À Mariposa 🌱✨
44 posts
“I'm black and smart and sexy, universally appealing”
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di0rdevil · 12 days ago
no more slacking off fr
This year you need to understand that EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERYTHING is on the fucking table for you. No cutting corners, no buying the cheaper car to save money when you’re so close to your dream car goal. No, dating the guy you’re not really into because it beats being single. Scrap that energy and stay focused on your VISION. The sooner you can say fuck no to everything that is not aligned with your truth, the sooner you can move forward. This goes for daily actions. Ask hourly ‘bringing me closer towards my vision-board life or keeping me stuck?’ But to have the clear mind to stay focused you need to get off that damn phone if you actually want to move forward. The advice…Start a fast. From today. I challenge you. 21 days to cut your screen time in half, and why? Because the constant distractions are blocking you from the focus required to move you into Pinterest board reality. You need a level head to make better decisions, to move differently. If you want something you’ve never had, you’re gona have to do something you’ve never done. This is the year of realisation. Realise who you need to be, in order to sit at your destined table of blessings.
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di0rdevil · 2 months ago
Good morning! ☀️
Yesterday I baked the most wonderful egg loaf of my life. Almost screwed it up because I used my silicone mold and it almost toppled over, but I saved it just in time!
Here's the recipe for anyone interested.
2 small carrots, diced
1 red onion, diced
1 leek, diced
1 zucchini, diced
2 tomatoes, diced
6 eggs
Parmesan cheese, around 50g
If you want, a dollup of greek yogurt or cottage cheese (I didn't add it because I didn't have it at home but I would've if I did)
Some olives and oregano to taste
First, you stir fry the carrots for around 3 minutes, the onion for around 2 minutes, the leek for around 2 minutes, and the zucchini for around 3 minutes, in medium to high heat depending on your stove, in olive oil, salting and seasoning lightly with each addition.
When you add the zucchini, turn your oven on at 230 celsius.
Once you're done with the stir fry, mix the eggs, the parmesan and some oregano, salting and seasoning lightly.
Then, on a high mold (I used a traditional pound cake mold), you add the stir fried veggies, spreading them evenly, and on top of them, add the egg-cheese mixture. Shake or tap it lightly so that the mix can spread evenly.
Add the diced tomatoes and olives on top, season and salt them, and again add some more oregano. Bake it at 230 celsius for around 20, 25 minutes.
By my calculations, the whole thing would be around 650 calories, with 40g of protein, but I shared it with my husband and we both couldn't eat it in one go because it's sooooo filling. Plus I served it with some grilled shrimp and shiitake mushrooms, but honestly just the egg loaf would've been a full meal. It's really delicious and it's very much the kind of recipe you can alter to your will! I found it very easy to do, though the mise-en-place does take a little while if you're dicing it all by hand like I did. I forgot to take pictures of it unfortunately, but here's some "illustrative" ones I found on Pinterest.
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Next time, I'm gonna try broccoli, spinach, bell peppers... This recipe leaves room for so much experimenting! 🧡
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di0rdevil · 2 months ago
& this time I even brought receipts.
Apart from the not even subtle flex, this year has easily been one of my most successful financial years yet. When I say passive income we are not counting investment returns (that financial statement isn't out yet and does not matter, it's automatically reinvested. Not even for flexing purposes, there are a few things I need you to understand about me and these numbers:
First, none of this is salary. I work a medium wage job that pays in four figures monthly. It also does not include other income sources that require my involvement. Passive is the key term.
Second, apart from right at the start, I've had no personal involvement in any of these sources. None. Not even calls or texts or emails, fully automated.
Third, it is all tax free. It all belongs to me. One of them is after tax but the rest are 100% what I've made.
These are three completely different streams, and these are between November last year to date. One year.
No it's easy or simple or fast.
(sidenote) I take my financial statements in Nov and plan for the new year bc i don't count dec as even part of a productive year.
My passive income (including investments) is my largest source of income and will always be.
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(because I will always bring the receipts)
I am no financial guru so I can not directly give you financial education, but I can tell you what I do and if you get it, good for you.
Soo then, steps I've taken to be able to get to this financial position at 24 (I turn 25 next month btw;) ) from, well, since as far back as I can remember. It's a process.
-> First, Investing heavily in financial education. What has this looked like for me?
I've probably gone to 30+ finance seminars and workshops centered around investment, asset management and wealth distribution. I went to my first at 19 and last in March. If i have to pay I will. If i need to skip town, I will. I go, i listen, I ask questions, I make connections. I make a plan of what I want to learn and focus on that, not haphazardly consuming content as long as it's finance related.
Finance bros (is a gender-neutral term pls). It is a finance bro that told me to buy my first ecommerce business before covid hit. It was a finance bro that got me to buy the business that has made me the last screenshot for less that 10k. It was a finance bro that taught me to work low wage and make my bank in assets so I don't overpay in tax. It was my finance bros to teach me what to invest where and how to keep my banks offshore and to set up my trust fund (plus law girlies ofc mwah) and get my LLC. Finance bros save lives. I'm not good with money. I have people that are good with money.
-> Second, i tied up my loose ends early enough. Loose ends? Yes, the financial vampires that had no return on investment.
First is societal obligation aka giving back to the community. Wrapped that up in mentorship and volunteering (a lot because I'm not giving my money to people that have more than me that's wild.
Second- my family. Shout out and huge fat thank you to my extended family for being extremely sh!tty openly to me and my nuclear family when we were younger so absolutely no one faults me for cutting them off amen. For my nuclear family it is kind of obvious whoever is the most financially advanced provides for the family and that's fine if it means a set amount every month not calling me whenever you want some baby shower or whatever. Loose end. Set up investment accounts for each of them and invested monthly up from my third year of high school to second year of uni (Three- four years) while teaching them how to make money work for you then just- pulled back. No one can say I abandoned them and every four months if I want to instead of sending money home I send it to their accounts. Tied up that loose end bc they can reaally reallllly bankrupt you if you're not careful.
-> third, always focusing on the ROI and what is important to me. If it does not have a higher return on investment what do I even need it for? What does this mean?
It means befriending the kids at Fashion and textile faculty in uni and having them teach me how to work clothes and make up into my body and into achieving the lifestyle i want through them and then finding my ROI.
Having my eyeliner tattooed for <50$ in my home country so I don't need to buy eyeliner and reapply every ten minutes. It means getting my bags made for <50 each in my home country too instead of buying a high quality bag for God knows how much in my Country of residence.
It means buying stocks not bags and dresses because one appreciates and the other depreciates and dresses are not important to me.
It means perfecting my thrift game because i value quality, not price tags.
It means moving to a higher end area although rent is higher because the security, the gym, the people, the amenities, all things that are of value to me.
It means investing in things that I know will give me a high return in investment and using my money to buy value, not things. Before I even touch my money for purchase I am already calculating its value vs my value system vs return on investment.
-> Fourth, Building discipline. I have invested the MOST in this area. I can not even stress this enough - discipline is the highest value skill you can ever learn. According to google discipline is "the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience". And that is exactly how I did it, used punishment to correct myself.First, deciding the rules and code of behavior I wanted to follow. Second, making myself follow it using the nacient learning method, reward and punishment- where reward is normalcy and punishment is just :).
In high school, running for double captainship because that would force me to work and work hard. The pressure of the expectations just one captainship demanded was hell, make that two plus having to keep my scholarship and yeah. One wrong move and I'd be stripped of them both, and that forced me to never make mistakes. And it was really, really hard to not make mistakes.
Knowing my ADHD brain has an extremely hard time being consistent, I learned pretty early I need external help to keep myself in check. Realized that help has to come from someone I respected after trying to make it work with friends and failing. My first mentor cost me a good 5000$ every month (not so high it would paralyze me but high enough i felt the pressure) and when I slipped up i owed them 500$ on the floor. Missed something on my to do list with no good excuse? 500$. Failed my exams? Ate junk? Bought something without considering the ROI? Did not reach my health goals ? 500$. On the spot. No stories no argument no nothing. You mess up six times and the seventh you just automatically cry even before you think of messing up because damn. Reward and punishment. After a while (One year to be exact) it gets so deeply programmed its part of my ADHD.
Accountability partners. Exclusive. High functioning. A pretty 1200$ every month but I don't mind, it's worth it. Extremely high ROI.
-> Heavily investing in myself because I will always give myself the highest ROI.
Blood checks every quarterly because my health is everything. (Chinese herbalists, extremely cheap).
Educating myself heavily in all the fields that are important to me. Communicaton. Languages (Learning my tenth if we count sign language as a language and eleventh if we count braille). Gut health (Filthily educated in this bad boy. PHD level). Psychology and human behavior. Using fashion, beauty and styling to work for me. Violin. Equestrian. Everything I like. Double bachelors and a weird number of accredited certifications.
Therapy. I'm no longer in therapy but this was probably the best thing I ever did. Worth every dime. Went through six therapists until i found my stoic reality-based gem that was not trying to make me feel better but get better and survive the world as is.
My social life and friendships. Not even for social climbing, more for having friends and building my community and tribe. I'm not a lone wolf or sigma I'm a social person that's also part of a social species. Pouring into my friendships and networks has had a super impressive ROI and has been worth the trouble.
My reputation and social / public image. Nothing I guard harder than this, not even my money. I am not an idgafer i will never be. A good name is better than riches. I actually care what people say about me and carefully manipulate them into saying what I want.
Skill amassing especially in areas in consider essential. Home keeping. Sewing. Personal finance. Health and nutrition. Social skills. IT. Music. &c &c.
(will probably add as I remember. will also probably delete there's something really cringy about bringing receipts)
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di0rdevil · 2 months ago
At this age if you don't have an LLC, a driving license, passport, a bachelor's, Extensive knowledge in gut health, first aid, sewing and homekeeping, can't swim, sign language and at least intermediate in two foreign languages (GER/ MANDARIN being one of them), jiu jitsu or some sort of martial art discipline, play a musical instrument, a programming language and put down at least 1000$ in investments what are you even doing with your life? No really, where do your 14 hours per day go to? What even is your future? Like do you even have a plan? A purpose? Why do you even wake up? For what? How do you even sleep? Seriously I'm so curious, what's your plan? You have like 8 more years of energy in you, you know this right? As you age your energy levels drop? This is your energetic prime you do know this dontcha? Do you think 40 year old you cares about your excuses? How do you think she feels about your little scrolling addiction? Honestly do you think she cares that your daddy was broke lmao? How will you explain to her not having a summer home in Majorca by 30? How will you explain to your kids not having an Aston Martin by the time they're 19? Does this not bother you? Your posture, your banana back really does not bother you at allll? These things don't bother you? You really are not extremely petrified by the idea of not having a horse farm in Gstaad by 35? WDYM you scrolled all day how will you explain this to 30 year old you, how do you explain no you have to hustle because I was on my bed all day and you need meds because i was eating trash and we are not buying a first class ticket to Singapore when we get stressed we just cry in our little apartment - do you not think about these things???????? WDYM you're not spending your early 20s hustling like you'll die if you don't does an apartment in Highrise Japan mean nothing to you omg. Wdym you're not in prme health you are in your 20s????? Do you think you'll die tomorrow? Like do you not know you have a future? This is really how you'll spend your youth??????
And by *this age* i mean 22.
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di0rdevil · 2 months ago
Just a little reminder that there is another way of living, and despite everyone around you boozing, having casual sex, anxiety ridden, addicted to their screens, vaping and overspending to ‘fit-in’, this doesn’t need to be your story. This doesn’t need to be your life. Just know you have a choice. You have a choice to stay in and read Joe Dispenza on Thursday nights, you have a choice to set your 7am alarm on Saturday mornings so you can make the bootcamp workout, you have a choice to go to Toastmasters and refine your public speaking on Mondays after work. Just because everyone around you is living a life that doesn’t feel quite right for you, doesn’t mean you need to be a sheep and follow the crowds. Eagles cannot fly with pigeons. Know your power. Own your power. Stop allowing yourself to be plagued with feeling icky, and feeling small and doing things you don’t enjoy just because everyone else is. Just remember you have a choice. 
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di0rdevil · 9 months ago
Dream life 🤍
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di0rdevil · 10 months ago
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Summa Time High ˚。୨୧˚
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di0rdevil · 10 months ago
my aesthetic fr <33
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di0rdevil · 1 year ago
this may sound harsh, but as a woman you cannot surround yourself with a bunch of miserable women and thrive. i know everyone has their moments and goes through things but some are just internally miserable & will never be able to uplift you or genuinely be happy for you.
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di0rdevil · 2 years ago
The people who have accomplished the things you want are not better than you. They are not more skilled than you are. Their mindset is simply different. Their mindset inspires new habits and attributes that contribute to a strong sense of self-belief and enables them to overcome obstacles, achieve their goals, and lead fulfilling lives.
Fortunately, this is something you can work on and have complete control over.
If you want to change your life, these are some of the things you should be working on within yourself.
Self-awareness: Successful people have a clear understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, values, and goals. They are aware of who they are and what they want to achieve.
Positive mindset: They maintain a positive outlook on life and view challenges as opportunities for growth. They focus on solutions rather than dwelling on problems.
Resilience: Bouncing back from failures and setbacks quickly. They see failures as temporary and use them as learning experiences to improve and grow.
Self-motivation: You need to be internally driven and have a strong sense of purpose. Successful people set goals for themselves and work persistently towards achieving them.
Confidence: They have confidence in their abilities and believe in their potential for success. They trust their judgment and are not easily swayed by others' opinions.
Adaptability: They are open to change and embrace new experiences. They are willing to step out of their comfort zone and take risks to pursue their goals.
Discipline and consistency: They practice self-discipline and maintain consistency in their actions. They set routines, establish habits, and follow through on their commitments.
Emotional intelligence: They possess a high degree of emotional intelligence, understanding their own emotions and the emotions of others. They can manage their emotions effectively and maintain positive relationships.
Growth mindset: They believe in their ability to learn and develop new skills. They see setbacks as opportunities for improvement and are open to acquiring new knowledge and experiences.
Self-care: They prioritize self-care and well-being. They recognize the importance of taking care of their physical, mental, and emotional health, which helps them maintain a positive mindset and stay motivated.
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di0rdevil · 2 years ago
omg wait I want to open an ask box at some point. J to hear yalls questions, life stories etc. it sounds so fun
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di0rdevil · 2 years ago
New Subliminal out now! Go get ur clear skin gworl (affirmations may or may not have potential for you to own the product for a less expensive price :)
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di0rdevil · 2 years ago
Not looking for anyone atm, but when I’m ready I hope I get to experience love like this 🤍
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di0rdevil · 2 years ago
Omg it’s been a while. How are y’all doing?
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di0rdevil · 2 years ago
I kinda want to start taking paid requests in the future
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di0rdevil · 3 years ago
Affirming Success Story Compilation by moi 💋✨
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these are some results I’ve gotten over the past few months of 2022 ✨
at my workplace the times we get our checks is every two weeks like normal. I wanted to get my paycheck a whole week earlier bc y’all know I’m impatient with money and want to see that bank rack up 😌
but all jokes aside, I kept affirming to myself that “oh I don’t need to worry, I’m gonna get paid tomorrow anyway” or “I’m getting paid tomorrow I’m so excited “ things like that I kept telling myself. I got home from work on Friday and checked my account, I did indeed get paid a whole week early and to make things even better, they’re changing our paydays so we get paid every week instead of every two weeks!
🌱 。.。:∞♡*🌱。.。:∞♡*🌱
2. “Rona”
ok so this one is abt to sound mad stupid but hear me out 💀
So around the last month nd a half of school and a few assignments were coming up in two of my classes which were a five minute presentation and an essay presentation. Now me, I don’t like public speaking and wanted any way out of doing the public speaking portion. Around state testing time I noticed I started to feel a bit sick and decided to call out sick and go home after I took my states math exam. My mom was worried sick that I might have the Rona so she tested me and it came out negative. Me thinking “oh if I do end up having rona I could stay out of school for longer to buy some time”. And that is sorta what I did, I affirmed for less than two minutes saying to myself “the rona test will come out positive “ and the morning that I had to go back to school my mom tested me again and it came faintly positive which shocks me sm because what the actual hell. I didn’t feel sick but I was so gassed that I got to stay home for like four days. (The sleep I got was heavenly). I did get my presentation pushed back for one class though so it was worth it, I had more time to prepare!
🌱 。.。:∞♡*🌱。.。:∞♡*🌱
3. “Bomb bomb bakudan”
this title sounds stupid af if you don’t play Genshin Impact but again, hear me out.
For you genshin impact players, the Kazuha and Klee banner dropped about two days ago. I’ve wanted to pull for Klee since last year’s golden apple archipelago event but instead I got a Diluc which I coped with for an entire year. I affirmed to myself two days ago “watch this, I’m gonna get Klee in this pull” (mind you it was a single pull) and I got her off of no pity. Last patch I got venti via pity so it’s impossible for me to be capping rn. A SINGLE PULL, I was in such disbelief. If you look at my older posts I mentioned I did the same thing to intentionally pull a Jean on standard banner.
🌱 。.。:∞♡*🌱。.。:∞♡*🌱
4. “The pretty friend”
So this is sorta a result that’s been going on for the entire year so it’s not really new to me anymore.
I’ve always felt like the ugly friend in my past friend groups, being the one that sticks out. I was heavier than my peers (being blonde yt girls, there’s no problem with them being yt it’s just that comparing yourself when you’re a completely different race is wild) and looked completely different than them. I felt completely inferior, like I was lesser. I was never persued, never got attention and was the “other side of the sidewalk” friend when it came to what I like to call “pretty politics”. This past year I moved and consistently listened to my playlists, affirmed and obviously tried to better myself by working out and treating myself better. When I tell you the whiplash I got when I entered the campus was incredible, like I had ppl left and right calling me pretty almost treating me like a celebrity?? Like boys my type actually talk to me now, that never happened before. I won’t say I’m of it-girl status yet but that’s what this account is for anyway, tracking my progress! Anyway I was coined “the pretty friend” by my peers and being a dark skinned African American girl, sometimes you find that hard to believe because of what you’ve been told since like elementary school. I’ve been told that I should model, many people believe I should even though I’m like 5’6 but that’s not the point. (Like I’m deadass a girl stopped me in the hallway and asked me to take a picture with her WHEN I WAS WEARING A MASK) It’s the confidence I gained after affirming myself and people confirming my affirmations for me that reflected this all into my reality. If you told me like two years ago that I’d be like this I would fr laugh at you, but what can I say. I’m just that girl now 🎀 *and being that girl I’m gonna bag a bf just as easy as 1..2..3..Here’s my old playlist so y’all can use it as reference bc it works SO WELL ( I used it from Jan 2022 to may 2022)
*I’m gonna update y’all on that I promise 🫡
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di0rdevil · 3 years ago
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how i manifested my dream life with extremely hard circumstances + how you can too ♡
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♡ sections of this post:
the importance of making this post
my take on manifestation + the 3D
HOW I DID IT - my journey in 4 phases i went through that include my mindset changes up to the moment i got my desires 
your new rules & routine from this moment on
a note from me!
frequently asked questions: separated into topics regarding the 3D, self concept + miscellaneous questions to have you leaving this post stress free.
now let’s get into it. read every bit of this post “ ~ ୨୧ ♡ ·
Keep reading
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