dianakvrt · 1 year
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“such a gentlemen,” diana complimented with a warm, welcoming smile. there was always some excitement that stirred in her when seeing julian. maybe it was the attention he gave her, the needs he always fulfilled, or maybe even the growing friendship that was slowly starting to bloom between them. either way, she thanked him for paying for her coffee before agreeing to sit with him. “four hours, hm? sounds like you need a distraction,” she teases before following him to his table. diana takes a few sips of her cinnamon latte before speaking up once again, “may i ask what’s got you working so hard today?” 
from julian. / closed starter for diana. @dianakvrt !
"i got that," julian leans over the counter and taps his card for whatever kind of drink diana had ordered, shoving his hands back into his pockets and offering her a smile. "you wanna sit with me? i've been editing for like, four hours. 'm on my fifth coffee." he couldn't be sure why, but after all the drama with his friends this situation seemed simple in comparison. though he's unsure they'd ever hung out like this. julian didn't like when things got complicated, if anything he actively avoided complicated, so why was he inviting her to sit down? he doesn't think he has an answer.
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dianakvrt · 1 year
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most people would think he was being sarcastic when telling diana to close her eyes, but she almost did at the horrid sight. greasy fast food was never an option for the girl growing up, and even when she did finally try some mcdonald fries and burger, her body quickly rejected it and she hasn’t eaten fast food since. his words caused a laugh to escape her as well as a shiver that caused her to shake her head in disagreement. “i will never understand how the human body doesn’t immediately burst after digesting so much grease. wouldn’t you rather feel clean and refreshed after eating? why not have a bite of my salad instead,” she suggest, knowing very well it was definitely the last thing he’d want. “i’m sure some greens would make you feel much better.” 
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“Close your eyes because this is about to get explicit,” Noah said as he shoved a handful of fries into his waiting mouth, so saturated in grease they hung limp in hand, and let out an exaggerated moan after he swallowed the baseball-sized lump in his cheek. “Goddamn, this, this hallowed plate right her, is the only good thing about being hungover. I'm more grease than man, just as humans were meant to be.” 
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dianakvrt · 1 year
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diana never said no to a shopping spree with mafe. honestly, it had become one of her favorite things to do since moving to kings haven, and getting a glass of champagne was a nice cherry on top. she smiles warmly at her best friend’s words, following her closely and sitting upon the couch. the brunette barely took a sip of her champagne before the girl next to her asked such a bold question, causing diana to almost spit the liquid back in her glass. covering her mouth to make sure all was well, she couldn’t help but laugh lightly before answering, “goodness, you’re asking me for relationship advice?” diana’s never even been in love with someone. sure, she had boyfriend’s and even a secret girlfriend in high school, but it was never anything serious. and her ex-husband? well, we all knew that story. “why don’t we start with the pros of getting back together with luciana. what good can you see blooming from getting back together?”
                          ꒰  ♡  ꒱       closed   starter          ╱       @dianakvrt    ◞
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she’s walking with      her burkin hanging       on her arm as      she walks side     by      side with diana  ,      she was in dire      need      of       her best friend        and     on top of that ,      a shopping     spree .      ❛ well,      apart from      me missing you       like crazy ,      I needed to      catch up        with you . ❜       once they       make it inside     the store ,      she gets       the usual formal       greeting .      ❛ can I have      your      new catalog      and      two glass      of    champagne ,     gracias . ❜      she muses     as she takes       a seat on      the couch     and      turns       to diana   ,      once she was       situated . ❛      so, on a scale      from     1 - 10     how bad     of      an idea      would it be      to get     back       with luciana ?     ❜ 
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dianakvrt · 1 year
( continued thread for @bentleyfm​ ) 
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“i believe i was on my second remodel when you left. i believe i’m now on...” she paused and took a second to count how many more remodel idea’s she’s had since last seeing him. “point is, it’s coming together nicely.” her smile grows a bit wider at the thought of having her friend and his adorable pup all to herself today. there were days diana closed herself off from the world, and she knew better than to do that, so it was nice she would be getting some much needed social interaction. at the mention of his mom’s house, she can’t help but let a light laugh escape her. “then it’s settled! your mom’s house it is. now we just have to pick the right theme and the right colors. i’m thinking daisies would be the perfect flowers for these two.” it was sad that diana was completely all for decorating a fake dog wedding. “italian ice sounds wonderful actually,” she answers before standing up and calling sunny over to clip her leash back to her collar. “i think i should change it up and get something other than chocolate. what do you recommend?” 
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dianakvrt · 1 year
        Ⅳ    、   ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ‹    cont previous thread .  ⠀ ⠀  #   ⠀ ⠀   @bentleyfm​  ›
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of course diana’s first instinct was to wave off the money as she truly loved dog sitting for bentley and would easily do it for free any time he needed it. however, knowing the man as well as she does now, it truly was a battle not worth fighting about. grabbing the money, she quickly places it in her purse with a thankful smile, “lash gloss, very clever. i was thinking this could go toward my new marble top coffee table. it’s heartbreaking that i’ve changed my living space a few times since you’ve been gone and you haven’t been able to see my work. you’ll have to come by for a drink sometime, hm?” he could have been gone only two days and her whole living space would have been different. it was hard for anyone to keep up with diana’s creativity. “mm, a little late notice don’t you think? it takes a lot of work to plan a wedding, and our children deserve nothing but the best. maybe a fall wedding? we’ll rent out the entire park and invite the whole town.” 
        Ⅳ    、   ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ‹    cont previous thread .  ⠀ ⠀  #   ⠀ ⠀   @dianakvrt   ›
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IN ALL REALITY , it was quite comical how the pair had become somewhat friends. she had been hit on , one too many time and the poor man , seriously couldn't take a hint. so he simply stepped in and the night had finished with them drinking straight cognac with pizza rolls and talking about their worst bar encounters. the thing was that after that encounter, they still saw each other and well , he trusted her enough to leave benji with diana. ❛ no really , thank you . ❜ he added and took the cash wrapped in rubber brand and pulled a few hundred dollar bills placing them in her hand ❛ i'm not taking no for an answer , buy yourself something nice . . . makeup or lash gloss or whatever it is , you like . ❜ he wasn't even sure what half  of makeup was called but it wasn't really his job to know , right ? ❛ a crush huh ? what should we do about that ? maybe start planning a june wedding ? ❜ 
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dianakvrt · 1 year
           Ⅳ    、   ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ‹    closed starters   ⠀ ⠀  #   ⠀ ⠀   @dianakvrt​​    ›
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he loved being in nevada       seeing his uncle yury    and      the rest     of   the people that        he called family,     but        he missed kings haven      and      was glad      to be back.       so when diana         reached out ,       he decided       to invite her         to the dog park      and    go for some italian ice.         he hadn’t          seen her in a while      and       having a genuine friend        to simply talk about      anything besides        the club   ,   seemed like a         good idea         and    adding to the fact       that she took care     of      benji     (    his golden     labrador     ).        he throws the ball       once again     and       benji goes      after it .        oceanic hues turn      to her       once again      ❛ i just       wanted       to thank you ,        for that         huge solid.      i hope benji        wasn’t        too much trouble ,      was he      ?    ❜
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diana was thrilled to hear bentley was back in town, though also sad because now it meant benji had to return to his own home. her goldendoodle, sunny, seemed to develop a crush on her friend’s dog, so she was sure the pup would be even more heartbroken that benji wouldn’t be around as much. for now, the two pups were having fun chasing the ball bentley was throwing for them, a bright smile spreading across her face as she watched them. “it was my pleasure, honestly,” she replied while matching his gaze. “i was on a business call one day and he decided he wanted to chime in and share his own ideas of which couch he thought was best for my client, but thankfully she found it amusing,” she laughs softly at the memory. “however, i must warn you that sunny has got quite the crush on benji. we might be in-laws sooner or later.” 
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dianakvrt · 1 year
・ ˖  ✦ ⋄ . close starter for @pearlthicf​ ( for estelle ) 
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diana decided to skip breakfast this morning to get some extra work done at her office, though she made a promise to herself to snack on some apple slices while she worked. did she keep that promise? not in the slightest. so when estelle reached out and asked about lunch, diana was quick to accept. her eyes were roaming the menu, her stomach making her think she could eat just about anything and everything at this point. “grilled salmon...baked chicken...,” she lets out a small sigh. “it all sounds too delicious.” she places the menu down and looks over at her friend, “which sounds more appealing? i haven’t had salmon in quite some time, but chicken is always a good bet...or both?” she teases, knowing fully well she probably wouldn’t even finish one of those options, let alone two. 
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dianakvrt · 1 year
“Shit D,” The deep velvet Georgia accent laced his words, easily tugging back the menu knowing she wouldn’t order anything off it anyway. He’d offer to get her something else that she might like, if she told him she was hungry. She didn’t seem hungry though, she seemed thirsty. “I thought only The Dude drank white russians,” teasing on his baritone voice whittled through the tension at the bar. Draping the rag over his shoulder he adjusted the baseball cap that had seen too many better days, auburn hair peeking out from beneath the fabric. Starting in on making her drink. “I’m alright…” he was never alright not since making his way back to the states. “Been a hellova busy night, though…fuck all knows why,” he reached over plucking the phone from her fingers and placing it into his back pocket. “I’m recommending you let that shit lie for a second before shooting off an email you regret…got it?” He arched a brow putting the drink on a coaster before her. Hands resting on the bar as he looked at her, “You wanna talk about it?” 
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there’s a slight blush that hits her cheeks at his comment, “don’t tell anyone my secret, but i honestly just look up popular drinks and go from there. white russian ended up standing out today.” she gives an embarrassed laugh while tucking some loose strands of hair behind her ear. even though she didn’t truly know arlo’s backstory, she picked up an aura about him that suggested he’s been through quite a bit in his lifetime. he wore such stories on his features, but she never pushed or pried for details. after all, she did the exact same thing with her own past. keep it to yourself, and when asked, keep it short. “maybe they’re all hear to you play a little,” she teases, not really sure why tonight was as busy as it was either, but also because she wouldn’t mind listening to him play either. diana stared down at her empty hands for a moment, cursing herself for thinking she could get away with doing any kind of work with arlo around. she was a workaholic, and she was sure it was something arlo must have picked up over time. she simply shakes her head with a soft smile, “i suppose you’re right.” as far as talking about it, well...diana wasn’t too sure. she hated talking ill of her clients, no matter how nasty they could be. a small sigh escapes her before she answers, “it just doesn’t make sense to me why someone who hire an expert in something only to completely ignore every advice and suggestion they give you. surely that’s a bit silly, right?” 
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dianakvrt · 1 year
Where: The Drunk Fish Who: Anyone It was getting to be that time of night where Arlo just wanted to go the fuck home. That or get up on the little makeshift stage with his guitar and sing some songs. He’d swigged a few rocks glasses of whiskey while working but no one ever said a thing. He was functional, in a way he thought that was at least one saving grace. Wiping down the sticky bartop with a wet rag from his back pocket he watched as a few more people saddled up to the bar. What the hell was going on? It was supposed to be a slow night, at least this late. “Kitchen’s gettin ready to close y’all, but you be real nice n I might be able to swing some food for ya,” the Georgia accent lingering on his lips. Procuring a menu he handed it over. The food never changed, it always was what it always was, burgers, grilled cheese, tots, wings, nothing fancy but something always fuckin delicious. “What can I do you for with drinks, friends?” He asked resting bare forearms on the now clean countertop.
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a coffee shop would have been a better idea for diana to go to when she wanted to get a little work done. however, since of her clients was being highly unreasonable in her choices of design for her new kitchen, the brunette figured a quick drink would help relax her nerves enough to send a much more professional email than the one she drafted earlier. thank goodness everything can be done on a phone these days, so it was all she needed when she made her way to the bar and took a seat at the counter. diana never ate the food here, only because she was very picky as to what when in her body, and cheep greasy foods was not something she ate often, if ever. “how are you doing arlo,” she greeted with a soft smile. “i think tonight is a white russian sort of night,” she answers with a small nod of her head while she pulled out her phone. “unless you recommend something else that will help deal with an unpleasant client of mine.” 
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dianakvrt · 1 year
/ * open starter from estelle !
“i am very sorry, but now that the game is over i should tell you. i could not hear a word you were saying. would you like me to buy you a drink?” the last thing estelle wanted was to be caught up in some football game on the television. or more to the point the fans who came to the bar to scream at a bunch of grown men who couldn’t hear them, “consider it an apology.”
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all diana could do was laugh softly to herself, because she knew better than to try and have an actual conversation when the atmosphere around them was exceptionally loud. while her voice wasn’t a soft as a whisper, it was hard for the brunette to raise her voice higher than normal. “apology accepted,” she teased lightly to her friend. “a bellini would be lovely.” now that the game was over, she was hoping the noise around them would settle down, otherwise diana will simply have to start texting her conversation to estelle. “my story wasn’t very entertaining anyhow. i’d love to hear any stories you might have for me today.” 
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/ * open starter from estelle !
"i am very sorry, but now that the game is over i should tell you. i could not hear a word you were saying. would you like me to buy you a drink?" the last thing estelle wanted was to be caught up in some football game on the television. or more to the point the fans who came to the bar to scream at a bunch of grown men who couldn't hear them, "consider it an apology."
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dianakvrt · 1 year
♕ ( twenty-eight / cisfemale / she/her ) — did you see DIANA KURT wandering around the island today? they kind of look like BARBARA PALVIN from certain angles? i heard around town that the INTERIOR DESIGNER is RELIABLE, and HARDWORKING, but also PICKY, and OVERLY INDEPENDENT. people say that they remind them of WATCHING THE SUNRISE WITH A WARM CUP OF COFFEE, FREQUENT SHOPPING TRIPS FOR HOME DECOR, and A BOX FULL OF DARK CHOCOLATE MACAROONS, and BENEATH YOUR BEAUTIFUL by LABRINTH is definitely their theme song. they seem like a nice enough person, but we all know how hard it is to keep a pristine reputation in a small town.
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hello lovelies ! i’m kelsey, old enough, cst and go by she/her pronouns ! i’m so excited to introduce my baby Diana and get her developed ! i’ve set up some links below where you can find her full detailed background, some stats, and creative visual from her pinterest board, and some wanted plots, but i’m always up for other ideas if what i have on the list doesn’t suit your fancy. just give this post a like if you’d like to plot something out and i’ll come say hi. can’t wait to meet you all ! 🤗
  ˚ * STATS ; ˚ * BIOGRAPHY ; ˚ * PINTEREST ;  ˚ * PLOTS ;    
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dianakvrt · 1 year
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(500) Days of Summer (2009) dir. Marc Webb
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dianakvrt · 1 year
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dianakvrt · 1 year
All I want to do is spend money, make money, be pretty and go on vacations.
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dianakvrt · 1 year
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dianakvrt · 1 year
Small details always mean a lot
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dianakvrt · 3 years
tag dump !!
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