diabolt · 2 years
✧*̣̩⋆̩☽⋆゜ hi hello it’s your local fem. supernatural oc creator bambie here with, surprise!, another fem. supernatural oc. this time it’s a human who was mutated into a vampire through an apocalyptic event and has the ability to rewrite the formulas of the world, a.k.a. alchemy. yes, yes i made an alchemy vampire (heavily inspired on vampires from vanitas no carte/case study of vanitas).
* dash & 18+ only.
* mature themes including sex, blood, violence, genetic experimentation, etc.
* sporadic activity since i work full time.
* if the idea of marceline from adventure time, full metal alchemist & vanitas no carte interests you, this may be the oc for you. or just vampires. :wink:
✧*̣̩⋆̩☽⋆゜carrd ♡
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diabolt · 2 years
hard thinking about a vampire with blue hair who is heavily based off case study of vanitas vampires who are essentially mutated humans and can “rewrite” formulas aka alchemy vampires 👀
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diabolt · 2 years
SEND " FANGS " TO HAVE MY MUSE BITE / MARK YOUR MUSE. // send " fangs + reverse " to have your muse bite / mark my muse.
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diabolt · 2 years
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       ⊱   Now that got him to jump up with excitement, could it be TRUE, a shared kink? Now the question is, will a demon be able to keep up with his shamelessness.      ❛   Do you WANT A MOMMY? Or — do you want someone call you mommy? No one will ever call me DADDY, sadly…  ❜    He starts with, features filled with animation and enthusiasm, only a hint of pink dusts his cheeks. 
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                           ❛    Like, Is spanking okay, ahh, I like it when my tender skin is rubbed, a lot,   and, how do you feel about bondage and collars? Whips. Like, how far is the domination allowed to go?  ❜    Without a doubt, he’s asking for far too much DETAIL, but he is certainly a shameless one, and as many just walk away from him, he kind of expects her to do the same, so he claps his hands together softly as a way to encourage her to speak up.  ⊰  
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Seven Deadly Sins, drag her back to Hell. Answering him was becoming more and more of a mistake, though she kept digging her grave deeper. Eventually she might actually find her way back to the gates at this rate.
“ I... like when people call me that. ” Black hair is pushed back out of her face to let her skin breathe, feeling the blood rushing to her head as her cheeks get darker. Maybe she should just answer his questions quickly.
“ I like spanking, I’m usually not too rough. Rubbing after is fun to do. Bondage and collars are good, too. Shibari is a new favorite. No whips, feel like that’s a bit much. I prefer using my bare hands. ” This was a mistake, this was a mistake, this was a mistake.
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“ Usually it’s about 95% domination. I don’t do the latex stuff, but I do like commanding people. I don’t make them do anything super crazy, though. Just stuff that makes them embarrassed. ” Should she mention one of her main ones ? To him, of all people ?
“ I like biting people during sex, which I’m guessin’ you also do ? Or do you prefer being bitten ? ”
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diabolt · 2 years
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Bandit rose an eyebrow because he knew that there was definitely a reason. But he assumed that it simply wasn’t that important and decided to shrug it off. Yet this woman seemed weirdly interested in his eating habits … 
   “ You know liking bacon isn’t a werewolf thing, yeah? “ 
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What was next? Was she gonna ask me if he chased after sticks too? He was honestly just waiting for it and already tired. “ Most people that eat meat like bacon. “ 
Jeez. He was a tough crowd. Surely being accused of liking a commonly loved food would be grating on the nerves, but she was still offering food. He also didn’t answer her question. Syn was terrible at socializing when it didn’t come to anything that didn’t involve violence or knowledge of the supernatural.
Suddenly embarrassed, she eats the bacon she had offered him, figuring she could just finish her plate and bail.
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“ Well... I was just offerin’. Sorry. ”
Unable to bear the awkward situation she had created, the demon grabs the plate and dumps the food into her mouth, devouring all of it at once before setting the ceramic back down. A wipe of her mouth with a napkin before she suddenly speaks again.
“ Were you turned or born that way? ”
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diabolt · 2 years
17. What makes you insecure about your own writing?
roleplay mun memes.
17. What makes you insecure about your own writing?
not much, honestly! i’m not really insecure about my own but i am hard on myself about it. as a linguistics major and someone’s who been writing for a long time, i always want to get definitions and spelling right, along with grammar. but i mostly focus on making sure the flow of my words, sentences and paragraphs is as nice and smooth as i can make it by my word choice and punctuation. i will spend however long it takes to make sure a line sounds right and makes sense in my head until the entire reply or drabble is done in the best way i can.
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diabolt · 2 years
Aluin doesn't like feeding, always so worried about taking too much, but she's a demon, she heals, so he says. "Fuck it, I'm sorry if it feels weird." And gently takes her wrist to bite into it.
He bit her.
It would have been more shocking had it been like most vampires and he had gone for the neck, but supposedly he had more self-control than that. Admittedly the puncture of his fangs was a surprise. She hadn’t been bitten in a long time. Holding his cheek gently, she remembers how she used to let her brother feed on her because he was too scared to attack anyone else. This was weirdly nostalgic.
With a straight face, she remembers something he had said to her before.
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“ Thought you didn’t like demon blood. You that thirsty ? ” / @bcbybats
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diabolt · 2 years
Important character development question: would they lick someone’s hand if they tried to cover their mouth?
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diabolt · 2 years
hmm might make a new promo for syn today when i get home. also maybe a gpose for my wol.
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diabolt · 2 years
These things, they come alive in a flash Sometimes, they die just as fast Didn't Frankenstein teach you anything? Don't revive dead things
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diabolt · 2 years
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1. What is your favorite trope to rp? 2. Name 3 things you admire about OCs. 3. Who are your longest rp friends? 4. What old character would you love to bring back? 5. What is a character you love, but don’t think you can write? 6. Name 3 things you love most about your muse/muses. 7. What is one overrated roleplay trend? 8. Do your friends outside the internet know your roleplay? 9. Have you ever written fanfictions? 10. Why do you write? 11. Do you welcome duplicates of your character or stay away from them? 12. Do you prefer writing main or minor canon characters? 13. Is there one trope you can’t stand? 14. What is your opinion on writing smut? 15. What is your opinion on tagging triggers? 16. Do you prefer long or short replies and why? 17. What makes you insecure about your own writing? 18. What is one thing you’d wish to see more in the rp community? 19. Who is an author that inspires you? 20. Do you need music/noise to write or do you prefer silence? 21. What time of the day is your favorite to write? 22. Are there any red roleplay flags for you that make you back off immedately? 23. Your favorite fandom to write in? 24. Have you ever left a fandom because of negativity? 25. One thing you’d like new roleplayers to know?
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diabolt · 2 years
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        ⊱ ❛  Going out to EAT is just me awkwardly watching you, do you really want that? ME – watching every BITE you take. It’s fucking WEIRD and boring… unless that’s your kink or… you plan on eating something ALIVE – like a horse – then we can go out to eat. I wanna watch that – !  ❜   Aluin continues to pull her along while turning his head back to give her an idiotic smile. Whatever they do, he plans on using his father’s money, he makes it off of others SUFFERING so Aluin plans on using it to bring joy.
                   ❛  YEAH – Auntie~!  I’m your nephew Aluin. By the way, your sister Nicole is SUPER COOL and I have a birth certificate to prove she’s my MOM.  ❜    A childish giggle as he recalls the piece of paper written in crayon he has. He’ll argue that it’s legitimate despite it obviously being garbage and covered in glitter, he just has to remember where he put it before using it as his PROOF. 
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                  ❛  Honestly, I’m not really into big booby ladies, but thank you for the blood offer… If you really wanna be my friend, FUCKING FIGHT ME. Fists up in a pit. Oh, or, tell me I’m PRETTY. ❜ ⊰ 
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“ I’m a demon, kid. I’ve had worse dinner guests than someone who doesn’t eat or only eats live things. ” She’s going to omit the fact she has eaten something alive once, as well as choose not to mention it was another demon. A groan follows suit at the word ‘auntie’ and ‘nephew.’ Syn really didn’t think she’d hear those words in relation to her for a long time, if ever. Her family just wasn’t like that.
“ You know she’s not really my sister, right? I just met her and we got close. ” Was he genuinely stupid or did he imprint on her? Or maybe he just really enjoyed playing along with the idea that Nicole absolutely had vampire triplets that were her age and size.
The mouth and mind of this guy... Being aware of demons such as herself and other creatures like her should be enough to get her used to such strange personalities, but perhaps being around humans for so long has twisted her expectations.
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“ My boobs aren’t even that big... and I don’t wanna fight you. ” Though she was considering giving up on this venture of friendship. He was weird. With a blank stare, she examines his face and answers curtly.
“ You’re alright. ”
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diabolt · 2 years
✿ and ø for Kaito :3c
$ for Yukito
texting memes.
Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text.
[ delivered ] photo attached : an angled shot of the demon half naked, bare thighs and stomach viewable as a hand is pulling down a strap of her lingerie bra. her fangs are protruding and the tip of her tongue is sticking out.
[ delivered ] from 1 to 10, how much do you miss me sucking you dry?
Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text.
[ delivered ] if you ever get assigned to kill me, let me know. i just think it would be funny. maybe i could fake it so you could still get the rewards lol
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
[ delivered ] i know i’m supposed to be good and stuff now, but how much do you think a human kidney would cost? i kinda need grocery money.
[ delivered ] ... ignore that.
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diabolt · 2 years
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Groans. She slept eleven hours. Don’t ask why.
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diabolt · 2 years
Despite only recently being retconned from being a 400+ year old virgin to somewhat sexually active, Syn has some... unique kinks that are tailored around her being a demon.
One of which is biting, and not just regular old bite and leave a small bruise kind. If her partner is okay/into it and willing to accept the consequences or can heal themselves fast enough, sometimes when she’s really excited, Syn will bite so hard into their skin that she will leave an open wound. In extreme cases which she holds exclusively for people she knows can take a hit, she will actually tear a chunk out. This is incredibly rare for her and even then I will only write this with a writer and muse who are okay with it.
Another bad habit she’s developed is being unnecessarily rough, mostly due to the fact she can withstand quite a lot and usually picks partners who can, too. However, sometimes this goes so far as to almost harming them, either by moving or hitting too hard or borderline crushing the other person with her unnatural strength.
She also has incredibly long stamina, which can be a huge issue when she’s feeling rather insatiable, as this could trigger the above mentioned situations to occur.
Because of her potentially violent nature in the bedroom, her aftercare process is pretty extensive, as sometimes she has to tend to the other in more ways than just emotional comfort and cuddling. Usually it involves a med-kit, which she keeps on hand for every encounter, or if it’s minor, some healing licks, as her saliva has the potential to heal wounds.
Just be prepared for the inevitable fact this may cause the start of another session.
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diabolt · 2 years
pick an icon you like more?
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diabolt · 2 years
☠ ♦
salty munday meme.
☠ What does someone have to do for an instant unfollow from you?
i don’t think i instantly soft block people anymore? but one of the few things that i’ve been seeing recently that i actually had to soft block someone for on another account was reblogging and promoting(?) callout posts. they also kept vague posting to the person that was being called out and fought with anons either from the person or people on their side almost every day. it was honestly so irritating and they just kept pushing for them to start something with them despite being an adult and a parent no less. it was just extremely childish and turned me off from the writer so hard that their muse no longer interested me anymore. i was told they were cool, as were their character, but such behavior and lack of self-control is a huge no for me.
small pet peeve as well: they always posted and asked to discuss shipping but did little to nothing else aside from the callout fighting. i think they were busy with irl things as well but man. i waited maybe a week or two for me to see something worth while from them but the calling out pushed me away so bad.
♦ What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise?
honestly... probably talking with a writer ooc about things we could and wanted to write but then the other person kinda going cold and stop talking to me, both ooc and ic. it’s not necessarily new or super deep but it still kinda stings to have all these ideas discussed and then be either forgotten or ignored for months. it doesn’t feel great.
also, as nice as it can be, sometimes overenthusiasm can throw me off or make me close myself off, especially if i get spammed things. this is mostly towards exclusively shipping things, especially since many of my ocs are not ones to get romantically attached easily. many if not all of them have commitment issues for one reason or another and i’d prefer to write out each relationship as such unless it’s pre-established. even then, i’m surprisingly not as big a fan of acquiring many romantic ships suddenly, as i also like to study people’s characters for a while before discussing anything close to a dedicated ship. of course close friends are pretty much exempt from this, but anyone else will have to be patient with me.
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