an army of weirdos spreading love for the most inspiring fandom ever
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
If you took part in the Feedback Fest, or even if you just wanted to, becoming a hype reader will be right up your alley! Signups close soon, so get in there while you can!
Now Calling Hype Readers: Beginner Bang Edition!
Hello, lovely people!
For three weeks as of today, sign-ups for Hype Readers are open for the DGHDA Beginner Bang! There is no limit on how many people can sign up- seriously, the more the merrier!- and if you’re a person who reads and enjoys fanworks anyway it’s seriously worth your time to hop on board and encourage some creators!
Hype Reader Sign-Up Form (Beginner Bang 2020)
For more info on hype reading, please check out the FAQ, and for further questions email us or hop into the discord server and make yourself at home in the hype-train channel, where the excellent Mod Juniper will give you everything you need! I’d recommend the discord channel in general as a resource too if you need any help getting started, such as a advice or templates for comments and rec lists!
Hope to see so, so many of you there, it’s quite a stressful and isolating time and we could all use a little positive interaction and support!
All aboard the hype train!
-Mod Hellz
FAQ / Calendar Discord Chat Beta/PH Sign-Ups
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Juniper here, popping in to say thanks for the shout-out! ❤
I’m also going to seize this opportunity to once again flaunt the DGHDA Feedback Fest masterpost and AO3 bookmark collection, both lovingly crowdsourced tools for finding DGHDA fanworks (including Tuna’s fantastic fics).
Thank you for singlehandedly upholding the dirk gently fandom in the year of our lord 2020
*tips hat* *cowboy voice* It’s a tough job but somebody’s gotta do it.
(Honestly though I just go on mass reblogging sprees and upload a new fic chapter every sixteen months lmao. There are a lot of people who still work their butts off for this fandom: @juniper-and-lamplight just did that awesome DGHDA Feedback Fest, @dont-offend-the-bees is still killing it with the bangs, and @yakichoufd’s art has been giving me life 🙏🙏 And that’s just off the top of my head!)
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Feedback Fest Rec Masterpost
Ahoy, y’all! Here’s every rec post from the DGHDA Feedback Fest, which took place Nov. 3-9, 2019. Our small but dedicated army of weirdos shared more than 30 posts and recced more than 150 fics! Linked rec posts are below, listed alphabetically by reccer. (This list will be updated with any further Feedback Fest posts that pop up, so if you were working on something you couldn’t finish in time, please go ahead and share it!)
From @actualbird
Long reads
Fics that make me cry for one reason or another
Gen fics
From @dirkgentle
Recs of fics by superhiro
From @dont-offend-the-bees
Gratuitous Self-Rec Day
Things I Just Read and Loved, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition
Bees’ All-Time-Faves
A Very Long To-Be-Read List
From @everythingremainsconnected
Rec for you’ve got to take the blame for a love song by nose-coffee
Rec for Phantom Cigarettes by intricatecakes
Rec for drinks and drumming by starlingbite
From @flailfail
DGHDA fic recs as Brooklyn 99 quotes, part 1 and part 2
Mona Wilder recs (fic and art)
DGHDA fan artist recs
Favourite case fics
From @gallantrejoinder
DGHDA Feedback Fest Fic Recs! (a top ten list)
From @hermitreunited
Rec for The Dolphin Paradox by nekosmuse
From @juniper-and-lamplight
Femslash favorites
Fic I commented on part 1 and part 2
Favorite visual fanworks part 1 and part 2
Share your to-be-read-list
Don’t check yourself, just rec yourself
Updated DGHDA Fic Favorites
From @kieren-fucking-walker
Ten fics under ten thousand words (that I love)
Commenter appreciation
Further resources from the Feedback Fest
AO3 bookmark collection of every fic recced during the fest
Beta-finding for DGHDA fic writers
Rec prompts
Advice and templates for commenting and reccing
#stickypost#please let me know if i missed anything#dghda feedback fest#Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency#dghda#Dirk Gently#fic recs#masterpost
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Hey there Dirktectives, can you believe that we collectively recced more than 150 fics during the Feedback Fest!? Many heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated -- we did this together <3
#dghda feedback fest#Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency#dghda#Dirk Gently#fic bookmarks#fic recs
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DGHDA Feedback Fest: A Very Long To-Be-Read List
Yes, unfortunately while this week has been a great excuse to start catching up on some fic reading, there’s many that I haven’t got around to yet. But I’m excited for when I do, and maybe if I share them here some of you will get round to reading and loving them before I do! So for my final @dghdafeedbackfest post, a little to-read list of some 15k or longer fics that I’m excited to devour.
All these fics were too long for me to sink my teeth into this week, and some of them go back a looooooooooong time because that’s just how behind I am on my reading. Unless otherwise stated they’re mostly Brotzly or gen. Hopefully I’ll find time to start making them my Sunday reading- and hopefully you guys will see some you like and go give ‘em some love!
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DGHDA Fic Favorites
Originally posted Feb 4, 2018; last updated November 9, 2019
This list includes various ships and gen fic, though it’s heavy on the Brotzly, and it features several fics by certain authors because I couldn’t force myself to choose. Recs below the cut, ‘cause this list is loooong.
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Favourite case fics
The end of the DGHDA Feedback Fest approaches and there are still so many rec list themes I want to explore! I’ve really enjoyed putting together these lists, so I’ll probably create more in the future, but for now I figured I’d end the official Feedback Fest week with one of my favourite things that comes of being in a fandom like DGHDA: case fics.
I love mysteries, and I especially love the kinds of mysteries you can explore when writing in a Douglas-Adams-inspired world of wacky coincidences, chaotic detectives, time travel, magic, random-weird-things-that-turn-out-to-be-very-important, seemingly-important-things-that-turn-out-to-be-random, holistic interconnectedness, and cute animals. This fandom has so many great case fics it was hard to pick out only a few, but I’ve tried to highlight the ones that most lean into the comic and surreal potential of the DGHDA universe.
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most of the rec lists i have planned for @dghdafeedbackfest are completely brotzly centric so this rec list goes out to the shipless fics/fics that dont have the ship as the focus that deserve love!!!!!
An Interlude; or, Compulsory Heterosexuality Made Me Do It by @gallantrejoinder and @teacupsandcyanide
Farah and Todd did, in fact, make out while on the run. They also both realised some very important things about themselves.
But not the things you might expect.
okay im kinda cheating with this one because theres suggested brotzly but this fic is just SO GOOD AND HILARIOUS and a wonderful look into farah and todd’s relationship
How Doth The Little Crocodile by quingigillion (cartouche)
Someone has beat them to it. That’s never happened before. They hate having their fun spoiled. Especially by some skinny white guy with a bloody nose who’s grinning far too wide.
“Oh. Hi!”
gorgeously atmospheric and beautifully written. i lack the words to adequately explain why i love this fic so much, but it just paints an amazing picture of a could-be dirk with wonderful prose
Pistachi-Oh, Dear… by @dont-offend-the-bees
All Dirk wanted was a muffin. The universe had better ideas.
when you see me by couldaughter
Mrs Cjelli - Mum - was silent. He could hear her breath hitch, could almost taste salt in the air. The pressure in his chest hadn’t eased.
“I suppose this might be a bit of a shock,” Dirk said, eventually. He forced himself to look back up, to assess the damage he’d caused.
time for the TEARS. this fic makes me emotional so much. dirk gently deserves the BEST MOM!!!
Life by yeaka
Panto and Silas ask their king about children.
short, beautiful, and poignant. the magic here takes a life of its own even if it is sitting in the backseat.
where the falling angels meet the rising apes by cosmicocean
The thing sweeps its scythe and straightens. It must sense eyes on it, because it turns it’s head and looks right at Svlad. It is a skull’s face, grinning and bleached. Svlad stares. It tilts it’s head, like it’s watching a particularly fascinating documentary, or a cat attempting to catch a laser pointer created dot. AH, it says. It’s mouth doesn’t move, but Svlad hears it’s voice all the same, resonating deep and forever. INTERESTING.
A story of Death and the boy who could see him, through the years.
DISCWORLD DEATH AND DIRK ARE BUDDIES, WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK FOR??? well this fic is also a wonderful peek into dirk’s development and Death as a character is done so well.
i was born in a summer storm (i live there still) by janeseyre
Farah confronts the vestiges of her past as she, Dirk, and Todd travel east to visit her mother. It turns out Farah isn’t as over her father’s death as she thought she was.
do you want the agency trio being the best of mcfucking friends???? gen ot3 feels are so strong in this fic. heartfelt and warm.
Breezes and Buceros have one thing in common by Grand_Funk
“Hi, I’m Mona.” Says Mona in a voice that Svlad feels is fit for someone who breaks into rooms as a draft, only to spend time in them as a bird.
very VERY clever writing that is so apt for the short and heartbreaking scene that this fic portrays. lovely, so lovely.
An utterly non-de-escalatable situation by Grand_Funk
And in the deafening silence, Farah realized she had made a grave mistake.
“Oh my God, Farah, I didn’t know you could sing!”
Peach, Plum, Pear by Lavellington
“Mona!” Dirk says. “What have we said about sneaking up on people in the form of inanimate objects?”
“It’s bad manners,” she says, “and may result in invasion of privacy, or untimely cardiac arrest.”
“Yes,” he says, “good, thank you.”
my favorite mona fic of all time. im taking this fic as basically like, the bible for how mona’s pov works and it is a joy to take a trip into her wonderfully crafted perspective and mind.
AAAAND here are some self indulgent self recs because im proud of my genfics hehe
the same wish is returned by reptilianraven
“I don’t really know how to make friends.”
The fortune teller opens a flap under Dirk’s fingers. The text reads, just do what you did with me.
“Take you with me while I escaped a government prison?” Dirk asks, dutifully folding all the paper back in order before unfolding a flap open anew.
smile. be yourself. keep talking. Mona says through the new text. if that doesn’t work do what i did to make you my friend
“And what is that, exactly?” Dirk fondly remembers how he met Mona. How he first yelped in shock when he saw a chair shift into scorpion and then watched in awe-horror as that scorpion stood between him and the exit.
make sure he doesn’t get away :D
When Dirk escapes Blackwing that first time, he takes Mona with him. Friendship is a little odd when one party refuses to turn into anything human and the other party is Dirk, but they make it work.
i just really love mona, guys
Estevez and the Acceptable, Tolerable, Not Too Bad, Okay Continued Living Existence by reptilianraven
Seconds before he’s about to stand to leave, his phone pings. There’s text from a number he doesn’t recognize.
estevez i hope this is ur number
Who is this?
who are you first is this estevez detective estevez i never got your first name is it detective hey are you ignoring these texts HEY THIS IS LYDIA
For real?
Wherein Ex-Detective Joel Estevez does not die.
i could not accept estevez’ death SO MUCH this fic had to happen lest i sulk for a month.
happy reading!! dont forget to show these writers some love!!!!
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November 9 is the last day of DGHDA Feedback Fest
Today’s the day to get those recs and comments in, y’all!
With that said, I’ll keep looking out for Fest contributions over the next few weeks, so if you’re working on something that you can’t complete in time (it happens), please share it whenever it’s ready, and be sure to tag #dghda feedback fest and mention @dghdafeedbackfest so that I find it and reblog it :)
Also, watch this space for a Feedback Fest masterpost of all your beautiful recs, as well as an AO3 bookmark collection including every fic that was recced this week. This blog will remain open indefinitely, along with the rec prompts list and the templates & advice docs for reccing and commenting. These tools are there to be used, so please use them with goodwill and keep up all the glorious feedback.
SO MANY THANKS to everyone who joined in this experimental fest, either by posting, commenting, reblogging, or encouraging. We might live in a broken universe, but that’s all the more reason to celebrate the creativity, enthusiasm, kindness, and interconnectedness we have in this fandom.
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Beta-finding for DGHDA fic writers
Hiiiiiii, Dirk Gently enthusiasts! Before @dghdafeedbackfest winds down, I (your humble mod Juniper) want to give a shout-out to all the wonderful beta readers in this fandom. Without your time, effort, and enthusiasm, DGDHA fanfic wouldn’t be nearly as rich, intriguing, absurd, and marvelous as it is.
That said, finding a beta isn’t always easy. It can be difficult to figure who to ask or how to ask them. Even if you’ve already got friends in the fandom, they might be too busy, or they’ve already got writing buddies, or their beta style doesn’t mesh with your writing needs, etc. etc. It takes guts to put yourself out there with a “looking for a beta” post.
SO! I’m hoping that this post can take some of the uncertainty out of the beta-finding process. If you’re willing to beta DGHDA fic, please reblog or reply to this post and add your name, any relevant details, and the best way for writers to contact you about betaing. (Even if you’re not volunteering to beta, signal boost reblogs can’t hurt.)
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Commenter appreciation
So I still have recs and things for @dghdafeedbackfest but I’ve had a heck of a day and I thought I’d try something different this time! While the fest is a focus on giving feedback to creators, I wanted to take a minute to show some appreciation for the people who show up pretty much without fail to comment on or generally enthuse about the things I create. I know for a fact that if you create in this fandom you’ll know most of these names, because they’re just that good at being supportive, wonderful people who I also know for a fact I wouldn’t still bother writing without.
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DGHDA Feedback Fest prompt: Don’t check yourself, just rec yourself
I’ve been encouraging other people to use this prompt, so it’s only fair that I take my own advice and throw my hat into the self-promo ring! I’m going to start with the recs, and then share a bit of personal history below, because apparently I can’t do self-promotion without self-reflection.
Talisman - 4k, M, Farah/Tina “Farah has survived grief, kidnapping, magical mind control, and traumatic injury. She’s allowed herself to trust her friends, and vice versa, and together they’re building something that they can be proud of. So why not allow herself this, too? Why not expose the shadowy, long-hidden corners of her heart and trust that Tina will protect them for her?” I’ve beta’d a few fics for various DGHDA Big Bang events, but this is the only Bang fic I’ve written (so far). It was also my first attempt at digging deeper into Farah’s psyche and exploring what might have been happening for her before, during, and after the events of the show. Although I kept this one intentionally short, it still has a lot of emotional resonance for me.
Trying (part of the Close Reading series) - 2.7k, T, Bart POV “I read what I need to read. Just like I eat food when it comes to me, and find cars that start when they’re supposed to, and drive to wherever I gotta go.” If I had to single out one my fics as the most underrated/deserving of more love, it would probably be this one. It’s the angstiest thing I’ve ever written, and finding my way into Bart’s idiosyncratic dialogue and narrative voice was one of the most challenging/rewarding writing experiences I’ve had up to this point.
Light Work - 2.7k, T, Farah/Tina “Tina had, with her typical blunt insight, poked at Farah’s motivations for baking the cake herself. “Is it some kind of control-freaky thing? Like you can’t trust anyone else to get it right?” And while Farah couldn’t honestly say no to that question, her real motivation ran deeper.” I have no objectivity when it comes to my own fics, but I suspect that this might be the best-written of the batch thus far. I spent a LOT of time trying to get the tone and sensory details just right, and I’m pleased that it reads the same way it felt in my head. (There’s a very steamy follow-up to this fic coming soon!)
Lattice - 1.5k, T, Farah/Tina “It’s hard to reconcile badass Farah Black—rescuer, protector, mage-slayer—with this woman, who hums tunelessly as she ties on her grandma’s floral apron. Tina can’t look away.” This was the first fic I posted, as well as my first foray into Tina POV, and I love it for its slice-of-life simplicity. It also contains what might be the funniest line I’ve ever written, though I’ll let you decide that for yourselves ;)
And now, for context, a bit of personal history:
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Beta-finding for DGHDA fic writers
Hiiiiiii, Dirk Gently enthusiasts! Before @dghdafeedbackfest winds down, I (your humble mod Juniper) want to give a shout-out to all the wonderful beta readers in this fandom. Without your time, effort, and enthusiasm, DGDHA fanfic wouldn’t be nearly as rich, intriguing, absurd, and marvelous as it is.
That said, finding a beta isn’t always easy. It can be difficult to figure who to ask or how to ask them. Even if you’ve already got friends in the fandom, they might be too busy, or they’ve already got writing buddies, or their beta style doesn’t mesh with your writing needs, etc. etc. It takes guts to put yourself out there with a “looking for a beta” post.
SO! I’m hoping that this post can take some of the uncertainty out of the beta-finding process. If you’re willing to beta DGHDA fic, please reblog or reply to this post and add your name, any relevant details, and the best way for writers to contact you about betaing. (Even if you’re not volunteering to beta, signal boost reblogs can’t hurt.)
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(I haven’t seen anyone mention this amazing fic all week so here you gooo)
The Dolphin Paradox by nekosmuse
Rating: M⎜Word Count: 87k+⎜Complete (20/20)⎜Pairing: Brotzly w/ some bonus Farah/Amanda too!!
Having lost his job at the Perriman Grand, Todd takes a job selling vintage vinyl to unappreciative hipsters while trying to put his life back together. Dirk Gently is a somewhat regular customer. That is, until Dirk can fix the timeline and get Todd his memories back.
The Record Store AU that’s not a Record Store AU.
now here’s the thing I read this ages ago and cannot tell you all the specifics about this fic. I CAN tell you that when the idea for fic rec week came up, my brain immediately went, ‘oooohhh the dolphin one!!!’
I CAN tell you that I remember being absolutely blown away by how intricate the twisty plot was - and this is a dghda fic we are talking about, making your plot twisty and intricate like the show is a Feat. I remember being at work and hit with too many feelings and taking extra bathroom breaks to sneak off and read more.
I know that I am very excited about the fics that I’ve seen recced this week, but I also know that my favorite part about the feedback fest is that it reminded me of this fic, and now I get to go and read it again.
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DGHDA Feedback Fest: Bees’ All-Time-Faves
Yeah, so unfortunately I didn’t get to do as much reading/reccing for @dghdafeedbackfest as I’d have liked- this is always a pretty busy time of year! But I’ve really enjoyed making my little mini read-n-rec lists, so I think I may try and keep doing them even if it’s just every other week- it’s really helped me start making a dent in my tbr list, and it’s a good way to spread love and encourage people! I may dabble in them for other fandoms I read for too- I’ll probs keep the format I have though because while I admire and envy the abilities of people like @juniper-and-lamplight to make thematically coherent rec lists, I think that’s currently beyond my time and attention span xD
This week has been a great excuse for me to start catching up on my reading backlog, discover new fics and authors and spread the love for them; which is a must because I know there are certain fics/authors that make it into recs time and time again which is great for them but not great for spreading new voices in the fandom. That being said, a fave is a fave, and whether it’s a popular work or not every piece in this list is a story that I adore and have saved and have re-read many times, and will probably re-read many times for.
split the secret up by piggy09
He asks if Dirk can hear it and Dirk just laughs, the sound reassuringly human.
Well, not reassuringly. Reassuringly would mean Todd had to be reassured.
It’s just – it sounds human. Which is good. Because Dirk is human. Definitely.
My notes: This is not just one of my fave DGHDA fics but one of my favourite pieces of horror storytelling ever. It is incredible, it is evocative, it legitimately creeped me out and also made me incredibly envious of this author’s way with words. An absolute must-read of the highest order.
you could bring my healing by cosmicocean
“You see, I believe in the fundamental interconnectedness of all things.”
“…the fundamental what?”
“The fundamental interconnectedness of all things. You see, I’m a holistic… something. I’m not sure.”
“Sure, yes, I suppose. Anyhow, the term ‘holistic’ refers to my convictions about the, you know, aforementioned-“
“Fundamental interconnectedness of all things.”
Where the whole thing takes place in a fantasy world that is not unlike but not quite mostly for legal reasons Ankh-Morpork, Dirk is generally an existential dragon, Todd is a washed up electrical lute player, everyone is kind of awkward and useless except maybe for Amanda, and there is a boatload of fantasy references, plus one (1) Star Wars one.
My notes: Maybe I’m slightly biased because this fic was literally written for me, but it’s so fun and creative and whimsical, I adore it, I want to print it out and make a storybook cover for it one day, go read it. @cosmicoceanfic, you freakin rock.
Peach, Plum, Pear by Lavellington
“Mona!” Dirk says. “What have we said about sneaking up on people in the form of inanimate objects?”
“It’s bad manners,” she says, “and may result in invasion of privacy, or untimely cardiac arrest.”
“Yes,” he says, “good, thank you.”
My notes: Obviously Lavellington is a staple of the fandom and her fics are (quite rightly) widely adored, but this unassuming little one shot is among my faves of hers. It was posted shortly after season 2 aired I believe, and was one of the first and best Mona character studies I read. Weird and wistful, brilliant. Honourable mention also to Electric Ghost Rhino, and all time fave by the same author which I almost put instead of this one but thought I should switch it up because basically the rest of this list is Brotzly! @lavellington, you are a legend <333
then what we’ve got is gold by gentleau
Dirk has never had a romantic relationship before. So now that it appears he is in the process of one such relationship with Todd, it is… startling.
Or, in which Dirk is scared that he can’t be what Todd deserves, and Todd tries his best to convince him that that isn’t true. Featuring: a lot (and I mean a lot) of cuddling, thirty seven cast-iron pans, and one novelty condom.
My notes: I had the pleasure of illustrating this story for a Big Bang event, and it remains one of my all-time favourites. Tender, emotional, sexy, raw and real and so so comforting, it’s a beautiful exploration of Todd’s relationship with an inexperienced and insecure Dirk and the ups and downs of their developing intimacy. Heed the warnings of course, but it’s so worth reading, please.
To Know the Parts of Me By Name (series) by electricteatime
To Know the Parts of Me by Name is a fanfiction series for Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency, a series of stories looking at the different people Dirk has been in his lifetime, and how they are all a part of him even if he tries to keep them separate. The culmination of all of these stories will hopefully in some way resemble a character study of one Dirk Gently.
My notes: A beautiful and insightful character study, one of the best ever if not the best, poetic and masterful- read every part, in order, and watch a beautiful portrait of everyone’s favourite holistic detective unfold. And then read everything else by this author while you’re at it. @kieren-fucking-walker, you’re too awesome for words <333
Universal Truths by inkyfishes
“…Very long story short, until yesterday, it hailed as my greatest case: one of deception, danger, double-crosses, and an all-round perversion of high emotion and - dare I say it - romance…”
What do horses, robots, time-travel, false identities, alternate universes, flagrant homosexuality and the University of Cambridge have in common? Probably not much, but it’s all Todd Brotzman has to work with after he falls through a hole in space and time, arriving at St. Cedd’s College for the first day of Svlad Cjelli (not yet notoriously known as Dirk Gently). There’s a case to be solved, but it refuses to start. For both Todd and Svlad, and Dirk and Farah, events unfold in exactly the way you’d expect at Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency.
My notes: Want a DGHDA fic that reads like a lost work of the late great Douglas Adams himself but with exponentially more queerness? Look no further. Simply the best; hilarious and ingenious, timey wimey and entertaining from start to finish, the case of Puffles the Horse is a must-read.
Cheer Up, Buttercup by teacupsandcyanide
“Oh, listen to Dirk. He’s a bathing goods psychic.” “I am not a psychic. I simply don’t always concern myself with such petty things as employee protocol and company script. I see the solution to each customer’s needs as being detectable in the pattern and web of the whole. The connections between bathing rituals and physical-mental health are often much more subtle and complex than we, with our rough and ready understanding of cocoa butter, might naturally suppose.”
Todd goes into a bath bomb store to get a present for Amanda and meets an overeager sales assistant. Self-examination, and - dare I say it - romance ensues.
My notes: A relatively recent addition to my faves list, but a more than worthy one: this fic was like taking consecutive shots of serotonin straight to the brain veins. It is Self Love: The Fanfiction. It is a rollercoaster of emotions, shot through with the most delightful slow-burn romance, and has a good chance of legitimately changing your life for the better. Cannot recommend enough.
Over, Under, Around, and Through. by the_ninth_planet
“Todd,” better late than never he supposes, closing the space between them and reaching out to cup his jaw, “darling.” Todd’s eyes flutter shut and Dirk can feel where his breath shudders out of him, a little of the tension in his shoulders dissipating with the contact. They stay there for a while, Dirk brushing his thumb over Todd’s cheek, skin rasping against stubble until he leans into the gesture willingly.
It’s just some very emotional non-boring sex porn. With feelings.
My notes: Want something hella sexy that also satisfies your emotional needs? Wanna see Todd experiencing the best results of submitting to the mortifying ordeal of being known? This is your fic. Featuring bratty, insecure, subby subby sub Todd, and Dirk giving him the care and attention he needs and deserves; even if he has to tie him up to do it.
or make a home by reptilianraven
“Perhaps,” Dirk says in his best ‘yes, I’m bullshitting you, but I’m your boyfriend and you love me still’ voice. “The universe wants it this way.”
“The universe wants you to always forget to put the cap back on the toothpaste,” Todd says, unimpressed, screwing the cap on himself.
Or Todd’s adventures in dating Dirk Gently, the mundanities of which unsurprisingly turning out to not be very mundane at all (featuring, among other things: intergalactic wormholes, regular periods of lying down on the floor, and several annoying habits that concern toothpaste and toothbrushes.)
My notes: Just a sweet, whimsical, heart-warmingly domestic fic about these two weirdos settling into life in each other’s orbit. It’s soft, it’s beautifully characterised and it deserves all the love in the world, just like these boys do. @actualbird, thanks for being an awesome writer AND an awesome commenter <333
Thank you, wonderful writers for creating some of my fave pieces of literature <3
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Beta-finding for DGHDA fic writers
Hiiiiiii, Dirk Gently enthusiasts! Before @dghdafeedbackfest winds down, I (your humble mod Juniper) want to give a shout-out to all the wonderful beta readers in this fandom. Without your time, effort, and enthusiasm, DGDHA fanfic wouldn’t be nearly as rich, intriguing, absurd, and marvelous as it is.
That said, finding a beta isn’t always easy. It can be difficult to figure who to ask or how to ask them. Even if you’ve already got friends in the fandom, they might be too busy, or they’ve already got writing buddies, or their beta style doesn’t mesh with your writing needs, etc. etc. It takes guts to put yourself out there with a “looking for a beta” post.
SO! I’m hoping that this post can take some of the uncertainty out of the beta-finding process. If you’re willing to beta DGHDA fic, please reblog or reply to this post and add your name, any relevant details, and the best way for writers to contact you about betaing. (Even if you’re not volunteering to beta, signal boost reblogs can’t hurt.)
#not sure if this will work but trying it anyway!#dghda feedback fest#Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency#dghda#looking for a beta#beta search#beta appreciation
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Commenter appreciation
So I still have recs and things for @dghdafeedbackfest but I’ve had a heck of a day and I thought I’d try something different this time! While the fest is a focus on giving feedback to creators, I wanted to take a minute to show some appreciation for the people who show up pretty much without fail to comment on or generally enthuse about the things I create. I know for a fact that if you create in this fandom you’ll know most of these names, because they’re just that good at being supportive, wonderful people who I also know for a fact I wouldn’t still bother writing without.
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