& nothing matters in the end
74 posts
Devlin. 27. Semi-retired hunter. Ready 4 death.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
devlinclery · 7 years ago
“You said that, in between all the sobs. Really tried to pull out all the stops. Zeke? Zeke? Nah, don’t know any Zekes’ associated with big dick anything. You drunk already?”
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“I had my tear ducts removed when I was five, nice try though. Wow, brutal. You didn’t even give the man a chance to defend himself. I wish I were drunk, we made the wrong call with the clocktower. We should have gone with the other idiots who holed up at the bar; we’d be dead, but at least we’d be happy.”
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devlinclery · 7 years ago
One thing Sybil did not handle well was threats against her and her family. She had been around a thousand years and in that time she knew that storms like this were not natural. It had to be because of magic. A storm of this size caused by magic made her suspect that this was indeed a threat against her family. Whoever was responsible would answer and she intended to find out who was responsible for this. Heat prickled her back as someone grew too close for her liking and Sybil turned around. “You better have a good reason for approaching me.” Her voice was hard with barely suppressed anger. 
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“How about this one: we’re all too close for comfort and you just happen to be standing by the only place I can blow smoke without having an angry soccer mom screaming about giving her kids lung cancer.”
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Clock Tower
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devlinclery · 7 years ago
It’s a little water… it’d be gone soon. Like a barely encouraging mantra it circled Caitlyn’s mind as she kept mostly to herself, lingering within eerily cast shadows of flickering light filtered through clouds above. Better to drive herself insane with such a thought than paying mind to the hinted burn at the back of her throat. It was nothing, she could manage. “I’m fine.” Spoken harshly as someone came a little too close for comfort. Blinking, she looked up just in time to witness the confused look on their face, “You didn’t ask..– you didn’t even say anything. Sorry, I’m just..– what are we meant to do up here?” Little help to offer, no way out; it left her a little off kilter, uncertain of what she could put her mind to in some mild, passing distraction.
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"Are you though?” Doubt lingered in his tone as the hunter watched this woman stumble through an apology and then attempt to recover. Fleetingly amusing at best, awfully suspect at worst. Though Devlin never constituted the paranoid type. “You’re right, I didn’t ask, but color me curious now. What’s got you all bent out of shape, other than distinct boredom?”
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devlinclery · 7 years ago
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“All I remember is you crying about wanting to see the Empire State building. If this is anything like that, which one of these beasts can put me out of my misery.”
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"I just really needed you to see my favorite phallic shaped object in person. Speaking of big dick energy, where did our Zeke run off to? I swear he did this on purpose just to get away from us. So tragic.”
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devlinclery · 7 years ago
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                 Ines was pissed to say the least, to once again be stuck in the very place she had been trapped in all but a few weeks ago. It was fair to say the clock tower would never be home to any good memories. Nevertheless instead of moping about the situation she took to keeping herself busy, paramedic kit strapped to her back she had gone about checking everyone that had been injured along the way. “Hey — you can stand there brooding in the corner all you want, but it’s not going to get you out any faster. So how’s about you do us all a favor and give me a hand, would you?” Ines remarked, as she motioned to the very obviously inebriated large man the sat slumped on the steps clearly unconscious. 
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Not to say Devlin was particularly brooding, so much as he peered out over the town whilst it washed away in the rain and contemplated at least eight things he would rather be doing. “Let me get this straight, you want me to help you disturb that man’s very peaceful slumber just so you can take his blood pressure, tell him he’s way over his BMI, and send him on his way? I’d rather continue sulking, so thanks but no thanks.”
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devlinclery · 7 years ago
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"I love a good natural disaster, being trapped with things that can kill us... it reminds me of that time we went to New York. Romantic.” @trippblais
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devlinclery · 7 years ago
Jude huffed because the semantics caught him there, but he didn’t argue again. “A negative Yelp review? Does this town even have Yelp?” He should’ve thought of that sooner, but the laugh that escaped him was close to being real, “You’d really leave one? Fine, what do you want, Dev?” His posture relaxed a bit more, moving back towards one of the tables as he sat down, “Go make whatever you want – I’m not on the clock.”
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"Don’t know, don’t care. I’ll make one if I have to.” Against instructions, he approached the other male rather than sauntering around the counter whilst eyes flitted over Jude’s face. “What do you have for anxiety over needing to apologize for your own behavior?” Not that he intended to verbally say the words, but the half-assed sentiment remained. Though it entirely escaped Devlin as to why he cared in the first place. “We got off to a bad start, didn’t we?”
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devlinclery · 7 years ago
Lana rolled her eyes as Dev spoke on, but chose not respond until the two were at the front door of her place. “You’re getting an explanation, which is why I’ve brought you here.” She unlocked the door and pulled him in. She knew she was being more aggressive than need be, but a part of her was panicking: Lana didn’t know what was going to happen. She’d been in East End for a year, far enough away from anyone who could possibly know who she or her family actually was. Lana sighed and motioned for Dev to take a seat on the couch as she moved to the kitchen to get water. When she returned, she took a large gulp before speaking. “I don’t know where to start. I wasn’t avoiding you, first off. I just…fell into some trouble.” 
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"This doesn’t feel like an explanation, it feels like you luring me away to harvest my organs. Just talk, Lana.” Despite his better judgment and feeling as though this entire little demonstration was purely for his benefit and would hold no true substance, the hunter took a seat on her couch with a raised brow. “From the beginning,” he inserted, though allowed her to continue her short ramble before hues rolled towards the ceiling above. “Trouble for you usually meant trouble for me, so what changed there?”
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devlinclery · 7 years ago
Jude crossed his arms over chest, trying to look as indignant as he felt. He had a feeling it wasn’t working. Instead, he just rolled his eyes, standing his ground as the other stood there, “How do I find you people?” He snatched the cup off the counter that he made for himself, forcing a smile onto his face, “Here. I insist.”
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"Technically I found you.” His own smirk cracked at the edges while witnessing the other’s behavior, a genuine smile threatening to seep forth if Dev wasn’t careful enough to swallow it. “See that feels like a really piss poor attempt at shoving me out the door and I’m sure you’d hate to receive a negative Yelp review. Come on, Jude... Humor me a little here.”
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devlinclery · 7 years ago
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Flaunt Magazine 2018.
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devlinclery · 7 years ago
“Keep your voice down,” Lana said in a low voice, looking around to see if anyone might have overheard them. It was amazing how news from New York had reached a hunter in East End, but then news generally tended to move quickly among hunters –– especially is it concerned their own. Presumed dead. The thought saddened: her parents and siblings back home, dealing with the death of daughter that was very much alive. You’re a coward. No, she reminded herself. She was just trying to stay alive. 
Lana sighed as brown eyes turned back to one of her oldest hunting partners, shock and panic suddenly taking over. What was he doing here, of all the places he could be in the world? Your luck really is shit. Not wanting to attract any attention, or risk someone overhearing them, Lana grabbed Dev by the arm and started dragging him in the direction of her apartment. “We need to talk. Come on.” 
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"Why? Afraid somebody might take a keen interest in your reemergence?” Lana probably held every rational, well versed reason for why she suddenly dropped off the face of the planet for so long. Still, that hardly stopped the bitterness from seeping into his tone--- though the argument could be made that Devlin simply dripped it from every pore without intention. “Yeah I’d say we’re about two years overdue for a chat.” He allowed her to drag him in an unfamiliar direction towards an apartment that meant nothing to the hunter, his chest hollow with a lack of memories to fill the void in this place. “Do I get an explanation or should I just assume you were trying to avoid me?”
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devlinclery · 7 years ago
“Pretty boys are overrated. Too high maintenance. So the point still stands.” Roscoe mock grimaced, grabbing the duffel bag with his latest gadgets in them. He nodded his head towards his truck. “Yeah, well, you know what they say about curiosity and cats. Sooner or later they’ll poke around somewhere they don’t like.” Depositing the bag in the bag, he grabbed a half-filled bottle of whiskey and held it up. “Let’s bring this too.”
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"Don’t let him hear that you just called the guy high maintenance, he might have a coronary.” As if Devlin himself wouldn’t laud that over Zeke’s head until the end of time. “Ah yes, but while curiosity killed the cat... Satisfaction brought him back. I’ll take my nine lives, thank you very much.” He smirked while near trotting over to the other’s vehicle. “I, too, love handling dangerous weapons and explosives while inebriated. Great choice.”
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devlinclery · 7 years ago
“Oh yeah, it’s ten times more creative. And definitely sends the message across.” Jason grinned. “That’s why I won’t go around applying for it. I might as well go and apply to be a stripper, that pays more.”
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"It takes all that time and concentrated effort, somebody has to appreciate them.” Devlin nodded, head canting side to side in consideration. “For the best. Are you really that strapped for cash that you’re out here applying for nudie jobs?”
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devlinclery · 7 years ago
“Eh, still think you would leave a bad taste in my mouth. When it suits me, I’m a selfish prick don’t you remember? But let’s not pretend you’re Mr. Innocent yourself. All that grease in your hair tells otherwise, slimeball.”
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"Now that’s just hurtful, hasn’t anyone ever taught you manners? It’s like looking in a mirror. Yes, yes, I’m semi-retired yet I still get more done in a day than you do in a week. Which reminds me, did you ever use the light bombs I made you or are they sitting unused in a box with the rest of your ambition?”
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devlinclery · 7 years ago
“Can’t you see the sign that says closed?” Jude put his hands on his hips, standing in the middle of his store. “I’m not open for another….thirty minutes. Why are you up this early?” The clock said five am, and Jude had gotten a handful of hours of sleep before he’d forced himself out of bed. Now, he had a visitor and he definitely wasn’t used to that this early. However, he wasn’t going to kick the man out, either. Jude sighed, rubbing his jaw for a moment, “You want something?”
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“I know what it says, I just opted for the ignorance card.” Perhaps he should have been kinder considering the turn that their last conversation took when callousness came to play, but gentle demeanor wasn’t quite in his DNA anymore. “I’m always up this early. Call it a bad habit.” Spilled over from his more active hunting days, Devlin woke with the first signs of dawn and remained as such until night fell. “The sign says tea, doesn’t it?”
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devlinclery · 7 years ago
all of them ;)
Send ✉ for an 2 AM text
Text: Where have you been for the past two years?
Send ✘ for an unsent text
Unsent Text: Do you realize I stopped hunting without you?Text: I literally do not care. Just pick a weapon of the day and meet me.
Send ☠ for a threatening message
Text: I know your secret.Text: How far would you go to make sure I don’t spill it to the world?
Send ❤ for a lusty/loving/affectionate message
Text: Not that I’m saying you’re hot with blood on you... Text: But you’re hot with blood on you.
Send ♣ for a drunk message
Text: So tiny awlways tryingg to fight! enough!
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devlinclery · 7 years ago
✉ Ransome
Send ✉ for an 2 AM text
Text: I can’t fucking sleep and I know your degenerate ass is awake. Text: Let’s kill something.
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