never ending blessing.
Mankind needs refuge in He the Greatest in situations of difficulty. How nice it is to take refuge in Him despite everything.
This unquenchable thirst called curiosity was not unique to here. And where I lingered for that moment, I suffered from this thirst or hunger. He wonders about other people's beliefs and behaviors; I would try to see and learn. That's why I read many books, went to churches many times, and watched the rites here.
Even though I wanted to enter the synagogues, they did not let me in with great selfishness. Some people think that a prophet of Allah (c.c.), the Creator and Lord of all things, is a prophet special to them, and they deprive other people of the light brought by that prophet with great jealousy and selfishness; In a way, they were neither entering the right path nor allowing other people to enter.
But if they had perversions, I was away from them. It was directed towards the One and Absolute One in Me. That's why my behavior was not a strange situation for me. Every religion that professes the existence and oneness of Allah (c.c.) and affirms it without associating partners with it, was my religion, its prophets were my prophets, and the members of those religions were my religious brothers.
To me, religions were a giant pyramid, rising and reaching the infinity, reaching the One and Only. Every religion and its prophet was a part of this pyramid, and at the top was the last religion and its Last Prophet. It was my duty to know that I am an individual of this great piece, to see it as such, to show respect and love to each and every one of them. That's how I saw it, that's how I believed it.
Reaching that One One by other means, calling Him by different names made little difference to me. That's why I was as faithful, silent, quiet and respectful as the devotees of that religion, as I was in churches and mosques. If I could enter the synagogues, I would certainly do the same.
Even if I didn't know the details of some of the rituals and prayers I watched, at least I had some idea of ​​how they were performed. But, especially in groups of a few, I was seeing things that were unlike anything I had seen before. This fueled my astonishment and curiosity. Here I saw what I did not see and heard what I did not hear.
This disease called curiosity was such a disease that if it was not satisfied, it kept prodding and never gave any relief.
So to Malik:
I said, "I see what I don't see here, I hear what I don't hear. I am a person who went to the churches of Christians, saw and watched their rites and worship. But some of what I saw and heard here do not match what I heard and saw there. Here, it is as if the worship is more and more diverse.
He said it's perfectly normal. Remember, one hundred twenty-four thousand prophets were sent to guide the sons of Adam to the right path. Every prophet had more or less an ummah. There will be more or less sinful people among these ummahs. What you see here are some of the sinners of the ummahs of those prophets. They perform the worship they saw and learned from their prophets. Do not deny or condemn them.
I said, "I seek refuge in my Lord from making false assumptions about His servants." Mine is nothing but a desire to see and learn in order to take a lesson and be a more grateful servant. I see myself as the lowest of men, and I know that.
Malik smiled.
He said, "Humility certainly elevates people." I see this trait a lot, too. I hope my Lord will reward this good behavior with others. But don't see yourself as lower than you are either. This brings humility.
Chatting with Malik, we moved into this strange, scary and interesting world. In this vast desert-like place; There were no plants other than a few strange-looking trees that were weak and about to dry out, which I saw on the right and left.
As I mentioned earlier, the humanoids formed groups. Some of these groups had drilled what looked like wells or deep pits in parts of this desert-like wasteland.
Humans would flock to these wells or pits, scurrying to drink something like water coming out of it, throwing handfuls of things into their mouths, crushing and chewing each other in it.
I immediately asked Malik what they were doing.
-As you can see, my Lord deprived these sinful servants of some of his blessings. He said that the provisions of the people here consist of turbid water and soil, and they have to endure all kinds of troubles in order to attain such a blessing.
-Oh my God! So, I shouted, "Damn water and soil, the sustenance of those here can only be obtained as a result of various troubles."
Malik looking at my face:
-Yup! Said. Compared to the other parts of Hell, you will see that this is the best food, and you will learn that it is necessary to praise my Lord in it.
A warm sense of compassion came over me. Of course, I didn't have an empirical opinion of what Malik was saying. Later, I would see and learn what a precious blessing this sustenance, which is muddy water and handfuls of earth, is. All this had to be a manifestation of divine justice. That's why I kept quiet.
We were walking into this strange world that stretched out before us, which was as mysterious as it was terrifying, but nonetheless aroused my curiosity and turned it into an insatiable hunger. My eyes were on the inhabitants of this place.
Again, I was trying to learn something by asking questions before such a group of sinners. The sky, as always, was streaking with a red and playful light. It was as if an ambivalent, confused sun faltered at the center of this giant world.
Some dark clouds suddenly appeared in the direction where the red, playful light became stronger and more concentrated. The group of sinners, who had been listening to me silently with their heads down, suddenly moved when they saw the dark clouds coming. They swayed like a stormy sea. They showed each other those clouds in panic and fear. Faces tensed with worry and fear, gazes fixed on those clouds. But I couldn't understand what was going on.
As the clouds moved towards us, the sinners fled in all directions, in panic, on the instinct of animals sensing the impending danger.
While trying to understand what was going on in amazement, Malik took my hand and dragged me towards a hollow in a high place formed by a rock group a little ahead. We had just entered this hollow when a fierce and scorching wind began to blow and turn everything upside down. This wind was so hot that it scalded and peeled off the skins of sinners. The dark clouds that I had seen before were concentrated and gathered above us, completely covering us like a black umbrella.
While he was preparing to ask Malik what had happened, lightning struck a few sinners who had failed to find shelter and were running left and right with the panic brought on by the panic and fear. The sinners disappeared, turning into purple smoke.
The horror of what I saw swept my mind and made me forget myself and what I wanted to ask. With the panic brought on by fear and fear, I approached Malik a little more.
After the lightning flashes, after the falling lightning, a large drop of rain began to fall. When it started to rain, Malik bent over me as if to protect me. I couldn't understand why he did this at first.
The rain was so heavy that a few minutes later the roar of the floods covered the roar. But Malik had stretched over me like a protective tent, blocking my vision. That's why I couldn't see anything.
When the rain first lightened and then stopped, Malik slid sideways, clearing my field of vision. A dark gray liquid, strangely rustling and smoking, flowed all around us, filling some cavities and caves in which sinners took refuge. From these hollows and caves, blood-curdling shrieks and cries arose.
When some liquid started to seep into the hollow we were in, Malik took me in his arms like a child and lifted me up. Some of the sinners who were with us hurriedly climbed to the highest places they could find and reach. His eyes bulged out of their sockets in horror, his skin was pale.
Those who could not find a high place and could not climb, began to rustle and smoke when that strange liquid reached them and slowly disappeared. As the sinners rustled and smoked, they were throwing themselves to and fro, trying to get away, screaming in despair. I was getting ready to ask Malik what had happened when I realized what was going on.
-My God! It's an acid, strong enough to dissolve and destroy humans. I shouted that it had just been a rain of ace hives.
Malik didn't say anything against my words, but his silence confirmed my guess.
It was so hot that the pouring acid rain soon disappeared, rustling, smoking, bubbling, leaving a white lime-like layer behind.
His disappearance did not mean the end of his troubles. This time, the lime-like white layer he left behind began to scorch the bare feet of the sinners. The sinners were trying to protect their feet by tearing off pieces of their light gray clothes that barely covered them.
While wandering around in other parts of Hell, I would see and experience much more severe acid rains, and I would learn that it was a separate source of torment for sinners.
The skin of the sinners here was the color of earth, and their eyes were pale and their cavities deepened. They were covered in dust and earth, and they were hardly dragging their weak bones, but there was a resignation, a calmness and silence that came from their resignation to their fate despite everything. They never rebelled.
As they wandered among the sinners, they turned their astonished gaze upon us, gathered around us, and kept their envious eyes on us.
In particular, I was the focal point of the gaze. Clearly separate from them must have been one of the main reasons for this interest.
The more interesting I was to them, the more interesting they were to me. So as we pause; I was wandering my gaze on those who surrounded us, looking for familiar faces.
I was able to see some familiar faces. They are quite many. While I was astonished by their multitude, I also encountered someone I never expected or expected. Yes..There was another such person among them….
For a moment, my eyes wandered over the crowd, and my gaze fell upon his gaze towards me. This tripping happened suddenly and unexpectedly and had the effect of a lightning strike on me. This effect was more of a disappointment. He was perhaps the last person I would see, want to see there. Years, perhaps centuries must have passed, but I recognized him immediately and perceived the expression in those eyes with all his might.
Beside; There was another brunette woman, a little fat, with a mole on her left cheek. They both looked up at me. It was at this time that my gaze coincided with his. The weight of the meaning of my gaze on him made his head bow. Then with great difficulty he lifted his head again and looked deep into my eyes. There was deep regret and shame in his eyes.
She, like everyone else here, was dressed in a long gray one-piece dress. This rag-like garment still covered her slim body, which was clearly beautiful and attractive. He covered his head with one end of his robe. Those beautiful frightened gazelle eyes in their deeply sunken, blackened nests were filled with fear, regret, and shame. A cold, gray light came and pierced his pupils. He was looking, but he didn't seem to see. On the corners of her lips surrounding her tiny mouth; As if she had eaten or drank something dusty, earthy, a thin, white line had formed, and her beautiful face was dusty and earthy, and her skin was a pale earthy color like the ones here.
Room; alimony with the alimony of the people here, must have had to. When our gazes met, the expression that filled the pupils with fullness changed suddenly. A liveliness came to his blind eyes; It was as if the glaciers floating in it melted, a little softer, a little larger, a little more luminous.
As much as astonishment in these eyes; The opposite emotions such as envy, longing, love, pain, regret were intertwined and expressed with all their vitality. In his gaze, I could hear the roar of the storms blowing deep within his being.
When I remember his situation in the place where we lingered for that moment, my heart scorched. He was used to being loved and held high. This was where it came from, the fall from the heights to the pits.
When he realized that I was looking at him and that I knew him, that sense of shame he couldn't help grew stronger and his face turned red; He lowered his eyes and then his head to the ground. But on the descent to this place there was also the expectation of a clear hope.
My compassion was for all the people here and he was trying to hug them warmly, but my feelings for him were more than that, more sincere and much stronger.
I wouldn't want anyone to be here, I wouldn't wish for that, but I would never want him to be found here.
Finding and seeing her in such a pitiful condition burned my heart. It has pierced an old wound in me that has remained very, very far behind and still retains all its freshness in spite of everything. I couldn't bear to see him here like this.
I needed to see him more closely, to talk to him. I was dying for this. But the hunger of the longing for years, maybe centuries, and the fire that this longing ignited was not like it could be satisfied or extinguished with just a few quick words. If I went to him and talked to him, it would definitely take a long time, I wouldn't want to leave him. Maybe I wanted to stay with you forever, but….
I looked at my friend beside me, whose soft heart was surrounded by a steel armor, and who had to look tough, harsh and ruthless due to his duty. He looked more agitated and impatient than he was. Surely this is; It was the uneasiness of thinking that he could not adequately carry the burden of duty placed on his back, and that he could not fulfill his requirements. And surely, if I said that I would linger here for a while and went to my frightened gazelle-eyed to put out a bit of my fire that did not go out years ago, he would not say anything, he would not prevent me, perhaps he would consider it a duty to wait for me for years. Of course, this is also; his uneasiness, which grows more and more each passing moment, is getting stronger and stronger; it meant that this good-hearted friend of mine was going through a lot of trouble because of me, he was uncomfortable.
But I was too tactful to accept or want to cause another person's distress or harm for personal reasons. This was just one of the thin threads holding the lights that illuminated my conscience. Neither my heart nor my conscience could allow a friend I respected and loved to fall into such situations.
My eyes were fixed on him. Despite all his efforts to prevent it, he could not help himself from raising his head and turning his eyes to where I was. There was no what, what, or expressions in the rays that went back and forth between two pairs of eyes… Certainly, the majority of this was a deep and strong love fueled by an insatiable longing, and the developed chives of this tree of love over the years.
First my feet, then my whole body, then everything else tried to run, fly, flow towards him, but I was able to control myself, albeit with difficulty.
This behavior caused the storm inside me to roar and howl more violently. My inner world was a mess; it's almost falling apart with my feelings; my mind, conscience and will were fighting, they were fighting to the death.
This storm of emotions was so strong that my mind and my will to supervise it were strained. But I was able to control myself enough not to let the storm of emotions go. That divine torch called faith within me and my conscience illuminated by it kept me from going off the wrong paths and directions, always guiding me to the right path. Despite everything, I was looking for correct answers to some questions that were shaped in my mind and conscience.
Wouldn't it be against the divine permission that had sent me to run towards him, to stay attached to him?
The reason I came here wasn't to look for him and find him. My Lord certainly knew what was in my heart. I knew that if he had given me the chance to meet him again, if he wanted it, I would be compared to him again, as it is now, even after many years, and that he would bring me back to him. It had to have a place and a time. I had not the slightest doubt about it. Besides, I couldn't do anything but pray for him.
He was giving an account of what he brought here like the others, and this was the unfailing manifestation of divine justice. He had no redemption. He had to give an account of the burden on his back and get rid of it.
I would have gladly taken at least some of the burdens on my back, but my Lord would not allow it. Here, each person had to give an account of his own soul. They were compelled to do so. This was the place where the mother forgot her child.
I did the only thing I could do there.
Opening my hands towards the sky, which is the qibla of prayers:
-O my Lord! You are Rahman and Rahim. Forgive us even though we are not worthy. I prayed that he would remove our burden of sin from our shoulders and bring us salvation and salvation.
It didn't take long for me to falter. My faith and reason overpowered my emotions. Turning my head, albeit with difficulty, to Ma-lik:
I said, "We've lingered here long enough." If you want, we can go now.
My heart full of love stayed with him. It was impossible for me to prevent it. We prepared to walk away slowly, leaving him and the others to their fate.
When I turned my eyes to see him one last time, I saw that the redness that painted the sky of this strange world had faded a little, and from the opposite direction of the center where the scorching flames erupted, some clouds appeared behind those giant walls that turned hell. There were also some gray clouds of mercy in the scattering, cotton-like white clouds.
Some of the sinners must have been constantly observing that direction, for they did not fail to notice the clouds and showed them to one another with shouts of joy. At first, I couldn't understand why.
Again there was a fluctuation among the sinners. At first I thought that they would flee to cavities, caves, and shelters, as before, and I waited for it. But it didn't. First there was a hum. Then the cries of joy grew louder, and this immense plain the size of worlds roared with these cries. The group of sinners rushed towards those clouds with joy. All of a sudden, we were empty. When I looked at my comrade to see what was going on, suddenly a cool rain started with big drops. Here and there the sinners were running as if in ecstasy, shouting for joy, with their hands and arms as wide open as possible, trying not to let a single drop of rain fall to the ground. During this time, I realized that my Lord took pity on these sinful servants and watered them with fertile and cool rains of mercy. Their joy infected me as well. I thanked my Lord.
Before my comrade sees me asking questions:
The mercy you see is the result of the prayer of a servant whose prayer is accepted. Those sinners you see are waiting for such a prayer, sometimes years pass and there is no one who prays. He said that you must have understood the power and virtue of prayer better with what you see.
Me too:
I said thank God.
We left them happy and smiling.
This part of hell was huge. It took us a long time to get around there. Months, years, perhaps hundreds of years must have passed. Wherever we went, we encountered a wide variety of congregations that caught my attention. I was talking to them on foot, trying to get to know them.
When a group of them learned that we would go to the lower parts of hell and that I would go to that land of happiness at the end of our journey, they came to me and said:
-O luminous person who belongs to that happy place, who has attained our Lord's forgiveness and forgiveness! they said. You must have seen and known our pathetic state here. Pray for us, intercede, and may our Lord get us out of this sinister place as soon as possible. Surely He accepts your prayers and intercession.
I hesitated for a moment on this heavy demand. It was impossible for my weak shoulders to bear the burden of this desire. Therefore:
I said, "You want me to lift a load that I can't handle, to do a job that I can't do." How can I be able to do this job?
I am; If my Lord had not been merciful and had not allowed me to take refuge in His forgiveness and forgiveness, I would have been a sinful servant among you. There was no difference between me and you. I have been granted the mercy of my Lord, but I am still afraid of not being able to give full account of my soul. As I remember this, I said, my heart feels like it will break out of fear.
It made me very emotional to remember that moment of salvation for which I received the mercy of my Lord.
-Ahh my soul, my soul! I started to cry, saying "Ahh, my sinful soul". After crying for a while, I wiped my tears and continued as follows.
-This is a place where the calculations are finalized and it is not possible to be favored. All those who were here brought their fuel and fire with them when they came.
This is the manifestation of divine justice, the place where it does not stray even an iota. There is no injustice here. No one is treated unfairly. My Lord distributes His mercy to His servants abundantly, but his wrath is as much as their sins.
The situation you are in is the harvest of what you sow, the manifestation of divine justice and, of course, the will of my Lord. It is out of the question for me to go against my Lord's will and desire. That's why I can't do anything.
You better find someone else whose prayers are accepted for intercession.
On these words of mine:
-If you find the opportunity to reach our Father* when you return to that land of happiness, let him know about our situation and he will intercede for us.
He is the person from whom our Lord breathed the spirit, taught words and made himself a caliph. They said, "We hope that our Lord will accept our prayer and intercession."
-I said okay. If I have the opportunity to reach him, and if my Lord allows, I will convey your wish.
This request and my response kept recurring as I traveled through other parts of hell. I engraved this in an unforgettable corner of my memory, in order to fulfill it, if my Lord wills it.
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* Adam (a.s.)
0 notes
dieonerememerberbook · 3 years ago
The place we came to after a long journey looked like the top, the summit of a very deep and steep cliff. Where we actually come from is down at right angles; It was the starting point, the highest point, the summit of the mists, a deep pit that descended into the clouds, resembling the abyss. Just as I was watching over the huge wall that surrounds Hell, from here I could see what lay in front of me with the sharp eye of my Lord.
These parts of Hell were similar to the first ones I had seen, but seemed more active, more alive, a little warmer than they were.
The giant torch, like an inverted funnel, was burning as far as my eyes could reach, and it was as if we were getting a little closer. This added to his splendor even more, giving him a frightening majesty.
Malik, who saw me looking at his face curiously:
“I see your gaze hooked on a problem,” he said.
Then, without giving me a chance to ask or say anything, he continued:
-The place lying in front of you is the second part of Hell, Saîr, Flaming Fire. He said, "This is the place of those who magnify their minor sins."
These words fueled my curiosity even more.
Looking at him curiously:
-I could not fully understand. Is it the place of those who magnify their petty sins? I asked.
- He said yes. There is a fine line between sinners and hypocrites here. It was easy for most of the sinners here to go to Derk-i Esfel, the lowest level of hell, and fall. A tiny light of faith, which remained in their hearts, saved them from this bad fate.
I said, "Still, I don't quite understand."
-People usually adapt to their nafs. They prioritize the flavors it offers, and try to get as many flavors and flavors as possible. Some of them:
“-We are not a returner to this world. What our soul offers is also very sweet and attractive. Let's go a little older, let's experience the pleasures our soul offers a little more, let's eat a little more. Let's get enough taste and taste from this temporary world and what our soul brings. When we reach maturity and our souls are satisfied and blind; We repent and then do what our Lord has commanded. Undoubtedly, our Lord is merciful and merciful, merciful and very forgiving. He also forgives our sins at this time.”
In fact, these are the words of Satan, who tries to mislead people from the right path, and the guidance of the layman to misguidance. It is intended to deceive people.
It is a great sin and a great mistake to be sure of the mercy of my Lord as well as of his wrath. The soul is never satisfied.
People who think this way become a habit to sin. Disregard for sins, contempt begins. Giving up habits is actually very difficult. Sins make us forget the worship, and forget the worship. Our Lord; He has promised from eternity that he will forget those who forget.
Those who commit sins without hesitation are those who do not shy away from their Lord. Therefore, their sins become bigger and heavier like a snowball rolling downhill, and they do not even realize it.
Just like the destinies of people, their death is also written in the Lawh-i Mahfuz. Only my Lord knows who will die where, when and how. No one knows when or how they will die.
Here they are; When death suddenly strikes them, they find themselves under a burden of sin that they cannot bear, and it is usually too late. These sins are very heavy, because in them is the forgetting of the Lord. Them; Those who sell the best and most productive periods of their lives to Satan for nothing are those who buy Fire in return.
You should have understood enough anyway.
I knew many people like Malik described. I shivered when I remembered them.
I said yes, you are right. As you said, I know many people whose eyes are blinded by negligence. Them; They waste their lives thinking that today is tomorrow, today is tomorrow, and when they least expect it, death suddenly comes and finds them. The last regret usually does not help much.
Malik is a little ahead, pointing to a hollow place where the human trains got into and got lost:
-If you want to go further and see it, this is the entrance to Saîr. He said that it is the second floor of hell.
-I said yes. I would like to go further and see it. But I didn't see a door like the one we've seen here before. Doesn't Saîr have a door?
Malik looking at my face:
“There is no need for such a door,” he said. This deep abyss you see has surrounded Saîr like a wall. It has no entrance or exit other than a passage to go down and out. Those entrances and exits are under strict control.
I said I understand. Thank you for the information you provided.
We walked together to where Malik pointed. Where, from afar, sinful people seem to be slowly disappearing like a pit; It was a narrow, stony road that descended from the steep and steep cliff we were in, and where stinking liquids flowed from some parts. On this stony but slippery road, people were trembling and wobbled down in trains, trying to carry the heavy loads on their backs.
The stones under their feet must have been as sharp as a knife. I could see it easily by the bleeding feet of sinners, by the anguished faces of the sinners as they took their steps, by the eyes ignited by a painful torment.
Some of them were losing their balance on the slippery ground, they were screaming and getting lost among the fog and clouds.
After a long journey that took days, weeks, months, maybe years, we felt like a swamp; We found it in a place lost among mists, clouds and smoke. There was a thick mist and heavy-smelling smoke all over the place. His eyes could not see. We heard the bubbling and grunting of something that gave our hearts shudder, throwing human beings into the abyss of fear, and boiling from afar. The temperature had risen once again. So much so that the place we came from was as cool as the air of a highland compared to here.
Here; in some parts it resembled a vast swamp with fires, boiling water rushes, strange-looking trees, rocks, mountains, and hills.
As before, among the sinners who came in trains, those in gray clothes were separated and taken into this mysterious, interesting and terrible world under the guidance of their seventh and their guide. The rest, dressed in darker clothes and with heavier burdens of sin, continued to march towards their range.
There must have been many sinners like those who left. Those I had visited and seen before were in congregations, in groups. They gather around us as we approach them; they keep their curious, somewhat confused and envious glances on us, some of them approach us and talk to us; They talked about their troubles and feelings. But I couldn't see the sinners here. Just like wild animals, they run away as we approach them, they hide somewhere in these mysterious, scary and scary places, they don't want to come close.
Noticing that they were fleeing like wild animals and hiding somewhere made me remember a question that I had been thinking about for a long time but forgot to ask.
Back to Malik:
-Ya Malik! Said. I had seen many and various animals while coming to this place of purification from sins. Whereas; I have not seen a single one of them either here or in the previous place. Why is this? Don't animals live here?
- He said yes. You were not deceived when you saw it. There are no animals here. Those you will see in the form of animals in the future are actually sinful humans created in the form of animals. The reason for this is also simple. This is the land of sinners. However, animals do what is revealed to them by the Creator, so they are free from sin just like us angels, that is, they are completely innocent. My Lord is so just that He does not punish an innocent soul even if it is an animal, by bringing it into this land of sin.
Anyway, you should know. Torturing animals and tormenting them is one of the biggest sins. Just because of this, many people are now burning in the fiercest and most angry places of Hell, and are being punished.
I said I understand. Thanks to my Lord. Undoubtedly, his justice does not falter even one bit. There are a thousand and one wisdoms in every work.
Let me ask you one more thing. What is the sustenance of the inhabitants of this place, who flee from us like wild animals and are not wanted to be seen? What do they eat and drink?
Malik looking at my face:
-Their sustenance is turbid, foul-smelling boiling water and mud. He also said that they would be tormented by an invisible fire that only scorched the outer surface and did not penetrate the bones, and continued, opening his hands towards the sky.
-As you will notice, a calm and transparent flame licks the upper surface of this place. “This is why you describe the place we came from as a cool mountain air,” he said.
It took us many years to get around this part of Hell. There were many places around here that fueled and excited my curiosity. I was dying to see and understand, but the fact that the inhabitants of this place ran away like timid animals, did not approach us, and failed in a few attempts to speak, discouraged my enthusiasm in this direction. Also, the anxiety of my comrade, which I had noticed earlier, seems to be increasing a little bit more each passing day, and I guessed the reason for this, I felt it more. This; It was a kind of apprehension and uneasiness peculiar to those who are overly fond of their duties, those who are responsible, and those who think that they cannot fulfill their duties adequately. In all this he kept bothering my good-hearted comrade, and I felt it with all his might.
Discovering and seeing and feeling Malik's soft personality hidden behind his harsh disposition transformed my feelings for him into a mixture of respect. My feelings were mutual. The more he trembled on me, the more I trembled on him. He was very precious to me. It was out of the question for me to do or want to do anything to upset or harm him. That's why I decided to curb my unquenchable thirst called curiosity, even if it was just a little bit. Although I did my best on this subject, my inability to reach the necessary information sources helped me make this decision. This decision also showed that it was unnecessary for me to stay here any longer. Later, if my Lord allows, I would try to quench my thirst in another way, to try to deceive me.
When we were convinced that we had enough of the second part of Hell:
"I think it's enough for us to wander around in this part of hell," I said. I see that you can't fulfill your duties in the time you allocate for these trips, so you are uneasy. I don't want to upset you more.
Malik looks at me lovingly and says:
"Thank you for your understanding," he said. But my Lord has ordered me to be with you on this trip and to be your companion. As long as you are here, I will be by your side and be your guide and companion. It doesn't matter what might happen on my side this time. What matters is your wishes and desires, which for me are a firm command to obey.
-I said let it be. You are very valuable to me. I found you a good friend, a good comrade. Generally, good friendships are built on mutual sacrifices. Take me to other parts of this place of redemption.
Malik pointed towards the center with his hand and said:
Then he said from here and added.
The third gate of hell is on this side.
Malik was pointing in the direction of the great torch that appeared in all its majesty on the horizons of the misty environment.
0 notes
dieonerememerberbook · 3 years ago
Again, after a journey that took days, months, maybe years, we came close to a wall or wall that was lost in smoke, fog and steam, but much more magnificent, much bigger and higher than I had seen before. This must have been the second of the four walls that surrounded hell. Around this time, I discovered the existence of a door similar to the one I had seen before, through which the humans entered in trains.
When entering through the door, Malik:
He said, "This is Sakar. This is Duzah, Dar-ussair, Niran. This is the Land of Fire. This is the place of those who commit great sins and whose forgiveness is not possible.
I looked at the clothes of those who entered here. Their clothes were dark gray to charcoal black. The faces of those whose clothes were black were as black as their clothes.
Looking at Malik's face:
I said, 'I seek refuge in my Lord from here. By major sins, do you mean those seven biggest sins?
- He said yes. them and others. Surely, you will receive many lessons from what you see. But this place is not quite like what you see. This is a tough place. If you don't want to go in, don't go.
-I said no. I know that my Lord is Rahman and Rahim. Surely, He does not punish any of his servants more than they deserve. I know that those who enter here deserve this, that they bring their torment with them. I hope this is a place that will take a lot of lessons for me and cause me to be very grateful.
Together we entered what looked like a small black hole, a corridor, or a tunnel. It was dark in here and he could not see eye to eye. We had passed through a similar tunnel or corridor before, but there was a little light there. It was so dark in here that its passengers looked like moles and groped, crawling in most places.
This deep darkness, which surrounds us on all sides, is like thick but soft, damp and cold walls; It aroused dreams and fears, frightened them, and ripped out hearts.
I couldn't see very well, but this huge corridor or tunnel must have been branching out into innumerable branches in all four directions. An icy wind was blowing from these arms, making us shudder and freeze our internal organs.
I've seen similar ones before. I thought your cold and torment were specific to jinn. So I immediately asked Malik.
I said, "The hotter the place we come from, the colder the road we go." Although I am protected, I feel that my internal organs are about to freeze. I thought that people were tormented by fire, and cold was peculiar to jinn.
Malik shook his head.
-He said no. You're wrong. Just as for jinn there is torment with heat, for humans there is torment with cold and darkness. Hot and cold are like opposite twins. They multiply each other's influence. This is one of those places that I call this.
Our journey in this dark and cold world has taken a very long time. It took so long that I had the feeling for a moment that we were never going to get out of here. Finally, after a long, tiring and tormenting journey, a tiny hole appeared in front of us. As this was the first light we saw on our long journey, we immediately rushed towards it. We were thirsty and thirsty for light, heat. This should have been the exit of the corridor or tunnel we entered. This tunnel looked like a funnel. Its entrance was narrow, but its exit was much narrower than that.
When the sinners felt that the light and heat they had longed for was just ahead, they rushed towards it, trampled each other to reach that hot hole as soon as possible, slumped in front of the narrow hole, and crushed each other. However, beyond this hole, a world they had not seen before, a torment they had not tasted awaited them. It was truly an exemplary event that sinners rushed towards their ordained destiny. This, like everything else, must have been the wisdom of my Lord.
Malik holding my hands:
-Are you ready? She asked.
-I said I'm ready. But how is that possible when the entrance hole is so crowded, clogged by human-bits?
“This will not cause any problems for us,” he said. Close and open your eyes.
I closed and opened my eyes. As soon as the lashes flickered, I found myself on the other side, in a strange and frightening place with my comrade by my side.
It was a strange and terrible place with deep ravines and cliffs and high mountains surrounding it. They were scuffed, scratched, lumpy, and punctured, like the faces of very old people who have suffered a lot. The sullen peaks of gigantic heads, and the steep-sided mountains that pierced the sky like spears, were purple to black and bare.
I would later see that this strange world was filled with deep valleys like fissures licked by giant tongues of flames, which zigzagged through innumerable places and pierced through innumerable places, and these were filled with lofty oleanders.
Those who managed to enter the narrow hole at the exit one by one had long beards and mustaches made of ice on their faces, and they were trembling. In the first moments, the hot weather here seemed to be good. That's why their eyes were shining with satisfaction, their faces were smiling. As they slowly warmed up and realized where they were in the gaze of those who came to their senses, as they became conscious of this, first a surprise arose, and then this astonishment turned into a deep and powerful fear that ripped their hearts from their places.
For some, this fear was so strong that in panic they could not help but make desperate leaps to flee back in the direction they came from. Of course that was not possible. Again, the officials from whom I do not know where they came from, catch them and come, put them on their feet with buckles and chains and say:
-Why do you run away from yourself, what you do, and your works? This place is the work of what you find with your mind, hold with your hands and bring with your feet. You built this place with your own mind, with your own hands. This place is yours. They said, "Enter and reap what you sow and see what you have done."
Those with dark gray clothes close to black were taken in groups to the depths of this lumpy, strange and terrifying world.
In this great caravan that had been coming for years, only those whose clothes were black of coal remained. They were on their way to their destination. They must have been the last group, the last passengers of this ordeal road. They were also driven to their places, to their destinations.
It was as hot as an oven. Huge tongues of generally still and calm flames wander through this mysterious world, licking everything like children licking candy apples, turning some of them into fireballs; was swallowing it.
But it would be enough for me to look around a bit to realize that this calmness and stillness did not last long, that this atmosphere did not always remain so quiet, and I would quickly learn that this seemingly quiet and desolate world was shattered by crazy storms and acid rains.
I did not fail to realize that what I saw as ghosts appearing and disappearing in the mists, mists and smokes in the deep valleys from afar were in reality the giant fire trees and oleanders found in abundance here.
When I was on the thick and high walls that surrounded Hell, I saw from afar and vanishing blackness; These oleander trees, shaken by storms and hurricanes, must have had leaves and branches at the top.
The thick ruts of oleanders found in these valleys, which look like long and deep cracks in the soil; they looked like thick snakes, strange beasts that had become entangled, entangled in each other as they struggled, or had died or froze in this way. I could easily understand and feel the intensity of the hurricanes and storms that broke out here from the zak-sand trees that were tilted to the right and left, toppled and merged into one another.
This strange, interesting and frightening world was like a toy in the hands of hurricanes and storms. When you least expect it, a storm broke out, it swept everywhere like cotton wool, everything collided, making its already hazy, interesting and mysterious atmosphere even more mysterious.
In the meantime, we were seeing the people being thrown here and there, screaming. In order to protect them from the storms and hurricanes that hurled them here and there, some of them were running towards the valleys that looked like long narrow slits, and they took shelter in the nooks and crannies there.
These places, which are not normally wanted to be visited or approached because they are full of oleanders, suddenly became more valuable at these moments. I was exemplary of how narrow valleys surrounded by these deserted steep slopes that cause terrible pain to the hearts, and that these places, which seem like a calamity on the face of it, can be a blessing for those here when appropriate.
Some sinners were caught in these relentless whirlwinds, they were blown around like dry leaves blowing in the wind, they wanted help from others, but no one could come to their aid or run. Here, everyone was concerned about their own self.
In such cases, Malik would hold my hands, take me to one of the closest shelters, and if he couldn't find such a place, he would protect me by pressing on me like an umbrella.
We were on our way into this interesting and frightening world with my guide, guide, protector and soul mate beside me.
We had reached a very steep rocky place. Here, as in other parts of Sakar, plenty of sulfurous smoke was coming out of the crevices and holes, and the eye could not see it except for the light of the flames that appeared and disappeared from time to time.
When I heard a woman's voice from afar, I looked at my comrade in wonder and surprise and sought the owner of the voice. My comrade was listening to the woman with as much attention as me. It was as if the woman was looking for her lost cat in this strange and scary world, calling her.
-Come on, Sarman, kitty. Where are you? Sarman. Come on baby.
His voice was so kind and loving. His voice was filled with the deep sadness of the loss of the loved one and the sincere longing for the lost loved one, panic and fear.
Finally, behind the thick smoke and mist, a woman's silhouette appeared. She was wearing a ragged black dress. She had covered her head with one end, she. A wrinkled, lumpy face and large bloodshot eyes that were opened in horror were barely discernible in the darkness of this veil.
When he saw us, he ran towards us with hope. Greetings, immediately without the need for morning:
-Have you seen a cat around here? Did you see the wrap? She was a yellow cat with a white spot on her head. What happens? “Let me know if you saw him,” she shouted.
Then she lowered her arm down to the ground. She held it up a little and began to describe her cat.
-A big yellow cat. I'm looking for a cat with large white spots just above its head. What would you be? She began to beg her, if you saw her, tell me where she was.
We have never seen such a cat. It was also impossible for such an animal to exist here. I told this to the woman. But the woman did not believe my words.
-No, no, she protested. She must be around here. I have to find it, feed it.
-O woman! We did not see your lost cat. He said, "There, look for him in places where you can look for him."
But the sinful woman was so alarmed that she did not hear his words. Without further lingering with us, he began to search for his burnt cat, and the mists disappeared into the smoke. I could hear her voice calling her cat from afar. When the voice finally faded away, I turned my gaze to my comrade.
My comrade who noticed my questioning eyes:
-This woman was actually a believing woman who tried to do her worship properly. She was thrown into hell because of a cat she locked up in the house. She had not given food by imprisoning her cat, and she had not let it eat from the vermin of the earth. My Lord condemned him to an endless, deadly hunger. Until he finds his starving cat and pays for it. That's why he said get burned like this, he will call his cat.
Malik's words left me in awe. Therefore:
-My God! Or will this woman starve forever? I shouted.
"As much as my Lord wills," she said.
Into this strange and frightening world, we moved through the mists and the fumes. Everything I saw scared me as much as it was my curiosity. But my curiosity was greater than my fear.
I expected my comrade to inform me about this interesting place, to enlighten me, to quench my thirst for curiosity, as he always does when we come to a new place, but Malik seemed to have forgotten that. Like me, he seemed to have forgotten everything, even himself, with the horror of what he saw. Although, before he entered the door, he said that this was Sakar, Duzah, Dar-üs Saîr, the homeland of those who committed great sins, but that was not enough for me.
Finally, I couldn't help but ask.
-What is this I see, Malik?
For a moment, Malik looked at me with a look of amazement, akin to the determination of those suddenly awakened from sleep. And then, quickly recovering:
“There will be a lot of questions about this place that are stuck in his mind,” he said. Some of these cannot be expressed in words, so I will not be able to properly answer them. It's best to see it with your own eyes.
-I said okay. I think you are right. Seeing and witnessing is much more effective than words.
Under the guidance of my comrade, we began to move into this mysterious and terrifying world.
While we were walking through a valley filled with oleanders, which looked like a narrow but deep rift, we came across two groups of men and women in an empty space free of oleanders. The first group was lined up in rows and each had a large stone in their hands. They shook the stones in their hands to gain strength, and then they hit each other's heads with all their might. Their heads were all covered in blood. Blood rushed down their faces, filling their eye sockets.
The activities of another group that I saw just a short distance away were more interesting and strange.
Again, men and women were mixed. Some of the rows of sinners were lying on the ground, each with another person standing at its head. The person standing smashed a piece of hard and sharp rock in his hand with all his might, and the piece of rock was rolling away one by one. Then the shooter lay down, and even if his head was split, he would get up and find the rolling rock, this time he would hit the head of the person lying down and cut it open. They both waited for a while until their heads were healed, and then this event continued as it was.
While Malik took my hands and showed them to me:
-Look! Said. Look and be among those who take a lesson.
I was looking at them and what they were doing in amazement and more horror, but I could not find the reason for these movements, I could not understand.
-Ya Malik! I said that I see some events that I think are extremely strange and exemplary here. Why do these little people hit each other's heads with the stones in their hands, and they keep tearing each other's heads apart?
-They are those who do not perform their obligatory prayers lazily, do not pay their debts to their Lord, and seduce each other in this regard. Those acts of worship that bring their servants closer to their Lord. They are the ones who lift the veil between their servants and their Lord and open the doors of mercy. They are the showers of blessings of mercy falling from my Lord towards His servants. Worship is a shield that protects people from evil and sins.
If people understood and knew the virtues of worship properly, they would not miss any obligatory prayers and would spend most of their lives in worship.
These sinful servants have learned the value of obligatory worship, albeit late, but they are still deprived of their virtues, they perceive this with all their might, blame themselves and each other, and punish each other by hitting their heads with stones.
Looking at Malik's face:
I said, "You told me before, with very few exceptions, that my Lord would not be angry with His servants because of the law, and that He would forgive them." Isn't it permissible to perform fard prayers? Didn't what you said contradict what I saw?
He said yes, you are right. Allah forgives many sins except some. He is Rahman and Rahim. He is very merciful.
It is usually bad habits that push people to sin. bad temper; These are the sins that people do without hesitation, boredom, and shame from Allah Almighty. Those with bad temper are those whose arteries are broken.
But being sure of the mercy of my Lord is as great a sin as being sure of his wrath. It was the duty of the people to follow His orders as best they could, and then to hope for His mercy.
What you see is not the result of my Lord's wrath. My Lord is free from needing people's worship. It is not my Lord who needs worship, but his servants. Those prayers are shields that protect people from evil and their souls from fire. Those who do not perform the prayers that are owed to their necks are the ones who throw their souls into the fire with their hands, so their nafs sue them.
What you see is due to the fact that people who are deprived of the virtues and blessings of obligatory worship are suing themselves over their own nafs.
Do not forget that people have rights over their own selves, such as the right of slaves. The greatest burden on people's shoulders is these rights, which come from their own selves and cannot be adequately fulfilled and paid.
Malik's response was extremely satisfying. That's why we moved into this strange country, leaving behind these people who were crushing each other's heads with their hands.
Again, as we were walking through this narrow valley that seemed to be endless, we reached a large empty area similar to the previous one. Again, as I've seen before, some people slept on their backs. Each of them has people with iron hooks on their heads; the nose and eyes were peeling up to the nape, the faces of those who were lying were completely lost. After a while, these torn and peeled skins came back to their place, they were waited until the faces were healed, after they were healed, the peeling process was repeated with hooks and started again.
My questioning eyes were fixed on Malik's face again. He realized this right away.
He said, "Don't ask questions about these issues for now if you want and be patient." Because what you see and what you will see are related to each other. I'll explain why later. Keep your eyes wide open for taking a lesson.
-I said okay. I think it would be better for me if you postpone what you are going to say.
We walked together. We were passing through trees that looked like oleanders, grass, and thick reeds. Again, we reached a very large square. There was a small blood-red lake here, and there were some people in the lake. The color of this lake was so red that it was as if it was next to a world-wide slaughterhouse, and the blood that had flowed was gathered here and it was smoking slowly. Maybe this wasn't a lake I saw. Maybe he had a huge cauldron of simmering fresh blood. The contents smelled like fresh blood, but it also smelled very foul, like stale blood.
The people in the lake were swimming to and fro, then they were heading towards the shore as if they wanted to escape and get away from there as soon as possible, but those on the shore pelted them with stones, did not allow them to approach or go to the shore, they were chasing them.
The people on the lake begged the shores to let them dock, and they made all kinds of promises, but that didn't help either.
Again, the people swimming in the lake, after wandering around for a while, want to approach the shore, in a way they are forced to do this, but they are chased with stones again, and this went on and on.
I just stared at them in amazement at what I saw. Forget for a moment that what is happening here is a necessity of divine manifestation; I interfered with them with my narrow and limited mind, which I thought could distinguish between good and bad, right and wrong. Wasn't enjoining the good and preventing the evil part of that beautiful teaching, that divine philosophy that I had learned and practiced throughout my life?
-Hey you guys! I shouted. Why do you not allow those swimming in this place, which I perceive as a smoldering pool of blood, and which smells so badly, to reach the shore, and stone them? Let them reach the shore, to safety.
Those chasing others with the stones in their hands looked at me for a moment in surprise and said:
-O person! Do you object to what our Lord has ordained for us? In reality, we want this, but it is not possible, they said. We can't afford this. Do not think that we are oppressing them.
We change places every thousand years. This is a seizure. Even if we do what they tell them, they will not do it.
What you see is the divine manifestation of what we brought with us. Neither you, nor we, nor others can prevent this, this divine destinies cannot be changed….
For a moment I realized the big mistake I had made. I bowed my face to the ground in shame. Realizing this, Malik:
He said, "You don't have to be ashamed or bored. You tried to fulfill that beautiful command of my Lord here, too. Undoubtedly, there are rewards and benefits for you in this. But; He said, "Learn now that your mind has a limit and that sometimes you can't actually see what you think you see and act accordingly."
I said, 'I haven't got that sharpness of mind and eyes, which is called wisdom, that you want to say. I hope the Lord will grant me this. I apologize for the big mistake I made. It was not my intention to hinder divine manifestation.
Malik looks at me lovingly:
He said, "How great it is for a person to admit when he makes a mistake and apologize." Undoubtedly, the wings of this virtue are flying you towards higher positions than us.
As for the issue of sin… I repeat often. Every sin has repentance, but bad temper has no repentance. Unrepentant bad habits lead to greater sins and to greater ones. The residence of those who bear great sins is one of the most tormented places in Hell.
I thanked Malik for these words that cool my heart. Then looking at her face again:
-Will you tell me about the hidden wisdoms in what I saw, which drove me from bewilderment to astonishment and ultimately caused me to make that big blunder? I asked.
-Of course he said. You will no longer be able to carry the burden of the thirst called curiosity, you will not be able to bear it. The legs of his mind are bent, I see him tremble.
Let's start with the previous ones.
-People whose skin, nose and eyes were peeled off with iron hooks up to their necks; They are people who get out of their homes, make up lies, spread lies, and chase them.
Those who swim in the blood pool and pity you are those who eat interest and gamble with those who give and receive interest. What you see is only a part of the reward for these great sins.
I said yes, I understand. Thanks to my Lord. Thank you for satisfying my curiosity.
Malik looked at me and smiled fondly. This; No thanks needed, I knew it meant my duty.
Together we continued to move into this scary and interesting world. Finally, an ugly-looking hill appeared, and a house as ugly as that hill was built on top of it. Resembling thorny bushes from a forest fire; the land was surrounded by some dwarf plants, without leaves or flowers, with a vile appearance. Some men and women were running out of a black hole that I assumed was the entrance to the house, which looked like a huge monster mouth opened. They were all naked. They were laughing with joy and delight, making jokes at each other, jokingly running down the back slope of the hill, cutting branches from those sinister-looking plants that surrounded them, coming with loads like dry bushes in their laps, neatly placing their loads around that ugly house. We stood and watched what they were doing from afar, with curiosity.
When the house was invisible from the bushes they had brought and placed around it, another group of men and women came out of its door, smiling, playing, laughing merrily, each with torches in their hands. Between my bewildered looks, they flashed the torches in their hands and threw them on the bushes, which I thought were dry. The bushes suddenly caught fire and turned into an unstoppable fire. The group of men and women, on the other hand, burst into the house, into the heart of the fire, laughing again. They looked like they really enjoyed what they were doing.
After a while, the heart-rending shrieks and cries of people burning alive rose from the house where joyful laughter was heard. A few minutes later, a purple-colored smoke and odor that was thick enough to suffocate people rose and engulfed all.
I was in awe of what I saw. But I knew that what I saw was also a part of the manifestation of that divine justice. I knew, and I was determined not to ask questions about these issues so as not to make a mistake again, but I couldn't control my desire to find out why or why what I saw. Malik immediately understood this situation and my question, which was expressed not in my lips but in my eyes.
“You must be wondering who the bewildered sinners are, who playfully bring their fuel and set themselves on fire with their hands, and do it with pleasure,” he said to the smile.
They are adulterers. As you can see, a momentary pleasure in the world has brought them into this pathetic state.
-I see them turn into white embers and then cold ashes. However, I said that we had killed death before we came here. Are they not dead even though they have come to this state?
-Yup! Said. You are not mistaken. There is no death here. From the cold ashes of what they have seen, the seeds of life will be revived, they will return to their old self again, and what you have just seen will happen to them, and this will go on and on.
-Forever? I asked.
-No, not forever, but it will take a very long time. Those who do not extinguish that tiny speck of light within them will suffer less torment and will get out of here sooner than others. As long as they do not lose and extinguish, that tiny speck of light that my Lord has added to the slime of creation in their creation will ultimately save them.
He will save it, but like the others who committed the greatest sins, this great sin they committed will remain a big, black stain on their foreheads and will never be erased.
I said I understand. I seek refuge in my Lord from the great sins you have told me. What I have seen is truly inspiring for me.
We continued on our way, leaving behind those who burned themselves and came back to life and those who burned themselves again.
Where we came from was a huge void, just like the previous ones. I saw a group of men and women walking around here. Their tongues were elongated, protruding from their mouths, and crawling on the ground. Some of them were so long that; they looked like pink, white-haired snakes. Their owners could not control their tongues, they were pressing and chewing each other's tongues as they wandered around in desperation.
Seeing them:
-Who are they, Malik? I asked.
He said, "These are people who lie even though they serve no good."
I said, "I see some people's tongues longer and some people's tongues shorter. If only one sin was committed, shouldn't it be the same?
-He said no. Sins increase and decrease according to the damage they cause. Lying is a sin if it does not serve any good. If it harms some people, it is a greater sin. This also falls under the right of slavery. This is why their language is long or short.
-Is their torment like this? Will they not see the torment of the fire?
-What you see here is only the equivalent of the lie told. If this lie has caused any harm, it is in the right of the slave, and its reward is fire. You will see this later.
Malik's words increased my thirst, which is called curiosity, and fueled my impatience. We walked for days in narrow valleys resembling a long crevice, with gaps in the ground like tiny plains, with scary-looking rocks on both sides, stones, tiny hills, and ominous-looking dwarf trees.
As we went, the valley we were walking in became narrower and the two approaching edges closed on us. We found ourselves in a hole, in a narrow, long and pitch-dark cave-like corridor.
It was widening in some parts of this corridor, like those deep crevices through which we traveled for a long time. It was pitch dark, but we could see the surroundings, albeit vaguely.
I see vaguely behind the dark mists that have surrounded our place, surrounded us, and enveloping us; They were a set of blackouts that looked like trees but I wasn't sure if they were trees. Behind these darkness came a playful crimson light, smoke, and stench. The atmosphere was as heavy as the stench of burnt carrion. It was as if some scavengers, who did not pay much attention to cleanliness, came here to picnic and cook and eat what they brought. The smell, mounted in the thick smoke and stuck in it, was so heavy and disgusting that I wanted to get away from it for a moment, but as always, my passion, called curiosity, prevailed. If I wanted to see and learn something, first of all, I had to be patient. Because the mount of knowledge was patience and work.
Turning to Malik:
I said, "I think there are some strange and interesting things in the future. I would like to see them and learn about them, but those who come from there are so dirty and disgusting that maybe you don't want to go. Let's not go if you don't want to.
Malik looks at me and smiles:
"Thank you for thinking of me," he said. This shows that their feelings towards me are beautiful, clear and sincere.
This kind of bundle of emotions, called love, turns into light like lights reflecting off a mirror and returns to its owner more than once. He is the light; above your soul is with the Lord. the people of my Lord; It is the greatest blessing that it adds from its own essence, that in its essence contains the seed of that greatest, most beautiful, most suitable and noble chain of emotions, that makes people human, separates them from other creations and brings them closer to Himself. I am full of the same feelings for you.
If we don't go, your thirst for curiosity will keep bothering you. In addition, achievements rise, exalt and value through sacrifices. Go and increase the gems in your repertoire that you filled with that beautiful faculty called curiosity.
-I said okay. Thank you.
We walked that way together.
Like trees, but certainly not trees, they seem to have come out of frightening fairy tales; There was a group of sinful people in front of some dark clothes, like witches in black clothes and pointed hats, screaming, laughing, and speaking to themselves under the influence of a mysterious wind that occasionally hardened, and they surrounded a fire they had lit and gathered around it.
At that moment for me in their situation; There was no reason or feature that would interest me or cause me to squint my eyes on them. Mirage; It was on the shadows that surrounded him, both like and unlike trees, moving from side to side, where in these movements dreadful, mysterious secrets were hidden and revealed. And among them were strange creatures, as if after they had finished their spell, they were trying to relieve their weariness, laughing uneasily, screaming, speaking with the tongue of the rustling wind hitting the dry and rough bushes, like withered, thin branches spread out in all directions as if they were wailing. They were chatting, pulling each other out.
All my attention and attention was focused on these strange creatures, while I was thinking about what they might be, my comrade nudged me to warn me. The direction and medium of my attention and interest has changed. My gaze was directed to those who were surrounded by a huge fire, eating something and chatting sweetly.
Like all the inhabitants of this place, they wore loose, ugly and dirty clothes, dark gray close to black, one-piece, reaching to the ground, bulky, coarse, shrunken from the waist with a thick rope like a rope, one end of which was pulled from the head like hoods. Inside their hoods were grinning faces resembling skulls.
I knew the inhabitants of this place fed on dirt, and I had seen it a few times. The smell of what they ate had permeated their clothes and bodies. Their skin was also light gray, a sign of poor health, and their bones were visible. They were all skinny like ghouls. They are all uniform in appearance. Therefore, it was not possible to distinguish them from each other except for their length and shortness.
There was nothing left on the table in front of him, he had swept it all away, like eyes that burn with difficulty, suffocated by the satiated laziness of a greedy glutton, a few groves radiating among the ashes like eyes that have not yet lost their vitality. -lake faces were sunken.
The tiny eyes that shone in their deep sockets on these skull faces, gleaming with passion like the eyes of a hungry tiger for food, their bodies sat impatiently, ready to leap. It was as if they were looking forward to frying something to eat, having a picnic, or raiding somewhere. Their impatience put them in a marked alarm.
First, one of them, the one closest to the fire, got up and stirred the fire with a curved, thick, black snake-like piece of iron, and threw dry branches and made a bit of fire. He was extremely careful while doing this. It was as if he was checking to see if the fire had reached the proper consistency.
He must have been dissatisfied and dissatisfied with what he saw, because at first his face crumpled. Then at his signal, the people sitting around jumped up and dispersed in all directions. A few minutes later they came back with their hands and arms full of firewood, like dry bushes, dung, and coals.
Each one puts or throws what he has brought with the instructions of the one who controls the fire; he, too, prodded them, stirred them, rekindled the fire with a thick black snake-like piece of iron in his hand.
When he got the fuel he wanted and desired, he reached gigantic dimensions; lively, fidgety, playful, elusive fire; Colored, gluttonous, he extended his long tongues towards the darkly-painted sky, thrusting it like a spear, striking a part of the black cover that encircled our horizon and bleeding.
This went on until the fire turned into white embers. The eye of the controlling, occasional stirrer, and the distraction, were over the fire with the benevolent care of a mother watching over her mischievous cub.
It must have finally reached the consistency he wanted, for he laid an inconspicuous black clump on one side, something resembling meat, but I don't know exactly what it was, neatly over the embers. A terrible smell and smoke spread around. The people there wait impatiently, with slight swayings and fidgets, as if they are enjoying it immensely; they spoke in an incomprehensible murmur like the rustle of the wind in dry branches. This impatience was pushing them towards the fire. So they narrowed the circle around the fire a little more, and impatiently moved a little closer to the fire.
I saw that the person who I think is their leader, who controls the fire and directs the people around him, reaches out his hand and takes a bite of what looks like meat with a piece of hot ember and puts it in his mouth as if he wants to check the taste and consistency.
Green smoke came out of his mouth, which looked like a blackened little oven, and more foul odor mixed with the nasty, stinging stench. The eyes of the one who put the fire grove and the other in his mouth were protruding, and it was as if he was breathing hard to cool a bit of what was in his mouth, blowing the air that came out of his lungs on them.
Finally, after giving out green fumes and sizzling, he choked and swallowed what was in his mouth as if he were eating a delicious plum, and then he turned to those who were waiting impatiently:
-Hallelujah. Everything is ready. He said you can come.
Suddenly there was movement in the crowd turning the fire, and they swarmed towards the fire. Stretching out their arms, they fill their palms with embers and others I don't know, pop them into their mouths, tear them into tiny bits with loud chews, then swallow with appetite, then sincerely:
They were praising Allah by saying Alhamdulillah. All of them were respectful as if they were receiving a blessing bestowed upon them.
Green-purple smoke was coming out of their mouths, like tiny black ovens, between the rusty teeth that surrounded the entrances of these mouths. The stench that broke the pillars of our noses and made it difficult for us to breathe had multiplied intolerably.
Although their eyes bulged out of the pain they felt, I stared in amazement and horror at these human beings who greedily and impatiently ate handfuls of fire coals and others, and finally praised Allah (c.c.) by saying Alhamdulillah.
I have seen many people tormented by fire until now. According to the others, although their situation was different, more tormented and more severe, they still did not hesitate to praise Allah (c.c.), which made them a little more strange and more mysterious.
Without giving the owner a chance to ask questions:
He said, "These are backbiters.
Then he looked at me and continued.
- It must have caught your attention. Those who draw your attention because I know you, as far as I know, will turn to me as a question a little later. Let me be the priority this time. I'll tell you before you ask. The smelly things that they spread over the fire, cook and eat are the meat of their brothers after they backbite.
The feeling of disgust that has plagued me for a long time has increased a little more:
-Teach! I shouted. With a reaction that I couldn't help, it started to come out of me. When I come to my senses to speak:
I said, 'This must be a very bad thing. But the people there were eating that thing with great pleasure, as if they were not aware of it. Or do they not know what they are eating? I asked.
-He said no. Of course they know. The feeling of disgust, which has just blown out, is a thousand times greater in them. But they know how big of a sin and what is the reward for what they do, and they are aware of it. However, they are aware that they will be saved from their sins in this way. That's why they eat the dead meat of their brothers whom they backbite as if they take great pleasure, they know that they are purified from their sins a little more with each bite, and they praise their Lord for this reason.
Again, out of my mind:
I said, "I seek refuge in my Lord from such sustenance.
Leaving behind those who hungrily ate their brethren's dead meat, we moved into this strange world.
When we came to a place that was surrounded on all four sides by strange and terrifying-looking rocks of all sizes, I saw a number of dark figures rushing towards us, nestled under these rocks. As they got close enough to see us well, their faces showed deep disappointment along with a look of surprise. Surely it wasn't us they were waiting for. All of them were wearing tattered and torn clothes. They looked utterly filthy and miserable, their misery flowing over them.
After staring at each other for a moment, one of them advanced towards us.
A thin rusty voice:
"Forgive us, sir," he said. Obviously you are not people of our world. We are the people who welcome those who come towards us, those who bring our sustenance. We have obviously been among the great deceivers. This is why we came running towards you because we thought we were waiting for you in the caravan. That's why we disturbed you.
Before I could answer them, some sounds like jingles were heard from behind the strange and terrifying-looking rocks. When the voices were heard, the miserable-looking dark circles around us rushed in that direction. After a while, they met and mingled with other blackouts that came out from behind the big rocks and had loads like carboys on their backs.
Loads resembling carboys on the backs were hurriedly and impatiently, but with the utmost care, unloaded and set aside. As if they downloaded; They were tiny crystals that could easily break, in which precious substances were carried.
From the pocket-like parts of their torn, filthy, tattered clothes, skull-like goblets resembling a mug appeared. They were pouring a yellow-colored liquid from the carboys brought into their glasses, which would break the nose of a normal person, poison and kill him, and drank it hungrily. What they drank smelled so badly that we did not dare to approach them, we were watching them from a distance, from the opposite side, with an example.
They must have been enjoying their drink so much that they began to burst into joyous laughter and screams. These situations also fueled my curiosity. I dared to get a little closer to them. They were bursting with joyous laughter, shouts, and joyous cries, but their expressions were crumpled with an inner disgust, as if to show that this was not the case. Surely they knew what they were drinking. Both their cheerful laughter and yelling, as if they were enjoying themselves, and their grimaces with a disgust they couldn't help caught my attention and curiosity. Of course, I immediately asked this to Malik.
-Ya Malik! Said. I'm seeing some weirder things here than I've ever seen. The ones I saw were laughing and shouting with joy, while their faces were wrinkled with disgust. A rumble in removing their insides and outsides. They seem to be drinking something that is both exhilarating and disgusting, I don't know what it is. What is that smelly thing they're drinking?
Malik, who, like me, was suffocated by what he had smelled and seen, had a wrinkled face. It took a few seconds for her to gather herself and respond.
With difficulty, the owner prevented a whistling wave coming from within him:
He said, "He is Tînetu'l-habal.
Since I haven't seen what I've seen or heard what I've heard:
-Tînetu'l-habal? What is this? I asked.
Malik's face turned slightly yellow from deep disgust.
He said, "He is Tînetu'l-habal. The sweat that comes out of the bodies of the people of Hell is also collected in one place and brought here. It is the drink of the inhabitants.
I was terrified.
-My God! I shouted. So what sin did they commit to deserve such punishment?
He said, "They are the ones who drink what my Lord has forbidden. This is their fault. They know that what they do is a sin, but they still do not hesitate to repeat and do it. Even if they said that what my Lord has clearly forbidden is halal, if they said that what they drink is not a sin, this would push them into disbelief, and their destination would be Derk-i Esfel.
Leaving the alcoholics to their fate, we proceeded towards the interior. We came across a place that looked like a deep and wide well. This place looked like the place I had seen before. This wide well was surrounded on all sides by strange looking rocks and stones resembling skulls, but it was quite deep.
The owner said that I would be very interested in what I would see and took me down from here. My eyes searched for some dark circles like the previous ones, but couldn't find anything. Then, turning my face to my comrade:
I said, 'This looks like a deserted place. My eyes, sharpened by curiosity, wandered around for a long time, but found nothing.
"No, you're wrong," he said. Look more carefully down at your feet.
I did what my soul mate said. In the dim environment that looked like darkness, my eyes had a hard time finding the tiny creatures that twitched left and right, swaying left and right. I turned my face towards them with interest, trying to understand what they were. These were human-chicks as tiny as ants, like any I've seen before. They were running with all their might towards where we were, jumping on our trotters, trying to climb on us.
Turning my eyes, which I thought were wide and wide, to Malik with curiosity and surprise, he said:
-These are mini, mini sinful humans, I said. Such a small creation must certainly be a requirement of divine justice.
Malik smiled.
- He said yes. You are not mistaken. This is Bûles. This is a prison surrounded by the fire of fire. This is the home of the arrogant, the sinners who think they are great and are actually small. Their lot is like the previous ones.
Loving praise makes people blind and deaf. He does not see his faults and flaws. He does not hear the warnings and advice. Those who like to be praised and praised are proud of themselves, they see themselves as more valuable and higher than they are, which leads them to arrogance. Their sustenance is also what you saw before.
Being reminded of that nasty thing I saw earlier made me nauseous again. After I barely managed to control myself:
-So they drink Tînetu'l-habal? I asked.
- He said yes. Their sustenance is what you call boiling water.
My heart sank when I realized that I was chewing and crushing some of these tiny sinners while I was curiously wandering around.
“I think it was because of my carelessness,” I said, “I trampled a few of these little sinners. That's why I fear the wrath of my Lord. I want to get out of here as soon as possible.
Malik looking at my face:
"You don't have to be afraid because you chewed and crushed a few of them," he said. Because, in a way, they were created to be trampled on and crushed. Can't you see? How do they run in their trousers, under their feet? How do they yearn to be trampled on, to be trampled on? In reality, it is not them that you crush, but their arrogant nafs.
I wanted to talk to a few of these tiny people, but their voices were like the buzz of flies. When I couldn't talk even though I tried hard, we left the private world of these little people and left. But no matter how careful I was, I could not save myself from crushing and trampling on a few more of these sinful people.
This part of Hell was starting to get pretty interesting. Although every part of this land of sinners was interesting and exemplary, the place I was in was very different.
When I saw those who ate earth and drank turbid water in the first part of Hell, I remembered pitying them. Comparing them with what I saw around here, it clearly showed what a blessing even pure earth and cloudy water were. My comrade Malik had mentioned this before.
I was continuing my journey, taking lessons from what I saw. As I went deeper into this strange, interesting country, its structurally strangeness, proportionally to this strangeness, its attraction that aroused and fueled my curiosity was getting more and more, astonishing me.
We were passing between bare cliffs and hills that looked like animals, skulls, and interesting-looking statues that had come out of dreams. After a long walk, we entered and exited a place that looked like a narrow crevice, and then we came across a crooked mountain, resembling a prostration, on which neither a pinch of grass nor a tree grew. Near the foot of this mountain was a waterless creek bed filled with stones that looked like skulls. It was as if this mountain was leaning towards this creek bed and was standing on it, and the creek was flowing through its crotch. I likened it to a mountain I saw where we lingered for a moment. That's why my gaze was fixed on him. Realizing this, Malik:
I see your eyes, wide with curiosity, and their glowing eyes fixed on that bare mountain, on which there is not a pinch of grass, not a single tree. We see the more interesting, much more magnificent ones than him; "You didn't show that much interest even though we passed you," he said.
-Yes you are right. I likened it to a mountain I saw where we lingered for that moment, so I said my eyes were stuck on it.
Malik looked at me in amazement and said:
“Your attention is indeed admirable,” he said. Your curiosity, which burns like an unquenchable flame, must keep it alive and nourish it. Yes, you are right, this mountain has a similar one in that temporary world and its name is Ayr*. It's special. It is the place where those who do not listen to their commanders because of the heedlessness of turning to the blessings of the world for a moment, and who cause the martyrdom of seventy religious brothers because of this, linger for a moment.
These explanations of Malik only increased my curiosity and amazement once more.
Looking at her face in surprise:
I said I know what event and who you mean. I mean… those people you mentioned came here for a while and stayed here, right?
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*Air mountain. In the Battle of Uhud, our Prophet had placed seventy archers on this mountain and gave a firm order not to leave their places no matter what. However, most of these archers, thinking that the enemy was defeated and fled in panic, did not listen to this order and their commanders and left their places. As a result, the enemy attacked from behind, our Prophet was wounded, his blessed teeth were broken, the Muslim army was defeated, and seventy of his companions were martyred.
- He said yes. You are not mistaken. Few people go straight to heaven without visiting these places. Every person has more or less sins to be cleansed of, and a burden to take off his back.
We were talking with Malik on various topics. The closer we got in, the closer we must have been to the giant slices of flame that were licking this strange world, painting it a playful red, as the heat was getting hotter and hotter.
After a long journey, we finally came to a wide and deep pit resembling the Bûles pit or prison.
Every part of this strange world smelled like carcasses, but it was as if the source of these smells was this pit. When I approached there, Malik looked at me and said:
-Would you like to see this place too? She asked.
-Of course I said. Although I feel nauseous here, I go out of my mind, I turn inside out, but maybe I can find many exemplary things in this disgusting smelling place.
Malik is somewhat reluctant:
-Well, he said. As you wish. My Lord has ordered me not to fulfill your wishes, to listen to you.
The closer we got to this giant pit, the stronger the smell. So much so that the odors of the dead meat of Tînetu'l-habâl, which brought us inside and outside, were as light as the smell of musk. It was as if even the air that filled our lungs was poisonous. It was as if a wind blew inside us when this disgusting smell started to push our tolerance limits. It instantly dispersed this suffocating air that had entered us, suffocated and poisoned us. It filled us cleanly and coolly. When I felt this, I thanked my Lord. Undoubtedly, this was just one of his countless blessings for us.
As I approached the edge of this giant pit, I bent down and peered into it. This huge pit was filled to the brim with filth, and it was boiling and bubbling, as if being heated by a golden fire. I saw some creatures scurrying around in the dirt, like worms and worms in rotten flesh, to and fro. Those who surfaced and appeared were nudged by the officers with pointed sticks, like a gooseneck, and prodded them, causing them to dive deeper again. My sense of compassion overpowered my disgust. Malik must have seen the pity in my eyes.
-Compassion is a part of the light that my Lord has bestowed on you with his eyes, and it is one of the most valuable. He said that mercy is from my Lord, like love.
I see that this light shines a lot in you, illuminating your soul. But don't forget. Compassion is like a mirror that reflects light. If the mirror is dark, it will not reflect, no matter how strong the light is.
-I said I know. But no matter what I do, I cannot save myself from being affected by what I see. This is probably due to my weakness in my creation.
-He said no. This is because you are high, not low. Undoubtedly, souls illuminated by the light of my Lord are worthy of wandering in the highest places.
Turning my eyes, which were full of pity that I could not help, to the pit again:
-Who are these unfortunate creatures that wriggle like wolves in the dirt? What is it, Malik? I asked.
-They are the ones who surrender their backs to the enemy on the battlefields and prefer humiliation for a few days of worldly life. “As you can see, they have found the place they deserve,” he said.
"But wars are not a good thing," I said. I've seen a few wars in my last years. The victims were mostly unarmed, sinless people, women and children. In the ideals put forward, they were false values ​​that generally protected the interests of a group and deceived people by painting their eyes.
-Yes you are right. Wars are usually fought against oppressors who put their minds and strengths under their own control. If good people aren't as brave as bad people, their good habits will turn into vulgarity. Sometimes you have to talk to bad guys in a language they understand. This is some of the wars commanded by my Lord.
Those who prefer the honor promised by my Lord to dignity when they see that pit, are unfortunate people whose worldly life for a few days, which they do not even know for sure, has changed with the eternity of the Hereafter.
It is one of the orders of our Lord to make the amri know well, to make the neh anil munkar, that is, to enjoin the good and forbid the evil. It is also obligatory for a person to protect his soul. Sometimes it may be necessary to take up arms and fight for it.
-But still, shouldn't people come to an agreement by talking and reconciling, not by fighting and killing each other?
-Of course it should be. Allah (c.c.) has created you in two ways and has equipped both of you with a blessing like intelligence. You could find the right way with him. But sometimes the mind becomes the slave of your other side. You must have seen and experienced what an evil and powerful weapon the mind under the command of your soul is.
-I said yes. However, I still see wars as humanity's greatest foolishness and stupidity stemming from not using the greatest blessing bestowed on them by our Lord, and I describe it as a betrayal of that great blessing. I think the last thing people need is soldiers and guns.
Malik looks at my face with love:
- He said yes. If only you had never done that great stupidity that looks like self-forgetfulness….
If only you had not destroyed your beautiful world that my Lord created specially for you...
If only you didn't kill innocent people...
If only you didn't make the children cry...
If only you lived with the honor bestowed upon you among the creations of my Lord….
And if only you hadn't forgotten that you are the most honorable and valuable being, the notorious creature...
Ahh! I wish.. I wish.. you had never been around.
I was very impressed by what I saw. I couldn't hold back my tears for a while. Turning to my comrade:
I said, "All these things I saw made me very sad. Take me to another section. What I saw weighed heavily on my soul. Now I am incapable of lifting and carrying.
-Well, he said. As you wish. You seem to forget that hard-won things are worth more. But I still give you credit. Your creation is not suitable here. There is another chapter on our way that I think will interest you. I'll get you out of here after I see him too.
My comrade was right in what he said. Fascinated by what I saw, I forgot for a moment why I had come here. What I saw was bitter, tormented; it hurt my conscience, it pushed me into the abyss of suffering, but it was precious, full of many lessons.
After wiping my tears, looking at my comrade's face:
-I said I'm sorry. For a moment I forgot my reasons for coming here. Surely, this is due to the defect in my creation, my weakness. Don't value my previous words. Again, take me to places where I will be very exemplary and grateful to my Lord.
Malik looks at me lovingly and says:
"I understand," he said. Happy are those who can cry. Tears are soft diamonds shed from a tender and good heart. Surely, all these will increase the gems in your repertoire, and they will raise you up. May your jihad be blessed and happy.
Then, stretching out his hands, he pointed to some dark spots in the distance, which I likened to mountains:
-Then he said from here.
The place my comrade and I climbed onto was a steep, sharp rocky cliff. We were trying to climb up and down a rather high hill that looked like a steep, pointed head. The sky was brightening and darkening with the playful light of those crimson flames, which I guessed came from the center of hell, but the shadow of another mountain rising right next to us, higher than the mountain we had climbed, also fell on us like a black ghost. That's why the road we went on was a little bit darker and a little bit darker than the environment.
While we were walking among the moving shadows of the narrow valley we entered, some screams and groans were heard from ahead of us. It was as if someone was killing someone or torturing them to death. When I turned my direction towards the place where the voices came from, my comrade followed me without making a sound. The sounds seemed to come from behind a large rock blocking our way.
When we rounded the rock, two people appeared before us, each with a sword in their hands. They shouted at each other as if they were fighting, then one of them slapped the other with his sword and cut off his head, the head tumbled away, the headless body fell to the ground, the blood gushed, wheezing, and then froze motionless. It was as if he was tasting and suffering all the pains of death with his flutters.
Everything has come to an end, while I thought that one killed the other, there was another incident that left me astonished. The headless body, which I thought was dead, straightened up, found its head, which was rolling away one by one, with its eyes protruding from its sockets, and set it back in place. They got into a fight again as if nothing had happened. This time, the person whose head was cut off was hitting the sword in his hand violently on the neck of the other person. However, the sword must have been blunted, nicked here and there, as he could barely cut off the head after only five blows. The person whose head was cut off at each blow was screaming, screaming, running left and right, writhing in pain. Finally, as his head snapped off and rolled like the previous one, a hot, steaming bubble of blood gushed out, and the headless body fell to the ground and began to struggle. Like the other, he seemed to see, hear, and suffer all the pain and horror of death. Just when he was dead, thinking that this is over, he too got up like the other, searched for his severed head and set it in place.
It didn't take me too clever to realize that this went on and on, that these two people were tormented by beheading each other. But what I saw was as terrifying as it was extremely interesting. While my questioning eyes search and find your eyes, my comrade:
He said, "These two people were among the righteous, but because of a small matter between them, they drew swords on each other, one killed the other and wronged themselves.
My comrade's words only increased my surprise and curiosity. I quickly weighed his words with my logic, filtered them through my mind. Finally, I found some parts that didn't fit my logic.
I said I understand that the murderer is in hell. Finally, he killed a religious brother and deserved this place. But I couldn't understand why the murdered person was here.
Malik looking at my face:
“There is nothing to understand about it,” he said. If he had the opportunity, the murdered person would have killed the other, his brother. He drew his sword with this intent. Remember, deeds are based on intention.
I said, "But there is still something wrong here." The sword of one was sharp and killed the other by cutting off the head in one blow, but the sword of the other was blunt and had also been breached. However, after five blows, he was able to cut off the head of the other, so I said that the second was more tormented than the first.
-You still don't understand? He reproached her by asking. No injustice is done here. The slain suffers more than the slain, because the slain had previously tasted the pain of death, and the other had not. This is his reward.
I understood what you meant.
I said, 'I praise my Lord again and again. Surely you are right.
We set off again, leaving those who killed each other to their fate. The path we walked was a narrow path surrounded by big rocks and tiny mounds, and it was climbing upwards. Our long and difficult journey on this steep and sharp-slope road ended on a wide plain. The oleanders, who had not been seen for a long time, appeared here once again. But what I saw here was a little different. The ones I had seen before were straight like spears piercing the sky, except for the large, thick branches that stretched to the right and left. Here they were, as if they had been subjected to strong storms, in slanted, twisted, complex, strange-looking groups. Its thick serpent-like roots had protruded and overflowed, entwined. When those strange and frightening shapes of rocks, large and small, resembling skulls or wild animal sculptures, peculiar to these regions, mixed with these strange images, it caused fearful and cold feelings to blow in me, it made me feel cold as ice, I couldn't help shivering.
These strange-looking oleanders and boulders of various sizes surrounded this vast plain. The place we reached was flat and treeless. Considering the shape of the mountain we climbed, the whole place we came from; bald in the middle, bushy and long hair in other parts resembled a huge head.
Together with my comrade, we moved towards the bare middle part of this huge head. The place seemed empty. In the middle of this vast expanse, there were some shapes and shadows that looked vaguely like ghosts from afar. They seemed stationary, but when I got a little closer, I realized that they weren't like that, that they were moving, albeit slowly, that they looked like huge millstones. These millstones were moving left and right, sometimes colliding with each other with crackling and heavy sounds, some falling and rolling away one by one. Some of them were reaching the summit of the steep slope, which we had difficulty climbing, losing their balance, falling inexorably down from here, disappearing.
These walking, moving millstones intrigued me. When I got a little closer, I focused all my attention on my eyes to understand what they were, and focused on them. We slowly approached them.
The flames of that giant torch burning from the midst of hell could be seen more clearly from here. We should have gotten a little closer to him. The flickering lights from these flames, illuminating the atmosphere, were stronger here, but the illumination and dimness of the surroundings was sharper and more pronounced here. I was trying to see and get to know the surroundings with the lights coming from these momentary flames.
The white images, which I saw from afar and resembled millstones, got bigger as I got closer, and I realized with horror that there were heads in the middle of the holes where the holes should have been. These millstones, each with a head in the middle, oscillated horizontally, moving back and forth. When I looked a little more carefully, I saw that some bodies were crushed under the weight of their shoulders, under these huge millstones. This piqued my curiosity even more. As I approached him to talk to one of them, my comrade warned him.
"You shouldn't get too close to them," he said. You may not be aware of it, but the millstones that you see attached to their necks are ignited with a poisonous flame and are burning inside.
These words of my comrade terrified my curiosity.
-My God! I shouted. So these huge millstones around their necks are made of fire? Are you saying it's really on fire?
My comrade nodded in agreement with what I had said.
-Yes that's right.
His words increased my curiosity, my astonishment, and my horror. I looked with pity at these sinners, who carried millstones around their necks like yokes of fire-skin ignited by an invisible flame. I knew the futility of pitying them, but still I couldn't help this feeling and sent my mercy abundantly to those I saw.
Malik's eyes caught mine for a moment. He must have seen the gleams of compassion that found expression in my eyes. Undoubtedly, in these lights, there were some questions that were mothered by curiosity as much as compassion. Now my comrade knew me very well and intimately. So without having to ask anything:
-These are those who think what my Lord has bestowed upon them as the property of their souls, who hold on tightly to them, forgetting that they will leave what they are attached to after a while, and do not selfishly give it to the needy.
They left their beloved possessions on the other shore, which they hoarded with great ambition, and created oceans between them that they could not cross. They left their beloved possessions involuntarily, but only this heavy burden on their necks inherited them and came with them.
They have done such a foolish job where you linger for a moment that others eat what they hoard with a thousand and one greed, others enjoy their time, and these stupid heads you see will pay their bills.
As you can see, they left what they greedily hoarded in that temporary place and came back, and others eat what they love, tremble with greed, and hoard with passion, others continue to enjoy it, and they have to account for it with torment. What a bad trade this is.
-In other words, are these stingy people who think that they are keeping what my Lord has given them for themselves, and therefore are deceived? I asked.
"I thought my words were pretty clear," he said. Let me repeat once more. Yes, these are those who selfishly keep for themselves what my Lord has given them and do not give them to the needy. This love of wealth and this world made them forget my Lord, and their beloved possessions of the One Who bestowed them upon them, and they came upon them as a flaming burden on their necks.
However, the hand that gives is better than the hand that takes. For mature souls, no other blessing bestowed by my Lord gives the pleasure and peace of mind. What you see are the prisoners and slaves of their nafs. No prison is as terrible, black and inextricable as the dungeons of the selves in which people imprison themselves.
I understood. As I heard its name, I thought about how much I learned and how many lessons I learned in these places that I always remember with fear and horror, which gave me goosebumps. Surely, all these were just a few of the blessings of my Lord towards me.
We left these foolish people to their fate, who selfishly kept the worldly goods they had accumulated by not giving them to the needy, but who were incapable of bringing even a speck of it to themselves, but only the magnificent account of those goods hung on their necks like a yoke. We proceeded into this strange place that looked like a huge plateau.
We had not strayed far from the land of those who carried millstones around their necks, when we noticed that some darks were wandering among the strange-looking rocks and oleanders that abounded around. Curiously, we went to them. What we saw was similar to what we had just seen and was just as interesting. Instead of millstones on their backs, there was a huge smoking hump. This hump was so large that it covered their entire back like snails, making its owners double over with its size and weight.
This bent in half prevented them from raising their heads upwards, forcing them to look between their groins. It was as if their heads were formed between the groins. I was compelled to take a few steps back in horror and disgust when I saw some of them eating handfuls and handfuls of excrement.
-Ya Malik! I shouted. I said, 'I see some sinners here swimming in abomination but also in torment. What sin has brought them to this state, this form?
He said, "They are wasteful people who don't appreciate what my Lord has given them, and who waste their money.
I said, I know my Lord loves generous people.
- He said yes. You are right, my Lord, certainly love the generous ones. But what they do has nothing to do with generosity. They are those who forget that what my Lord has given them is a test for them, and waste those blessings in an unlawful way, squandering only for their own souls, in the way they want.
What I saw was so disgusting and filthy that I could not bear to look any further at those who ate their excrement. We started to move forward, leaving behind those who were burning for their humpbacks and feeding on their excrement.
We were passing through dark, narrow valleys. The oleanders, which we see frequently now, thorny trees that look like bushes, and plants that look like nettles that torture those who touch them as if they were stung by a bee, were stretching our way, making it difficult for us to move forward.
After a difficult journey that lasted for days, we were finally able to reach a wide area like a plain. It was a completely rocky place, except for the oleanders appearing here and there, and the strange grasses and plants that now look like the common nettles we come across. But these rocks were not very large. They were all strange and frightening-looking, as I had often seen and come across in this strange world.
It didn't take long for me to realize that some creatures were wandering among these strange and frightening rocks. Curiously, my comrade and I moved towards them. When I realized the qualities and quantities of the living things that roam here, my astonishment increased even more. Those who wandered here were similar to those I had seen before. Some had one foot, some had one arm, some had both legs, and some had no arms. One of his legs had protruded above his neck, where his head should have been. Some of them had their heads crooked. Here were the most numerous sinners I had ever seen.
I asked my comrade who this earth community was and for what sins they came here.
He said, "The residents of this place are the ones who fell into secret shirk. The sin they fell into has corrupted their faith and put it in a strange shape. That's why they were resurrected in this way.
-Is it a secret shirk? Said. I didn't fully understand this.
-Yup! Said. Secret shirk. As you can see and realize, the people here are much more than the others. This shows how easily people fall into secret shirk.
I said I understand. Our religion is very subtle in this regard. What I have seen here must be those who unknowingly fall into secret shirk, those who are not aware of it, and therefore those who do not repent and ask for forgiveness.
"In a way, you're right," he said. But it's missing. Some of those here are aware of this great sin they have fallen into, but often repent and seek forgiveness.
These words of my comrade surprised me.
I said, I don't quite understand. I know that timely repentance and forgiveness make sins forgiven. Doesn't what you say contradict the attributes of my Lord, Rahman and Rahim?
-No, why would it be wrong? If the repentance and forgiveness of sinful servants are made on time, they will certainly be accepted. This is the manifestation of my Lord's attributes of Rahman and Rahim, and this is a requirement of this manifestation. But remember; Repentance and asking for forgiveness are only about the forgiveness of sins. That is, my Lord only forgives the sins that are made with repentance and forgiveness.
But people often do not learn their religion properly. However, it is my Lord's right on His servants to learn their religion correctly, and it is obligatory for them. Due to ignorance, that is, not learning their religion correctly, servants often fall into sin and repent frequently.
The souls who are tormented by the sins brought about by ignorance, who do not learn their religion correctly, will sue for their minds. Some of what they see here is because of the right of their souls to their minds.
My astonishment and amazement increased even more.
That is to say, some people are punished here because of the right of their souls tormented as a result of not learning their religion correctly and not doing the greatest fard that is commanded by my Lord, even though they repent and seek forgiveness frequently. is it? It's like a judge judging and punishing himself.
But we have a mind that does not always find the truth and is often mistaken. If we were mistaken because of the weaknesses in our creation, if we strayed in the wrong direction, will we still suffer torment? Isn't this against divine justice?
Malik shook his head.
-Of course he said no. My Lord does not burden His servants with what they cannot bear. Undoubtedly, He is the One Who knows best what He has created. All that is required from servants is goodwill and sincerity. After doing their best, my Lord will undoubtedly forgive and erase the sins that are caused by the weaknesses of their creation, make them as clean as they were when he first created them, and also give them good deeds.
But if you do not use the blessings that my Lord has bestowed upon you, you will certainly be responsible for it.
In fact, the soul is the mount of the mind. If the mind rules the soul, it usually leads people to the right path. If the opposite happens, people often go astray and go to disaster. Remember, there is no greater sin in the sight of Allah than bad behavior. A bad temper is a bad companion and guide that leads a person straight to hell.
-Are these exemplary situations and shapes I have seen as a result of the weight of this great sin they have fallen into? I asked.
-Yup! The weight of that great sin is different for each sinner. This is why they were created in various shapes and forms, except for one.
I said, I seek refuge in my Lord from such sins. If this is the weight and torment of shirk committed unknowingly, then who knows how severe and tormented is shirk done knowingly?
Malik sighed deeply.
He said yes, you are right. Their place is the lowest of Hell. If God allows, you will see them too.
Malik holding my hands:
He said, "If you have seen enough and learned a lesson, I will take you to one of the last chapters of this section.
After looking, for the last time, at those wandering in this vast, rocky desert, with foul-smelling, smoky air and hot as an oven, with exemplary eyes:
-I said okay. I think we've lingered here long enough.
Malik took me to the last part of Sakar. Our journey took a very long time. During this journey, I often saw those who fell into secret shirk with their strange states and looked at them with exemplary eyes. During my journey, I understood very well how many people have fallen into that great sin called secret polytheism.
Among the things I saw, there were many acquaintances, whom I thought were devout religious people, in the place where we lingered for a moment. They looked at where I was in amazement, when they recognized me, they lowered their heads with a feeling of pain they couldn't help, and they walked away from me.
The place we arrived at at the end of our long journey was a pit resembling a very wide well. Apart from what we had heard days before, we had begun to smell a different, much heavier stench than that.
Every place in this strange world smelled, but this smell we heard was different, sharper, heavier than anything we had heard before.
This smell must have come from a yellow smoke that was slowly beginning to wrap around us. As we approached this pit, which looked like a deep well, the smoke got darker and heavier. The smell got stronger, until it finally broke the poles of our noses, it surrounded us all around. It was as if we were walking at the bottom of a deep sea of ​​saffron-yellow smoky, heavy scent. The air we breathed into our lungs was like a poisonous gas that smelled of burnt sulfur. It was so heavy that even though we were under protection, it penetrated into us, as if it was tearing our internal organs apart. If it weren't for my curiosity, which is like an unquenchable thirst, I would have given up on seeing this last episode of Sakar, but my comrade had given me a very good lesson on this subject before. For this reason, I was moving slowly, patiently pulling what happened to me, without making a sound, and I thought this was the most difficult part of my journey.
For this great pit we came to, it was smoking, and the dark saffron-colored smoke or gas that surrounded us was coming out of the middle of this pit. This gas was so dark that it prevented me from seeing clearly. As I couldn't see anything no matter how hard I tried, I turned my eyes to Malik in desperation. He, too, immediately understood the despair and question expressed in my eyes, and stretched out his hand towards another pit in front of us that I couldn't quite see for the moment. This moment was like a miracle. A wind, from which I do not know, began to hover over the pit, dispersing the thick smoke. After a while, that terrible but magnificent well appeared before my eyes in all its majesty.
The walls of this well protruded from the horizon, and it was surrounded by copper-colored stone or something resembling metals. It was filled with a saffron-yellow liquid that was simmering, bubbling, bubbles and bubbles as it bubbled, and these bubbles burst with a loud bang.
As the objects in this giant pit boiled and bubbled, as they swirled from the bottom and rose to the top, they took on a black-like color, contaminating the saffron yellow, turning it into a strange color more like the color of feces.
As a blessing from our Lord, the wind that hovered over this giant pit had dispersed both the smoke that surrounded us and the stench that looked like burnt sulphur that had been scorching us for a long time. So I was quite relieved. This relaxation helped me concentrate and my eyes were stretched out before me; I began to look with interest at the bubbling, bubbling liquid splashing against its copper-colored walls. I saw some human-like creatures swimming in it, diving in and out. This caused me to be as horrified as it was to my amazement.
Showing them to Malik:
I said, "I see some creatures in that scalding liquid that smells like faeces."
He said yes, you are right. They are Sakar's penultimate guests. They stay here for a long time because of what they did.
-What kind of sin have they committed that my Lord punished them with such a punishment?
-This is the place of those who eat the bitter fruit of forgetting their conscience, those who accuse a believing woman of adultery without any sin, and those who defame them. This is such an ugly and big sin that falls under the right of the servant that even if it is halal, this is the place of those who commit this sin. Calculate how much torment will befall those who do not accept halal.
-Will they stay here forever? I asked.
-No! Not forever, but their stay here will be longer and shorter according to whether it is halal or not, those with heavy loads will be as long as eternity, and they will be the last to come out of Sakar with the ones below.
Undoubtedly, there were great lessons for me in what I saw here. I saw once again how wide, big and heavy the right of the servant is. But my personality, softened by compassion, was not fit to stay here for long.
There was no point in staying here any longer. What I saw bore my soul. He understood my current mood very well in my comrade. When he turns his questioning eyes to my face:
I said, 'You said there was another section under here. take me there. Then get me out of here. I don't want to stay here any longer.
Malik got me out of this filthy and disgusting place. We set off towards one of the steep-sided mountains that surrounded this gigantic swamp or cauldron-like place. When we crossed this mountain with a lot of effort, the place we came to was completely stony and rocky. Strange-looking rocks, large and small, that had come from the summits of the mountain we had climbed and then descended, filled the area. I've seen places like this before. Therefore, my eyes, which had taken these images for granted, were not interested in the surroundings. I was beginning to wonder why Malik had brought me here, when I heard screams from behind the rocks. These cries were so sharp that the sleepy lethargy of indifference swept away from me like a mighty gust of wind. My senses got up and went into harmony, my eyes opened wide and wide, my gaze sharpened.
As he tried to understand where the cries were coming from, a second fury broke the silence. It was as if some people were being strangled. I had goosebumps and goosebumps. I stared at my comrade, my eyes a little bigger with horror. Instead of answering me, my comrade took my hand and dragged me towards a place where large rocks stretched out in front of us and thus prevented us from seeing ahead. Turning a huge boulder like a small hill, some demon-like shadows appeared in the dim environment, which brightened and darkened. They were about five meters ahead of us. They were lined up as if they were playing a game. While he was trying to figure out exactly what they were doing, suddenly in his right hand, long blades like daggers, shining brightly even in the dim environment, appeared. Under my bewildered gaze, the blacks began to thrust knives into their own bodies with ambitious and brutal blows. As the blades pierced their bodies, a frothy, steaming liquid gushed from them. Probably it was blood. As a matter of fact, after a while, that salty, sour smell of fresh blood was all around. I stared in amazement and horror at the people who mercilessly stabbed their bodies and turned the surroundings into a pool of blood. I was going to ask my comrade why these people were stabbing themselves, killing themselves in a way, when he held out one of his beautifully shaped hands and pointed to a place behind the darkness:
-Look, he said.
There were other blackouts that looked like the ones that kept stabbing themselves. They lifted the stones, heavy enough to bend their waists, with their bones crunching, as much as their arms would allow, then suddenly they dropped them on their heads, their heads bursting like a pumpkin with this blow, and they were shattered.
Realizing that I was intending to ask a question, my comrade made a silent sign by placing the index finger of his right hand over his lips. Passing silently like a shadow among those who cut themselves with knives, those who pierced themselves with knives, those who smashed their heads with stones, we proceeded into this strange place. Where we had come from, there was a place that looked like a large lake, and some darks like those I had seen before had gathered around the lake. We had to stand next to them for a few minutes so that I could realize what they were doing. My dreadful amazement increased once more when I realized what they had done. I whispered back to my comrade.
-My God! I see very strange and terrifying things here. The ones I just saw were killing themselves. They also drown themselves in water and kill themselves.
Malik whispered.
- He said yes. This is their torment that is attached to their necks in accordance with divine justice. These are sinners who take innocent souls.
-Well, I was going to ask if their torment would end when they killed themselves, but I remembered that there is no death here. Now my comrade knew me so well that he immediately understood the one who came back on the tip of my tongue.
"As you know, there is no death here," he said. Here, those who killed themselves are resurrected. Every murderer gives life over and over again, in whatever way and in whatever way he took an innocent soul. This goes on and on until near eternity.
-Alright! Will these punishments of those who pay with their lives as a result of the justice commanded by my Lord and applied by people be beneficial to them? I asked.
A person who kills an innocent life has actually killed himself. He has thrown his soul into this deep hell of torment that will probably last forever. He who kills a human has killed all humans. In other words, whether the justice of my Lord is applied or not, he is now dead.
However, people's implementation of the justice commanded by my Lord and their loss of life as a result gives that person the opportunity to repent and seek forgiveness. In this repentance and forgiveness, with the permission and grace of my Lord, it prepares the sinner to get out of here, even after a very long time.
In this strange and terrifying place, I have seen events similar to those I have just seen, but far more terrifying than that. Some people burned themselves alive, others hung themselves with oily ropes. In the same way they took the life of an innocent person; they took neither less nor more of their souls with their own hands; In the meantime, I learned that the torment of those who killed more than one innocent life has increased exponentially. Indeed, it was very difficult for me to wander around here, but it was an extremely exemplary place.
Finally, looking at my comrade's face:
-I think we've stood here long enough, lingered enough and learned enough lessons. Praise be to my Lord for the number of His creations. I said to the people here I don't want to see any more, take me out of here.
Malik looks at me lovingly:
He said, "You have a hard time lifting the weight of what you see. This is because of the beauty of your creation that is not suitable for these places. I wish you hadn't come here, you hadn't seen all this, but I know that this behavior of yours is a great virtue. May Allah reward you for your good habits and virtuous behavior.
I thanked Malik for these good wishes. He took me towards the fourth part of our long journey.
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dieonerememerberbook · 3 years ago
Our journey took a very long time. Along the way, we came across many exemplary events that were similar or even more interesting than the previous ones, and the sinners who were the heroes of these events, but now that I knew what was what and in a way I was affected negatively, we tried not to deal with them for a long time and continued on our way.
One of the reasons I was deeply affected was that what I saw was similar to my behavior in the place where I lingered for a moment, with the devastating effect on me, and that I often ran into familiar people. It was as if I was finding my own personality in what I saw, comparing myself to them, thinking that I could be among them for a moment, trembling with fear and breaking out in cold sweat. Then again and again, I was praising my Lord, understanding the value of the blessing of forgiveness and forgiveness He had bestowed upon me, once again, more deeply, and thanked him over and over again.
After a long journey, which I guessed to take years, years, we finally came across a very steep cliff. The ground before us had vanished under clouds of mist and smoke. In front of me was that giant torch that I saw from afar. It was a little bigger, a little bit closer. On our right and left sides, far, far ahead, near the horizon, some purple shadows that I thought were high mountains were appearing and disappearing like ghosts in this misty atmosphere.
I have seen such an abyss while passing from the first part of Hell to the second part of Hell, that is, from Hell to Saîr. With the difference that we were a little closer to that giant torch. The lithe tongues of the flames overflowing from this torch came up to where we were, and they licked long and hard.
As I saw when I entered Saîr, it was lost in the smoke of the clouds, which descended from the steep cliff we were at the top of, turning inward; We took a narrow, stony path.
The clothes of the remnants of the caravan we set out with had turned completely coal black. I knew that the darker the color, the greater the sins. This group should have taken on the burden of the sin of associating partners with Allah (c.c.). They were also trying to walk and move forward with great patience and fortitude. The hands of the sinners who descended from here were tied around their necks. With their heavy burdens on their backs, they pause for a moment:
-O don't perish! O do not disappear! Grow! They were crying out to save us from this torment by destroying us forever. Their selves had become a heavy burden that they had difficulty carrying. Their cries expressed a sense of exhaustion and despair.
Upon their shouts, the demons on their heads said:
-O unbelievers who have rebelled against Allah (c.c.) and have associated partners with Him! They were prodding them with their flaming spears, pushing them forward, saying, "You want to perish not once, but to perish a few times today."
It was desolate, quiet, and extremely frightening. One side of us was a deep abyss with no bottom visible, and the other side was a steep slope of sullen boulders. We had arrived in a mysterious, frightening, and very strange land, where only mists and smog prevailed, where nothing was visible except for the sinners who tried to descend in congregations down this steep path like tiny ants, where everything was steaming, lost behind the mists.
After days and weeks of hard travel on a narrow path that looks like a steep descent, lost in the smoke and mists, we were finally able to descend.
The place we came to was a scary world dominated by only smoke and fog. The air and general appearance of this place was a little more stagnant than the other ones I've seen. The scars of the wild storms I had seen and experienced before were scarcely visible here. Clouds of smoke and mist were all around in a thick veil. This thick veil was swaying lightly, gently, under the influence of a faintly blowing wind. This wind wanders among the giant oleanders, whose huge roots protrude from the ground, the giant vines that wrap these oleanders like long snakes and tie them together like thick ropes, and the strange-looking plants with giant leaves that resemble flycatchers. silently covering them and opening them. Some distant grunts, gurglings, whistles broke the silence, almost materialized, frozen, sticky like glue.
The ground was covered with a loose, insecure, and wet, sort of clay-like soil that usually appears in swamps. So as we walked, our feet disappeared halfway up to the knees in this slippery, soft mud-like earth. For this reason, we preferred to walk by stepping on the thick roots of the oleanders, which are frequently found in these regions, overflowing from the soil surface.
I didn't ask my comrade about the place we came from, knowing that he would give information anyway. There was no need for this when I first entered this interesting world. Because there are plenty of interesting things around to attract my attention and fill my eyes and mind, I was looking at them with curiosity and trying to understand what they were. This satisfies me enough for the moment, quenches my thirst called curiosity, or at least made me forget.
We came to a place where the volatile soils that slipped under our feet increased more, whereas the oleanders and other plants decreased, while the existing ones became smaller and weaker, and instead there were some plants that looked like reeds, were thicker than them, and were a mixture of gray and black. They looked like long, black spears thrust vertically into soft, slippery ground.
Volatile, insecure lands like mud spread over a vast area, as if filling a lake. It looked like a wide lake or a long valley. It was bubbling, bubbling, bubbling, as if it were ignited from the bottom, simmering.
These plants, resembling long, thick reeds, stretched out before us like a wall. Since such places made it difficult and in some places impossible for us to walk, we could not find the opportunity to walk or take a road except for a narrow lane on the shore. But these lanes were so narrow that some of the people in the caravan, as a result of carelessness, fell into this swamp-like mud and were immediately swallowed, as if they were lost in a hungry mouth.
As tongues of flames rising and coming from the center of hell are circling inside and out of this place, boiling these huge black cauldrons-like swamps from the inside out, the sinners I have rarely seen outside as I breathe in the still, dull, smoky, foggy and penetrating air that surrounds us, also reddened by the flames. During this time, I learned that he burned and scorched his internal organs.
My comrade, who preferred to remain silent for a long time, who, in a way, allowed me to see and examine a lot, finally broke the silence:
He said, "This is the valley of Veyl. This is Veyl swamp when you see it. Those who fall here still cannot reach the bottom after they sink for forty years. This is one of the unlucky places in Cahim.
-I asked if I was cahim? So we've come to the fourth part of hell?
-Yup. “We have been in Ca-him since we descended from that steep cliff,” he said.
Crossing this ominous valley was tiring for those in the caravan. Often one or more of the sinners would fall into these relentless swamps and were quickly swallowed up and lost. My eyes were trying to see through the swamp rather than the surroundings.
By the way, for the first time I saw some blackbirds swimming like fish in the mud of this stinking swamp. Some of them would go up to their near-surface places, then dive deep into them rapidly, appearing and disappearing. I thought this must be the home of at least some of the sinners we brought with us. Surely this was one of the manifestations of divine justice.
My comrade, who saw me looking with interest at those who appeared and disappeared like fish in this stinking ominous swamp, took my hand and said:
-Do you want me to show you a person you can take a lot of lessons from? She asked.
I said yes I would.
Then my comrade:
"Then come," he said.
He took me by the hand and led me down to what looked like a cave or a corridor. As I understood it, this tunnel or cave was going down to the bottom of the swamp.
When it comes to the entrance of the cave or the corridor, my comrade:
“Now close your eyes,” he said. I closed my eyes. My comrade took my hands. We started falling down at a dizzying speed.
This fall was so rapid that I started to feel nauseous and dizzy. As we descended, the unbearable smell of the swamp intensified once again. For a moment I was so depressed that I even thought of warning my comrade and telling him that I had given up on my request. But I came here to learn something. That's why I was trying to control my bad feelings by clenching my teeth and being patient. Finally, after a period of time that seemed like centuries to me but I couldn't estimate the amount, we slowed down and landed on a heavy, heavy place.
The place we came from must have been somewhere deep in the swamp. Me and my comrade were in the swamp, but strangely, the stinking mud of the swamp did not get on us. It was as if there was a very thin, transparent barrier between us. While I was thinking why my comrade brought me here, he prodded and said:
-Look, he said.
Looking where he was pointing, I saw some darks descending slowly towards the bottom of the swamp. One of them was wearing a very precious dress with brocade and jewels, but it was tattered and filthy. He wore something like a crown over his head, I think, made of excrement. He caught my attention more than the others. To my comrade:
-The one we saw, or was it a king? I asked.
-No, he was not a king. He said he was one of the transgressors.
This time:
-But who is he? I asked.
My comrade looked at me with interest and said:
-Why don't you ask that yourself? He answered my question with a question.
I was glad that my comrade's words meant that I could speak with the darkness descending to the bottom of the swamp.
I said you're right. Let me ask him this. Then turning into darkness:
-O sinful person who is sinking to the bottom of the swamp! Who are you? I asked.
But the darkness did not answer my question, it turned its face in another direction.
Once again, assuming you didn't hear my question:
-O person! Answer my question in the name of the Lord in whom you believe. Who are you? I shouted.
-O questioner! Why are you shouting like that? Or did you think I was deaf? He scolded me.
-O person! I just want to talk to you. Tell me, who are you? Said.
The darkness turned me on again.
-You didn't recognize me? In the place where we lingered for a moment, my wife and menadis did not exist. If you don't know me, who else do you know? Said.
-O person! I really didn't recognize you. Forgive my ignorance on this matter. I said I would be glad if you introduce yourself to me.
Darkness lamented this time:
-Oh ahh! So there are people in this world who don't know me. He said, 'I was the richest person who ever lived, but because of the sins I have done, I have been humiliated.
It made me remember some of the things they said.
-O person! Or are you that person who slandered your Prophet with a grave sin? Or are you Karun? I asked.
-Yup! I am that person. He said, "These people with me are idiots who don't believe in their prophets and stay with me."
I did not find it worth talking to Karun. Because he was one of the arrogant people who saw himself as arrogant and did not learn from what happened to him.
-O Karun! Surely what I see is the manifestation of divine justice. I said find it where you deserve.
We left Karun and his followers sunk into the depths of the swamp.
After crossing the Veyl valley with difficulty, my companions were taken to various parts of Cahim to pay their debts, to give an account of what they brought on their backs, and to be cleansed of their dirt. But it was not difficult to guess that the places they were taken to were places such as the swamp of the Veyl valley. Because this strange world seemed to be full of such swamps. What I saw made me feel this way. It didn't take long for me to realize that I was wrong about this. The newcomers mingled with those who had been brought here before and who were suffering.
Some of the inhabitants of this place had formed various groups in some parts of this strange world. These groups coexisted on rare and small lands scattered around like small islands, free from swamps.
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*Karun is from the sons of Israel. He was a very rich person. Only seventy strong men carried the keys to their treasures. But wealth spoiled Karun and made him forget his Lord. He tried to slander Musa (a.s), who warned him about this, with the crime of adultery. As a result of the curse of Musa (a.s.), the earth swallowed Karun. It will be swallowed up by the earth forever.
The color of the clothes of this group was always black, but it was different in form. Muslims with turbans on their heads, Christians with huge crosses hanging around their necks, and Jews with their tiny kippahs were seen, each of them reciting whatever they could, begging, performing rituals, and performing prayers. I was astounded when I saw them.
First, we went to those who thought they were Muslims with their turbans on their heads. They formed a group, engaged in dhikr, but their backs were on each other's side. It was as if they were huddled back to back, but still facing each other.
When I got close enough to be heard, I bowed. Their heads turned heavy and heavy towards where we were. First they looked at me in amazement, and then they greeted me. They gathered slowly and slowly around us, with their suspicious eyes on us. But when they arrived, there was a strangeness, something wrong, just like their stance. It was like they were walking backwards, but I wasn't aware enough of that yet.
They looked like normal people from afar. But when I got a little closer to them, I was quick to notice the strangeness in their stance and situation.
The faces of the sinners here were reversed. It was as if a strong hand had grabbed their heads and turned them, turning their faces one hundred and eighty degrees, making them look in the opposite direction. Also, their tongues were muffled. They were trying to get along by signaling with each other and with us, like hearing apologies.
My comrade must have seen the lights of the flame ignited by curiosity and astonishment in my eyes:
He said, "They could actually be among the righteous servants of my Lord." You will find that excessive love sometimes leads people astray, leads them in the opposite direction, and just as excessive water rots and kills plants, excessive love leads people to destruction. This is truly a lesson to be learned.
-But I still don't understand. I said, I found them while they were chanting the name of my Lord, while they were remembering Him. Even so, I find and see them here on the fourth floor of hell. I understand from their situation that they have been here for a long time. However, my Lord had given the good news that those who had even a tiny bit of the light of faith would not stay in Hell for a long time, and he promised this.
He said yes, you are right. My Lord is certainly a keeper of his word and a fulfiller of his promise. But the situation here is different.
Them; He saw Habibullah's face and was with him; While they loved and glorified some of the blessed people who spent their wealth and lives in the way of Allah and were given the glad tidings of Paradise in their health by my Lord, they misjudged and vilified some of them, and they had the audacity to judge and condemn them.
Surely, judges must be more virtuous than criminals so that their judgment is just.
their folly; With what right those blessed people who have won the approval of my Lord and who have been given the good news of Paradise in their health, with what right they slander, slander, and condemn them, and where and how they find this right.
However, those whom they slander, insult and resent are blessed people who are in a far superior position to them in my Lord's sight. In addition, they went to Dar-ül Rahman and their accounts are seen there. It is the simplest moral rule to commemorate our dead with mercy and not to denigrate them. Shouldn't they love them equally without separating them, remember them with mercy and gratitude, and at least treat them equally, leaving their accounts to the Most Gracious, if any?
It was their duty to imitate Habibullah, whom they claimed to love, to love what they loved, to dislike what they did not love, and not to separate their loved ones from each other.
For this reason, Allah's (c.c.) religion has been fragmented and suffered great harm. For this reason, their faces are created upside down, and in this part of Cahim, they suffer and pay for what they have done, which is only the return of their intentions, which they confess with language but do not take action.
I said I understand. If one or a few Muslims had been harmed by what they had done, they would have entered the right of slaves, their sins would have increased, and perhaps they would have been thrown into the lowest floors of Hell. What about the others?
My comrade immediately understood that by others I meant those in Christian and Jewish guises.
- Are they? Because of their excessive love, they adorned the prophets who came to them with attributes that they did not have and made them associate partners with Al-lah (c.c.). However, those who come to them are among the pure servants of my Lord and they are free from associating partners with Allah (c.c.) and from the indecent attributes attributed to them.
“I think you are talking about Jesus Christ and his Blessed Mother,” I said. Undoubtedly, Jesus Christ is one of the pure servants and messengers of my Lord, and the other is the honorable mother of that apostle, and they are free from being partners with Allah (c.c.).
What a mistake to accept a creature as its creator. Those who do this must have fallen into one of the great pits of sin, such as associating partners with my Lord.
-Yup! He said you got it right. If my Lord allows, when we go, you will see plenty of them in the lower floors of Hell and you will be very exemplary.
Leaving them behind, we started to move towards the interior of Cahim. Bells were ringing and hymns were sung from afar when we arrived at a place that looked like a big island surrounded on all sides by stinking swamps.
We approached the place licked by their long tongues of flame, glowing dimly with their playful light. We proceeded until we saw some blackouts from afar. I was wondering if they had any weird situations similar to the previous one. Therefore, in the reddened area, my eyes were on the shadows that appeared and disappeared, moving here and there.
My eyes, sharpened by curiosity, were quick to notice the strangeness in these blackouts. None of the blackouts I saw had their heads where they were supposed to be. They seem to have been cut off. When I went a little further, I realized with astonishment and horror that their heads were in the crotch of their head.
The congregation, whose heads were in the crotch, were so devoted to their rituals and were chanting so sincerely that they did not seem to notice that we were coming, that we were watching them. I was astonished by what I saw.
Undoubtedly, my comrade was very right when he said that you will see plenty of them at lower levels and you will be one of the more lesson-takers. Indeed, what I saw and what I will see would be very fruitful in terms of example.
Malik, who thinks I'm getting ready to ask questions:
I've told you about these before. They are the ones who associate their Lord with their Lord by glorifying and blessing those who come to them and giving them attributes that they do not have.
It is normal for people to try to glorify their loved ones. This is the requirement of their love. With the difference that they exalted their loved ones more than they were, and made them equal to their Lord. Those who associate partners with my Lord are His blessed servants. Just as too much water damages the plants and rots them, their excessive love has been to the detriment of their loved ones.
"Okay?" I asked. Will those whom they love enough to take the place of their Lord, raise them to the same level, associate partners with Him because of their excess, will be harmed by these actions?
Malik looking at my face:
-Of course he said no. They have been since what they did. They condemn them. They say, "We didn't tell you like this, we didn't order you like that, we take refuge in Allah (c.c.) from what you do."
Then looking at me with interest:
He said, "I think he thinks right, knows and believes right about the Word of God and His Blessed Virgin Mother."
Then, looking at me with interest, he continued:
-Do you think it's possible for a virgin woman to have a child without a father?
-Of course I said. I know and believe that before him, my Lord created a Servant without a mother and father, breathed a spirit into him from his soul, and made him his successor. Undoubtedly, my Lord can create a fatherless servant from a virgin woman when He wishes. Jesus Christ (a.s.) is the servant and messenger of my Lord, and the Virgin Mary is the venerable and blessed mother of this Messenger.
Malik looks at me lovingly:
- Surely you are one of the truth. May Allah (c.c.) exalt his knowledge even more and bless him.
We left this strange and exemplary congregation alone with its rites and hymns. The path we were on was going down with a sweet incline. In other words, hell; It was like a huge well or pit, which was noticed as it progressed into them, constantly descending and deepening. The next ones always remained below the previous ones, and the closer they got to the center of hell, the more severe the conditions.
As we descended, the surrounding mist and smoke mixture got darker and the atmosphere got warmer.
We were passing through steep rocky valleys similar to those I had seen before, but far more interesting and frightening. Finally, we came to a plain that looked like a wide plain.
The swampy lands we've been seeing since we entered Cahim were also here. That stench was getting stronger. The flames, which came from far away from the center of hell and came and wandered here, were making this gloomy and hot air even more angry and darkening their smell.
Here, too, I saw sinners living in the swamps and diving into them. They were swimming in boiling, bubbling black cauldrons, rarely coming to the surface, immediately and again diving to the bottom, appearing and disappearing at the warning of the demons. I thought this must be a part of their manifestation.
I walked towards them excited that I could see new things to take an example from. This excitement did not make them look small to me. On the contrary, my compassion for them was always present and constant. I was grateful and praised when I saw them. Of course, this did not prevent me from pitying them, but I was aware that it was not possible for me to do anything with them.
After a long journey that we had sunk, we came to a place that looked like a wide plain. My belief that hell was in the form of a huge pit, a well, was getting stronger. As we moved inwards, we were descending lower and the conditions were getting worse as we descended, getting closer to that giant torch I saw in the middle of hell, and the closer we got, the warmer the atmosphere.
The place we came from was a swamp like other places, but the trees that I saw sparsely around seemed to be more frequent here. They were in groups like an army of scarlet ghosts that appeared and disappeared in the gloom of this sinister place. The smoky, foggy air of the swamp had grown heavier, and its barn smell had grown stronger.
In the places we came to, I saw some sinners from time to time, and I looked at them with an example. This is where we come; I thought that some sinners lived in the desolate plain, which was made up of large marshes in places, where there were stout and fruitless trees in groups, but extremely frightening in appearance. I looked around frequently, but I had not seen them until now.
As my eyes wandered, searching for something of interest, something slipped under my feet and gave me a startle with fear. Thinking that this was something I had seen before, I tried to find and see it with curiosity. Immediately, I could see nothing but a pair of hairy feet plunging behind a group of trees about twenty yards ahead of me, a chubby rump, and a tail like a tiny whip-like curved upwards.
He noticed in my companion what my eyes were following.
Taking my hand and pointing to a group of trees just ahead:
-Come, he said. If we go there, you can see what you want to see more easily.
When we arrived at the place pointed out by my comrade, my eyes wandered persistently looking for sinners like those I had seen so far, but could not find anything similar to what I was looking for. I was going to say to my comrade that I can't see anything here, but something else slipped past my feet again, and the others followed. But this time they couldn't escape my eyes. My eyes caught them quickly. Staring at my comrade, my eyes wide open in amazement at what I saw:
-Oh! I shouted as if I saw an animal, a wicked here.
Before my comrade had a chance to answer, something I never expected or expected flew over my head. This; It was a tiny monkey jumping from tree to tree and from branch to branch.
My comrade, who understood the question in my eyes towards him:
"Look more carefully at what you see," he said.
My eyes were on those who slid and whizzed past, and those who flew and jumped from tree to tree, from branch to branch. Those I compared to monkeys were squealing among themselves, grunting, pointing at us to each other, as if they were talking to each other, with a voice like a squeak and a sneer like a grunt.
"But they look like human beings," I shouted. It is as if the things I see were created in the image of monkeys and wicked ones.
My comrade nodded, confirming what I had said:
- He said yes. The sinners of this place were created in the form of wicked and monkeys.
Of course, these words and what I saw were extremely interesting to me. Everything in this strange world fueled my curiosity, and my curiosity sharpened my eyesight.
The second thing I noticed was that the people living here were in families, in groups. They were twos and threes and they were inseparable from each other. But it's like they're all androgynous; they were both male and female.
When I moved a little further into this strange and interesting world, I could see these family-like small groups more comfortably and more. I swallowed my small tongue in amazement when I realized something else other than what I had seen.
As if one of the wicked was going to give birth when the pains came, I went to a relatively comfortable and quiet corner and I noticed him at the last moment. In order to see what was going on more easily, I immediately followed him and started to observe him. As I guessed, when the wicked came to this quiet and lonely place, she immediately started to push, but she seemed to be in a lot of trouble and pain while giving birth. After quite a long and painstaking effort she was finally able to give birth. The baby she gave birth to was tiny. The wicked turned around and started to lick and clean her baby like every mother animal. She was extremely kind and loving while doing this. She was making happy sounds that showed it. The event that astonished me, even horrified me, took place after that. When the baby was cleaned and emerged well, he started to eat it alive, ignoring the squeaking and floundering of the wicked sinful baby. She was crying, screaming as if she was in so much pain, shedding tears as she did so. It was as if he was suffering from a mother who killed her baby and was compelled to do so.
Turning to my comrade:
"Oh my God," I cried. It is as if this creature I saw eats its baby, which it gave birth to with great difficulty, and while doing this, it feels a great torment.
- He said yes. You're right. My Lord is tormenting them with the suffering of both mothers and fathers, who gave birth to them with great difficulty and lost their offspring by eating them in this cruel environment you see.
-Both your mom and dad? I asked. I didn't fully understand this.
- He said yes. Both your mom and dad. Because their great sins are two.
I was going to ask what these two great sins were, but I gave up because I found the answer to this question with my enlightened and guided mind.
These creatures, created in the form of wicked, did not obey the prophets sent to guide them to the right path, and there must have been some people from the Israelites who killed them.
* * *
It took us a long time to navigate Cahim. In general, what I saw was similar to what I had seen before. I had no idea how long this tour would take, as there was no notion of time around here, or time passed very slowly. It lasted until, after quite a long time, we came across a magnificent wall or wall. I realized that we had come to the edge of the other part of Hell, that we were about to pass into one of the other parts below.
0 notes
dieonerememerberbook · 3 years ago
This wall or fortification that stretched before us was bigger, more magnificent, and slightly different from what I had seen before. Others rise straight as if they had ascended to infinite heights; they were getting lost in the clouds, mist and smoke. But this wall was not like that. It was at least as high as the other walls, but it didn't rise straight, it curved inward like a dome, the very tip of which was now lost in the frenzied flames emanating from the center as we approached. It was as if the flames were gushing upwards from a chimney, a gigantic hole in the middle of this dome-like mound.
I immediately realized that this was the giant funnel that I had seen from afar and watched with interest for a long time.
The state of the wall where we were was convex. It didn't take me too clever to realize that it was concave on the opposite side, the other part of the inferno. Sharp and relentless winds of crazy storms were beating and pounding on this inner concave floor, deep down behind the walls came sharp hums, making this giant wall tremble.
When I remembered that this wall was at least as thick as the others I had seen, and that it took weeks to walk just to cross it, I understood better the strength and severity of the storm inside, from the hum that reached us after overcoming such a thick obstacle.
While I was thinking about all this, I did not delay in noticing another feature of the wall, which I had missed for some reason, and which I had not noticed until that moment.
Other walls had tiny doors opening inward, contrasting with the size and grandeur of the walls, but none of those doors here. Maybe there was, but we hadn't gotten there yet. But my curiosity won out again and I asked Malik about it.
-Ya Malik! Said. Here, I think I will hear what I have not heard before, and see what I have not seen. I also couldn't see a door like the ones we've seen before. Or is there no door here? How to enter and exit here?
He said the entrance is from the top. It also has an exit from the bottom but is now closed. Only God knows when it will open.
These words of Malik fueled my curiosity even more.
-Well, how do we get in? I asked. Or will we not be able to enter?
-Of course we will. There is no problem for us to get in and out of here. If you want, close your eyes and I'll take you to the other side in an instant. If you want, go through the wall as you prefer in the others. He said whatever you want.
Looking at Malik's face in surprise:
-But how? I asked. How can I traverse this wall, which I know is very thick, with no door here?
Without needing to say anything, Malik extended his right hand towards where I was and lifted it up slightly. Everything that surrounded me grew suddenly, a thousand times over what was before.
The cube-shaped, cloud- or smoke-colored stones that built the huge wall that both stretched and soared before me had normally been close to my height, but had now turned into large, sharp-edged cube-shaped hills. This meant that the gigantic wall or wall just a few steps ahead of me would grow and rise thousands of times.
All of a sudden, I found myself at the bottom of a mountain that was as big as worlds, that seemed to cover entire universes, and whose steep slopes were flat. The mountain was in front of me, and so high that its summit was not visible, and it was disappearing into a scarlet that I could hardly see from afar.
My eyes wandered around when the bewilderment of this change wore off. My comrade was just a little ahead of me, smiling at my astonishment.
We were on a fairly flat area of ​​round, red-colored boulders, and the huge wall just below us seemed to have slid back for leagues, and it was as if my right side was covered by a gigantic gray curtain that completely filled our horizon.
I tried to lift my head from where I was and see its peak. The shadows of reds, which I could hardly see and notice, had fallen on the highest places, the highest places that my gaze could reach. Behind this smoky red, in a thick line, another playful red color darker than it was barely discernible. Beyond that was unknown to me.
My eyes, which could not find what they expected above, went down again and wandered around. If I hadn't known that I was here a few minutes ago, standing in the same place, I could easily claim that we are in another place, another world, that we have passed on to another world.
The growth of those who surrounded us and the unexpected changes in the environment made me feel as if I had gone to another world. It was probably a misconception.
My eyes, ignited and sharpened by curiosity, were wandering around with an insatiable hunger, searching for interesting things, transferring what they found to my brain, turning it into insatiable pleasures, all of which fed my knowledge-hungry soul.
All around us was a ball of round boulders, illuminated by a red but dim light, and shadows fell beneath them. Darkness surrounded us, like mountains, all around us. I still had no idea what these blackouts were. They must have been from what I knew and saw, but the growth of the world we live in had changed them beyond recognition.
My comrade was sitting in the shadow of a large round rock a few paces ahead of me, smiling at my bewilderment. I was speechless from what I saw. My long, wandering gaze finally turned to my comrade, who, when he had had enough, was still smiling and looking at me, probably waiting for my questions on the subject.
-Ya Malik! I said, "I seem to be seeing some weirder things here than anything I've ever seen." My mind was thoroughly confused, my eyes were dazzled with amazement, I could not see and know the truth. It is as if the place we are in has grown a thousandfold.
Malik shook his head. Now I knew that his act was negativity. This fueled my curiosity a bit more.
-So you're saying that the environment doesn't grow, it stays the same? But how can it be happen? I shouted.
“What you see is nothing but the illusion of your mind guided by your eyes,” he said. You think everywhere is a thousand times bigger, but no. They did not grow, in reality we shrank. That's why you see them as grown up like that, you perceive them that way.
Malik's words increased my amazement even more. Pointing to a large round rock like a ball next to me:
-So when we get smaller, is that a tiny grain of sand I see? I asked.
Malik shook his head in the affirmative:
-Yup! Said. Exactly. We have not only shrunk, we have also been purified from the matter that was on us. Right now we are nothing but a dream.
Ever since I entered this strange, interesting, and yet terrifying world, I had seen and experienced such strange and extraordinary things that I had no reason not to believe it. Undoubtedly, the infinite knowledge and power of my Lord was enough to put us in disguise and situation. There must have been some wisdom in this that I did not understand and did not know at that moment. I would live and see. That's why I didn't raise my voice.
Just a few steps ahead, there was a dark cave-like hole that looked like a large crack in width. My comrade took my hand and said:
-Come on! Saying that we will go from here, he dragged me across a long slit, a place that looked like a crack. Silently like a dream, we passed easily without stumbling on the surrounding rocks, licking them like a long tongue, bending and twisting like a shadow.
My heart was racing with excitement as I entered the cavern entrance, which looked like a gaping, slightly opened mouth, or a deep, tiny crack. Slowly gliding like a shadow, we were making our way into the cave.
The place we were advancing was pitch dark, but still it was illuminated by the faint lights reflecting from the entrance, and the darkness around us was noticeable. The place, which looked like a deep crack through which we glided forward, split into a thousand and one branches, narrowing and widening frequently, sometimes completely closing in front of us. In these situations, my comrade immediately determined the place, direction and path and dragged me towards it.
We were passing through narrow places, tiny holes. But it doesn't walk, it's as if the folds and folds are floating, and the narrow places and holes that appear as if our bodies are made of a soft material that can take any shape, change for us according to the size, smallness, thinness and quality of the holes; We were thinning and thickening, changing shape like a dream, a shadow, or a dense smoke, and we were floating away.
This state of being, like a flight, was as exciting as it was astonishing. As we approached the other side of the thick wall we passed through during our journey, which I guessed to be quite long, the hum, which I assumed came from the crazy hurricanes I had heard before, but whose real origin I did not know, started to get stronger. Sometimes a scorching heat and sometimes a freezing coldness came from the holes and cracks that looked like tunnels scattered in all directions, and this contrast multiplied and strengthened its effects.
At first, I enjoyed these glides, which looked like a flight, but as our journey got longer and the environment got darker, I started to get bored. Undoubtedly, the most important reason for this is; It was the lengthening of our journey in this endless ocean of darkness that caused me not to be able to see interesting things that would attract my curiosity, to occupy my mind, to fill my life with them, to be deprived of information that would feed and feed me.
This journey has taken so long that I prayed for it to end as soon as possible.
The hum I heard was getting louder with each passing moment as I approached the other side of that huge wall. This gave me hope that this part of my long journey, which was now starting to be boring, was about to end.
Finally, months and years later, we found ourselves in a red world. The huge wall that was in front of me when I entered was behind me this time. In front of me, however, a huge cauldron, just beginning to boil, swayed across my horizons, steaming up, filling my horizons as if they were mirages in a hot desert.
The fogs and clouds were so dense that I could hardly perceive the surroundings. The same was true of that giant wall from which we had moved a little. He, too, was about to disappear into the mists and vapors.
My eyes immediately sought and found my comrade. Malik was about a step ahead of me, his face turned towards me. The one who sought her must have seen the curious surprise and questions in my eyes, but she avoided answering them.
He made a sign that I should wait a moment, then took my hand and led me away from the wall that swung right behind me as if it were mist or smoke. The floor was filled with balls of round or angular stones and boulders like those I had seen before, but it was a dark reddish color and the atmosphere was incredibly warm. It was as if we had entered a burning furnace, but I could not see the qualities and quantities of this furnace.
All around me I was covered in some crimson blackness that was blocking my vision, for which I had no idea what they were for the moment. All I could see and notice was that at the top of us and in front of us was a large, round object resembling a large, round oven door, but glowing like a red sun. Just below it was a dome as big as the worlds, covering my entire front horizon, the top of this dome getting narrower and narrower like a chimney, rising to what I thought to be a red sun.
Behind me, on the other hand, there was nothing but a red glow that covered us and the world we live in with a gentle slope. Surely there was a lot behind it, but this world that oscillated like steam or a hot flame; A thin crimson mist covered my vision, preventing me from seeing what was above.
After Malik had pulled me far enough from the huge wall that hung behind me like gray mist or smoke, he stopped. After carefully looking left and right, he checked—as he had done before, eyes in my eyes, and stretched out his arms to where I was and twisted something. There was a big change around me as he opened and closed his fingers; everything that grew suddenly became smaller again, and I found myself standing just a few meters behind that huge wall. My comrade was with me.
The regrowth of my height, which I perceived as the return of the world we entered to its own dimensions, allowed me to perceive what I saw as normal, and to better understand its quality and quantity.
The place I was in was painted a playful crimson. There was an activity that was like the blowing of a howling strong wind.
It was filled with rounded bald mounds that had eroded to the horizon. These mounds had softened due to the heat of the environment and had turned into a thick mud that was about to melt. They looked as if they were heaps of mush ready to flow and scatter, vibrating like jelly in the very strong wind. The ground between these bald mounds was full of pits, large and small.
This hot and strange country was riddled with holes as if it had been hit by a heavy meteor shower. Here and there on this hollow, lumpy ground, huge trees could be seen, either sideways or completely toppled.
A breeze blowing through the atmosphere of this strange world, from the frantic winds that knocked down these enormous trees, swayed between the large red leaves of elephant ears, lying on their sides like purple carcasses, mixing rustles in their hum. It was as if we were on the edge of or inside a giant fire that was burning with crackles and rustles, and we could see and hear it burning.
My comrade, without asking me anything:
He said, "This is Hutame. This is the home of those who deny my Lord.
The word Hutame made some associations in my mind. These associations increased my curiosity and sharpened my attention. My wandering gaze was much more careful now. I raised my eyes first. Just a few steps to my left, the huge red wall stretching upwards, as I approached the last points where my gaze could rise, curved like a dome, bent inward from all sides, shriveled, forming a huge hole at the top. It was as if he were a stone balloon filled with a scorching fire, with a hole at the top. Just below this hole, on my right, but quite far away; Another wall, which looks vaguely as if it were floating and swaying in flames, similar to the one on my left but redder than that, rises towards that huge hole where a great sun shines on its top, after making a slight curve it approaches towards the very end, just like a chimney. he was reaching towards.
This place was like two nested domes, the outer one with a hole in the middle, and the inner one with a long protrusion, extending like a chimney towards that hole, narrowing like a funnel as it rises.
From this funnel-like chimney, a swirling flame was spewing out towards the top hole, painting it with a dazzling whiteness that I described as a large sun, which was in the shape of a circle. Indeed, that huge hole was as radiant and at least as hot and burning as a huge sun that had come close to the earth.
The place that I saw vaguely among the mist and smoke when I was tiny, which had not yet reached my own dimensions, and which I perceived and described as a huge sun; At the very top of this chimney, there must have been that huge hole at the top of the first dome, which encompassed everything.
My eyes, which are like the sun, but much bigger than the sun, shine with a yellowish light that is strong enough to pierce normal eyes, and my eyes are stuck in that hole, that tiny dots like grains of sand flow from there as if they are being blown by a strong wind, they explode and ignite as soon as they enter, shit right and left. I saw them disperse like white sparks. I was about to turn my eyes to my comrade to ask what they were, when something popped right next to me and the others followed. My eyes that got bigger and sharper with the curiosity of the fallen; This time, when he realized that they were sinful human beings on fire, turned white, they were looking around in this frightening world, where they fell with horror and bewilderment, they jumped out of their places and tried to escape with a panic they could not help, and they ran to and fro, screaming and screaming. grew even bigger.
-Oh my God! I shouted. It's like it's raining on fire people from the sky.
- He said yes. You've seen that hole before. He said, "Remember the place where those who did not have the light of faith and could not cross the bridge fell."
I tried to remember what my comrade said. We were in the last days of our burial life. A well, a hole was dug from the right side of our graves to the left side like a funnel, which got bigger and deeper like a funnel, and inside that well or hole was that “Thing”. I was terrified when I noticed him, pressed my back tightly to the left end of my grave, begged forgiveness and forgiveness from my Lord, and asked him to protect me from what I saw. Then that “Thing” I saw had grown big enough to fill my whole grave. On the right side of my grave opposite, there was only a small space where I could fit in and take shelter. In order to reach that void, I had to transcend the Ahead of Me. I was so afraid that it didn't seem possible, I didn't know what to do, I was constantly begging my Lord to have mercy on me.
At that time, I saw something inside me that lit even a tiny spark of hope, and I realized something.
It was a great hope for me when I saw that the ones I took as my guide could easily pass over that pit or hole as if there was a bridge over it, without falling into that thing. Looking carefully, I realized that there was a bridge just in front of me with one end and the other end extending to the opposite side, over the pit that was getting bigger and bigger and preparing to swallow me, although it was not too thick, it was wide enough for me to cross. This realization almost drove me crazy with joy. Then crossing and liberation…. my god! That “Thing” I saw in the well was Hutama's entrance.
It was as if I was reliving those terrifying moments I had lived. My forehead was beaded and sweaty. I understood once again the greatness of that blessing that was bestowed on that day of terror.
In prostration:
I groaned that I would take refuge in my Lord from here and thank Him for the number of His creations.
But the thing called curiosity was such a disease that no matter how scared I was, I was still in pain with this feeling of horror that scorched me.
came, and my gaze sought and found sinners, swept away like dust particles, exploding like sparklers.
Some of them were rising to where we were, and others were falling into the funnel that narrowed like a chimney, rising towards the sun shining right at the summit. That chimney must have opened into the last part of hell.
The place we were in was like a place where the tongues of flame coming from above and hitting the bodies like a fist, and howling whirlwinds were blowing, but these hurricanes did not lift dust from the ground. The reason for this is as much as the ground is sticky like mud, which is about to melt with the heat of the flames circulating around; it was the whirlwind of swirling flames that came out of the chimney-like extension of the inner dome rather than the air breeze, hitting the sloping inner floor of the outer dome and swirling from top to bottom. In simpler terms, where we are; It looked like two giant furnaces inside each other, where the flames coming out from the end of the inner funnel-like dome, which extended like a chimney, hit the inner surfaces of the dome with a hole in the outer top, which also covers the place where we are and the other inside, igniting and heating it.
We started to move inwards inside the outer dome, where these two giant furnaces were intertwined. The place we came to was a narrow valley surrounded by interesting looking rocks on both sides. These rocks, which covered both sides of them from one end to the other, looked like colossal petrified human figures. It was as if their faces were wrinkled and sullen by their deep anguish. It was as if these were carved, and their hands, arms and heads had been cut off and fell left and right. Everywhere was littered with their debris. Everywhere was quiet and desolate, there was no sound.
I've seen these strange and terrifying-looking rocks since the first days I entered Hell, but the ones here are different, more interesting, much bigger.
they were burdensome and more terrifying. It was as if they were living beings of gigantic dimensions that had been petrified.
As I went deeper into the valley, I started to hear some children's cries, cries and cries from afar, but at that moment I could not understand what they were. Were there children in pain and suffering somewhere?
When we came to a place that I guessed to be in the middle of the valley, these children's cries and cries, which I had heard before, started to get stronger. I was terrified. I couldn't believe what I heard and what I heard made me think. Staring at my comrade's face, my eyes wide with horror:
-I…. I! I stuttered. I hear some very strange, strange and terrible things here. When I hear it, it causes some frightening images to come to life in my mind that I never expected and never expected. Even the abstract flames of these dreams are burning my conscience and bleeding inside.
It is as if these are the voices of children, the cries of children, the cries of children. Or… Or are children being tortured here?
Malik looked at me in surprise and said:
-Of course he said no. Don't you know that my Lord has lifted the pen from a child until he grows up, from a sleeper until he wakes up, from a madman until he gets smarter.
-But I … I hear the voices of children crying. I stammered again, as if they were in great pain and torment.
My friend with a soft heart and full of compassion, could not stop two tears from flowing from his eyes:
- He said yes. What you hear are the voices of children, those innocents, those angels crying and wailing and screaming while being burned alive. This is the sinister valley of Hinnon, the disgrace of humanity.*
-But I still can't understand. They are surely innocent angels. Why are they screaming like this, why are they crying like their lungs are breaking? Have they not been free from such a torment?
My comrade looks at me with compassion and love:
-I told you, this is the valley of Hinnon. This is the disgrace of humanity. This is the most sinister place ever. My Lord created the same here as an example. He said be patient and walk.
We started walking into this interesting and ominous valley. As he progressed, the cries, cries, and beggings of the children could be heard clearly and clearly, and they were getting stronger and stronger.
I kept walking until I could no longer endure. Finally, I turned to my drenched comrade, tears streaming down my eyes. His face was like mine.
-Ya Malik! I said to what I heard that I could not bear it any longer.
I can understand your feelings very well. You are a merciful, good person. If you really want to be exemplary, you also have to be patient. I know how difficult this is. Those who hurt inside burn me inside, the ones that flow from their eyes are flowing from my eyes. He said, "If you really want to be a keeper of lessons, be patient and walk."
We continued our way into the depths of this ominous and terrible valley. Finally somewhere wide
When we arrived, a number of blackouts appeared, from which I did not know where they came from or where they came out. They were all short, bare, and skinny as if they had come out of famine.
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*Some of the ancient Jewish kings sacrificed their children by burning in the name of Molech, the god of hell. The valley of Hinnon is where these children were sacrificed by being burned.
On their charcoal-black bodies, vague white lines were visible, like rib bones. Their ears were pointed, their faces and noses were long. His eyes, wide with horror and fear, were dark red, the color of blood. Their large, rusty teeth were sticking out of their mouths, and something frothy black ran between them, emitting a foul odor.
The short beards on their black, pointed faces made their faces uglier, making them look like demon faces in mythologies.
Two small horns appeared on opposite sides of their heads near their foreheads. Behind them were long, hairless tails with tassels at the ends, resembling the tails of gibbon monkeys.
They were hopping and bouncing, making strange noises, circling another, larger blackness in their midst.
When I turn my attention to the dark in the middle; I saw a man with a big head, a short beard, a blackened crown on his head, as big as a gorilla, short legs, long sleeves, and crazy sparkles in his big eyes. This person was seated on a litter made of white bones. He was being led by dozens of sinners swarming under the litter. The leader, the king, of the demon-like creatures hopping and jumping around, making strange noises, must have been king.
This strange crowd marched to the left, hopping, bouncing, screaming in pain and strangeness, carrying their king, who was sitting on something like a litter.
The place where they arrived and landed was in front of an idol in the form of a man, roughly hewn from stone. Children's cries and cries seemed to come from this idol.
I turned all my attention and attention to them, when another darkness emerged from the depths of the opposite side of this ominous valley, which looked like a dark hole or hall. They were just like their predecessors. And again, they were carrying their king, similar to the previous one but smaller in size, on something resembling a litter, and they were hopping and screaming around him. They came in the second group and were put in front of that big idol and mixed with the others. Both groups looked alike. It didn't take much to realize that they were of the same bloodline.
My comrade, who was watching with interest what came and happened like me, must have felt the need to inform and enlighten:
-The stone roughly carved from the stone you see in the middle is Molek, whom sinners call the god of hell. The first thing you see, the burly man, is Ahaz, the first king of that sinful people. “The king of his descendants is Ma-nesse in the smaller one that followed,” he whispered.
When the second group came, the crying and screaming of children increased one more time. Among these cries, a boy said:
"-Please do not do! Don't cut me off, dad. I could clearly hear him say "I am your son".
As the crying, screaming, and pleading of the children increased, there was a mingling in the crowd that had gathered around Molek. Ahaz on the left, and Manesse on the right, approaching the idol, they began to stone him and curse him.
As Ahaz threw a large stone resembling the head of a child he was grasping, towards Molek:
-Take the sinister idol! We worshiped you for years, when we sacrificed our children for you, he was shouting that we found evil instead of good.
The stone of Ahaz struck the head of the idol with a terrible thud and broke off a small piece. This stone was followed by the stones of Manesse and others.
These black creatures with tails and horns, similar to demons, were running wildly around the idol, jumping, screaming and shouting and raining stones on the idol. This rain of stones stopped for a moment at the command of Ahaz, and Ahaz was listening for a long time. When the child heard that his cries had not stopped:
- Please guys, don't cry anymore. Here we have stoned the idol that we sacrificed you and put you under our feet. She was begging for a long time not to cry anymore.
But as if he had said to cry a little stronger, louder, the children began to cry and scream more fiercely in chorus, and at Ahaz's command the rain of stones and insults began once more, and it went on and on.
In the end, Ahaz and Manesse, who, no matter what they did, could not stop the crying of the children, could not silence them:
-Okay okay! We will do what you want. Please don't cry. Please stop crying for a moment. “We can't take it anymore,” they shouted.
At a sign from Ahaz, those who hopped around them and showered stones with cursing Molek scattered like freckles. A few minutes later they reappeared, with their arms darkened like brushwood and charcoal, and placed their wares in a hollow that looked like a blackened hearth just in front of Molek.
A little while later, the playful lights of the fire were illuminating this ominous valley. The shadows of these strange beings, as strange as they were, playing and jumping around him, were reflected in the strange-looking rocks that surrounded them under this fluctuating light, giving them a more mysterious, more frightening aura.
What they did had worked. The cries, shrieks, and cries of the children seemed to have subsided a little, but still continued with an unsettling force.
Ahaz shouted, turning to Molek, whose voices were coming from inside him. But it wasn't him he was addressing, it was the children in him. His voice was just as miserable and trembling as he was.
-Look, I'm begging. Please don't cry anymore guys. I can't stand this. I have regretted what I have done thousands, millions of times. No matter what I do, I cannot erase this black mark on my conscience. In short, I accept that too. But please don't cry anymore. "I'm doing what you want," he shouted. After these words, I saw with horror that Ahaz had thrown himself into those frantic flames.
With the body on fire, the fire flared up a bit more. The sound of children's crying ceased, replaced by laughter and cries of joy, as a foul odor spread, along with cracklings from the burning of Ahaz's body. It was as if the children were glad that Ahaz had thrown himself into the fire. There was a suffocating, poisonous smell and smoke all around.
The crying of children was about to begin again when Ahaz had burned out, when Manesse followed. I could see and hear, in horror, as he suddenly turned into a ball of fire, throwing himself to the ground with his fierce shrieks, the sounds his body made as it burned. I was so terrified that I was speechless from what I saw. That's why I hadn't realized that the more dramatic, the more terrifying, the scarier scenes than the ones I had seen would soon begin.
As Ahaz and then Manesse burned, his followers were jumping around, shouting, screaming, cursing Molek and pelting them with stones.
Finally, when Manesse had burned out like Ahaz, the crying began again. Those who were circling the fire started to throw themselves into these raging flames, one by one. The place was filled with a purple smoke, a penetrating odor. This smoke and smell were so intense that even the lights of the hot fire could hardly reach us, appearing and disappearing.
As these sinful people threw themselves into the raging flames one by one, the heartbreaking cries and shrieks of the children ceased to be heavy and slow, replaced by laughter and cries of joy expressing childlike joy and happiness. It was as if they had found various toys and were playing a very jolly game, as if they had passed out.
After a few hours, this great fire was extinguished, that thick gray cloud and purple disgusting smell dissipated slowly and heavily. In the middle remained a pile of dark gray ash, close to black, from the burnt ones. This pile of ash, too, was blown in all directions by a blowing wind. Children's voices were also cut off. This valley of terror has returned to its state when we first entered it. It was still desolate and quiet.
My comrade and I were crouching aside, watching in horror what was going on.
After throwing himself into the fire in the last sinner, after everything had happened, I turned to face my comrade and said:
I said, "I see some very strange, strange and exemplary events here. Surely what I have seen is part of divine justice.
As I understand it, the sinners I see here once sacrificed their children to this piece of stone, which they thought was their god, and punished them by burning themselves, in divine justice, in retaliation, so that they paid for what they did.
Even though they cry and laugh, I think that the children are in this ominous valley, they are here. There is no question about the wisdom of my Great Lord, but I think they are among those who should not be here.
After Malik confirmed what I said with his head:
He said yes, you are right. But you are wrong about the children being in this ominous valley. They are in a special place in Paradise that my Lord created for them.
But I objected because I could hear their cries and cries.
-Yes, you did, but what you heard were not real children's cries and cries. What you have heard are the voices and cries of their consciences, which were placed by my Lord in return for what they did to the hearts of those who persecuted them.
In fact, they hear the voice of the wounds they have caused in their consciences and the traces they have left there, not of the children, but of the cruelty they have committed in the past.
The voice of their conscience is so strong, scratching and tormenting that they do not hesitate to throw themselves into the fire, as you can see, in order to silence it even for a moment.
-I find them turned into cold ashes and then swept left and right. In that case, do they get even by burning themselves?
-Of course no. They put this piece of stone you see in the place of my Lord and sacrificed their children to him. Along with these major sins, the rights of children are also on their necks. They will be resurrected from the cooled ashes that you see scattered around, and they will stay here until a time that my Lord will know, and in that time their torment will be renewed and continued.
I said I understand. I think these sinners are eternal guests of hell, I said.
Malik shook his head negatively:
He said, "No one knows this except my Lord. However, children who were burned alive with two very bad and great sins on their necks have rights. Maybe they won't stay forever, but they certainly will for a very long time.
I understood. I wanted to leave this sinister valley, where the smell of burning flesh had settled, as soon as possible. So we walked fast, fast.
After a very long journey, we came to a wide plain that looked like a very large plain.
When we first entered Hutama, the howling, like crazy whirlwinds, began to lessen, and a calmer, more still atmosphere emerged. But I was aware that it was a false stillness, a calmness. It was as if the atmosphere calmed down and became stagnant as it approached the center of the great whirlwind that was wreaking havoc.
As a result of a crazy hurricane, I often see; gigantic oleander trees, tilted or completely overturned, as they advanced towards the middle of this strange country, were replaced by some sinister-looking strange trees whose long arms that covered the horizon were scattered in all directions, I don't know what they were. Perhaps these were another variant of oleanders.
It seems as if it has grown bigger on the hills that a crazy storm has damaged and shrunk; they had become small, rugged-looking mountains with steep slopes.
This place seemed a little more residential than the first places I saw. Now we often came across the sinful inhabitants of this interesting country.
The ones we saw were usually near their strange-looking sanems, swearing as much as they could, beating them as much as they could, stabbing them with stones and hurling curses on the idols they had been glorifying throughout their lives. Since I came across them often, they did not interest me. I was no longer interested in them.
As we moved inwards, the atmosphere became calmer and more stagnant. It had multiplied in those strange trees that we often encountered, that strengthened our walking, and that their ends touched the sky.
A storm, whose origin and time I can never predict, broke out from time to time, pouring the fruits of these trees that looked like large strawberries, and as they fell, the people around were running to collect these fruits, and they were eating these poisonous fruits with great appetite and greed, as if they were delicious. As far as I understood, the only food of the inhabitants was the poisonous fruits of these trees, created from the essence of fire.
My comrade led me to a hollow place, flat and round like a bowl, surrounded on all sides by walls of sharp and high rocks. Its floor was filled with smoking stones, which I likened to smoldering embers in the dark.
From the depths of this huge rock and stone place came an extremely disturbing hum that was rasping in the ears. When I got a little closer, I was horrified to see pieces of embers falling from the darkening and reddening sky, dusting like tiny snowflakes. My questioning eyes searched and found my comrade. He immediately understood what I meant.
He said, "This is the land of those who both deny my Lord and do a very bad and dirty deed that he has forbidden. Don't come here if you want.
Shaking my head in the negative:
-I said no. I was ordered to take knowledge wherever I found it. If I'm going to learn something, of course I'll go in here too. Otherwise, there will be no point in my coming to this land of fire. Undoubtedly, my Lord is both my protector and my guardian.
-Well, he said. I have been commanded to guide you. Some of my duties are to inform you of the quality and quantity of the place we are going to, and to prepare you for this.
But after all, what you want is my command. But as I wander here, you must not leave my side.
My comrade took me by the hand and led me into this strange place. He raised his right arm, which he had taken under his protection, before I entered the area of ​​effect of the embers falling from the sky.
These thick biceps immediately turned into a wing, a veil. He took me under his wing like an eagle guarding its young. My comrade's wings were protecting me from this rain of fire.
The embers had filled the ground like snow or hail, and had accumulated in a thick layer. We were walking over them, squeaking and squeaking. But these embers did not affect or burn us. It was like we were driving on a soft grassy road.
My eyes, looking for the inhabitants of this strange country, who were punished by the sins of both rejecting and denying Allah (swt) and, in my companion's words, committing a very bad, very dirty deed that Allah (swt) forbade, my eyes went dark when we came to a place near the middle of this strange country. .
What I saw looked like human blackouts, but what immediately caught my attention was that they had no heads above their shoulders. When we came a little closer and came to a place where I could see them better, I saw with horror and astonishment that their heads, which I thought did not exist, were between their crotch, that they were created there, and that they had the appearance of a person standing on a headstand.
But they did not stand up. His arms and legs were where they should be. Only their heads were formed between their crotch rather than their shoulders, and their faces were facing their backs.
My comrade who noticed my amazement and amazement:
He said, "As I said, they were punished both by fire and by being created in this strange way. They feed by eating their own feces.
Their situation was so strange and terrifying that I could not help saying to my comrade.
-My Lord certainly creates what He creates beautifully. I know that the exemplary aspects of what I see are the fruits of the seed they sow. There is no doubt that my Lord does not oppress any of His servants. They persecute people by their own selves. I know they deserve this punishment. But I still can't help pitying them, may Allah (swt) forgive me.
My comrade, looking lovingly at me, said:
-Verily, every person gives from what is with him. Pity is one of the most beautiful fruits of love. Love, on the other hand, is the reflection of the light that your Lord has bestowed upon you, from your soul. So don't blame yourself.
You can easily reach my Lord by loving. But pity should not hinder justice. Every man will reap what he sows. Otherwise, good and evil will mix, and the good and the beautiful will become unclean.
Slowly, we wandered among these sinners whose heads were formed between their groins, who lived in this fire environment, fed by eating their own excrement, and fire rained down on them from the sky. There were so many of them that it astounded me.
I was wondering which tribe this tribe was and their sins. Before, my comrade gave me the necessary information on these issues without asking me any questions. I thought that he would act in the same way and give the necessary information when the time comes. But we were almost leaving this land of fire, but my comrade didn't open his mouth and say a word about it.
Later, when I remembered that the sinners of this place had fallen here with a very bad and dirty sin that Allah (c.c.) forbade, I understood why my comrade did not talk about it. He was so well-behaved and well-mannered that he must not have found it appropriate to bring such a bad and dirty subject to me, and his manners must not have allowed it. But science could not have closed doors. That's why I asked:
-Which nation or tribe are the sinners of here and what are their sins?
My comrade's face reddened. While bowing his head to the ground in shame:
He said, "These are the people of Sedom* who make the haram halal and the halal haram. They betrayed what was entrusted to you. They betrayed the trust by using the man as a woman. They humiliated themselves and humanity with this filthy sin.
I thought of Lot (a.s) and his people. I understood. Therefore, I felt no need to ask my comrade any more questions. Together we rushed out of this strange country like we were running from a scumbag.
My comrade brought me to a large, circular place surrounded by strange-looking, frightening rocks. The strange shadows of the steep and high rocks that surrounded it fell upon this eerie world, dimming and darkening it, giving it a more frightening, more mysterious aura.
My eyes were not yet capable of penetrating this dim darkness and seeing around, but from afar I began to hear groans, screams, shrieks. These wails and cries ceased for a while, then began to be more violent. It was as if someone was in severe torment.
We progressed until my eyes got used to the dim environment and began to see. We were near the middle of this large circle.
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*The people of Sedom are the people to whom Lot (a.s.) was sent as a prophet. They were very immoral. First they were pelted with stones. Then they were destroyed with a terrifying shout.
The place we walked on was full of large stones and rocks that smoldered and scorched. It was as if we were walking on a tandoor filled with rocks and stones.
When I went a little further, I was not late to notice some dark spots. There were eight of them, and they stood opposite each other, two by two, forming four groups.
Each of them had sharp knives made of scarlet flame in their hands. Suddenly, those in the first group attacked those in the second group and jumped on them with fury. Each of them was laying down the person in front of him, cutting his neck with the knife in his hand, and then tearing his body apart. There was bubbling, sizzling red blood everywhere. The place was filled with a sour and foul smell of blood.
I've seen such scenes before. Since there is no death, I knew that those whose necks were cut off and whose bodies were torn apart would soon be revived and reincarnated.
Indeed, it was as I expected. Divided into four and five, the dismembered bodies were gathered together, their blood flowing, sizzling and bubbling returned to their bodies, and those who had been killed by their necks were revived.
But their revival must have been at least as agonizing as their death, that while each of them was revived, they were screaming and throwing themselves from the ground to the ground.
When the dead were revived, the four groups came face to face again. This time, those whose necks were cut fell on those who cut them. And the event that I had seen before and watched with an example, happened again. Apparently this was how it went.
His eyes widened in surprise when he saw us, a head that rolled in front of me when it was cut off. The severed head told us:
-O luminous people who stare at us sinners with astonishment and example! Obviously you are not one of us. Who are you? How did you get here?
This question was answered by my comrade.
-The great person you see is one of those who are worthy of my Lord's mercy. He wanted to increase his knowledge by seeing you and to take lessons from his knowledge.
The severed head grimaces:
-O person! Couldn't you find a place other than us to show and draw a lesson from? Our sins are so great and ugly that we are afraid that this luminous person will splash on us and defile him, so that our punishment will be increased. I wish you hadn't brought him here.
As you can see, we are paying atonement for what we did, what we brought here with our own hands. There is no hope of being forgiven. He said, 'You'd better take him away from here.
I intervened and asked.
I said, "Tell me in the name of my Lord, who allowed me to come here and learned something and drew lessons from what I saw and learned." Who are you?
severed head:
-I'm Kidar.* He said, We are the butchers of Nakatullah**.
As you can see, we are eight. We're busy slashing each other's necks and tearing our bodies apart. This is our work that is appreciated; Our punishment is perhaps our eternal torment.
The severed head would have given more information to talk about, but now it was time to integrate. where other parts of his body were torn asunder.
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*He is the leader of the people who killed the camel sent by Qidar Salih (a.s) as a miracle of Allah (c.c.).
**Nakatullah is Allah's (c.c.) camel. The camel sent to Salih (a.s.) as a miracle went to the ground. Under our bewildered gazes, the body parts began to integrate slowly and slowly. After a while, they became a man who had never happened.
There must have been some information from my comrade about what I saw. I asked her.
-I am the person whose head was cut off; He said, 'My dear Kidar, we are the butchers of Nakatullah,' and introduced himself and his friends in Azap. Who is Kidar? What is Nakatullah?
-Nakatullah is the camel that my Lord gave and sent to Salih (as) as a miracle. Among them are those who slaughtered this camel even though it was forbidden. They are the ringleaders in Kıdar. He said they were from the tribe of Thamud.
Some of my comrade's words were strange to me.
Surely my Lord is all-knowing. In the manifestation of his justice, the smallest injustice is not done. I know that.
So don't take my question as a doubt about His justice. I'm only asking because I'm curious, I want to know.
Did these people suffer this severe torment just because they slaughtered a camel and killed it?
My comrade looks at my face:
-Of course he said no. The camel slaughtered and killed here is an occasion, a reason. Don't confuse causes with effects.
By slaughtering and killing that camel, these people openly rebelled, opposed and challenged my Lord. They did not keep their promises, they did not fulfill their oaths and agreements. That is why their torment is so severe.
I said I understand. According to what he said, Kidar was their ringleader, their leader. Shouldn't his torment be greater than the others? However, I find them suffering the same torment and suffering the same.
My comrade wise, smiling wisely:
-No, you are wrong. He said, "Certainly, error must be in the character of human beings."
But how beautiful is the fallacy that leads to asking questions and learning. If you notice, Kidar is larger than the others. His large size causes him more torment and suffering than others. In other words, the justice of my Lord does not falter even one iota here, as in everything else.
This answer of my comrade was not enough to satisfy me. I asked again.
-You said that Kidar and his friends were from the Thamud tribe. As far as I know, the Thamud tribe suffered the wrath of Allah (c.c.) and were destroyed by a page. In other words, they were partners in this sin as a whole.
Where are the others, Malik?
He said you are right. The Thamud people were destroyed by a page. In fact, it sharpened the attention of curiosity like a knife. With that page, they were divided into pieces, divided into particles and thrown to this place you see. That's how they suffer. The vast area you see is their abode of torment. They get the reward for their sins by being roasted in this big tandoor.
I had no more questions to ask about it. Leaving behind those who killed each other by cutting, my comrade and I went into this giant furnace.
Every place was as interesting as it was scary for me. But for the sinners who came here, this adjective must have changed terribly. Because really, what I saw was as frightening as it was interesting, it was heart-rending and tearing.
While my comrade was ahead and I was slowly advancing behind, a few people came out from behind a band of red rock whose stubby, jagged edges were beaten by tongues of flames roaming around. This heap of rocks, with flames bursting out of them, was like a large, newly-roofed, smoldering hearth.
At the head of the incoming group was a person with a large turban, the kind worn by ancient Arab nobles, and a large hump on his back. His eyes had grown large and enlarged with the pain of indescribable agony. All of the sinners in the group were bent in half as if they were folded right in the middle.
The person I thought was their leader looked a little different from the others. It was as if he was in a higher rank than the others in terms of nobility. There was now a meaningless and useless glint of pride in his eyes, bulging out with an indescribable pain brought on by the torment he had seen, and on his head, which he had tried so hard to keep upright. It was as if he hadn't learned enough from all that he had seen and experienced, and hadn't regretted enough of what he had done. It seems that his pride prevented him from taking this great lesson.
The group had a common stance traits. They had both hands folded in the front, just above their groin, as if trying to hold something, to hold it.
When I looked a little carefully, I immediately saw and understood what they were trying to keep.
The bellies of these sinners had been vertically cut open. That's why their intestines were overflowing from their bellies. They try with all their might to hold together their guts, which overflow from their pierced bellies, but they usually fail to do so, their guts are on the ground; He was crawling among the embers of fire on the floor of this huge smoldering furnace.
But they seemed accustomed to this situation. It was as if this situation was perfectly natural. His senseless and empty pride seemed to prevent him from expressing his torments and screaming. They were going back and forth, as if they were looking for something.
Of course, he and his situation immediately caught my attention and I asked my comrade about it.
"Amr Ibn-i Luhay al-Huzai, who is the head of the group in the front, said, while the others are his followers and assistants.
He is the person who broke the hanif religion of Abraham, brought the idols, ordered the Arabs to worship these idols, and first released the animals as offerings to the idols and left them to the sâibe.
-I thought he was a very rich and respected person where we lingered for a moment, and I expressed my opinion.
My comrade nodded in agreement with what I had said.
- He said yes. You're right. He and those with him were rich and generous people. By slaughtering camels, they fed people, wolves and birds, and clothed them with clothes.
But, as you can see, their wealth and good qualities did not prevent them from coming to Khutama or being expelled.
That big turban on his head protects him from the fire of this place, albeit a little, as a reward for these good virtues. In fact, his place and rank are a little further. You will be more surprised when you see your abode.
Amr b. Leaving Luhay and his followers to their fate, we moved into this scary and interesting world where long tongues of flames roamed incessantly, darkening and fading this terrible environment, and painting it with a frightening red.
The road, which looked like a narrow path on which we had trod, led us to a plain, to a plain surrounded by strange-looking hills that pierced the red sky like pointed spears.
Like other places, it was filled with oleander trees that had grown to incredible sizes. Their size seemed to cause them to become sparse. That's why I could easily see around them.
When I saw that there were very nice mansions like tiny white pearls on the tops and slopes of the hills stretching out in front of us and surrounding us on all sides, I almost swallowed my small tongue in astonishment. What I saw was so inconsistent with what I expected that I couldn't help turning my questioning eyes to my comrade's face.
Pointing to these beautiful mansions that shimmer like pearls on the hills that surround us on all sides:
I said, "I see some very strange, strange and surprising things here," I continued.
-These ones I see are very nice and beautiful. As if they were carved out of large pearls. There must be some mansions from the heavenly mansions, but they are here, in hell.
I saw Hell as a place of torment and cleansing from sins, and I knew that. However, as far as I understand from what I have seen, at least some of the people here seem to have been rewarded, let alone tormented. Undoubtedly, what I see is one of the illusions and mistakes of my narrow mind.
My comrade smiles:
-Don't say that, he said. Your mind, which you describe as narrow and limited, is often mistaken and makes mistakes, but it also guides you to the right path.
Wrongs also show the truth. That's why you should be careful but not afraid of making mistakes. It is better and more beneficial to do wrong work even though it is avoided, than to do nothing at all.
As you said, this is the place of purification, purification from sins. This is an ominous place where those whose burdens of sin are very heavy and great stay. Don't be surprised by what you see.
Do not forget! Even if they are sinners, my Lord rewards the good manners and beautiful virtues of his servants.
Undoubtedly, there is a difference between the good-natured and the bad-tempered, even if they are sinners. What you see is just some of these rewards.
These are the dwellings of those you have seen before. In order to reach there, they need to get rid of at least some of the burdens on their backs.
Their empty and meaningless pride, which I can see in their gazes, keeps their heads up and prevents their burdens from being reduced. However, it would have been much better for them if they had lowered their heads in humility and asked forgiveness and forgiveness from my Lord.
I said, "There is no question about the wisdom of my Lord. Undoubtedly, it is a manifestation, a manifestation of divine justice, which does not fail even a bit in what I see here.
My inability to see the divine justice that is hidden in what I see neither misleads nor confuses him. It's just an illusion, as always, in my narrow and limited mind. My eyes do not always see the truth with what they have seen. I would appreciate it if you could enlighten me and save me from this big mistake.
"Of course it is," he said. I know that there is no doubt about divine justice. You can only find and see the truth with your enlightened mind, illuminated with knowledge. When your mind enlightens you, you really begin to see. As for my answers that you hope will save you from your misconceptions...
You better talk to the owner of one of the ones you see. The information you will get from them is brighter, brighter and will fill you more.
My eyes wandered over some of the mansions more beautiful than pearls perched on the slopes and peaks of the hills that surrounded us on all sides. On the top of a hill on our right, which seems higher than the others, there was another very beautiful mansion as if it was built in heaven and brought there, and it was immediately obvious that it was superior to the others in terms of place and rank. I thought that the owner of this place is more honorable, more valuable and higher than the others. Pointing my comrade there:
-I would like to meet and meet the owner of that mansion. I think he is in a higher place than the others, I said.
"You made the right choice," he said. It is Uncle's mansion. He is the seyyid, the nation of the inhabitants of this place.
As if I had not heard well, I asked again:
-Is it Uncle's mansion? I said I didn't fully understand it.
- He said yes. It is Uncle's mansion. It belonged to Abu Talib, Habibullah's uncle.
Far from satisfying my curiosity, my comrade's answer aroused and stirred me with great amazement.
-Abu Talib's? My God! Is that great person here?
My comrade immediately perceived the great pain and astonishment expressed in my words and glances.
- He said yes. Finally, do not forget that this is a matter of choice, in a way, of destiny.
My eyes were once again stuck on that beautiful mansion on our right. The mansion was very beautiful, but what would it mean in this place where sinners suffer and in a way are cleansed of their dirt?
I wished he had a simple cottage in heaven instead of a mansion like this here.
-I said yes. I want to see him. Undoubtedly, there is a lot to be learned from the situation of that great person I saw in one of the ugliest, most sinister and greatest places in this land of purification from sins. . What good is such a beautiful mansion in a place that looks like a huge oven?
He said yes, you are right. If you really want to see him then this way.
We started to proceed by following the path that stretches from the right side, which resembles a narrow stony and rocky road that has taken on some ominous shapes that I see frequently.
When we came to the slopes of the hill on which the great mansion was built, we encountered a magnificent staircase carved from a single piece of white marble, extending upwards. As we were going up this staircase, some servants from right and left rushed in and asked what we were doing there.
My comrade's response to them was very meaningful.
-Do you need permission now to enter Abu Talib? However, he was a person who always kept his door open to guests and kept his table set.
These words of my comrade were enough for those who greeted us to step aside. They realized their big mistake. They apologized to us and invited us in.
The eyes of the greeters were wide and wide with astonishment and envy, both because they understood that I did not belong to that sinister world by my clothes, and because they knew and recognized my comrade next to me.
My comrade who needs to give the necessary explanation to the recipients:
-The person next to me wants to see their manifestations by the permission of my Lord and to take a lot of lessons from what they see. It is the desire to see Uncle, to talk to him. Open our way. "This is the Lord's command," he said.
The greeters bow their heads:
-Who can prevent what our Lord has allowed? they said. Welcome, you brought joy. Please enter.
Their words caught my attention.
Turning to my comrade:
-I think our receptionists are the eunuchs and servants of this mansion. I understand from their words that they knew and knew my Lord. I thought this was the home of stubborn polytheists who denied my Lord. Surely, these are some of them, I said when they spoke and what I saw.
My comrade nodded in the negative again.
-He said no. In a way, you might be right. As you said, this is the place of stubborn polytheists who deny our Lord and whose eyes are closed.
The owner of this mansion has a great value and value in the eyes of Habibullah. In addition, he has many good habits and virtues that are appreciated by my Lord. For this reason, my Lord has given some of his angels as helpers and servants to serve him. These are some of them you see.
We started to move forward after two servants who showed the way and direction, like the attendants, and two angels assigned by my Lord, to put it more accurately.
He stopped when he came to a large and magnificently beautiful double-winged door, white from snow as if carved out of pearl or mother-of-pearl.
Even in this crimson setting, he slowly knocked on one of the doorknobs, which was burning green, as if it were made of a coarse ruby ​​in the middle of both wings of the door, and he stood aside and waited. His head and eyes were on the ground, out of great respect for what would come out the door.
Due to my impatience fueled by my curiosity, I thought that time, which was already walking so slowly, had completely stopped, and I was waiting with my eyes on the wings of which I hoped this magnificent door would open at any moment, my heart beating like crazy with excitement.
After a few seconds that seemed like centuries to me, a man's voice, clear as spring water, was heard behind the door.
-Who is it?
Without raising his head, the servant answered, his eyes fixed on the ground.
-Ya Abu Talib! O Habibullah's uncle! As you know, our guests, whom my Lord has given permission to visit, have arrived. He said they would like to talk to you if you let them.
The floor, carved from white mother-of-pearl, the great door leaf inlaid with ores, opened slowly. A tall, beautiful face, with a sadness that looked like deep regret, a great person with a white and long beard, the horizons of his eyes hazy, appeared.
He was wearing a long, worn-out robe like the ones here, and he was wearing a black turban on his head. I knew that the black turban was a symbol of grace, of greatness. Despite the old age and desolation of the clothes he was wearing, there was a greatness and sublimity coming from him, which was easily felt and aroused respect in those who saw it.
This majesty and dignity did not stop at makeshift. He had become one with it, identified with it. It was like a part of him. This was not acquired, but quite natural, as if it came from his creation. He must have been one of the rare people who could bring together poverty and dignity and greatness.
The person who opened the door:
After saying "Welcome, you brought joy", he opened the door wings wide and stepped aside and welcomed us inside.
The inside was more beautiful than the outside. It was at this moment that I realized that this entire mansion was carved from a single piece of white marble or mother-of-pearl. My astonishment grew even more. The presence of such a mansion in Hutame strengthened my feelings.
He took us to a place like a room or a small living room, lit with a red dimness by two beautifully shaped windows, from which the outside world could be easily seen, pointing with his hands a golden crest on which soft pillows were placed:
"Here, sit down," he said.
Then he continued looking at us as if apologizing.
He said, "However, we do not have enough goods to cater to our esteemed guests like you. I am afraid that I will not be able to host you in a way worthy of your glory.
While his apologetic gaze was stuck on my and my comrade's face for a while, he lowered his eyes to the ground with a feeling of pain he could not help:
"They said you want to visit us here," he said. You are one of the luminous passengers of that happy place that we have pushed aside with the hand of our ignorance. What can you want or expect from us?
I couldn't take my eyes off him. There was such a natural nobility in him that was not suitable and unsuitable for the environment he was in, that it was impossible not to be affected by it. I was filled with a mixture of love and respect for him, with a lot of pity.
But he immediately understood my gaze and their expression. This made him even more embarrassed. He seemed to be overwhelmed by this feeling. As her beautiful face slowly bent towards the ground with that strong and heavy feeling of pain she could not help, she said to him:
-Ya Abu Talib! Said. Although we lived with you in separate, separate centuries. We have a very long time between us. I was with one of my grandparents when you lived. I have never seen you where we lingered for a moment. I haven't seen it, but I still know you better than my next-door neighbors.
You were wise, wise and far-sighted, and you were the beloved and nation of your people. What you give is taken, what you say is listened to. But I see you in a place where you don't deserve anything, humiliated and embarrassed.
Tell me please? Have you never noticed the warmth and light of that Sun that was born and grown in your lap?
Abu Talib shook his head regretfully.
-Ahh! Said ahh! Do I care? It was over my mind that prevented me from being subject to him, and I had a feeling of arseness that devoured him.
I was afraid of the condemnation and reproach of the Quraysh women, who would make fun of me by saying that the nation of the Quraysh tribe, the sayyid of the Hashim sons, was subject to the orphan whom Abu Talib raised in his lap. Fear of condemnation by condemners and condemnation of blamers made me this way. I found The Only One To Fear too late and understood it.
I said, "I know that Hatemulenbiya was with you in your last breath, and that you were trying to get you to say that one sentence that would bring you salvation." I wish you had said that sentence so I didn't see you around.
Abu Talib looked at me with his eyes full of pain and said:
-Ahh! Said. Ahh! You don't know what this is. I thought I was the only one protecting and watching over him. My non-subordination to Him was hindered by my responsibilities to Him, in a way, by my strong love for Him.
-How so? I said I don't fully understand. What and who could prevent you from following Him at your last breath?
Abu Talib shook his head once more with deep regret and said:
-How can a person know that the moments he lives are his last moments and that he will die soon? She asked. Like everyone else, I didn't know that either. I thought I would live longer and be able to continue and fulfill my duties to Him.
Doesn't that a person's not knowing when he will die also means that it can happen to him at any time and that he will meet him at any moment? Said. I wish you would listen to the word of the Orphan, whom I know is the Light of Your Eye, and say that sentence.
Abu Talib looked at me once more with eyes filled with pain and said:
"You can't understand that," he said. Those two damned* were with me. They were watching my everything, my every move carefully. As long as I was on their side, I would be able to cover and wrap the protective cover that I had put on the Light of my eye. They knew this too, they were waiting for the slightest opportunity.
Do you understand? It gave me this power to be next to those damned, on their side, or to appear so. I could maintain my respect over them by appearing as their supporters. Therefore, my word was being listened to and what I gave was taken. Otherwise, that Orphan would come out from under my wings, be deprived of my protection and be completely unprotected.
I said, "But there was someone who was watching over him, watching over him." He didn't need your protection. As a matter of fact, when you go unwillingly, without your help, you will see Him alone and
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*Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab. Hz. The two greatest enemies of Muhammad (pbuh) and Muslims.
when left unprotected; He protected him better than you. Isn't it wrong to think that you are the only one who protects and watches over him?
Abu Talib once again stared at me with his deep regretful eyes:
He said, "Of course you are one of the truth. Surely there was someone who could protect him better than me. But how can you describe this to a loving heart that knows the loved one is in danger? It is my love for Him that blinds me.
Abu Talib said you couldn't understand it, but I did. This good and self-sacrificing person thought he had to stay on the side of the polytheists in order to protect his orphan, whom he loved more than his life, and in a way sacrificed himself for him. This caused the luminous door opened by that one word to remain closed to his face. Although he was worthy of the highest heaven, he was now here, next to the polytheists, in one of the lowest floors of Hell.
This; In the beautiful mansion that took me by surprise and astonishment, it should have been in return for the good deeds Abu Talib did in that temporary world, but
Since he was not illuminated by the light of faith, he had to stay here, in this unfortunate place.
I took a glance at the environment where Abu Talib was stationed. It looked extremely good compared to the outside environment. While my eyes were wandering around with interest, a servant entered. He had a tray in his hand, and three silver cups on the tray. He bowed respectfully before us and offered us the drink in the mugs, extending the tray towards where we were. I looked into it with interest and took a sip. It was an ice-cold sherbet, fragrant, each sip refreshing and refreshing. Although he was on the fifth floor of Hell, the condition of Abu Talib, who was a valuable and respected personality, did not seem to be bad at all compared to the others. This made me happy and happy for him. This joy must have found expression in my eyes and on my face because both my comrade and Abu Talib looked at me with interest.
Looking at Abu Talib:
I said you should be quite comfortable here compared to the outside environment. Surely, my Lord did not let his love and service towards His Beloved be in vain.
A bitter expression, which I could not understand for the moment, settled in Abu Talib's gaze towards me.
Surely you are right in some ways. As you said, my situation is much better than those outside, I am one of the least tortured ones, but..
That bitter expression deepened once more as his eyes slid downwards. I lowered my gaze to the place where his eyes were fixed. On Abu Talib's feet were shoes inlaid with gold and silver and decorated with ores. They were glowing crimson, crimson in the dim environment we were in.
The pained expression in his eyes grew even more when Abu Talib realized that I had noticed where I was looking, what and how I was looking. As he slowly lowers his head to the ground:
“As you can see, I am the one who suffered the least among those present here,” he said. Even so, those fiery shoes on my feet are making my brain boil. This is surely divine providence for me. There's nothing I can do but bow down.
Abu Talib was right. If what I saw was divine providence, as it was, we could do nothing but submit. But it still gave me some consolation that he was in better shape than the others.
When we left Abu Talib, I had various emotions. The justice of my Lord, who promised that the tiniest speck of good or bad would not be lost and that he would certainly be rewarded, certainly did not deviate in the slightest.
Next to Abu Talib's mansion, there were many more mansions similar to his.
Hatem-i Tai's mansion was as big and beautiful as Abu Talib's mansion. My Lord rewarded that good person, who was generous enough to enter the legends but deprived of the light of faith, with a mansion in the lowest floor of Hell.
My eyes wandered over the mansions and palaces scattered in various parts of this land of fire, large and small. The owners of these places must have belonged to those who had succeeded in filling their lives with goodness, but had no share of faith.
Who knows what my Lord has prepared for his good and devout servants, who rewarded them with such a reward for their good dispositions even though they were polytheists? I thanked the Lord a thousand times. This thought relieved my heart and filled me with joy.
This is interesting with my comrade; We started to move towards the center of the world, which is as scary as it is interesting. The breeze that I noticed immediately when I entered here was getting less and less inward. When we came to a large area surrounded by huge oleanders on all four sides, this breeze had come to a standstill, and the atmosphere was incredibly warm. It was as if we were walking in a still flame.
In the middle of this wide area, another place in the form of a circle, which stood out brighter than the environment, stood out. There was some darkness around this bright circle as well. My comrade took me that way.
During these times, I realized that the circle, which is immediately distinguishable with a brighter, more vivid redness apart from the environment, is actually a huge well mouth. There were also some sculptures in the form of human beings around it. They were small and large and varied.
I saw that a ladder descended from the mouth of the well, facing the direction we came from, and at the top of this ladder was a black stone human sculpture that was larger than the others.
The sculpture was in the shape of a standing man, and was at least twice as tall and bulky as a normal human being. His left arm must have been broken, for a gold arm that had been put in its place was shining brightly in this crimson atmosphere.
To the right of the sculpture, there was a bag like an arrow quiver and seven arrows inside.
We stopped when we came to this giant human-like sculpture. So I had the opportunity to see him more closely.
The sculpture was cracked, section by section, like spider webs, as if it had been exposed to a very intense heat, a fire.
Some darks are running wildly around him and the other sculptures around the well; they were pelting stones at the statues, especially the one standing in front of us, and they were cursing.
My comrade, without waiting for me to ask:
He said, "This is Hübel you see. One of the first idols brought by Amr Ibn-i Luhay, whose bowels you have seen wandering outside in a disgraceful way, and ordered to worship the Arabs, is the biggest and most famous.
Then he continued, looking at me with interest.
-I think you know enough about Hübel and the others.
-I said yes. I had read about Hübel and the others, but you are certainly much more knowledgeable on these matters than I am. I would prefer to listen to you on these matters as well.
In this way, I hope that I will reach the truth more easily and better.
My comrade smiles:
He said, "You know the places to buy honey very well. In terms of getting information, it is definitely the best to listen to the expert, the one who knows the subject best.
I smiled at him too.
- Surely you are one of the truth. Thanks to you, I hope to fill my vocabulary with truth.
Stretching out his arm, he ran around the idols and showed them those who threw stones and cursed them. When my eyes searched for the place he was pointing to, he continued.
He said, "You are aware of the astonishment of these astonished people.
I understood what you meant. There must have been some sadness in my eyes, looking for the beautiful face of my comrade, but rather a deep disappointment.
I said yes, I know. How stupid can humans be sometimes? Surely those who turn around these idols were once praising those they blasphemed, bowing before them, worshiping them, and sacrificing in their name. While they worship them as God, or blaspheme against stones as I see them now, they are still nothing but lifeless pieces of stone, unable to hear or feel. They know that they have neither been venerated nor blasphemed. Those I have seen are as heedless and astray as those who worship those pieces of stone. If human beings could learn from their mistakes, they certainly wouldn't be in these pathetic situations.
My comrade confirmed me and said:
- Surely you are one of the truth. The weakest point of human beings is to forget the past quickly and not to learn enough from the past.
We started to wander around this place that looked like a big and wide well mouth.
A little ahead of the Hübel idol, there was a white stone resembling a huge marble block. In this stone, the road and the road were cracked like Hübel. My comrade showed it to me:
When you see that, it is Menat. “People once worshiped this piece of white rock you see,” he said.
Malik was telling me what idol he had as he approached the idols surrounding the mouth of the well.
Meanwhile, I had the opportunity to see the most famous of the idols lined up around the Kaaba of the jahiliyyah period, such as Isaf and Naile.
Isaf was a male and two stone carvings in Naile in the form of a woman. They weren't too big.
As in most of the stone idols here, the road and road cracked from the intensity of the fire they were exposed to; Some parts were broken and spilled. Feature on the face parts; their noses, mouths, and eyes had completely disappeared. In their appearance, they looked like sharp, large rocks. I was astounded with amazement when I remembered that people at that time made all of these gods and worshiped them.
We were walking around the three hundred and sixty idols, all of which looked interesting and strange from each other, surrounded all around the mouth of this well, and we were looking at it with exemplary eyes.
Around each idol, there were those who cursed and stoned them instead of those who glorified them more or less as they once were.
My comrade, holding my hands:
-Come, he said. What you will see now will be more exemplary than anything you have ever seen.
My comrade led me far into an obscure gloom, but which I compared to a gigantic gorse.
As I approached this blackout, I saw that it was a giant thorny group of semen trees intertwined with each other.
The tree stretched out its bare branches as far as they could toward the sky, as if it were in great pain and was wailing, its branches were intertwined, and its trunk and branches were lifeless, leafless, and black, like charcoal.
My comrade pointed it out:
He said, "This is Uzza when he sees it. The bewildered people of that period put the tree community you see in place of an idol, a god, and they worshiped it for many years. They sacrificed in his name. They defiled the most beautiful worship from Ibrahim (a.s.) with it. After the pilgrimage, they did not go out of ihram without visiting him.
Now, as you can see, they gathered around him, this time cursing and stoning him, as if they were noticing the veneration and worship they had done before. But as you can see it is just a dried tree. He knows that he is neither worshiped nor abused.
My comrade gave me long, long explanations every time we came near the idol. After circling around this huge, gigantic well, we came to the side of the staircase that spiraled down towards the well.
This ladder descended into the pit, like this well, which was strangely widening inward. From what I understood, those who wanted to get out of here would have to proceed in an upside down state in some places.
To put it more accurately, this pit resembled the well into which Yusuf (a.s.) was thrown. Just like a bottle, it was wide at the bottom and narrow at the mouth. In a way, it seemed impossible to get in or out.
Curiously, I peeked out towards the bottom of the well. This place looked like a very wide crater, rather than a well, at the bottom of which magma boiled, and it was quite deep. There was a roar like the roar of a hurricane blowing far from their depths, and a heavy odor like the smell of burning flesh. In the middle of it was a long and steep ledge resembling a mountain, the summit of which stretched close to where we were.
When I realized that there were some tiny dark spots resembling ants in the glowing fire embers in the dim atmosphere at the bottom of the well, which I compared to a magma, I realized that they were moving back and forth, moving, jumping like fleas, and I turned my eyes full of questions, filled with horror, to my comrade.
It was more of a suggestion than a response from him. There were clear signs of horror in my comrade's face and eyes that turned to me.
My comrade, unable to keep his voice from shaking, said:
He said, "This is the well of Gayya. This is the place of stubborn polytheists. This is the land of horror. From there I seek refuge in my Lord. Maybe you don't want to go down there.
I was in fear and horror as much as my comrade, but I came here with the permission of my Lord to take a lesson and be a more grateful servant. It was not possible for me to be prevented by obstacles related to my ego, such as fear and terror.
-I said no. I came here for this. I cannot let my soul prevent me from reaching knowledge. I'll get down and see what's up there. I hope I will be very exemplary. But if you want, don't come.
It was certain that my comrade would have prevented me if he could, but it was not possible for him to oppose the orders of my Lord.
Therefore, raising his head with resignation:
You know it's impossible for me to leave you alone. Well then. As you wish. Whatever happens, wherever you go-I will surely be with you.
My Lord has ordered me to fulfill his wishes and to listen to his orders on this path.
I was about to die of fear and horror when I stepped on the first steps of the spiraling staircase.
The steps were narrow and short. Adjacent to the nodular walls of the well, it slanted gently, spiraling downward, toward a magma-like place where the heat, though quite deep, was scorching my face.
We did not descend a few meters, but the ladder twisted and my feet remained on my head. I clung to the blackened railings of the stairs, trying not to fall. A few more meters down, I was sure to be like a spider trying to hold on to the ceiling.
I looked at my comrade in despair. He immediately understood what I meant.
He stretched out his big and strong hands towards me:
-Do not be afraid! He said trust me and close your eyes.
I closed my eyes tightly, as my comrade had instructed. I was horrified when I felt we were beginning to fall headlong with a slight downward incline. But there was nothing I could do but trust my comrade.
After a while our position improved. I was able to stand on my feet again. But the descent, which looked like a fall, continued.
Our downfall continued until my comrade said that you can open your eyes. When I finally felt that we had landed on solid ground, my comrade said:
"Okay, we're here, you can open your eyes," he said.
The place we came to was a narrow staircase, similar to the entrance of the Gayya well, with iron railings reddened by the heat, and glowing in the dim environment.
I didn't ask Malik how we got here because I wasn't sure I could understand his answer. We began to descend silently.
The closer I got to the ground, the bigger the blackness I saw as tiny ants from afar, and the hum like a blacksmith's bellows grew louder, the stronger the smell that broke the pillars of the noses. It was as if this scent had descended on this strange and terrifying land like an invisible mist.
As I got closer to the floor, the tiny blacks that I had seen from afar like ants grew larger.
As we descended, a thick smoke surrounded us. Therefore, despite all my efforts, I could not observe the surroundings well, even though I had my eyes wide open. That's why I thought we were on the ground considering our descent time. However, the place we came to was a protrusion formed on the wall of this deep well, expanding and extending inward like a cave.
As I guessed, these running and jumping creatures were sinners who were the inhabitants of this place, and they seemed to be writhing in severe torment.
As we descended, the intensity of the heat coming from the well had increased tens of times. We found ourselves floating on a volatile ground like a swamp. In the meantime, I realized that we had not descended to the bottom of this giant pit, which was like a well, but that we were somewhere halfway.
The pit was very deep, perhaps half of it we had either descended or not. On our left, there were crooked, volatile rocks that started to melt and melt. On our right was a deep abyss, at the very bottom of which something bubbled up, covered by mists, vapors, and smoke.
The ground was getting softer as we descended. It was as if we were walking on a heap of metal that had melted or was about to melt, softened.
As the objects under my feet moved, I had the feeling that I was going to sink to the bottom, and I took my steps slowly and carefully, hesitantly as if I had stepped on dirt, as if it would help.
Finally, we reached a cave that was larger than the previous one, a place that looked like a wide hollow. In this strange place, there were strange, terrifying-looking rocks and stones. From the ceiling were stalactites that looked just as strange and terrifying as those on the floor, all vibrating playfully as if they were going to fall on us. It was as if they were jellies that shivered under a gentle breeze.
We proceeded into this cave or hollow. The strange and frightening-looking rocks that I saw at the entrance, which aroused feelings of terror and fear in me, had grown larger and more numerous. There were some blackouts that looked like birds perched on them. They were trying to turn slightly left and right, flapping their wings as if they were trying to fly, quivering, but they could not fly.
I jumped back with a sudden reaction, horrified to see that the quivering ones were hundreds of times the normal size of severed human heads perched like large birds perched on these rather large rocks, which looked like heaps of smoldering coal in the darkness. My comrade immediately understood the reason for my reaction.
-No need to fear. No harm will come to you from them. He added that, like everything else here, they are also residents of this place.
- If you want to be exemplary, get a little closer, maybe you can see someone you know.
Looking at my comrade's face with astonishment and amazement:
-As far as I can see, they are severed heads placed on those terrible and large rocks. I said that they are alive, since they are fidgeting.
I did not know how to take lessons by seeing them. The dread and fear of them were killing my curiosity.
He said, "Let's get closer to them." The eyes are often mistaken. Maybe not what you see.
These encouraging words of my comrade filled my heart and resurrected my sense of wonder. However, these words did not completely clear my heart.
With a little curiosity, more concern, I moved towards the rocks on which there were severed heads. I came to the nearest rock and looked at it.
His graying hair and beard were long and tangled. His eyes on the neckless head were closed, but his lips were fidgeting and turning left and right, as if he were talking to himself. His face was dark and wrinkled, like leather that had been in the sun for a long time and had dried thoroughly. This huge head with hair and beard swung back and forth from time to time, as if searching for something.
Her eyes widened as she approached him. Looking at my face with interest:
-O person! He said it is stupid to try to escape from the things that cannot be escaped.
Along with his lips, the tangled gray beard on his chin had moved, and his black mouth surrounded by rusty teeth had appeared and disappeared. But his position and situation was not natural at all. First of all, it was extremely surprising and astonishing that a severed head standing on a large rock suddenly came to life and began to speak. This made his situation even more awkward, more terrifying.
As I got a little closer and looked more carefully, I noticed other oddities in his condition. As if his head had just been cut off, the skin of the neck and the fresh red flesh beneath it were visible, a frothy, steaming blood oozing from underneath. But his words were just as interesting as his situation.
Looking towards him:
- Surely you are one of the truth. I said, 'Who has escaped from what cannot be escaped?
His eyes closed and opened again and said:
"Sometimes words are sharper than a sword, the wound is deeper, but you can't see them with your eyes," he said. Again:
I said you're right. Of course, language is a double-edged sword. It leads to disaster just as it leads its owner to disaster.
A light shone in the depths of his cold gaze on my face.
He added, "Poets glorify people as they sink them into the ground."
-Every new thing gets old, but a good word never gets old, it never loses its value, nor does its sword become dull. Ahh! Ahh! He continued saying.
My own tongue cut myself. I shot myself with my own sword. That's why I'm in the situation you see.
The words of the severed head intrigued me. A little closer to him:
-Even as you are, I see the sparkles of eloquence and beautiful words in you. Tell me about yourself. I thought that maybe I would be the beneficiary and take a lot of lessons from your words.
The severed head again:
-Ahh! Ahh! Said. Our sword cut us off. Even though his wound is not visible, the pain of his bite is still in my soul. The blood flowing from my neck still fits into it. We brought the bestowed honey into its net with our own languages, with our own hands.
-Will you forgive me your name? I asked. I see a lot of useless and hopeless regret in your heart.
A hopeless regret has no value, no value. I would like to know the ignorant person who regretted it after suffocating his hope with his hands.
The severed head lowered his eyes to the ground, as if embarrassed:
"They used to call me Abu Azza* where we lingered for a moment," he said. I was the one who made the fish net and darkened the light.
-Is it Abu Azza? I repeated. So this is…
- He said yes. I see you know me. I am the one who received that Great Benevolence, but could not appreciate its value and changed that Light into a few blind gold coins. I am the one who gathers what he sows. The shame of this will remain as a black mark on my forehead until the end of the world. This seems more severe to me than this situation. If you didn't know me. We are the ones who are ashamed of ourselves and run away from ourselves.
-O person! How can one escape from himself? I shouted.
The human soul is such a prison that it has no way out. Because you are his prisoner and his guard.
Tell me? I see you divided into two parts. Did you leave the other part of you where we lingered for that moment?
The severed head grimaced in pain; After sighing deeply, he answered my question as follows.
-I wish I had left the big piece of me there so that the wolves and birds would have eaten it. Perhaps the ordeal that was appreciated was a little light.
-Even though you two are alone, I can't see you together. Why is this? I asked.
After showing the rock on which he was standing with his severed head eyes:
-He said here. We are like separate but still whole. Can not you see? His torment brings tears to my eyes and scorches my brain. That brain used to illuminate the surroundings when light sentences were extracted from it.
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* Abu Azza was one of the polytheists of Mecca. He was a powerful poet. He was captured in the Battle of Badr. Because he was poor and had many children, Hz. He was released on the condition of not satirizing Muslims and not being on the side of the polytheists, without being forgiven by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). But Abu Azza did not keep his word. As a result of the provocation and deception of the polytheists, he continued to satirize Muslims. He participated in the Battle of Uhud together with the polytheists. After the war, he fell asleep on the sidelines and was taken prisoner by the Muslims again. Hz. This time Muhammad (a.s.) did not forgive him. He was executed by beheading.
As I lowered my gaze to the bottom of the rock where the severed head was, I was stunned by what I saw. This huge rock was on an oven like the lid of a tandoor, and inside it was a headless body writhing with torment like an animal struggling before it dies after being slaughtered. It was sizzling and bubbling with fever in the fresh blood running down his neck.
My feelings of compassion struck and killed my fear and horror. The severed head immediately noticed the light of compassion on the face. As if what he saw increased his torment, he grimaced a little more:
-We killed mercy, like hope, with our hands, and that's how we came here. We did not know the value of what was bestowed upon us. You take the bouquet of roses called mercy to the worthy. “We have neither a nose nor a brain to smell it,” he said.
After saying that, he continued looking at my face.
-O person with a bright face! I don't hear it, but it gushes out from the spirit of mercy like cool watery springs and smells sweet.
Tell me? Who are you? You are obviously not a person of this world. Even in its appearance, there is a peaceful coolness that is pleasant, dazzling, and nourishes the human spirit.
He continued, squinting his eyes.
You can't even imagine how precious this is to us. We are hungry and thirsty for coolness.
I said, "I am the one who wanders in the manifestations of my Lord and seeks and gathers signs.
Abu Azza looked at me curiously and said:
-Well, what did you find? She asked.
- That divine justice has not deviated even an inch. That what is sown is reaped and the greatness of my Lord.
The eyes of the severed head shone with hope.
-Tell me? Is there any good share or mercy for us in what you find?
-I said I do not know. Maybe there is. It is as great a sin and mistake to despair as to be sure of my Lord's attributes of Rahman and Rahim. But I guess you should have planted the seed first of all.
The severed head shuddered for a moment:
-So how? Yell.
-First, open the doors that you have closed to the face of your soul with your own hands. Take refuge in the Most Merciful and the Most Merciful. Sow the seeds of faith in your field. I said not to be astonished by those who go to the harvest without planting the seed.
The severed head thought for a moment, shook his head as if in revolt, and said:
"I understand," he said. But we had closed that door long ago, never to open it again. Tell me? Isn't that why we died? Isn't that why my steaming blood has flowed? Isn't that why we went to sleep in that cold and dark bed? That's why we didn't consent to have the black quilt pulled over us? Didn't we stay like a white log under the black earth for a long time?
How can I accept the humiliation of opening what we have closed?
I said don't confuse pride with honor. It is not honor in you, it is blind pride of ignorant people.
First open your eyes, then lift what is like a curtain in front of you so that you can see the truth. Do not forget! Honor is in the truth.
The severed head shook left and right:
He said, "I can't do that, I can't do it."
-How bad it is to not be able to draw a lesson from what he saw and experienced. But in reality, truth could be found by looking at the wrongs. To wise people, mistakes are a good guide.
As far as I have seen and understood, you have seen and lived what you have seen and experienced in vain. Your long life has left nothing but a heavy burden on your back. The mind of pride has blinded its eyes. That's why you are not one of those who take an example and find the right way with lessons.
As you confessed, you smothered hope with your own hands and imprisoned yourself in the dungeons. What an evil guardian the human soul is.
Then you stay here until the time my Lord wishes.
Undoubtedly, these are places that people seek and find with their own minds and will and imprison themselves.
Congratulations to you who you sought and found and defended stubbornly. Surely, my Lord does not oppress anyone. I said that people who are cruel are their own souls.
The severed head tried to say something, to mutter, but I didn't need to listen to him. Because there was nothing I could see or buy in him. He was imprisoned in his blind pride, unable to get out of it. It was not possible to free a man from the prison of his own desire. Therefore, we left the severed head alone and continued on our way.
The stairs we descended led to frequent caves or wide cavities. Some of these were very large and large. My comrade took me to a place that looked like a courtyard. One side of it was surrounded by the wide and high walls of the well, resembling a wall. The other side was a deep abyss.
It was a hollow on one side open and closed on the other, resembling a wide ellipse. Its floor was littered with some objects resembling large embers, flickering like fireflies, which were more evident in the dark atmosphere.
When I got a little closer, I realized that I wasn't wrong when I saw it. This place looked like a very large and wide open tandoor. A pungent smell that broke the pillars of the noses was everywhere, covering this huge tandoor like an invisible cover. I don't mind places like this anymore. Surely, this was one of the places where the manifestation of my Lord appeared.
When I looked more carefully at this courtyard filled with fire embers resembling a tandoor, I saw some people walking hastily in it, trying to run, to run, to run, to be more accurate, but could not find the exit. They were unable to get out and escape, because it looked like a rather large ellipse that swirled around. They kept circling this fiery courtyard, but they didn't seem to realize it.
The ones closest to us in the back were an old woman and a young man. They leaned on each other. I couldn't see their faces as their backs were towards us. In front of them was another woman. She was alone.
Trying to avoid the embers, they were trying to run as much as they could, or more accurately, to escape. But, of course, this was not possible because it was surrounded on all sides by the wall-like well wall, and they were constantly circling in this fire courtyard that looked like an arena.
At the head of the staircase, which appeared to be the only entrance and exit, he was holding a burly, frowning, arms-crossed demon. The demon did not take his eyes off the sinners for even a moment.
I've seen this kind of vigilante demons before. Strangely enough, they passed by, pretending not to see us, not giving the slightest reaction.
I wanted to talk to them a few times, but my comrade said very politely but firmly that this was not possible, that they only thought of their duty and that they were not allowed to do more, so I put an end to my attempts to talk.
During this time, I noticed that the man and woman behind were leaning on each other and whispering something by tilting their heads. My comrade immediately understood what my eyes were saying.
"I think what you see over there must have caught your attention," he said. I see some questions about this in the lights that come out of their eyes and point towards me.
-I said yes. You're right. I see three sinners trying to run in the fiery courtyard over there. Two of them, a man and a woman at the back, are closer to us. It is as if they are whispering something to each other, saying something to each other.
There is a woman in front of those who are running away from us, and her back is turned to us like the others. That's why I can't see their faces. Who are they?
-Would you like to talk to them? She asked.
I said I would like to talk to them if possible.
My comrade again:
“There is no such thing as impossible for you,” he said. You are the guest of my Lord sent to visit this penal realm. It is enough to ask for something and order it to get it.
As I bow my face in shame:
I said I would be ashamed to order you something. What will come to you from me is only a request.
My friend looked at me and smiled.
"Your requests are also an order for us," he said. My Lord has ordered me to fulfill all his wishes. You don't have to be embarrassed and bored when you ask me for something.
Then holding my hands:
-Come on, he said. Let's go see those sinners who've been stuck in your mind with some questions for a long time.
I shuddered with an uncontrollable fear as my comrade took my hands and dragged me towards this courtyard, which looked like a large tandoor or oven filled with embers. No matter what I did, I could never get used to places like this. I was hesitantly stepping on the embers as if my feet were going to burn or scorch, but the embers did not burn us. It was as if I was walking down a long grassy, ​​soft, comfortable road.
Coming in front of us; We walked towards sinners clad in thick black rags.
A little closer:
- O those who walk on the fire they have burned with their own hands and feet upon the manifestation of divine justice! O sinful servants of Allah! I would like to talk to you, I called out, if you could slow down your hurried and hectic gait a little.
They paused for a moment, as if they had seen or heard something that shocked them. They should not have expected such an event. They slowly turned their heads, covered with thick black hoods, towards us.
When I saw their faces, I felt a sense of disgust that I couldn't help. With deep regret for what I heard, I immediately asked my Lord for forgiveness and forgiveness. My comrade heard this. Looking lovingly at my face:
He said, "I know that my Lord does not see or see any of his creatures as contemptible, despicable and ugly. These ugly images of them are from what they have sown. This is the requirement of divine justice. So don't blame yourself.
While bowing my face with a feeling of pain that I can't help:
I said Lord forgive me. But I have never seen anything so disgusting and ugly.
Indeed, deep, black wounds were inflicted on the faces that turned towards us. Pus run out of them, making them too ugly to look at; it aroused a feeling of disgust in those who looked and saw, which they could not help, it made their stomachs bloated and nauseous.
Sinners who look at me with their small, bloody eyes in their hollows that look like deep, dark wells:
-O stranger of this land of fire! What are you calling us and stalling? You have it, go your way. Obviously, you are not from this land of torment. You are foreign to this place. That's why you don't understand our language and our situation. Tell us quickly what you want from us and do not delay us any longer. Don't keep us out of our way.
You see, we are the owners of this fire courtyard. They said, 'We are poor people who hope to be protected even a little from the fire that burns our lungs by walking fast.
My desire to learn outweighed my disgust. Moving a little closer to them:
-As I have seen and said, you must be the owners and regulars of this courtyard of fire. There is no doubt that this is a manifestation of divine justice.
I just witnessed you whispering to each other, trying to console each other. As I understand it, you two must be two sinful servants very close to each other.
The woman looked carefully at my face again:
He said, "As far as I can see, our appearance has impressed you a lot. You're trying to hide your disgust with us. The emotions you try to cover up are clearly visible on your face. But this did not surprise us. You must have very important reasons pushing you to even come this close to us. He said, "If you say this, we will answer your questions."
I said that what I want to ask is in the answer I will give. The reason that pushed me here and to talk to you; It is my curiosity to learn, which is like an unending, unquenchable thirst.
What kind of sin did you commit in the place where we lingered for a moment so that you deserve such a punishment? If you tell me this, you will have somewhat quenched my unquenchable thirst.
While the woman and the man next to her lowered their heads as if embarrassed:
-I am Vaile*, this is my son Yam Ken'an**, he said. While a Fountain of Light is roaring and roaring next to us, those who were deprived of it because of our foolishness are the idiots who could not fill their jugs in time. What we sowed there came across here.
We were once at the foot of one of the largest grains of that fertile rain of mercy, by the side of that great river, but we did not know its value and value.
The female sinner, who was walking alone, noticed that we were talking to the two sinners in the back, and slowed her steps. We were walking slowly towards him. She heard what Vâile said, too.
By word of mouth:
-Oh ahh! she cried. Are you alone among those fools who cannot benefit from the drops of that Fertile Rain and cannot fill their jug ​​while sitting at the bottom of the Fountain of Nur? Do you think you alone did that foolishness?
I am also Vahile.*** Ahh Ahh! We brought our fire with our hands, with our tongues, of our own accord. All these are the fruits of the seeds we sow with our own hands. We are those who reap what they sow.
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*Vâile is the polytheist wife of Noah (a.s.). She was accusing Noah (a.s.) of insanity as she did not believe. He was destroyed in the Flood.
**Yam Ken'an is Noah's (a.s.) son from Vaile. When the flood started, Noah (a.s.) invited him to the ship, but he did not listen to his father. He was destroyed in the Flood.
***Vahile is the wife of Lot (a.s.). She kept her immoral people, tolerated them, and told them the secrets of Lut (a.s). Together with her people, she was first showered with stones and then destroyed by a page.
I understood. There was nothing to be done. Even if a farmer's field was fertile, if he planted bad seeds, he was responsible for it and he had to harvest what he planted. We quietly left them, leaving them to their fate.
This huge well was getting deeper as it went down, narrowing as it got deeper, and getting darker as it got narrower. The pale lights of the red atmosphere outside could no longer reach here. But instead, the wrinkling and quivering red lights that I saw at the bottom got darker. It had darkened, but they were barely illuminating only their surroundings. After a long and difficult journey, we finally came to a place near the bottom of the well.
It was so dim that I had to wait a little for my eyes to regain the sight that I had lost for a moment. The place we came to was a narrow valley that stretched out like a slit in this well. We started to move towards the interior of this valley.
My comrade took me to the place where there was a huge rock in the middle of this valley. It was as if this huge rock had collapsed onto a chimney. The scarlet flames of the relentless fire below him were gushing out from all around him. On the rock was a man in black clothes. He was bouncing here and there on this charred rock, then he put his right hand over his eyes and scanned the area for a long, long time, as if he were watching someone. A thick smell of smoke and burning surrounded him. As I got closer, I could see it better.
He was of short, medium height, fair-skinned, with a thick beard, a surprisingly beautiful face for the environment, and squinted eyes. Her long, dirty hair was draped over her shoulders in two sections. From time to time, he would move his mouth to where the thumb and index finger of his right hand meet, trying to suck something from there.
When he realized it, he turned his eyes towards us, which had grown with the horror of knowing the environment he was in. But she still did n't stop sucking the place between her two fingers.
As we were walking towards him, a woman, from whom I could not see, came to her with a stick of wood on her back, similar to human heads. Seeing the woman coming, the man became enraged and stoned her and started chasing her.
-Have you come again, you unfortunate, sinister woman? Come on, wouldn't you? He was shouting that many rabid dogs will eat him, and he continued to stone.
The woman was of medium height. She had covered one end of her black dress over her head. Behind this veil, his eyes on his dry, frail face shone with a treacherous light in the darkness. As such, she looked like witches from fairy tales.
Despite the fact that some of the thrown stones hit his head and bled, he kept his composure:
-O Abu Utba!* Didn't you ask for what I brought with your own tongue and with your own hands? Now you are accusing me, stoning me. “I see you in a state of utter surprise,” he shouted.
Then the woman, ignoring the stonings and swearing, came to the ground like a chimney where the flames were gushing and she started to throw what she brought in from here. As the fuels were thrown, the flames coming out of the ground like a chimney became stronger, crackling and glowing a little more.
The man, who was scorched by the flames coming out of the chimney, stopped stoning and swearing, and this time began to beg. But their begging did not bring any benefit, as did their stones and curses. The woman continued her duty, and she did n't feel sorry for the man at all while he was throwing the fuel. Finally, they began a relentless quarrel. Both blamed each other.
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*Abu Utba is Abu Lahab's tagline among the polytheist Arabs. Abu Lahab's real name was Abdul Uzza. Although he was the real uncle of the Messenger of Allah, he was one of his worst enemies. About him, Surah Tebbet was revealed.
When my comrade noticed that I was looking at them with interest:
He said, "This Abu Lahab you see is the Father of Fire. The person you see next to you, carrying fuel for him with the rope on his back, is his wife, Umm Jamil.
Once I looked at them with exemplary eyes and more carefully, I recognized him immediately. He was the uncle of the Messenger of Allah, Abdul Uzza b. It was Abdulmuttalib.
I said I understand. Surely, my Lord fulfills what He has promised. Surely, he is one of the most miserable of the blind people who cannot see the Sun rising next to him.
But one thing caught my attention and interest. It is as if he sucks a place between his thumb and forefinger, and it feels relieved a little, and his torment is lessened.
Malik nodded in agreement.
He said yes, you are right. Remember, the scales of my Lord's justice are not wrong in the least. Even the smallest speck of good or evil is not wasted, it will certainly be rewarded. Every servant finds what he deserves.
Even though the person you saw was one of his closest relatives, he continued to harm the Habib of my Lord throughout his life. But when he was born, he ordered his newly born concubine to breastfeed him. For this beautiful act he did, my Lord commanded and bestowed on him that a tiny spring should flow from his heavens between his two fingers on the Mondays when his Habib was born. He too, drinks that spring water in this cruel place, and relaxes a little and gets refreshed.
Abu Lahab and his wife; We left, leaving them quarreling, fighting, stoning each other, trying to strangle each other.
Together with my comrade, we were wandering in this place where fire and torment abound. My comrade was introducing me to what we came across from those who lived in the time of the Messenger of Allah. Strangely enough, I was completely unfamiliar, and surprisingly I recognized them as if they were my next-door neighbors. Undoubtedly, this was due to my deep interest in the life of our Master, the Messenger of God, and therefore my knowledge of it. As if the same as my Lord's Habibi
It was as if I lived in that era and became one of his companions. But I was still seeing such things that I couldn't help being surprised, astonished from astonishment.
In a relatively dark part of this hellhole, we saw some blackness piled up on the edge of a wide alcove, and we went in that direction, out of curiosity. The blacks here were divided into two groups, they were holding each other against each other with scorched stones, cursing each other with resentment. While they were throwing stones at each other's heads, they used all their strength and did not feel any pity for each other. The cold light of an unquenchable hatred for one another shone in their eyes.
Curious eyes on them, we passed silently past them like a shadow through this shower of stones, curses and shouts.
I saw two people on a high rock in the middle of the place where they were fighting and holding stones against each other. The boulder had bent a bit inward, forming a pit, a hollow, like a pan. It was as if this hollow protected the two of them a little bit from those relentless flames. They were seated on two large stones standing opposite each other in the middle of the hollow. They were big-bodied and big-headed. They wore black turbans on their heads, indicating that they were from the nation and sayyids of Quraysh. His beard, which was about to turn white, was lengthened to a pinch. These wisps of goatee, which seemed to protrude from their long, pointed faces, swayed as they tilted their heads, opened and closed their mouths. It was as if they were eating something. They both looked alike, as if they were brothers.
A few of those who threw stones at each other with resentment and endless grudges, as if they were tired of the work they were doing, were huddled around these two people, sulking and looking at them with envy. The more they looked, the more they swallowed, as if they were seeing them eating something delicious, and their mouths were watering. His gaze was focused and fixed on the black's hands on the right side, rather than on the faces of those sitting on the rock. They couldn't take their hungry eyes away from it.
It was too dim for me to see the subtleties, so I couldn't quite grasp what the darkness was holding. That's why we approached this crowd.
One of the big, big-headed men in black turbans, sitting on the right, had something like a plate in his hand. And the plate was shining brightly in that dim environment. It had to be underneath. During this time, I noticed that both of them took something from the plate and put it in their mouths, smacking them. This fueled my curiosity and sharpened my gaze. When I got a little closer and realized what he was holding, I almost swallowed my little tongue in amazement.
Looking at my comrade's face with surprise:
-Oh my God! I shouted. I see something else that cannot be seen here. The sinner in front of him has a delicious bunch of grapes in his golden plate. Those two sinners are hungrily eating that bunch of grapes.
My comrade once again nodded and said:
He said you are right. It is a huge and delicious bunch of grapes brought from heaven, and sinful people you see are provided with it.
His words piqued my curiosity even more. Staring at my comrade's face, my eyes wide open in amazement:
-But how? I stuttered.
Malik smiles meaningfully:
He said, "The son of Rebia you see on the right, Utba*, is her brother Shayba**." If you remember what our Prophet Ekrem went through in Taif, you can find the reason for this divine treat.
I tried to remember those days. Abu Talib, who was the greatest protector and supporter of the Messenger of Allah, and his blessed wife, Hz. Our mother Hatice passed away. These two consecutive losses made our Master the Messenger of God very sad and overwhelmed. The polytheists, who found the square empty, increased their persecution against Muslims, especially our master. His son, Zayd b. They had come to Taif with a request for help and protection, even though he was a harissa. However, the people of Taif did not fulfill his request and behaved very badly, and our Prophet and his comrade were forced to leave Taif with their heads bent.
Our Master the Messenger of Allah is in the lead, his son Zayd b. Harise was in the back. With the provocations of some ignorant people, Taif's irregulars and children followed them, stoning, booing, and uttering unspeakable words.
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*Utba ** Shayba b. Rebia brothers were among the fiercest enemies of our Prophet. When the Messenger of Allah was kicked out of Taif by being stoned and booed, he sought refuge in their vineyard in Taif. When the brothers Utba and Shayba saw that he came to his vineyards and took shelter, they sent a plate of grapes with the slaves Addas and offered them. These gifts are undoubtedly due to the tribal effort brought about by the fact that the Messenger of Allah was a Qurayshi.
Brothers Utba and Shayba were the first polytheists who confronted and fought Muslims in Badr with Walid, son of Utba. One of the Muslims, Ali b. Abu Talib (k.v.) Hamza b. Ab-dülmuttalib (r.a.) and Ubeydullah b. They were killed by Haris (r.a).
Zayd b. Harise Rasul-u Ekrem was trying to shield our master and protect him, but he still could not prevent some of the stones from hitting him. The blessed feet of the Messenger of Allah were covered with blood. Their blessed faces were very sad, they didn't seem to like crying.
While I was picturing all these things in my imagination, it was as if I was living that day. It was as if my Lord had removed the barriers between that time and the present. I could see and hear and feel everything very clearly.
Those shouts, curses, words that look down on him, the hum of the stones thrown and the rumblings filled my ears, as if the stones were hitting me, hitting and hurting my soul, and hurting my heart. It was as if I was with our Master the Messenger of God at that time. I could feel their pain and suffering inside me, and I could not hold back my tears. Then.. The veil in front of my eyes was lifted.
All of a sudden, my eyes wandered over those around us who were cursing each other and rubbing stones at each other, and I was quick to establish the connection between the two events.
As my eyes search and find my comrade's eyes:
I said I think I understand.
Then, showing those who stoned each other and those who cursed each other:
-These must be the sons of Abd-i Yalil*. I said that they are now doing to themselves what they once did to our Master the Messenger of Allah, they are stoning each other with these flaming stones, they are humiliating each other with unspeakable curses.
A light flashed in Malik's eyes.
-You're right. He said go ahead.
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*Abd-i Yalil's sons booed our prophet when he came to protect him; It is the people of Taif who stone and chase.
I tried to visualize what was going on. Once again, our Master the Messenger of God and Zayd b. I went to Harise.
Both were in a miserable condition when they left Taif. Zayd b. Harise had received stone blows from many places and her face was covered with blood. Our Master the Messenger of Allah was also injured in his feet. Blood was pouring from his blessed feet and he looked very tired.
Zayd led him to a nearby vineyard and sat him under a vine.
This vineyard belonged to the sons of Rebia, and they were there with their slave, Addas. Addas was a Christian.
When they saw the devastated state of the Messenger of God, they sent him a bunch of grapes in a plate with his slaves...
I couldn't hold back my tears when I realized the truth. Pointing to the gold plate in Utba's hand and the cluster on the plate:
-Oh my God! The bunch of grapes I saw must be the equivalent of the bunch of grapes they gave to our Master the Prophet that day, sent from heaven.
Even though they were polytheists and were killed as polytheists, in this land of fire, my Lord rewarded them with a bunch of grapes from Paradise as a reward for the good they did.
How right you were when you said that the smallest good or bad thing will not be lost here, it will definitely be paid for.
Malik could not hold back his tears. After nodding and confirming what I said:
He said yes, you are right. Surely my Lord is more Just than the most just. He is very merciful.
We slid past them silently like a shadow, leaving those who stoned each other, cursing and others.
My comrade led me to the place where the ladder got very steep and stretched out into an alcove. This was a very narrow cave. A liquid like molten metal was dripping down from its place in the middle of the cave, and it was pooling below. On the edge of this small lake was a large dark cloak with a crooked crown on its head. The dim light of the molten mineral lake had hit his long-bearded face right from the front, igniting it with a crimson flame.
She wore a tattered black dress that was once quite beautiful even now. His feet were bare. The bare feet were in stark contrast to the crown on his head as if he had been hit and beaten with sledgehammers. Over her dress hung a tattered, ragged black cloak made of thick fabric, with holes. He was nervous, nervous, going back and forth with rapid steps, looking thoughtful and uneasy in every way.
This situation immediately caught my attention and curiosity. It didn't take me too clever to realize that he was one of the once-mentioned kings, with his crown warped by the heat of the air, his long black cloak covering his entire body, and his jet-black robe.
I had taken a few steps towards him to speak, to understand what was wrong, when the large, crooked-crowned blackness threw himself into the lake of molten metal, which, in a gesture that surprised me and my companion, was hovering in front of him. After a sizzling sound, something like a green cloud or smoke formed, and a dreadful odor emanated from the surrounding area that broke the pillars of the noses.
I stood there in horror. But what shocked and terrified me even more was to happen soon, and of course I didn't know that yet.
As he stared at the gilded surface of the central lake in amazement and horror, a crowned, gnarled head suddenly appeared near its opposite edge. The green smoke that emitted odors gathered where this head emerged and took the form of a body. This shape was a dense smoke at first, but it was heavy, heavily fleshed and boned. And it took the form of the darkness that had just thrown itself into this sea of ​​molten metal.
The dark one coming out of the lake started to run from the opposite shore. He was running at full speed, banging his crowned head on the rocks there, shattering his head, rolling the crown one by one. The head was falling apart, but right after the disintegration, it was taking shape again, getting back to its original state. When the head regained its shape, the blackness immediately sought and found the crown that was falling away and put it on his head. It was as if he could not do without a crown.
My comrade, who saw my questioning gaze on him:
She said talk to him.
Darkness also noticed that we were there, staring at him with wonder and horror. But his surprise must have been more than ours, for he just stood there, staring at us.
When I manage to pull myself together a little:
-O sinner, who just a moment ago shocked and terrified us! Said. Introduce yourself and tell us what you've done.
Darkness finally got rid of his amazement and bewilderment and dared to speak.
-Who are you? It is understood from your behavior and behavior that you are his relatives and friends. He was like you. If you're one of those I said, get out of here now. Whatever happened to me happened because of him. Leave me to my own torment. "I don't want to see you here near me," he cried.
Darkness finished these words, did not finish when he started to shake his head again and again, hitting the nearest rocks and stones. But I could not fully understand what the blackout meant, what it wanted to do. I turned my face towards his face, in case my comrade understood. As always, he immediately understood the question in my eyes.
-Be patient a little longer and talk to him. He said, "Get the answers to the questions forming in your mind from him."
But the darkness is going around like crazy; He was looking for hard places to hit his head.
The shaking of his head from side to side and beating left and right became more violent and increased.
Noticing that we were staring at him with interest, he shook his head violently and slammed it, in despair:
-If you remove what I have in mind, if you are able to do it, I will talk to you and answer every question you ask. “Otherwise, get out of here immediately,” he said.
Looking at my comrade:
-Do we have a solution to his problem? I asked.
He said yes there is. Look and see.
He stretched out his left arm, and it turned into a huge steel ball, a sledgehammer. My comrade smashed the black's head in one blow, before my eyes wide with horror. However, with the disorientation of the head, it was as if he had regained peace and comfort.
Turning his bloody eyes towards us:
-O people who saved me from this torment even for a moment! Said. I will talk to you, ask me what you want.
I said, "O sinful person. Who are you and what kind of sin have you committed in that temporary place to deserve the torment I have seen?
Straightening the crooked crown on his head with his hand:
He said, "I was a mighty king, a ruler in the place you said. My people thought of me as a god, they prostrated before me and worshiped me. The light brought by property, power, power blinded my eyes. I also saw myself as bigger and stronger than I was, and thought of myself as a true god.
Do you understand? He said, "I am the one who has a high tower built and goes up there and tries to compete and throw a spear at him."
-I said you committed a very big sin, but I think there must be another sin on your neck, bigger than this big sin. Because I see you suffering two kinds of torment. My Lord is just among you sinners.
-Oh ahh! she moaned. I told you. I was a very powerful and great king. My possessions, my possessions, my money, my stamps, my treasures were many. Hundreds of my slaves and servants, who run for my every command and tear themselves to pieces; I had thousands of soldiers ready to die and kill for me. I thought I was invincible. But a small, helpless soldier of Allah (c.c.) defeated me and devastated me.
My defeat doesn't hurt that much. Because sometimes defeats can be as glorious and honorable as victories. After this small, weak soldier who weighed on me was blind in one eye and lame in one foot and humiliated me, nothing happened.
running away as if it didn't happen. He is the one who tortured me here.
It is this little soldier who is blind in one eye and lame in one foot, appointed by Al-lah (c.c.) who will torment me forever…..
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*Nimrod. He was a mighty king. His people thought he was a god and worshiped him. He built a high tower. He would go up there and throw a spear into the sky, challenging the Almighty. He is the one who threw Ibrahim (a.s.) into the fire.
Who humiliates a person who prides himself on being bigger than he is, who thinks he is a god, like this Allah Almighty commissioned a mosquito with a blind eye and a lame leg to destroy him. It was destroyed by the mosquito.
There could not have been a more tormenting, greater, more severe punishment that humiliated him.
I said, "But what you said was not an answer to what I asked. You are trying to hide that great sin hanging around your neck. But trying to do what cannot be done, to hide what cannot be hidden is a kind of folly.
Looking at my dark face:
-Can't I tell you that? She asked. Because even remembering this is a great torment for me.
Upon this:
Didn't you find the reward for what you did? I asked.
This obfuscated my question:
-I found it, he said. When I found it, it didn't stray an inch from justice.
On these words:
-I am not looking for a person's shortcomings, flaws, sin or shame. I seek refuge in my Lord from this. I am neither condemning nor appreciative. I can't afford such a thing. All I'm looking for is the facts. I thought maybe I'd be the one to look for and find a lot of lessons from those truths.
Darkness once again:
-Ahhhh! she moaned. How far away you are from us. I wish you were a little closer. Perhaps it would be possible to hold on to its skirts. But we are the ones who put this insurmountable distance.
-How can this be? Said. Even with your eyes open, you could not see the Sun rising on your horizon, the light that comes out of it. How would you notice the light of my thin oil lamp even if I was right under your nose?
He knew that I knew him. While tilting your face:
He said you are right. That light was with us. So I threw him into the fires, but the fire did not burn him. For that Nur, it was a garden from the gardens of paradise.
O Person! Your guess is correct. I am Nemrut. This is my eternal place and homeland.
-Then stay forever with what you find with your own mind, what you bring with your own hands. I said I don't need to talk to you anymore.
We hadn't left yet when the darkness rushed to throw itself once more into the lake of molten metal. After a screech, a dark green smoke and a foul stench filled the air. But I was no longer interested in him. We left quickly.
* * *
The walls of this well, into which we descended, were steep and solid, but hollowed out like a sponge. Some cavities were connected to each other by fissures and narrow passages. We could easily pass from one hole to the other.
Some of these cavities were deepening and widening, so large that a few people and a few thousand sinners could be together and suffer torment. Others were narrow and small enough for only a few sinners to enter.
We left Nemrut to her fate and started to descend further down.
* * *
My companion took me to a small and narrow place where only a few sinners could fit in. The place we came from was much darker than the ones we had come so far. The reason for this was that it was smaller and narrower than the others. So much so that the red, playful lights that seeped inward and reflected from the deep could never reach these places. There was no light source.
My eyes, accustomed to the dimness, searched for the sinner or sinners in this narrow and dark cave or lair, but could not find or see anything.
Some humming sounds were coming from deep within. When I listened to these sounds carefully, I realized that it was horse neighing, yelling, car squeaking, the sound of two steel hitting each other, shouts, screams, shouts. My astonishment and amazement increased even more.
It was as if this little cavern was a battlefield and I could hear them even though I couldn't see them. My comrade, noticing my head and eyes turning to him, made a sign to shut up. So he took the thumb of his right hand to his lips and pressed it. Then my comrade took my hands and dragged me to the bottom of the cave.
At the bottom edge, something scarcely discernible in this dimness shone all the way through. I sharpened my gaze to understand what was happening, but I still couldn't see it fully. I had to get a little closer to that thing in order to see it and understand it.
Right in front of me, about a meter ahead of me; That thing, several times my height, completely covering my façade, was like a large, transparent bowl of churning, bubbling, boiling water. At the top, which I could see when I lifted my head, and where my eyes could hardly reach, there was bubbling smoke, and a dark cloud of mist was slowly climbing upwards.
As my eyes got used to the environment, I started to see more easily and notice the details more easily. It was as if I was near the bottom of a very high and deep aquarium and I could easily see the inside of that aquarium.
A sharp acidic odor permeated the humid environment and air of the cave, eroding and rasping the noses. It was not difficult to understand that this smell came from the bubbling and boiling liquid in this aquarium. The edge of the cave, which was at the bottom, was transparent like glass, and something was bubbling and boiling inside, but I wasn't sure it was glass either. For there was no hard stillness of glass on its face facing me. The high and deep edge of the water facing us was playful. It was oscillating as if it was going to pile on us, spill out.
When I reached out to understand what was happening, my comrade took my hand and said:
"You'd better not touch him," he said.
I to her:
-I said okay. Then tell me what it is?
“Find the answer to this question with your eyes,” he said.
When I looked into the depths of this salty, acidic water that stood before me, oscillating, moving, I saw a darkness inside. He was tall and thin. He was tall, dark-faced, beardless and mustacheless, like the fellahs. He wore a long gilded cone with strange motifs on it. She was wearing a somewhat ostentatious skirt with a skirt, which indicated that she used to hold an office, but with its tattered appearance, she had already lost that office. On his bare, shaven head, his large black eyes, bloodshot, were wide with fear. He looked back often, as if searching for something, pounding himself on the ground with a whine and a whip, and screaming inaudible.
She was screaming, but she also did not fail to cringe like a dog that gets scolded by its owner and beaten by him. But I could see neither the neighing horse, nor the owner of the horse, nor the snapping whip.
I tried to draw a meaning, a conclusion from what I saw, but I couldn't do it. Noticing this, my comrade explained.
He said, "The man you see inside, throwing himself to the ground, is Haman, whom invisible arms whip with invisible whips.
My mind wandering through my knowledge sought and found Haman.
-I think I remembered Haman. If I am not mistaken he was the chief vizier of the Egyptian pharaoh and he was a very cruel person. But there must be a reason why he's here, in this situation. Where and who is the owner of the arm that whips him with such ruthless invisible whips? I asked.
"You know what you can't see is here," he said. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to perceive the results. Maybe your mind can see what your eyes can't see. She said try to talk to him.
I turned my head in the direction I guessed what I couldn't see and said:
-O ruthlessly whipping this person! I see that person who is crying silently with the pain of the whip cracking on his back, I hear the voice of the whip, but I cannot see you. Tell me, who are you? visible to the eye; What did you do with your flesh and bone body? Where did you leave him?
I thought that the torment was suffered by body and soul, and that they were inseparable from each other. But as far as I have seen and understood, you are alone here. You left the other part of you. I said I would be glad if you answer these questions.
This is my question; A faint voice from the depths of bubbling, bubbling, boiling water answered. This sound:
He said, "O confused person, who left the land of happiness only because of his curiosity and came to this land of fires and torments. Didn't you recognize me? Couldn't you understand who I am from that person who is whipped, humiliated, trampled on, and cringing like a dog?
After thinking for a moment:
I said, "You must be that cruel pharaoh who deserved Allah's punishment. What did you do with your body that would show you to me? Where did you leave it?
-That body from me; The One, whom I kept denying, and in which I believed, but Announced that My Faith Did Not Benefit, took it from me.
Right now, he is in a glass cage, curled up with the last regret, prostrating and saying exemplary words to the mortal eyes.
-So my Lord has kept his body since his torment? I asked.
-Of course he said no. O confused person! Haven't you learned yet that your Lord has not done the slightest injustice? If you have not learned, you have come to this land of torment in vain, you have wandered in vain. My Lord is just, he will not do even the smallest injustice. This applies to me.
I am one of those tormented by being constantly drowning. My body, on the other hand, is in the sheath and protection of the blessings bestowed upon me by my Lord. It speaks to its being. There are a thousand and one signs in it for those who hear with their eyes.
I said I understand. So why do you keep whipping that poor fellow?
-You still don't understand? Said. This is the product of what he sows. He who sows bad seeds will have a bad crop.
The voice of the pharaoh was getting weaker and muffled, less and less like the slow death of a drowning person. I finally couldn't hear him. But Haman was throwing himself to the ground and struggling for this bubbling, boiling, bubbling, invisible cauldron, as if under the whip, silently screaming and shouting, opening and closing his mouth like a fish. I didn't find it worth talking to him. Because he was one of those who sold his personality and humanity to someone else. There was no ore in it that would be of use to me. It wasn't worth talking about.
When my comrade saw that I was impatient to go:
“This way,” he said, pointing to the exit that looked like a narrow slit.
While I was leaving, a question that I couldn't find the answer to was stuck in my mind. My comrade must have known the answer to that question. I couldn't help myself from asking him about it.
-O my guide! O my dear comrade! You, knowing that it is impossible to quench my unquenchable thirst, are patiently leading me towards the lush fountains.
If you know, answer the question that is stuck in my brain and giving me trouble, free my brain from its hook. If you don't know the answer, I said, point me to someone who knows, guide me in that direction.
My companion turned her face towards me and smiled affectionately, as she always did.
You know you can ask me any question. He said, "If I know the answer, I will answer it, if I don't, I will direct it to those who know."
-I said I know. Allah (c.c.) will certainly reward his efforts.
He said, "We are those who do not wait for Allah's (c.c.) forgiveness. Our Lord has given us our reward in advance. A sin for which we ask for forgiveness and forgiveness cannot be committed. We do not expect any reward for what we have done for him.
He said, "Ask me whatever you want, to serve you are just a few of my duties."
-We have seen two sinners one after the other, one of them is Nimrod and the other is Pharaoh. As far as I know, both of these were tyrants, cruel rulers who oppressed their people. Undoubtedly, they had many helpers. However, I see them alone in this place of torment and punishment. Where are their assistants? Do they suffer elsewhere? I asked.
Malik shook his head negatively:
-He said no. You could not see them, but their assistants were with them. Just like lice, ticks, and vermin on a diseased, mangy animal, they cling to those oppressors, and they suffer with them. They are tightly bound to them by thick, invisible chains.
Malik's answer was quite satisfying. That's why I didn't ask any more questions.
Together with my comrade, we descended from this well, which got deeper as we descended. My comrade led me through a narrow door resembling a slit to a tiny cell. In the middle of the cell, there was a square hole resembling a chimney, and above the hole was a four-cornered cover, wide and long enough for a person to lie down. The flames of a hot fire slammed under the lids, and the fiery flames brightened and darkened this tiny cell. This cap was carved from a solid stone, and from afar it looked empty. When I got a little closer, I noticed with horror that two bare feet were hanging from the end of this cover, and they were playing as if trying to avoid as the flames hit them.
Noticing that my eyes were fixed on these bare feet, my comrade nudged me to draw my attention to the other end of the lid. When I looked at that end, I saw a bald head coming out of this stone cap, shaking and playing left and right, and my feelings of horror and fear increased once again. But my curiosity and my passion for learning fueled by it suppressed my feelings. With my comrade, however, I advanced towards this swaying, quivering bald head.
On one end of the cap were bare feet, and on the other, this balding head. His arms, which were burnt black on both sides, were stretched out, he was making movements as if he wanted to throw off his clothes, and he was unconsciously swaying from side to side due to the severity of his torment.
There was something strange about it. It was as if the monolithic stone on it had been specially carved, prepared and tailored like a dress. This huge stone cap was specially carved and clothed to wrap this sinner like a robe. Only his feet covered his whole body, with his head and arms out.
Realizing it, the bald head turned in our direction, eyes wide with terror and shining with deep anguish. As far as I understood, he could only move his eyes and lips.
Indistinctly, with difficulty, oozing something like pus from the edges; He wanted to say something, to tell something, moving his chapped, clefted lips. Seeing this, he said to my comrade:
"I think he wants to talk to us," I said. Let's get a little closer to him so we can hear what he has to say.
My comrade stopped me by holding my arms. Since he knew I was going to ask, he immediately gave an explanation.
-He said no. Don't go to him. Even if you go, it won't do any good. You cannot talk to him. He is condemned to be alone forever, to suffer alone and not to speak. He is Samiri.* He is the one who hinders his people from the right path and misleads them to the path of misguidance. He is the one who denies the Fountain of Light that he is at, who cannot see it, who cannot benefit from it, who is excluded by it, and who is punished in this way. This is the manifestation of divine justice in him.
---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- *Samiri is the person who made a golden calf statue for the sons of Israel when Musa (a.s.) climbed the mountain of Tur and ordered them to worship this statue. When Musa (a.s.) returned from the mountain of Tur, he expelled him and punished him for not talking to people and not approaching them.
Of course, I had nothing to say to the manifestation of divine justice. Because my Almighty Lord was so just that he did not burden any of his creation with more torment than his sin, divine justice did not go astray even in the slightest, and in a way, every creature brought its own punishment and fire with it. For this reason, we left Samiri alone with his fate and the manifestation of divine justice.
* * *
The rift-like road we were in was spiraling downwards. Sometimes we would enter a place like a deep and long tunnel, and we would move forward in this dark environment where we could not see. In such places, a sense of dread that provoked and increased by not being able to see enough, and that I could not stop no matter what I did, was running inside me like ice, making me sweat cold and cold. In these cases, he immediately goes to my comrade; I was holding on to her tender, huge hands. Feeling the presence of these huge hands gave me incredible peace and security.
The road leads us to steep cliffs on both sides; here and there smokes and vapors emerge; He brought him to a valley where fire embers appeared like big eyes in places. A terrifying odor hung over him like an invisible mist.
I had seen stinking places in many parts of Hell, but this place was something else. I've never come across such a smelly place before. So much so that a living thing that stayed here for a long time could easily be poisoned by this smell and die as a result.
I felt some soft things snagging on my feet. I tried to see what they were. But since I couldn't see enough of this environment covered by mists and fogs, making it even more mysterious, I could not perceive exactly what they were. But the contact of these soft objects stuck on my feet was increasing. As a result, I was careless and stumbled, giving up my progress and turning my eyes down to the tips of my feet.
Something dark, soft, surrounded me. Curiously, I lowered my head a little bit more, and the stench that had been suffocating me for so long grew even more. So much so that a gagging feeling that I couldn't help pulled me out. Realizing this, my comrade grabbed me with his strong arms and lifted me up:
"Don't get too close to them and don't touch them," he said.
I was going to ask what they were when a furry animal resembling a fox or a hyena whizzed past me. The stench blowing in the wind from his passing broke the pillars of my nose once again.
To my comrade:
I said, 'That one looks like a fox or a hyena. I am probably wrong. I know that my Lord created animals innocent and that they have no business in this world of fire and torment.
My comrade approves of me:
- Surely you are one of the truth. What you see is a sinner turned into a hyena. He is Azer, the father of Halil İbrahim (a.s.). He said, "My Lord turned him into a hyena and punished him by eating carrion in this stinking world."
From the depths, a thin, vague, rusty voice rising and falling as if howling:
"Don't keep pulling me," he said. My son did this to me. He showed me the right way, but I didn't know that it was the right way. Your Lord has put me in the state you see. When my son saw me in this situation, his love for his father increased because he was a good son, and he begged Allah for forgiveness. He was the Khalid of your Lord. Even his prayer was of no use to me.
Turning to Azer:
I said come closer to me and stop where I can see you.
The animal that was talking to me approached and stood where he could see it. In front of me stood a nasty-looking, long-necked hyena dripping with blood. Trying hard to contain my feelings of disgust:
-You really are the father of a light like Halil İbrahim (a.s.); Are you Azer, the eunuch of the idol house who sells by making idols? I asked.
-Yes, he said that's what I said.
-Alright! Didn't you realize that Nur was born and grew up in your arms? Were your eyes and heart so blind? I asked.
-I was her father. I should have been his guide, but He became rebellious to me. It went against me. Then he ordered me to follow him. How could I go under his command when I was his father?
What he brought was contrary to our ancestral beliefs. How could I reject what came from my ancestors?
The descendants of our ancestors brought us both glory and wealth. When he brought it, he said, there was only contempt and humiliation at that time.
-Well, O Azer! Have you seen who is contemptible and contemptible? Did you find what you were looking for? I asked.
After thinking for a moment:
-Times have changed, I hope it will change again. When was it seen that the wind always blows from the same direction? “Our duty is to wait patiently for that day to come,” he said.
As far as I could see, Azer was still in that deep bigotry.
That's why:
-Then you stay here until the time my Lord wants. Who else can save you after the prayer of my Lord's Khalil (a.s.) could not save you? Surely, I said that my Lord has closed the doors of forgiveness to stubborn disbelievers and left him.
As we went towards the middle of the well we were in, it deepened and its temperature and smell increased accordingly. Turning and turning, we finally came to a place near the bottom of the well.
This huge well was like a funnel. It got wider as it went down.
There was a steep ledge resembling a mountain at the point where it hit the middle of the well. This ledge was so steep that it looked like a spear planted right in the middle of this strange and frightening world. He looked vaguely in the fog and smoke. As I descended into this huge well, I saw its spearhead-like peak, but I could not understand what it was.
My comrade took me to a place near the foot of this strange mountain. There was a short, sullen, dark-skinned man with a black beard. He wore a black turban on his head. He was so sour-faced that he could cut down on fresh milk. He paced back and forth, groaning to himself, occasionally shaking his black-bearded head.
He was surrounded by dark shadows, large and small, resembling him. But my eyes were on the sour-faced man I thought was their leader.
As I got closer, I could see it better. Just above his Adam's apple, which protruded like a bone-dry bone in the middle of his neck, there was a red line that spanned his neck. It was as if the blood that had come out of the cross-section of the neck had flowed down crimson. He was walking barefoot on the glowing embers in the gloom of the environment. As a result of this excursion, his whole body would have been on fire, and as he breathed, steam and smoke would come out of his ears, nostrils, and mouth.
I noticed this blackness occasionally stretching out his hands and controlling his head as if a fern was resting on his shoulders, then moving it back and forth as if to straighten it, and talking to itself. When I listened to what he said, I realized that he was vilifying and cursing himself.
This blackout really intrigued me. When I got a little closer to see and get to know him more closely, I realized that there were some dark spots under his feet. These blackouts looked astonishingly similar to him. It's as if they were slightly smaller copies of him.
Showing it to my comrade:
-I see a person at the bottom of the Gayya well, in the section where the heat is highest and the torment is the most, who talks to himself, slanders himself, and sometimes curses himself. He seems all alone, but under his feet there are some other dark spots that cling to him. Who is he and them, Malik?
-That you see is Abu Jahl Amr Bin Hisham. He is the father of ignorance. My Lord punished him and his followers by leaving him alone at the bottom of this ominous and inexorable well, forever in return for his stubbornness and actions. He has his followers by his side, he seems not alone, but in reality he does not realize that he is not alone. This is because his eyes of the heart are closed.
We got a little closer to Abu Jahl. He stopped when he saw us and turned his bearded head in our direction. But his body remained stationary, even though the head was rotated nearly a hundred and eighty degrees to see his back and breeches. While I was stunned by this, the head slipped from where it was and fell down. His headless body ran after him. It took quite a while before I found his head, which was rolling in the dust, dust and ash in the fire, and put it in place. What I saw left me as stunned as it terrified me.
After searching and finding his darkened head and putting it in place:
-O people who blinded my eyes with their light! Why did you come here? Who are you who divide my loneliness? She asked. Then continuing:
-Look and see! What state have I fallen into because of you and people like you? However, he reproached me by saying that I was a great person among his people who was listened to and respected.
Complaining in this way as if it were all our fault; it went to both my poor and my strength.
-O sinful person whose head is rolling on the ground! If the light of the eyes is forbidden to see, what is the fault of the light? Don't you know that this is where the sown is reaped? Tell me? What's wrong with the field if the seed you plant is bad? If you are looking for a criminal, look for it in yourself.
Turning his dark face to me:
-Sometimes people are mistaken and think poison is honey. Mistakes are often caused by bad guidelines. Sometimes bad guides are taken for good. If this is a crime, we took our ancestors as our guide. Because they were respectable and intelligent people. We protected those who came from them, we went the way they went, he added.
-The descendants of our ancestors give us superiority over other people; brought glory, honor and wealth. The path they took was the right path for us. Then a Man among us appeared and refused all this and trampled it under his feet. He despised and despised the way we had taken so far. What he brought was a humiliating trait leading to nothingness and annihilation for us. We chose the right one. Other than that, what did you expect us to do?
The man's words seemed logical but contradictory. I answered him with his own logic.
-O person! You say that people are fallible, and that they are sometimes deceived and mistook poison for honey. Isn't that the same as mistaking honey for poison? Can't guides you think are good be bad? Did it ever occur to you that those descended from the ancestors you thought were good guides could be bad and ugly? I asked.
When Abu Jahl heard my words, he was surprised at first. Then he said:
-O person who forbids me to look at himself, who blinded my eyes with his light! When he brought it, there was nothing but humiliation and humiliation for us. I was an honorable person who held a respected position in his tribe. How could I willingly say yes to a religion that equates a person like me, who is the nation of his tribe, with a black slave like Bilal?
These words, which despised and despised Bilal-i Abyssinian (r.a), infuriated me. This stubborn polytheist:
I said, "If you only knew what kind of honor the religion brought by him brought Bilal (r.a.), whom you despised and despised as a black slave." That slave you despised is now a master in the paradises of Firdevs. He lives happily in the abundance of blessings promised and fulfilled by my Lord.
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*Bilal-i Habeshi (r.a.) He was one of the leading polytheists, Umayya b. He was Khalaf's slave. Because he was black-skinned and a slave, he was viewed with contempt and contempt. He was tortured to convert from his religion, but he could not be turned away from his religion.
But you are humiliated and tormented in this way because of your blinding pride and your mind clogged with worldly interests. But I'm not surprised by that. The rising sun lifts the curtains from some eyes and makes them see, some dazzle the eyes, and some blind the eyes.
With these words, my soul turned from home to be shot. I think it was the first thing I said that hit him home. That's why he focused all his attention on my words. Surprised, disbelieving eyes poured into my face:
-Is that stubborn black slave that I put around his neck with a rope, that I mock the children, that I lay him on the sand in the hot sun and put stones on - is he really where you say? How can this be? She asked.
-I said yes. It is where I said. Have no doubt about it. both later
What's surprising about that? Surely you keep seeing that Allah (c.c.) fulfills His promise perfectly. The rise of Bilal (r.a) is the promise of Allah (c.c.), just as the fall from the lowly to the lowly is Allah's (c.c.) promise.
Abu Jahl looked at me in disbelief and said:
-What about that black shepherd who cut off my head by climbing on my chest and sent me here to this land of fire and torment? Boy poor, that black wife's son?* That naive boy?
When I came to him on my chest to kill; I begged an honorable person from my tribe to kill me, but he did not fulfill my request and deemed me worthy of being killed by a slave. Believe me! It seemed to me worse, worse than death.
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*Abdullah b. Mas'ud (r.a) was a short, thin person with a dark complexion like coal. After the Battle of Badr, he cut off the head of Abu Jahl, whom he found in a severely wounded state, on his chest, and killed him. It hurt Abu Jahl that he was going to be killed by a black slave.
-Maybe you won't believe me again, but that shepherd, the black-skinned person you are trying to humiliate and you are trying to humiliate has taken over the world, and now he lives in the pearly palaces in the Firdevs paradises that my Lord created for him, and he is remembered with goodness in the temporary world.
You have been cursed ever since you went to dar-ı ukba. I said if there was anything that would be more difficult for you than death, it should be it.
The black face of the darkness turned once more dark, the sour face turned sour once again. He thought for a moment, as if something had occurred to him. Then he smiles as if enjoying whatever comes to mind:
-What about that sinister husband-wife that I stuck a spear in her stomach and killed with a scream and a scream?* Her husband and sons?** Where are they now? He said, "The last time I saw them, they were humiliated and humiliated under a pile of stones.
Those people you despise and despise with your poisonous tongue have reached the level and honor of being the first martyrs who gave their lives for the sake of the religion of religion, and they have always been respected people who are remembered with goodness. Together with the prophets and the sinners, they are swimming in the highest level of Paradise in the countless blessings that my Lord has created for them.
Abu Jahl was shot at home once again. The torment he felt made him forget the torment of hell. Looking at my face with hatred:
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*Ammar b. Yasir's mother is Sümeyye Hatun. Despite the tortures, she did not turn from her religion. Abu ignorant got angry and stuck a spear in his stomach and killed him. This woman had the honor of being the first martyr of the believers.
**Ammar b. Yasir's father, Yasir b. Amir and his brother Abdul-lah. They were martyred after being subjected to various tortures by the polytheists.
-What about that blacksmith black slave whose meat we extinguished fires with the fat of his flesh? You don't know how happy I was to see him in that disgraceful state.
To his question:
I replied, "He, like his other friends, is living with dignity, at heights that you cannot imagine, at heights you cannot imagine."
In the place where Abu Jahl lingered for a moment, made a great mistake, and took the first embers of this hot fire in which he now wandered; I was asking about some of the Companions he tortured and killed, one by one, and I was informing about the honorable and high places where they were.
Black couldn't take my words any longer. He was about to burst with envy and jealousy. In all this, he multiplied the torment he suffered.
Finally, turning his head away in resentment:
“Get out of here!” he shouted. Don't come here again and leave me with my fire and my honorable selfishness. Surely, what you said gave me more torment than the tortures I suffered here. These words of yours are heavier for me than cutting off my head and throwing my body into a blind well.
-Alright! Said. Let it be as you wish. Surely, Allah (swt) knows everything best. He is omnipotent. I said stay forever in the fire that you lit with your own hands.
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*Habbab b. Erett (r.a). He was a blacksmith. He was laid on his back in the blacksmith's furnace, kept like that until it was extinguished and cooled by the fat of the fire meat, his chest was cauterized, his naked body was dragged for thorns and tortured. Sometimes, during the hours when the sun was closest and hottest, he would be taken to the Ramda location and slowly melt the oil, and the stones heated in the fire would be placed on his chest. However, no matter what is done, no matter how much torture he is subjected to, he does not say what the polytheists want to say, he knows better for himself to endure the tortures with patience; He would prefer perseverance over license. These allegations of Abu Jahl are completely slanderous.
When the darkness tried to turn his head in a vengeance once more, the head fell to the ground again, one by one it rolled into a hole and disappeared. While he was looking for his head with his headless body, we were slowly walking away from him.
My comrade led me to the foot of the slender mountain that I had seen before, standing like a spear in the middle of this great pit.
When I went down to the bottom of the Gayya well, the hum I heard from afar increased even more. Everything was on the verge of melting as the temperature rose to incredible proportions. It was as if we were walking on a crimson, playful magma. Sometimes we came across sinners fleeing in despair and panic.
When these come out:
-O death! O do not disappear! Where are you? Come now, they shout; they longed for death, extinction. Here they seemed to forget that death was murdered. Undoubtedly, the helplessness of their situation was pushing them into this situation.
The closer he got to that steep mountain, the clearer his image, barely discernible amid the mists and mist. When we got to a place where I could see him better, my comrade said:
He said, "What you see is Mount Saud.
As I approached this ominous mountain, I began to hear something that astonished me. The sounds of tambourines, whistles and whistles began to mix with the deep hum of this horror world. It was as if someone was playing the tambourine, whistling and having fun in this cruel place of hell.
Curiously, we proceeded towards the place where these voices came from.
Near the foothills of Mount Saud was a relatively flat land. A great fire was burning in the middle of this place. The ones that burned in the fire were the dark fuels that looked like human heads that I had seen on Umm Jamil's back before. He was sitting cross-legged in a circle of six dark circles just in the middle of the place where the fire was getting hot. By forming a second circle behind them, many darknesses had surrounded them. In the middle of the circle, where the fire was heating up and the tongues of flame were rising even higher, two dancers could be seen playing the tambourines in their hands. It was as if this place was an entertainment convention. But it was a thousand pieces falling from the faces of those who accompanied them with dance, whistles and whistles. They didn't seem to be enjoying themselves at all.
What I saw was so strange that I couldn't decide whether to laugh or cry. I just stared in amazement and amazement.
When I look at your face, my comrade:
He said, "Now is not the time to ask questions, but to sharpen the gaze a little more."
We came to a place where we could see them best, but we did not interfere with them. We were watching what they were doing from afar with interest.
The dances of the dancers continued until bloody vapors began to emerge first from their mouths, then from their noses, and then from their ears. By turning them all around in a circle, those who accompanied them were also blinded by the torment and literally jumped out of their sockets.
To my comrade:
-It is as if the six people who play the dancers in a surprising heedlessness are the leaders, the leaders of the others who turn them around. Who are they? I asked.
-They are the leaders of the polytheists who dared to make fun of our Prophet. Walid b. Mugire and others Esved b. Muttalib, Esved b. Abd-i Yagus, As b. Vail and Haris b. He said it is Tulâtila.
Walid b. I knew Mugire but could not remember the others.
I was getting ready to ask my comrade who the others were, when there was a movement within the polytheist group, which seemed to be having fun. Walid b. Mugire jumped up from his seat. After him, two of the other four people got up. Some of the darkness that surrounded them joined them.
Walid b. Mugire started running towards the mountain a little ahead. It was extremely hasty and hectic. If he had escaped the fire, he would not have acted so quickly. He began to climb the mountain that seemed impossible to climb. He was doing everything he could to climb up and reach the top, and while doing so he was in a hurry and haste.
First, his nails were ripped out, then his fingers were torn from their places. His hands and arms were covered in blood.
The situation of those who came after him was similar. Their nails were ripped out and their fingers were torn off. But nothing seemed to matter. They were thinking of nothing but reaching the top as soon as possible. This immediately caught my attention. I thought that there must be a very precious reward waiting for them on the summit of this seemingly impossible mountain.
When my comrade noticed that I was looking up and trying to see the summit, he immediately knew what I was thinking. He extended one of his huge hands to me:
-Come, he said.
Somewhat strangely, we slowly ascended, as if we had taken an elevator.
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* These five polytheists would organize entertainment assemblies and mock our Prophet in these assemblies.
Walid b. Mugire was at the forefront. He was trying to climb with all his might towards the summit, ignoring the ripping of his nails and the breaking of his fingers.
When he managed to climb to the top with a lot of effort, his face lit up with sincere joy. Trying to hold on with one hand, he extended the other hand towards a place on the summit. At this time, I realized with amazement that a spring was boiling where he extended his hand.
Walid b. Mugire drank a sip of the spring water that he filled his palms with, but could not drink it that his hand was suddenly freed from the place he was trying to hold on to. With a cry of pain, he disappeared into the fog and smoke. The polytheists who came after them tried to fight the droplets of water scattering from their palms. Some of them were able to do this, and it was just as simple as grabbing the water droplets and popping them into his mouth. This must have been a great occasion of happiness and relief for them. But it was not possible for them to stay in their places for a long time. That's why they lost their balance and Walid b. They fell back into the fire, screaming in pain after Mugire.
To my comrade:
-As far as I understand, the water gushing from the top of that mountain is a reward for these polytheists. Walid b. As far as I know, Mugire was one of the greatest enemies of our prophet. Moreover, he used to make fun of our prophet. How can this be? I asked.
He also told me:
-Walid b. Mugire was quite old when he came to dar-i ukba. Couldn't he have done something good in his long life? He answered my question with a question.
Walid b. I got used to remembering Mugire's time, and I think I found the answer.
Looking joyfully into my comrade's face:
I said, "I think I found the answer to the question, which is the answer to the question I asked.
On my comrade, who looks at me with satisfaction:
"Then tell me," he said.
-Walid b. Mugire set an example for his people in the rebuilding of the Kaaba. In order for the Kaaba to be rebuilt, it had to be destroyed first. No one dared to destroy the Kaaba. They thought that those who destroyed the Kaaba would suffer a disaster. Walid b. Mugire knew that everything is judged by intent. He immediately realized that it would be a wrathful sin to destroy the Kaaba in order to build it better, and he set to work as an example to his people. His people only started to work with his initiation and rebuilt the Kaaba. In a way, Walid b. I said that Mugire had initiated and led a good cause.
Comrade once again:
-You are right, he said. May Allah (swt) increase his knowledge. As you said, Walid b. Mugire did a good job by setting an example for his people in the reconstruction of the Kaaba. The spring gushing at the summit of Mount Saud is a reward for this good deed. But his other major sins prevent him from reaching this great blessing.
My comrade took me out after a long journey in the well of Gayya, the amount of which I do not know, but I think it took centuries. During this time, I saw the disgraceful state of the polytheists in torment. This cruel well was the place of the polytheists who tortured or mocked our Prophet.
When I came out of the gayya well, I had mixed feelings. I was very impressed by what I saw and heard. My comrade noticed my situation. He looked at me, but didn't say anything. For a while, we moved in silence into this interesting and terrible world called Hutame.
I was aware of how long we had been going down a slightly sloping slope. But this incline had increased recently, turning into a steep descent. Our target should have been a dome-shaped place that was actually very far away, but with its size and majesty, it seemed to be just below us, and with its long chimney rising in the middle, it seemed to pierce the sky.
The narrow part of this place was short and thick, like a crimson funnel. We were heading there. We were a little closer to our range. It was getting bigger as I got closer, and I could see its majesty more closely. This increased my feelings of dread as well as astonishment and amazement.
At this time, we came across people worshiping idols again. However, those we saw were expressing their hatred and anger towards their idols rather than their veneration, and they were cursing them. The more I saw them, the more I realized how many such people were.
Meanwhile, the human downpour that had ignited from the sky continued. The people who had caught fire and turned into incandescent were pouring out all around us, looking around in surprise for a moment as if they were not the ones who had fallen, then they were jumping out of their places and running towards an unknown place.
Our descent from this steep and uneven slope has finally come to an end. We came to a place where large and small, red and purple hills appeared. Behind this undulating surface that stretched out before us came the bubbling of a fired cauldron. The horizons, visible in patches between the mounds, were shrouded in a thick cloud of smoke.
We were a little closer to the dark red domed chimney, which I saw across, whose magnificence and majesty increased as we approached.
The place we were in was a place where a stagnant flame engulfed, penetrated to the most remote places, ravaged everything. Oleanders of a size that I had not seen before were all around. Thick roots protruding from the ground, intertwined like gigantic snakes, made this strange and terrifying world even more interesting and terrifying.
We crossed a steep-sided, sullen, purple-colored mound and found ourselves at the top of a deep cliff. The ground that lay before us was a gigantic pit lost among the slowly swaying flames and smoke, smoldering as if boiling, and near its horizon our target was visible.
The majestic grandeur of these red domes that filled the horizon was becoming more evident as I got closer, and I couldn't take my eyes off it. The lower parts of this crimson dome, the center of which pierced the horizon like a chimney, was lost in the nauseous atmosphere of the cauldron that lay before us. It was as if he were a gigantic but strange-looking ship floating in a sea of ​​clouds and smoke.
From where we were, it was impossible for me to see the lower parts of this giant cauldron, which was covered with a smoldering dark cloud, smoke, and flame. But I knew that this part was very deep, and that this steep-sided abyss we were standing on served as a wall separating one of the parts of hell from the others, and that we would soon pass into the sixth part of hell.
It must have been the fourth infernal wall in the enormous chimney dome, which I knew was quite far away, which seemed to be just below us. Undoubtedly, the last part of Hell, which made hearts tremble as the inside of that dome was mentioned, was the place where the essence of fire was.
0 notes
dieonerememerberbook · 3 years ago
As my comrade told me before; I expected him to show me a staircase similar to the ones I've seen before, leading to the other part of Hell, spiraling down from the edge of the steep cliff we were standing in front of, but it didn't happen.
My comrade looks at my face:
He said, "The place below, covered with the veil of clouds, fog, smoke and flames, is the sixth part of Hell, Lâzi," and continued with a meaningful look at my face.
-As you can see, there is no entry or exit from here or there.
I said I understand. I guess it must be the home of those who will stay in hell forever. I guess that's why it has no input and output.
Then I continued looking at Malik's face.
-Alright! Won't you take me there?
"My Lord has ordered me to take you wherever you want," he said. If you want to go there, you must extend your hand to me.
I extended my hands towards Malik. He held them both tightly and said:
-Close your eyes. He said keep it closed until they say open.
I closed my eyes and found myself falling through a void. We were going somersaults, turning and somersaulting, or to put it more accurately, we were falling at a dizzying speed. My head was spinning, I was feeling nauseous. The fact that my eyes were closed increased these feelings even more. These feelings were about to rise to unbearable levels, when this strange feeling of falling from heights gradually subsided, and we slowed down with gentle inclinations like a leaf falling from its branch and swaying, and finally we landed somewhere.
As my comrade advises, he does not open my eyes without saying open; I was waiting with some fear and some anxiety. My comrade took me by the hand and ate me, and finally said:
"You can open your eyes now," he said.
And I opened my eyes. The place we were in was a place like the bottom of a well, covered with a thick cloud of fog and smoke, and blindfolded. The giant torch on the horizon that I had seen since I first entered Hell was dim behind this thick layer. The pale and feeble lights that filtered through this thick layer dimmed the atmosphere, lightly illuminating it with a light similar to dawn but redder than that. This was going my way too. Because I knew that this was where the raging flames came from, the source of the giant torch that illuminated this strange world called hell. But strangely enough, it was getting dimmer and darker as he got closer to this giant torch. I thought it must be something like a candle being unable to illuminate its bottom.
In this red-lit environment, gigantic oleanders were immediately conspicuous like black ghosts swaying in a red environment, their fruits were swaying slightly like huge oil lamps hanging on branches, flickering behind the smoke and mist. The environment was extremely quiet and still. I guessed it was the eddies of the flames that swirled down to where we were, rather than a breeze, that shook the peaks of the oleanders.
The oleanders were much bigger, majestic, and tighter than anything I'd ever seen. They were so tightly squeezed that their roots, resembling huge thick purple snakes, protruded, forming strange-looking tiny mounds that were intertwined. But the size of the trees prevented them from getting close to each other like ivy and hugging each other. It caused some gaps to form between them, which were not too big. In these gaps there were swamps bubbling and boiling, smelling and looking swamps. These swamps looked like giant cauldrons boiling and overflowing from all sides of pitch-black, stinking soups.
The atmosphere was so quiet that the bubbling and gushing from these cauldrons caused reverberations and resonances that caused heart-wrenching, tearing and terrible connotations, which gave this enigmatic-colorful and so terrible world an air of mystery even more.
Together with my comrade, we started to move into this interesting world. We could hardly make our way through its thick, purple snake-like roots, made up of frequent oleander trees, intertwined.
The scene was getting a little darker as we got closer to that huge tower that could be seen from afar. For this reason, the oleander fruits, which I had previously compared to big, red stars, became more and more bright and started to shine like chandeliers hanging on branches. The sharp, burning and piercing lights coming from these interesting chandeliers, oscillating with the light wind formed by the eddy flames hitting the bottom from the top, dyed the environment the color of blood, gave it an even more frightening atmosphere, and fell down with occasional rustles, bursting and dispersing like a sparkler.
There were some open patches of land on the border of these marshes, which looked like large and large cauldrons. My comrade took me to one of these open fields after I had pulled me out of the impassable oleanders, which are as intertwined as the tropical forests. The place we came from was lumpy, treeless like a desert, and huge. These desert-like places filled the horizons of my eyes.
The place we came from and the place we were in were in stark contrast. I was both surprised and amazed to find such empty lands resembling deserts in these places where oleanders do not breathe with their frequency.
As I walked through the dimness of the environment, I hardly noticed that this desert-like place was filled with some darks resembling tall, burly people planted in its depths. These blackouts did not move at all, they stood as if they had been nailed down. As I got a little closer, I realized that these were giant boulders that had been erected. These rocks looked like granite, but were so old that they were riddled with sponges and rotted where they were, like a piece of wood. There were some mounds that looked like tombs right next to them, and these giant rocks were the tombstones of these tombs. It was as if we were in the middle of a vast cemetery.
My comrade, who realized that my curious eyes could not find anything that would interest them, pointed to one of the graves and said:
-Look, he said.
There was a bump slightly larger than the others where my comrade pointed. I have seen many strange things in my travels so far that have left me stunned, bewildered. For this reason, I was used to and prepared to see some surprises that would surprise and astonish me at any moment, but when I saw that the old tomb that my comrade showed opened outwards like a horizontal door, a sinner in black clothes stood up and shook the fire embers from its skirts, I almost saw my little tongue. I was swallowing.
Noticing my situation, my comrade made a silent sign, raising his right hand to his lips. It was as if the sinner who had risen from his grave did not see us. After being thoroughly shaken and cleaned, he went to the place where there was a strange-looking but very large tree in the middle of this huge cemetery. I couldn't see his face, as his head was tightly covered by one end of his tattered black robe.
Following the sinner who came out of his grave with my comrade, we came to the place where that strange-looking great tree was located. There were many sinners like him here, and they were gathered together, gathered in groups. They were dressed in charcoal-black, black clothing that covered their slender bodies all over, and they covered their heads with one end of their clothing like black hoods. They moved back and forth in slow motions, as if numb or sickly, and did not speak to each other at all. Sometimes they collided with each other like pits, fell into one of the numerous grave pits right next to them, and were never seen again.
My comrade took me towards one of these tombs. He stretched out his right arm and made a gesture that I could not understand. When my comrade pointed, the door of the tomb in front of which we were standing opened. A mysterious world unfolded before our eyes, steaming, boiling, bubbling, some strange and frightening sounds were heard, and more importantly, it smelt like carrion.
The door was narrow enough for one person to fit in, but inside it was strangely wide. It was really surprising that such a wide world could exist in such a narrow place in a single grave. But I had long since given up weighing what I saw with the scales of my mind and measuring it with my logic. This world in which I had been wandering for a long time was too heavy and big for my mind to weigh, too wide and interesting for my memory to comprehend. This was one of the biggest truths I learned on this trip.
When my comrade entered through the narrow door that opened in front of us, I followed him.
We started to advance in a cave-like place with a low ceiling. It was filled to the brim with freshly ignited fuel. These fuels were smoldering while smoking, emitting poisonous fumes. In the hazy air of the environment, the glow of the embers on the floor was vaguely visible.
When I went a little further, I realized that this place is not just filled with embers like an oven. Inside this giant oven were some wells that looked like swamps, bubbling bubbles. The atmosphere was so quiet that nothing could be heard but the bubbling of boiling swamps, the hollow sounds of bubbles bursting from those swamps, and the crackling of freshly ignited fuel.
As I wandered the swaying floor of this great low-ceilinged cave, my eyes sought the sinner I had just fallen into, but I could not see him.
Realizing what I was looking for, my comrade pointed out that I should take a better look at the darkness, which I likened to a freshly discarded fuel, extended from one end to the other, inside this furnace, which I saw as if it had just ignited. When I looked a little more carefully, I realized that it was a sinner who had filled this giant cave, which is a whole tomb.
He had fueled his grave, which had been turned into a sinful furnace, and we were walking on it.
All of a sudden, I had a voice that I couldn't help. I was filled with a heavy feeling like disgust. To my comrade:
-I was very bad. I said get me out of here.
When my comrade pulled me out of the grave, I was left in fear and terror, and I was shaking so hard that I couldn't help it. My companion drew me to her side, embraced me with tender maternal affection, and patiently waited for me to calm down.
When calm enough:
-Come, she said.
My comrade led me to the place where the strange-looking great tree was located in the middle of this cemetery-like place I had seen before. Here we came in groups to the sinners who were circling quietly.
When we came near those who wandered here and there like black ghosts in this dim environment, I was quick to understand why they were so quiet. In order to understand this, it was enough for me to see the faces of some sinners, visible through the gaps of the pieces of clothing that wrapped around their heads like a hood, in the dim light of the environment.
The faces of the sinners here were flattened, as if their faces had been cut off with a sharp sword, and had been thoroughly stripped. They had no eyes, no mouths, no noses, no hair. It was as if it were a large gourd, not a neck and head resting on his shoulders.
A small piece of well-dried earth-colored bone or cartilage could be seen from the middle of the neck of these gourds, and it was going up and down more or less frequently. They were all in a never-ending rush. It was as if the sinners here were in the hunger or thirst of longing for something, but were incessantly searching for it with an impatient haste.
I was able to relate, to a greater or lesser degree, with the sinners I had seen before, but with those here it seemed impossible. After a few unsuccessful attempts in this regard, I turned my questioning gaze to Malik.
He said, "This is the place of hypocrites who stab believers in the back." They say they believe and they show it from the outside, but in reality they did not believe. Their hearts and minds are full of strife. They are smiling, friendly-looking enemies, and they are much more dangerous, much more harmful than the open enemy. Do not be surprised by their abundance. Remember these words of your guide.
“The worst of bad habits and heart diseases is riya. Riyâ is to show something as the opposite of what it is or not to be what it seems. Riya is the door of hypocrisy. Flee from riya as you would flee from fire. Those who worship to show off insult Allah. Riyâ is shirk-i asgar.”
My ear was on my comrade, my eyes were around. My senses were extremely sensitive and sharp. It was as if what I saw supported what I heard and enriched it in terms of meaning. Of course, all my attention was focused on their condition that I had just noticed. My question was about this.
-As far as I can see, my Lord deprived them of some of their organs while they were resurrected. They have no eyes, no mouth, no nose and no ears. Their heads are either cut off straight on one side, or flattened as if they've been turned on a lathe. They don't have indentations and protrusions like gourds. What do they eat, what do they drink and how do they do it, Malik?
They are deprived of the blessings of eating or drinking. They are in an unquenchable hunger and thirst. For this reason, they are in a rushed search full of longing that you see. Until they see the reward of their load on their backs and they are cleaned.
As for what they eat and drink; on the top of their heads if you pay attention; stay, you will see a black hole. From there, they inhale the filthy, poisonous and angry air you see. This is their sustenance and some of their torment.
I was going to ask Malik how these sinners lived without eating and drinking, when I remembered that death was killed and there was no death here anymore. The recompense for what those here did was that they were deprived of some limbs, deprived of the blessing of eating and drinking, and more importantly, death. At this time, I realized that there was a blessing in his death.
Our wanderings in Lazi took a long time, I received many lessons during this trip and thanked my Lord. During this time, I realized a fact that astonished me.
my god! How many people fell into the pit of hypocrisy. During this time, I had the opportunity to see the leaders of the hypocrites. in the middle of all; down in a pit that looked like a tomb I had seen before. My comrade showed it to me:
He said, "The leaders of the hypocrites you see are their leaders." In any case, there must be something in his knowledge about him.
I polled my knowledge on this subject and immediately remembered.
I said I think you're right. If I am not mistaken, the leader of the hypocrites I saw is the son of Ubayy*.
My comrade confirmed what I said.
-Yes, you are not mistaken. He who tried to hit the Habib of my Lord on his back.
I said what a bad thing it is to see that Sun born with all its beauty and majesty and not realize it.
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*Abdullah b. Ubayy was the leader of the hypocrites in Madinah. Our Prophet was about to become king to the Arabs of Medina before he migrated. The arrival of our Prophet turned all his plans upside down. That's why he loved our prophet and seemed to have faith. He wouldn't miss the slightest opportunity to harm her. He died as a hypocrite.
Surely, the reason for this must be ignorance, blind bigotry, arrogance and stubbornness.
Although Lazi was very, very big, it was filled to the brim with people of all races and religions. I was astonished that there were so many hypocrites. And most likely, at the end of everything, when hell was rolled up and lifted, they would be rolled up with it, and they would stay in hell forever.
While we were walking through the Lazi, we came across a strange-looking, high and broad mountain. It was as if this mountain looked like a huge black person prostrated.
On the side of this strange and strange mountain facing us, there was a wide recess, a cave entrance, resembling an open mouth. My comrade took my hand and led me in that direction.
While I was wandering around these strange and scary places, I thought I had gotten used to them a little bit. A shudder involuntarily swept through my body as I entered the hole that looked like a huge open mouth. Realizing this, my comrade looked at me with understanding and said:
-You're afraid, he said. But this is perfectly normal. There is no creature created by my Lord that does not fear them. Let's not go inside if you want.
Trying to control myself:
-I said no. There will be fear as well as hardship on the way I go. What I have learned is the fruit of my hard work and hard work on this path. You take me where you want to take me anyway. If I'm going to see and learn something and learn from it, it's definitely worth it.
-Well, he said. So let's go.
The cave progressed like a gorge, descending into the depths, gradually narrowing and darkening. The light from my comrade illuminated our path and allowed me to see the environment sufficiently.
There were steep and pointed stalactites on the ceiling of the corridor in which we tried to walk and move forward. As I noticed them, I had a feeling as if they were going to fall on me, I was avoiding.
Every few hundred meters of your corridor; During these times, I noticed that it was divided into various branches, roads, down, up, right, left. These were extremely complex. I was astounded how my comrade had not lost his way, had not lost his way.
As if noticing my surprise, my comrade:
He said, "Some of the passengers of this road will go astray and cannot go to their destination. They hang around here forever. There are giant creatures like scorpions, spiders, and mice that hunt them. Some sinners suffer in their stomachs. Then they come back as excrement, they are recreated, and so on.
In response to these words of my comrade:
I said, "This is a great torment for them, it should be a punishment."
My comrade looked at me with interest:
He said, "Who knows, it would be better for them to stray and not find their destination."
How can this be? I was going to ask, when I remembered that divine justice did not deviate even an iota. After arriving at our destination and seeing it, I realized that I could understand why this was so.
The corridor-like road we were traveling on was getting narrower and narrower. Now we were trying to move forward in labor. My comrade was in front of me. I knew that he was doing this to protect me, that he was trying to pull any calamities on him. This self-sacrificing behavior of hers increased my feelings for her many times over.
After a journey that can be said to be long, we finally came to a place, a void, which I realized was very wide despite the dimness of the environment. Immediately, a black, scorching, invisible flame licked his face. It was a gigantic hollow in that strange mountain I had seen outside. So much so that the lights of the light emanating from my comrade could not show either the floor or the ceiling of the place we were in. If I hadn't seen the exit of the corridor where we were perched like two big birds, I would have felt like I was standing in space.
Realizing that I could not see well, my comrade increased his light as if turning on the wick of a lamp. The light beams from the light hit the space and illuminated the places that looked like big hills and tiny mountains ahead. At this time, I noticed that some of the shadows were moving indistinctly.
Above, on the ceiling; When we arrived, I saw that the stalactites that I had seen frequently were much larger, much more lofty, and much sharper, hanging like tiny upside-down mountains. These stalactites looked as if they were going to fall on us at any moment. While I was looking at these stalactites with interest and attention, I noticed that the giant shadows I saw ahead were moving. That's why my attention and attention was diverted to their direction.
“If you want to see them more closely, put your hands up and close your eyes,” he said.
I stretched out my hand towards my comrade and closed my eyes. The strong, large hands of my comrade gripping my hands were reassuring. As before, I found myself in a vacuum. But this situation did not last long. After what I can describe as a few seconds, my comrade:
"You can open your eyes," he said.
When I opened my eyes, I found myself at the bottom of a strange-looking large hill or small mountain. While I was trying to understand what I saw, when I realized that the object I was looking at was moving, I was horrified:
-My God! What is that you see, Malik? I shouted as if it were a living mountain and it was moving.
But the answer came not from my comrade but from my left. To my left, a giant rock-like object, at least twenty meters in diameter, split right in the middle. With rows and rows of rotten teeth resembling rusty boulders, a large black tongue appeared behind them and quivered. The mouth, like a cave entrance, opened and closed slowly, slowly. He said to me, speaking slowly and slowly.
-O person! I am Toytanos*, who are you?
The wind of his breath coming towards me smelled so bad that I was short of breath for a moment, I felt sick to my stomach. I couldn't answer him as I tried to swallow, to compose myself. Realizing my situation, my comrade patted me twice:
-No harm will come to you from him. “Now if you want to come a little closer to him,” he said.
I got a little closer to him. My comrade illuminated this dark place like a large oil lamp. When he realized that I could not see the person in front of me well, he increased the light from his light a little more. The atmosphere got a little brighter. I could see the creature in front of me better.
What I could see and perceive was a human body the size of a small mountain, slowly moving, trying to play left and right. This giant body was bent double. It was half buried from the waist down. But his body, half of which I could see, was so large that it couldn't fit into the ceiling of the gigantic hollow we were in. That's why he was bent in half, his head lowered and propped on the ground, his long black beard spread out over the ground.
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* Judas Iscariot Toytanos is the apostle who betrayed the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) for thirty pieces of silver and caused him to be crucified.
His arms were upturned and bent over backwards. So much so that there was a deep hollow between his head and waist. When I looked carefully at this cavity, I realized that something sharp was sticking out from it, and a dirty liquid like pus was flowing from its tip.
Perceiving the filth of what I saw, my eyes involuntarily turned away. My eyes wandering left and right, which were made a little bigger and brighter by curiosity and a sense of learning, fell on the ceiling. To my amazement I realized that this huge body was nailed to the ceiling by its bent arms, as if it were being crucified. The pointy thing that came out of the hollow, dripping with filthy stuff, was a long, long dangle that came from the ceiling and pierced his body through his chest.
I was looking forward to talking to Toytanos, but he was talking so slowly and with a grain of salt that his breath smelled so bad that I couldn't afford it. It also seemed unlikely that he could adequately answer my questions in this situation. In addition, there were some dark spots similar to but smaller than him in this huge void, and they were moving slowly. I thought that these must be the comrades of Toytanos. But no matter how much I searched, I couldn't find any information about them in my mind.
That's why:
-The biggest of the moving and tormented mountains I saw introduced itself as Toytanos, but I couldn't find any information about him in my mind, I said.
-He is a very well-known, well-known person. He said, 'You certainly have information about him hidden in some parts of your mind. "I'll help you remember if you want," he continued.
The congregation here is four thousand people. You see, they've been crucified and nailed to the ceiling, and their bodies are getting bigger and bigger. Half of them are on this side, half on the other. Therefore, their torment is twofold.
They are the ones who extinguished the Two Lights that my Lord sent to enlighten and bring salvation, and those who try to extinguish the Third Light*. That person is the one who betrayed that light. However, my Lord wrapped his desse on his feet and he fell into the trap he had set himself.
Now do you know who you are?
-Yup! Now I know and I remember. Undoubtedly, my Lord knows best. He is Fair. He evaluates the smallest speck of good or evil done, and gives his reward or punishment. Surely, these people brought their torment here with their own hands and their own minds. Therefore, they are not worthy of pity and mercy.
He said, "Of course you are one of the truth.
I couldn't help asking a question that stuck in my mind.
You said that the congregation here is four thousand people. Are there four thousand people in this place like the one I saw?
- He said yes. That congregation is here. Remember what you saw on the way. Two Lights of my Lord are extinguished in them, and one of them is those who ignore and ignore what happens while they are trying to extinguish it.
But this answer was not enough for me, it did not extinguish my curiosity. To my comrade:
I said forgive me for my curiosity. Let me ask one more question
I want.
My comrade smiles:
*Jews who killed Zakariya (a.s.), caused his son Yahya (a.s.) to be killed, and attempted to crucify Jesus (a.s.)
-How beautiful is the curiosity towards knowledge and learning. As I said before, you can ask me anything. I am commanded to answer every question as much as I know, to ask the Knower what I do not know. You do not need permission for this.
After thanking my comrade:
-I'm sure I've already found the answer to this question I'm about to ask. But forgetting is one of my weaknesses.
The road we came in was so narrow that we could barely pass even though we were bent over. The people I see over there are big like a mountain. How did they fit into that narrow place? Or were they brought here another way? Undoubtedly, my Lord is omnipotent.
-Of course he said no. When they were brought here, they were like normal people. It is the torment they suffered that made them so great. This will last until doomsday.
I said I understand. You said that the sufferings of these sinners were twofold. Also, I see them half buried up to their waists. I think these situations are related to the other aspect of the punishment. How is this torment?
My comrade takes my hands and says:
“Come and see with your eyes,” he said.
We rose slightly upwards. We were passing through these living mountains, gliding like flying, quivering, grunting, imploring, crying with indistinct voices.
The light of my comrade had increased a little more. The shadows of these gigantic creatures that we passed through fell upon each other, hiding from my eyes part of this strange world that lay before us. My comrade was like the dawn of a sun preparing to rise behind a lofty mountain. It was as if we were passing over a mountain range with only the peaks visible. But even that much light was enough for me. As I progressed, my comrade's light was growing a little more every moment, like a slowly rising sun, flooding the doors of places covered with the mysterious veil of shadows with the light that opened my eyes.
The eyes of these giant sinners, whose heads were freed from shadow as they approached, were dazzled, so they closed them tightly, incapable of seeing us.
The same was true for me. I could not look up at my comrade, my eyes were dazzled, I was incapable of seeing him.
When we came to the opposite sides of this great hollow, my companion slowly crept down and slowly dropped me to the ground. The light that dazzled my eyes, that kept me from looking at it, slowly faded out, and took the form of a normal lamp that only illuminated the place where it was.
My comrade brought me to a flat, steep and steep slope as if it had been cut with a knife at the very bottom. There was no way to go or exit, no corridor, no hole.
He kept wondering why my comrade brought me here, while I was getting ready to ask Him about it, He slowly approached the edge of this steep, steep and high slope and pushed the flat rock with his thumb a little. My eyes, widened by my astonishment, saw that a hole, a corridor, emerged from the rock just enough for a person to pass through. My comrade took me by the hand and led me towards this corridor. He was in the front, I was behind. In the dark environment, my comrade was shining like a lamp illuminating all around him.
The place we were in was a large hole without the slightest indentation, neatly carved, and extending downwards with a slight incline.
The hole was so neat and orderly as if it had been carved from alabaster that it was impossible not to be amazed, and not to be surprised that such a corridor was found in such a place.
As we went down, the wall on my left began to move away from us, a deep pit or crack began to form in between, and this crack got wider as it went down. Finally, a deep abyss formed on my left side.
It was as if we were spiraling around a giant column, descending towards somewhere.
This time I realized two things. The first of these was the narrowing of the stepless path or road we descended. The second was that although I was under protection, the intensity of the black flame that raged around was decreasing and the environment was getting colder. So much so that, after descending for a while, a dense and stagnant fog or cloud layer surrounded us as much as cotton thrown around us. It started to become slippery on the road that was getting narrower and steeper.
When I felt that something transparent was surrounding me and complicating my movements, to my comrade, who walked carefully in front of me and never let go of my hand:
I said, "As if something I cannot see is enveloping me, making my movements more difficult."
At these words, my comrade slowly turned to my side. He patted me from head to toe twice with his big, shapely hands. All of a sudden, I felt that what was holding me back, preventing my movements, was lifted, and I felt lighter like a bird.
After a time that I don't know how long, the dense smoke, cloud or fog surrounding us started to dissipate. In turn, white particles, like black or ice, surrounded me. It got a little thicker, obstructing my vision. Although I was under protection, I could now feel the coldness of the environment.
Strangely, as these flakes of ice or snow surrounded me, as they began to obstruct my vision, it disappeared, as if being wiped away by a secret hand, and my vision became clear again.
When the road on which we were walking became too narrow to walk, we had arrived at a large and large place illuminated by an indistinct light. This place looked like the place we'd been to before. The atmosphere was clear but extremely cold. It was filled with huge stalactites hanging from top to bottom. Strangely, these looked like human legs hanging from the ceiling.
Based on the previous information my comrade had given me, I immediately understood what they were. These must have been the other parts of the sinful bodies buried in the earth above, their bodies as large as mountains, contracted and parched by a black flame.
But I couldn't help asking this to my comrade again. He seems to understand what I'm thinking too:
-This is the second place where those who extinguish the two lights of my Lord and those who try to extinguish the third are tormented. As you see, they are tormented by both heat and cold. Therefore, their torment is doubled.
This strange place was illuminated by a pale light. The light was dim, but I could still see clearly. The ceiling was filled with thousands of pairs of icicles that looked like legs, and they quivered vaguely. When I learned what they were, my eyes, sharpened and enlarged by curiosity, fell on the ground. The reason that pushed this to me was as if my feet were being pinched by something.
I bent down and saw that I was surrounded by some tiny, dark creatures. These creatures were running towards me like big ants, they were trying to hold on to something, but their efforts were wasted as if they were trying to hold on to a dream, their outstretched hands were falling to their sides.
When I looked a little more carefully, I realized that these were little sinful human-guts. What were these sinful human beings doing in the jinn hell? I was going to ask this of my comrade, but he seemed too busy at that moment to answer my question. This occupation was also aimed at protecting me. That's why I thought it appropriate not to make a sound. I was hoping to find the answer to this question that was on my mind later. I turned my attention to other things I saw.
The floor was just as interesting as the ceiling. The whole place was filled to the brim with strangely shaped reliefs, statues resembling idols worshiped in dark times. In these ice sculptures, eyes were shining, looking curiously, following us with their eyes without moving their heads.
What I saw was so interesting that I couldn't help forgetting everything and asking my comrade who they were.
He said, "This is the place where the bottom and top of hell meet. The hotter it is above hell, the colder it is here. This is the place where sinful jinn from other creations of my Lord are tormented.
As you can see, although they were created from pure flame, they were imprisoned in ice molds, and they suffer in this way.
Pointing to the sinful humanoids still chasing after me, like black ants:
-And who are they? I asked.
He said, "They are those who disapprove of my Lord's destiny and try to rebel again." For this reason, they see double-sided torment.
We began to move into the interior of this cold but interesting world. It was a very cold place. It was filled to the brim with sinners, but all but the ones that looked like big ants were all in ice molds. Only his eyes, which were playing left and right, following us carefully, were evident. It seemed impossible for them to talk. I couldn't talk to them and get information. That's why I got bored here quickly.
My comrade who sees that I am bored:
"I can get you out of here if you want," he said.
-I said OK. Take me to another place
I thought our ascent would take time like our descent, but it didn't. My comrade, who had my eyes closed, took me outside in a blink of an eye. I found myself just ahead of that giant dome that I saw from afar. As far as I understood, this giant dome standing in front of me was the seventh and final part of hell.
When my comrade was saying that we will leave from here, he pointed with his hand to that giant dome in the center of hell. We started to move in that direction.
It got darker as we progressed towards the middle of Hell. It was like descending into a very deep well. We were on our way to that giant dome that I saw from afar. He was no longer visible in the flames that licked this calm but dreadful world with their long tongues, but instead a stagnant, waxy thick and sticky warmth settled in. But this heat materialized and became heavy like hot lava and surrounded everything.
As we approached the giant red dome that I saw from afar, this still and materialized hot environment became heavier. It was as if we were walking in a black sea of ​​magmas that was about to evaporate. And finally, the walls of that giant dome stretched before us like a red ghost.
Just above the edge of the clouds, barely discernible in the smoke, there was a huge circle that looked like a huge sun and glowed crimson in this pitch darkness. Its appearance was like the fourteenth moon on a cloudy night, veiled with a thick red mist, but much larger and brighter than that.
My comrade, who noticed that I was approaching this huge wall stretching in front of us, stopped me by holding my hand.
"You shouldn't get too close," he said. The fire behind it is not the Fire you know. The fire you know is its extinguished form seventy times.
Realizing what I was thinking from the light in my eyes for a moment, my comrade's eyes widened in horror, and ice-cold sweat drops appeared on his forehead in this hot environment.
-You're not thinking of going in there, are you? As he asked, I immediately perceived the pleading in his tone.
What could be behind the wall that so frightened this innocent angel, the eunuch of Hell and the head of the demons here, and this duty given by my Lord? Undoubtedly, he was under the protection of my Lord, just like me. Whatever was in there, it was unthinkable that it would do us any harm.
Malik's eyes with pleading eyes, wide with horror, and his beautiful face dripping sweat from his bead-beaded forehead, increased and provoked my thirst, which is called curiosity. I was aware that I was in the position of cheeky children who made their loved ones do whatever they wanted. But I came here for science. Difficulties with my personality and my soul should not have prevented me.
Therefore, shaking my head negatively:
-I said no. You're wrong. I came here with the permission of my Lord to see their manifestations. If I don't get in there, I haven't done enough. But if you want, you may not come.
Malik was startled for a moment and hesitated. Then, staring into my eyes with her beautiful eyes:
He said, "My Lord has ordered me to do whatever He wants, to follow you wherever you go. Of course I will come with you. There is no question of me leaving you alone in that sinister place.
-I said okay. Then take me to that place that terrifies you and that you call sinister.
This time Malik did not hesitate.
-Alright. As long as you want. Just one minute.
He stretched out his arms and started to run his hands just a few inches above my body as if to fit. He had done this several times before, after he went to hell. I knew that with this he had formed an unseen armor that protected me. He must have needed more armor to protect me better from the horrors of our destination. My comrade was so fond of me that he thought of me above all else.
When it's done:
“Close your eyes and extend your hand,” he said.
I stretched out my hands and closed my eyes. Malik grabbed my hands with his big, strong but soft hands. Suddenly I found myself falling into a void. I was drifting dizzily from place to place like a dry leaf in a hurricane. But this one was different than before. It was as if I was in a strong cyclone, and this cyclone was making me somersaults, tossing me from place to place, hitting and hitting unexpected places. I thought I was going out. My head was spinning, I was nauseous. At any moment, I thought that this fall would slow down and then we would land somewhere as soft as a feather, but the fall never ended, it got faster.
I was using all my willpower to control myself. Now, when I pushed my limits of tolerance, I realized that the decline was gradually decreasing. This strengthened my morale. By swinging at wide angles, our difficult journey, which seemed to me too long, finally came to an end and we landed on a soft ground.
I knew I shouldn't open my eyes until my companion said hungry, but a very strong light was pressing on my eyelids. The pressure was so strong that I was afraid that if I opened it, I would lose my eyes. This pressure was increasing a little more every moment, but I also knew that I had to be patient. Because I came here of my own will, of my own will. Maybe I was the only creature that came into this terrible world of its own accord, of its own will.
I had to wait quite a long time before my eyes could open. I think my comrade must have taken some precautions to protect me at this time. After what seemed like centuries to me, finally Malik:
"You can open your eyes slowly," he said.
0 notes
dieonerememerberbook · 3 years ago
I tried to open my eyes, but I quickly closed them when I felt a sharp pain as if it was being gouged by a white nail. It was as if a molten white metal was being poured into my eyes. However, in order for me to benefit enough from the direction of the lesson from where I came from, it was necessary for me to open my eyes and see the surroundings. Finally, after a long and painful struggle, I was able to open my eyes a little. The environment we were in was so bright and hot that I felt like I had fallen into the sun. It was like a million needles were pricking my eyes. So I had to turn it off again. Meanwhile, a strong sense of dread overwhelms my soul and body. I thought if I opened it, I would lose my eyes and my body.
My comrade must have realized that I was incapable of opening my eyes, for he gently stroked one of his large but kind hands over my eyelids. Despite the terrible heat of the environment, his hands were cool and soft. Knowing that he was by my side and strongly perceiving this contact gave me an incredible sense of security. This feeling of trust caused the feeling of fear that had crushed me to decrease and to lose its power. I decided to try again to open my eyes. As I opened my eyelids, my eyes were bombarded with white again. A cold feeling of fear flooded my being once again. I felt strongly that it would not be possible for me to dare to open my eyes because of this overwhelming feeling. But there was no other choice. Risking everything, I managed to keep my eyes open for a while on my third try. Then again.. Then again…..
When I managed to keep my eyes open enough to see and examine the surroundings, I found myself in a whiteness that looked like a light, whose eyes pierced like a harpoon. It was as if the thin white spears that pierced the retinas of the eyes had surrounded me like the dome of the sky, and had a relentless bombardment of my eyes, which was my most sensitive area where I was. It was just like the stagnant whiteness of a lightning, which was predatory, burning, scorching, but not transient.
It was as if a calm and stagnant lightning bolt was gushing out of that huge hole below us, slowly filling this huge dome like a fountain.
This gigantic fountain was swaying slowly, trying to reach everywhere, something white that looked like sparks was climbing up, then condensing and pouring down on us in a downpour, like a giant sun that had come close.
I had my comrade by my side, and the two of us were like tiny speck of dust clinging to this floating whiteness.
In the middle of this giant dome, there were some blacknesses, like mountain ranges that came out of the depths, surrounded that pure fire, oscillating in harmony with it, barely discernible from afar. Because we were somewhere under these mountain-like blackouts, I could not see them as a whole and fully grasp their quantity and quality.
When my initial astonishment wore off, I realized that there was no ground under our feet, that we were standing in a vacuum.
What astonished me even more was that my comrade was also deeply stunned. He, like me, is staring at this strange and frightening place with his eyes wide open, his breathing heavy; He seemed to be trying to grasp its quality and quantity.
My comrade was astonished, but his surprise was not as strong and sharp as mine. He, too, was widening with curiosity, looking around with his enlightened eyes, as if trying to recognize where we were. He was obviously a stranger to the center of hell. But I still couldn't help but ask.
-Ya Malik! said. It's like there's no solid ground under my feet to step on and hold on to. It's like I'm floating in air. Where is this place?
Malik looked at me for a moment and said:
He said yes, you are right. There is no such thing as matter here. Everything here has melted and disappeared in the core of the fire you see. This is Haviye. This is Derk-i Esfel. This is the lowest floor of hell, the most terrifying place. This is the place of those who find heresy with their own minds and knowledge, cruel rulers, judges who have taken bribes and left justice, and scholars who have innovations.
These are the worst of people. Because it affects a lot of people. In a way, they have put the rights of many people on their backs…..
My eyes have had enough by now. I could look around with inquisitive eyes. It was as if the atmosphere had changed a bit. We were in the midst of a light mist of light crimson that drifted into yellow that rippled upwards, and we seemed suspended in the air.
If I describe our place in other words, this place was like a giant furnace, as big as worlds, filled to the brim with fuels resembling mountain ranges, heated and ignited in this fuel, and on the verge of melting. It was as if there was no such thing as matter anymore. Because of this, I felt like I was walking on a floorless place. This was odd to me, and it was causing many problems in my brain.
Turning to Malik:
-But if we don't have a ground to hold on to and step on, shouldn't we fall down? No gravity here? I asked.
Owner seemed surprised that my curiosity continued even where we were. He pursed his lips as he replied, his eyes gleaming even more and said:
-Why are you surprised by this? “The power that keeps the world and the universe in the void keeps us here like this,” he said.
From this pure fire, we began to move into the interior of the world. My eyes had completely adjusted or had been shrouded in a divine protective veil, so they were no longer dazzled and hurt. It was as if a filter had been put on my retinas. I could see the surroundings easily. I could see, but in this strange, strange as well as terrifying world, there was nothing I could see but huge blackouts in the distance, such as smokescreens, mountain ranges that appeared and oscillated behind slices of flame.
When my comrade saw my surroundings and realized that I was incapable of examining, he took my hands and raised his head slightly. We started to rise upwards with a light glide.
But this dome of fire was so big that although a lot of time passed; it was as if we were still swimming near the bottom of a sea of ​​fire made up of barely discernible specks that swayed slowly upwards.
In our travels so far, our walk has been on a hard ground like the world. But here, like a shadow or a spirit, we were floating at the bottom of this pale yellow sea in white specks through the rising flames. We were gliding along, but despite the passage of time, it was as if we had not traveled a barley length. Maybe it was an illusion of my eyes and mind. I knew very well that impatience aggravates and changes people's perception of time. Therefore, I found it more appropriate to be patient and wait.
I had my eyes wide open. My attention was on full alert, sharp as a sword, to see something of this strange and terrifying world, but still, despite my best efforts, I could not see and perceive anything. It was as if we were navigating on a desolate and hot sandy desert, where no living thing lived, where the sun came close enough to be expressed in kilometers, above the rippling fog and transparent flames that steamed upwards.
This place looked as desolate and quiet as the desert I was trying to describe. In fact, there were some deep grunts, roar-like sounds, but all of them were like a piece of this terrible atmosphere; they did not disturb his silence and solitude.
As I was going towards the middle of this white sea, which my comrade described as the essence of fire, the darkness that I could hardly see from afar became larger and clearer. As we climbed a little higher, I was able to come to a position where I could see them collectively from a bird's eye view.
In the middle was a creature as big as Mount Everest. Some creatures smaller than him had surrounded him as well, nestled on the edges. These creatures moved very slowly in proportion to their heavy and large bodies.
At first, I thought that their movements were a deception of the atmosphere rippling upwards. Because I didn't think it was possible for such big creatures to exist. Their size was beyond the bounds of my mind.
When I got a little closer, I almost swallowed my small tongue in surprise when I saw that the creature in the middle had been publicized in the form of a gorilla sitting halfway down in the middle of this hell. The other creatures that surrounded him were like him, but smaller than him.
My amazement fueled my curiosity. Slowly, we approached these gigantic creatures, squirming and moving. The focus of my attention was the largest one in the middle. When I got a little closer, I was able to see what was in the middle more closely.
He was half-waisted in hell up to his waist and stood like a hairy mountain in the middle. Sometimes he would lift his head slowly and open his mouth as wide as he could yawn, opening and closing it as if he wanted to say something. His mouth, like a giant cavern, showed filthy, rusty, sharp, and large teeth.
Suddenly, it started making a strange noise between howling and roaring. The sound was long, like the howl of a wolf. When you pay a little more attention to her voice:
-O extinction! O death! Where are you? I understood that he was shouting, wailing. His speech and wailing like a human made me more astonished. When I got a little closer, I was not late to notice another feature of it. Standing like a mountain, this creature had the body of a gorilla but its head was that of a human. His hair and beard were long. They were into each other. His blue eyes bulged out of their sockets in horror.
His gorilla-bodied, human-headed nature made me wonder if other creatures that surrounded him were like him.
The one closest to him was large, with his head slightly bare. Her sparse hair was down to her shoulders. His goat-like beard turned red. This redness made him stand out even more clearly in this fire environment.
The sinner who came after him was also large. The huge machete mustache that completely covered his upper lip immediately drew attention. He had lifted his head a little and blood was oozing from his half-open mouth. It was like a hyena with a thick and long neck that had just caught its prey and lifted its head to check its surroundings.
The third one was shorter than the others. Her straight but short hair was parted to the side. A flaky mustache between his upper lip and nose immediately drew attention. She tensed her lips as if she wanted to bite. She was blowing steamy froth from her lips and nose. But the most striking feature of him was neither the scale mustache nor the foam coming out of his lips. His most striking feature was his eyes. A crazy light shone in his eyes, which were a strange color between brown, black, and red. He was more active than the others. It was as if the others were gorillas with slow blood and this was a restless baboon. He was waving his arms around, yelling as if he was calling someone or giving orders.
In contrast to the body of this creature, which is small compared to the others, its voice was so loud that it was moaning and moaning in this huge hell. I was astounded how such a loud sound could come out of this relatively small body compared to the others. With the severity of the torment he felt, his eyes, like the others, popped out of their sockets and literally bulged out.
The fourth sinner was burly like the second, but with his head completely bare. There was not a single hair on his head. It was as if he had been born bald from his mother. He lifted his huge head as high as he could and opened his mouth as wide as possible. It was as if they were trying to put into their mouth something invisible above.
He was the smallest at the back. He was a dry-faced, lean-bodied, leathery person. He had lifted his head a little proudly, as if he could not fully grasp the place he was in or did not consider the place worthy of himself. She was wearing a long-skirted dress similar to women's. She, like the others, was half buried up to her waist, and the hem of her dress was spread out on the floor. The hem of this dress was burning inside, but it was as if she did not realize it. As I understand it, his pride was a veil before his eyes, preventing him from seeing the truth.
Other blackouts, constituting the majority, had surrounded these five people; They were large and small and in various guises. As I understand it, these five people were in the position of their leaders.
Behind the sinner, who was created in the shape of a corner gorilla, there was another short-stature, big-headed, sparse-haired person. His eyes were a bit of a slant and he was looking out of the corner of his eye at where I was. His gaze was penetrating like a harpoon. Such hatred shone from the depths of his eyes that my soul shuddered at the realization. I couldn't help thinking about what could cause one being to feel such hatred, such hatred for another being. It was as if this creature's soul had been filled with the poison of hatred, of hatred.
I did not know many of these leaders of the group. They are history; they must have been famous figures who had dragged the masses behind them with their actions and ideas. But it was impossible for me to judge them, to pass judgment on them. This shouldn't have been the place and time of such a trial and judgment. I was aware of that.
Around this time, I noticed that there were many creatures flying around these gigantic creatures, which seemed to be surrounded by a larger, steeper mountain than themselves, like birds made of sparks coming out of a hot fire. They flew around these mountains as if they were very large fire birds, landing on the hairy bodies of creatures, sometimes entering their mouths through their noses, and coming out of their ears. We were watching all this as if we were watching from a bird's eye view from very high.
The atmosphere was so bright that these creatures, resembling sparks from a fiery fire, were barely visible as fluttering red specks.
I did not ask questions about all this, knowing that my comrade would give me satisfactory information when the time came. I left myself completely to my comrade and was content only with examining the environment.
My companion took my hand and, gliding like a bird, slowly lowered it towards the place where we saw from afar. As I got closer, the mountain range that I saw from afar grew larger, filling my entire horizon.
These mountain groups filled my entire horizon, but I had no way of seeing their details and talking to them. So I turned my full attention to the fiery beings flying around them. I was hoping I would have the opportunity to talk to them.
They looked like sparks, scattered here and there in small and large groups, randomly flying with a light wind. But there were those who were alone and alone among them. The single ones were a little bigger and a little different than the others. Separated from the others, they seemed to wander here and there as tiny black specks, instantly recognizable in this bright environment because of their blackness.
One of them was the closest to me. As I was heading that way with interest, I noticed that this dark figure was a sullen priest in long robes, with a cross hung around his neck on a long gold chain, which further aroused my interest. When I looked a little more carefully, I saw that it was flat like a paper poster with the pressure of the environment it was in.
It was bending and twisting under the influence of the fiery wind that gently swirled the atmosphere. It was so flat that its internal organs and bones, if any, must have been intertwined, entangled, stuck together.
As I went to talk to him, my comrade took my hand.
"Don't go near him and don't talk," he said. On his back is the sin of the heavy burden of a misguided Ummah.
-Is it an ummah that has gone astray? I asked. How can a whole ummah be led astray? I didn't fully understand this.
-It is Sabliyush that you see. Jesus Christ is the first to corrupt the pure religion established by the Aleyhisselam with the trinity. He said that you have seen those who followed his perverted path before.
I tried to recall what I had seen so far, and images of this reminder of my companion came to my mind. We were in Ca-him. There I saw some sinners, like strange creatures whose genes were randomly manipulated and whose limbs were created in the wrong places. Some had no legs, some didn't have an arm or an eye or both arms and legs, and they crawled around like worms. I thought this must be what my comrade meant.
My Lord, who did not go astray in His justice, must have created them in this way in return for their perverted beliefs and punished them in this way.
We glided silently through this swaying, swirling essence of white flame, which seemed to go upwards, so bright as to pierce the eyes.
The creatures that surrounded us were so large that we seemed to pass through deep valleys and cliffs as we crossed their shoulders.
Some of the fiery bird-like creatures circling around these giant creatures had noticed us. They were flying above us in groups. But it was because of a curiosity that they couldn't quite prevent it from attacking. Sometimes they got so close that I could easily see and understand the eyes of these thick cardboard creatures, which were widened by surprise, and the fire of curiosity in those eyes. But when they noticed my comrade, they immediately moved away, stared at us for a long time from afar, they were afraid of us, they were careful to stay away as if they were afraid. My attempts to talk to them were therefore fruitless.
As we moved towards the middle, the shadows of the great mountains that surrounded us fell on us. A slight yellowness mingled with the dazzling whiteness of the environment. This yellow color made the environment hotter, more scorching, and made it heavier. It was as if the heat had steeled and materialized, weighing down on us with all its weight, but these giant creatures that surrounded us seemed to draw and absorb the heat of the environment.
My comrade surrounded and protected me with an invisible thin, transparent armor. This armor was so thin and transparent that I only noticed it when I looked very carefully and felt it with my hands. Besides, this armor didn't weigh me in the slightest. I was amazed at how this thin transparent armor protected me in this cruel environment.
For a long time, we had been descending slowly, on a slight incline, towards the bottom. As we approached the center, despite the protective armor on me, I began to feel the overwhelming pressure and warmth of the environment, albeit a little. My Lord must have paved the way for me to better learn this manifestation of perseverance by making me feel it, even if only a little, by giving me the warmth of the environment, and as a result, to receive more lessons. Undoubtedly, this was also my wish. I knew very well that goodness is sprinkled in misfortunes.
As it moves towards the middle, the essence of fire, which changes from this light yellow to dazzling, eye-penetrating whiteness; I could see better that it came out of the huge hole at the bottom, like a cyclone with the wide part up, rising up and down in ever-widening circles, gushing out of the hole that I saw like a huge sun at the summit of the horizons.
Tiny dimples resembling some black dust particles that I have seen before enter through this eye-catching hole, shining like the sun, and when it enters, they immediately ignite and shine like coals thrown into the cauldron, turn incandescent, then darken again like charcoal, whirling towards somewhere. I could hear and see them falling and screaming as they passed me.
All my attention and attention was paid to those who were formed in the form of gorillas, who turned their places all around in a big hole from which white flames seem to be coming out from under me for leagues, and just near the middle of this hole; they were in creatures of birdlike sparks that swirled around them as if circumambulating them.
These giant creatures had raised their huge, hairy arms and filled my horizons with their huge bodies. Between howling and roaring, the strange sounds they made mixed with the distinctive roar of hell. Once again, I listened to these voices to see what they meant.
In unison:
-O death! O extinction! They are shouting, "Come and save us from this torment as soon as possible; they longed for death, or to be more precise, extinction forever. They saw a salvation in eternal extinction, but that was not possible.
From afar, those circling around the biggest, central blackness, which I saw as the silhouette of a human being with their hands raised up, as if praying or making a supplication, those who circled around seemed to pay homage to him, as if they were paying homage to him. reminded me that sometimes what I see is not what it seems.
Now my comrade knew me so closely and well that when he noticed that I was looking at him with interest, he immediately understood my desire to see them more closely. Without needing to say anything, he looked at my face and said:
- The person you see in the middle of that fireball, the person who was formed in the form of a gorilla with his hands up, is the worst creature after Satan-ı Lain. There has never been another person who has harmed humanity as much as him. Therefore, it is in the core of the fire. He is the father of evil. He said he is Abu Sharr.
He looked at her in disbelief and said:
How can a person be as bad as you say? I asked. I said that I saw some of the ones I thought were very, very bad in better conditions than him in the higher parts of Hell.
His evil is scientific. Evil and its natural product, sin, with his own mind and will; He found it willingly. He concealed his evil under the guise of being scientific, and conveyed his perverse findings to the next ones as if they were true. That is why his evil is so long-lasting and prolific. Those who followed him fed and grew the seed of evil he had sown, and branched out.
My Lord gave him a sharp intelligence, searching patience and a long life so that he could find the right way, and he used these blessings in the way of denying my Lord. He used the faculties bestowed by my Lord in the way of denial, even though he spent his long life, which was also appreciated by my Lord, in the miracles of my Lord, and saw and studied them.
Humans are truly strange creatures. They thought that their limited faculties and the power given by these faculties came from their own selves, therefore they considered themselves the masters of the whole universe.
One of them would create a work with the blessings of my Lord, and they would admire the work and praise the owner of the work.
Again, those people showed their ignorance of saying that there is no one who created or revealed them, even though they saw and knew the wonders and miracles that could not be imitated, they were created by chance, they made their eyes and minds look like liars, and they denied His existence.
No matter which way he turns his eyes, he sees and knows the unique harmony that can only be created and arranged by a Knowledgeable Knower, and the matchless art in this harmony, but pretending that this was the result of coincidence, he disguised this perversion by putting it in a cover he claims to be scientific. tried to confirm the mind.
Some of the confused minds also accepted this. That's why my Lord has blinded their hearts.
While they knew everything, they pretended not to know. They ignored my Lord and did so under a scientific guise. Some fools believed their nonsense and caused a group of people to be born that did not believe in Al-lah (c.c.). That group are each other's comrades and are the murderers of millions of people.
They saw pity and compassion as a weakness. They are the ones who extinguished the pity and mercy that my Lord bestowed upon you as a light from His own light. For this reason, they have no share of mercy and pity….
I understood. In that short period of time I lived, I knew many people, as my comrade describes. Just like those who worship Hübel or Uzza and attribute divine attributes to those pieces of stone, they closed the eyes of their minds, blinded him, tried to defend their blindness and folly with great fanaticism, and worshiped ungodliness just like a religion.
He was the one who sowed the first seeds of this perverted thought in the one that was created as a large gorilla in the middle. What I saw were the fruits of this perverse thought. But still, I couldn't help my desire to get to know him better. I told this request to Malik.
-Sure, he said. Why not? Come on.
Holding my hands, we dived with a sweet incline like diving to the bottom of a deep sea. Gliding slowly like a dream, we started to move towards the center of the place where the darkness was. As we descended deeper and deeper, the strength and pressure of the essence of the fire we were in was increasing. This increased so much that the white armor on me that surrounded me all around started to collapse inward from some parts and incline. From this, I could easily estimate the strength, horror and pressure of the fire where we came from.
The darkness, located at the bottom of Hell, near the middle of the great circle, where the blinding, piercing, dividing, and burning fearful whiteness erupts, grew larger as it approached, and the human silhouette resembling a gorilla emerged from it more clearly and in all its grandeur. He was of medium height. He was wearing a clammy suit that looked like black tar, tightly covering his entire body. His hood, made of the same fabric, was pulled back, revealing his head. His gray hair and beard were long and messy, resembling scruffy-white. He had his head held high, his thick hairy arms stretched out as if torn off, his fingers spread as wide as he could in all directions as if he wanted to catch something coming from above.
Her sky-colored eyes, thick and long, covered by drooping brows, were wide open from the horror of her torment, popped out of their sockets, and stood insistently somewhere high. It was as if he was looking at something very high up, seeing or wanting to see it.
His lips, barely discernible through his thick and long beard and mustache, were moving around his mouth, and he was muttering something. When I listened, I heard these words:
O supreme power that I deny! If you really exist, end this account as soon as possible. Take the load off my back. Send me to the eternal extinction of death. Send and I will perish like animals. As long as you save me from this torment.
These words of hers were strange to me. I whispered to Malik.
I said to my Lord that he is praying to save him from this torment by destroying him.
-Yes, but I don't think this prayer will do any good. If you pay attention, you will realize that there is a doubt even in your prayer. How can you ask for the acceptance of your prayer to a Power whose existence you do not sincerely believe, how can you expect it? Then, as you know, death was killed, there is no such thing as death anymore. “This fact is true here,” he said.
-Will that sinful person I see stay in hell forever? I asked.
“Yes, he and his followers,” he said, pointing to the others clustered around him a little above the darkness, flying around them as if they were circumambulating. These shadows revolved around the father of evil, gloating as if he were a god.
They were saying something and shouting with all their might as they swirled around, but the grunt-water and wind of the flames gushing out of the white hole was so strong that their voices did not reach us.
But this answer of Malik was not enough to satisfy me. There were gaps in the information I received on this subject that made me hesitate.
-But you just said here that every substance is broken down into particles, and they melt away in the essence of the fire that I see, even if it's a little, and feel its terrible heat and pressure. However, I said that I see them as a whole.
Malik looked at me as if offended and said:
He said, "You must have learned by now that what you see in the manifestations of my Lord sometimes does not reflect the truth. Your eyes sometimes lie unknowingly. It is shallow and narrow in your eyes like your mind, so sometimes it cannot reach towards the truth, it cannot perceive the facts as real.
Yes, on the surface they look like a whole. He does not understand or comprehend that they are divided into particles at any moment and then unite again with the permission of my Lord, and that it continues like this.
He continued, pointing to what was swirling around like tiny black specks.
He said just like him when they saw it. They are also the comrades, supporters and collaborators of the father of evil. The members of this great evil clan are their culprits.
Curiously, I looked up. It was a small group of fifteen or twenty people. They were all dressed in black, sticky black robes made of pitch, and their heads were bare. Some of these dresses were uniform, but without stars. It was as if they had been weighed and their epaulettes had been ripped off.
Of those that swirled around us like a propeller, the closest to us was medium to tall. Her long black hair was parted in two just above the left ear of her head and let loose over her shoulders. His beard was as black and long as his hair. His large, wide-opened eyes were black and his gaze was directed downward to where we were. The essence of that white fire was reflected in these eyes with all its grandeur, as if it was gushing out of him. I could clearly see the horror of his torment there.
Just behind, slightly above, this black-haired and bearded young man; There was another man of medium height. I couldn't tell exactly, but he must have been middle-aged. His hair was starting to turn gray. His immediately striking feature was his thick, upright mustache on his upper lips, as hard as a hedgehog's. These mustaches were cut just at the ends of the lips and hung down, they were long and covered their mouth completely.
Just behind him were two other people, standing side by side. The one in front was a tall, burly man with a goatee beard, his hair falling out and his head starting to show, with a thoughtful look. The essence of fire was so reflected in them that it was impossible for me to see and describe the color of their eyes.
The one next to him was at least as big as him. He had long machete mustaches that cut across his face just below his huge nose. His upper lip had disappeared under this mustache. He had black eyes. The hair of his long moustache was starting to turn white in places. His short-cropped hair, the color of his mustache, was combed back and his forehead was open. He was wearing a similar uniform. He was conscious of what had happened to him, he was trying to be a text, but there were such pathetic lines in his facial expression that were tried to be hidden but could not be achieved that he clearly stated that the reality was not at all what he was trying to show. I could easily see and understand that this expression was a storm of fear and terror that turned his inner world upside down. The roar of this storm of terror he was in was reflected from his pupils as a light. This buzzing light was a clear expression of fear and horror in his soul. That's why his eyes were just as big as his comrade's in front of him, and they were bulging out of their sockets.
The fourth person in the ring was short. A square scale mustache just below his nose stood out. The beard-leaked. The eyes that filled his sour face were wide with horror and they were large. They were stern, stern, and insane-looking. It was as if the hatred emanating from his soul found expression in his eyes as a piercing light. It was as if he was constantly threatening someone with his gaze, constantly scolding someone. He was wearing a military uniform and a pair of trousers on his feet.
Next to him stood another rather large, bald-headed, beardless and mustacheless dark-haired man with a uniform on and slacks underneath. In her tall, wide burly face, her lips were huge. A purple mark was clearly visible on the part of his thick neck near his chin, as if hanging from his neck. His threatening eyes, looking from behind, were wide and wide with the terror of the place he was in, like the others.
Behind the short man with the scaly mustache was another short man, beardless and mustacheless, with open sky-eyed eyes. There were some blackouts near him as well, and they seemed to form a separate group from the others.
The people in this group were not very large, but all of them must have been well-known and historical figures. I knew most of them by name. They were the architects of crippled thoughts and ideas that bled the world and caused millions of people to die and become crippled. Undoubtedly, the burdens on them were too heavy for them to carry. In a way, they deserved to stay in this place of horror with their heavy burdens, and as my comrade said, they sought and bought the heresy and the fire brought by it with their own minds. Therefore, they had no valid reason to seek refuge.
Leaving the group that my comrade described as the kem gang, we started to glide upwards. As we went up, that relentless pressure and heat at the bottom seemed to decrease a little. During this time, I learned that Haviye's top and bottom had different characteristics.
When we came towards the middle, we came to a place where there was a small group of darkness similar to the ones below. This place was relatively materialized as the pressure and heat decreased. In this white environment, they took the strangely shaped shadows of the row of rocks that protruded like rotten teeth in their middle and surrounded them. They were in a group, it seemed, but the fact that they were in groups did not spoil their loneliness. Although they were together, they were all alone. All of them were silent. They had imprisoned themselves in their inner world, and turned their eyes there. Because of this, his gaze was unconsciously fixed on a string of strange-looking shadows stretching out before them, and he was in the stillness of introspective contemplation. They did not turn their heads and look at each other as if they were offended, they did not speak.
As they glided past, one of them abruptly turned their fixed, fixed eyes towards where I was, as if they had been stabbed from somewhere. He looked at the place where I was, as if surprised by a determination seen in those who were suddenly awakened from a deep sleep, and jumped out of his place. It was as if he could not believe what he perceived when what he saw took shape in his consciousness. There was deep astonishment and strong surprise in his eyes. My comrade and I must have caught his attention and intrigue with a reaction strong enough to pull him from his inner world, to which he was bound by tight, thick chains. He also intrigued us. I pointed to my comrade in the hope that I could speak, and we glided to where he was.
The features of his face, which seemed to have been erased in the dazzling whiteness, became more pronounced as he approached, and a familiar face emerged from underneath. My amazement and amazement was so great that I couldn't believe what I saw first.
-Oh! I shouted. I see what cannot be seen here. What I see in front of me is like a great religious scholar who lived in my time. But how? I used to see him as a very pious person, fond of his worship and on the right path. He often held meetings, did not put what he knew in the dungeons of jealousy and kept it for himself, but tried to teach those who did not know.
Surely what I see is an illusion of my eyes, which were created in accordance with error. Surely I am comparing him to someone else.
My comrade shook his head negatively:
-He said no. You are not mistaken. You don't compare. The person you see is the person you mention. Remember, this is the place of people who have searched and found perversion with their minds. The worst of scholars are the worst of people. They will be tormented in the most severe place of Hell and they will smell very bad. Those closest to this place are those who do not use their knowledge correctly and those who do not distribute justice correctly.
-But… But how? I stuttered. He too.. Is he also from the group you are talking about? He was a great scholar. He had many students surrounding him. Even if they have some mistakes and sins, I know that those who seek knowledge and find it and spread it by teaching are the most acceptable servants of my Lord. I have been to his scientific assemblies a few times and have participated in his interviews. Some of the knowledge in my repertoire is from him.
This time my comrade nodded in agreement with my words.
He said yes, you are right. You had attended his scientific assemblies, participated in his interviews and asked him some questions. There you were seeking knowledge. So it was perfectly normal for you to go there. You could not know and see the curvature of your path for that moment.
I once again looked at the face of the person I saw as a great scholar and was wrong. The shadow of the great sin on his back was cast on his face. My respect and love for him disappeared. It was a big disappointment for me, but I had already learned that sometimes my eyes see wrong and my mind gets it wrong. These were some of my weaknesses. But by taking lessons from mistakes and mistakes, I had already learned to use them as a pillar leading me to knowledge. I also knew that the mount of knowledge is patience. Undoubtedly, what I saw was just one of my great illusions stemming from my weaknesses.
My comrade was right. I had attended some of his science councils, participated in his interviews, asked questions to him and sought answers to these questions. I was so shocked that I didn't think to ask how my comrade knew about all this.
I said yes, you are right. I had been at his science council, attended his talks, and sought knowledge with the answers I could get by asking some questions.
My comrade looked at me with interest:
-What did you ask, do you remember?
I didn't have to think much to answer that. That day he came to life before my eyes with all his vitality. This was certainly a mercy and wisdom of my Lord towards me.
-Of course I said. This was not a subject to be forgotten or skipped. It was extremely important when I wanted to learn with my questions.
My comrade looks at my face:
“Try to remember what happened that day,” he said.
It didn't take much effort for me to do this. I remember everything with all its details. We were in a big hall. Hundreds of people, thirsty for knowledge and learning, filled this great hall. Now, the person standing in front of me had come with a friend to give information about a very important issue and to explain the issue in detail.
His companion was a tall, thin, pointed-nosed man with golden spectacles over the sockets where his gray eyes were shining.
While I was thinking about this person, another darkness suddenly appeared next to the one standing in front of me. When I saw him, I swallowed my small tongue in surprise. This second blackout was the person I had just enumerated in my mind, and they were sitting side by side, facing us, as if they were in that assembly hall. In all this, it helped me to remember more vividly what happened that day, to relive it.
Looking once more into my comrade's face:
-I said yes. I remember that day vividly. Also, that blackout that just came is his friend who was with him at that meeting.
-You are right, he said. What was the topic of the meeting that day?
-It was very important. Maybe that's why I can remember him so clearly, what happened that day and what happened there. The subject of that day was the Qur'an. This person you saw was advocating reading the translations of the Qur'an in prayers, and he was putting forward his own reasons for this.
Was he giving reasons?
-I said yes. The most important justification he put forward was that Arabic was not the language of Islam. It was as if he loathed and despised Arabic. He used to say that if the translations of the Qur'an are read in prayers, his servants will know better what our Lord has commanded, that those recited without knowing the meaning will not be of any use, there is also the danger of misreading and mispronunciation, that its meaning may be completely distorted, and people may fall into one of the biggest sins without knowing it.
In other words, he advocated reading translations of the Qur'an instead of the original in prayers and other acts of worship. His friend showed with examples that Arabic is an extremely eloquent language, that simple pronunciation mistakes can completely distort the meaning of the words intended to be said, and also argued that the throat structure of the Turkish people is not suitable for the Arabic language.
My comrade, throwing a meaningful look at me, said:
-As far as I know, you opposed all these, you defended the opposite. However, what he said seems quite logical and reasonable, he said. Why did you oppose them?
-Yup! I said it looked like it. But the truth beneath the surface was different. Now I liken it to a fierce enemy's approaching with a smiling mask on his face and trying to deceive him.
-Why is that? Surely, you must have arguments that are as strong and logical as they are in the face of those strong and logical arguments. As far as I know, you are one of the few people who can use their minds in the right way. I see it as not possible for you to confront them without having such arguments.
-Some aspects of what they said and defended seemed completely contradictory to me. It was as if they were trying to present Islam as an obstacle to learning and understanding the Qur'an correctly. However, our Lord encourages us to read and understand the Qur'an. If those who read it do not know its meaning, if they cannot read it correctly, it is their fault, not Islam's.
My comrade put a hand on my shoulder and said:
He said, "You're right, go ahead."
-As for the argument that Turkish people's throat structure is not suitable for the Arabic language… This was extremely absurd to me. Because this necip nation had trained and was raising world champions hafız. I know many hafizes and readers of the Qur'an who can recite the Qur'an with all its eloquence, with all its eloquence, and by giving it its due. If the allegations were true, this would not be possible.
Once again my comrade seems to want to encourage:
He said, "You're right, go ahead."
The essence of the discussion in that interview was the Quran. First of all, it was necessary to determine, teach and inform what the Qur'an is or what it is not so that the audience is not misinformed or misled. I asked the person you saw about it. I asked him to explain what the Qur'an is, describe it and explain its features.
-What did he answer?
He said that the Qur'an is a book that was sent down to the Prophet Muhammad and that it is the essence of Islam.
-Alright! Is this answer correct?
I said true but incomplete. It would have been necessary to describe the Qur'an exactly as follows. Koran; It is a divine book that was revealed piece by piece from my Lord to the heart of Muhammad Aleyhisselam through the angel named Gabriel or directly through revelation over a period of twenty-three years. It is Arabic. It has a depth of meaning, eloquence and eloquence that cannot be swept away or imitated. He is a miracle. It is completely under the protection of my Lord.
My comrade once again confirmed me.
- Surely you are one of the truth. What happened then?
-After I corrected the deficiencies in his description and he confirmed it, I asked him whether it was possible to translate the Qur'an directly into another language. He said it was not possible. However, in reality, it is not possible to translate any work from its original language to another language, but still, those works are presented to the benefit of all humanity with translations, that a divine book like the Qur'an should not be deprived of this, if it is left, it is a shortcoming. he was saying his age.
-Alright! What happened then? Was all that they said true?
-Yes, it is true. But with these words, it was as if he was trying to divert the subject in another direction, to take it away from its essence, to turn everything into a fait accompli in a way.
What was discussed was not whether the Qur'an could be translated into another language. Discussed; The question was whether such a translation could be read in an extremely important form of worship such as prayer, which is the pillar of the religion of Islam. The question was whether the prayers performed with such a translation were permissible and correct.
This and the person next to him; I confess that a one-to-one translation cannot be made, no matter how careful, the translation will be incomplete, the commandments of my Lord cannot be fully expressed, this deficiency will be much greater in a book like the Qur'an, which has an incomprehensible depth of meaning, and in a way, translation cannot replace the Qur'an. However, they still argued that translations could be read in prayers, that prayers performed by reading and understanding the translated Qur'an would be much more beautiful and beneficial.
But they seemed to have overlooked or forgotten a very important issue, a feature here. The authenticity of the prayers performed in this way would also be doubtful, since the meaning and purpose desired to be expressed by my Lord would be lacking in the translations, as confessed, since it was easily expressed in the original but could not be translated literally. Since it was doubtful, it would not be authentic. In addition, the eloquence and eloquence of the Qur'an, which comes from its own language, which gives shudders to the human soul when it is recited, and which captivates those who listen and read it, will never be found in translations. would also disappear.
In a way, this would have replaced the original of the Qur'an, which was revealed to the heart of the prophet by my Lord, with a superficial copy that could only be expressed with the knowledge and ability of the translator.
Admittedly, this was like bringing a cup of water from an ocean and saying, "This is the ocean." The more a cup of water resembles an ocean, the more it would resemble the Qur'an in translations. The last book that my Lord sent to us would turn out to be a book that very few people in the world could read and understand, mostly as an ornament in a corner of the house or as a showpiece on the moldy shelves of museums, which the curious would look at from time to time.
In addition, requesting that the Qur'an be translated into another language and its translations read in prayers was the same as asking for the translation of the Qur'an into languages ​​and dialects in the world and praying with these translations.
On this day a Muslim goes anywhere in the world. If there are Muslims wherever he goes, wherever he is, whatever language is spoken there, he knows the Azan-ı Şerif which is recited in Arabic. When he goes to the place where the adhan is called, he can find his Muslim brothers, and he can easily pray behind any imam, regardless of nationality or language.
If there was a practice like the person you saw said, first of all, the Adhan-ı Sharif would be read with its translation in that language, and a foreign Muslim who came there would not have known that it was the adhan. In addition, since the suras and prayers recited in the prayer will be in that language, they will not be able to understand what is read; While he could pray anywhere, behind any imam, he would be deprived of it. This meant that the community, one of the essences of Islam, was falling apart.
Accepting what this person said was the same as accepting the division of Islam into a thousand and one pieces.
Also, what would the situation be like in the pilgrimage, where all Muslims are united? Would each nation gather behind the imam in their own language and perform their prayers? Wouldn't that mean dividing Islam into a thousand and one pieces? I wanted to ask them about it, but I didn't get the chance.
Perhaps it can be argued that prayers can be performed individually or individually. As it is seen, the idea that prayers can be performed with translations is completely contrary to the principle of congregation in Islam. Such an offer is nothing but a very bad conspiracy to divide Muslims into a thousand pieces, to shatter tawhid, and to destroy Islam. I say conspiracy because the person you see and his followers know very well that this will happen, but they ignore it.
The language of Islam is Arabic. By memorizing some short suras of the Qur'an correctly, people can easily perform their prayers. Any person of normal intelligence can easily do this. This does not bring much of a burden for sincere Muslims, and it can be done willingly. I don't think there is anything more beautiful and enjoyable than reading the Qur'an, even if it is just a little bit, and reading it by feeling its unique eloquence.
My comrade looked at me suspiciously:
-However, this person seemed to support with a hadith-i sharif that it is possible to pray with the translation of the Qur'an, in their own language, and even by reading it as they please. Or do you not believe the true words of your prophet?
This sudden outburst of my comrade frightened me as much as it surprised me.
I shouted that I would seek refuge in my Lord from such a thing. How can I not believe the sunnahs expressed by someone I love and believe in? How can I oppose him?
-Of course you are right. However, it is necessary to support and strengthen the truths you believe with concrete information. Undoubtedly, knowledge is the most powerful weapon. Enlighten me on what I'm asking.
-I researched that hadith later and learned the truth. This person told us a part of that hadith, only a part of the end, that a Bedouin Prophet of Car, who could not learn the Qur'an, gave permission to read and pray in his own language, as he felt. Using this hadith as evidence, he argued that all Muslims could pray and pray in their own language other than Arabic.
Considering this part of the hadith, our prophet; It is understood that he allows people to pray in their own language by praying as they feel like. But the whole hadith-i sharif is the opposite of this. Because there is a condition for granting this license. It is as if this person is not aware of this condition. He ignored the beginning of the hadith and deliberately and incompletely took the last part of it.
-Well, do you remember the whole hadith?
-Certainly. I'll pass it on as far as I can remember. A Bedouin comes to our Arab prophet and becomes a Muslim. Before he leaves, he comes to our Prophet and asks him to guide him to a good and acceptable deed. Our Prophet showed him the Qur'an:
- Hug that book tight. He says read it properly and memorize it if possible. And the Bedouin leaves the Prophet's side. A few months later, he came to our prophet again and said:
-O Messenger of Allah! You ordered me to read this book well and memorize it if possible, but I could not afford it. He says I will enter Paradise with a guide to good and beautiful things that I can afford.
Our Prophet:
- If you are not able to memorize all of this book, he will show you some suras of the Quran by saying memorize these and those parts.
A few months later, the Bedouin came to our Prophet again and said:
-O Messenger of Allah! der. You ordered me to read and memorize this Book well, but I could not afford it. Then you ordered me to read and memorize these and these parts of this Book, but I couldn't afford it either. You guide me the lighter one says.
Our Prophet showed him the four shortest verses of the Qur'an with the Fatiha:
- At least he can read them and memorize them. The Bedouin leaves and comes back a few months later. He goes before our prophet again and says:
-O Messenger of Allah! You ordered me this and that, but I couldn't afford it, then you ordered this and that, I couldn't do that either, then you ordered this and that, but I couldn't do it either. What do I do? she asks.
Our Prophet said to him:
-Indeed, my Lord does not burden his servants with a load that they cannot bear. If you can't even read and memorize these and these parts of this book, even though you wanted to and made an effort, read it in your own language and pray that way.
As it can be seen, our Prophet gave the Bedouin Car the license to read and pray as he wished in his own language, but he stipulated that he could not recite and memorize enough verses from the Qur'an even though he wanted and tried hard.
Indeed, with this license, those who sincerely want and try hard but cannot memorize enough suras from the Qur'an can pray as they feel like. But for some reason, this person ignores the condition of not being able to read and memorize even though he sincerely wishes, which is expressed in the upper part of the hadith, and generalizes this license.
My comrade's eyes gleamed with delight, listening intently to what I was saying. Putting your hand on my back:
- Surely you are one of the truth. May you be blessed. He said that the difference between you and this person is as much as where you are.
However, I still had some doubts and hesitations on some issues. I couldn't help but ask these to Malik.
- At first, I thought that this person was holding such meetings in order to gain knowledge. That's why I enjoy participating in such conversations. But I see that this person is quite mistaken in his thoughts.
My comrade shook his head as if to indicate that he did not agree with me.
-He said no. It is thought that Islam is not open to discussion, but this is not true. A scholar is like a judge dispensing justice. There is ten reward for those who seek the truth and find it, and a reward for those who seek and cannot find it. The reward of every ajrin is as much as the mountain of Uhud.
These words of my comrade once again surprised me.
-But weren't these people surprised when they were looking for the right way?
-Of course no. Although they sought the truth and found it, they ignored it. They hid. They tried to cover up. There is intent in this. To ignore the facts for various reasons after seeking them out is the same as being blind. They sought and found misguidance with their own minds and wanted it with their own selves. Remember, whatever is asked of my Lord, He gives it. Every person brings the burden of sin or its own reward.
My Lord has blinded the eyes of the heart and threw them to the lowest of those lows. Their place is here, Esfel-i Safilin.
I glanced around. I saw with amazement that maybe billions of dark clouds were surrounding us, like dust clouds lifted in a stormy weather, and they were listening to our conversations. Their multitude of them took me by surprise. How many sinners had come to the Esfel-i Safiline, below these lows. Was this multiplicity due to human weaknesses? I asked this of my comrade. He answered me like this:
-Yes you are right. One of the biggest reasons that lead people astray from the right path and lead them to Hell is to have a bid'at creed. People should choose their guides well. Those who do not choose their guides well are those who cannot.
Then he continued, looking at me with interest, as if he had thought of something.
-Or do you think that ijtihad is over like the others?
It took some thinking before I could answer this question.
-Of course no. To think and accept such a thing would be to deny the greatest feature of the Qur'an, its inexhaustible depth of meaning. Saying that there is no need for ijtihad anymore means accepting that the Qur'an has been sufficiently understood, deep enough in meaning, that everything has been discovered, and imprisoning the Mubin in a time frame. However, the Qur'an and what it brings are valid until the doomsday. It is the book of every age. There is something in it that is sure to be sought and found in every age. My Lord has challenged all human beings and jinn with him. That's why He is open to all kinds of discussion. Arguing does not humiliate him. On the contrary, it exalts and honors him more like an Invincible Wrestler who knocks his opponents down with one grip.
The lack of ijtihad is due to the fact that scholars who have knowledge who can delve into the depths of the Qur'an have not been trained to do so. Of course, this does not mean that such deep scholars will no longer grow.
My comrade, who listens to me with interest, once again said:
-Blessed be your knowledge. He said, "May God reward you and bless you." I also thanked him.
This world of pure fire was quite large. Those who carried the heavy burden of the greatest sins on their backs, fell like dust particles from the huge hole shining like a big sun at the top, turned into coal black after suddenly shining and ignited, and then came to the place they deserved in this huge oven according to the weight of their loads.
I had a feeling of disgust that I couldn't help. This feeling was very heavy. I could feel the pressure in my soul. I had never been crushed by such a heavy feeling of disgust, even in those very bad places I had seen. For a while, I tried to tolerate this for science, but now it started to push my limits.
Slowly, like a dream, we started to wander around this place, which is filled with the heaviest and worst ones, to take a lesson from.
All I saw was shocked and silent. They were all as though dead—but they continued to live in this sheer horror, and they would live forever.
The feeling of disgust that had been born and grown in me and the pressure of the environment began to increase. Finally, with this heavy feeling, the heat and pressure of the essence of fire in our place rose to unbearable degrees. Even though I was protected by soft armor, I could feel the heat and crushing of this pressure. I was in an extremely distressed situation, yet I was eager to learn something exemplary by talking to these sinners. But no matter how hard I tried, it was not possible. It was like trying to talk to a dead person. The closer they get, the closer they get, the more they look away with shy eyes, as if they were afraid to approach us and talk.
Like the sinners in other parts of Hell, the sinners here undoubtedly knew Malik. Was Malik the reason for this timid behavior that kept them away from us?
I had also noticed some changes in my companion over a long period of time. These were changes in keeping with his inherent solid and unchanging character.
I turned my eyes full of thought and question to my comrade for a while. It was as if Malik was affected by the dreadful atmosphere of the place we were in. Her pretty face was beaded and sweaty, and wrinkled with uneasiness. How long had he been in this anxiety and was trying to hide it from me? This task, which had taken too long, was now a burden that made him unhappy and uncomfortable. However, since he was commissioned by my Lord, there was no objection or rebellion due to his nature. I was seen as the only person who could take this heavy load off his back.
We met for a while. Malik immediately noticed the warm and soft glow of the beautiful and sincere feelings towards him in my eyes. There was a glint of hope in his eyes. Encouraged by my beautiful and sincere feelings towards him:
"This is the seventh and final part of hell," he said. This is the place of those who consciously deny my Lord and stubbornly insist on this, those who try to put their perverted beliefs under a scientific cover, and those who fall into the blood of many people in this way.
All those they see are people who more or less direct societies and lead them to the perverse path. Their stubborn disbelief is their common trait. Well..
If you have seen and learned enough, you can now get out of here and go to those who miss you. I will be very happy to do this.
These words were the same as saying that after I bid you farewell, I could return to my duty that I had neglected for a long time.
After thinking for a moment:
-How long has it been since we entered this manifestation of my Lord? I asked.
Without thinking and calculating to answer the owner:
"Today is the seventh day," he said.
The fact that he didn't need to think and calculate to answer my question showed how long his mind had been on this subject. However, his response still surprised me. I felt as if I had been here for years, wandering around. However, due to my curiosity, I was the person who had to perceive time in the fastest way possible. If, however, I had a feeling of being bored, as I had wandered around here for quite some time, this conviction must have been much stronger, more violent and great for my comrade. Astonished:
-Only seven days? Is it that short? I asked. I feel like I've been wandering around here for years.
A smile crossed his face as Malik answered my question. His answer was even more surprising.
"You're not wrong in a way," he said. One day here is equivalent to a thousand years with your account in the place where you lingered for that moment.
Confused and stunned:
-So…So, I stammered. Are you saying that we've been here in hell for seven thousand years, wandering around?
Malik nodded, confirming my words.
-Yes like that. According to your other side account, we have been wandering here for seven thousand years.
Again in amazement:
“Seven thousand years,” I repeated. We have been wandering around this manifestation of my Lord for seven thousand years, yet we have seen very few of them.
As for the matter of leaving here and going to that land of eternal happiness... I'm really curious about that. Rest assured, I miss it as much as you do. But… But there is such a question in my mind that I cannot find the answer. If I cannot find the answer to this question, at least if I do not seek this answer, this will contradict the wisdom of coming here.
The difficult and interesting part of the job is that this answer is scattered here and there in parts of this huge manifestation that you see. I have to look for those pieces and put them together.
My comrade's beautiful face involuntarily darkened. Of course, I noticed this change in him immediately.
holding hands:
-You've been wandering around with me for a long time, enlightening me with your answers to my questions and quenching my thirst called curiosity. I said I found you as a very good and benevolent comrade.
While Malik lowered his face to the ground in embarrassment:
He said, "My Lord ordered me to do this.
By squeezing his big but soft hands more cordially:
I said, "You don't know how much it will hurt me to leave you, how I will miss you. But since when are you worried? This task; I am aware of how difficult it is to carry, how heavy a burden it is on your back. But.. As I said before, there is a question that is scratching my mind that I do not want to leave here without finding the answer to this question. The answer to this question is scattered here and there in parts of this huge manifestation that you see. You have to seek and find. If I leave before I find this answer, it will keep poking me and never give me any rest. This is my last chance, which I will never get again, to find the answer to this question that has been hooked in my mind. Not using this chance and wasting it would be contrary to my understanding of science that I have defended so far. Also, this behavior is not in line with the wisdom of my coming here.
I think I can find parts of this answer more easily if I am alone. Because parts of this answer are in the answers to my questions to those sinners who keep running away from us. So you won't be able to be helpful enough for me in this regard.
I continued, pointing to the shadows that were watching us from afar.
-As you can see, some sinners don't want to come near us. I think it's because of your personality. I think that if I am alone, they will approach me more easily, I can connect and talk with them more easily.
I'm saying...
I don't want to drag you on this journey, which I guess will be quite long, and I don't want to make your load heavier. You leave me alone and go back to your work.
As Malik revolts:
"No, no," he cried. How can I leave you here alone and unprotected? We do not have a nafs so that it will carry weight. Also, my Lord has ordered me to be with him. How can I go beyond his command?
I corrected it because my Lord ordered you to do what I want.
Malik looked at me as if begging:
- He said please. Let me be with you, let me be your comrade. Maybe some of the virtues that science brings will be granted to me.
I said, "You are already filled to the brim with the light of that virtue." You do not need the virtues that you will receive from me or anyone else. Please try to understand me. As I tried to explain, the answers to this question are fragmentary and scattered here and there. I don't even know how long it will take to search and find it and whether I will find it. Asking to keep you by my side for such an unknown period of time would be tantamount to wasting your time. I also think that if I am alone, I can find these answer parts more easily and put them together more easily.
The precise expression of my words made Malik hesitate, after a moment's hesitation, bowing his head meekly:
My Lord has ordered me to fulfill his wishes. He said your wishes are my orders. If that's what you really want..
Squeezing those beautiful hands more deeply:
I said, "I have found you as a very good and good comrade. I am a witness that you fulfill the orders of my Lord properly and adequately. May Allah (swt) be pleased with you. But I believe it would be better for me to be alone on this road.
Malik finally shrugged:
-Since he thinks so, you want it..He said. But you won't even have to say my name when you need me. You just have to pass it through your heart. Wherever you are, I'll be right next to you.
It didn't take long to say goodbye to Malik. After the hug, it suddenly disappeared like a shadow and I was left alone in this most difficult part of hell.
The place I was in was dreadful, and the loneliness was terrible. I realized once again how important Malik's presence is to me. It was a castle of friendship where I took refuge. His presence was as safe as a mother's embrace, it was tender and loving. They were craggy castles in which I felt safe. He was the light that illuminated my path in the darkness of ignorance. It was a sun of friendship that warmed and illuminated my suffocating and shivering cold winds of fear and terror. He was very precious to me. When I broke up with him with all its violence, I heard this truth once again inside me.
While I was alone in the essence of the fire, the feelings of terror and fear fueled by loneliness swept through me like ice, making me shudder. But my hesitation on this matter did not last long. I swam towards the blackness that I saw above me to search for the answers to the questions in my mind by using the Basmala.
0 notes
dieonerememerberbook · 3 years ago
As I have noticed before, as you go up, that tremendous pressure below decreases, that whiteness that pierces the eyes turns into a light yellow, and the heat that separates matter into particles and atoms decreases a little. The inhabitants of this place, which, due to the pressure of their environment, looked like flat cardboard posters with human shapes cut out from their sides, swirling around those gigantic creatures like large birds, thickened a bit as they went up, but still remained flat as if they had been rolled. They were all silent, like the ones below. It was as if they were dead. If it weren't for their playful eyes, which often followed me, which swept back and forth as I approached them, I could easily have thought them dead. There were lights of consciousness in their eyes, which had protruded from their sockets due to the terrifying environment they were in. As he glided slowly past them, astonishment and amazement mingled with the air of their horizon, where a glimmer of terror shone.
Their mouths were wide open and took an oval shape. Their teeth were black and rusty, as if they had been burned and scorched in this atmosphere of terror, and surrounded their mouths, which were opened like a cave.
If looked very carefully, in the depths of these black mouths, at the very back, tiny pieces of meat, trembling and playing, were visible. The flickering of these gestures under the influence of a gust of wind, their playful eyes filled with an expression of terror, and their swaying back and forth like a dream showed that what I saw was alive and that they had fully experienced the horror of the environment.
Even though I had a comrade with me, they had approached them a few times to talk, but they could not get an answer to my insistent questions, my requests to speak remained unanswered, and in a way they escaped from us. They were all silent as ghosts. As they got closer to them, they were closing their eyes that fluttered to and fro, ignoring me. However, they may have had some of the answers to the questions that plagued my mind.
When I was alone, I glided towards the group, which I saw as tiny dark shadows above, with a thousand hopes. As we got closer to them, the blackness grew larger, turning into human images like cardboard posters like those I've seen before.
When they noticed that I was approaching them, they swung around like kites in the wind, turned their faces towards me. It was quite a large group of men and women. Their eyes, which were enlarged and overflowing by their terror, had grown a little more with curiosity towards me, and a strange light had settled in the depths of their eyes.
The one closest to me is quite tall, with gray hair and a long beard; he looked like someone who had seen and lived in the temporary world. I crept towards him so that maybe I could find the answers to my questions. After getting close enough to be heard, I bowed. His eyes searched and found me, but it was as if he had not heard my greeting. He was silent, but a cold suspicion settled into the strange light in his eyes. He keeps his strange, gray, playful eyes on me; He was trying to figure out what I was or wasn't.
While I was trying to talk to him, those around us who noticed me glided like kites, surrounded me and directed their curious eyes towards me.
I turned my face to them, greeted them and tried to speak, but they also did not answer even though their strange-looking eyes were on me, they remained silent like the others, but still they did not leave my surroundings.
Perhaps they were deprived of their ability to speak, as I had seen them before. They were floating back and forth, up and down. I was going back and forth with them, trying to get closer to them, to talk to them, to come to terms with them, but these efforts were in vain, and I could not get a single-word answer to my diligent and insistent questions. My hope of speaking to them was slowly fading away, and my hope in this matter was beginning to fade.
Looking at what I thought were great people among those gathered around me:
-These ones I've seen look like cultured people who have experienced it. Ahh! What if God gave them their ability to speak, if only temporarily? What if I could ask them my questions? I thought to myself that I could at least find some answers to my questions that stuck in my mind.
This sighing had just ended when a voice was heard. Reverberating from the very depths, coming back and forth, stepping on every syllable; It was a metallic, rattling sound. It was light, but understandable enough.
-O one who freed us from the bondage of silence, who untied our tongues! Who are you?
My eyes wandering curiously left and right could not distinguish the owner of the voice. While my eyes were searching for the owner of the voice, the same voice was heard again. It was as if it came from all directions, echoing, echoing.
-O the one who called me! I said, ring again so I can see who it is.
Again, that rattlesound coming back and forth from the depths:
“I am here, right in front of you,” he said.
With the help of my ears, my eyes found the direction the sound was coming from. The voice seemed to be coming directly from me, from a tall, gray-haired, long-bearded person whom I had just saluted but to whom I had not received a response.
Again, the rattle, metal voice echoing as if it came from a deep well, emphasizing every syllable:
-O the one who freed us from the dungeon of silences we were locked into! Who are you? What are you looking here? She asked.
This was an unexpected and surprising situation. But it was also very gratifying and gratifying for me. The opening of the tongues of these people, whose tongues were locked, brought me the hope that I would be able to find answers to my questions that had occupied my mind for a long time and that I had been feeling with all their strength.
So right away:
I said, "I am one of the servants of my Lord.
Again, the rattling sound coming back and forth from the depths as if he had pulled it out of a well:
-You are obviously not a person of this world. What are you looking here? Why did you come here? She asked.
-I was one of the sinful servants of my Lord, and I took refuge in the attributes of Rahman and Rahim. He forgave me. He allowed me to see His manifestations so that I could be an exemplary and more grateful servant. That's why I'm here. I said, if you will excuse me, I would like to ask you some questions.
Those who came gliding from right and left like kites and surrounded me, squeezed me a little more and took me in a narrow circle. His eyes, which smelt of doubt, grew even more with curiosity.
A curious woman's voice, ringing like a bell, said to another:
-Who is that we saw? She asked. Obviously not a human of this world.
Again a female voice hissed.
-I don't know, but he's definitely a spy sent here. Yeah! Yeah! He must be a spy.
The possibility that I might be a spy, as the woman claimed, caused a ripple of sinners who surrounded it. In the horizons of his playful eyes, the cold rays of doubt towards me burned once more. They looked at each other nervously.
Swaying and staggering like ghosts like thick posters, these sinners formed a few groups and began to discuss me. There was a voice coming from every head. The confusion and fuss created were so intertwined that it was impossible to distinguish one from the other, to understand what they were saying.
They talked incessantly, as if they were thirsty to talk, not listening to each other, but assuming they were listening to each other.
I tried a few times to end this mess and direct the conversations in the direction I wanted, but it was not possible. They did not listen to me as they did to each other. Then, somehow, all of a sudden, the voices stopped and the groupers' faces turned towards me. The cold, sharp, piercing light of doubt had grown a little stronger, filling his pupils.
I heard that hissing female voice before:
- Dirty spy shouted she.
Someone else:
-Yeah yeah! “He's a spy,” she agreed, hissing.
All of a sudden they swirled around me on all sides, flying, swaying, curling.
A tall man with messy hair that I had seen before, only big, gray eyes flickering left and right, moved, his long arms curled up, trying to hold me, to catch me. But his huge hands, curled up like thick cardboard, passed over me as if in a dream, unable to catch or hold me. When I pulled back a little in surprise, the others, who found the square empty, attacked me.
When they slumped over me, they strangely slipped out of their midst, and I was watching them a little further in amazement and amazement. The crowd, who thought that they were piling up on me and crushing me, were brutally hitting each other, shouting and swearing, which they thought was me.
The first to see me in this state was the gray-eyed man who had been thrown out of this turmoil and stood still. Lifting the thick cardboard arms upwards:
-Stop, stop! Yell. What are you doing? What you are looking for is not there.
But those who attacked me were so enraged that it took a while for them to hear his warnings, and he had to shout three more times. Meanwhile, a few more sinners had their cardboard heads and arms torn off and flew in the air. They looked at my place in amazement, though they were intertwined, entangled, confused.
Female voice like the hissing of a snake:
-It's over there. It's out of our hands. Shoot, shoot! Yell.
They swooped down on me all together. But again, in a strange way, I was instantly pulled out of my place and taken to another place where they weren't there. Each time, they attacked the place they thought I was with all their strength, they clashed with each other, the hands, arms and heads of some of them were cut off and they were flying in the air. Now the situation had become ridiculous, even though the environment was not suitable.
Finally one of them woke up and said:
-Hang on! Yell. Don't beat each other up for nothing. O fools! Do you not see that it is impossible for us to harm him?
Upon this warning, the group, which got into each other, paused. Some of them did not have their hands, some had their arms, and some had their heads cut off, but they still hugged each other's necks greedily, squeezing as hard as they could. Those with heads turned their heads towards where I was. Surprised eyes stared at me. The cardboard hands clamped at the throats loosened heavily.
A woman at the very back of the group fighting each other suddenly jumped forward:
“The nasty spy,” he shouted, and swung the shiny sword-like objects that appeared in both hands at me.
The movement was so sudden that I had no time to avoid it. Sword-like objects cut from my width and height and divided my body into four parts. My four-piece body was momentarily separated from each other, tossed in all directions. But just like objects blowing in a light wind, they swayed slowly and slowly before the astonished gazes of all of them, approaching each other, uniting and forming me again.
While all this was going on, there was no change in my perception of my surroundings. I could hardly perceive the blows of the sword that divided my body into quarters as a light breeze. I was as surprised as the others by what had happened, and just stared like them. I, like the others, was silently looking at what was going on from where I was in silent amazement.
That female voice after my parts reconstitute my body:
-Nasty spy! “This must be a wizard!” she cried. When I turned my head in the direction of the sound, thinking that the attack would come from him, a large fist pierced my jaw. When the hollow formed by the fist closed by itself after only a second, a deep voice said:
-Shoot, shoot! Hit together. Don't pity him, she cried.
I turned my face to where the voice came from. In front of me stood a tall cardboard man with a black beard, his eyes shining with anger.
- Again, in that power-based rudimentary logic, you are in a dark ignorance that makes you forget your mind. Again, do you see the solution in brute force? I asked.
My black-bearded cardboard man question:
-The right is in those who are strong. “The strong one is always right,” he replied.
Your selfishness has blinded your mind. Can't you see and understand that it is not possible for you to harm me. Your brute-force doesn't apply to me. Because I said I am on the side of God.
The black-bearded cardboard man, full of hatred, yet again:
-Shoot, shoot! He shouted not to speak.
Without breaking my mood:
-Speaking is the verbal expression of the greatest virtue given to man. Do you realize how much damage you have done to humanity by preventing this? I asked.
This time the snake-voiced woman hissed:
Freedom of thought disrupts the unity of society. He said that thinking should be a freedom peculiar to people who can think wisely and correctly.
Turning to him:
How will you know the truth or falsity of thoughts that cannot be expressed? Is there no right from wrong? I asked.
-There is no need to seek when ideals are reached. He said that it is enough to reach the range, nothing more is needed.
-Mankind is insatiable. Therefore, it is always in search. No point reached satisfies him. Therefore, there is no such thing as reaching the ideal ideal. The mind is infinite. I said this is what glorifies man.
The deep-voiced man interrupted:
He shouted that some of the freedoms and even some of the people can be sacrificed for the survival of the holy state that puts societies in order.
-Is it the state? I asked. What do you mean state? Nations form states, and nations are individuals. If individuals do not exist, nations do not exist. If there is no nation, the holy state you defend has no meaning.
He said that a good citizen is one who gives his life for his state when necessary.
I said, 'If it has a sacred meaning, it might be true. But in general, wars are for the interests of certain groups. Dying for others is just stupidity.
The deep-voiced man paused for a moment:
-O person! What do you want from us? Why did you come here? She asked.
I said, "The reason I came here is only for science.
The woman interrupted with her hissing voice:
-You have filled your mind with superstitions; You are a bigoted reactionary, a dirty spy. “We have no information to give you,” he shouted.
Realizing that we were talking to these two, many creatures took flight and filled us.
Among them, a white, long-haired, short-stature person appeared:
"Stop," he shouted. Do not reject him immediately, turning his face towards me, saying:
-What do you want to learn from us? Said.
-There are definitely people among you who were in the last stages of the place where we lingered for a moment. I said I want to learn about those last periods, the reasons and the reasons for that great collapse.
Another of the cardboard creatures that surrounded us appeared:
-What will you give us in return for what they want? Can you get us out of here? She asked.
-I cannot help you. Because divine justice has been finalized for you. I really can't do anything about it. I said that it is not possible for me to go against my Lord even if he comes.
The creatures speaking to me exchanged glances for a moment. They were about eight or ten people. Finally, the woman inside them hissed:
-We heard that you walked through hell, step by step. Is this true? She asked.
-My Lord allowed me to wander into His manifestation so that I could increase my knowledge and take a lesson from my increased knowledge. I just said that I am a sinner who seeks knowledge and takes refuge in my Lord's attributes of Rahman and Rahim.
The tall man looked at me intently:
-Alright! Will you make us benefit from your knowledge in return for the information you want? She asked.
-It is not possible for me to take sides with you and oppose my Lord and rebel against him. But I can give you as much of my knowledge as my Lord allows. I said that there is no good in knowledge that is not used.
Those who spoke to me gathered together. Putting their heads together, they whispered long, long. Finally the tall one:
He said this is enough for us. But first we want to show you something and get your opinion on the matter.
The snake-voiced woman suddenly came forward:
-No no! Do not take him there. Don't tell him our big secret. He is a spy. Then you will be one of the regretful ones. He shouted that if it's the last regret, it won't help.
His outburst caused the others to hesitate as well. They looked at me suspiciously. Then they gathered together again and had a long, long discussion among themselves.
As I understand it, they want to take me somewhere and show me something; some approved of it, some opposed it.
Finally the tall man:
-What you see, what you learn, will stay with you alone. Promise us on this. That's enough for us. Because you keep your promise and you will not betray the trust, he said.
What could be hidden from my Lord? He knows everything, hidden or open. But knowledge that remains hidden because of its creation is of no use. I promise to keep this knowledge secret with me until I get out of here. I said that's enough for you.
They got together again and talked and discussed for a long time. Some were against it, while others were approving.
The tall man I think was their leader:
-Even though he is not a party to this business, it may be useful for us to have him with us. He said that we can learn a lot from him that we do not know.
Finally, the tall man, whom I thought was their leader, turned to face me and said:
He said, "Okay, we're in agreement." You will give us as much of your knowledge as your Lord allows. We will answer your questions. But see what we will show first, let us know your opinion on this matter. Don't forget that you will keep what you see secret with you until you leave here and forget it for a while.
As I understand it, what they were going to show me was very important to them. That's why they couldn't trust me. But if there were people who could not be trusted, it was them, not me.
That's why:
-First of all, let's agree with you. It is not possible for me to deceive or lie to you by breaking my promises. If I don't want to say or do something, I find it much easier to say or do it than to lie. I expect you to show me the same honesty as I will show you. Otherwise, I said, the agreement we made will be void.
These words of mine caused a bond between them. There was a word coming out of every head. I thought it appropriate to wait patiently for them to finish their discussion and make a decision.
Finally the tall man with their leader:
-We agreed. As long as you treat us honestly, we will treat you honestly. “Otherwise, our agreement will be broken,” he said.
So, I thought I'd let you know if I know what you're going to show me in your show.
Among the sinners that surrounded us, eight stood aside. They took me in their midst and took me to the middle of Haviye, where those giant gorillas with human heads were found.
Standing like mountain ranges in the middle of Haviye, the gorilla-bodied and human-headed creatures were so large that they covered some small mountains between them with their bodies, hiding them from view. These strange companions of mine were especially careful not to get too close to these giant creatures. Because even the slightest movement of them had the effect of an earthquake.
After a long journey, we came to the mouth of a large cave at the foot of a high mountain, resembling a dragon's head that opened its mouth. At the top of this cave mouth were two projections resembling sharp horns. A row of gnarled mounds cascaded along this ridge like thick armor. Giant fire trees scattered about had been broken in the middle and toppled left and right. It was as if a raging bloodthirsty dragon had burned the whole place down, and then he got tired and fell asleep there with his mouth open.
The band of sinners led me to the mouth of this cave. I was really dying of curiosity about the place they brought and what they were going to show, and I was inspecting the whole place carefully when I came.
At the mouth of the cave they paused for a moment and looked into each other's faces with concern. It was as if they were afraid and frightened of whatever was in the cave.
The tallest, white-bearded and hairy man, who was also their leader, appeared the bravest among them. As he approached me, the cold light of an uncontrollable fear shone in his eyes.
Showing the inside of the cave:
-What we're going to show you is inside that cave. He said, "If you know what it is, let us know, and we will answer your questions in return."
Rather than frightening me, her fright increased and sharpened my curiosity.
Jumping forward:
-If you show me what you want to show me, I thought I'd let you know if I know about it.
The tall cardboard man who brought me there:
He said, "Agreed." He just said, "Hold on here for a while so I'll let the council know about your arrival," and without waiting for me to give an answer, he entered the cave.
Whatever this council said must have been somewhere inside the cave. A short time later the tall cardboard man came out of the cave and said to me:
-Come, he said. Council members are waiting for you.
Although there was a very rude group of sinners coming after us, we entered the cave with eight people who I thought were their administrators and leaders. Others stayed outside.
At the entrance we were greeted by a whistling or humming sound from the deep. My eyes lost their sight for a moment, as they went from dazzling light to dim darkness. When I began to see again, I carefully examined the place where we were. This was a high-ceilinged cave entrance, stretching inward like a gorge. In the middle of this strait, there was a huge rock blocking another corridor that looked like a pharynx. The rock was so large that even sinners, who were much taller than me, and large-looking, were tiny compared to them.
At first I thought what they were going to show me was behind this big rock. It was as if that whistling or humming sound that I heard from afar at the entrance to the cave was coming from behind this big rock. I thought I'd be taken straight there. But the sinners who brought me misled me in this matter. Instead of the big rock standing at the entrance of the throat like a pharynx, they took me to the left. A little further from the entrance. From afar, the entrance looked radiant, like a huge but crooked sun, a sharp, raw beam of light illuminating the interior.
Turning to the left, the rocks forming the entrance of the cave blocked the entering lights, so the darkness of this place got a little darker. Since the cardboard men were created from ignited flame, they looked red and crimson, smoking heavily in this gloom, illuminating the atmosphere vaguely.
After going straight for a long time, we turned left. When I returned, that whistling or humming sound I had heard from afar got stronger. It must have come from somewhere close to us. When he finally came to a five-step staircase in what looked like a wide square, and a rather large door right next to it, the tall cardboard man turned to face me and said:
-Wait here, I'll let you know he's coming, he said, and disappeared through the big door in front of us. When the door opened, I immediately perceived that the hum or whistling sound that I heard from afar and became stronger became stronger. Wherever that hum or whistling sound came from, it must have come from behind this door.
While he was looking left and right with interest, the tall cardboard man appeared from the door and said:
-Come! “The council is waiting for you,” he said.
I went through the door. The place I came from was a very wide and high-ceilinged place, and in that place where we lingered for a moment, five people, big and fat, were seated in a semicircle, like large-bellied jugs like the big Buddha statues I saw.
It was quite dark, but since the sinners sitting all around were created from slow, smoking fire, the lights from them lit the place red and crimson.
The tall cardboard man who brought me here took me to a place near the center of these burly men seated all around in a semicircle. The giant men were following us with their eyes.
The person next to me showed me:
- This person claims that he has been forgiven and forgiven by his Lord, and that he keeps visiting the manifestations in order to increase his knowledge and to take a lot of lessons from the knowledge he has increased. I think he has some information that we can use. “This is why I brought him before you,” he said.
The burly men in half-moon shaped circles stared at me with suspicious bloody eyes. They studied me for a long time in silence. The one in the middle, who looks bigger and fatter than the others, stares into my eyes:
-O person! Who are you? He said tell me.
I proudly lifted my head, as I felt a contempt, suspicion, and contempt in their gaze towards me:
-I am a person who has received the forgiveness and forgiveness of my Lord. I said, 'I am seeking knowledge in the manifestations with the permission and grace of my Lord.
Then, scrutinizing the sinners who were like large-bellied jugs that surrounded me, one by one:
-Who are you? I've added it so you can let me know about it.
To my left, the one sitting in the farthest corner jumped to his feet and said:
"What arrogance is this," he cried. How can you talk without our permission? How dare you ask who we are?
His rushing out and shouting made not the slightest impression on me.
-I have the right to ask questions as much as you have the right to ask. That was our deal. Tell me now? Who are you? Answer my questions correctly. Otherwise, the agreement between us will be broken. I said that you are responsible for this.
My words infuriated some of these fattened sinners who surrounded me. They sprang from their places in a fury, ready to pounce on me. But the larger one sitting in the middle, who I assumed was their leader, stopped them with a wave of his hand. Then, staring at me with his bloody eyes:
-To be more polite when talking to us; Try to be kinder, more respectful. We are the representatives of our great leader, our great master. “We represent him,” he said.
Regardless of your words:
-Where is that great master you mentioned right now? I asked.
The sinner whom I think is their middlemost leader:
-Right now he is a prisoner, bound by invisible chains and unable to move. He said he can't talk to you.
I recalled the enormous gorilla-like creatures I had seen on my way in, half buried up to their waists. The so-called grand master must have been one of them.
-I think I saw him coming. I said, "He was suffering in a great torment in a contemptible and humiliated state, in accordance with the justice of my Lord."
These words must have angered the sinners who surrounded me because they looked at each other and then at the person they called master. It was certain that they would attack me if they got approval from him. They must not have gotten approval because they had to content themselves with just staring at me with their fire-spitting eyes.
My words made the master angry. After barely controlling her emotions:
-Do you think all that you see is real? His and our sufferings are virtual. It's like we're in a bad dream sleep. He said that one day we will wake up from this sleep.
With amazement:
-So you are claiming that the world of torment you have been in is virtual? I asked.
Instead of the master, the sinner who tried to attack me before, who was on his left side, answered my question.
- Of course it's virtual. The biggest proof of its virtual existence is the absence of death. If it wasn't virtual, there would be death. It is not possible for it to be the other way around.
We have worked on projects that cause virtual suffering and pain in this way before. “We know these things well,” he said.
When he realized that I did not believe his words, he began to talk at length about the human nervous system and brain structure. He seemed quite knowledgeable in these matters.
Towards the end of his words, he looked at me with interest:
-As you can see, the feelings of pain and suffering are related to the sinus values ​​and shapes of the electrical currents coming to the brain cells. If you stimulate it with sinus shapes at the required voltages and amperes, you can turn all kinds of suffering and pain into a virtual sensation in your brain cells.
A person may suffer as if he were burning alive, even though he was not burned in this way. Since it is not actually burned, death does not occur. Suffering does not end as death does not occur. That person can be left in agony and pain forever, he said.
The sinner's words left me in awe.
-So, in that temporary world where we linger for a moment, have you made devices that work like this and tried them on humans? I shouted.
The master intervened:
-Everything is permissible for science. It doesn't matter that a few people are sacrificed for such experiments. As if you did not come to this land of fires and sufferings for the sake of knowledge, of your own will, of your own will? She asked.
-My search for knowledge was only about taking lessons by finding the facts. In a way, I said it was to see the manifestation of my Lord's justice.
Talking about my Lord was making the sinners very uncomfortable. As far as I can tell, they turned away from the truth that lay before their eyes, stubbornly denying the existence and unity of Allah (c.c.), and even attributing these great calamities to other reasons.
So the master changed the word:
"I think you have enough information about us now," he said. Then turning to the tall cardboard man who had brought me there:
- Show that you will show our guest and then bring him with us, he ordered.
We came out of the master's place, with the tall cardboard man and the others beside me.
The tall cardboard man hurried towards the place where the whistling sound came from, with the eight people who had come with us, uninterested and uninterested. I was with you too. Whatever they were going to show, I was intrigued and interested. That's why I opened my eyes.
After a few passages, when they came to a large flat rock placed over a hole like the entrance of a well, they stopped and carefully approached the place where the rock was located. But, strangely enough, they were careful to stay away from the flat rock that covered the mouth of the well as much as possible. When they stopped, I also stopped and began to watch what they were doing with attention and interest.
The tall man, the leader of the group, pointed to the large, flat rock that covered the well mouth like a lid:
-We will have to move this a little bit and open the entrance so that our guest can see what he will see better and give us the right information, and pointed to those who came with him. But no one in the group was willing to move the rock. As if their leader had told them to get away from that rock, they could not help themselves to stay away from the rock as much as possible, out of fear. Whatever was behind that rock must have posed a great danger. Whatever this danger was, those who were there knew it very well.
When none of the people he brought with him refused to move the rock, the tall cardboard man decided to put on the ruthless play that had been played many times before, after some thought.
To those around you:
-You guys step aside and protect yourself. He told me to call a few people from outside. Then he continued, a wild light flashing in his eyes.
“You always know what to do after everything is over,” he added.
As always, the leadership did not want to endanger themselves and decided to use their tongs instead.
When the tall man with their leader started to leave the cave, I followed him. A very large group of sinners had gathered outside.
The leader, the tall cardboard man, climbed onto a high rock, made them see himself, and opened his hands:
He cried, "O holy and honorable people who do not hesitate to make any sacrifices for their ideals. Then he began to explain in a very eloquent language what he wanted. In other words, he was a person who knew very well how to enter people's veins and to give sherbet according to the pulse. After a long speech that flattered their pride, excited them, and talked about the greatness and sanctity of their ideals, he took the beans out of his mouth.
-We need some volunteers from you for an honorable mission. Our comrades who participated in this mission will never be forgotten and their names will always be remembered with honor. I will also reward them with a medal at the end of the job. “I expect all of you to volunteer for this honorable mission,” he said.
A few people from the group, whose mouths were wide open, listening to their leader with admiration, rushed forward:
-O our supreme leader! They shouted 'em.
But the leader must have seen what emerged as insufficient:
-Is that all for those who will sweat a little for their ideal? Or are you one of those cowardly people who avoid shedding a bit of sweat and blood for their ideals? He provoked them by shouting that I would like all of you to volunteer and enjoy the honor of this mission.
I had seen these word games a lot in the place where we lingered for that moment. I looked with pity at these poor hordes of deceived and deceived people. A perverted belief in the ideal had blocked their minds, blinded their reason. Beautiful, gilded words could easily dazzle peoples. Sometimes I thought how easy it was to fool societies.
In that temporary world, I had seen naive, hypocritical leaders who had their opponents killed ruthlessly and then attended the funeral, praised their opponent as much as possible and even shed tears for him, and I was disgusted by their behavior. Hell was full of those who followed wrongly chosen leaders.
These words of their leaders did not fail to affect the society of sinners. Some of them must have perceived that disobeying the leaders' call was an dishonor, a betrayal, so they immediately stepped forward. And:
-O our leader! May our lives be sacrificed for you. They shouted 'em.
Seeing that enough sinners had gathered, a contemptuous light appeared in the leader's eyes. In a way, he seemed to abhor them. But he knew how to hide these feelings very skillfully. A vague fox smile formed on his face. But he was a true jewelery expert. After giving another short but effective speech stating what an honorable job they were doing, and that the honor they would gain from this job would be enough for them forever, and thanking those who emerged, he said slowly to his closest assistant:
- Take those idiots inside. He said, 'I'll be right back.
Volunteers, numbering about forty or fifty, were taken into the cave, as their leader said, a group of idiots. On the faces of those who entered, there was deep surprise, astonishment, and more so with admiration and joy. They were flattered that their leader would share with them a secret that had been hidden from them for a long time.
They were brought closer to the entrance that looked like the mouth of a well, which was covered by a flat and large rock, which could be heard when entering the cave, and where a whistling-like hum came out.
The leader, trying to stay away from the flat rock that covers the well mouth as much as possible, without revealing to the sinners he has brought:
-What we want from you is to move this piece of rock, to open it a bit. For this job, we needed strong and strong people like you. After I do that, I will honor it by revealing our great secret to you. You will also have the honor of being our confidants, he said.
For them it was a very simple task. It seemed as if their leader had asked them for help with such a simple task, as if they were surprised and somewhat disappointed. They seemed to expect a more difficult task. They were quick to consider this simple task as a gift bestowed upon them by their leader to honor them. So right away:
-O our leader! This is a very simple task for us. You command us to do more difficult tasks. They shouted that our lives would be sacrificed for you.
Leading person:
- First of all, do the job I ordered properly. He said that sometimes there are difficulties in seemingly simple tasks, and there are great honors and honors in these difficulties.
These flattering words of their leader gave them zeal. They immediately swarmed over it to dislodge the rock. The rock was so big that the sinners on it looked like ants on a big stone. They didn't seem to notice the whistling and humming sound that came from behind that rock.
Some were pulling the rock towards themselves with all their might, while others were pushing it from the opposite side. They were working with such enthusiasm in such a sweet rush that they did not realize that the leadership had moved away from there, disappeared, had landed in safe places and left them alone.
Despite pushing and pulling with all their efforts, they could not move this big rock from its place, and they started singing marches to encourage each other. Some tools resembling ashtrays and levers, which I do not know where they came from, appeared. The cave was tinkling with the joyful voices of sinners when the rock was dislodged and at that moment an unexpected event occurred.
When the rock played, a hole, a crevice appeared on the edge of the place where he was sitting tightly. A great whistling and whistling sound came from this crevice, and suddenly a whirlwind, a whirlwind, formed inside the cavern that ripped everything from its place. This whirlwind was having a vacuuming effect, pulling everything out. It was as if there was a giant vacuum cleaner behind the big rock that had been opened and it was taking everything away.
The sinners, who were close to this rift at first, passed through the narrow slit in such a short time that they could not understand what had happened to them and disappeared. But as they passed, they must have enlarged the rift a bit, because the vacuuming and the storm brought about by this vacuuming got stronger. The sinners tried with all their might to hold on to everything they saw, but the pull produced by the vacuuming was so strong that they couldn't help falling through the rift, wailing.
I was also impressed by this vacuuming. A force I couldn't help was pulling me towards that crevice when an arm reached out and pulled me towards a crevice. It was the tall cardboard man who never left my side pulling me towards the alcove, protecting me in a way and showing his arms.
Turning to me:
He said don't worry. After a while, the resulting slit will be filled with objects drawn and closed. Then we can easily get out of here. If you have any information about what you saw, let us know.
But I was very impressed with what I saw. Therefore, what the leader said did not interest me much. In other words, it went in one ear and out the other.
Turning to him:
Did you know beforehand that these things would happen? I asked.
The leader indifferently:
-Certainly! “At least I expected this to happen,” he said.
His careless, irresponsible attitude infuriated me.
-But I thought you had men, many people perished by this time. Did you even do that? I shouted hastily.
The leader looked at me in surprise, as if he didn't understand what I was saying, then shrugged:
-Ha! are they? She asked. It doesn't matter if a few disappear. As you can see, there are thousands of them out there. Don't you know how wars are won? Said.
When I remembered what he had just said while encouraging them, the hypocrisy of the person in front of me made me sick to my stomach. But my heart ached when I remembered that many leaders throughout history were like him. People like him made it their job to deceive the great masses of the people, and they did not hesitate to use all kinds of lies and deception against the people. But what was surprising was that the masses of people who were deceived thought they were credible people, and were, in a way, willing to be deceived of their own accord.
After a long time, the gravitational force created by that big vacuum cleaner began to decrease. The deafening hum gradually faded away. During this time, thousands of sinful people were dragged to an unknown place by that giant broom and perished.
When it was time to leave the cave, the tall snow-ton man took my hand and said:
-Let's get out of here now. “The grand council is waiting for us,” he said.
-Is the council your decision-making body? I asked.
The tall cardboard man looked at my pedantic, pedantic face:
He said, "We managed to organize here as well as in the place where we lingered for a moment.
The tall cardboard man pulled me out of the cave. He led him towards a small hill on the right side of the cave entrance that looked like a dragon's mouth. When I went over the hill, I saw some people sitting on their knees in a circle on a relatively flat place. All of them were wearing black clothes. They were well-fed, plump, and large. I recognized them immediately. They were large sinners, like the Buddha statues I had spoken to on the floor, such as the high-ceilinged hall inside the cave. They must have come here. The reason for this was not difficult for me to guess at all.
When I reached them, they took me in their midst. I could see them better because the environment was brighter than the ground, like that hall in the cave. Although I was quite a tall, flamboyant person, I was only half my height compared to the situation they were sitting on their knees. Physically, they must have been at least ten times larger. For a moment I looked at these fat, large men in amazement.
The sinner, formerly known as the master, who was right in front of me, and who was much larger than the others, was seated a little higher than the others. His tangled hair had grown up to his navel. He was an evil-eyed, sour-faced man with small eyes for his huge head.
Appearing from the front, he stared at me with his sharp, suspicious bloody eyes. It was as if he couldn't see anything but me. He poked the man next to him, who was watching me as carefully as he did, keeping his eyes on me:
-Is that him? She asked.
And sitting next to him:
-Yes, master! That person is the man we've been hearing about coming for a long time. He says that he came here with the permission of his Lord, but I do not believe it. He said that he must be one of the sinners who wants to have a position among us.
Although we talked about this before, the way he talked and acted as if he didn't know me was both surprising and strange to me. This must have been due to his utter disbelief in what I was saying. Maybe it was because I wanted someone else to confirm my identity. In this way, he would share his suspicion with someone else and share the responsibility for a possible mistake.
After the person next to him looked at me again with sharp and piercing eyes, he bent towards the sinner whom he called master:
-Sir! There is no doubt that this person is a liar. He says he came here with the permission of his Lord. Does the Great One, whom He describes as the Lord, create everything out of nothing really exist? How could he have obtained permission from a Great Power that we assumed to have disappeared and that we have had it confirmed in our minds? Surely he is like us. “Maybe his eye is in your place,” he whispered.
There was such an expression in these words that it was clear that he meant to offend and annoy the person next to him, as well as to vilify me, and to inflame us. It was as if he wanted to unleash the one he called master, to destroy me through him.
Hearing these words, the wild expression in the master's eyes grew even sharper. The person next to him had managed to turn him against me before he even had a chance to say a word.
But what they thought of me didn't matter to me. Whether or not they believed who I was was their business.
The tall cardboard man next to me bowed before his so-called master:
-O our supreme master! This person claims that with the permission of his Lord, he wandered through His manifestations and sought only knowledge. You had spoken to him before. We will benefit from his knowledge in return for the answers he will get from the questions he will ask us. We think it contains useful information for our great ideal. That's why we brought it back to him," he said.
After looking at my evil, evil face and staring at it for a while, the Master said to me:
-Come closer! Bow down before me and prostrate. Then he said kiss my hand.
He had never made such a request from me in our previous encounter, or considered it necessary. But here we were before a group of sinners, who could count in the millions or even billions, who surrounded us and watched us intently. If I bowed down and prostrated before their eyes and then kissed his hand, it would undoubtedly increase the prestige of the sinner, whom they call master, among other sinners. He must have asked me to bow down and prostrate before him and then kiss his hand.
But I didn't care if it increased his reputation or not. Therefore, I approached him, but I did not bow down and prostrate before him, nor did I kiss his hand. This act of mine was enough to anger the so-called master. Jumping out with a fury:
-O person! What is holding you back from expressing your respect for us? Didn't we tell you to treat us with respect before? yell.
Lifting my head proudly:
- It is against my faith to prostrate before anyone other than my Lord, and it is forbidden for me to act like this. As for respect, I honestly don't have any respect for you. It would be hypocrisy if I kissed your hand while pretending to respect it. I said that this is a great sin in my religion.
My words made some of those sitting there move. Suddenly they jumped out of their places and stood before me like a mountain. In their hands were luminous objects similar to swords I had seen before. They were about to leap on me when the person who brought me intervened and said:
-Stop, stop! She shouted not to hurt him. Upon his shout, these giant men, who had surrounded me, retreated a little, but they did not stop looking badly, like buffaloes to adorn.
The person who shouted to protect me prostrated in front of the person he called master:
-O supreme master! Forgive him and prevent them from harming him. “Because he has very valuable information for us,” he said.
The fact that I had valuable information for them must have increased my value, because the person they call master prevented the people who were preparing to attack by raising their hands, pointing to a place that looked like a chair in front of them:
-Please! He said sit down.
This chair-like object was made of flames like the others. At first I hesitated to sit down. But my Lord, who protected me in this world of fire, would certainly protect me on this chair-like object. My sitting would have made it easier for me to get along with them. That's why I decided to sit down. This fireproof chair was too big for me, but I squatted to one side anyway. All heads turned towards where I was like large mounds. Eyes fixed on me. There was a contempt and contempt in the expressions in his gaze as well as curiosity. Being physically small compared to the chair must have caused them to look down on me.
I was aware that I was in contrast to the huge place I was sitting in, and that I even looked ridiculous. But that didn't matter to me. I was mature enough not to judge or be influenced by appearances, and I was too self-confident to feel inferior in these matters. Undoubtedly, I got this feeling of trust from my trust in my Lord. In a way, I relied on my Lord alone and relied on Him alone.
After looking at me with interest for a while, the person they call Master said:
-They say that you have information about what you just saw. Do you really know about this? She asked.
-I said yes. I know enough to explain to you what I saw.
Then pointing to the tall person who brought me there:
-We agreed to share our information with your friend. And in doing so, we would be honest. I said that this agreement is still valid.
Old hand:
-Well, he said. The agreement you made is valid for me as I have stated before. "Then let me ask you a few questions," he said.
-You can ask me anything you want. I said that I will answer your questions as much as my Lord allows.
The master's face crumpled when he spoke of my Lord. But he tried to hide it from me. To put it more accurately, he ignored my words. Looking at my face again
-Alright! Then he said, "I'm asking my first question," and after moving his face a little closer to me with interest, he continued.
-Did you really travel around this fire world called hell? Is this place virtual? Or is it real?
-Yup! My Lord allowed me to visit and see their manifestations so that I could learn from what I saw. This place is more real than real and it is huge. I said that although I have been wandering around here for thousands of years, I have only seen a very small part of it.
For some reason, the way I talked about my Lord cracked the master's face like a slap, and it made him extremely uncomfortable. It was as if he was in a terrible doubt that shook his inner world and made his soul slippery.
After startling as if he had been punched:
- He said please. Do not speak of your Lord again. How can you so believe in something you haven't seen? Religions are opium that put people to sleep. The concept of God is contrary to science. That's why we don't believe in God. If we believed, we wouldn't be here anyway.
-O person! Isn't your presence here the definitive proof of His existence? I asked.
The Master ignored my question. From what I understand, he didn't want to get into an argument about it. So he went straight to his question:
-Give us some illuminating information about what you have just seen. How and where does that great gravitational pull or whirlwind come from? What is the reason of this? Do you know about this? She asked.
I said yes. The hell I saw consisted of two parts. The hotter one section was, the colder the other was. Although the layer between them is very thick, some cracks and holes must have formed. I said that the terrific hurricane that creates that great gravitational force is the great temperature difference between the two sides.
The master was surprised:
-So you're saying that there is another cold part of hell like that hot part of hell? did you see it? Yell.
-Yup! I saw it and wandered around for a while. I said that my comrade took me to that department and we were there together for a while.
My words caused great excitement in the council members who had surrounded us. One of them, unable to contain himself, stepped forward. In excitement:
-O master! He shouted that what this person said confirms my thesis on this subject.
My words also excited the master. Turning to the person thrown in:
-Yes it looks like that. He said that we should congratulate and reward you.
Council members asked me many questions about the cold part of hell. In particular, subjects such as the location between the two layers and their thickness were of interest to them, and they wanted me to provide as much information as possible on these issues. Their interest surprised me.
I see you as more concerned than necessary with the cold part of hell. Why is this your interest? Why are you so interested in that part? I asked.
My question came as a shock to them. They wondered what to answer. They looked at each other hesitantly for a while. The serpent-talking woman who had been chasing me for a long time reappeared:
- Respected lord! Don't tell him our plans. "He's a spy," she shouted.
I said, 'I don't know what your plans are, and that's none of my business.
The snake-voiced woman hissed again:
-He is a two-faced spy who imitates. "Don't trust him," he shouted again.
-What do I need to spy on? I asked. My Lord knows all that is in the earth, in the sky and in between. What can you hide from him?
The woman's words had a negative effect on the council members. Finally one of them:
-Is your Lord omnipotent? Is it He who put us here? she asked.
-I said yes. My Lord is omnipotent. Your coming here is really a manifestation of divine justice. You searched and found this place with your own minds, you came with your own feet. Because He is also Just. He does not oppress any of his servants.
These words angered the council members. One of them is put forward:
-You say that your Lord knows everything, is wise and just, but he also made a mistake.
To all council members:
Did my Lord make a mistake? I said you have to explain this to me.
The person they called master prepared to answer this question. A devilish light flashing from his eyes:
-Yup! Your Lord, whom you thought would not make a mistake, made a mistake. Do not you understand? We are immortal like you. We have nothing to lose. If we have nothing to lose, we have nothing to fear. “We derive our strength and courage from this,” he said.
This philosophy struck me as extremely strange. I asked the person they called Master:
-I said I couldn't understand. Please explain to me. Doesn't the fact that you have nothing to lose and have nothing mean that you are nothing? What good is immortality if you are nothing?
The snake-voiced woman tried to pounce on me with a fury:
-Our esteemed lord! Do not reveal our great secret to him. I repeat. "He's a spy," she shouted.
Turning to the snake-voiced woman:
I said that I do not even see the need to answer such a claim.
The tall cardboard figure, whom I describe as the leader who brought me here, appeared:
- I ask the honorable council members not to despise him and exclude him. Because he has no other desire or purpose other than knowledge. I believe in this. Even though he is not one of us, you should still listen to him.
Then turning to me:
-O person! You claim that you have received the forgiveness and forgiveness of your Lord. People like you keep their promises and do not betray trusts. If we reveal our big secret to you, will you promise us that even if you do not help us in this matter, you will keep the information you have acquired as a trust? "Your promise is enough for us," he said.
To the Council members:
-My Lord is all-knowing. My promise about it means nothing. But since you want it, I said that I will promise as you wish.
Upon my words, the eyes of the person whom they called master lit up. To me:
-Alright! If we reveal our great secret to you, will you help us in the execution of this plan? She asked.
Shaking my head negatively:
-I said no. I will not oppose my Lord by taking sides with you. I repeat. My Lord is all-knowing. There is nothing hidden from him. However, provided that you give me accurate and sufficient information; I said, I can be a silent and mute observer beside you, like your shadow.
Another of the council stood up and said:
He said, "It may be useful to have him with us during the implementation of our plan." Then he went to the master and whispered something in his ear.
After the Master gave me a meaningful look:
“I see it fit for you to be with us and share our great secret,” he said.
-Will you show me your secret, which you call great, and answer the questions I have? I asked.
Old hand:
-I don't see the need to consult our great master and get his approval. Yes, we will do as they say. He said that you will allow us to use your information.
I immediately objected.
I said as much as my Lord allowed. I can't get more.
The Master grimaced:
- He said yes. as long as the Lord allows.
-Then tell me your big secret. I said let me know your plans on this matter.
Straightening from the Master:
-Such a big secret cannot be spoken in public. Let's go to the cave. He also said that you can better understand what we said there.
We came to the cave that was turned upside down by that big hurricane. The bodies of the Master and his companions were so large and well-fed that although the cave entrance was quite wide, they could hardly get inside. A part of the cave was cleaned and tried to be arranged.
After the master looked around:
He said, "Although it's not neat enough, it's still the only place that works on the topics we're going to talk about.
Then the sinner, whom they called the master, took a seat before me on a high place near the large, flat rock that was still whistling softly. Others surrounded us all around.
Master looking at my face:
"The main theme of our plan is to escape from here," he said.
"But you can't escape from here," I said.
Master, taking these words from me:
Don't be preconceived without listening to what I have to say and understanding our plans. He scolded me by saying that you say you are after knowledge, but you could not even learn that.
-Alright! I thought maybe you were right about that. Then tell me your plans and I'll tell you my opinion.
After the Master drew a diagram showing a number of crooked corridors on the relatively hardened ground:
-We've been here for a long time. We did not stay idle during this time and wandered through this world of fire, studied it, tried to learn something.
Then pointing to the large, flat rock that covered the hole that was still crowing:
-During our research, we saw that there are many similar places. We also know where they are. In our research, we came to the conclusion that there must be corridors leading to an unknown place on the ground of this strange world. This place should have been the opposite of here. Otherwise, the gravitational force that turns everything upside down would not exist. As a matter of fact, you have confirmed the accuracy of our opinion with the information you have given, he said.
-Yup! You're right about that. I know that there are some corridors and roads leading to the cold part of Hell. My comrade had taken me through these corridors and transferred me to the other section.
It made the master happy that I confirmed what he said. His black face lit up with a light of satisfaction. Looking at my face
-Is the other side of hell the place they call heaven? She asked.
-I said no. That's another part of hell. Just as sinners are punished with heat here, they are also punished with cold there. It is a place of torment for sinners just like here.
The Master grimaced:
-Alright! Isn't there a place called heaven? Or is that a false myth used to put people to sleep? She asked.
Of course there is heaven. It exists because it is a promise of my Lord to His pious servants. Undoubtedly, I said that my Lord will keep his promise.
A mocking expression appeared on the Master's face:
Heaven is a land of endless happiness, where people get whatever they want. Or is it not an imaginary place that bigots use to deceive stupid people? Do you really believe such a place exists? she asked.
-Of course I said. I don't understand why you are in doubt about this.
Then pointing to the land of fire in which they live:
-Remember that the land of torment you are in was promised to those who did not follow the right path shown by my Lord in that place where we lingered for a moment. And you must have seen and learned that this is true, albeit in a very painful way. Undoubtedly, Almighty Allah (c.c.), who fulfills his promise in punishment, also fulfills his promise of reward. He is omnipotent.
The Master looked at me in disbelief:
- So did you go there? Have you seen heaven? She asked.
-No! I haven't been to heaven and haven't seen it yet. I said that would be my last stop.
Old hand:
-Alright! Do you have any idea, any information about where he is? Or do you believe in the existence of an imaginary place where you have no idea where it is?
-No! I have no idea as I have no knowledge on this subject. I said that my lack of knowledge about where heaven is would not harm my faith.
The master cast a meaningful look at my face:
-You seem like a smart, far-sighted and knowledgeable person, but I am amazed that you have such a firm belief about the existence of a place you have not seen, known and for which you have no concrete and scientific evidence, and its Owner. Shouldn't he at least have some tangible, scientific evidence from his hand? She asked.
-Some things are invisible to the eye, there seems to be no concrete evidence, but we know their existence with certainty by the results of their existence. We do not see our Lord, but we definitely know and believe in His existence from His verses. It is just like seeing a work and not seeing the person who made it. If there is a work, surely there is someone who made it. Even though you keep seeing his works, not seeing the owner of the works does not necessitate you to deny him. I said that some of them stubbornly deny him even though these verses and the miracles they bring are before their eyes.
The Master ignored my words and said:
I'm not going to get into an argument with you about this. Because this is not the time or the place. Let one of our comrades inform you about our plans. He said, "Tell me your thoughts on the matter."
The man who had tried to protect me before, who seemed to be on my side, appeared:
He said, "If our master permits, I can inform him about it."
Old hand:
"I'm giving you this permission," he said.
That person started telling me about his plans. He was drawing some shapes and diagrams on the ground so that I could better understand what he was talking about.
At the end of his words:
-As you can see, we hope to reach heaven by going through the corridors between these two layers of hell. "We think that heaven should be in a place where the temperature and coldness are relatively balanced between these two layers," he said.
He continued with a meaningful look on my face.
-Then, it can't be any other way, can it?
After listening to what he said in amazement and amazement:
"But that's unlikely," I said. For such a plan, wouldn't you need to know the exact location of heaven in the first place? And how did you infer that heaven is between the hot and cold parts of hell?
Cardboard man:
You may be right, but you can help us with this. This is our dream for thousands of years. If you help, our chances of success will increase considerably. Also, we will not lose anything if this plan fails. He said that what gives us this courage and audacity is that we will not lose anything.
-I can't help you. I replied that it was out of the question for me to take a stand against my Lord as a party.
The Master intervenes:
-We cannot insist on this. Alright! Do you have any objections to the viability of the plan other than the place of heaven? He said at least tell him.
-As far as I understand, there are storms and hurricanes in the corridors that you need to go to, created by a tremendous gravitational force that destroys those who are there. It is almost impossible to move and advance in places where these storms and hurricanes are rampant. How will you achieve this?
This question was answered by the sinner who gave me an explanation.
-Don't think about it. He said, "We will deal with that matter one way or another, and we will find a way to progress in those corridors." Then he continued looking at my face.
-Even if you are not a party to us, you promised to be with us like a silent and mute shadow on this trip as an observer. Will you keep this promise? She asked.
Then, throwing a meaningful look at me, he said:
- Such a trip can be a unique opportunity for you seeking knowledge. “We would really like you to accompany us on this trip,” he said.
Indeed, such a trip could be very interesting for me. During such a journey, it was impossible for the sinners over there to harm me. I was also wondering how they could provide movement in the corridors where great storms were rampant, how they would achieve this.
That's why:
-I said yes. I have not given up my opinion on this matter. But know well that it is not possible for me to be a party to you or to help you in this matter. That's how you know it. I said that I want to be with you only as an observer and an example.
Old hand:
He said this is enough for us. So, let's start our preparations for this great journey without wasting time. While we are making our preparations, you can ask whatever you want to ask. He said, "Let's answer their questions as much as we know."
To the Master and his followers:
-First of all, I wonder about the last periods where we lingered for that moment. How did the apocalypse occur? Surely there are people among you who lived through those periods and observed them scientifically. I said I would appreciate if you could give me information on these matters.
One of the council members, who had been silent until then, intervened:
“I am a person who lived and observed those periods,” he said. I can give you enough information about it.
With my eyes shining:
-I said please. Just make sure that the information you give is correct and complete. If you want, start from the beginning.
After thinking for a while, the person who said he would give me information about the Doomsday:
-I think what you describe as the apocalypse must be the destruction and destruction of the world. There are so many reasons for this. I don't know which to start with.
-I said please. Let's start over.
That person started to talk.
-I think the beginning of the destruction in the world is when people forget that they are social beings and become individualized, and they start to see each other as rivals and then as enemies that need to be destroyed. This too has a long history. I think you were in that temporary world when the roots of this decadent period were laid.
-Please continue. I am listening to you wholeheartedly.
-There is no doubt that the beginning of destruction; It started with the introduction of that sinister theory*, which was dressed in a false scientific guise that could never be proven, impossible to prove.
The master, who was listening to us carefully, intervened in anger:
"I can't let you disparage our great master," he cried.
The person who told me about the destruction turned to the master and said:
-What I am describing here is not personal, nor is it an accusation or attack against a person. I don't mean to blame anyone-comment. I'm just trying to state the facts scientifically.
Don't forget. I was one of those who relied on that theory, and one of those who defended it the most. We did everything we could, including scientific frauds, to prove it, but that was not possible. How hard is it to accept and rely on an unprovable theory as fact?
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* Darwin's theory of evolution
Could it be scientific and rational? It is not possible to prove the truth with lies. I think it's time, and even past, for us to accept and admit this fact and face this big mistake.
Intervening at the top:
-Indeed, the main cause of turmoil, quarrels and even wars is not knowing how to listen. Please do not interfere. If you have a opposing opinion on this matter, I said I'm ready to listen to you later.
These words made the master very angry, but he found it more appropriate to swallow his anger and hide his feelings. He just looked bad and bad.
The person who told me about the apocalypse continued:
-Unfortunately, Darwin's theory of evolution was strangely accepted by some as undeniable facts and fiercely defended. Others have politicized this scientific theory in accordance with their interests. They abused a lot. People were tried to be deceived and deceived with false evidence. Fraud and deception were introduced into science. However, the purpose of science was to seek and find facts. How could a science with lies and frauds be science?
In this theory, Darwin claimed that the first living cell emerged as a result of coincidences in hot water pools, and then this cell multiplied and evolved to form other multicellular life forms. In a way, all living things were in a state of change towards perfection brought about by continuous evolution. However, despite all our efforts and benefiting from all the blessings of technology, we could not succeed in forming a cell as predicted in theory.
This work has also benefited us in a way. Our knowledge about cells has increased. In the meantime, we learned that a single living cell has an incredibly complex creation. The information we gained about cells made it even more difficult or even impossible to prove the claim that a single living cell came into being as a result of coincidences. Because such a complex structure could not have come about by chance. Probability calculations denied such a formation. We knew this too, but we could not accept this rejection because this argument was the lifeblood of the theory. Our acceptance of this was tantamount to refuting Darwin's theory and throwing it aside. In a way, we closed our eyes to the facts with a scientific bigotry. To put it more accurately, we have politicized science.
One of the biggest hurdles that we faced and that we could not overcome was the discovery of DNAs. The facts that DNA molecules encode the characteristics of the living thing it belongs to, that each living species has separate codes, and that it is not possible to switch from one living species to another over time completely refuted Darwin's theory of evolution. But we stubbornly ignored these facts and persisted in defending this sinister theory.
If living things evolved over time to form other living things, as advocated in Darwin's theory, intermediate formats had to exist between existing and non-existent living things. Assuming that evolution took place over a very long period of time, the world should have been filled to the brim with these intermediate-format fossils, but despite all our persistent research, we could not find such an intermediate-format fossil. On the contrary, there was no difference in creation between a living species that lived millions of years ago and those living now. This proved that evolution did not take place, and that living species emerged suddenly and perfectly. Perhaps time, aside from developing and perfecting it, was corrupting and eroding this perfection, like a new one getting old. However, we ignored these great facts with our black bigotry and, worse, we tried to hide these facts. In this, we did not stay away from making all kinds of frauds*. We did not hesitate to tell lies.
This sinister theory completely rejected the creation reported in the scriptures. This rejection also denied the existence of God. This meant forgetting God. Forgetting God meant forgetting all our human faculties, throwing them aside. As a result, a selfish generation of people who think only of themselves, try to live day to day, see other people as a rival, an enemy has grown. More importantly, a war was waged against religion, which is the strongest bond that holds people together. However, religion gathered people under one umbrella without discriminating against race, color, language or gender, gave them a conscientious responsibility, united them, kept their relations in a fair order and supervised this order. I still do not understand why we oppose a philosophy that commands the good and the beautiful. I think blind bigotry was what we did, not what religious people did.
Trying to destroy religion, meaningless and harmful efforts made in this regard, led to negative effects on people. The result of these negative effects was extremely powerful and devastating. At the same time, it destroyed one of the greatest traits and virtues of people, conscience. By individualizing them, he turned them into thinking animals. People who got out of the control of religion immediately became selfish and animalistic. They thought only of their own selves, like an animal. Selfishness made them forget first about sacrifice and sharing, and then about love. A selfish generation has grown up, trying to live in the moment, not thinking about the future, believing that life is a collection of irreparable values.
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*Pitttown man, for example. This is the skull claimed to belong to a human who lived millions of years ago. It has been touted for years by Darwinists as proof of evolution. As technology progressed and age determination by carbon measurement became possible, it turned out that there was a very long time difference between the skull bone and the jawbone. This skull; It was understood that it was put forward by filing and fitting together a gorilla skull bone and a wild boar jawbone. This is just one of the scientific frauds that Darwinists do not hesitate to commit.
This is also lawless; Right also meant the upbringing of a generation that did not know what law was. The laws are for those people; They were in the position of shackles that prevented them from living their lives as they wanted, that restricted their freedom, and that should not be followed as much as possible. No one; Even if a mother or father is a child, they would not make the slightest sacrifice for another person. They vehemently avoided it.
This is also lawless; Right also meant the upbringing of a generation that did not know what law was. The laws are for those people; They were in the position of shackles that prevented them from living their lives as they wanted, that restricted their freedom, and that should not be followed as much as possible. No one; Even if a mother or father is a child, they would not make the slightest sacrifice for another person. They vehemently avoided it.
Selfishness also led to the merciless plunder of the beautiful world and the deterioration of the balance of nature. No one cared what would happen tomorrow. What matters is the moment they lived. Maybe this is one of the biggest reasons for that great destruction you call the apocalypse.
Selfishness was the main reason for the disappearance of the family, and therefore the society, which was based on mutual sacrifice. People did not want to accept the responsibilities of children, so they did not have children, they only thought of themselves, they killed their children, who were born as a result of coincidences, before they were born. For them, children were heavy chains hanging around their necks, which they could not lift, which prevented them from living as they wished. For this reason, societies could not be renewed, they grew old rapidly.
Realizing this, some statesmen tried to take some measures to prevent this great collapse. Undoubtedly, the most important of these measures was to re-establish the strongest pillar of hair that held the nations together, in another way, in another way, without resurrection. For this reason, the rulers of the nations were in a hurry to find a national hero who would replace the concept of God and replace them as their own god, in order to prevent this great destruction. According to their plans, the sanctified words and behaviors of these national heroes will keep societies together and re-establish their integrity, just like religious rules; it would show the way, direction and ensure its continuation. In a way, God was denied, and gods were replaced by humans.
Intervene in:
-And all of these were not successful? I asked.
The sinner who told me all this thought for a moment, then continued.
They made great efforts for this, but they could not succeed. Because the artery of humanity had already cracked. What false god can you put in place of Allah, whom people believe in wholeheartedly, and establish that beautiful and just order? How is this possible?
In addition, this attempt had caused very bad results for humanity from another aspect.
I didn't fully understand. That's why:
-Did it cause very bad results? I could not fully understand. Can you explain this to me? Said.
The sinner who told me all this, looking at me with sadness:
-Do not you understand? Said. Not only did Darwinism destroy the phenomenon of religion and the conscientious control it created on believers, it also started with a filthy racism that is unbecoming of humanity. Humans were divided into less evolved and highly evolved parts. Every nation considered itself superior to other nations. The state of people skulls; their skin began to be evaluated according to the color of their eyes.
With amazement:
-The state of the skulls; by the color of their skin, of their eyes? How can this be? Isn't this an extremely primitive form of evaluation that does not fit into reason, logic and humanity? I shouted.
The sinner looks at me once more with pain and shame:
- He said yes. At the same time, racism led to the formation of people who saw themselves as superior to others and to a fierce competition among them. It was used very badly by the imperialist powers. Orders within human societies were destroyed by racism, and communities were shattered. It was ruthlessly exploited in these divided communities. A fierce rivalry began between the imperialist powers. This rivalry turned into an arms race over time. Every nation sought ways to destroy other nations that they saw as rivals and enemies. So much so that this armament grew so large that it could destroy the world several times. In the end, those who thought they were evolved, superior nations fell upon the others. They saw them as backward, animal-type creatures with no right to life, to be destroyed. They tried to cleanse them from the world. Of course, the others also defended themselves. Relentless and so senseless wars broke out between people. These wars were constantly fueled by some groups, such as arms manufacturers and traders, who saw it as appropriate for their interests.
-Recognizing such a great danger, have not measures been taken to prevent this danger? I asked.
-Yup! Several times they took some measures and made some agreements to prevent, or at least control, such weapons. However, it was not possible to implement these agreements because there was a complete distrust between the societies, or more precisely, this distrust was created by some powerful interest groups. This time, the nations took up arms in a way that could not be controlled. Every nation was compelled to spend its wealth on weapons. Over time, the variety and power of weapons reached incredible levels.
As weapons diversified and multiplied, the era of professional soldiers began to use them. Over time, these professional soldiers and weapons manufacturers joined hands and became stronger and organized in a way that no one, no authority in the world could oppose or oppose. They became states over states. The world is completely under their control. The fate of nations, and therefore the world, passed into the hands of these groups.
But for the continuation of the dominance of these powers and the easy exploitation of the nations, rivals and enemies were needed. Military service and weapons were valuable as long as there was an enemy. That's why virtual enemies were invented. The animosities between nations and races were fueled. The world has fallen into the hands of a few rival groups, each sharpening their teeth. They also turned the world into a place of fire in accordance with their interests. Meanwhile, the world was ruthlessly plundered, and its natural balance was disturbed. The deterioration of natural balances was the beginning of the end.
I was listening to all this in disbelief. Could human beings be so cruel and act so foolish?
In a way that does not like to cry:
-Please continue. What happened next? I asked.
The self-renewable order of the world was the most affected by the deterioration of natural balances. First, the climates have changed. While many parts of the world were scorched by drought, other parts of the world were suffering from unstoppable floods. The result was a great famine all over the world. People started to eat each other, they turned into wild animals. Hunger stopped reason and logic. Once again, the people relentlessly attacked each other. Weapons hidden underground were unearthed. They did not feel pity for each other while using these weapons. In the end, that beautiful world was blown up, completely destroyed by a nuclear war. It exploded in the middle like a bomb, its pieces scattered in all directions. The balance created by the world on the universe has been disrupted. When one fell, the other one fell, like checkers, and eventually the whole universe collapsed inward and disappeared completely. We, who caused these, opened our eyes in this world of fire. In a way, he said that we prepared the apocalypse with our own hands and kept quiet.
Extremely sad:
-My Lord never oppresses His servants. Every man reaps what he sows and brings his fire with his own hands. I said that it is human beings who are cruel.
While we were having this conversation, suddenly there was a creak and then a thump. The entrance to the cave, which looked like a crooked but bright sun from the inside, was blocked by a huge rock. The master, who saw me involuntarily looking in that direction:
-Don't worry, you don't have to be afraid. This is just an experiment. He said the entrance will open again in a little while.
Was I afraid? Of course not. What could frighten anyone whose surrogate is the Lord?
-No! I was going to say I'm not afraid at all, but I didn't speak up, thinking that there might be some arrogance or arrogance in this. I just shrugged my shoulders.
The atmosphere in the cave darkened when the entrance was blocked by a large rock. For the sinners who surrounded us, as they were made up of smoldering embers, they were moving back and forth with red and red glow, and they were seen more clearly in the darkness of the environment. A hectic hustle and bustle had begun inside the cave. I was watching them with interest.
The sinners were going back and forth with the instructions of the master, trying to cover and plug the holes and crevices that appeared at the entrance when the big rock was closed in a way that I could not understand. The atmosphere got a little darker as the holes and slits were closed inside and out beautifully. The sinners who went back and forth became more prominent.
After the entrance of the cave was closed so that no light could see through, the master said to the sinners who were running around in a hurry:
-Now, he ordered to pull that rock blocking the corridor aside and open the entrance.
The vacuum and the hurricane that emerged when the large rock that closed the corridor before was moved, had engulfed many sinners and threw them away to unknown places. Some of them must have seen this because they looked at each other in fear. No sinner moved to carry out the master's order.
Seeing this, bright objects resembling whips appeared in the hands of the master. After he snapped his whip a few times on the backs of those who disobeyed his command:
-O flocks of fools! Can't you see and hear? After the cave entrance was closed, that whistling sound stopped, she. "There's no danger now," she cried, "to remove that rock blocking the passage."
Indeed, the distant whistling sound had ceased. The whip that snapped at their backs rather than the Master's words must have convinced some, as a few reluctantly advanced towards the rock. As the Master's whip swept up and down a few more times on the backs of those who were still hesitant, those who remained in hesitation were compelled to rush to carry out the order. With the care brought by a sharp and powerful fear, the big rock parted open, but nothing happened. Realizing that there really was no danger, the sinners, without waiting for encouragement with whips, attacked the rock with excitement and joy. After quite a long and painstaking effort, the rock moved aside. A cloister emerged.
For a moment I looked at the corridor, which looked like a long and dark pharynx. There was an eerie silence everywhere. The corridor was wide enough for me to walk comfortably in it. Around this time, I guessed that he was half a meter higher than I am.
Closing the cave entrance caused the atmosphere to cool a bit. The cooling, on the other hand, was causing the dimming of the lights from the smoldering sinners, who were glowing red and red. As I understand it, the sinners were slowly fading and dying out under the influence of the cold.
The Master must have thought about this matter before and took precautions because a flat, white stone appeared in his hand. This stone radiated a cold but sufficient light, as if it were phosphorescent. This light was not very strong, but it still illuminated the atmosphere sufficiently.
Pointing the luminous stone towards me:
-As you have noticed, the power of the fire on us is decreasing. That's why we shine and shine less. But this is not so important. “This stone will illuminate our path during our journey,” he said.
I was very interested in their journey and what they would do and use during this journey. Other than that, I wasn't interested. The only point that interested me was whether I had the opportunity to learn something during this journey.
When the front of the corridor was opened, there was a fusion among the sinners. Eight sinners among them were chosen to volunteer for this journey. But this voluntary choice must have been a trick of the master. I guessed that the people who were going to go were predetermined. These sinners, who were chosen according to the decision, would make this journey under the leadership of the master, and if they could reach a conclusion, they would return and inform the other sinners, and they would take them there.
When the Master saw that I was there and stared with interest, he gathered some of the sinners with him and whispered something. They said they understood and laughed.
The master turns to me:
-Are you ready for the journey? She asked.
I didn't have a problem with being prepared or not. I waited in silence for them to leave.
But anyways:
"Yes, I'm ready, I'm waiting for you," I said.
The Master once again checked the sinners who would set out. Everything seemed fine, but the first problem arose right at the beginning of the corridor.
The corridor was wide enough for me to walk around comfortably, but it was considered quite narrow for sinners who were many times larger than me. It seemed very difficult for the master, who was the largest among them, to advance in this corridor.
Indeed, this was a very difficult problem to resolve. But it seemed impossible for such a journey to take place without a master. Finally; four sinners in front, the master behind them, and the four sinners behind the master, they decided to go on the journey in this way. Accordingly, the sinners in front and behind would help the master in this journey by pushing and pulling.
According to the plan, first, four sinners, who were smaller than the others, entered the corridor. They had those phosphorescent stones prepared to illuminate their path. The lights emanating from these stones illuminated the dull, dull faces of the round, black faces, reddened a little more by the excitement in the heads that filled the corridor.
After the four sinners had gone far enough in the hall, the master was thrust into the hall with great difficulty. Before entering, turning to me:
-Find between two groups. He said that this way you will be safer; he seemed to value and protect me, he had put me in the corridor before. That's why I was standing right in front of his huge head, which completely filled the corridor, and I was looking at him curiously.
Just after the Master had scrambled forward, and the four remaining sinners had entered the hall, there was another creak, followed by a rumble that shook the hall slightly. When the roar was heard, the hypocritical face of the master, who had been trying to be so kind to me until that moment, suddenly changed. A smirk forms on his face:
-O big fool! Yell. Here it is stuck in the last hole you can escape. You don't have a chance to run away anymore. You will inevitably be with us and you will inevitably guide us. You are now our prisoner, our slave.
These words of the Master must have delighted the eight sinners in front of and behind me, for they made joyous sounds like the grunt of a bear. But these threatening words of the master did not impress me at all. Therefore:
I said that I would not go against my Lord by being on the same side as you.
The master burst out laughing loudly:
-The big idiot who thinks he's smart! He still doesn't even know what's going on. Can not you see? There was only one place you could run to, and that was closed. Now there is only one direction you can go, and that is the direction we are going. There is nothing you can do. He said that he will come with us involuntarily and do what we want.
Again, without spoiling my mood:
-We are grateful for misfortunes as well as for the good that comes from our Lord. If I am destined to wander in these halls, it is not by your will but by the will of my Lord. I surrender to it in silence. I will fight against calamities as much as I can, as much as I can. But no matter what, I said I wouldn't go against him.
Old hand:
Your strongest, most unshakable part should be your belief. But this time he will break your faith, and I will make you my slave. "You won't be able to get rid of me this time," he cried.
Me too:
-Do your best. I said that my deputy is my Lord.
Master said to one of the sinners before me:
He ordered him to hit his head with the stone in his hand so that he would become wiser.
The sinner made a move to hit my head with the radiant flat stone in his hand, but his move was futile. The stone passed through me as if through a dream; tin, chime screeched to the floor of the cave.
The futility of the move infuriated the master. He commanded the sinner to strike again, harder and harder, guiding directions, threatening him and me. The corridor we were in was so narrow that the other sinners in the front and back could not come to help.
While the stone was coming towards me, I was avoiding it out of a defensive instinct, but when I realized that it was impossible for this blow to harm me, I stood there calmly. The sinner repeatedly swung the large, splayed stone in his hand towards me to hit me, but each time his moves were in vain.
-My master! We cannot harm him. He had to say something.
Me too:
"Now understand this," I shouted. I am under the protection of my Lord. You are unlikely to do me any harm. But if you continue to treat me like this, I will leave you.
The Master must not have found it in his interests that I leave them:
-Well, he said. We will not harm you from now on. We will not even attempt this. Promise you won't leave us, he said.
-It is out of the question for you to harm me anyway. By attempting to harm me, you broke the agreement between us. I take off the ring of the covenant I made from my neck and throw it away. My promise to be with you is therefore void. I said I am completely free to let you go or not.
The Master looked at me as if begging:
We apologize to you again and again. He said accept our apology and don't leave us alone.
I said, "I will stay with you for a while, provided that I keep my freedom to go or not.
After this incident, the sinners set me completely free. I was going wherever I wanted. By bending and twisting, thinning and stretching like a smoke or a dream, I could easily pass through holes and crevices, and travel wherever I wanted.
Sometimes I was ahead of the sinners and sometimes I was behind them, trying to see and understand and learn as much as possible.
The first thing that caught my attention was the decrease in temperature. The second thing that caught my attention was that as time passed, sinners became more comfortable. At first they could only crawl and move with difficulty, but now they could crawl forward.
Sinners who noticed that the heat was decreasing and they were moving more freely:
-Hurray! The heat is gradually decreasing, expanding in the corridor we walk in. They were shouting and showing joy that this would show that we were on the right track. But I did not agree.
After comparing a few times before and behind the sinners:
You're right that the heat is decreasing. But if you think that the corridor you are in is expanding, I said, you are very wrong.
The Master, who was right behind me, opened his big, small eyes a little more. A mocking but cunning expression appeared in his eyes.
-How can this be? She asked. Now you're starting to make fools of us. When we first entered the corridor, we could only move slowly, with difficulty, by crawling. Now, as you can see, we can crawl on our knees much more comfortably and faster than before. Doesn't this show that the corridor is expanding? yell.
-I said no. You are wrong about this. I said that the corridor you are in is not growing, but just like an ice block left in the sun, you are melting and shrinking.
The Master looked at me with astonishment. The expression in his eyes showed that he didn't believe what I was saying.
It doesn't matter to me whether you believe me or not. Believe it or not. This is a job you know. However, I said that I will show you an undeniable proof on this subject.
Then, standing up and showing the distance between my head and the ceiling of the hall:
As you can see, there is a half meter distance between the top of my head and the ceiling. There was such a distance when we entered the corridor. You were looking at me while I was making this measurement. In a way, you are the witness of my words yourself. I'm saying this again. I said that the corridor you are in has not expanded, your bodies have shrunk.
The mocking expression in the Master's eyes was replaced by fear and apprehension.
Looking at my face
-Well? She asked.
-So that's it. As I said, the corridor is not expanding, you are shrinking in size. The second biggest proof of this is that I said and showed the proportion of my body to the head of the master.
-Look, I said. When you entered the corridor, your head was so big that you could hardly fit into the corridor and when I stood it was at shoulder level. Now I said that it can only come up to my waist level.
When he realized that my words were true, an uncontrollable scream burst out of the master's mouth.
"By demons," she cried. Indeed, what they say is true.
The corridor was generally descending with a slight incline, and it was getting colder as it descended. As they cool, the bodies of sinners take shape; shriveled, taking on strange appearances.
To all these bodily changes was also added a feeling of hunger and cold. Sinners were trying to move forward, vibrating like jelly before and behind me, their bodies were getting smaller and weaker as it got colder, and their feelings of cold and hunger were growing like an avalanche. For them, this journey had turned into an intolerable torture.
Now came a time when they began to look for something to eat themselves. Their minds and ideas were in the feelings of hunger and cold. They seemed ready to do anything to satisfy these feelings.
Out of curiosity rather than help, I left them and disappeared into the darkness of the hallway. After a long search I found what I was looking for. This was a magma stream seeping through the cracks above. Large drops of molten metal were dripping from a crack. Just below it, a newly cooled magma pool glowed crimson in the dark. This must be the food that the sinners sought but could not find.
When I quickly came to the place where I had left the sinners, I found them sitting aside in groups of four or four. It was as if they had gathered a bit of their strength. Looking at their faces, they averted their eyes from me with a feeling of guilt they couldn't help. My questioning eyes sought the master and found him. He did as well as the others. I immediately understood that there was an anomaly, but I could not understand what it was. My eyes scurrying around tried to find this unusualness. And it didn't take long to find it.
The sinners sat in groups of four or four and seemed to be resting. However, they were nine people, one of them was missing. They must have eaten one of their friends when I left.
The Master realized that I had noticed that one of the sinners was missing, so he stopped looking away from me.
Looking into the eyes of the master:
I said you don't have any of your friends.
The Master said with great embarrassment:
“Great ideals require great sacrifices,” he said.
-Okay, but you're fatter than him. That sacrifice would fall more on you than on him. Why did he have to make this sacrifice and not you? I asked.
Master indifferently:
Because I am their leader. He said that it is not his right to make such a choice, it is mine.
Looking into the eyes of the master once more:
-You didn't have to do this. I said I found a place where you can feed, and I came to take you there.
The Master looked at me in disbelief:
"I thought you wouldn't help us," he said.
I shouted, "Don't think that I'm taking sides with you with this. The only reason that drives me to do this is a deep and strong sense of curiosity. I want to see what you feed on.
Other sinners, who listen to us with interest, with a thousand hopes:
-Will you take us to that place you said? they shouted.
-Yup! I said I will take you there.
When they saw the molten metal deposit, they rushed towards it, hastily and in a hurry, like desert casualties who were about to die of hunger and thirst.
They take the molten metal in their hands and greedily throw it into their mouths; They didn't seem to mind that a greenish smoke was coming out of their mouths and bodies, and their bodies were burning and scorching.
As I guessed, fire was the only food source for these sinners. In a way, they were identified with hell.
The sinners hungrily ate fire, the only food they could find before them, and their bodies swelled, grew, and grew fat as they ate like blood-sucking bedbugs.
Their situation made me remember what I had seen long ago in that cold part of hell that my comrade had taken. I saw some creatures there, black as coal and tiny human like ants. These creatures were getting to my feet, seeming ready to do anything to get out of there. Presumably those creatures must have been sinners who had somehow fallen into that part of hell. If they persisted and stubbornly on the way they were going, probably the same would be the end of those sinners who ate the fire with great appetite.
It was at this time that I realized that such a journey had nothing to offer me in terms of science. Now was the time to leave them face to face with their own fate.
When I tell them this, master:
"Be with us until the end of our journey, don't leave us," he begged.
-I said no. Now, this journey has nothing left to give me in terms of science. I can't waste my time. If you want, you can go in the direction of your nose, if you want, you can come back. I said the choice is yours.
-No no! They shouted that we can't go back until we reach a conclusion.
-Then I said stay alone with your destiny and left them. They stared at me, confused and helpless.
As I approached the entrance of the corridor, I encountered a stream of hot air. A whistling sound was clearly heard from the depths. The entrance of the cave should have been opened after the entrance of the corridor was closed on us.
As I understand it, some holes and cracks remained, since the entrance of the corridor was not closed with the same care as the cave entrance. This airflow and whistling sound must have come from these holes and cracks. This meant that I could easily get out of here.
When I returned to Haviye again, the sinners who saw me looked at me in surprise and froze in their places. Some came to talk to me, but they were no longer my concern. That's why I didn't answer your persistent questions. I walked past them like a silent ghost.
What I saw had a very bad effect on me. I found it very strange, especially when sinners eat their friends when they get a little bored and they accept it as quite normal.
Haviye was starting to bore me a lot. Oddly enough, I was experiencing heavy feelings, like nausea, that crushed my soul. I was crushed under this feeling, I could not breathe easily, I was depressed. This feeling increased so much that I wanted to leave here as soon as possible.
My eyes wandering left and right searched for an exit. Earlier, Malik had brought me here after a long journey that took months and years, passing through countless corridors, through the cracks and holes in the thick walls surrounding this part of hell, like a smoke and a dream. It was almost impossible for me to come back the same way without the owner. While my eyes were looking for a place to get out of here, I thought of Malik:
When he said "-there is no way out of here", I panicked for a moment.
-My God! Or will I stay here forever? I groaned. Suddenly Malik appeared next to me. It was as if he had never left my side. When I saw him, the world became mine. I was thrown on his neck with joy. Without needing to say anything, the owner stretched out his huge hands:
-Come on, he said.
I had already learned that in this situation I had to close my eyes tightly. When I closed my eyes, I found myself in a relentless storm or a whirlpool. It is as if a very strong wind is throwing me here and there, pushing me into eddies, making me somersaults; it was dragging it towards places, turning and turning.
But our exit from the seventh part of hell did not last as long as our entry. After a short but heartwarming and disorienting journey, I suddenly found myself in a calm and cool place.
"Okay, we're out of Haviye, you can open your eyes," he said.
When I opened my eyes, I found myself near the outer surface of the thick walls surrounding Derk-i Esfeli. Malik, on the other hand, had disappeared as suddenly as he had come. The place I came from must have been the sixth floor of hell. But this place strangely seemed cool and fresh to me, as if I had stepped out of a hot desert onto a plateau. I didn't have time to understand why. It was the difference between the sixth and seventh divisions of Hell. It was similar to the feeling of coolness when suddenly switching from a very hot section to a less hot section. I understood the wisdom of being grateful by looking at those below us again.
In prostration:
A thousand thanks to my Lord. I said that he taught his value once again by losing and regaining the blessing he gave.
Hell was like a well that narrowed as one went down. I knew that if I wanted to get from chapter six to chapter five, I had to climb up. Winding and twisting, but steadily climbing upwards, I finally came to the wall that looked like a deep abyss separating the fifth part of hell and the sixth part.
It didn't take me long to find where we landed. Thinking that I could get up from where I came in and move on to the fifth section, I walked towards that direction, and a demon appeared before me.
Pointing his spear of white flame towards me:
-O servant of Allah! It has an entrance but no exit. The path you see is for entry only. He said come back.
Me too:
I said you're right. This is the home of the hypocrites. They, on the other hand, are here forever. That's why they don't need an exit. But as you can see, I don't belong here. I said show me a way out of here.
Bowing before me with fiendish reverence:
I have been commanded to respect and help you. Your order is over my head. He said get on my back and let me get you out of here.
-I would not ride on the back of an angel of Allah (c.c.), I would be ashamed of it. I said if you're going to get me out of here, take my hand and get out.
-We are people who live and enjoy when we carry out the orders given. Carrying you on my back won't degrade me. “It only gives me honor and pleasure,” he said.
The demon wanted to take me on its back, and I was ashamed, I did not accept it. While we were arguing between us that you will ride or not, suddenly Malik appeared. He smiled as he always did and said:
He said, "My Lord heard both of you and is pleased with you." Nothing could make me more happy than these words. I can't fit inside of me:
I said thank God.
Malik stretched out his hand:
-Come on, he said.
I took Malik's big and strong but soft hands and closed my eyes. Unlike before, our transition was smooth. I could only feel the coolness of the breeze on my face, which gave me great peace. After taking me to the fifth part of Hell, Malik saluted and immediately disappeared again.
The place I came from was one of the fiercest and most angry places in Hell, but it seemed like a cool highland air to me compared to the layers below. Here I once again understood the virtue of being content with what you have and giving thanks. I would not be able to help myself from saying this often to the sinners I came across in my future travels.
In other parts of Hell my movement has been in broad arcs climbing upward. When I came to the steep cliffs or high walls that stretched in front of me like a wall, Malik would appear and take me upstairs. Geze, it must have been quite a long time when I came to the first part of hell at the end of a long trip to the trip.
I stayed longer in the first section compared to the other sections, I spent a longer time. There were several very important reasons for this for me.
First, hell was in the form of a wide funnel that narrowed to the bottom. In other words, as I climbed to the top, the places I would visit and see were growing, expanding and multiplying.
The second reason was at least as valid and important as the first. When I came to this first part of hell years ago, I saw a woman there. That woman had a very important place in my temporary life. When I saw him there, I was heartbroken, and I had to force myself not to run to him. But like every other servant, he was paying his debt to Allah (c.c.) and was serving the punishment he had cut in the name of divine justice. No one could help him, including me. Because this was the place where the mother forgot her baby. That's why I didn't go to him, I left him to his fate. I was hoping to see him again. Now the situation was different. I had traveled through parts of Hell twice. It was time to leave, never to return. My departure would perhaps mean the end of my hopes of ever seeing him again. I might not be able to come back here again. It probably wouldn't have. Maybe the only thing I couldn't accept at that moment was that I left without seeing him again, without hearing from him, giving up my hopes of seeing him. I didn't want to see him again, or at least leave without hearing from him. So wherever I went, I would go up to a high place so that they could see me well, and call out to the sinners I knew very well around.
The inhabitants of this part of Hell were different from other parts. The sinners of the other division were like wild beasts. They usually avoid me, they don't want to talk. The inhabitants of this place, on the other hand, came out of the holes and crevices where they took shelter, came to me in silence, turned around, looked at me with shame, and listened to what I said as if they were in a state of ecstasy.
Their persistent averting of their gaze from me seemed to be characteristic of sinners here. I found a lot of love, respect and envy in his glances towards me, which I caught from time to time. But when our gazes met, they bowed their heads with a sense of shame they could not help – perhaps out of respect – and they did not want to meet my eyes. When they noticed that I was approaching to speak, they often panicked, seeming both willing and unwilling to speak.
As sinners gathered around me wherever I went, I took a long, long look at them, looking for a familiar face, pale but beautiful.
But after a long time, despite all my eager searches, I could not find him. I couldn't give up my search. I didn't want to leave here without seeing him again and hearing from him. For me it was the same as giving up all hope of seeing him again, perhaps accepting to lose him completely.
Finding it was the equivalent of looking for a lost needle in a haystack. I was aware of that. He is patiently walking around this vast country step by step; I was looking for him tirelessly.
I don't know how much time has passed. Perhaps over the centuries I have persistently and patiently sought him out. Finally, I saw a woman among the sinners gathered around me. She was fat, she. There was a large mole on the upper part of his left cheek. He was pale, like the sinners here, and a white line formed from his lips to his neck from the dirty, cloudy water he had to drink. I recognized him immediately. This woman was next to the beloved woman I saw when I first came to Hell. Maybe I could get some information from him about the woman I was looking for.
Noticing that my eyes were fixed on him, he quickly averted his eyes from me, as do most sinners, and lowered his head to the ground. When he noticed that I was approaching him, he panicked, literally looking for a hole to enter. She wanted to leave immediately, returning with a sudden reaction. But I didn't let him run away.
Approaching him with a few quick steps:
-I said please. There is no need for you to be ashamed or afraid of me, so you don't have to run away. If I had not received my Lord's forgiveness and forgiveness, I would be among you now as a sinner.
Please! Let me ask you a few questions. You have no idea how important this is to me.
When he realized that I wanted to ask him a question, that my questions were very important to me, he got into a terrible dilemma and paused for a moment. He seemed hesitant to talk to me. He must have finally decided to speak, for he quietly waited for me to approach. His face and body were half turned towards me.
Again to him:
-Please…I said please. Allow me to ask you a few questions. I ask this of you very, very much. For God's sake, do this. You don't know how important your answers are to me.
In a vague voice:
What business can you have with a sinner like me? You are one of the bright people of that happy world, he said.
-I said please. If my Lord had not been merciful, I said, maybe I would be with you now.
These words encouraged the woman a little. Again, in a barely audible whisper:
-What did you want to ask me? Said.
-I said please. Try to remember. Centuries, perhaps millennia ago, when you first came here, there was a woman with you. A weak, beautiful woman. His name is…
Without giving me a chance to say his name:
He said yes, yes, I remember. How can we forget your coming here? None of the sinners who saw you here forgot that day. You promised to help us find an intercessor.
-Yup! I promised you, but I haven't had a chance yet. I said that if my Lord gives me this opportunity, of course I will fulfill my promise.
After a moment's hesitation:
-Please tell me. That woman… Where did that woman next to you go? Where can I find it? Can you give me information about this?
Without hesitation, the woman said:
The woman you were looking for disappeared suddenly after you left. This is how sinners get lost here occasionally, though. “I never saw him again,” she said.
my god! Could it be true that I thought and hoped?
I couldn't hold back my tears. In tears:
-My God! You are the one who knows everything. I said, "I'm sure you know what's in my heart."
I thanked the woman. After praying that Allah (c.c.) would grant him the best, I left him.
The hope that arose in my heart was so great and beautiful that it created an impatience that I could not help. I didn't want to stay there even for a second anymore.
I knew the way out of this place, but it would take me a long time to return from the normal ways. My impatience was so sharp and great that I could not afford it.
-Ahh! I wished Malik was with me so he could get me out of here, I muttered.
This thought had just formed in my brain and found expression on my tongue when Malik suddenly appeared before me.
Without needing to say anything, he extended his hand again:
-Come on, he said.
I put my hands on his big but soft hands and prepared to close my eyes. In the first moments, my keen impatience made me think of nothing but getting out of there as soon as possible. But my old illness suddenly relapsed. The question that I couldn't find the answer for a long time and that I had placed in the back of my mind to ask Malik came to my mind. This could be my last opportunity to learn the answer to that question. If I left without knowing the answer to this question, it would haunt me forever. It also went against my philosophy of learning whenever I got the chance. What significance, what value would a few minutes be spent on knowledge in an eternal life?
-Ya Malik! Before I go, I said I would like to ask one more question, if you'll excuse me.
He smiles as always:
"You know, you don't need permission to ask questions," he said.
This was the answer I expected from him. I smiled at him too.
-I said okay. Thank you anyway. I want to ask you this comment. I wandered around most of the manifestation of my Lord. But I couldn't find anything I expected to be there. I couldn't see him.
Malik with interest:
-To most of the manifestation of my Lord? It is true that you have been wandering around for thousands of years. But after correcting my words, that what you can see is not a drop in an endless ocean:
-What is the thing that you could not find even though it should be in the manifestation of my Lord? She asked.
-O Malik! I did not see the mother of evil there, the demon. Shouldn't he be there? Isn't it the promise of my Lord to be thrown there after the Judgment Day and to keep that place forever? Or is it somewhere else?
Malik looked at me with interest, bewildered by my question. And then:
-You really couldn't see him? she asked.
His astonishment and the question brought by this bewilderment made me think that I couldn't see something even though I should have seen it.
So smiling:
-O Malik! We humans are really interesting creatures. Sometimes the facts are so big and obvious that we are unable to see them, I said.
-Alright! Then he said come and took my hands. When I close my eyes as usual:
-He said no. Don't close your eyes so you can see the answer to your question.
While Malik was waiting for me to hold my hands and take me somewhere, he suddenly changed shape and disguise, and turned into his real self with forty wings filling the horizons. She was so beautiful that I just stared at her in amazement and admiration. He reached out and took me in his hands and gently lifted me up to his shoulders. He spread his forty ore-decorated wings, bent like bee wings. We started to rise upwards with a soft movement. The forty wings were opening and closing in turn, but not the slightest sound could be heard. We were rising softly and silently but swiftly, like an air bubble rising from the bottom of a deep sea.
Hell heavy, heavy gathered under us. The smoking turned into a giant flaming orb. As I got farther away, it was slowly shrinking and gathering in front of me.
When he was far enough away, Malik stopped and said:
-Look, he said.
Hell, far, far ahead of us, had gathered together and turned into a sphere. Even though we were quite far away, I could feel the smell that broke the poles of our noses, and the warmth of my face, even where we were.
If we divide the infernal sphere in half with an imaginary line in the middle, like the earth, near the north pole there was a huge funnel-shaped well with the wide part upwards, the tongues of the steaming fire and the smoke of the smoldering fire clearly visible. It was smoldering and smelled like carrion.
When I looked a little more carefully, I realized with horror that the object in front of me, which I thought was hell, was a prostrate creature. He was so shrunken while prostrating that his head was between his legs, he had collapsed into a ball, forming a sphere. His long, red beard was clearly visible, protruding from his head, tucked well between his legs.
When my curiosity increased the sharpness of my eyes a little more, I noticed that there were some small creatures on it that looked like ticks.
Seeing him like this:
-Oh my God! Hell was inside the Devil. Turns out, I couldn't help saying that hell-demon is the devil himself.
-Yup. Surely this is the manifestation of divine justice. He said that the tick-like creatures you see on him are his avennes and helpers.
After Malik allowed me to look at the Devil, who was standing in front of me for a while, and the hell formed in his person, with exemplary eyes:
-Did you find what you were looking for? She asked.
As I bow my head sadly and confusedly:
I said yes, I found it. Then, turning my face towards my comrade, I added:
-I don't want to stay here any longer. Wherever you're going to take me, take me as soon as possible.
Malik turned slightly. And it took me to another world.
0 notes
dieonerememerberbook · 3 years ago
Here, moving from one dimension to another was as simple as opening a door, pulling a curtain. After a small move by Malik, a green world opened up in front of us. This was a vast and lush forest area that seemed to be endless. In this forest that filled the horizons, there were spaces with diluted trees, and in the middle of these spaces there were palaces and mansions, large and small, carved from white marble that looked like large pearls. These palaces and mansions looked like cute little models from afar. In the gardens of palaces and mansions, there were smaller trees than those in the surrounding areas, and around these trees there were clusters of various, colorful and colorful flowers. Between these clusters, small lakes with small waterfalls and fountains were visible, shimmering like large mirrors from afar.
Everywhere was so full of colorful flowers that although we were quite far away, their fragrant scent could be felt even from where we were.
My eyes are stuck on these beauties. I was unable to take my eyes off. I thought it was a paradise from the heavens.
So to Malik:
-Ahh! What a beautiful place I see in front of me. This place must be a paradise from the heavens. O Malik! Is this a paradise from the heavens? I asked.
Malik shook his head negatively:
-No! Said. It is not a Paradise from the heavens. It is just a few of the accommodation places on the road that turns right after Purgatory.
Then looking at me with interest:
-You remember Purgatory, right? She asked.
How could I forget it? My eyes are full, full:
-Thank you Lord. I praise my Lord for the number of His creations. I said that it is the place where I attained his mercy and received his forgiveness.
Malik took me to a small area, treeless but filled to the brim with flower clusters, in the middle of this lush green place that unfolded before us with all its beauty. It smelled like everywhere. When he spoke, he tidied up his wings and restored them to their original shape. The place he brought and put it was so beautiful that I just stared with my mouth wide open in admiration and bewilderment.
Malik prodded me, pointing to two white spots approaching us from behind the clusters of flowers:
-Do you know these people? She asked.
I focused all my attention on the two white spots approaching us, growing larger as we got closer. When I got to know them, my heart was filled with joy.
Looking at Malik's face in amazement:
-Oh! I shouted. These are my old friends Gaffar and Muhlis. But how?
Those who came were indeed Gaffar and Muhlis. They must have been waiting here for the transformation for many thousand years. They were just like the first time I saw them. They hadn't changed at all. We hugged and hugged. Ma-lik, on the other hand, stood to one side, watching with interest our silent embrace.
When I turned towards him with my heart full of joy, I found Malik a little sad and stagnant.
Again, trying to smile as usual:
-My mission ends here. Now is the time to leave. He said we have to leave.
I was extremely open to sadness as well as joy. Therefore, Ma-lik's sadness immediately infected me. Squeezing Malik's large but soft hands affectionately:
I found you a very good friend and friend. I will never forget you. I wish you were with us? If you could come with us? But I know that this is not possible right now, at least for now. Maybe after many years. I said, make it right my friend.
Malik tried to smile:
-Yes you are right. After a time ordained by my Lord. This time may be very long, but what is the value of what can be limited compared to what cannot be limited by a limit?
If we describe time as a series of events that come and go in succession, was this place really timeless? Was this an environment of timelessness and spacelessness? But I perceived time and space very sharply and precisely. Everything here was in a state of constant renewal as a blessing from my Supreme Lord. Therefore it was infinite. Each being perceived time in its own way. There was no aging, shrinking or disappearing here. Everything was related to each other. It was created in an order that resembles a circle, complementing each other and never breaking. So it was endless. There was presence here, but death was killed.
It didn't take long to say goodbye to Malik. It disappeared as suddenly as it came. Maybe I would never see him again, but I would never forget him.
Muhlis and Gaffar noticed my impatience. Muhlis, looking at my face:
You can stay here for a while if you want. But I don't think he will do that. He said, "Let's take you to your real home without delaying any longer, so that we don't keep the watchers waiting any longer."
Who could be waiting for me? Surely they must have been a few friends I knew from where I lingered for that moment. Apart from this, I had another hope, but I kept it as a secret in my heart, for which I sought refuge in the mercy and mercy of my Lord. It was much better to be more or less hopeful than hopeless. It also gave me an incredible happiness that didn't fit inside of me. I was so happy that I didn't feel the need to ask any more questions about it, to linger any longer.
Turning to my two comrades:
-Then come on! What are we waiting for? I said take me wherever you want to take me.
Gaffar and Muhlis transformed into their real self. When I opened their wings, they filled my horizons in two ways. Although they were slightly smaller in size than Malik. Although Malik had forty wings, they only had twenty, but they were both dazzlingly beautiful. I was looking at them in surprise and admiration.
Muhlis, after grabbing each of them by my arm:
He said, "Let's go, I'm your guide on this road."
We took off as soft as a feather. That forested area filling the horizons got smaller and smaller under us and became a shambles. Another curtain parted, another door opened. We have moved from one dimension to another.
That interesting and beautiful world that had become a squatter started to grow again. Another world, much more beautiful than any I had seen before, loomed before my eyes, as if visible through a veil.
The places we came to were extremely beautiful and interesting. Their curiosities triggered my old illness. That's why I kept my eyes wide open, fascinated and confused, trying to see the surroundings in the best possible way and to learn something.
Two of my friends took me to a height where I could see the surroundings from a bird's eye view. Then we began to advance slowly, with coy wingbeats. As we progressed, the scenery became more and more interesting.
My sense of curiosity was aroused, triggered. I couldn't help but ask Muhlis, who said that everything he saw was my guide on this path. For this reason, Muhlis took me in his palms and brought me close to his ears. He was tirelessly trying to find answers to my questions.
As I wrote before, it was very easy to change place and place here, to move from one dimension to another. A few flaps of wings, a slight turn from one direction to the other, was enough for the job. Although I am quite experienced in this field, I thought that our road would be quite long.
We haven't gone as far as a place with a few flaps of wings yet, when a curtain from the curtains and a door from the doors opened. A magnificent, giant orb appeared before me, filling the horizon.
If we divide this sphere in half with an imaginary line like the equator, the northern hemisphere would be slightly larger and pointed than the southern hemisphere. It rose upwards with a slight incline, like a pyramid whose base filled the horizon.
This is how I saw Hell from afar, so I was in a position to make a comparison with what I see now. First, let's say that this sphere should have been hundreds of times the size of hell. It was shining brightly, like a giant lantern illuminated from within. The orb was generally dominated by the green color. It was immediately conspicuous in the blue as large spots scattered here and there in this greenery. These blue spots were usually in the southern hemisphere, with blue lines between them that had formed deltas that looked like blood vessels.
This orb was usually dominated by green, but dazzling flashes were visible in every shade of every color, as if colorful jewels had been placed inside this green color. This giant orb, which I guessed to be tens of times higher than hell, was like a pile of bright, shining jewels. It was illuminated from both sides by two luminous objects resembling the sun. These two luminous objects resembling the sun seemed to have been specially created to illuminate this heavy, slowly rotating giant sphere in two directions.
The soft lights coming on the sphere were reflected outwardly by dividing into a thousand and one colors due to the materials that make up the sphere. For this reason, the places other than the light cones formed between the suns and the sun were in the form of a black ground on which some objects resembling stars shined.
Everything was so beautiful and harmonious that I almost swallowed my little tongue in front of what I saw. There was a scene in front of me that I was unable to describe in words.
Muhlis and Gaffar paused so that I could see the landscape in front of me better, understand it more easily, and more importantly, digest what I saw, and lingered so that I could see and perceive this unique landscape that stretches out in front of me better, they tried to give me time to recover a little.
The landscape stretching out in front of me was so beautiful and attractive that I was literally speechless, unable to speak or even think.
Finally, after a while:
-My God! Is this Heaven I see? I could say.
This was more of a confirmation of what I saw than a question.
Both of my comrades:
-Yup! The place you see is the heavens and your eternal home. This is our Lord's:
“O heaven! You are the manifestation of my mercy. They said, "I will show mercy and show mercy to my servants whom I want and wish with you".
Gaffar looked at me expressively:
-Where would you like your place in the land of eternal happiness? She asked.
It didn't take much thought to answer this question.
-My Lord certainly knows what is in my heart better than I do. But I am a sinful servant who received forgiveness and forgiveness at the last moment. That's why I know my limits. I said I'd already settle for a place as small as my body could fit, anywhere in heaven, on the threshold of any of its doors.
Muhlis intervenes in the words:
"Then let's go," he said.
As that magnificent sphere called Heaven got closer, it became more detailed and beautiful. Some deep voices began to come. These voices got stronger as they got closer. It's as if a giant choir of millions and billions of people is all in unison:
-Allah-u Akbar, Allah-u Akbar,
La ilaha illallahu vallahu akbar,
He was saying Allah-u Akbar wa lillahi hamd.
The choir sang so beautifully that I joined them with all my heart and soul. During this journey in heaven, even if it sometimes fell from my lips, it would never fall from my heart and soul.
We were approaching heaven slowly. This giant orb was slowly spinning before my eyes, displaying its beauties. Every part of it was interesting and beautiful, but my eyes were on the northern hemisphere, where the colorful lights resembling ore bumps were more common.
When I looked a little more carefully, I saw that four almost straight white lines emerged from the upper end of that pyramid-like mountain. It was as if these white lines had parceled out and divided the heavens.
While I was preoccupied with the subject of these white lines that break off from the summit and split into innumerable branches as one descends to the base, my comrades directed me to a place near the base of this bright, blazing giant mountain. During this time, I realized that what I saw as blue spots from afar were lakes formed among greenery. The lines that formed deltas like the blue veins connecting the ponds were rivers. The waters of both lakes and rivers were so clear that even though I was quite far away, I could easily see and easily notice the fluctuations of the white stones inside.
When we got a little closer, the lakes got bigger, the lines denoting the rivers got thicker. My eyes, sharpened with curiosity, did not fail to discern that there were some blacks swarming along the edges of these lakes and rivers. It was as if millions and billions of tiny creatures were rushing back and forth to the edges of lakes or rivers, running towards them.
Until that moment, my mind and eyes were focused on understanding and perceiving what I saw. I was trying to understand and make sense of what I saw. That's why I didn't ask questions of my comrades. But I was incapable of figuring out the answer to the question of what I saw by the lakes and rivers. Maybe if I had been patient, I would have found the answer to this question by seeing it, but I couldn't be that patient. Therefore, to Muhlis:
-O Muhlis! I see rivers and lakes below. It is as if some objects and shadows are merging on the banks of these rivers and lakes, they are running and running like ant trains. I said that I was incapable of understanding what they were.
They are the lakes and rivers of life. What you see are sinners freed from hell. He said that they are washed and cleaned in those rivers and come to life again.
These words of Muhlis made me incredibly happy. I desperately needed such a cleanse.
-Ohh! How beautiful I cried. Take me there, among them, so that I can wash and clean. After all, I'm a person out of hell, too.
-Certainly! It is not possible for you to enter Paradise without being washed and cleansed in the springs of life. But your place is not here, he said.
In this world, like the other world, he was in an incredible order. Everything was created in its place. My Lord must have determined from time immemorial who will wash and clean where, what water and how much water to use. That's why I didn't find these words of Muhlis strange.
Two of my comrades took me up with a soft flight. When I came to the foot of this magnificent mountain, which looks like a giant pyramid, what I saw became even more beautiful.
During this time, I realized that the lines that looked like white lace thrown on this giant mountain were actually the cascades of four rivers coming from the peaks of heaven. Although strangely divided into numerous branches, its power and flow did not decrease, flowing from each branch as much as it was at its source.
As we approached the foot of this giant pyramid-like mountain, the landscape became clearer and more beautiful. There were many large and small palaces and mansions among the waterfalls. As I saw and discovered beauties, my admiration grew more and more, turning into envy.
-I was thinking that the owners of the palaces and mansions I saw must be from the beloved servants of my Lord. It never occurred to me that I could be the owner of one of those palaces and mansions. To put it more accurately, I did not consider myself worthy of it. After all, wasn't I a sinful servant who was able to get rid of hell at the last moment by being blessed with my Lord's mercy?
My comrades took me from the palaces and mansions I saw to a medium-sized white mansion. This mansion was like the others. It got bigger as it got closer. As she grew older, her beauty became more evident. It was as if it were a large pearl in that greenery.
I was asking myself why my comrades were taking me towards that magnificent pearl-carved mansion, but I could not find an answer. Finally, my comrades brought me down to the garden of this mansion with their naive and coy wings. They regrouped and returned to their old self.
The garden we came to was not very big, but it was incredibly beautiful.
On the right side of the garden, there was a small but very beautiful pavilion carved from the white pearl that I saw from above. Behind the mansion, one of the waterfalls, which I perceived as white lines from afar, was silently flowing. Strangely, the gurgling, gurgling flow characteristic of waterfalls was absent in this waterfall. It flowed silently as if it were pure foam, without making the slightest noise or hum.
In the garden that surrounded the mansion on three sides, small, graceful paths appeared in yellow and yellow glowing lines. There were lovely trees and flower clusters on either side of each path. Its fragrant scent filled every part of it. There were a thousand and one kinds of trees and flower clusters in the garden, which is not very big in front of the mansion. On these trees and flower clusters, colorful birds, large and small, were singing, singing happy songs, chirping and playing with joy.
The place where my comrades brought me and put me on was one of the countless paths in the garden. I bent down and looked at the floor. It was made of pure gold, with rectangular slabs resembling cobblestones, very neatly laid. In the corners where the plates met, large diamonds were shining. My feet were bare, but for some reason I couldn't feel the hardness and coldness of the ground I was stepping on. It was as if I was walking on a silk carpet.
While I was passing out in amazement and admiration, a door opened from the doors of the mansion and two handsome young men of seventeen and eighteen years of age, whose mustaches had just begun to sweat, came out.
They were both roughly the same height and looked alike as if they were twin brothers. They were wearing one-piece dresses made of white silk. They had one end of the dress wrapped around their waist and the other end hung over their left shoulders. Therefore, his right shoulder and arms were bare.
They both approached and bowed in front of me. As he bends his neck, he stretches out his right arms towards me:
-Welcome, our lord, they said.
The way they came and bowed in front of me showed that this address was for me. But I was so stunned that I could not perceive it right away.
Turning to Muhlis, who was one step behind me:
-Who are these young people? Why did they call me master? I asked.
-They are gilmans. They are the servants of that mansion. You are the owner of this mansion, you are their master. He said, "That's why they call you our master."
What Muhlis said was unbelievable. That's why I stared at her confused, confused face. But Muhlis' face was extremely serious. This showed that he was telling the truth. Incredibly elated and emotional:
I said thank God.
This joy was so great that it overflowed. Unable to control it, I started to cry heavily.
Gaffar came to me and said:
Do not be afraid to take advantage of the blessings of my Lord and do not be ashamed to do so. Because my Lord is Ghani. You more than deserved these blessings. His blessings are inexhaustible. He said hurry up.
Slowly and with small steps, I walked towards the door of the mansion, which was wide open. My legs were trembling and tangled with joy and excitement.
The Gilmans, seeing my approach, withdrew; they took me in their midst and bowed their heads to the ground in reverence.
Both reminded me of the sons I had left in that temporary world.
-Please donate your names to me. When I saw you, I said I remembered my sons.
The one on the right, as if ashamed of me, but in reality out of respect for me, his eyes down, in a very soft and light voice:
He said, "Lord, I am Kadir.
The other in the same way, but a little closer to me:
- I am Mumtaz too, said our master.
I was uncomfortable when they called me our master. That's why:
Don't call me our master. I said, 'There is no Master but our Lord.
Our Lord created us to recognize you as masters. This is the wisdom of our creation. Allow us to call you our lord. They said that this address will make us happy.
Its subject matter was the will of my Lord. It was impossible for me to object to his discretion. Undoubtedly, these gilmans, like the others, were just one of my Lord's mercy and blessings towards me. That's why I didn't make a sound.
The gilmans both stretched out their arms toward the open door:
-Sir, won't you order? Take a rest inside for a while. Then they said to go into the pool of wisdom and get clean.
I walked through the open door, my legs trembling with excitement and happiness.
This tiny mansion must have been carved from a single piece of pearl. It was illuminated by a dim light, which was not clear from where it came from, and which gave peace of mind. Small windows with ruby-inlaid sills opened towards the magnificent garden. Golden thrones and ottomans were placed in front of each window, and wicker silk cushions and pillows were placed on them. Everything looked simple and natural. But the magnificence in this simplicity was immediately evident.
Carved from a single pearl, this magnificent pavilion seemed like a single room in appearance. Opposite the entrance was a wonderful full-length mirror that showed it in three dimensions. As soon as I entered, I stared at my silhouette, which was reflected from there. Was it me, the young, handsome man of medium height, parted on both sides, long black hair with a lively gaze falling over his shoulders, as reflected in the mirror?
Although I have been wandering around in the fiercest places of hell for thousands of years, there was not the slightest stain on my white dress. This pleased my soul. For a moment, when I felt a sense of arrogance starting to settle in my heart, I bowed my head in embarrassment and begged forgiveness and forgiveness from my Lord.
My exterior didn't seem to need any cleaning. But on the way Muhlis said:
I remember him saying, "It is not possible to enter Paradise without being washed and cleansed in the springs of life." Indeed, I must have been brought here to be washed and cleansed in the springs of life.
Kadir and Mümtaz were standing on the sofa right behind me, waiting for my orders. It was much easier for me to ask them than to order them.
-I said please. I want to be washed and cleaned. Can you guide and help me in this matter?
They said, "The command of our master is on our heads." Then they stretched out their hands to take off my clothes. Realizing this, he immediately grabbed his hands and said:
-I said please. I don't need help undressing and dressing. In such a situation, I feel ashamed first of my Lord and then of you.
My words came as a shock to the gilmans, and then caused a panic. He stares at me with his pleading eyes:
-Please, sir, do not deprive us of the pleasure of serving you. We were created to serve you. This is what we are created for. We live as long as we serve you. They said that if you do not allow us to serve you, it is impossible for us to live, to enjoy our life.
So sharp and sincere an expression of pain and begging was found in the depths of his eyes that I knew immediately that it was impossible for me to refuse them.
-Since the wisdom of your creation is service to us; so I said okay. I allow you to serve me. But in this case, close your eyes tightly while serving.
Kadir and Mümtaz helped me undress even though their eyes were tightly closed. Finally, Kadir:
He said, "Sir, your destination is right across the street."
In front of him was that magnificent mirror that showed everything in three clouds. There was no place like a door in sight. But since Ka-dir had said that my destination was right in front of him, I thought that there must be a door or a passage that I couldn't see, so I walked towards that direction.
After a few steps, the mirror moved and curled inward. Again, carved out of white pearl, a dim but not too big room appeared, illuminated by a calming light. On the opposite corner of the room was a large two-level pool.*
Colorful liquids, which I could not understand for the moment, were flowing into the first pool, which is a little higher and smaller than the bottom one, from the six gutters**, filling the small top pool.
After the liquids flowing here were combined and mixed, they formed a waterfall of white light and poured into the large pool below. This creek was just above the entrance to the great pool below. In other words, it was not possible to enter the big pool without going under this waterfall and washing with it.***
As I approached the small pool, I had the opportunity to see more closely the liquids flowing into it. This light-like liquid flowing in a cascade from the small pool to the large pool was a bit strange. It was as if it was not a liquid but something much more. It pierced my palm when I touched it. It was as if there was an intense light or a flood of light flowing from there. I caught it in my eyes, and for a long time I was incapable of looking at it.
The lower pool was much larger than the upper one. Five taps-tan**** are similar to the one above but clearly separate from them.
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* Wisdom pool. This pool represents Islam.
**The six grooves are the conditions of faith.
*** Faith is poured out like a light on those who fulfill the six conditions.
****Five taps are the deeds ordered by Islam. However, when combined with the light of faith, it creates Ab-ı Yaşam, which gives an eternal and happy life.
Some liquids were flowing, resembling multi-colored, curved lights.
A colorless liquid flows from the first of these grooves in the shape of a half-moon on the opposite side of the entrance, as white as snow from the second, sky blue from the second, dark green from the third, honey-colored from the fourth, and a heavy, smoking colorless liquid from the fifth faucet, these liquids combine and mix with the light or intense light coming from the upper pool. was filling the pool.
When these liquids, both resembling and dissimilar to water, combined, they were tempered in various colors, smoked heavily, and smelled sweet.*
After pausing for a while in amazement and amazement at what I saw, I slowly approached the large pool below.
On the opposite side of where the faucets were located, tiny steps** were made to go down to enter the pool.
I paused a bit in excitement. Then I slowly approached the pool. When I reached the first step, the flood of light poured on me. From my skin to my flesh, from my flesh to my bones, and from there to my soul. My soul was washed with the light flowing from this luminous waterfall. He was cleansed of all his filth. He returned to his original self. I felt lighter and more relaxed as if I were a body-you.
The liquid that filled the great pool was neither hot nor cold. It gave an incredible sense of relief from the places where it touched the body. Everything was extremely beautiful. For a moment, I looked at the water, which was tempering in front of me, rippling and swaying as if it were shivering. I bent down and took it in my hands. First I smelled it, then I drank some. It tasted sweeter than honey. It also smelled like musk. I took the liquid hand in hand and rubbed it on my body. Then I lay my whole body in his soft hands.
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*The first tap is prayer, the second is fasting, the third is zakat, and the fourth is the cross. The fifth tap is Kalima-i Shahada, the symbol of faith. Those flowing from the fifth tap combine with those flowing from other taps. Without the fifth tap, the others will be of no use or importance.
**These steps represent intention. It is not possible to enter the pool without using these steps.
This liquid was not like water. Maybe it was just another form of water suitable here. Maybe this was the water called Ab-ı Hayat.
The liquid that touched my body penetrated from my skin to my flesh, from my flesh to my bones, and from there it passed into my whole soul. An incredible feeling of comfort, spaciousness and peace filled my whole being. This liquid cleansed, nourished and regenerated my soul as well as my body. When I came out of the pool, I was much younger and more vigorous than when I was born from my mother. I felt this youth and vigor in my soul as well as in my body, and I felt it with all its might.
Noticing that I had come out of the pool and was heading outward, the gilmans rushed to where I was, with their eyes tightly closed.
I dried myself with the fragrant, snow-white soft towels they handed me. Finally, Mumtaz handed me a garment that was whiter than snow. It was a dress from the heavenly dresses.
When extending:
-How long have we been keeping this dress in custody to give it to you? He said, "Wear in the name of my Lord, then go to your homeland."
What did it mean to dress in the name of my Lord and then set off for your homeland? Wouldn't my comrades take me where I was going?
But upon reflection, I immediately realized the absurdity of asking my comrades to take me home as soon as possible.
I have been wandering around in hells for thousands of years for science; I tried to take lessons from what I saw and heard. It was imperative and necessary for me to follow the same path in heaven. Not doing this was against my personality. Undoubtedly, my comrades knew this truth, as did the gilmans.
When I came out, my comrades looked at me with admiration and blinked as if they were dazzled.
-Masallah! God forbid you. “As far as I can see, you are ready to go,” he said.
With hope:
-Yes I am ready. Will you be my comrades who will guide me in this journey? I asked.
Gaffar answered this question.
-No! You don't need us to show the way and direction, you don't need a guide. He said, "You will go on the path that has been appreciated from eternity."
What did it mean to go on the path that was predestined, and not to need a guide, a guide, a guide?
He turned to Muhlis with hope and said:
-Alright! In the name of Allah (swt), tell me. I am a weak servant with a self open to mistakes and sins. Will you be there for me when I need it and guide me? I asked.
-No! Because you won't need us. Those you need are already there. You are like a farmer who has planted his crop properly and goes to his field to raise his crop. "You're just going to harvest," he replied.
To both:
-Surely, it will be what my Lord has ordained. Will I see you again? I said at least tell me that.
In response to them:
-Certainly! They said that when you reach your home, you will find us waiting there.
My eternally determined path lay in front of me in a white line. Realizing this fueled my impatience.
-Do you have any advice or advice for me before I set off? I said please give me advice and advice.
-No! You are your own guide. We already know that he will not forget this, that he will not deviate from the path shown by his mind and conscience. They said that you are not one of those who stray anymore, and they disappeared.
Once again I was alone. The Gilmans, on the other hand, were standing on the couch, waiting for my orders. I knew it was unnecessary for me to linger there any longer. I thanked them, kissed their foreheads lovingly as if they were my children. I left them after I wished them well. Looking around with great curiosity and admiration, I walked out with heavy steps from the garden of the mansion where I was eating and cleaning.
A golden door inlaid with emeralds separated my path from another, wider one. I went out. On the golden door my name was inlaid with diamonds and emeralds. When I saw my name there, I started to cry with happiness. I was crying and praising my Lord.
The road I took was paved with gold plates like the other roads, and large rubies were placed at the corners at the junctions. On both sides of the road, there were beautiful lanterns carved from agate stone, although they were not needed.
The first question I had to decide when I set out appeared in my mind. There were two directions in front of me. Which direction was the right way to get me to my goal? Should I turn left or right?
It didn't take long for me to decide and make a choice on this issue. A very sharp and strong tangle of emotions, resembling the voice of my conscience, arose within me, strictly commanding me to turn right. It was a certain knowledge, a certain knowing that was formed in me, in which there was not an iota of shape and doubt. It was as if I had traveled this road a million times over. So without hesitation, I turned right and started walking.
Luminous objects that I had seen before and compared to the sun illuminated the whole place with pleasant, undisturbed lights. Everywhere was shining brightly, the road that I was walking on, decorated with rubies and diamonds, paved with gold and silver plates, stretched towards the horizon. It was as if I was walking through heaps of ore, as if I was in a gigantic treasure chamber, lit from two directions by luminous lamps.
Extending towards the horizon, this golden road turned right with a slight curve and climbed upwards with a gentle slope. In this case, the lower skirts of this enormous mountain called Paradise were on my left, and the upper skirts were on my right. On both sides were gardens of incomparable beauty.
Inside these gardens were dazzling mansions, palaces and mansions, large and small, carved from pearls and white marbles, made of gold and silver, similar or dissimilar to mine.
Strangely enough, these gardens, which contained mansions, palaces, and mansions, were not separated from the road or the others by barriers such as walls or fences. They were intertwined with each other. It was clear from all this that they were the property of a Single Person. It was possible to come and go easily from the road or from any other place without encountering any obstacles.
Doorways were elegant accessories that served no other purpose than to indicate the landlord's tenants. Rental prices meant only Alhamdulillah.
On the elegant golden garden gates of every palace, mansion or mansion, it was written with rubies and emeralds to whom they were assigned. As I passed by these doors, I was reading with interest the gold inscriptions emerald inlaid.
Most of these mansions, palaces and mansions seemed empty, but the guests of some of them were sitting on their thrones under dark shaded trees. The gilmans who looked like Kadir and Mumtaz were circling around them. In front of them were tables full of blessings bestowed by my Lord. When they saw me, they first looked at my confused and confused face, and then they invited me to join them.
I didn't need such a break, since it wasn't long after I set out. Therefore, I politely declined their polite invitation.
I was hungry and thirsty on the way. The groceries bag that Gaffar gave when he entered Hell had been hanging around my neck for thousands of years. Until now, I had met my needs from this food bag. But during my cleaning in my mansion, my clothes were changed, my food bag was taken and not returned. That meant I didn't need it.
In the gardens stretching out on both sides of me, there were trees of all kinds, whose branches were bent with their loads, and whose fruits were evident in every aspect. Honey flowed from the fruits of these trees. But no matter how hungry I was, it was not possible for me to take something from someone else's garden without permission, even if there was no obstacle.
My desire to eat these fruits of paradise had just appeared in my heart and took root when a tree branch from the trees closest to me stretched out towards where I was and dropped one of its ripest and most beautiful fruits into my palm. Then a voice I heard inside, a cry:
Everything you see in Paradise is your Lord's. The property is His alone. It is nobody's property. Make use of them as you wish. His fee is to draw basmala before and after. He said that if you do this, every blessing is as halal as your mother's white milk.
The ripe fruit that fell into my hand was a gift from my Lord. In order to receive such a gift, it was enough just to ask for it. His fee was to draw basmala before and at the end.
When you notice this:
I said thank God. I ate the fruit that was offered with the Basmalah. Fruit made me thirsty. As the desire for a glass of icy sherbet rose within me, a luminous being suddenly appeared, with only his arms, chest, head, and neck visible. In his hand was a gold tray, and on it were silver glasses, sweaty with the coldness of what was inside. After bowing, he slowly bowed:
"Dear servant of my Lord," he said, and offered the iced sherbet on the tray.
The address of my Lord's beloved servant came to me sweeter and better than the sherbet I was going to drink. After praising my Allah (c.c.) and saying basmala, I drank the sherbet that was offered. The sherbet passed from my stomach to my veins with a sweet coolness. It caused sweet and peaceful winds to blow inside me. While I was swept away by the wonderful sense of taste I felt, the luminous being who served the treat disappeared as soon as it came.
Angels were hovering over my head as I walked along this golden road that stretched across the horizon. All of them were twos. Coy, coy, they were flapping their wings silently, and they were bringing and taking away the paradise they were holding. When I saw them, I was praising my Lord.
I was walking along the road that stretched between gardens with mansions and mansions, and I was reading the owner's name with curiosity as I came across the doors. The worlds became mine when I had acquaintances among them. Then I was lingering in these doors a little longer in the hope that I might see the owner.
Sometimes I ran into people I knew. When they recognize me, they run towards each other happily; We were hugging for a long time.
My old friends were inviting me to their mansions and mansions. These invitations are usually persistent; In order not to offend them, I entered their mansions and mansions, was their guest, and was welcomed in the best way possible.
I really did not need such hospitality. But I knew very well that sharing the blessings bestowed by my Lord, giving gifts, and friendships are one of the most important factors that extend, strengthen and reinforce their lives. Therefore, he gladly accepts these invitations; Later on, I was hoping to invite them to my place in the future.
In the meantime, I learned that these mansions are temporary mansions on the way to heaven. But he could stay here as long as he wanted.
It took me a long time to walk on the golden road that stretched between these beautiful gardens with mansions and mansions. I have seen many exquisite gardens that I can express in millions, magnificent mansions and mansions placed in these gardens, but I was also aware that I had covered only a small part of the road that stretched out in front of me. Paradise was so big that these gardens, mansions and mansions covered only a small part of it.
This golden road, which curves slightly to the right and rises with a gentle slope, took me to a forest that seemed to be endless. The trees in this forest were much more majestic, much more beautiful than what I had seen in the gardens.
But I quickly realized that this forest was not a dry crowd of trees. Next to the gigantic trees whose ends I was incapable of seeing, there were dwarf trees bearing fruit, and beside these trees there were clusters of colorful flowers. Beneath them, beautiful and delicious green grasses, which I could not bear to step on, were covered.
There were colorful, big and small birds, bees, and insects on the trees in the gardens, among which I had been wandering for thousands of years, but I had never seen a place where there were so many birds, bees, and insects. Birds, large and small, of all colors and sizes, fly in groups, singing cheerfully; They were playing around, bathing in the tiny ponds scattered in the forest. It was as if this place had been specially created for birds, bees, insects, and all kinds of animals. And all; They were in a state of dhikr in a deep ecstasy with the tree flower, wolf bird, and bug beetle. These silent dhikrs of theirs were in the form of remembrance of my Lord's name and tehlil that I could easily hear and feel.
In that temporary place where I lingered for a moment, I loved every creature created by my Lord for the sake of the Creator, but birds had a special place and importance for me. In a way, I admired these tiny and cute creatures, who are among the most beautiful creations of my Lord.
As I watched these beautiful creatures playing and chirping in a state of ecstasy, something called a whirl passed over my left shoulder. There were so many birds playing and chirping left and right that it was perfectly normal for them to pass me by. There was nothing strange or strange about it. But right behind me, a thin and sweet voice said:
Saying "We are here, we are here" woke me up from my dream world.
I turned and looked behind me curiously. I tried to see who was calling me. There was a short fig tree standing right in front of me. As in everywhere else, dozens of birds perched on the branches of this tree, and the fruit-laden branches were thoroughly bent. They were playing, chirping, and making use of the bounties that my Lord had bestowed upon them.
Despite all my efforts, I could not see the person calling me. As my eyes searched for the caller, two things flashed over my right and left shoulders again. I could discern their passage in the gentle breeze and shimmer as they passed.
This time, that sweet sweet voice from my right:
-We're here, we're here. "Look this way, look this way," he said. The voice was thin and sweet. It was a little weak, but easily understandable.
To my right was a cluster of colorful roses. The rose saplings were so developed that they almost grew into trees, merged into each other, and formed a delicious bunch.
Searching for the caller, my eyes did not fail to find the two tiny creatures perched on the branch of one of the rose trees. I was almost astonished when I saw two little girls, each only one inch tall, wearing colorful dresses made of heavenly silk.
They must have noticed that I saw them in them and that I was just staring at them in amazement and amazement, for they chirped and giggled with joy.
The girl, who stood a little ahead because of the bend of the branch, was blond and green-eyed. The other was white-skinned, dark-haired, and dark-eyed, a little thinner and a little taller than his friend. Tiny white hands were visible from the sleeves of her colorful dresses. Her tiny feet were bare, stepping on the rose branch. Her silky hair was long, reaching her waist. They were both beautiful, with long silky hair like fake dolls, big eyes, lashes that turned outward, and mouths with full little lips surrounding their small mouths.
After taking a few steps towards them:
-My God! You guys are so cute and beautiful. I said that the creator must have used some of his great knowledge while creating you.
They said, 'We thank our Lord for reincarnating us like this.
The noise of the birds around us was so loud, and the girls' voices were so weak that I could hardly hear them. Rose branches prevented me from getting any closer to them.
That's why:
-Please come a little closer to me so that I can see and hear you better. If you want, I said, "Place on that finger," and showed the thumb of my right hand.
The girls spread their silky wings, which were slumped on their backs, like those of bees. Its wings were made of silk from the heavenly silks, and it was much finer, much more colorful, much more beautiful, much more eye-catching than butterfly wings.
The girls chirped among themselves as they flapped their wings in the air, then flew off and landed on my outstretched finger.
But my finger was too small for both. When they realize that they can't hold on, they take off again:
-Moon! Moon! Moon! We are falling. They said it's best for us to open your hand and put it there. After a round they landed in my open palms for them. Even though they were both in my palms, they were so tiny and light that I couldn't feel their weight.
After the girls were gathered and packed, I brought them a little closer to me. I could hear them better, and I could see them more comfortably, more closely. In the meantime, I was able to see some details of their beauty that I could not notice from afar. My admiration for them has increased even more.
To them:
-Indeed, you are one of the distinguished servants of my Lord who have attained His mercy and forgiveness. Could you please donate your names to me? Said.
The blonde one:
-I am Gülnur. Without pausing, he pointed to his friend and said:
- He said Gulnaz. Our names are the names given to us here. We live in this forest. This is our eternal home.
"I'm so glad to meet you," I said. I am a sinful servant who has attained the forgiveness and mercy of my Lord at the last moment. My name…
Giggling, the two bird-like girls interjected in a chorus:
They said, "We already know you."
It was strange that these two girls in the form of birds recognized me. How and where would they know me? But I did not find it necessary to ask them about it. Because I had much more pressing questions.
To both:
-Can you please tell me? Which of your deeds in that temporary world brought you to this beautiful level? I asked.
But this question had an adverse, unexpected effect on both of them. Suddenly, both of their faces turned red like beets. Embarrassed, they lowered their eyes and then their heads to the ground.
I knew right away that I had broken a pot. My question to them is; It must have reminded them of a painful event or events in their past that they wanted to forget, were ashamed to remember. I didn't want to upset or hurt them.
In regrets:
-I said please. If the answer to my question offends and upsets you, do not answer it. I apologize for this question. Give it to an old man's dementia, his talkativeness. I said forgive me for hurting and upsetting you.
The eyes of both of them were full, full of tears, a few tears that they couldn't help falling from their cheeks. But they didn't seem angry with me at all.
- O blessed person who does not hesitate to go to hell for knowledge and takes all kinds of difficulties! Blessed be your knowledge. Your name came here before you. There are some parables in us that you keep looking for and that can be taken as an example. If we hide them, we would be doing you a great injustice. They already said that we came to him for this.
But I couldn't afford to upset these tiny and beautiful creatures.
I said, 'It is true that I have been wandering around in Hell for thousands of years with the permission and grace of my Lord for knowledge. But the troubles of this were only for my own soul. Even if it is for knowledge, I do not want to upset anyone else, especially you. Then, how and where do I pay your right that has been placed on my back?
-Even if we want this too? she asked.
I said you are very precious to me.
Thereupon, Gulnaz was expelled.
-But we want to contribute to your knowledge by telling you about it. He said, "Please allow us to do this."
Gulnur, who noticed that I remained silent:
"But we don't know how to explain it to you," he added.
After thinking for a while, Gülnur said:
"If you'll excuse me, I want to ask you a question," he said.
Turning my face towards him:
-Certainly! You can ask me anything you want. I said if I know, I will answer your question.
-Did you see the sinner called Karun while you were wandering in hell? she asked.
It had been a long time since Karun had sunk into the depths of a stinking swamp on the fifth floor of Hell, wearing rags, a filthy tiara on his head, and a few followers by his side. But I couldn't forget him.
-Yup! I saw her. He was on the fifth floor of Hell. She was wearing a rag brocade dress and a filthy crown on her head. I said he was sinking with his followers in a stinking swamp.
This answer seemed to have relieved Gülnur a little, and encouraged her a little.
Staring into my eyes:
-Alright! Do you know why he fell into that stinking swamp? She asked.
I am confident:
-Of course I said. I had asked him this.
Then I suddenly understood what Gülnur meant. Looking at Gulnur's face with astonishment:
-My God! Or you…. I could say.
Gulnur's face turned red like a beetroot once more, but this time she did not look away.
-Yes, he said, I am the one.
But because the events in his past affected me, it was not possible for me to blame or disparage him.
Surely, you are a servant worthy of my Lord's mercy. You helped the manifestation of divine justice by preventing a slander against a blessed Prophet of my Lord. I said you deserve this mercy.
Gulnur is in tears:
-Take me from a swamp; He said, 'Praise be to my Lord, who kept us from falling into a bigger and more disgusting swamp.
Listening silently to this conversation between Gülnur and herself, with her head down, Gülnaz said without raising her eyes from the ground:
He said, "I'm the one who shakes his shoe in the well for a puppy that is about to die."
Lifting Gülnaz's tiny head with my thumb:
-My Lord says that those who do not show mercy will not be shown mercy. This means mercy to those who show mercy. He said, "You have earned the right to mercy by showing mercy to a creature of my Lord."
To both:
"Okay?" I asked. Where are you staying here? Do you have a home?
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*Karun was a very rich person from the sons of Israel. It is rumored that only seventy strong people carried the keys of its treasures with difficulty. Wealth had made Karun arrogant, increasing his ambition. He opposed Moses (a.s.) and did not want to give his zakat. He wanted to slander Musa (a.s.) by buying the prostitute of the sons of Israel for money, accusing him of adultery. But the prostitute of the sons of Israel refrained from committing this great sin at the last moment and spoke the truth. He was sunk to the ground with the curse of Karun Musa (a.s). Allah Almighty saved the prostitute from this great slander and made her public in the form of a tiny, beautiful bird, and put her in Heaven.
**A woman who had gone astray saw a dog puppy that was dying of thirst, because she could not find a means to draw water, she swung her shoe into a well and drew water, and the dog saved her life by watering it. In return for her kindness, Almighty God made that woman a small, beautiful bird and put her in his paradise.
This question cheered them both up. Chirping with joy:
-Certainly! Our Lord made a house for us. Look there, they said.
I looked in the direction the little fingers were pointing. A cute mansion cub appeared among the branches of a great tree. When you look more carefully, there were countless mansions and mansions that looked like tiny models, one by one on every tree that looked like it or not.
After admiring these tiny mansions and mansions:
-Indeed, my Lord has bestowed beautiful homes for you, saying:
-Do you have spouses? Or are you alone in those nests? I asked.
Both flapping their wings merrily:
-Of course we have wives. Which creation did our Lord create alone? They said, then they flew out of my palms without giving me a chance to say anything.
My eyes followed them curiously. The endless clamor of the birds stopped, they surrounded us, as if they were listening to us. After a few minutes, four of this group of birds took off and came towards my place. Gülnaz and Gülnur must have been coming with their wives. I spread my palms and stretched my arms forward so that they could land in twos. As a matter of fact, they didn't keep me waiting long. Two little birds perched on my palms. Curious, I brought them closer to my eyes.
Next to Gülnaz and Gülnur, there were two very handsome young people, a few inches taller than them, wearing colorful silk clothes. His eyes shone with sincere happiness, like the eyes of a healthy and mischievous child. They were really cute with a wispy beard and long hair that touched their shoulders.
Seeing them:
-O my Lord! I praise you as many as you have created. I said you're all-powerful.
Gulnaz chirped cheerfully:
"This is my wife, Omer," he said.
In Gülnur:
"This is my wife Faruk," he said.
After looking at them all with admiration, love and envy:
I said, "How nice it was that Ömer and Faruk got together." May Allah (swt) keep you happy.
As I brought my eyes a little closer, I had the opportunity to see them better and closer. It was not visible from afar, but in the middle of their foreheads there were tiny spots and black spots that looked like soot. I thought that these friends of mine must have been guests at that manifestation for a while. I knew there wouldn't be any people who didn't stay there more or less.
They realized that I had noticed the tiny speck on their foreheads. They all bowed their heads silently, their faces red with shame that they could not help. But I chose to ignore their situation.
-My Lord has created you with care, just like every other creature. I prepared to leave them, saying that my Almighty Lord would not leave his blessings and blessings on you.
All four of them took off, gleaming from my palms. They started circling me. Other birds, who were silently listening to us, joined in their return. I was caught in the middle of a sea of ​​birds swirling and singing merrily around me. After a while, two of them landed on my shoulders. For a moment I felt the warmth of tiny lips pressed against my cheeks. These loving kisses were one of the greatest rewards for me. Then my bird friends dispersed in silence, leaving me to my own world. I was light as a feather and very happy as I made my way deeper into the forest that stretched out before me.
This forest was huge, there must have been thousands and millions of creatures that I knew and did not know. But I must specifically point out that the animals and plants were much larger, much larger than those in the place where I lingered for a moment. So much so that some birds were the size of world camels. But this place was, after all, a forest of peace. No living being harmed another living being. The relentless struggle we were accustomed to seeing in that temporary world was not here. Wolves were suckling the lambs, lions were playing with tigers and gazelles. What I saw was extremely interesting as well as very pleasing for me, who is a total peace supporter.
I knew that what I saw as a relentless struggle, a war in that temporary world, was actually a requirement of the order established by my Almighty Lord. Since that struggle is in a food chain, it was essential for the continuation of life and generation. If there was no struggle here, this food chain had to be arranged in another way.
Realizing this, I approached a family of lions playing with each other, lying under a dark tree canopy. A young male lion noticed my arrival and looked up with interest.
When I get close enough to be heard:
-O lion! May Allah's (c.c.) peace be upon you and all living things. I wish to talk to you. Are you able to talk to me? I asked.
The young lion, like a grunt but quite understandably, said:
- May Allah's (c.c.) peace and blessings be upon you, O luminous person! We are commanded to answer their questions. He said ask me what you want.
I hardly thought that the lion would be able to talk to me, to answer my questions. That's why the lion's response both surprised and pleased me.
I leaned close to him and stroked his mane.
-Indeed, you are one of the most beautiful creatures that my Lord proudly created. I, on the other hand, am a person who, with the permission and grace of my Lord, has taken the following paths for knowledge. I saw you in an endless struggle with some of the other creatures in the world where we lingered for a moment. This struggle was in a unique order established by the permission of my Lord. In a way, your struggle was necessary for you to survive and perpetuate your lineage. I think the same reason applies here. But here you are not in a struggle as you are there. There is complete peace and tranquility between you. The wolf suckles the lamb, the lions play with the gazelles. I said tell me about it.
The lion's mane shook his head left and right; after a lazy, lazy yawn:
He said you are right. This is a place of complete peace and tranquility. We don't have to kill each other to live here.
This answer of the lion was not enough for me. That's why:
-O lion! I said show me this.
Again the lion indifferently:
-The answer to that is right behind you, he said.
I looked back. It was a tall tree, and on its branches were red fruits that looked like sheep's tongues. Curiously, I reached the tree. I plucked a fruit from its fruit-laden drooping branches, sniffed, and ate some. To my amazement, I noticed that it smelled of fresh meat and tasted like fresh meat. All carnivorous animals should have fed on these fruits. Therefore, there was no need for one animal to hunt another animal.
The lion behind me:
-O person with a bright face! Did you find what you were looking for? She asked.
to her:
-Yes I found. I said thank you and left them playing and enjoying their lives.
There were lakes and ponds in many parts of this great forest. These lakes and ponds were home to many living things. But they were all in a state of complete peace. No living being harmed another living being. The need for food must have been supplied by millions of plants surrounded.
Sometimes I would sit under a tree with a cool shade and a beautiful lake view, watch the surroundings, listen to the remembrance of nature, which deeply affected me and caused me to feel divine pleasure, join them, and praise my Lord once again.
Around this time, I realized that in this beautiful world, there is an order similar to the world where I lingered for a moment, but much more beautiful than that, but which I can describe as magnificent. Every living thing here was a part of this order and had a duty in this order. With a strong and infallible foreboding given by the Creator, you could easily seek and find the food your body needed, just as the thirsty one knows and finds water. From this food you found, you were getting only as much as you needed - only as much as you needed, not more. When you get enough of the food you need, you get a feeling of fullness, which makes you happy. The rest of the food was a light sweat that gave you a great feeling of freshness and bathing in pleasant watery lakes. This light sweat, on the other hand, was flying away leaving a pleasant smell on you and mixing with the wind. The foods you took gave strength and energy, as well as renewing the cells in your aging and tired organs. For this reason, it was not possible for living things to get old. That's why there was no death in this beautiful world.
If there is no death here, I thought that the energy necessary for living things to live should be renewed in a circulating order among living things. After some thought and research, I was not late to find the answer to this. This balance was between animals and plants, as in the world where I lingered for a moment. How plants separate the carbon dioxide, which is the residue of animals, into carbon and oxygen by assimilation, use the carbon for their own needs, and leave the oxygen to nature, if the light sweat produced by the animals after they receive food, plants take in again through nature, differentiate it and use it as food for themselves, then They also turned it into food for animals.
I can easily say that there is always a spring atmosphere here. In this beautiful world, it was revolving around itself like other celestial bodies. Two large objects in the east and west directions, adorned with the sun, always illuminated and warmed this place. For this reason, in this beautiful world, which was always bright and warm enough, there was a constant spring and summer weather. So much so that while flowers were blooming on one of the branches of the tree, there were raw fruits on another branch of the same tree and ripe fruits on another branch. This meant that that tree was always full of ripe fruit.
It was a great treasure where I found my Lord with millions of verses scattered in this beautiful forest and increased my gratitude. So I lingered here for quite some time. I bathed in its cool and pleasant water lakes. I lay under the dark shadows of the trees. For that moment, when I came across animals that I thought were scary and dangerous, which made me goosebumps out of fear and made me cry out of fear, I knew that there was no danger to them anymore, I approached them and talked to them.
Stroking the head of a viper like a tiny kitten, or tickling under the chin of a giant crocodile sunbathing with its mouth open were such good feelings.
During this time, I realized how much heaven resembles the world where we lingered for that moment. My Lord had given us a gift from his paradise so that we could experience a paradise, but we ungrateful servants could not appreciate it. While there are thousands, tens of thousands and millions of verses in front of them and behind them, the evidences proving that there is no doubt that my Lord exists. i regret it.
This interesting world, with its high mountains with white skullcaps, tiny lakes, great trees, and waterfalls as white as milk, was indeed an insatiable beauty. Liquids resembling milk flowed from one of these rivers and filtered honey from the other.
At first, I thought that those flowing from milk rivers were white foams because of their color. When I approached them, I realized that it did not look like foam at all, I bent down curiously, took a handful and drank it. I was astounded to find it fresher than the freshest milk, more delicious than the tastiest milk. When I did the same experiment in a river flowing with pure honey, I thanked my Lord. Once again, I understood his greatness and greatness.
While I was wandering through these vast forests, I realized that there was another river unlike any I had encountered before, and I approached its edge with curiosity. The liquid flowing from this river was tempered between dark red and cherry color. It had an acrid, pleasing and heart-opening taste. Later, when I realized that this river was a manifestation of my Lord's promise to His servants in Paradise, I gave praise and gratitude many times in tears.
For thousands of years, I wandered around this beautiful world like crazy, admiring and enchanted by it. I was once again amazed by what I saw and witnessed in every second of these many millennia. Once again, I understood the greatness and majesty of my Lord, and once again I was grateful.
This beautiful world was in complete peace and in a unique order with the millions of living things it contained.
My winding road amid these beauties suddenly took me to an empty space like a desert.
My eyes, accustomed to seeing green, and my ears accustomed to the inevitable bustle of life, which is typical of places where life is lived to the fullest, suddenly appeared in this empty and desolate area, surprised and a little strange. At first, I was amazed to find such a place in my Lord's paradise. But after a short while, I realized that I was badly mistaken.
My path ran in a straight line through this desert-like place, over tiny sandy dunes. The sands of these hills were remarkably bright. I bent down and picked up a handful of sand, and upon closer inspection, I was amazed to find that they were made of particles of gold and silver.
Along the way, there are beautiful desert plants on the right and left, adding different and interesting beauties to this desolate place. The solitude of this place caused a deep peace like cool winds to form in the human soul.
While in the woods, my senses were inevitably completely open to the outside world. However, here one could turn within himself and listen to himself. Here, man with his inner world; He was alone with his soul and conscience. There was a deep and divine pleasure in the isolation that this loneliness brought.
I was walking on my path, adorned with tiny hills and the graceful desert plants that adorn these hills. This road took me to an oasis surrounded on all sides by low hills. In the middle of this oasis was a fragrant spring and a sparkling pond created by this spring. The pond, on the other hand, was surrounded by all kinds of fruit trees, from plums to pomegranates, from bananas to dates. Between these trees were tiny gardens where all kinds of vegetables naturally grew.
Hundreds of pavilions were built on the slopes of the hills overlooking this oasis, rising with a slight incline, and in these pavilions the oasis was surrounded.
The poles of these tents were of gold and silver, and the cloths of white and pure silk.
There were pennants over the entrance doors of the rooms, and they swayed softly in the gentle breeze. The name of the owner of the lodge was written on these pennants. Young and handsome gilmans, whose mustaches have just sweated, are on both sides of these room doors at their disposal; Young and beautiful women with brown eyes, veiled faces and slender figures were walking in and out of the door with joy and haste.
As you enter and leave, the silk curtains covering the door are parted, the exquisite silk carpets inside; it was showing cedars of gold and silver. Some people were lying on these sofas. Delicious tables were set in front of them.
When I realized that as the curtains that acted as a door opened and closed, I realized that the inside was visible, as the beds approached, I involuntarily turned my eyes in the other direction so as not to see any privacy, and I was walking silently past them with my eyes looking the other way.
In these cases, either the gilmans or the owners of the lodges would come running after me and invite me to their tents.
At first I had a slight hesitation as to whether or not to accept these invitations. This was the second part of heaven, and it must have been as wide and enormous as the space between the heavens and the earth. There had to be millions, billions of oases like or unlike this one. To linger around for too long meant reaching my range too late.
However, considering that I set out on this path for science, I thought that it would be more appropriate to accept these invitations and meet with the owners. Otherwise, there would be no meaning, no sense in my embarking on this long journey.
The owners of the room welcomed me with joy and very well. They were trying to use every opportunity they could to host me in the best way possible, and they held me in high regard.
The owners of the lodges had that particular stain on their foreheads, indicating that they had entered and exited Hell. This stain was small in some and large in others. This meant that my hosts were guests in hell for a short or long time.
My hosts were ashamed of these indelible stains on their foreheads. In order not to embarrass them or upset them, I started to ignore these spots at first. But this behavior made them even more uncomfortable. Maybe they thought that I was despising them, that I was pitying them. Of course, it was not possible for me to think of such a thing, but no matter what I did, I could not save them from this mental state they were in.
Frankly, they wouldn't be so offended if I asked what those blemishes on your foreheads were. But it was not possible for me to pretend to put people's faults in their faces. I was left in the middle of nowhere, confused as to what to do, how to act towards them.
But my hosts immediately noticed that I was sitting on the needle, restless. An understanding expression appeared on their faces. They voluntarily began to tell about their life in the world where we lingered for a moment, without my needing to ask or imply. A deep remorse was immediately evident in these narrations. Perhaps their salvation was due to this deep regret.
During this trip, I met thousands and millions of people and listened to interesting stories. Finally, I learned that those who had an iota of faith in their hearts were taken out of Hell and placed in the Gardens that my Lord had prepared for them. These were places where even the smallest speck of goodness, such as bad deeds, was never wasted, where no matter what, they were definitely rewarded, and where my Lord's just attribute was fully manifested. There was not the slightest injustice done.
0 notes
dieonerememerberbook · 3 years ago
While I was walking on my appreciated path, a high and steep mountain appeared in front of me like a wall that filled the horizon. This mountain was right on my way. It was pulling back in front of me, preventing me from moving forward. But my ordained path seemed to cut through this mountain.
Seeing him as an insurmountable obstacle in front of me:
-Lord, what is this? I couldn't help myself from saying it. The first thing that came to my mind was that my journey was over and I reached my destination. But there were no settlements around like those I had seen in other paradises. Although I am a sinful person, it seemed impossible for my Lord to leave me alone in the middle of nowhere.
This steep mountain was stretching out in front of me so much that it seemed like an insurmountable obstacle in the middle of my path going further.
During this time, I realized that I had to cross this steep and big mountain that covers the horizon. If this was my ordained way, surely my Lord would have given me a way, a reason for me to cross this mountain. I no longer had any doubts about it. For this reason, I moved forward towards this steep mountain, which stretched out in front of me, using basmala.
I was only a few steps away from reaching the bottom of this steep and impenetrable mountain, when suddenly a ladder appeared in front of me. This staircase was made of pure gold and its steps were decorated with ores. It zigzagged like a sawtooth, ascending towards the peaks. Each zigzag consisted of five steps.
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*This ladder is Salat=Prayer ladder. The five digits represent the five daily prayers.
there were cracks. Particles of light, like snowflakes, were falling into it. It seemed to have no doors from the outside, but strangely enough, the particles of light that filled it did not overflow, but remained inside.
For a moment, I stared in admiration at the golden staircase decorated with these gems. I thanked my Lord through tears. Then, excited and happy, I took my step towards the first step of the stairs.
The stair steps weren't too high, it seemed like I could easily climb. As I climbed the first step, the ladder lifted me ten times its height* effortlessly, like an elevator. As I climbed each step, I was rapidly being lifted upwards.
When I entered the first chamber where the zigzags met, the light that fell like snowflakes began to pour over me. It was as if these particles of light came to a head with a cool water, washing and cleaning my soul, An incredible relief and peace was covering me and raising me to the heights of happiness.
In tears, I walked towards the other zigzag of the stairs, praising and giving thanks to my Lord. Each step, each zig-zag climbed upwards, bathed in the floods of light, the feeling of peace and happiness that filled me was getting bigger and darker.
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* The reason for this is that five daily prayers have the same reward as fifty prayers.
**Our hero passed away at the age of seventies. One hundred thirty-four thousand steps refers to the number of fard prayers he performed throughout his life.
I must have climbed one hundred and thirty-four thousand steps, perhaps a little higher, but with each step ten times higher, my head had long since touched the clouds, and I was brought to a very high place. This time, the lights are shining inside.
A door made of gold and decorated with colorful ore appeared on the opposite side of the tiny flowing chamber. When I saw that there were no other steps to climb, I knew immediately that I had to get out of this door. When I came out of this door, I found myself in a relatively flat, high place. Right in front of me but a little further ahead, the mountain of Heaven was not laying before me with all its splendid beauty, but it was as if there was a gap between us.
My venerated path stretched out before me. I started to move forward with the bisque. A little ahead of me, my path crossed with a very deep abyss, this unseen abyss stretching in front of me was preventing me from going further.
I got close to the edge of the cliff and tried to see its depth. But I was not able to do it. I had to step back a little when my head was spinning. The chasm stretching before me, preventing me from going, was so deep that I could see from above the clusters of white cotton clouds that remained beneath me. This chasm in front of me prevented me from going in the opposite direction, to the side of heaven. But now I knew very well that no obstacle could prevent me from reaching my reach. So I walked into the abyss with resignation.
Just a few steps away from reaching the edge of the cliff, a suspension bridge* appeared. This bridge was made up of thin gold filaments winding and twisting like a rope, and it was very thick. The silver steps, which I guessed to be a little over seventy, were decorated with dazzling gems, but narrow enough for only one person to fit in.
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*Savm, the bridge of fasting.
After uttering basmala again, praising my Lord I started to cross the bridge. But it was as if I was not walking and the bridge was taking me and taking me upwards with a slight incline.
The bridge took me to a flat place higher up. When I realized that I was a little closer to the mountain of Paradise standing in front of me in all its glory, I was happy and thanked my Lord again and again. But there was still quite a long distance between me and Mount Heaven.
When I saw my path that stretched out like a thin but luminous line, I immediately started to follow it. The road took me to a place I never expected, never expected. The place I came from was a very wide, hollow place like a pan, and it smelled like carrion.
Finding such a stinking place on the way to Paradise both surprised and frightened me.
With trepidation and fear:
-Lord, what is this? I couldn't help myself from asking. But my path led into this stinking place. And I had to go my ordained way.
I drew Basmalah again. Again, praising my Lord; I followed my ordained path with gratitude but never complaining. After all, where I came from was a vast swamp. I was surrounded by formless trees, like the ones I had seen in hell, terrifying my soul.
When my adored path came to the edge of this swamp, it seemed cut off. The mountain of heaven was right in front of me with all its beauty and magnificence, but to reach there, I had to cross this swamp first.
I stood on the edge of the swamp, looking helplessly to and fro. The swamp looked deep enough to easily swallow me up. There were no boats or tree stumps that I could use around. I was going left and right, looking for a place to cross, a vehicle, a solution, but I couldn't find it. My desperation intensified, and I once again took refuge in my Lord.
As I was getting ready to cry, I saw a small sailboat coming towards me through the swamp. It was small but very beautiful. In the distance, in the blackness of the swamp, it shone brightly, like a pile of jewels.
In the middle of it, there was a mast made of gold, and a sail made of white heavenly silks attached to this mast. The sails had been swelled by a faint wind of unknown origin, and the boat was gliding towards me on its own.
While I thought that the boat would come up to me and I would get on it effortlessly, he stopped a little far, out of my reach. This left me deeply disappointed. There had to be some reason preventing the boat from reaching me.
While I was preparing to repent and ask forgiveness and cry once more, my eyes fell on some stones neatly lined up in the swamp towards the boat. Have these stones been there before? I had not seen them, although I had carefully observed the surroundings many times before. It was as if they were put in later. They looked like stepping stones. Surely these were a manifestation of my Lord's mercy towards me. I thanked my Lord once again. I started to advance in the swamp, stepping on the stepping stones, using basma-le.
The fear that I might lose my balance and fall into this deep swamp at any moment made me shiver and break out in cold sweat.
Among the obstacles that I have overcome so far, this is the place that bothered me the most, and where I had the most difficulty and trouble while passing. But there would be no question about the wisdom of my Lord. Undoubtedly, there was some wisdom in the fact that this swamp was brought before me like the others. I thought it was about the manifestation of divine justice.
When I managed to reach the boat that was waiting for me after a very difficult and troublesome journey, I started to cry with joy.*
When I got on the boat, a pleasant fragrant wind, from which I did not know, filled the sails. The boat glided forward effortlessly. When he came to the opposite shore, he approached a small pier made of gold and silver and decorated with ores. The pier ended with an incredibly beautiful gate. My name was written on the door. I happily walked through the door.
The door opened to a path from the ways of heaven. My appreciated path was immediately evident as a white line of light on this road. I started to move forward happily.
The narrow road I had followed so far suddenly widened and relaxed. On this fragrant road filled with colorful flowers on both sides, I walked and moved in an ecstatic state. Finally, I reached a second door.
This door was huge and high, filling my horizons in two directions. Over:
“This place is the manifestation of Allah's promise to His pious servants. This is the land of eternal happiness. Those who enter here will never be taken out again.” it was written.
My venerable path stretched inland. My place should be here. I was so happy that I started to cry with happiness and at the same time I was praising my Lord. ecstatic, trembling and I walked towards the third part of heaven with my tangled legs.
---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------*This swamp represents worldly goods, the stepping stones represent alms and the boat represents zakat.
Paradise was divided into sections, sections, like neighborhoods in big cities. Each section had its own unique quality and quantity. The names of the people sitting in that section, with their virtues such as generosity, bravery, and gentleness, were written in a list on the large and magnificent jewels, made of gold and silver, adorned with ores, separating the sections from each other.
I started to move forward in a state of ecstasy, praising and thanking my Lord at every step.
On both sides of the road were gardens much more beautiful than anything I had seen before, and within these gardens there were magnificent mansions, palaces and mansions.
These palaces, mansions, mansions were built with gold and silver bricks, with a heavenly mortar made of fragrant pearls, rubies, and glories; adorned with rubies and diamonds.
Among the gardens, the sides of the pearl-carved pools with fountains gushing out are adorned with heavy motifs, embroidered and embroidered; Thrones, armchairs, sofas and ottomans made of gold and silver were placed. Some thrones and armchairs were covered with thick silk fabrics called istebrak and silk satins.
With its gardens mostly dates and pomegranates, thornless Arabian cherries, dense bunched bananas, drooping branches loaded with a thousand and one kinds of fruit that I have never seen, known or tasted; densely gnarled green trees with widespread shade like emeralds.
Among these mansions, palaces and mansions built with fragrant mortars of gold and silver bricks, there were promenades and entertainment places with tables filled with all kinds of blessings. The inhabitants of Paradise took their spouses and children with them, and dark shades and green grass were sitting on them, having fun. From the mansions, mansions and palaces, the soft and sweet voices of singers with crystalline voices were coming in waves and waves.
The sounds were so beautiful, so sweet that I couldn't help listening to them. The words of these beautiful songs that caress the human soul and cause divine pleasures are Subhanallah, Subbuhun and Allah-u Akbardi. The inhabitants of Paradise did not leave their Lord in their hearts, even for a moment. As they meet each other:
-Subhanaka Allahumma=O Allah! We glorify you from all deficient attributes. How great are you, how great are you,
-Salamunaleykum=Peace be upon you,
-Alhamdulillah Rabbilalemin=Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
Paradise was full of blessings that no eye could see, no ear could hear, and the mind and imagination could not reach.
The blessings here were similar to the blessings of the world, but this similarity was extremely superficial. It was just a resemblance. The reality was much different, much more beautiful, much more magnificent. In other words, it was not possible to describe heaven in the language of the world.
I saw Tuba trees for the first time here. The roots of these giant trees were in the sky and, like an umbrella, they covered these gardens of paradise. Even though I walked for days, I couldn't get out of the shadow of a single tree.
The names of the owners were inscribed on the symbolic doors of these giant gardens, in which there were mansions, palaces and mansions made of carved pearls. I have been reading these brilliant articles with interest. When I came across a few familiar ones among them, I happily ran towards them. They also welcomed me with joy.
It was during this time that I learned the first news that caused one of my greatest happiness. My mom and dad were here. I immediately ran to their side.
My mother was born as a young girl of eighteen years old, and she was wearing a beautiful green dress of fine silk silken. I only had to look into his eyes to realize that the tall, smiling, handsome young man standing next to him was my father. Next to both of them was a very beautiful boy, who I guessed was about five or six years old, with curly hair, apple cheeks, and big eyes.
My parents welcomed me at the door of their palace as if they were waiting. I must have changed just as much as they did, but they didn't hesitate to get to know me. We ran towards each other and hugged each other with longing, as if we had broken up a minute ago.
My mother smelled like mother as always. Once again, I heard with all its strength how much I loved and missed this motherly scent of hers. This mother-ne scent in him was equivalent to the scents of heaven to me. The scent of heaven permeated her mother's scent.
We hugged and after we had relieved our longing for a bit, my eyes were curiously directed to the beautiful five-year-old boy who was next to them.
In this beautiful world, although both men and women were extremely healthy, death did not occur at birth. Although the women were only eighteen years old, they had been cleansed of menstruation and puerperium. Everything was in the balance brought by that divine knowledge. Divine knowledge and wisdom had established extremely sensitive orders here, as in the world where we lingered for a moment. Everything was on a delicate knowledge, order and balance controlled by this divine knowledge and wisdom.
Noticing that my eyes were fixed on the little boy next to them, my father said:
- He is your brother Fikret said.
My older brother died as a child years before I was born. My father and mother put their trust in this matter, they were patient with the pain of losing him, they always hoped for his intercession and prayed about it. My Lord must have accepted their prayers.
As a grown man, I fondly caressed my younger brother's head, bent down and kissed him on the cheek. My situation was a little strange, but it was extremely exemplary in that it showed the fulfillment of the divine promise. Once again, I felt the greatness, majesty and vastness of my Lord's mercy inside me. In tears, I prostrated again and again and gave thanks.
My parents invited me to their magnificent palace with forty thousand rooms carved from white pearl. They opened rooms for me from their room.
I had seen many of these heavenly palaces before, but it was my first time entering one. Young and handsome gilmans stood guard on either side of the door. Since there is no hostility or hostility in this beautiful world, they should have been responsible for welcoming and welcoming those who came.
I was very happy with my family. To put it more accurately, I should have been happy. I was always praising and thanking my Lord, but in the depths of my soul, there was an ache, a longing that looked like an emptiness, and it was growing day by day. From time to time, my eyes caught on my appreciated path that winds and twists into the interior of this beautiful world, strengthening this longing, and in a way, my path was calling me.
My father was the first to notice this growing sense of emptiness inside me. Stroking my back paternally:
-Son! "If I'm not mistaken, you intend to hit the road again," he said.
-Yes, dad! You're right. My rewarded path awaits me. I said that this journey will not end until I reach my destination.
My father, looking at me with both appreciative and understanding eyes, said:
- He said yes. You are like a river trying to reach your sea. That's why you have to flow.
I immediately objected to my father's words of praise.
-No! I said it's not a river, maybe it's a tiny stream looking for its river, banging its head on the stones, and a handful of water in this creek.
My father:
-Yup! He said that one day I wish you to find that Great River that you have been searching for, to meet it, to get lost in it.
My mother is in tears as we say goodbye:
I'm not going to say don't forget us. Because I know you won't forget us. You are a good son. He said, 'Good luck, baby.
After kissing my mom's and dad's hands:
-O my mother! O my father! I said, let your rights on me be halal and do not withhold your blessings for me.
There was no point in prolonging this farewell scene. Because its prolongation would have no other effect or result other than making our pain worse and darker. That's why I cut it short. After kissing my father's and mother's hands again and getting halal again, I set out.
My rewarded path has taken me deep into this beautiful world. Heaven was getting more and more beautiful as you went higher and higher. It was not possible for my soul, which was always devoted to beauties, to remain unaffected by these beauties. But strangely enough, I did not show any interest in these striking beauties, or to put it more accurately, I could not show them even though I wanted to. That longing-like feeling of emptiness inside me was stretching before me like an impossible door, preventing me from entering these beauties, and was getting bigger and thicker day by day.
There came a time when my eyes began to fail to see that beautiful world called Heaven. On the surface, my eyes seemed to be wandering around, but in reality, my gaze was directed towards my inner world. I began to not hear the calls of these beautiful places. My ears and eyes are closed to these calls. My eyes have become blind for them and my ears have become deaf. In a way, I removed the beauties of the heavens from my inner world. I dismissed them. I turned to myself.
That feeling of emptiness, like the longing inside of me, eventually overflowed and cloaked and suppressed my other emotions, ripping them out of my inner world. My longing grew heavier day by day, eventually turning into a very heavy burden that I had trouble carrying. This journey in heaven has become a torment for me.
After prostrating for one day, unable to bear it:
-My God! Surely you know what is in my heart better than I do. This journey of my heaven is starting to weigh more heavily on me than my journey through hell. My God! You begged me for pain.
When I raised my head to the sky, which is the qibla of prayer, a light from which I did not know hit my face. When I felt some wiggling, tickling, tickling on my shoulder blades behind me, I turned around curiously. My Lord had bestowed on me a pair of wings just above my shoulder blades.*
My wings were as colorful as butterfly wings, but they looked a little small for my body. But it was not possible for me to have the slightest hesitation about whether he could carry me or not.
I was able to take off after a few clumsy flight attempts, wobbling, wobbling, banging here and there. My wings quickly lifted me up. First a thin layer of mist, then
He lifted it above the clouds that looked like white cotton.
When I reach these places, from above; but I started to hear some voices coming from very, very high up, as if from the depths of the sky. Some believers above must have been singing hymns in chorus. I overheard what they were saying, and to my amazement I heard:
-Lebbeyk! Allahumma labbayk!
Labbeyk! La sherry blot lebbeyk!
İnnelhamde, vennîmete, lek velmülke la şerike lek.
It was as if billions of Muslims had gathered together and were going on a pilgrimage.
I turned to the direction where I heard the voices. I found myself in a river of light that brings talbiyah and pierces the horizons. This river was made up of tiny particles of light. Every believer was a speck of light, and they were flowing slowly upwards.
I mixed with them and started to bring talbiyah with them. The talbiye I brought caused beautiful and lofty feelings to emerge in me that I had never heard before, and it was making me spiritually higher and higher. But my ordained path is through this river of light it was leaving and turning right, climbing upwards at a right angle.
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* Our hero went on a pilgrimage in that temporary world. These wings are the equivalent of this pilgrimage.
I did not want to leave the community that formed this river of light, but my ordained path was calling me.
There would be no question about the wisdom of my Lord. Surely, there were a thousand and one wisdoms and a thousand and one good things for me in this. Therefore, without the slightest hesitation, I turned to my ordained path.
As he rose rapidly upwards, a door opened from the doors. I was so high that the place I came from must have been near the summits of Mount Heaven.
A magnificent and very large palace appeared before me, with innumerable windows like honeycombs carved with white pearls. The towers of the palace were so slender and tall that it seemed to pierce the dome of heaven that surrounded us on all sides.
When I saw my ordained path heading that way, I glided down to that palace I had seen. I gathered my wings like a honey bee, it was vaguely on my back.
The palace had a very large gate made of solid gold and decorated with various jewels. The porter angels, who saw me approaching, bowed respectfully and bowed, and without asking who I was, they stepped aside and opened the door. One of them walked in front of me and showed me the way. The attendant angel took me to a large domed hall, which was seated on dozens of giant pillars.
This hall was adorned with colorful flowers and tiny but lovely fruit trees as if it were outside. There were very nice looking pools among the trees and flowers. It was as if a small copy of Heaven had been brought and placed here.
At the opposite end of this very long and large hall were two thrones, and two people, one male and the other, sat on these thrones. They were thirty cubits tall in men and women, and they were very beautiful. They had parted their shoulder-length black hair from the middle of their heads and let it go sideways.
I have never seen such tall, beautiful and imposing people. My Lord must have created them with pride in every aspect.
The attendant angel addressed the extremely handsome, tall Man, who I guessed to be about thirty or thirty-five years old, and to the woman sitting next to him who was just as beautiful:
-O Adam! O Eve! He said, "With the permission of my Lord, one of your sons has come to visit you."
My father Adam and my mother Eve stood up and said:
-O son! They said, "Welcome, you brought joy."
When I realized that these great and beautiful people in front of me were my ancestors Adam and Eve, I was both excited and happy. Excited and happy, I ran towards them, my legs twitching.
My father Adam and mother Eve bent down and kissed my forehead. I too kissed her large but white and soft, long-fingered, sweet-smelling hands. Then, remembering the trust I carried on my back for a long time:
-O our father! O our mother! I am a servant who, with the permission of my Lord, wandered around his manifestations in order to receive lessons and lessons. While I was wandering in the Hell of my Lord, I saw that many of your sons and daughters, who have sinned involuntarily, are in torment there. They wanted me to intercede with my Lord, but I was a sinful servant who received my Lord's forgiveness at the last moment. I was a person incapable of saving my own soul. I was worried about my own soul. I would not be able to intercede for them.
I told them that I was incapable of fulfilling these intercession requests, but that if they wanted, I could convey them to a Great Person who could intercede for them. I promised them about this. Since when has this verbal promise been a heavy burden on my back?
O our great father! You are the servant and Messenger of our Lord, created with your hands without a father. My Lord breathed into you a spirit from his own soul. He bestowed a speck of light from his own light. He taught the names of beings. He has made you superior to other creations. He made his angels prostrate before him. He placed him in heaven. Surely, you are very precious in the sight of my Lord and you have a great reputation.
O our great father! I said, "Be gracious and intercede with my Lord for your sons and daughters who are suffering in hell."
These words made my father Adam startle.
Looking at my face for a moment with pain:
-O son! How can this be? Am I not the one who angered my Lord by committing the original sin? My Lord had forbidden me to approach that tree. I am a person who rebelled against my Lord by not obeying this prohibition.
O my son! I am in the rush and fear of my own soul. I can't afford such intercession. You go to Noah. Maybe He can fulfill your request. Because he is your second father. He is Adem-i Sani. He said, "He is the first of the five great prophets, who confirmed his covenant with the pact.
-O great father! Where can I find my great ancestor Noah (a.s.), who came after you? I asked.
-O son! This is the place where one hundred and twenty-four thousand prophets were together. You go up. You will see a great palace made in the shape of a ship of white pearl. He said what you are looking for is there.
After Adam and Eve said goodbye to my mother, I set off again. I had no difficulty in finding Noah's (a.s.) palace.
The palace was built in the shape of a ship and was very beautiful. The angels, who were the gatekeepers of the palace, when they saw me, immediately stepped aside. They took me from one of the rooms of the palace, which looked like cabins, to a large room. There was a throne in the corner. There sat a tall, dark, thin-skinned Person with a long head, pointed face, big eyes, a long and broad beard, and a large body. Compared to his large body, his arms and legs were a little thin.
When he saw me he stood up and said:
-O son! He said, "Welcome, you brought joy."
After immediately approaching and kissing their hands respectfully:
-O our father! I was a sinful servant of my Lord who was forgiven and forgiven at the last moment, and with the permission and grace of my Lord, I wandered around his manifestations to see and take lessons and lessons. I saw some of his sons and daughters suffering in Hell. They asked me for intercession, but I was a sinful servant who was in trouble for himself. I could not afford such intercession. But I promised to take your wishes to a great person who can afford this intercession.
First, I offered this to our father Adam, but he did not take the burden of this promise off my shoulders. He avoided it. He sent me to you.
O Noah! O great father! You are Adem-i Sanis. You are the first of the five great prophets who reinforced the covenant you made with your Lord with the Covenant of Galilee. You are the Person whom my Lord calls a grateful servant (Abden şûra). Surely you have a great value and dignity in the sight of my Lord.
You take the weight of my promise on this matter, for the intercession of your sinful sons and daughters, who are suffering in agony in the presence of my Lord, and take this burden on yourself. I said, 'You should intercede for them with my Lord.
When Noah (a.s.) heard these words, he jumped out of his seat, startled. He's pale. Looking at my face with pain:
-O son! How can I do this? I am not a worthy person who can afford to ask for intercession. My Lord gave me a right to pray, and I used that right as a curse against my people. This is why my Lord was angry with me.
My soul! My soul! My soul!
O son! Like you, I am a person who is in trouble with his own ego. You go to Ibrahim for your wish. Because He is the State of my Lord. He said he has a greater esteem and value in the sight of my Lord.
-O Noah! The second of my great ancestor! Where can I find him? I asked.
Noah (a.s.) pointed upwards with his hand and said:
-You go up. His palace is both bigger and more beautiful than my palace. He said that you will see his name written in luminous letters at the door of his palace.
After saying goodbye to Noah (a.s.), I left there. It didn't take long for me to find the palace of Ibrahim (a.s.). The angels, the gatekeepers of the palace, greeted me with respect and immediately welcomed me in.
We came to a great hall, chewing the exquisite carpets woven with heavenly silks.
In one corner of the hall was a golden throne. Sitting on the throne was a medium-sized, white-skinned, hazel-eyed, white-haired, white-bearded, smiling and beautiful-faced, long-cheeked person.
Attendant angel:
-The person you see is Ibrahim, the halo of my Lord. He said hi to him. I greeted him. After Ibrahim (a.s.) received my greetings:
-O brother who has been forgiven by my Lord, who is wandering around his manifestations to receive lessons! He said, "Welcome, you brought joy."
-O Abraham! O great prophet who has attained the honor of being the virtuous of my Lord. While I was wandering in Hell, one of the manifestations of my Lord, I saw some sinful human beings writhing in torment. They asked me to intercede with my Lord. However, I was a sinful person who received the forgiveness of my Lord at the last moment and was in trouble for himself. It was impossible for me to intercede for them. But I promised them to take their request to a great person who can intercede for them and who is esteemed in the sight of my Lord. How long have the burden of this promise been on me? I offered this burden first to Adam and then to Noah, but they did not accept it.
O Abraham! You are the Prophet of Allah (c.c.) and the only Khalili among the people of the earth. Intercede with the Lord for those sinful people who suffer. I said take the weight of that promise off my back.
These words of mine caused Ibrahim (a.s.) to jump out of his seat with fear. Looking at my face with pain:
No matter how Halili I am, my Lord is very angry with me today. He had never been this angry before. He won't be this angry anymore.
O person who wanders around to take a lesson from the manifestations of my Lord! I can't do what you said. I do not find that power and authority in myself. Because I am a person who has lied three times. The sin burden of these lies is still on my shoulders. That's why he said I'm in trouble for my own soul.
Then he continued with his head in his hands.
-My soul! My soul! My soul! He wept.
Then turning to me:
-O person! You go to another person other than me, Musa. He is more valuable to my Lord than me and more worthy of intercession. Because he is a man who had the honor of speaking to my Lord.
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*Three lies that prevented Ibrahim (a.s) from asking for intercession to Allah (c.c); "This is my Lord" (An'am 76) about the stars, "Perhaps this idol, the biggest one, did the job of breaking these small idols" (Anbiya 63), and "I am really sick" (Saffat 89) about the stars. are the words He said he is a person.
-O Abraham! The great prophet who has attained the honor of being the master of my Lord. I said show me where and the way of Musa (a.s.).
Abraham (a.s.) pointing to a place above Paradise:
His rank is higher than mine. That's why his palace is bigger and more beautiful than mine. "You can find it easily," he said.
After saying goodbye to Ibrahim (a.s.), I left him. I approached a palace made in the shape of a synagogue, shining like a huge pearl among the greenery. The angels, who were the gatekeepers of the palace, when they saw me, greeted me with respect and opened the doors of the palace and welcomed me.
Musa (a.s.) was sitting on his throne in a magnificent hall of this synagogue palace. He greeted me with great humility and stood up.
Musa (a.s.) was tall, dark-skinned, high-nosed, slightly fleshy, wavy
He was a very beautiful person with long hair. She had her hair parted from the middle of her head and stretched to her ears. He had the Prophethood Beni in his right hand.
After shaking my hand affectionately:
-O the person who wanders about his manifestations only to take a lesson, receiving the forgiveness of my Lord! He said, "Welcome, you brought joy."
-O Moses! The great prophet of my Lord! After you left that world where we lingered temporarily, your people; I saw that they were jealous of the light that you brought from your Lord, and they meticulously concealed it. Or were you sent to a single people? I asked.
Musa (a.s.) looked at me with sadness and said:
-My Lord ordered me to invite Pharaoh to faith first. Pharaoh, on the other hand, was not from the sons of Israel, but was a Coptic. That is, I am a prophet who was sent primarily to the Copts, not to the sons of Israel.
Pharaoh did not accept my invitation. He refused with a very bad refusal. However, there were many Muslims in my Ummah, who were not righteous, but were not from the sons of Israel. I and my Lord found them to be very good believers. He said that the difference between people is not in their race but in their obedience.
Then he bowed his head as if ashamed and continued.
-No doubt, what you say is just one of the perversions that my people often made before and after me. You don't know what I suffered from them. They did not enter the right path, nor did they allow those who wanted to enter. Now they are in a painful torment, he said.
-O Moses! While I was wandering in the manifestations of my Lord, I found many men and women writhing in torment. They asked me to intercede for them. However, I am a sinful servant who received the forgiveness of my Lord at the last moment. I'm in trouble with my own soul. It is not possible for me to mediate in the presence of my Lord for their intercession. But I promised to convey these wishes to the great people who can intercede with my Lord. The weight of this promise is still on my shoulders.
O Moses! You are a great prophet of Allah. Allah Almighty has made you superior to people with his prophethood and special speech. Intercede with Allah for us sinners. I said take the heavy load off my back.
Musa (a.s.) was startled and stood up. He was pale with fear.
-O person! You don't want this from me. My Lord is very angry with me. He has never been so angry before, and he will never be so angry again.
I have killed a soul whose killing I was not commanded to do. His heavy burden is on my back. Like you, I am in trouble for my own soul. You don't want this from me. He said, 'I can't do that.
Then he put his head in his hands and cried:
-Ahh! My soul, my soul, my soul, he groaned.
After a while, he lifted his head and said:
-Go to Jesus for this job you want. He said he is more valuable to my Lord than me.
-O Moses! The great prophet of my Lord! I said show me the way and direction.
Pointing to the peaks of Paradise with his hand, Musa (a.s.) said:
-His place is above. He is superior to me. His palace is bigger and more beautiful than mine, and his nation is more numerous. He said you can find him easily.
After leaving Musa (a.s.), I started to ascend towards the summits of Paradise. Heaven was getting more and more beautiful as it rose. Finally, a magnificent palace resembling a cathedral appeared before me. It was in a very large garden. The cathedral is smaller than it, next to the palace; There were mansions and mansions resembling churches.
I walked straight to the great palace without paying attention to these beautiful structures around it. Two angels stood guard at the door. I approached them with a greeting. When they saw me, they respectfully stepped aside and opened the door wide.
One of the angels stepped in front of me:
He said, "Let me take you to Jesus Christ, the servant and messenger of my Lord, whom He created without a father.
We proceeded through a magnificent hall with thick golden columns decorated with ores on either side. When he came to a large double-winged door made of gold, the angel opened the door and said:
He said, "Please enter, what you are looking for is inside."
I got in. I found myself in a very large hall covered by a dome as big as the sky. Benches were placed in the hall, and some believers were sitting on these benches, praying and singing hymns. But most of the benches were empty. Opposite this huge hall was a lectern decorated with gold ores. There was a Person standing there. Itself; He was of medium height, with a reddish-white complexion as if he had just stepped out of a bath, with a wide chest, small face, very moles, and messy straight hair. Her hair was long and fell over her shoulders. She wore a white robe of heavenly silk, and her head was bare. On his feet was a sandal-like shoe embroidered with gems and pearls. His body was weak and slender, like many fasting people.
When Jesus Christ (a.s.) saw me, he stretched out his right hand towards where I was:
-O person who wanders around to take a lesson from the manifestations of my Lord! May Allah's (c.c.) peace be upon him. Welcome, you brought joy. “Here, come near me,” he said.
I approached him after receiving his greeting.
-O Allah's (c.c.) messenger and word! May Allah's (c.c.) peace be upon you.
O servant and messenger of Allah (c.c.) whom he made fatherless from a pure woman! You who, with Allah's permission and grace, spoke when you were a suckling baby in his cradle. You raised the dead. You made the unseen see.
I am a person who has left behind many male and female sinners tormented in hell. They asked me to mediate for intercession. But I am a sinful servant who received the forgiveness of my Lord at the last moment. I'm in trouble with my own soul. I have neither the authority nor the power to mediate such intercession. I promised them to take their requests to a servant acceptable to Allah (c.c.). The weight of this promise is still on my shoulders.
O Jesus! You are the messenger and word of Allah. You are an acceptable servant in the sight of my Lord. I said, 'You should intercede for them and take the burden of my promise off my back.
When the Messiah Jesus (a.s.) heard my words, he was startled. His face turned pale with fear. He began to tremble. Once you've recovered a bit:
-I have no sin that is condemned in the sight of my Lord, but some of my ummah have brought me to the rank of god and have associated partners with my Lord with me and my mother. That's why my Lord is angry. Today, I am a person in need of intercession. He also said, "I am the herald of the Greater One who will come after Me."
Then he bowed his head and cried three times:
-My soul, my soul, my soul, he groaned.
Then, raising her tear-drenched face towards me, she said:
-Go to someone else for the intercession of sinners before Allah (c.c.). You go to Muhammad (a.s.v). He is in the highest of the highs. Because there is no prophet after him. He is Hatem-ul-An-biya and is the habibi of my Lord. Only He can do what He says. Because He said He is superior to Me.
When I heard the name of Muhammad (pbuh), my heart started beating like crazy. I was going to see that Blessed Person, whom my Lord created the universe for the sake of his water, and whom he honored as my habibi, and perhaps I would talk to him. I was so happy about this that I turned pale with joy and excitement; My hands and feet started to shake.
I felt this excitement when I went in and out of every prophet, but what I heard now was something else. I had almost passed out.
The great emptiness that had been inside me for a long time and was growing stronger every moment turned into a strong longing that I could not face. Now I knew very well who and what I was looking for. Closing my heart and eyes to the beauties of heaven; It was my immense love for him and the desire to reach Him that brought me, that filled me with fullness, in a way that would not take me neither heaven nor anything else. He preferred reaching him to the heavens, and my love for him had surpassed my desire to reach the heavens. Because He would lead me to my Lord.
After I left Jesus' (a.s.) side, my heart was beating like crazy. With my legs trembling with excitement, I was trembling and trembling. From the happiness of the hope of seeing Him, I flew towards the summit of the mountain of heaven, as light as a cloud, like a tiny bird.
The summit of Mount Heaven looked sharp from afar, but when I got closer, I realized that it wasn't like that at all.
The first thing that caught my attention was the huge round Pool in the middle. There was such a tree in the middle of the pool that its height pierced the sky, its branches and leaves stretched out in all directions, covering the entire horizon. The shadow of this gigantic tree was falling in large specks on this beautiful world, where both the pool and the thousands of trees and flowers were colorfully painted, completely covering the sky.
The pool and the shape of the pool were wonderful. Elegant flowers were embroidered on the edges. These flowers looked so alive that you could easily mistake them for real flowers. Right in the middle of it was that giant tree. Around this giant tree, thousands and millions of fountains spurted its crystalline waters into the air, and graceful curved-necked swans and waterfowl were walking among them.
But the beauties of this wonderful world from which I came did not interest me much. My eyes were on That Great Person, whom I had been searching for and burning with longing for thousands of years.
On the right side of the pool in my opinion; There was a mosque-shaped palace surrounded by elegant, thin and high minarets on all four sides. I had wandered around in various parts of Paradise, but I had never seen anything as beautiful and magnificent as this palace-mosque. My heart was closed to all beauties except one, but I still couldn't stop looking at this palace-mosque for a moment.
The façade of this palace-mosque was looking at the magnificent and huge pool.
There was a throne on the edge of the pool facing the palace-mosque, and a person standing right next to the throne. It was a big drop of light, and it was as if he was frozen there.
He was wearing a luminous garment of the white silk of paradise that extended to his feet and covered them as well, and a turban made of white silk on his head. Her hair, black but gleaming as if she had been washed with light, carried under this turban, reaching up to the tips of her ears and falling over her shoulders.
Behind him, ten great people were standing on the divan, their gazes downcast, even though they were standing.
Zat, who was on the far right of the Messenger of Allah, was tall, slightly hunched, sparsely bearded, weak-bodied, and had a beautiful face. Next to him, there was another very tall, imposing, a bit stern-eyed, dark-skinned, long-bearded Zat who appeared above the others as if he were a horse.
The Third Person, on the other hand, was of medium height, broad-bellied, beautiful-faced, and dark-skinned. As if he was ashamed, his head was lowered a little more than the others.
The Fourth Person, on the other hand, was a short, medium-sized person with black and large eyes, dark complexion, a beautiful face, broad shoulders, and thick biceps.
I couldn't see well because the Messenger of Allah was tense in front of the others. They should have been our masters of the ten happy Companions of the Ashare-i Mübeşşere*.
Enlarging and intertwined around the Messenger of Allah
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*Ashere-i Mübeşşere are ten happy Companions who were given the glad tidings of Paradise in their health. These; Hz. Abu Bakr (r.anh), Hz. Umar (r.anh) Hz. Osman (r.anh) Hz. Ali (k.v.) Abdurrahman b. Avf (r.anh), Said b. Zayd (r.anh), Sa'd b. Ebi Vakkas (r.anh) Zübeyr b. Awam (r.anh), Talha b. Ubeydullah (r.anh) and Ebu Ubeyde b. Surgeon (r.anh).
The great ones in white robes were wrapped in crescents, and they were kneeling on the fragrant heavenly grass, softer than silk carpets.
All of them lowered their gazes to the ground, out of respect for the Blessed Person in front of them; They were silently listening to what he said, motionless as if a bird had perched on their heads.
My heart was beating like crazy. Myself:
-My God! I said, "Here is the Messenger of Allah and his Companions are standing right in front of me," and I rushed towards him. But they held the ranks of the congregation, which had surrounded them in the shape of a sunflower, so tightly that I was not able to go towards him, to reach him. Only by trampling on the great people in the ranks would it be possible to advance towards Him. However, it was not possible for me to reach the Messenger of Allah by trampling on these blessed people, whose greatness is evident in every way. Because those in that row were much more valuable to me than my nafs, like the Messenger of Allah.
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I was going left and right, looking for a way, a passage to reach the Messenger of Allah, but I could not find it. The fear of not being able to reach him even though I had gotten so close to him was making me panic.
Meanwhile, the Messenger of Allah extended his arms towards the crescent-shaped rows in front of him:
- O my nation! Have you seen the fulfillment of my Lord's promise to you? He asked if you were a witness to this.
His voice was soft as silk, clear as spring water. Although it was not very loud, it could be heard easily from all parts of this great assembly.
The congregation is in unison:
-Yup! We saw it and you are the witnesses, O Messenger of Allah! They said, 'We praise our Lord.
I, on the other hand, was running left and right, not knowing what to do, in the fear and rush of not being able to reach him.
I don't know how, but suddenly these words came out of my mouth:
-I flowed like an enthusiastic flood and came,
I have crossed many lofty mountains and come,
I came with my sins on my back,
Even though I don't deserve to see your jamal;
Thanks to the revolving door, O Messenger of Allah.
The Messenger of Allah looked towards where I was for a moment. Then he turned his face away. That blessed Man, the beloved of Allah (c.c.), should not have wanted to accept a sinner like me, he should have turned away from me. This seemed to me heavier, more difficult than walking through the lowest floors of hell.
Panicking for a moment:
-You have air in your lungs, your shadow around you,
If you want me to be a victim to your way,
Please, let me stay for a moment
I said don't shut your door, help me, O Messenger of Allah.
My voice came out louder than I expected. It resounded from all parts of this great square, which was filled purely by his Ummah.
When you notice this:
-My God! What have I done? I moaned. In an assembly where the Messenger of Allah was present, I was crushed by the disrespect I committed by speaking loudly in his presence without his permission.
The faces of those great people who surrounded the Messenger of Allah in rows turned towards where I was; faces crumpled, eyebrows knitted. I, on the other hand, was being crushed under this big mistake I made, and I was looking for a hole to take shelter in, in a panic.
Something unexpected happened that I never expected. The Messenger of Allah turned his whole body and turned his face in my direction. Extending his right arm towards where I am:
-Come closer! He commanded.
When the Messenger of Allah extended his arm, all heads turned to where I was, as if they had received a command. This time there was clear joy and envy in his eyes.
When the Messenger of Allah called for me to come close, the people in the row that stood in front of me formed a narrow passageway that I could pass through by approaching left and right.
The Messenger of Allah was calling me. I was so happy that I couldn't hold back my tears as I walked through the gap that stretched towards the Messenger of Allah like a line for me.
While I was running towards him, crying and crying, the Messenger of Allah showed me to those who were there and said:
-Wouldn't you be surprised to see this beloved servant of my Lord who comes to the steamer like freshly baked bread? He was pleased with my Lord, he said, "He has been wandering in hells for thousands of years.
There was a clear compliment and praise directed at me in these words, but I was so happy and excited that I saw no one but the Messenger of Allah, thought of no one else, and heard no one else. I passed out from happiness. That's why I didn't realize enough of his words.
When I reached the Messenger of Allah, I knelt down by his skirts and sat down. Although I wanted to, I was not able to raise my head and look at his face.
The Messenger of Allah put his fragrant, cool and soft hands on my head:
-Like this! Who am I? She asked.
Without thinking:
-You are both Hashir and Akib, and Ahmed,
I said, 'You are my Lord's mercy to the worlds, Muhammad (pbuh).
The Messenger of Allah again:
-Tell him.
Again, without thinking:
-You are Hatem'ül Anbiya, you are the Messenger of Kibriya
I said, "You are the sultan of one hundred twenty-four thousand prophets, Muhammad (as).
Our Prophet:
-How many thousand years have you wandered in the manifestations of my Lord in the name of knowledge, but what did you find there? She asked.
Without raising my head:
I said the justice, mercy and greatness of my Lord.
The Messenger of Allah once again said:
-Tell him. I think you have something you want to tell me.
At last I dared to lift my head towards his face. I was dazzled by the beauties I saw, and my head was spinning. I was incapable of looking after him. Forced to lower my eyes to the ground:
-Ya Rasul-u Ekrem! I saw some men and women among sinful human beings in Hell, and they were all writhing in torment. They asked me to mediate for intercession with my Lord. I, on the other hand, was a sinful servant who received the forgiveness of my Lord at the last moment and was saved from Hell at the last moment. I was worried about my own soul. I promised them to convey these intercession requests to a servant who is acceptable in the sight of my Lord. The heavy weight of this promise I made is on my back. But no prophet wanted to accept this heavy burden.
O Messenger of Allah! Become an intercessor in the presence of my Lord for those sinful servants. I said accept it and lift the heavy load off my back.
The Messenger of Allah said:
I took the weight of your promise and put it on my own back. He said, "I will be an intercessor in the presence of my Lord for those sinful servants who are tormented in Hell."
Then the Messenger of Allah raised his blessed face towards the sky. For a moment he seemed to pass out. After a while he turned his face towards me. His blessed face was wet as if he had cried.
looking at me:
-I went under the throne and prostrated before my Lord. From Arş-ı Ala to me:
“O Muhammad! Lift your head and ask! What you want will be given. Ask for intercession! Your intercession will be fulfilled.”
And to my Lord:
-O Lord! My Ummah! O my Lord, my nation! I cried, "O my Lord, my Ummah."
Upon this:
“O Muhammad! Let those from your ummah who do not have the right of slaves to enter through the gates on the right from the gates of heaven! As they enter through these gates, they are also partners with other people through other gates.
The good news given was so beautiful that I dared to look at the face of the Messenger of Allah. That beautiful radiant face lit up even more with a smile.
The Messenger of God looked towards his ummah, who was listening to us silently and motionlessly as if a bird had landed on their heads, and said:
- All sinners who have no right to use on them and who have faith, even if it is a single quart, have been forgiven. They enter Paradise in groups from their right-hand gates, and from their other gates they are partners with other people.
I swear to the Almighty, who is in the hand of my soul, that the distance between the two wings of the gate of heaven is as much as the distance between Mecca and Hecer or between Mecca and Busra.
Then turning his blessed face towards me:
-My Lord, we are pleased with that servant for you. He said whatever he wanted. He said to the tongue, whatever you want will be fulfilled.
Prostrated in tears:
-My God! My God! My God! Undoubtedly, you are the Most Merciful and the Most Forgiving of sins. I make your sinful servant a soldier in the ummah of Ha-bib. Don't take me away from him. Let me be a speck of dust at your feet. I said I have no other wish, no other wish.
The Messenger of Allah smiled upon this wish:
-Ask other than my Lord. You are already from my ummah. You deserved this before, in the world where we lingered for a moment, he said.
These words of the Messenger of Allah surprised me as much as they pleased me.
-How can this be? I am a weak and sinful person who sins a lot and forgets to repent of these sins, and does not fulfill them even if I repent, therefore repenting over and over again and breaking his repentance again and again. I groaned that if I had not received my Lord's forgiveness at the last moment, I would have been tormented in hell right now, waiting for his intercession.
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Our Master the Messenger of God smiled once again. His white teeth, more beautiful and brighter than pearls, gleamed in his beautiful pink mouth.
Turning to me:
-O person who has been blessed with the grace of my Lord! Open your mind's eyes a little more and see the truth now. Reap the fruits of your knowledge. Undoubtedly, modesty is a beautiful trait, but when it is excessive, it causes humiliation. Find out your value now. He said, 'Make another wish from my Lord.
What did it mean to be a person who had the grace of my Lord? When he realized that I was staring in amazement, the Messenger of Allah lit up with a smile again and said:
Haven't you learned yet that nothing happens by chance? Everything is within the bounds of my Lord's infinite knowledge and knowledge. You are not outside of this great knowledge and knowledge.
Undoubtedly, my Lord, with his endless knowledge, shows his fondness for knowledge; He knew from time immemorial that he would want to wander around his manifestations to take a lesson and find the right path. But you were a servant who had prepared your paradise in that temporary world with your good nature and deeds and deserved it. Hell for the body was therefore forbidden. You could only enter Hell of your own accord.
O confused person! Do not you still understand? If your notebook had been given from the right in Purgatory, your journey to hell would not have been possible. He said that even though you are in Paradise, your notebook was given from the left and a divine favor was made for you.
When the Messenger of Allah said these, some chuckles were heard. I remember hearing those giggles before.
Allah's Apostle:
-O the one who makes the angels laugh with his amazement! See the facts now. Ask him what you want and go to the station that my Lord has prepared for you.
I deduced from the word "go to your office" that I will leave the Messenger of Allah.
My two eyes, two fountains:
-O Messenger of Allah! I have been wandering in hells and heavens for thousands of years. There I saw that the promise of my Lord came true. I finally found heaven within heaven. In my paradise, my wish is you. Don't tear me out from under your skirt. Because the key to every beauty and every blessing is in You. Let me stay with you. May I be blessed with divine love thanks to you. I begged him not to ask for anything else.
The Messenger of Allah pointed to the believers standing in the front lines:
-Didn't we promise that the knowledgeable and pious ones from our ummah would gather at the head of the Kevser pool and be next door to us? Isn't the time and place for this promise not yet? Or do you think we won't keep our word? She asked.
Crushing under the weight of this question:
' I said, 'Indeed, my Lord and my Lord's Apostle keep their promises and keep their promises.
Then my Lord gave an inspiration to my heart. These words came out of my mouth.
-O Messenger of Allah! In the world where we lingered for a moment, I left the human beings in a state of deep negligence and misguidance. I wished that I could share with them what I saw in their manifestation and learned a lesson from, and share my knowledge with them. Science gains value only if it is shared. Hidden knowledge has no value. Maybe sinful people will take a lesson and find the right way. I said this is my wish from my Lord.
The Messenger of Allah was extremely pleased, he looked at me and smiled. It was as if he expected such an answer from me.
While raising his head towards the sky:
He said, "I will present this request to my Lord." He then made a gesture with his hand as if asking me to leave his presence. But I didn't know where to go or what to do. That's why I just stayed there.
In the meantime, two drops of light appeared next to the great tree that covered the sky with its branches in the middle of the Kevser pool. I recognized them as they approached me. Those who came in the form of two halos of light were my friends Gaffar and Muhlis. In the meantime, I realized that my path ordained by my Lord had come to an end and that I had reached my destination. I started to cry, hugging their necks, both from my happiness and joy, and from the longing that lasted for thousands of years. When they calmed down a little, they both took my hands and said:
-Come on now! They said don't upset those who are waiting anymore.
Two of my comrades took me to a place a little below the Kevser pool, where there are magnificent-looking palaces, mansions and mansions of all sizes that surround the summit of Mount Cennet.
The place where the Messenger of Allah was located, the magnificent and unique palace built in the form of a mosque, was at the center of all these palaces, large and small, at the focal point of the mansions. In a way, those who lived in these mansions, palaces and mansions were next door to the Messenger of Allah, equidistant from him according to their positions.
After Gaffar and Muhlis slowly brought me down here:
They said, "The place you see is the place that my Lord has allocated to the scholars among His righteous servants, and that the highest heaven is the closest to the Messenger of Allah.
After Muhlis showed a second ring, which was again composed of palaces, mansions and mansions a little further down:
He said that it is the place of the judges and honest administrators who do not leave the justice.
There was a third ring at the bottom. Showing it to Muhlis:
-What about that third circle, which is lower, whose beauties take my eyes off, which I am incapable of looking at, and which is created out of pure light? I asked.
- That place is the station of the martyrs who gave their lives in the way of Allah (c.c.). He said that they entered Paradise without question.
Two of my comrades brought me to a palace in the first ring, a little smaller than the others, but extremely beautiful. When I read my tag on the door, I started to cry again with happiness.
After Muhlis prodded and warned me:
-This is your office. Come on, don't make those who are waiting wait any longer and don't upset them.
Who could wait for me, who would be upset about my delay?
I left my parents lower but in one of the most beautiful places in heaven. Therefore they could not be. I wonder…? Dying with curiosity at the thought of who might be waiting for me, trembling with my feet and trembling with excitement, I approached my palace adorned with roses and rubies.
Two gilman were standing guard at his door. When they saw me, they respectfully stepped aside and opened the door of my palace wide.
A white female figure appeared in the doorway, like a long drop of crystal. She had covered her face with a thin white veil. He appeared to be very young in stature and poise. The big eyes shining through the veil reminded me of someone. my god! Could it be? My heart was beating like it was going to burst through my rib cage. When he saw me approaching him, he took a few steps towards me. When he came near me, he bent down and kissed my hands reverently, and then, staring deep into my eyes, he said:
"Welcome, sir," he said.
Yes, it was. The mother of my sons, my wife, that loyal woman, whom I lost many years ago at a very young age, that dear woman, whom I had wandered around in hell for thousands of years just to see her for a moment, stood before me with all her beauty and blood. The divine promise was fulfilled once again.
A powerful joy mixed with a deep, peaceful happiness filled me. But this happiness and joy did not make me forget my Lord. We went to prostrate and praised together many times to express our gratitude to my Lord, who gave us one another.
The mercy of our Lord has never diminished upon us. My second wife came to me first. She was also a good woman to the believer, whom I was pleased with. She had been a good wife to me and a good mother to my orphaned children. Then my mom and dad came to us. And then my sons. I was very happy. Being at the foot of the Messenger of Allah increased my happiness many times over. Whenever I wanted, I would go to him, see his blessed face, and talk to him. One of his companions accepted me.
Meanwhile, the Messenger of Allah said to me:
-O person who wanders around in the manifestations of my Lord for knowledge, with whom my Lord is pleased! Good news. My Lord accepted your request and gave great news that he turned time back for you.
One week after my death, I entered the heart of a good servant of my Lord, one of my believing friends who I believed to be righteous, as an inspiration in a dream. I told him what had happened to me in the hope that it would be a lesson to those who remained in the world where we lingered for a moment.
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