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29 He/Him Ace I write tummy stuff sometimes
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dewdwrite · 2 days ago
Another one
Again, thank you to @grayc0dex for permission to post and inspiration.
It was time for the best part of any puppy girls' day. Belly rubs. She craved it more than anything else, and when she was good, her mistress spoiled her. The past few days, she had been very good. Her mistress's skilled hand pressed deep into her hollow midriff. The soft layer of puppy pudge nearly engulfed her mistress's hand. Despite eating more snacks than previous days, the lack of proper meals left her ravenous. "Good girl~" Her mistress cooed, feeling all the empty space in her plaything. Hunger made her puppy submissive and obedient just the way she wanted her.
The puppy's rambunctious belly quaked under her mistress's palm. Blushing brightly she licked her lips and figgled with her paws. The bedroom was filled with the sounds of her hunger. The tail between her legs swished back and forth. Her mistress pressed and rubbed even deeper. "Such a hungry puppy~" More muted groans and growls escaped her midriff as they were massaged out of her. It felt amazing. Stubborn hunger pangs were knocked loose causing satisfying rumbles of pure hunger the pair could feel. The intense vibrations made her whimper and moan. The poor puppy was approaching her limit. They both knew it, but that just meant she deserved these rubs more than ever. *How many more times would she let it growl like that before begging for a nice big bowl of food? Perhaps today is the day to really test her?*
I posted this but I did it very wrong and it was bothering me-
Poor hungry puppy, help rub her empty belly as she begs for a treat~
Another puppy pulled post- a continuation of the most recent drawing I did- might be a new reoccurring oc here
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dewdwrite · 2 days ago
A short blurb I wrote with permission from @grayc0dex Thanks for the inspiration
"Awwwww, poor puppy. Hungry already?" Her mistress cooed, looking down at her.
The soft whimper that escaped her mouth was barely audible over the growling of her stomach. It had been days of only morsels she had to beg on her knees for. She loved every second of it. The hunger pangs in her guts; the quaking roars of her hollow stomach, and the teasing from her mistress. All of it made her pant in excitment. Her mouth was coated in saliva at the thought of eating. The paw pressed firmly on her stomach did little to stifle the pangs of hunger. Her other paw was raised as she begged her mistress like so many times before. With pleading eyes and a wagging tail, she felt the familiar sensation of her insides squeezing. Below her ribs, she was completely hollow. The small treat she earned this morning had digested in minutes. The gentle audible groans of her guts pleading for more were constant.
Her midriff quaked against her paw as a long growl erupted from her stomach. She whimpered once again, feeling her legs quiver as she held herself up, determined to continue begging. The saliva in her mouth was nearly spilling out now as she panted. Still, she could only whimper and stare longingly, letting her body do all the talking. It was up to her mistress if she earned another treat…
Puppy pilled posting- Ive loved seeing all the soft puppy sonas floating around, so I made my own- thinking Ill name her Daisuke
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dewdwrite · 10 days ago
I have this debate every single time I write. If it's absent, that means I was "serious" writing.
hate enjoying onomatopoeia in hunger but knowing it’s wildly difficult to fit into writing without it seeing amateurish. like man, my brain for some godforsaken reason reads some shit like grrrooooaaaawrrrrl and all the neurons fire up at once, but like, it feels like it has no place in serious writing.
but i want to read those growls…
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dewdwrite · 26 days ago
You guys liked the last one, so have another. I'm proud of this one, and honestly, it feels more like a proper shipping fic than just kink writing.
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Dungeon delving wasn't exactly what Marcille had in mind after magic school but the group of misfits she found herself with were too good to pass up. Besides, she would never be able to investigate this dungeon on her own. It was filled to the brim with traps, monsters, and other adventures. She wasn’t made for this life though. She had a hard time adapting to the struggles of traveling.
They were deep into the dungeon now and this was the portion Marcille always dreaded the most. It wasn’t the danger or the distance from civilization, it was the fact they only had dry rations left. Rations were something she always struggled to stomach with her picky tastes. Hardtack was bland, difficult to eat and if you soaked it all you had was tasteless wet bread. Dried meat was tough and salty with little flavor. If you soaked that all you got was chewy wet meat and salt water to wash it down with. Dried fruits and nuts were alright but hardly enough to sustain a mage like her. Despite her size it was demanding on your body to use mana.
The party had been tracking a dragon that they were intending to kill. It was slow going and with low supplies the situation was growing dire. For now they could only rest and hope they accomplished their goal soon. Spirits would be low in most other groups but the Touden siblings had the uncanny ability to stay motivated no matter the odds. No one else had figured out if it was unwavering tenacity or just general stupidity.
Gathered around a small fire the group dug into the dried rations they all carried. Some with much more enthusiasm than others. Shuro and Namari were rather stoic, seeing eating as another task for survival than anything else. Laios and Falin however seemed to enjoy it just like any other meal. Both were eating with gusto like it was a fine meal. Laios was giving a speech about how they would find the dragon soon. The air was filled with his ramblings, fact after fact about red dragons.
Falin was sitting next to Marcille chewing and making soft satisfied sighs.The elf couldn’t believe how the tall women enjoyed any of this. She was soaking jerky and hardtack in her water cup and making an abomination you could loosely call beef stew. Marcille would have looked in horror if it was anyone else, but her deep seeded feelings for Falin made her actions tolerable. She was fishing out bites of her creation with her fingers and chewing it greedily. Marcille looked down at her own food in her lap. Despite her obvious hunger she had only managed a handful of nuts and half a piece of hardtack.
“Marcille, are you gonna eat that?” Falin asked, pointing to the uneaten rations in her lap.
Marcille couldn’t help but jump at the sudden attention from Falin. She quickly passed her portion of jerky to the tallwoman. “Yeah go ahead, I’m not very hungry.” She lied, passing her a piece of hardtack as well. She was actually starving, but she was already struggling to choke down even one piece of hardtack let alone three.
“Oh wow, thank you Marcille!” Falin exclaimed as she started to devour everything that was passed to her.
This meal was desperately needed as dull as it was. After days of walking they needed to try and keep their strength up for the final confrontation. As it went on Marcille passed more of her food to Falin until her lap was nearly as empty as her stomach. Sighing she drained her water cup along with the last few bits of hardtack grimacing as she swallowed. Falin sighed as well but for a different reason as she patted her stomach clearly quite satisfied.
The usual chatter around the fire persisted as the group questioned how Liaos could know so much and be so sure of this creature. Despite the odd leadership style the party functioned well together and they had confidence in the plan. Marcille was struggling to listen or even contribute much; she just wanted to rest. Soon enough that was the consensus as the party began to turn in for the night.
Marcille laid her bedroll right next to Falin’s and sat down beside her friend. Everyone was in the process of removing their outer layers of clothing and armor. Maricille was removing and folding her clothes into a pile before she gathered up Falin’s and did the same. “That was really good, I'm so full.” Falin said, laying back and resting her hands on her midriff.
Marcile finished laying out the clothes and sat beside her friend feeling content with her presence. “I'm glad, Falin, it's important to keep yourself fed so you can replenish your mana.” She said as she curled up pulling her legs closer to her chest. Her dinner of mostly water wasn’t sitting well in her stomach. She struggled to take basic care of herself but if Fallin was properly cared for that was usually enough for her.
Fallin looked at her friend with her usual eyes nearly shut expression of contentment. “You casted a lot more spells than me today. Would you like me to share some mana with you?” She asked, sitting up and looking down at the elf woman beside her.
“What? No, I’m fine you'll need it more than me!” Marcille practically shouted in utter disbelief.
“Oh well I just wanted to be sure. You said you weren't hungry, so I was worried you might have mana sickness.” Fallin said as she rubbed Marcilles back.
The touch sent a shockwave through her and she leaned into the tall-woman’s large hand. It nearly covered her entire shoulder blade and had a warmth that matched her caring personality. “I, I’m fine I’m just tired, a good night's sleep and I'll be all better. She said making excuses. Meanwhile she could already feel her stomach gurgling discontentedly at her meager meal.
“Ok if you say so.” Falin said softly. She was surprised at Marcille’s reaction, but trusted her friend's judgment. She didn’t pull her hand away though content with being close to her. “I think Laios will find the dragon soon and then will get to go back to town.”
“You think so? That would be really great.” Marcille replied, still distracted by the hand on her back. Just the idea of going back to town nearly brought tears of joy to her eyes. She craved actual food and a hot bath more than anything. For now though she’d settle for Falin comforting her.
“I know we will after we get this dragon.” Falin replied as if it was a simple task. Trying her best to support her friend. She patted Marcille’s back before laying back in her bedroll.
“I hope you’re right,” Marcille replied, letting her legs lay flat and pulling her spellbook in her lap. She struggled to read a few pages before giving up and laying back down. She was exhausted and a tight knot of hunger was forming in her stomach. She pulled her bulky book over top of it and let it weigh down her sunken midriff. She tried not to think about all the food she’d rather eat. How badly she wanted to get out of this dungeon again. Sighing, she turned her attention to Falin.
The tall-woman was laying down looking content as always. Her hands were resting on her stomach and a barely audible gurgling was filling the air between the two of them. “Hehe, so full.” Falin mumbled sleepily clearly in her own world on the verge of passing out. Marcille couldn’t help but smile seeing her so content and with so little too.
Marcille was anything but content. She was incredibly over tired and wasn’t sure when she’d be able to fall asleep. She grimaced as another wave of hunger pangs gnawed at her insides. She pressed her tome deeper into her midsection hoping it wouldn’t be too loud tonight. Her cheeks burned as she recalled many evenings like this where her underfed stomach would spend all night complaining.
Falin on the other hand was already snoring softly beside her. She'd eaten enough for two and despite the fact it wasn’t exactly a meal it was enough to sate her impressive appetite. The soft snores were accompanied by the low churning gurgles of her stomach breaking down the nearly indigestible rations.
Marcile didn’t understand it, hard tack sat in her stomach like stone. Her rapid metabolism didn’t seem anymore enthusiastic about it then she was. Falin however could eat only hardtack without even soaking it with ease. By the sounds of it she was digesting it just fine as well. Tall-women were so fascinating.. Well– one in particular was to her.
Her train of thought was broken by another wave of hunger that clawed through her insides. She pressed her book harder and muffled a long gurgling groan. Sighing, she glanced around the campsite. Everyone was already fast asleep. Soft breathing and not so soft snoring could be heard from all directions, still she was embarrassed at the idea of her stomach drowning it all out. She debated drinking more water but decided against it. If she had to get up to pee she definitely wouldn't sleep tonight.
She turned to Falin again, watching her sleep so comfortably. She cared so much for that woman. After spending their formative years together and now adventuring, it was hard to imagine life without her. Her presence made all the struggles and strife worth it. The tall-woman stirred in her sleep moving and turning on her side facing Marcille. Her soft steady breathing told the elf she was still asleep. Her eyes were shut so often it was hard to tell sometimes. Marcille stared at her and yearned to climb into her sleeping bag beside her. No, she couldn't disturb her slumber. Not for her own selfish reasons.
Her stomach broke her train of thought again. Its deep rumbling cry echoed inside Marcille’s hollow core. The sound went on for what seemed like an eternity as her body screamed for a proper meal. It wasn't just loud, it was painful making her flinch.
“Marcille?” Falins soft voice muffled still thick with sleep.
Marcille was frozen with embarrassment unsure if she should respond. It didn't really wake her up right? She thought to herself as Fallin looked over at her with mostly closed weary eyes.
“Are you hungry now?” The tall-woman asked, sitting up on her elbow.
“M-Me?” Marcille stammered unsure how she would explain.”Falin, I think you were dreaming. I'm no-” Her voice caught in her throat as Falin reached a hand over and rested it on her midriff. Her spell book sat beside her dropped and forgotten.
“Oh Marcille…” Falin whispered a hint of concern in her voice. Marcilles hunger was obvious. Healers had to be naturally intune with the body and were very familiar with all of its anatomy. Underneath Falins large gentle palm she could feel the restless churning of Marcilles insides searching for sustenance. She pressed down slightly frowning at the hollow space in her friend's stomach.
Marcille couldn't speak, not in this intimate moment where her bad habits had been found out. Even as Falin turned her attention away from her all she could do was lay there the feeling of guilt overwhelming her.
“Here this should help.” Falin said, passing a small sack to her friend. Marcille was still speechless and needed to be encouraged to open it. She couldn't believe it, inside was nearly a pound of dried berries and nuts.
“You always give me your hard tack. I started to feel bad. So I stopped eating these to give to you.” Fallin said with a warm smile.
Marcille could feel tears in the corners of her eyes. This small gesture had so much weight behind it. “You didn't have to do this.” She said, trying to keep her voice steady as she wiped her shirt sleeve across her face.
“You don't always eat.. and you'll need your strength to fight.” Fallin said, laying a reassuring hand on her friend's back.
Now Marcille was feeling even more guilty. Not only did Fallin notice but she even tried to help her. She couldn't hold it back anymore and wept softly holding the sack tight to her chest. “Thank you.” She croaked, worried that she didn't get the words out, they would lose meaning.
Fallin simply nodded and moved closer rubbing Marcilles back. Her friend was crying but it wasn't sadness, just an overwhelming moment. Fallin sat by and comforted Marcile like she always did. Falin wasn't sure if all elves were this emotional, or just her friend… it didn't matter. She was a healer and that meant helping someone when they were vulnerable. She held Marcille and whispered softly to her till she calmed down.
After Marcille was all cried out she got some water and began to slowly eat, savoring her gift. It wasn't a meal, rations never felt like one, but it was something solid she could tolerate. Slowly she felt the burning hunger inside her extinguish. With the obnoxious cries of her insides muffled she felt better, a little sleepy actually. “Thank you..” She said again.
Falin was already in the process of helping her lay down. “You should rest now. We've got lots to do tomorrow.” She said, stroking Marcille's hair. The elf nodded her baggy eyes finally closing with a look of contentment on her face.
Once Falin was sure Marcille was asleep she moved back onto her own bedroll for the night, both of them now full enough to sleep.
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dewdwrite · 1 month ago
A perfectly normal Dungeon Meshi fiction
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It seemed like every day they traveled in the dungeon it got more precarious. Traps were frequent and they ran into monsters nearly every other day. Laios was over the moon getting to fight and then babble on about the monsters they found for hours after the encounter. Senshi didn’t care as long as they could eat it. Marcille and Chilchuck on the other hand were less than excited at the thought of fighting monsters as well as eating them. If it wasn’t for bonds they forged together this party would have split long ago.
They had spent hours in a labyrinth that Chillchuck insisted needed to be searched for traps at every step. Progress was incredibly slow much to the satisfaction of his nerves and the disappointment of everyone else. It had been over a day since the last meal they shared and it was making them restless. Marcille was having a particularly hard time. After hours of tip toeing where the halfoot told her to, her knees were shaking and she was leaning heavily on her staff. She didn’t always eat her fill every night, despite how much energy she needed for traveling and spell casting. Her taste buds were fickle and if she couldn't get past the taste of something she couldn’t force herself to eat it. Combine her picky eating habits with Laios and Senshi’s nature to cook everything in sight and you got an underfed elf.
Marcille had been hungry for hours, since she woke up in fact. She only managed a few bites of last night's dinner, a questionable curry that had god’s know what in it. “Right here next, once I open this gate we should be in the clear.” Chillchucks voice brought Marcille back to reality. She looked where he was pointing and stepped carefully. Laios and Senshi followed one step behind mirroring the path. Chilchuck was preoccupied with a lock, the only sounds in the room were the clicks and clacks of his thieves' tools fiddling with the tumblers.
Another sound filled the halls of the labyrinth. A low droning growl that echoed off the floor and halls. Its point of origin was the stomach of a very exhausted Elf. This wasn’t the first time the entire party had heard Marcilles obnoxious digestive system, In fact it was a sound that they were so accustomed to they instantly recognised.
“Sounds like it's time to make camp Senshi.” Chillchuck said as he got the lock off and pushed the gate open. Marcille clutched a hand over her stomach as she followed behind the half foot with Laios and Senshi following close behind.
Marcile felt her cheeks burning with embarrassment and anger. She felt like she was always the reason they were stopping just because her stomach was the loudest. She took a moment to tighten the thin belt on her robe and compress her hollow stomach. “But we’ve hardly made any progress. We’re never going to find Falin if we keep traveling like this!” She said dramatically.
“Marcille, I want to find my sister just as bad as you do. Part of doing that is staying safe and well fed.” Liaos said
“We’re never going to find her if all we ever do is make camp and cook!” She replied, continuing to whine. Tears were starting to form in her eyes. “All we ever eat is gross food anyway.” she said, starting to sniffle.
Laios was a bit taken aback at her reaction, luckily Senshi stepped in before he could put his food in his mouth.
“Marcille, you didn’t seem to enjoy our meal much last night. Is there anything I could do to make this one more palatable for you? If you don’t eat you're going to get weak and that's bad for all of us.” Senshi said as he dug through his pack checking his ingredients.
Marcille sighed. Senshi was observant and blunt, but he was right. That curry was thick. All the odd ingredients were cut too small and the texture ended up like a spicy porridge. “I'd really like some soup.” She said, clutching a hand over her stomach. Another wave of hunger pangs gnawed at her insides as she thought about what she'd like to eat. “Not a stew. Something with a thin flavorful broth with lots of herbs and vegetables.” She was practically drooling as she spoke and she felt her insides undulating excitedly at her description.
Chillchuck groaned as she spoke. Marcille was the pickiest one out of the group and this wasn't the first time she described her ideal meal. She reminded him more of one of his daughters than a full fledged mage.“Will be able to make a safe camp in one of these passages. There should be enough space for us to fit and enough ventilation for a fire.” He said still focused on finding a place to actually make camp. The group, only partially distracted, managed to follow the halfoot and soon enough find an acceptable place to settle down.
Senshi was deep in thought as the others made camp. He spent the entire time muttering to himself and taking things out of his pack and pouches. “I think I can make you what you’re craving, Marcille.” She turned to him looking up from her spell book she was struggling to study. “Really Senshi?” she asked nearly in disbelief.
“Mhmm.” He nodded and set out a pot over the fire. “I've still got some of that meat from the Basilisk and the bones. I could make soup in just a few hours.
Marcilles eyes lit up at that promise and her stomach clenched with aching hunger. “You can?”
Senshi nodded and got to work.
First take the leftover Basilisk bones and put them in a pot to boil with all your spices. Chop your vegetables, leaving them in large pieces so they'll still have some crunch. Take the Basilisk breast and fry it in a pan with a little oil on both sides. Take it out early so it can finish cooking in the broth later. Strain the bones from the broth and toss them into the fire for good luck. Deglaze the pan with a bit of that bone broth. Stir it to get all the fond off the pan, then add your vegetables.Toss them in some more herbs and spices then add them to the pot with the meat. Let it simmer for a few hours and….it's done.
Marcille took a deep inhale of the steam coming from her bowl. It smelled exactly like chicken soup. Heavy on veggies, herbs and spices. Her stomach growled from the mouthwatering aroma and she brought a spoonful up to her lips trying the broth first. Her eyes went wide before closing in pure bliss. It was exactly like what her mother would make for her. She moved the spoon aside and took two big gulps of the rich broth. She felt it land in her empty stomach and it gurgled joyfully. “This is just what I wanted, Senshi , thank you.” She said as tears formed in the corners of her eyes.
Senshi gave an appreciative nod as he spooned out portions for the rest of the party as well as himself. “I’m not used to cooking elven style cuisine so I'm not as practiced. I’ll try to keep your palette in mind more in the future.” As he spoke Marcille could barely hear him, she was so enthralled by the act of eating a meal she actually enjoyed.
She was the first to ask for a second helping which Senshi happily obliged. The meat was soft and broke into strands and the veggies were large with just a bit of crunch, she couldn’t stop eating. It was after her third bowl that the feeling of fullness actually hit her. She could actually feel her upper stomach pressing against the inside of her robe. The thin belt that she tightened around herself hours earlier was digging into her midriff and she subtly loosened it.
After a few minutes she excused herself to her bedroll. She frequently felt self conscious being the only woman in the party. She was given space whenever she asked for it. Which she was always grateful for, especially now as her stomach groaned ominously. Her insides were churning the massive amount of food she crammed into it. It didn't quite hurt, not that she was familiar with the sensation of a stomach ache from overeating, but it felt…taxing. The suddenness of going from absolutely starving to full happened much too quickly.
Laying on her back she tried to distract herself from this foreign sensation by reading her spell book once again. Similar to last time her stomach was too vocal to be ignored, but for a much different reason. The weight of it pressing down on her thin frame was enough to force her to turn on her side. She could feel the contents of her stomach shift with her entire body and it produced another wide array of noises as she did.
Despite loosening her belt earlier her robes still felt tight and restrictive. She glanced back over at the party for a moment before starting to remove her outer layer of clothes. Her robes alone were three layers of warm cotton fabric to keep herself warm. Underneath it was another layer of fine white cotton she typically slept in, It was much looser, hanging on her body slightly. A wave of relief washed over her as her midriff had room to breath. Satisfied she carefully folded up her robes and took her spell book back out.
Her guts worked overtime to break down her meal, churning audibly. It was an odd sensation to be so focused and intune with your body. She put a hand over her mouth to suppress a hiccup, another clear sign she ate too fast. Reading was a struggle, her eyes wouldn't stay open. The exhaustion of the day caught up with her and her body was begging to do nothing but digest. Closing her spellbook she finally gave in with a sigh. She was already fading in and out of consciousness sitting up. After laying down she was out in minutes snoring softly.
As she slept her soft snoring was overshadowed by her tumultuous insides. The soup was being boiled all over again making her body warm content. The sounds were audible all through the camp but it was preferable to the usual discontent growling of her stomach going underfed. If anything these sounds were a soothing white noise that lulled the entire party into a proper slumber.
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