diapersndiazepam · 6 years
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To the Officer that Illegally detained my Wife.....
  When you followed her down the street for a mile did you truly think about your near future actions. When you pulled her over and asked for her green card did you know she has a license and registration? When you asked her to step out of her vehicle did you listen when she asked you for a reason. When you illegally pat down her person did you realize you were violating her basic human rights? When you called for backup did you think you took things to far? When you ripped our son from her hands did you think about your own wife and kids? When you threw her in the back of your car and took her to the detention center did you bother to run her Name. When after 4 hours you finally granted her a phone call did you think she would call me? When a white man showed up to come collect his family did you truly believe I would sweep it under the rug, laugh at your passive aggressive race jokes? Oh you thought I to be of Mexican decent and apologized when You realized I wasn’t like it was an insult and forced me to bring documents exposing our private lives to a room full of people with no names but think they privy to such things. No we are not a green card marriage, she is not here on visa, she worked hard for Citizenship. When you let finally let us go after interrogation did you realize what damage you had done. When you went home and kissed your wife and tucked your children in did you think of the families you pull apart for your own sadistic gain? I pray your children never lock their arms around you in fear refusing to let go. I pray your wife is never inconsolable and scared for her life for no reason at all. I pray peace to you because Mother Earth knows no shades and it is her final say in the end
A Tired Human Being
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diapersndiazepam · 6 years
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Its Time someone dusted off this account my dad did a terrible job blogging so I thought i would give it a go. Hi My name is Shepherd (hello Shepherd) I am a 22 Year Old Father to 3 littles, two here on earth and one in heaven. I have the best fiance in the world and we live a minimalist life on Orcas Island in Washington. I decided to start this blog to document my daily living with Bipolar disorder and Parenting. I found once my fingers hit the keys its like i have full control over my thoughts and actions. I want to show people that yes you can parent with a mental disorder yes its okay to feel depressed but love your children, its not easy I don’t claim it to be, Hell I don’t even know half the time what the hell i’m doing majority of the time i’m just trying to swim through the muddled waters of my own brain but our pediatrician has assured us there is no need for a Child services call so that’s a win win in my book. This is an judgment free space where we all can Parent without the social injustice of the Patriarchy. 
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