Diabolus Est Nuntius ~ Founder Of The Unholy See
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diabolus-est-nuntius-blog · 8 years ago
Time To Clean Up This Blog And Keep It For The Sincere Satanist!
Time to unfollow some Blogs on Tumblr and get things ready for the Work I want to do here ~ 18 of the first 22 Blog posts on my dashboard were porn, mostly Oral Sex.
While enjoy using Tumblr far more than Facebook which I have now left, I want to focus my own Blog on here on Satanic Working and Infernal Occultism but for some reason (with the exception of certain individuals) my Blog seems to be attracting Porn addicts, LadyBoys and Gay Porn Merchants ~ sorry but this is not for me and what I am working on is not for you.
I am a serious Satanic Occultist and committed to the seeking of knowledge and wisdom of the Satanic Occult Arts of Black Magick ~ only others of this way of thinking will be a part of the coming Order THE UNHOLY SEE!
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diabolus-est-nuntius-blog · 8 years ago
The Demonic Evocations
The below Evocations are to be used in the Rite Of Demonic Evocation posted earlier and can be used also as a guideline to create your own Evocations for circumstances not covered in those below.
“I summon the power of the Infernal Lord Satan . . . I call forth my Infernal Father from the depths of the sphere of Hell . . . to aid my quest for Occult knowledge and Adepthood . . . may the knowledge of your Black Arts be revealed to me . . . may the innate Infernal force of those who become Initiates of the Black Arts evolve within me . . . aid me in becoming a Sorcerous Practitioner of Demonic Magick and learn to wield these powers in the service of the Infernal Legion . . . as I embark upon the Infernal journeys which lie before me guide me with your infinite wisdom . . . I summon forth the ineffable power of you who are true Lord of this world My Lord Satan to bless my sojourn into the study of the Infernal Arts with the force of your Blackened Flame . . . by your Decree may I attain adepthood within the Mysteries of your Rites and Darkest Arts . . . Ave Satanas!”
“I call forth the dark carnal power of my Infernal Mother Lilith . . . seducer of the pious . . . Dark Queen of the Lilin . . . Matriarch of the Black Womb . . . journey forth this night Lilith that my desire may be satiated and my carnal thirst quenched . . . by your enchantments . . . by the Unholy power of seduction which is yours and decreed to the children of your Mysteries . . . may the one known as (name) be given to me . . . may his heart ache for my presence . . . his flesh crave my embrace . . . his member swell at the thought of my body . . . his mind know no peace until he has submitted his body to my seductions . . . may his waking thoughts and nightscape dreams be painted with images of our union . . . of our fornication . . . until at last he is mine to possess . . . Ave Lilith . . . Ave Satanas!”
“Upon this night I call forth the power of the Grand Demon Luthian . . . I summon this Spirit forth from the dark domain of Hell to aid me in my endeavours . . . to guide and aid me in my fields of study . . . may your Infernal wisdom sharpen my mind . . . your power quicken my learning . . . let all become clear to me . . . and the field of expertise I seek to study become mine to conquer . . . may  your Diabolic current absorb the knowledge I seek deep within my mind . . . shroud my conscious mind as an Infernal cloister of inner contemplation and make known to me that which I seek to learn . . . Ave Luthian . . . Ave Satanas!”
“ Grand Spirit Abaddon . . . Demon of the Abyssian Pit . . . Weaver of Hexes . . . Binder of Souls . . . I Call forth your power to charge this Working . . . to bring discord, dismay and destruction into the life of my enemy (Name) . . .bring upon them the dark shroud of despair . . . the endless torment of pain . . . the infinite sorrow of loss . . . let their lives know only discord, struggle and adversity . . . bring destruction and chaos to all they have built and take from them all that they cherish . . . rise Mighty Abaddon from the Bottomless Pit . . . from the depths of Hell . . . to bring total destruction to the life of (Name) . . . until they willingly welcome the embrace of death . . . Ave Abaddon!” 
“Grand Spirit Agaliarept . . . Gatekeeper of Hell . . .Initiatory Guide through the Gates of the Kingdom of Shadows . . . Scribe of Our Lord the Devil . . . Keeper of Secrets . . . giver of knowledge . . . I Call forth your power, your Infernal current to make open the Inner Gate of my subconscious . . . to make seen the unseen eye . . . to lift the veil on the hidden . . . to make manifest to me that not yet manifest . . . unlock the closed doors within the mind that visions most prophetic I may receive . . . by darkened Mirror, Crystal Sphere and Pyromantic Flame may I see that not yet seen . . . open the Oculus Inferni within the centred eye of my own mind . . . grant me the Sight of the Seer and the voice of the Oracle Mighty Agaliarept . . . that I may walk into the future with knowledge of the past and present and foretold vistas before me . . . Ave Agaliarept!” 
“From the depths of the Kingdom of Hell I Call to you Unsere . . .   from the darkened spheres of Hell I summon forth your power to protect and secure the unborn offspring of my Kindred (Name) . . . may the shadowy Servitors of your dominion encircle the evolving fetus in the womb of life . . . weaving around this new gestation of flesh a sphere of protection, health and fortitude . . . protect this unborn child Grand Demoness Unsere . . . may it grow with the gestating power of the Black Womb of Lilith . . . nurture and sustain its growth within (Name) until it is time for it to enter the mortal realm of which Our Infernal Lord is true Master . . . Ave Unsere!” 
“Asmodeus, Grand Demon of the carnal and the sensual . . . Infernal Spirit of sexual seduction and the pleasures of the flesh . . . I Call to you this night to join with me in the Dominion Of Union . . . to journey forth from the spheres of Hell and aid me in attaining my desire . . . imbue the woman named (Name) with an insatiable desire for me . . . may she crave the touch of my hands on her body . . . the taste of my lips on her own . . . the caress of my tongue within her sex . . . the embrace of my flesh against her own . . . may no other man satisfy her or gain carnal knowledge of her until she has submitted to my lust . . . Grand Demon Asmodeus . . . deliver (Name) to me, that her flesh, her body, her very essence may satiate my desire . . . Ave Asmodeus!”
“I Call forth to the Grand Demon of love and matrimony Belphegor . . . I Conjure forth you to ascend from the depths of Hell to empower this night my workings within the Black Arts . . . to bring longevity and eternal union to the relationship between myself and the one named (Name) . . . may the love and attraction, the bond and respect which forged our union . . . ever be ignited and prosper through the journey of life . . . may my love only ever be for (Name) and their love ever only be for me . . . let the merging of our bodies and minds grow over the span of time . . . forever infusing us both with the passion, desire and love we hold for each other at this present time . . . Ave Belphegor!” 
“Grand Infernal Spirit of Hell . . . Verrine wielder of the Healing Power . . . vanquisher of disease . . . terminator of malady . . . ascend from the nourishing fires of Hell . . . imbue me with strength, vitality and good health . .  . by the raging fires of Hell burn from my body the ailments and viruses which assail my form . . . renew my health . . . bring me back to being the Temple of vitality and strength which I once was . . . may the fiery waters of Acheron rung through my veins and purify my blood . . . may the Pillar of Flame which runs through my core burn with fortitude and good health . . . that my life shall ascend the illness and inflictions that hail me . . . and my body become as a Temple of Satanic power erected in the Name of Our Lord Satan!”
“Gestating Demon of the Kingdom of Hell . . . ancient force of manifestation . . . birthing energy of the Infernal Being . . . Ashtarot . . . Great Infernal Spirit of the Forge of Creation . . . come forth this night from the fiery forges of Hell to cast your creative energy here within the Dominion Of Union . . . breathe life into this being which I have crafted . . . transform the material from which it is made into the flesh of life . . . bring forth the apparition of its manifestation within  the realms of Hell . . . that it may gain power from the Demonic Beings that reside there . . . Ashtarot, Mighty Demon of the Infernal Domain . . . awaken and empower this night . . . the Sacred Golem I have brought into existence . . . that it may act as a Servitor within the Mysteries of the Black Arts of the Satanist . . . Ave Ashtarot!”
“Grand Demoness Tezrian . . . forger of conflicts . . . instigator of wars . . . sewer of discord . . . harbinger of  the dead . . . I Call you forth from the Realms of Hell .  . . summon forth the terrible forces of your wrath and the hatred that breeds wars . . . to rip through the lands of (Name Country) leaving them war torn, desolate and drenched in the blood of their own people . . . may their enemies wage battles against them . . . the lands of  (Country) be littered with the corpses of its own people leaving them as carrion for the Corvid and the wild beast .  . . Ave Tezrian!”
“Rosier . . . Grand Spirit of the Demonic Hierarchy . . . Grand Arbitrator . . . bring of reconciliation and equilibrium . . . Demon of compromise and diplomacy . . . I Call upon you this night . . . Call you forth from the Spheres of the Infernal . . . to reconcile the friendship between (Name) and (Name) . . . to bring a resurgence of the bond and connection they once shared . . . to imbue them both with the respect, honour and kinship which once marked their relationship . . . aid me this night Rosier . . . Grand Demon of Hell . . . to heal the rift between (Name) and (Name) . . . that they may be brought back together and share the union they once both cherished . . . Ave Rosier!”
“I summon this night the power of the Grand Demonic Lord Lucifuge . . . Grand President of Hell . . . Demon of Wealth and Success . . . I Call you forth from the shadowy regions of the Infernal Lucifuge . . . that the ineffable current of your power may empower my Satanic Workings and charge the path of my near future with prosperity, financial success and achievement . . . may the decisions I make prove profitable . . . the paths I traverse bring success . . . and the destiny which stretches out before me be Infernally Blessed by your prosperous energy . . . cast your power upon this Working I undertake this night Lucifuge that my life may ascend in prosperity . . . Ave Lucifuge!”
“Grand Demon Sonnellion . . . Infernal Spirit of the Dominion of Hell . . . I Call forth your energy this night to bring power to my Dark Workings . . . divider of lovers . . . harbinger of discord . . . deliverer of acrimony . . . drive a divide between the lovers (Name) and (Name) . . . let their be angst between them which festers into suspicion, mistrust and paranoia . . . let the love which lies between them fade and become bitter . . . morphing slowly into dislike and hate . . . may arguments, discord and disagreement mark their days . . . tearing their relationship apart . . . until neither can find happiness or contentment through any other path than separation . . . Ave Sonnellion!”
“I summon this night the Grand Demon Satanachia . . . Lord of Protection . . . procurer of saftey . . . Spirit of fortitude and victory . . . join with me here in this Dominion of Union Grand Spirit . . . lend your ineffable power to protect me from Magickal, Psychic and Astral attack . . . defeat the Servitors of those who would harm me . . . drive back the entities sent to destroy me . . . banish the harbingers of misery sent to tarnish my life . . . place around me the sphere of your protection Mighty Satanachia . . . that upon the Astral Realm, the Spiritual Spheres and the dominion of flesh I may be protected from those who would cause me harm . . . Ave Satanachia!”
“Mephisto . . . Demon of Vengeance . . . instigator of retribution . . . sword of justice . . . make manifest your power this night . . . Grand Demon I Call you forth from the domain of Hell to lend your power unto my Rites . . . cast the shadow of vengeance over my enemy (Name) . . . let them suffer for the harm they have brought me . . . let the hatred and machinations they have cast against me . . . manifest in their own lives . . .turning their friends against them . . . infesting their life with misery, discord and tragedy . . . may all they the negativity they have brought into my life . . . return tenfold to their own . . .  tearing their existence apart . . . by your power Mephisto . . . may the vengeance I seek on (Name) be satiated and the destruction of all they cherish be made manifest . . . Ave Mephisto!”
“Grand Demon Baalberith . . . forger of alliances . . . Demon of the Infernal Legion . . . the one who seals the pact and bonds allegiance between foes . . . I Call you forth from the darkened regions of Hell . . . to empower an alliance between myself and (Name) . . . may our objectives be combined . . . our strategies merged . . . our aims be formed as one that an alliance may be formed . . . bring the mind of (Name) under my will . . . let their envisaged destiny be conducive to my own and an alliance formed between us . . . that is both unbreakable and prosperous to both involved . . . Ave Baalberith!”
“Grand Spirit Delepitorae . . . Infernal Demon of the regions of shadow and fire . . . I Conjure you this night from that majestic realm called Hell . . . summon you to lend your ineffable power to the Workings I seek to carry out here . . . bless me with the art of the literary master . . . imbue me with the skill and power of the Poet . . . let the words I put forth manifest vistas of my own making in the minds of others . . . let my texts be of inspiration . . . bring to me the power of the wordsmith Grand Demon Delepitorae . . . that my writings may be etched in the stone of time . . . Ave Delepitorae!”
“Grand Demon Svengali . . . Dark Spirit of Destruction . . . bring of catastrophe . . . harbinger of doom . . . I Call forth to summon your wrath and your chaos this night . . . may the disruptive power of your energy . . . the chaotic vibrations of your force bring destruction and mayhem to the life of the one called (Name) . . . destroy the sanctity of their home . . . the stability of their business . . . the contentment of their relationships . . . tear apart the foundations of their life . . . till all that has been built . . . crumbles around them . . . Ave Svengali!”
“Grand Demon of storms . . . wielder of lightning . . . birnger of winds . . . carrier of the thunder and rain . . . Grand Spirit of Hell Bechard . . . I Call you forth your ineffable power this night . . . summon your elemental fury . . . to rage upon the region (Name) . . . rip through this land with the tornado . . . smother the land with an incessant cascade of rains . . . let the skies over (Name) be alive with lightning and roar with the wrath of the thunder . . . may your Infernal power Bechard tear the lands of this region apart . . . bringing a time of disaster, loss and death to (Name) . . . Ave Bechard!”
“Grand Demon Huictiigara . . . Infernal Spirit of the Kingdom of Shadows . . . stealer of slumber . . . haunter of the dreamscape realm . . . weaver of nightmares . . . cast upon my enemy (Name) the curse of insomnia . . . let their nights be void of rest . . . plagued with trauma . . . and void of sleep . . . should they find slumber let the terror of your forged nightmares rip them from their sleep . . . let pain and discomfort hinder the rest of their body . . . and the mind unrestful refuse to be at peace . . . let insomnia consume (Name) until their very sanity and health is brought to fragment and fall into runin . . . Ave Huictiigara!”
“Grand Demon Clisthert . . . Prince of Illusions . . . caster of manifestations . . . bringer of apparitions and phantoms to the mind . . . I summon your power this night to cause the one called (Name) to be plagued by visions . . . tormented by apparitions of violence and fear . . . frightful apparitions which shall greet their waking eyes and torture their nocturnal dreams . . . let that which they do not wish to see . . . haunt their sight . . . the peace of mind be torn asunder by the apparitions of the macabre and visions of terror . . . until the very fabric of their sanity is torn and driven to collapse . . . Ave Clisthert!”
“From the depths of Hell I summon you Grand Spirit . . . Mighty Demon Bucon, I Call you forth from the realms of darkness . . . to aid me this night . . . to bring forth your Infernal power to inflict ruin upon my enemy (Name) . . . cast a cloak of misery over their life Grand Demon . . . tear down all that they have built in life . . . bring (Name) to his decline making them suffer with loss, pain and betrayal . . . let those they love betray them . . . that which they own be lost to them . . . the foundations of their life crumble beneath them . . . let the comfort of death seem as a release Grand Demon . . . leaving (Name) broken and without hope . . . Ave Bucon!”
“Grand Demon Humots . . . Grand Spirit who bestows the sight . . . and the visions of that which manifests beyond our sight . . . I Call forth your Infernal energy to bestow upon me the seeds of the Seer’s gift . . . the inner sight of Remote Viewing . . . the gift of the distant Seer . . . grand me this ineffable skill Humots . . . that I may gain knowledge of that which occurs beyond the scope of the eyes . . . that I may travel as the Seer to lands not my own and view what transpires there . . . grant me this Gifrt Humots that I may utilize it in the service of Our Infernal Lord Satan . . . Ave Humots!”
“Grand Spirit of seduction . . . instigator of infidelity . . . wielder of seduction . . . I summon your forth Grand Demon Frimost . . . Call you forth from the dark spheres of Hell . . . to empower my Workings here in the Dominion of Union . .  . to infuse the one named (Name) with insatiable lust for me . . . to fade from her mind the feelings she holds for her husband (Name) . . . may her constant thoughts turn always to union with me . . . may her flesh ache for the touch of my own . . . her lips seek the kisses of my own lips . . . may her loins ache with the passion of my penetration . . . may she embrace infidelity . . . surrender to deceit . . . and give of her body to my pleasure . . . Ave Frimost!”
“Mighty Spirit of Hell . . . Guland, harbing of malady . . . caster of ailment . . . carrier of disease . . . bringer of sickness . . . journey forth this night from the Kingdom of Shadows . . . to empower my Magick here and inflict upon my enemy (Name) the most terrible of diseases . . . inflict upon them sickness . . . let their body become plagued by maladies and ailments which hinder every aspect of their lives . . . may infections consume them . . . their organs be infiltrated by diseases . . . their blood become poisoned and infected . . . let (Name) be drawn to near death by a constant barrage of illness . . . only to survive and endure further torments . . . Ave Guland!”
“Mersilde, Grand Spirit of the Scyring Sphere . . . Mighty Demonic Seer of Hell . . . journey to commune with me this night . . . to imbue me with the Divinatory power of your essence . . . may the Runes of the Norse speak to me . . . the secret messages of the Tarot be known to me . . . may the flame of the Pyromancer reveal its visions . . . and the cast bones tell their story . . . infuse me Grand Spirit Mersilde with the Arts of Divination . . . that myteries of the past, the secrets of the present and the unknown sights of future be mine to access . . . Ave Mersilde!”
“Grand Demon Frutimiere . . . I Call to you to commune with me in this realm apart . . . bring forth your Necromantic powers and imbue me with the ability to speak with the dead . . . open my mind to commune with those past from life . . . empower me with me the Art of the Necromancer . . . make open to me the veils between the living and the dead . . . grand me union with the Spirits of those who have died . . . the wraith and the shade . . . that I may have knowledge held only within the spheres of those who have journeyed forth from the realm of flesh . . . Ave Frutimiere!”
“I Call you forth Grand Demon Segal . . . Mighty Spirit of Hell . . . Guardina of the Portals between life and death . . . I summon your exalted power to bring forth hauntings to the one named (Name) . . . open the gates to the realms of the dead . . . open the portals between worlds over the residence of (Name) . . . that their abode becomes as a sphere of transition where the spirits of the dead and the Beings of other realms may traverse . . . may apparitions of the dead manifest before them . . . may the life be plagued by hauntings and visitations from the most malevolent of Spirits . . . bringing the mind of (Name) to a point of confusion and despair . . . Ave Segal!”
“Grand Demon Morail . . . dispenser of invisibility . . . concealer of the hidden . . . wielder of illusions . . . I summon you this night from the regions of Hell . . . Call to you to veil me in the Cloak of the Unseen . . . may my locations remain unknown to those who seek to find me . . . may I walk unseen among the throng of the masses . . . may my face pass without recognition . . . my activities remain undetected . . . and the passage of my existence remain unknown to all accept those that I trust . . . Ave Morail!”
“From the depths of the Infernal . . . the ineffable spheres of Hell I Call you forth Grand Demon Musisin . . . bring forth your power of domination . . . your unrelenting authority . . . imbue me with authority over the one called (Name) . . . that their will may bend to my own . . . let their resilience to stand against me fail . . . weakness destroy their resolve in my presence . . . may their thoughts be influenced by my own . . . and their decisions bend to my wishes . . . may their strength to stand in adversity against grow pale . . . until they are as servant fit to my bidding . . . Ave Musisin!”
“Grand Demon Behemoth . . . journey forth this night to aid me in my Workings of the Black Arts . . . Mighty Spirit of Hell . . . Lord of sloth, debauchery and greed . . . Demon of avarice and envy . . . I ask that you imbue the one called (Name) with an insatiable sense of decadence . . . open them to be consumed by all that they consider a sin . . . rob them of loyalty, compassion and care . . . guide them to betray their spouses with numerous partners . . . to indulge in debauchery and the most abhorrent acts of avarice . . . lead them to surrender to every temptation . . . that their decadence may destroy their lives . . . Ave Behemoth!”
“Grand Spirit Verrrier . . . Demoness of healing, cures and medicine . . . I Call to you to join with me here in the Dominion of Union and aid me in bringing good health to the one called (Name) . . . vanquish from this person the maladies and diseases that assail them . . . imbue their immunity with fortitude . . . banish from them the weakening virus . . . and the deterioration caused by illness . . . destroy the ailments which torment them and bring them forth to good health . . . that they may grow in strength and vitality . . . and gain back control over their life . . . Ave Verrier!”
“Grand Spirit Asafoetida . . . Mighty Demoness of Hell . . . Grand Seducer . . . Enchantress . . . bringer of temptation . . . lover of fornication . . . I Call upon you this night to aid me in possessing the man called (Name) . . . may he crave carnal knowledge of me . . . may he be driven with obsession to become my lover . . . let the passion and lover for his current partner (Name) weaken and fall under the desire he feels for me . . . let his dreams be tormented by my seductions . . . may his manhood burn to enter me . . . let all resistance be futile and all peace be suspended . . . until he lies with me in carnal union . . . Ave Asafoetida!”
“I summon you forth from the darkened realms of Hell . . . Grand Spirit of Commerce . . . Demon of wealth and prosperity . . . I ask that you bless my path with the ability to strive in business . . . to gain success and recognition in my professional field . . . I Call upon you to empower my presence . . . to make sharp my mind . . . and to be astute and intuitive in my business deals . . . grant me Grand Demon Mammon . . . the ability to outwit and overtake my rivals in business . . . and rise to success in my chosen work . . . Ave Mammon!”
“Grand Demon Baal . . . Lord of Wisdom . . . Mighty Spirit of power and intellect . . . of knowledge and leadership . . . I Call upon your Infernal essence this night to imbue me with the authority to command others . . . and to gain their support, allegiance and respect . . . raise me in position Mighty Spirit . . . empower me with the intellect and inner strength to overpower my rivals and inspire my cohorts . . . instil in me confidence, assertion and the relentless desire to succeed and lead . . . that I may attain my rightful position . . . Ave Baal!”
“I summon this night the ineffable power of the Grand Demon Beelzeboul . . . Lord of the Infernal House . . . Leader of the Lesser denizens of Hell  . . . standard bearer of Satan . . . I Call upon your power to open the mind and Soul of the once named (Name) to become a victim of possession . . . may her mortal vessel be as a beacon and an open doorway to the eager Spirit . . . may the doorways of their mind be weak to the possession of the Demon, the malelovent spirit and all forces that would seek to use and bring their life to ruin . . . by your power Lord Beelzeboul may (Name) become a vessel to the Spirit who would possess it . . . driving it to unspeakable acts and to madness . . . Ave Beelzeboul!”
“Rashoon . . .Demoness of Seduction . . . weaver of enchantments . . . Mistress of Glamour . . . inducer of compulsion . . . I ask that you enchant the one named (Name) . . . bewitch them to become obsessed with me . . . to seek to serve and support me in any way I see fit . . . Grand Spirit Rashoon . . . imbue (Name) with a neverending desire to please and satiate me . . . to answer my ever desire . . . that they become the very instrument of my will . . . Ave Rashoon!”
“Grand Demoness Taroon . . . inducer of lust . . . Mighty Spirit who compels mortals to carnal pursuits . . . I Call upon you to make the one called (Name) my lover . . . to compel them with a desire for me which cannot and will not be resisted . . . to satisfy my every sexual command . . . to desire me and no other until my lust is satiated . . . and no longer do I seek their attentions . . . Ave Taroon!”
“From the darkest regions of Hell I Call to you Grand Demon Flereous . . . I Call upon you to aid me in my quest for justice . . . to bring justice into my life and grant me victories that I should claim . . . let those who deceive me and slander me be exposed for their deceit . . . let those who betray me and seek to harm me be brought to justice . . . may those who bring adversity into my life know of your just vengeance . . . veil me Grand Demon Flereous in the cloak of justice and right . . . that I may be victorious over those who are injust . . . and those who would seek to betray my trust . . . Ave Flereous!”
“Mighty Spirit Ammon . . . Grand Demon of longevity . . . ineffable Spirit of fortitude, endurance and survival . . . I Call you forth this night to Commune me with me in the Dominion Of Union . . . to sustain my life . . . to bring longevity to my life and fortitude to my flesh . . . imbue me with the majestic current of your strength Grand Demon . . . sustain the lifeforce within me, strengthen the organs that fuel my life . . . Ammon . . . Grand Spirit of fortitude . . . empower me to overcome and survive the trials of the flesh and life upon this mortal world . . . Ave Ammon!”
“Grand Demon Khil . . . from the depths of Hell do I summon your wrath, your dreaded power . . . I Call your forth from the Kingdom of the Infernal to wield the force of destruction that is yours to engage . . . within the lands of (Name) I ask that you bring natural disaster . . . may the earth split . . . the waters rise and the storms tear apart the terrain before them . . . let earthquakes shake the foundations of this region . . . may (Name) succumb to the most terrible forces of nature’s power through your wrath and destructive will . . . I summon this dread power Mighty Khil to lay waste to the region of (Name) and let it know the power of your force . . . Ave Khil!”
“Mighty Spirit of solidarity . . . the one who sustains friendships and erects alliances . . . Grand Demon Hiepacth . . . I summon your power this night to bind my friendship with (Name) that it may sustain and endure our lifetime . . . may it grow in strength and trust . . . be void of betrayal and uncertainty . . . as time passes may the very foundations of the friendship between (Name) and myself flourish and bond as to survive all attempts to sever its connection . . . Ave Hiepacth!”
“I Call forth from the Kingdom of Hell the Grand Spirit of Communion . . . the Mighty Demon Sirchade . . . I summon you Grand Demon Sirchade to bestow upon me the power and the ability . . . to commune with other species on this world beside my own . . . to become attuned to the calls of the wild . . . the whispers of nature . . . the song of birds . . . and the nature of all animals . . . enable me to gain an understanding with them . . . an allegiance and bond which transcends that of other mortals . . . may they see me as an ally . . . a Kindred Spirit and aid me in my life as I shall aid them . . . bring me to become at one with the creature of air, land and sea Sirchade . . . that I may have understanding of their dominion . . . Ave Sirchade!”
“From the shadow strewn spheres of Hell do I summon you Grand Spirit Frutimiere . . . Mighty Demon of prosperity, happiness and fortune . . . I Call upon you ineffable power to bring into my life contentment . . . happiness . . . Infernal prosperity and good fortune . . . may the environment of my habitat . . . the sphere of my abode . . . and the essence of my mind and Soul . . . be imbued with certainty, satisfaction, pleasure, love and achievement . . . may I forge the foundations of this life through the passion and joy of your Infernal current Frutimiere . . . building a personal dominion founded upon the beauty I seek in life . . . Ave Frutimiere!”
“Grand Demon Clauneck . . . from the realms of Hell do I Call you . . . summon you forth to join with me in the Dominion of Union . . . I Call upon you to imbue my life with prosperity and good fortune . . . may fate bless me in financial endeavours . . . may my investments and actions always lead to financial success . . . that I may forge a path before me of economic security and pleasure . . . Ave Clauneck!” 
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diabolus-est-nuntius-blog · 8 years ago
The Rite Of Demonic Evocation Taken From The Black Key
Let the Practitioner stand before the Altar (an extra candle should be on the Altar, red in colour, to represent the Demon being Evoked) and recite the following:
“Here within the sacrosanct Dominion Of Union and by the power of my true Lord Satan . . . I prepare to Call forth the Grand Demon (Demon Name) to Commune with me in this realm apart and to aid me in my Dark Magickal Workings . . . that my most fervent desires be made manifest upon the sphere of flesh!”
The Practitioner should now light the Candle of Evocation upon the Altar saying:
“I ignite this flame in honour of the Grand Demon (Demon Name) . . . and as a symbol of the Black Flame of the Infernal . . . that it may be as a beacon of Darklight summoning forth this Infernal Spirit from the realm of the Kingdom of Hell . . . that it may lend its ineffable Infernal energy to my workings here this night and empower them with the very force of Hell!”
The Practitioner must now meditate upon the Black Mirror upon the Altar visualising an Infernal Doorway of darker energy manifesting within its blackened surface, let them see the surface of the Mirror start to be permeated by swirling grey mists which at times partly obscure the inviting Infernal Gateway. From within the deepest subconscious let them call the name of the Demon recognising that the doorway gestating in the Mirror also manifests upon the subconscious of their own mind. Through the swirling mists of the Black Mirror they visualise the Demon being summoned emerge from within that Infernal Doorway, its slowly manifesting figure partly visible through the veils of drifting vapour . . . let the Initiate when ready recite the following:
“Come forth Grand Demon (Demon Name) . . . journey forth from the Abyssian spheres of Hell . . . traverse the Gates of the Infernal . . . journey upon the darkened wings of night to join me here in this Dominion of Union that your power may aid my darkened Rites . . . imbue me with your Demonic current . . . carry forth the seeds of my desire . . . my aspirations . . . that they may be sewn upon the embryonic fabric of your blessed sphere . . . be made manifest from the creative current of the Black Womb of Lilith . . . that here they may gestate through my will and your own Unholy Power . . . becoming manifest upon the domain of Earth . . . the Dominion of Flesh . . . by the power of Our Infernal Father Satan . . . He who is true Master of this World . . . may our allegiance be forged and my desires gestated in accordance with my will . . . Ave (Demon Name)! . . . Ave Satanas!”
The Initiate will now Meditate upon the Sigil of the Demon which should have been prepared and Consecrated on Parchment, allowing its image to burn into the eyes and upon the inner eye of the mind.  
Let the Practitioner then close their eyes allowing the Sigil to burn within the darkness of their mind while they summon the Demon’s Name silently from within, following this the Practitioner should recite the following:
“By the rising smoke of the Incense . . . by the flame of the Candle ignited in your Name . . . by the essence of my being . . . the blood of my veins . . . manifest yourself (Demon Name) . . . here within the Infernal Realm of the Dominion Of Union!”
The Initiate must now recite the appropriate Demonic Evocation being used and once they have done so return the parchment on which it is written to the Altar. The Evocation is then folded with the Sigil inside it and then sealed with  wax from the Candle of Evocation, at this point the Initiate shall recite the following:
“Sealed by the power of Our Lord the Satan and the Grand Demon (Demon Name) . . . Consecrated in their Unholy energy . . . the seeds of my desire have been sewn upon the dark realms of creation, shall be nurtured in the Black Womb of Lilith . . . and shall gestate there before manifesting their intention here within the realm of mortals!"
The Initiate will now place the parchment in a black pouch and upon later completing this Working, the remains of the Candle of Evocation shall be added to the pouch, this shall then be kept by the Initiate in a safe place and empowered at a later date if need be by the Practitioner of the Black Arts. Now let the Initiate stand before the Altar and issue the 'Declaration of Release' by reciting:
“My honour, gratitude and eternal allegiance I offer to the Grand Demon (Demon Name) . . . Mighty Spirit of the Infernal Legion . . . ever shall I be your ally and devoted Acolyte . . . ever is my body ready as a vessel of your will . . . my mind a Gateway to your wisdom . . . my flesh a conduit for your pleasure . . . journey back to the dark realms of the Kingdom of Shadows . . . where your place in our Infernal Lord’s echelon is forever reserved . . . may our union and Kinship be eternal upon all realms and as strong as it has been this night . . . Ave (Demon Name) . . . Ave Satanas!” 
From the Grimoire The Black Key penned by Father Dominus Est Nuntius
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diabolus-est-nuntius-blog · 8 years ago
The Unholy See & The Black Key
Preparations are now fully underway for the launch of The Unholy See and have already had a few Satanists on here interested in joining, this shall be a Classical Theistic Satanic Order unlike any other, for all of the material of its Grimoire The Black Key is completely original and unique detailing in part Satanic Rites and Occult Sciences which have not been explored for many decades if not centuries, some of which are highly experimental in their foundations and application.
This Order shall be looking for Initiates who are fully dedicated and sincere in their desire to obtain knowledge of the darkest Arts of Black Magick and Demonic Sorcery ~ this dedication along with the ability to be trusted to keep the knowledge secret and become a true Explorer of the Satanic Mysteries are the qualities which shall be required.
There shall be practices, theories and foundations within this Order which shall be completely at odds with what some may have read in the old Occult books of the RHP Practitioners or even some of the modern outputs by LHP Occultists.   Much of the knowledge carried within the Texts of The Black Key are derived from direct communication with Demonic beings, others are gleaned from the Tutorship of Satanists from a long lineage of Classical Diabolists, yet others are an experimental merging of Old practices with newer concepts.
But the most powerful Texts of The Black Key are those experimental and forbidden Arts which have been for too long left unexplored and hidden, these are Satanic Operations of potentially great power!
Any interested are welcome to contact to me to be considered for this to join The Unholy See or with any questions.
Father Diabolus Est Nuntius
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diabolus-est-nuntius-blog · 8 years ago
If I see one more picture of a lady boy today, a naked woman playing with her cock I think I am going to puke!
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diabolus-est-nuntius-blog · 8 years ago
Satan’s Embrace
Each of us who accept Satan as true Master of this World, as our true Infernal Father are protected in His embrace, 40 years upon the path of the Satanic Initiate have shown me that ~ always He walks with us, always His current runs throughout those who offer themselves forth as His Acolytes.
Satan is the One true Lord ~ not because He is the only Deity as is claimed by the Orthodox Religions of Hate ~ but because He seeks the fulfilment of our desires, our aspirations and our journey into the darkest spheres of power!
Ave Satanas!
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diabolus-est-nuntius-blog · 8 years ago
The Demonic Hierarchy by Diabolus Est Nuntius
SATAN ~ Power, Knowledge, Mastery, Control, Command, Lust, Wisdom, Occult Adepthood. 
LILITH ~ Sorcery, Infertility, Lust, Feminine Power, Incubi, Succubi, Sexual Power. 
ABADDON ~ Destruction, Death, Perversion, Fetishism, Torture, Pain. 
BEELZEBOUL ~ Protection, Bravery, Authority, Power, Position, Possession, Influence Over Others, Prosperity. 
ASMODEUS ~ Lust, Desire, Love, Possession, Seduction, Excess, Debauchery, Adultery, Passion. 
LUCIFUGE ~ Money, Wealth, Promotion, Command, Employment, Attainment. 
BELPHEGOR ~ Beauty, Attraction, Love, Success, Science, Invention, Sloth, Creativity. 
UNSERE ~ Healing, Fertility, Childbirth, Vanquishing Malady, Knowledge. 
AGALIAREPT ~ Initiation, Knowledge, Hidden Wisdom, Occult Knowledge, Gateways, Guidance, Revelation. 
TAROON ~ Lust, Love, Desire, Seduction, Wrath. 
LUITHIAN ~ Knowledge, Study, Learning, Wisdom, Intellect. 
RASHOON ~ Love, Alliance, Seduction, Enchantment. 
VERRINE ~ Healing, Health, Impatience, Medicince. 
ASHTAROT ~ Lust, Love, Relationships, Friendships, Psychogones, Egregores, Homunculi, Desire. 
VERRIER ~ Healing, Herbalism, Health, Disobedience, Vanquishing Plague. 
ASAFOETIDA ~ Feminine Sexuality, Seducing Men, Beauty, Seduction, Fornication. 
BEHEMOTH ~ Greed, Avarice, Gluttony, Luxury, Pleasure, Sloth, Sin, Debauchery. 
SONNELLION ~ Hatred, Discord, Conflict, Arguments, Separating Lovers, Chaos. BAAL ~ Power, Authority, Wisdom, Occult Knowledge, Sin. 
TEZRIAN ~ War, Discord, Conflict, Arguments. MAMMON ~ Money, Greed, Avarice, Profit, Wealth, Commerce. ROSIER ~ Love, Relationships, Reconciliation, Harmony. 
BAALBERITH ~ Knowledge, Pacts, Alliances, Blasphemy. 
SATANACHIA ~ Magickal Protection, Revenge, War, Weapons, Bravery, Fortification. 
MEPHISTO ~ Death, Pacts, Desire, Knowledge, Possession, Revenge, Manifesting Desires. 
DELIPITORAE ~ Magickal Grimoires, Literature, Writing, Hidden Texts, Scribes. 
FLEREOUS ~ Victory, Power, Command, Retribution, Justice. 
SVENGALI ~ Vengeance, Revenge, Destruction, Deceit, Retribution, Malice, Wrath. AMMON ~ Longevity Of Life, Health, Strength, Fortitude. 
MUSISIN ~ Commanding Those In Authority, Binds Alliances, Sustains Partnerships, Influence Over Others. 
HUICTIIGARA ~ Sleep, Insomnia, Dreams, Dream Prophecy, Nightmares. 
KHIL ~ Earthquakes, Astral Chaos, Storms, Destruction. 
FRIMOST ~ Seducing Women, Infidelity, Lust, Wanton Desire, Debauchery, Sin. 
BECHARD ~ Stroms, Winds, Weather, Lightning, Astral Storms. 
CLISTHERT ~ Illusions, Apparitions, Insanity, Madness, Paranoia, Obsession. 
CLAUNECK ~ Riches, Wealth, Prosperity, Success, Attainment. 
BUCON ~ Hatred, Discord, Separation, Misery, Nightmares, Loss, Ruin. 
MORAIL ~ Invisibility, Astral Projection, Illusion, Apparitions. 
HIEPACTH ~ Reconciliation, Binding Friendships, Love, Allegiance, Partnerships. 
HUMOTS ~ Reveals Lost Books, Remote Viewing, Lost Texts, Hidden Secrets, Revelation. 
GULAND ~ Inflicting Disease, Causing Plague, Inducing Illnesses. 
MERSILDE ~ Astral Travel, Astral Projection, Remote Viewing, Seership, Scrying, Cartomancy. 
SEGAL ~ Apparitions, Hauntings, Possession, Paranormal Phenomena, Egregores. 
SURGAT ~ Entrance To Forbidden Places, Remote Viewing, Seership, Divination. 
SIRCHADE ~ Power Over Animals, Communing With Animals, Earth Magick, Divination, Nature. 
FRUCISSIERE ~ Necromancy, Mediumship, Scrying, Necrophilia, Death. 
FRUTIMIERE ~ Happiness, Festivals, Celebrations, Victory. 
 ALASTOR ~ Death, Bloodshed, Destruction, Torture, Perversion. 
ANSITIF ~ Possession, Sin, Debauchery, Infidelity, Wanton Desire. 
ARIOCH ~ Revenge, Justice, Retribution, Punishment. 
BAALZEPHON ~ Protection, Security, Servitors, Guardians. 
LEONARD ~ Sorcery, Black Magick, Occultism, Voodoo. 
MASTEMA ~ Mergings, Pacts, Succubi, Incubi, Servitors. 
MERIHIM ~ Pestilence, Plague, Malady, Bacteria, Disease. NAAMAH ~ Seduction, Fornication, Fertility, Lust, Seducing Men. 
RIMMON ~ Healing, Health, Science, Medicine, Knowledge. 
VERDELET ~ Ritual Magick, Ceremonies, Compromise, Influence. 
ARPHAXAT ~ Possession, Sin, Decadence, Debauchery, Blasphemy, Hatred. 
BALTAZO ~ Possession, Magickal Attack, Insanity, Paranormal Phenomena. 
CAMBIONS ~ Incubi, Succubi, Homunculus, Magickal Children, Psychogones. 
OLIVIER~ War, Destruction, Conflict, Discord, Battlefields, Chaos. SUCCORBEMOTH ~ Jealousy, Envy, Egotism, Vanity, Selfishness. 
SHABIRI ~ Blindness, Deafness, Inlicting Wounds, Infection. 
MULLIN ~ Sorcery, Spellcraft, Magick, Hexing, Cursing. 
EISETH ~ Lust, Prostitution, Adultery, Fornication, Fascination. 
AGRAT ~ Lust, Seduction, Whores, Depravity, Fetishism. 
CARNIVEAN ~ Sin, Obsenity, Lust, Degredation. Wrath. 
ABYZOU ~ Miscarriage, Infertility, Psychic Attack, Vampirism, Hauntings, Possession. 
MULCIBER ~ Engineering, Architecture, Knowledge, Warfare. 
SCIRLIN ~ Divination, Seership, Infernal Messages, Scrying. 
XAPHAN ~ Fire, Burning, Fire Elementals. 
PRUFLES ~ Discord, Arguments, Dividing Lovers, War, Poverty. 
PICCOLUS ~ Mediumship, Sacrifices, Seership, Servitors. UKOBACH ~ Fire, Pyromancy, Destruction By Fire, Immunity To Burning. 
MOLOCH ~ Manifest Desires, Revealing Secrets, Portals, Entrance To Other Realms. 
RIBESAL ~ Illusions, Anger, Rage, Wrath, Phenomena. 
ABALAM ~ Seduction, Possession, Debauchery, Destruction. 
BALTHAZAR ~ Misery, Discord, Luna Bonnie, Command, Evil.
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diabolus-est-nuntius-blog · 8 years ago
Mammon ~ Demon Of Profit, Wealth And Avarice
The Demon Mammon is a powerful Spirit that governs the spheres of finance, profit, wealth and avarice, He is seen as a Demon of selfishness and pride and is certainly one who will ally Himself with the calculating Businessman/woman in their single minded endeavours.Mammon also governs the skills of business negotiations and investments and should be called upon by those who are involved in such deals.The Demon Mammon resonates with the areas of calculating and ruthless business deals and is said to favour the Money Lender, Banker and corporate Business operator.Mammon sometimes appears as a man of great wealth and class, handsome but selfish, at other times He appears as an older man coveting a golden jar containing many gold coins.In His true Demonic form Mammon appears as a Horned Demon of great size, overweight but muscular all the same, His skin is of a russet red in colour.The below statue is a good likeness to the Demon Mammon.
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diabolus-est-nuntius-blog · 8 years ago
The Unholy See
And so it shall rise at this time when it is called for and in turn others shall I call forth to it ~ The Unholy See, the dark reflection and anathema of the Holy See of Rome, the first true Classical Theistic Satanic Order formed to gather those who would study and practice the deepest of the Arts of Black Magick, who would experiment with and evolve lost Demonic Magickal Operations that have long been lost to the realms of legend and Arcane supposition.
It must now that the task to find the Initiates for such an Order must begin ~ for in the time of Rapture shall such an Unholy Church be born!
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diabolus-est-nuntius-blog · 8 years ago
Shadow In The Light
That look you give me, the contempt and hate 
Laced with fear and uncertainty.
Do you think it bothers me? do you think I care?
Should the Predatory Wolf be bothered that the Sheep
Hates it? that it fears it? before it tears out its throat!
I walk through the endless throng of the palled rainbow 
Of colours garbed in black, a shadow passing through
The herd of conditioned drones, unnerving their apathy.
I love the hate you feel for me . . . love the fear you hold for me,
I am your nightmare, I am the thorn which pierces your sleep 
And awakens you from your waking slumber.
I spit on the pale Gods of those who bear the Cross of Christ,
I spit upon your new Gods of Social Media.
You have swapped one Dictator for another,
The Shepherd on the Cross or the voice from your television,
Whichever you are conditioned by you remain a walking dead
Without passion, intellect or Soul.
I am your anti-thesis, your anathema, the reflection of your
Buried desires and greatest fears,
I am the Mirror into which you dare not look
For to see would be to know, and to know would be to wake,
And oh how you fear waking from the herd of security,
Oh how you dread falling from the rocked boat!
You are nothing to me . . . your contempt offers me amusement,
Your fear offers me pleasure,
You can be nothing to me but waiting violation and destruction
On my journey back to Hell!
At one time we shall meet at night, alone in the darkness,
And your fears and desires may manifest in the isolation
Of my embrace!
Until that time you shall not be in my thoughts!
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diabolus-est-nuntius-blog · 8 years ago
The Coming Rapture
I crave the Darkness, the Unholy, the Demonic, the Blasphemous, the Satanic ~ only in the regions beyond our own where the Soul of the Mortal and the Demonic may commune am I truly at one with myself.
I observe the happenings around the world, feel that sense of unrest and chaos which permeates the atmosphere, that sense of uncertainty which transcends all countries and all people at this time and relish that chaos, feel at ease within the raptures of carnage which tremble across the physical world at present.
I am awakened inside and yet numb physically, for I sense the coming of Our Lord Satan, sense the Demons closer - some already within this world - and the visions, messages and knowledge which they have transmitted to me over recent years becomes clearer and fulfilled with more conviction!
Sense it within yourself Kindred of the Dark Side, take the step to join with those of your kind to honour, celebrate and help birth the time of Darkness into this world!
Ave Satanas!
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diabolus-est-nuntius-blog · 8 years ago
La~Bas by J K Huysmans
Possibly the finest novel ever written for its insights in the search for the dark nature of humanity and the Unholy Rites of Satanism and Devil Worship, unfortunately Huysmans novels are always tinged with that side of himself which was of Catholic orientation ~ still he had an aspect which craved knowledge of the Dark Side and was dissatisfied with the mundane in life.
Some people say it is too littered with intellectual conversations of no importance, I disagree, La~Bas is written to probe the mind!
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diabolus-est-nuntius-blog · 8 years ago
In Satan’s Service I Shall Remain
Satan has always been there when I have needed is aid even without asking or performing the Arts of Black Magick, yet I seek little from Him in truth ~ to deliver His Words into this world, to bring forth knowledge of His Black Arts to those who would embrace them, to be as a vessel for the Demons of His Legion and above all to Commune with His majestic force in realms beyond this world ~ these are gifts enough in themselves.
As His Scribe, the Teacher of His Black Arts and Keeper of His Mysteries I walk this mortal plane in need of little more!
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diabolus-est-nuntius-blog · 8 years ago
A Devotion To Satan
Lord Satan . . . Grand Devil of the Black Sabbat . . . Infernal Master . . . King of the Infernal Realms of Hell . . . Grand Monarch of the Demonic Hierarchy . . . Lord of Illusions . . . merger of pleasure and pain . . . Black Goat of the Witches Gathering . . . the bloodied thorn . . . and the bloodied nail . . . deliverer of Arcane knowledge . . . Master of decadence and desire . . . your might is ineffable . . . your power eternal . . . you who are the Grand Magister of Black Magick . . . Scribe of the Unholy Arts . . . Keeper of the Black Flame . . . Creator of the libertine Spirit and the darkened Soul . . . true Lord and Master of this World . . . I Honour you Lord Satan . . . as King of Hell and the true Father of my Soul . . . Ave Satanas!
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diabolus-est-nuntius-blog · 8 years ago
The Raven Arises And With It So Does The Unholy See
My Lord Satan, he speaks to me of a coming time, a time when the Legacy he has given me to gestate over many years will be set down as the core of a coming gathering.
I have seen this before in Meditations with the Demons, it has been spoken of to me by the Demons Asmodeus and Luithian ~ I know what is to manifest and that there will be those that will join me within that manifestation, a manifestation which is to be the delivering of a Legacy from Satan Himself.
The Unholy See is forged and soon it will rise when the Initiates of its inner Sanctum are gathered under the reign of Satan through those who shall be as His Messengers!
Behold the Raven arrives upon the dawn of the time of unrest and its shadow shall be as chaos across the land.
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diabolus-est-nuntius-blog · 8 years ago
There Is A Lot More To Satanism Than Excessive Sex
Understand that I am a genuine Satanic Occultist and that while I accept and embrace the decadence, debauchery and joyous sin which are the tenets of this Dark and Unholy path, for me it is not the most important aspect of the Infernal Faith ~ for me the three most important and powerful aspects of the path of Classical Theistic Satanism are the practices and Rites of Black Magick, the devotion to the Work of Satan and the merging of the self with the Demons of His Legion to ascend the human state and become as Human/Demonic Hybrid!
As said, I revere and respect the indulgences of the flesh that are a part of Satanism but please do not follow me or seek contact with me if this is the only facet of the Unholy Path which interests you!
I am an Occult Satanic Practitioner, Demonologist, Black Magician and Demonic Sorcerer and this path is of the utmost sincerity to me, it is my life and my greatest passion!
I stress, no offence is meant by this post but Satanism to me is a path of Occult ascendance, Demonic Communion and Magickal power above all else!
Ave Satanas!
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diabolus-est-nuntius-blog · 8 years ago
Down There ~ Hidden Doorways And The Entrance To Hell?
Some say that all dimensions have an alternate dimension, that somewhere right now there is a parallel universe with a parallel Earth and our lives are being lived out there but maybe following different paths ~ maybe such a universe would not even be physical but rather a projection (astral, spiritual or otherwise) of our mortal dominion.
If this theory is accepted maybe the realm of Hell which is of cause Spiritual in nature is mirrored within our own world, maybe somewhere there is a physical manifestation of Hell where there lies a Gateway to the realm of Hell itself!
There have been writers before who have penned texts upon the possibility of an underworld within the Earth, concepts such as Agharti and Shamballah and touched upon in the works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (The Coming Race) and in such books as Alec Maclellan’s The Lost World Of Agharti.
Could it be possible that the underworld realm which has fascinated people for centuries (Hitler himself sent expeditions on searches for the ancient source of Vril power, a powerful energy which is supposed to emanate from Agharti, so that he may harness it) is indeed a physical manifestation of Hell? and in this realm is the actual doorway to Hell itself to be found?
Just maybe the ancient Occult Maxim of ‘As Above, so Below’ has its own reflection, its own reversal ~ As Below, so Above’ ~ and that below us in the underground caverns, lost cities and catacombs of the world lies a labyrinth of darkened power inhabited by the gestated beings of the Demons of Hell!
Last night I watched the film As Above So Below, an interesting and thought provoking tale of the search for the Philosopher’s Stone in the Catacombs beneath France where just possibly the reversal of this world resided and the entrance to Hell itself ~ like most things it set my mind on a chain reaction of possibilities appertaining to the hypothesized concepts above and resurfaced some of my older studies into Elemental Alchemy and Ley Line currents which I have neglected for some years.
The atavistic prompts of the mind can be a wonderful thing especially when guided by Our Infernal Father!
View the film ~ AS ABOVE SO BELOW
Check Out The Books
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