diabeticgf · 3 months
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diabeticgf · 4 months
as much as i appreciate the intent of the “being disabled doesn’t make you a burden” type posts, i don’t really agree. a lot of times being disabled DOES make you a burden
& i think that maybe we should try to shift focus to the fact that even if you’re a huge burden on society and can contribute absolutely nothing, you’re still a human being who deserves to exist.
like. there’s nothing morally wrong with being a burden on other people. you aren’t a bad person for needing to rely on others. you’re allowed to be a burden & disabled people who are burdens on others, i love you
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diabeticgf · 4 months
In today's update of Canada Loves Eugenics, 10,064 people died in 2021 through medically assisted death in Canada, and while MAID supposedly exists to allow people with severe, incurable illnesses to die with dignity on their own terms, MAID is generally used because disabled and mentally ill people cannot access governmental assistance and are living in poverty.
The Canadian government is actively pushing poor, disabled people to death.
oh and by the way, Canada performs more organ transplants from MAID donors than any other country in the world.
"Six disability rights and religious advocates told Reuters that the pace of the planned changes to the assisted death framework in Canada brings additional risks of people opting for MAID because they are unable to access social services - the lack of which could exacerbate their suffering." - source
Anyway, it's basically like this: the USA has the Americans with Disabilities Act and Canada has MAID
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diabeticgf · 4 months
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diabeticgf · 4 months
Imagine you leave your kid at the hospital for a treatment they have a high probability of surviving like a routine surgery or chemotherapy and you return to visit or pick them up and a nurse tells you that you have to identify their body because they opted for medical suicide after being scared by doctors about what recovery might put them through. The first you hear about this option even being explored with your child is after they have already killed them and you have only their word of honour that this is what your child actually requested and was in their right mind when it was offered to them.
That is the reality in Canada right now. Doctors killing patients on purpose is now a leading cause of death in Canada. The amount of people killed grows each year as of 2023 about 50 thousand people have been killed and they want to expand this death program to include not just people who are terminally ill...not just people who are sick and might die...but to people with mental illnesses. Which can be as simple as a depressed teenager at the hospital on the wrong day. This is legalized murder, it is genocide plain and simple.
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diabeticgf · 6 months
Come hell or high blood sugar.
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diabeticgf · 9 months
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on this day in history
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diabeticgf · 9 months
Adult diapers are for disabled people. Full stop. That is what and who they are for. They are for disabled people who need to wear them because of their disabilities. They don't exist for kink. If someone is using them for kink that is not the fucking fault of disabled people. Stop acting like every adult who wears a diaper is disgusting. You're disgusting for assuming that over what the diaper was fucking made for. Grow the fuck up. Someday you'll lose control of your bladder and bowels too.
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diabeticgf · 1 year
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diabeticgf · 1 year
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diabeticgf · 1 year
people once again prioritizing actual dogs and their weird need to anthropomorphize them over physically disabled human beings on my dash. hate
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diabeticgf · 1 year
finally got the omnipod 5 that communicates to the dexcom g6 💙
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diabeticgf · 1 year
"Yeah sounds like a shitty person. Either that, or dumb as fuck. Those are the only two kinda of people that support MAID." It's crazy how evil you are that you won't let terminally ill people find release.
See what I mean? Too stupid to know that it isn't just terminally ill people. People with mental health issues are being offered MAID. But even if it was just the people diagnosed as terminal, it's still evil to have the government pushing suicide. Because that's what happening in Canada. They have government run healthcare. Every person who chooses MAID is saving the government money in palliative care. And if you think the government is being 100% honest or accurate with their diagnoses, and that MAID isn't being pushed as a first choice to save money, then you don't know anything about governments or government run healthcare.
I can't say it slowly since this is a text post, so I want you to read this very, very slowly anon: When you outsource your safety, or security, or healthcare to the government, you are handing your life over to an institution that has no stake in keeping you safe, and well, and happy. You're letting the same bureaucracy that left billions of dollars of weapons behind in Afghanistan and that can barely renew your driver's license without making you wait an hour have a say in whether or not you live or die. That's not a decision that governments should ever have over the lives of its citizens.
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diabeticgf · 1 year
diabetic nutrition is: avoid carbs :)) but also dont :) use healthy fat :))) but also don't because it makes your BG unpredictable :) eat protein :) but have some carbs otherwise it raises your BG :))) watch out for spikes after breakfast :)) but also you need to eat breakfast with carbs or your liver gets angy :) and floods you with sugar :))))))
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diabeticgf · 1 year
When you hit hour 80.
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diabeticgf · 1 year
as a person who doesnt drink, i really want to know
(also, i know it's not an enjoyable experience but ive heard the comparison so many times that im curious)
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diabeticgf · 1 year
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Washington Post is publishing Ableist bullshit in the name of feminism. 
She admits she would abort on the basis of disability:
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She uses “they have low IQ’s” and “they would be a burden to their parents” to justify wanting to abort them, stigma’s we have been fighting against FOR DECADES:
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She brings up eugenics to justify her eugenic attitude:
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 As someone with Asperger’s syndrome, this only confirms what I’ve known for years: We are nothing but pawns to liberals.
We are to be paraded around when they need us, then thrown under the bus when it is convenient. Oh yes, disabled people have the right to live, until it interferes with someone else’s beliefs, then they spout out all the same eugenic bullcrap as the Nazis.
We only have a right to exist so long as they can use us.
@washingtonpost Go to hell.
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