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dha-fena · 2 months ago
Protecting Family
I'm on a Danny is Dick's child kick rn so I'm making more.
But lets add in some Ghost King Danny!, Dad to a deaged Ellie and Dan! And toddler Mar'i Grayson.
Danny was conceived during Dick's amnesia year when he was Ric and the woman couldn't find him to tell him (or maybe the Owls caught wind of the pregnancy and took her) and he ended up somehow (hmmm maybe a meddling time keeper?) with the Fentons.
Danny grows as a Fenton, he knows he was adopted btw, then becomes Phantom, protects Amity, becomes the Ghost King and things seem to be going okay between Amity Parkers and the Infinite Realms since they took care of the GIW problem, AND has been a good doting teen dad to his deaged 'cousins/clones' turned kids.
Danny was going to go pick his kids up from daycare one day when CHAOS happens. Just as he wrangles Ellie onto his shoulders, cause she wants to be tall today, and about to take Dan's hand cause he's and I quote "A big boy and not a baby like Ellie, Dad!" he suddenly feels the tug of his family being in danger.
Thing is, its a blood related danger. Meaning someone blood related to him was in grave danger, and by the emotions he can feel, its someone young, way younger than him.
The only people Danny knows with his blood in their veins and are young enough for the feeling are with him.
So who?
But due to Danny being a protector spirit AND knowing the feeling is from someone as young as his own kids, Danny decides to use his Ghost King Powers to summon said person from the danger to him.
Danny opens his free arms out just as a tiny toddler with black hair like his own but with bright green eyes, even the sclera were green, in a ruined party dress drops from the sky from the summoning circle that had opened above him.
Danny stares at the terrified child, whose hands are tied by rope and was crying, and takes notes of certain traits she had that he saw every time in the mirror or on his own kids, same eye shape and cheekbones. He can tell his ghost core has claimed her as family but not as his kid though.
No the connection that formed was almost like his connection with Jazz but a bit stronger.
This kid, was his sister. His blood related one.
Dick Grayson, aka Nightwing, and his family were freaking the fuck out.
Dick was already panicked when his daughter Mar'i had gotten kidnapped just a few hours ago by the Joker.
Now he was feeling pure dread when his daughter, who was about to be killed, was suddenly pulled into a strange glowing circle at the last minute and disappeared into thin air.
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dha-fena · 2 months ago
DP x DC prompt #162
Every Gotham U professor remembers their students and how every student who excelled in their chosen field of study became some of the most notorious Gotham Rogues. They become terrified for the future of Gotham when the newest student, Daniel Fenton, not only excels but is unparalleled in every field of study he participates in.
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dha-fena · 2 months ago
I'm Still Standing
The League felt like they had a strong sense of Phantom’s power. After all, they wouldn’t have asked him to join the team, otherwise. He’s strong, he can fly, and due to his supernatural nature, he’s amazing on recon and stealth missions. He’s also incredibly reliable, and smarter than most people give him credit for. He’s a natural hero, a more snarky Captain Marvel, some news outlets have been saying. Always saving people with just the right words to say, with a humble smile on his face. 
Phantom, with all of his power, seemed untouchable in every definition of the word. 
And then they got invaded by Darkseid. 
It wasn’t the first time Darkseid had invaded Earth, but it was the first time bringing armies so large, the first time he’s attacked all over the world to spread the League thin. It is single handedly the worst alien invasion Earth has ever had. 
Batman, bleeding out on the sidewalk, Wonder Woman knocked unconscious and restrained by a nearly egregious amount of henchmen, Superman, weak from the kryptonite Darkseid had shot him with. Thankfully it had missed all the important bits, but with that bullet inside of him, Superman was also down for the count, as well as dozens of other League members. 
If it hadn’t been for Phantom, they would have lost. 
Phantom, who’s never been seen without a smile on his face until now. Phantom, who’s never had so much as a scratch on him, until now. Phantom, who has only ever been known to be kind and compassionate, even to his villains, until now. 
Usually there’s this sort of warm, comforting feeling that radiates from Phantom. It feels like a nice breeze on a warm summer’s day, a nice cup of hot cocoa, your favorite song. It’s a feeling of safety, as if everything will be alright just because he’s there. 
Here, though, something else, something much stronger, is radiating from him. It practically rolls off of him in huge waves, making those conscious around him more aggravated, more on edge.
Phantom pulls himself off of the ground. His suit is torn, and his green blood splattered on himself and the ground. He spits a glob of it out, along with a tooth. 
“Still, you stand,” Darkseid says, as if tired. “Do you not tire in the face of your own demise?”
“As long as I’m still standing, you won’t ever win,” Phantom says. His voice is low and threatening, reverberating eerily off of the broken infrastructure that surrounds them. It sends a chill down everybody’s spines, though if Darkseid is affected, he doesn’t show it. 
“Your comrades have fallen, your militaries have failed, and you have no other help arriving. Pray tell how one singular human will be able to take me down!” 
Phantom doesn’t answer right away. Instead, he walks forward so that his friends are behind him, and braces himself. Darkseid, unable to contain his own hubris, lets Phantom come closer. 
Phantom takes in a deep breath, as if he’s about to speak.  
Instead he wails. 
Any remaining glass shatters, raining down upon them as green sound waves push back the offending forces. 
And it’s loud, of course. The ears of Darkseid’s minions are bleeding, and many of them are either dying because it’s too much for them to bear, or they’re killing themselves to give themselves some modicum of relief. But it’s also more than that, more than noise. 
It’s mourning. 
The first feeling that overwhelms everyone is anger. Phantom’s anger at Darkseid, at the destruction, at the fact that he just can’t catch a fucking break and it’s not fair. The second, is the sadness. It weighs down upon their shoulders, suffocating them like smog. It invades every part of their being-their lungs, their joints, their very hearts-and it presses and presses and presses until there’s very nearly nothing left. 
Phantom still pushes on. He is nothing if not persistent, driven to fight, driven to protect his people, his team, his friends, his family. No mortal being could ever hope to have a lung capacity like this, but Phantom is no normal mortal, and Darkseid is finally starting to come to terms with that. 
The last wave of overwhelming emotion is more of an idea than it is an actual feeling. It’s not a threat, per se, but a promise. A promise to do everything in his power to destroy Darkseid and his forces permanently and with prejudice. A promise that no matter how hard Darkseid fights, he will not win. 
A promise that, if knocked down, Phantom will stand back up, and he will not lose. 
Eventually, after what feels like eternity, the wail dies down. There isn’t a single member of Darkseid’s army that’s still on their feet or in the air. Phantom collapses down to one knee, and bright, white rings flicker around his person for just a moment, before he wills them away and stands back up. 
It’s less walking towards Darkseid, and more stalking. They are not on equal footing. Phantom is the predator in every sense of the word, his anger and grief still radiating off of his body in ways that Darkseid is unable to comprehend. 
“Do you yield?” Phantom asks. His eyes are blazing green, burning into Darkseid’s very soul. It is a sort of animalistic, primal instinct deep within him that tells him, run, run as fast as you can. Darkseid’s hubris, however, remains unmatched. 
Even as he stares Death in the eye. 
“I do not,” Darkseid says. He tries to get to his feet, but his body won’t listen, still weighed down by the effects of Phantom’s wail. 
“Then as Phantom, King of the Dead, I hereby condemn you for the rest of your afterlife.”
“Don’t count your eggs yet, boy,” Darkseid spits. “I’m still alive.”
“No,” Phantom says, in a tone adjacent to someone who’s giving their condolences, “You’re not.”
Phantom gestures beside them, and Darkseid spares a glance and sees…Himself. 
His corpse is splayed on the ground, blood spurting out of his ears, nose, and eyes. He stares lifelessly up at the sky. The blood is still leaking down the sides of his face. 
“You’re dead now, Darkseid, and therefore under my jurisdiction. Due to your extensive list of crimes you will not receive a hearing, just your eternal damnation for the sins you’ve committed.”
Phantom waves his hand, and green chains and manacles appear on Darkseid’s wrists and ankles before he’s dusted out of existence, sent to his eternal punishment in another dimension. 
As soon as he’s gone, Phantom collapses to his knees. 
He’s not sure how long he’s there, sitting in the blood of those he’s killed, before Wonder Woman comes over. She’s covered in gashes and bruises and blood that isn’t hers, but she still stands tall and proud. A battle won is a reason for celebration, after all. 
He glances behind her, sees Superman taking Batman into his arms and flying off. 
Diana doesn’t ask him questions about how he’s feeling. A victory is a victory, sure, but not without its price. 
Instead, she holds out her hand. Danny grasps it, and allows her to help him to his feet. 
“As long as you can stand, you can win,” Diana says. “I think I’ll have to use that for my next big speech.”
“By all means,” Phantom tells her. “Just be sure to credit me.”
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dha-fena · 2 years ago
People are saying that Tobey Maguire with the symbiote is more of a menace than Miguel from Spiderverse and that’s cap.
Tobey, after slapping Mary Jane: Oh my god, what have I done? *gets rid of the symbiote*
A literal child: I just don’t want my dad to die! Please let me save hi-
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dha-fena · 2 years ago
Me after episode nine
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Ok i know that to us it seems completely out of pocket that the parents would even consider agreeing to what Mr Groomer offered. But unfortunately, in50s although it was frown upon, such an agreement wasn't uncommon. I still live by my words: Conflicts need to happen in a story in hope of the story to be engaging.
I also want to point out something.
The girl that stepped in when Olivia and Mr Groomer ( i refuse to remember his real name) where together in the classroom. She was clearly infatuated with him. He acted standoffish, but why do i have the feeling that he acted that way only because Olivia was there?
I have a theory.
He actually has a bunch of young impressionable girls wrapped around his fingers. Olivia is just the only one he was caught with. So he then found himself a random adult woman to cover for a bit and save his reputation while Olivia's sinked, that way she would be the more vulnerable. Then he slowly starts to treat her different, gives her more permission, a special treatment, and then when the time is right ZACK he "leaves" the cover woman to rush after Olivia so she can see him as a romantic hero.
Also the girl that stepped in his classroom? She was a poc girl. How much are you willing to bet that he targeted poc girls specifically because he knows that they aren't as "guarded" as white girls. They already have a poor reputation because of their origins.
This is also solidified by the question "How old where your parents when they got married?" Because (This is a generalization and based on racism of the time) there was the idea that people of ethnic backgrounds did immoral things like marring super young. He knows that her culture will allow him to slide right in. And he is also a well set white men in the 50. The parents probably both see this as a chance for Olivia of a better life, and know that He could completely ruin them if he wanted to.
And also " It wouldn't be the first time this happened" HE DID RESEARCH. HE KNOWS HE CAN GET AWAY WITH IT!!
I truly hope that next episode he gets exposed with a bunch of other maybe even younger girls come forward to say "You said you loved me!!" And everyone will see him for what he is.
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dha-fena · 3 years ago
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dha-fena · 4 years ago
SOOOOO I’m a bookworm and I think I 𝘔𝘐𝘎𝘏𝘛 have a slight peter pan reteling obsession
That idee I got bc I already have a Peter Pan retelling at home (from Disney: a twisted tale) and I’m about to buy 3 more Peter Pan retellings (Lost boy by Christina Henry, A worthy opponent by Katee Robert & Lost I the neverwoods by Aiden Thomas)
And a Robin Hood retelling and ONE (1) fake dating book
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dha-fena · 4 years ago
Okay I’ve seen aus with Jet going to the Boiling Rock after Ba Sing Se and aus where Zuko fights Azula and gets sent to the Boiling Rock, but, consider, both
They both get arrested and Zuko has to explain to Jet that yes, he’s a firebender, and yes he’s the prince of the fire nation, and yes he hunted the avatar across the whole world, but he’s totally good now and Jet has to process that he tried to recruit the literal fire prince into his gang
Zuko gets thrown into the cooler very regularly, almost as much as Jet gets put in solitary, because they rarely last more than ten minutes in the same room before Jet tries to start a brawl. After a while he’s not even angry, it’s just kinda boring in prison and Zuko fights good
Suki recognises Zuko immediately, but after she hears why he’s in prison and watches Jet almost throw him off a ledge several times, she decides to forgive him
Thus starts the weirdest friendship trio ever
They actually work really well together, because Suki supplies the group brain cell, Jet gives them terrible ideas, and Zuko carries them out
The other prisoners and some of the guards quickly recognise that the three most dangerous inmates are teenagers, and now that they’re working together, all they can do is pray. They all end up teaching each other fighting forms they know, and Suki discovers Zuko is a total avatar nerd and thinks Kyoshi was the best avatar since Wan (she approves of his assessment)
Suki plays the ‘you burned down my village’ card exactly once. Jet uses ‘you burned down Suki’s village’ almost daily to get Zuko to do things
Sokka arrives looking for his dad and spots Suki in the yard distracting a guard while Jet keeps watch and Zuko steals his keys. He thinks they’re actually planning a break out, but no, Jet just wanted to fuck with the guards and see if Zuko could melt metal
(They’ve tried escaping, but Suki usually stops them because Jet suggests tying all their blankets together, stealing a messenger hawk and training it to tie the rope to a rock across the boiling lake and climbing across that. Zuko, who has never had a plan beyond ‘break into the maximum security stronghold and go from there’, is 100% on board)
When Hakoda arrives and the other inmates warn him not to piss off the three teenage prisoners, he thinks they’re joking. They’re not. He reevaluates when he sees Jet start a riot in less than ten seconds, Suki kidnap the warden, and Zuko break the gondola lever and jump across a boiling lake
Sokka comes back from his fishing trip with four missing people and no fish
Bonus: Suki: “this is my boyfriend Sokka and his boyfriend Zuko and his boyfriend Jet”
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dha-fena · 4 years ago
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siblings stealing each others fits and making fun of each other. thats all
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dha-fena · 4 years ago
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more sibling clothes swap.. fire edition
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dha-fena · 4 years ago
So I’m waiting for my English lesson to begin online and …
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This is what is on my screen.……
Welcome to the English language
(Ps I’m sorry I don’t know how to turn the picture)
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dha-fena · 4 years ago
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Haven’t done any warpaint!Captain Arthur in a while! 
Arthur and Morgana are both chasers for their teams (Morgana plays a lethal substitute beater though). 99% of the time they play a clean game - until they cross paths with eachother on the pitch. 
Aggressive Hufflepuff Arthur
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dha-fena · 4 years ago
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week 5 pthon bonus: Time Travel!! ft. more gratuitous Aggressive Hufflepuff Arthur cause apparently i can’t stop shoehorning my own dumb au into things
Headcanon that Merlin is and always has been super powerful in every universe, which is my excuse for how a third-year can accidentally time-travel hundreds of years into the past. Arthur’s just stoked that he used to be king.
Camelot!Merlin finds a way to send them back safe and sound, and Hogwarts!Merlin and Hogwarts!Arthur wake up thinking it was all just a hallucination brought on by too much exposure to a pair of Prof. Sprout’s flapping fever ferns. 
Next year, when they’re 14, Arthur asks Merlin out on their first date to Hogsmeade, and still years later Merlin finds that Arthur really will end up with thick forearms, among other things.
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dha-fena · 4 years ago
You wanna know what I hate
When parents ask you to do something they have been nagging you about for days, weeks, maybe even a few months. Then you’re FINALLY doing said thing they asked you to do (without a reminder) and then they come and ask you to do something else that needs to be done that moment. It can’t wait until you’re done, nooooo it’s need to be done now, while your in the middle of doing the thing THEY asked you to do.
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dha-fena · 4 years ago
Here’s the livestream clip about the potential Nico and Hunters of Artemis books for my fellow trash human beings~
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dha-fena · 4 years ago
alright random nico headcannons bc i’m bored:
• he once broke into a museum to try and animate a dinosaur skeleton only to find out the display ones are mostly made of plaster and uhhh that ends about as well as you can expect
• rachel makes him summon skeletons when she needs anatomy references
• he doesn’t do a lot of art himself but he absolutely adores every form of it. like the hades cabin is full of books and he doesnt understand spotify so he has tons of vynls and he lets hazel draw on the bunks and walls and his arms and he and rachel can talk for hours about art history and!!!! he just appreciates art so much
• speaking of music nico will listen to anything literally any genre EXCEPT country (which is really just bc he doesnt click with it but he loudly speaks against it just to piss Will off)
• he’s not like Strictly vegetarian but he avoids eating meat if he can bc it just tastes like death to him
• he’s really akward around younger kids bc he’s worried he’s gonna say or do something thats gonna mess up the kid forever but when he does talk to them he treats them like adults and they love him for it
• sometimes he tells absolutely wild stories with a straight face just to see if he can get away with it (he can) and now camp has no idea what stories about him are true and which aren’t
• like he went “yeah i was born in 1932” and they all went “haha very funny” but then believed him when he said he’s seen bigfoot
• sally jackson invited him over for christmas the december after boo and he very admantly refused but sally kept insisting and long story short now he has a key to their apartment and she knows all his favorite desserts
• he lied about not liking animals he really fucking likes animals guys he just said that to make himself feel better about the fact that they don’t like him back
• HE IS A POLYGLOT THIS IS BASICALLY CANNON he already knew like four languages just by existing the way he does but then jules albert showed up so he took up french and then he felt bad about the language barriers at camp w/ international campers so he started learning all of their languages and then asl looked interesting so he started learning that and then the TROGS so on and so forth and now he knows random bits and pieces of different languages
• also linguistics nerd nico ??? classics nerd nico??? history nerd nico??? absolutely yes he may not be able to do basic algebra but he can and will rant about obsure historical events or og goth mary shelly if you’re willing to listen
• Mr. D originally didn’t call Nico the right name but Nico is living on pure spite so he pointedly ignored him every single time until D eventually caved (but theyre both stubborn as fuck so this lasted MONTHS and honestly if nico and mr d hadn’t started Therapy Breakfast Time it probably would have never ended)
• he still checks in on May Castellen every few months or so to make sure she’s doing alright (percy comes with sometimes)
anyway thats all folks !! sit on that last one!!
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dha-fena · 4 years ago
I think we should just survive this year and everything horrible this year will clear up *nocking on my table 3 times, so I don’t curse it*. Mainly bc of 2 theories about 2020.
1) the one of 2020=2012, you remember when the world would end in 2012 bc the maya’s believed that when their calendar would end so would the world. Yeah apparently there were a few years lost in translation about 8 years, that would make end of the their calendar 2020 not 2012. So if we survive this the world didn’t end.
2) 2020 is fucking bullshit bc we have 2 Friday the 13th’s this year. One in March and one in November, I personally don’t think Friday the 13th’s brings bad luck (actually it’s the day the least accident and such) but this is really a bit to much bad luck days for me.
So if we survive until next year, yeaaaah for us. But still just for extra security let’s all say jumanji when next year begins (like tik tok a while back) you CAN’T have enough security for next year.
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