art academia manifestations
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Whistle While You Work || Gryn
How do you whistle?
Well - that was… an odd question as it was, but even odder of a question to get signed from one, definitely deaf, Devyn Morey. Gregory raised a brow gently, scratching his thumb across his cheek as he contemplated exactly.. how he was meant to answer that.
Well.. do you mean in general? Like - … It’s just.. basically passing air through your lips?
It wasn’t that simple, of course. Gregory actually wasn’t terribly good at whistling himself, honestly but - that was the principle of it all.
Devyn Morey narrowed their eyes at Gregory Eeyore for how blasé he seemed to think the question at hand was. This was a serious matter! Devyn didn’t want to miss out on something just because they were missing a part of their ear that changed waves into sound. It was unfair!
“I want to learn how to whistle, Greg! This is important to me!” Devyn insisted as they attempted to do as he had said and ‘pass air through their lips’ which ultimately resulted in Devyn simply blowing air up into Greg’s face (or, well, toward his face given Gregory Eeyore was a ridiculous 6′4″ and Devyn was a respectful 5′10″).
“Did I do it?”
#I get so many cute names with greg other than the Tony & Greg one#what's up with that?#[ ft. gregory ]
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Not Queen Bee {Lovyn}
Dolores: Oh yeah more than fine. Dolores: Making plans to have a game night honestly.
Devyn: That sounds like a lot of fun! Devyn: Well I’m not doing anything tonight if you want to hang out!
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Not Queen Bee {Open Text}
Dolores: I thought I might want to go after the fact but at this rate I don’t think I’m going to the after party either. Dolores: Didn’t think I was gonna be bummed
Devyn: Are you OK? Devyn: 🥺 Devyn: I can bring something over to Casita?
#devyn: doesn't know dolores personally#also devyn: 🥺 i help?#[ text ]#[ ft. dolores ]#[ t. not queen bee ]
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Whistle While You Work || Open
Devyn Morey was Deaf, with a very important capital D. This often meant that they missed things and one of those things was whistling. They’d heard of it, knew of it in pop culture and such, but they had no clue how people did it. Devyn wasn’t even sure why the thought had crossed their mind today about how whistling worked or why it would even matter if they did know how to do it because they wouldn’t be able to hear it anyway but that fact didn’t deter them from learning this very odd, very useless skill!
Devyn did what they did probably best: They stopped the next person they saw with no shame and asked them how!
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Detour || Silly Rabbit
She waited until Devyn had chosen what they wished to eat before taking a pamonha for herself. “Please, just call me Jessica. Or Jess. Whichever you prefer.” She thought the gesture of respect was sweet from the youngest Morey, but considering how much of their life she had watched over already she didn’t feel it was necessary.
“Yes, Dian was a year below me in school so we overlapped a little bit but we didn’t know each other well. But each new brother did make it exciting when you all would come into a restaurant I was serving at when i was in my teens and my twenties.” She wasn’t sure if any of them had remembered that, but she’d always paid closer attention when she was serving the Moreys. She’d liked to hear the little pieces of their stories whenever she could. “I became friends with Mads and Isaac when we were all adults.”
“Jess! Lovely!” Devyn grinned broadly as they spelled out her name. They weren’t close enough yet that Devyn was sure what sort of name sign would fit but they imagined one would be on the horizon, especially since their siblings all talked about her so often. “I didn’t want to be rude and call you by your first name if you didn’t like it. If it’s easier you can call me by my name sign.” Devyn then demonstrated it for ease. Anything to make communication quicker and less daunting.
Hearing stories about their brothers wasn’t new by any means, Devyn had heard a thousand of them over the years. Between teachers and family friends and just general citizens of whimsical Swynlake it was hard to avoid. They were a big bunch and Devyn was the baby, it was bound to happen. So they smiled and nodded, glad to hear Jess’ take on the situation. “You always made the best shakes! I remember that now!” Devyn had quite the sweet tooth. “Mads liked to drag me along, though maybe drag is the wrong word! Never a complaint about your help!”
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The Rain Has Gone? || Gouache
The magic drain hadn’t effected Grey as much as others, her magic was physical, and her wings were already a nuisance more than they were an asset. Their size made them almost purely decorative, because it was too exhausting to fly everywhere. So, when the drain started to effect people, she didn’t really notice. She’s always been clumsy, and a little ditzy, so she didn’t recognize the symptoms as anything other than normal.
“I’m okay,” she replied, with a sigh and a shrug, “tired, definitely. What about you? I can’t even imagine.” Devyn has such a wonderful gift, that helps them do the thing they love most, to have that disappear has to be extremely scary and frustrating. Unlike other people who are finally feeling normal for the first time and enjoying it.
Devyn winced at the question, knowing that Grey was under a completely different point of view of Devyn’s situation. Devyn was glad, however, that she at least didn’t seem like she was suffering from this. It made them feel much less guilty about what they were about to say.
“To be honest? I’m kind of glad my powers are gone. I don’t like confusing people and I just really want to spend my time clear-headed. I’ve never felt less confused!“ They glanced around guiltily again, making sure no one was paying him any mind. “I kind of hope I don’t get my powers back once it’s over...”
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Detour || Silly Rabbit
For a moment she thought about trying to explain that a pamonha was similar to a Mexican tamale, but she realized she didn’t know the sign for that either. So she kept her explanation more basic. “Pamonhas aren’t always Kosher so its a good thing to check since some people put meat in them. But mine are since I kept them basic, so it’s mostly corn and dairy.”
Figuring this would also help, she pulled out both the Pão de Queijo and the pamonhas so he could have the visual reference while she signed her explanation. She wasn’t perfect at the rules of Kosher, but she tried to keep track of the main ones from when she had been delivering food to the Moreys in the wake of Dian’s disappearance. It wouldn’t have helped any of the out if she was trying to save them the effort of cooking only to make something that members of the family couldn’t eat so they had to cook anyway.
Devyn inspected the food carefully, nodding at Jess’ explanation. They knew that Jess was kind enough to help out, but Dev couldn’t have been certain she had known which of the brothers was on the Kosher diet, plus beef wasn’t exactly a popular choice in their household anyway. It was comforting, at least, to know that she did seem to know things about him.
“Thank you, Miss Rabbit, for explaining. It can be a bit difficult to ask sometimes but I know Mads and Isaac”—Here Devyn both spelled out their names, followed by their name signs—“really trust you. Plus you were in school with Dian, right? That must’ve been something when the Moreys just kept adding kids to the house!” Devyn reached for one of the food items and began to munch on it. They really had been working all day!
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♥ 163 likes DopeyDevyn: #shoutout to @swynlakesunburst for the new ink! The first image is the tattoo (all healed up finally) and the other 2 are me playing around with facepaint to decorate the canvas! 😊🎨🖌️🖼️
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The Rain Has Gone? || Gouache
Devyn Morey needed advice from someone that was affected by the magic drain but not a member of his family but also not a sorcerer or werewolf or vampire or pixie or cursed storybook prince where this was, like, life threatening if the magic went away for good. Which, well, made their options pretty limited. They texted Grey to meet them at Chippamunka’s so that they could eat while they spoke and added a quick TBH: I need to vent and I need advice. Milkshakes will help with that.
They sat in a back booth where their conversation could be a little more covert and waved Grey over once they saw her. They glanced around to be sure none of their other friends or siblings were nearby and then leaned forward in their seat conspiratorially. “Hi! I guess to start off I need to know how you are handling this whole magic crisis thing that’s going on. Are you OK?”
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Protect Your He(art) | Devanna
Anna wished there was more she could do, with all this stuff in the news about magic. It wasn’t affecting her at all, because she was a Mundus, but actually, it was totally affecting her, because she was really worried about everyone! Her sister, her friends, her coworkers… she really needed to feel like she was helping in some way.
So when she saw that there were fundraising efforts happening, Anna was eager to jump in. She remembered what that woman at the lake had said about art, and while Anna didn’t really have a specific talent she was all that good at, she knew someone who did. And one of her favorite things to do with Devyn, anyway, was art.
“Okay, so I brought a ton of supplies,” Anna said, spreading out poster boards, markers, glitter pens, stickers, and paints over the table. “I’m thinking we just… make some things to spread awareness? And maybe we can put some QR codes to donate on them too?”
Devyn was feeling rather guilty about the whole magic drain. Sure, they were worried about the local Hollow and the sort of people on whose magic they relied for existence (wasn’t that a whole thing for vampires? Dev was 90% sure Dian was in danger here). That all was very scary for Devyn. This town relied on magic, Devyn celebrated Magicks of all sorts. They didn’t have any fear over any one particular group even!
But, on the other hand, this was the clearest Devyn’s mind had ever felt.
Devyn was able to focus more, get more done, take in information as though a fog had been lifted from in front of their eyes. It was almost as if their confusion waves had a permanent aura that they had been entirely unaware of prior to all of this and they were seeing the world for the first time ever.
Of course, Anna wanted to help fix it. Devyn also wanted to help fix it... in theory. The theory being maybe this town would figure out a way to bottle this feeling for Devyn to keep applying once the crisis was over on themself.
That was probably something that Devyn shouldn’t tell people, namely Anna.
“QR codes and slogans are definitely doable! I love how involved you are, Anna. You’re always so dedicated.” And Devyn meant it, truly, even if the secret part of them really wasn’t sure how they could go back to being so oblivious. “Is there any colour scheme you’d like to stick to? I don’t know if I know what sort of colour screams ‘MAGIC EMERGENCY’... Maybe red and purple?”
[ Outfit ]
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Daisy Chains and Flower Crowns || Dolaf
Ah, yes, Olaf had been here before!
Luckily, when you were a fairy, you made a flower crown for most things, and you had an endless supply… well, not endless, it was never good to waste. But here, that was even more true, since the Grove could only spare so many, and it was for the entire town.
“There are,” said Olaf. He gaze at the flowers. “Hmm… well, are you making the flowers for anyone in particular? Or do you have something you’d like to say? That can help narrow down the options.”
“Well I’d like to make one for Anna who likes sunflowers but I don’t want to rely on just those because that’d be a pretty plain flower crown and she deserves something beautiful! I’m pretty good with color mixing with paint but I guess flowers are different. Plus they all have different meanings than colors do and—” Devyn stopped, realizing they were probably rambling and signing too quickly.
“Sorry... What do you suggest?”
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Detour || Silly Rabbit
“Feel free to stop by if you want something a little different than what you can get at uni, I’m sure your brothers have told you that I have a habit of cooking far too much. Anna is welcome as well.” She wasn’t as close to Devyn as she was to Mads and Isaac, but she had heard plenty about all of the Moreys in that time so she was aware of the relationship.
“I have-” she paused, realizing that she wasn’t entirely sure how to spell out Pão de Queijo in sign, “cheese bread balls. Or I have some pamonhas on hand if you want something a little more substantial.”
Devyn was well aware of Jess’ tendency toward cooking, Mads and Isaac had both mentioned it in the past, but he had yet to really see it for himself. Devyn wasn’t sure on all the rules associated with hanging out with one’s siblings’ friends but they hadn’t concerned themselves with them either. Jessica was nice, they knew that at least.
The words Jess signed were unfamiliar and Devyn tilted their head as they tried to piece that together. “Are those Kosher? I don’t know if Isaac or Mads mentioned it but I eat Kosher when possible. Mostly the bigger rules but still. I appreciate the offer either way.” They hoped they didn’t come across as rude.
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Change of Scenery // Edwyn
“I would hardly claim it messy, if only that I far prefer the term comfortable,” Edward offered reassuringly; there was something about how welcoming that shared spaced filled with memories woven into objects and their stories that he quite liked. Maybe that was being so far from his own home so long, but rebuilding one there in such an unexpected way had been a grounding spot in his otherwise scattered life.
There were, however, a few downsides to that home being occupied by two people with a habit of being disorganized and distracted in the square footage of a single room, he noted while grabbing for the geode from the Rock Shoppe opening and catching it as the shimmery object tipped off the shelf and had to be placed back among the boxes in a more stable spot.
“Well, perhaps a bit more care in putting things away, by the both of us.” He laughed with the words; it hadn’t crossed his mind before until then but once it had Edward was left with the admission, “I must confess it never reached my thoughts in the castle, seeing to the space of things and fitting it all together; there was little need to. Castles and dorm rooms are quite a bit different though.”
And if he were to be fully honest; Edward had never been the one to clean much of anything aside from his own room, mother had always insisted he do that at least, so he wasn’t the most organized in the first place.
Devyn really had lucked out in the roommate department. Some people hated their roommate, some were indifferent, but Devyn and Edward had become thick as thieves straight away. He didn’t know what life in the dorms would be like without him and Devyn certainly didn’t want to find out. Truthfully going to the Morey house for holiday had been an odd experience given both the social climate and the absence of Edward’s presence.
“Castles have people to clean up the mess I guess. Must be nice. You’d think I’d be neater since we all had chores growing up but I guess I didn’t learn much. Drove Dian nuts when I lived there since he’s a doctor, they have to be tidy by trade.” Dev grinned at the memories, even if they felt more bittersweet these days. “Guess we kinda live in a castle since the school used to be one! Closest thing to another castle I’d ever live in is Castle Suites, it’s an apartment complex in town. A bit pricey but it’s good! Isaac lives there!”
Devyn had never attempted to live an apartment aside from the occasional stay with their siblings but discussing it brought an idea to mind. “Hey! What if we apply to live there at the end of the year?! We’d have so much more space!”
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This may take a moment || Heryn
Hera’s powerlessness was becoming very annoying.
At first it had taken her a while to gather her reagents, even the easiest of things slipping from the tip of her wand as though it were coated in oil. Gathering reagents was childsplay - or it should have been. But for some reason her reagent hunting took twice as long as it usually did, and she always felt as though the quality of the things she had collected wasn’t quite as high as it otherwise would be. She didn’t like to agitate reagents, if she could help it. The gentler you were with them the better.
And now it was as though her vision was slipping. She had attended a wedding of one of her clients, told she could collect as many reagents as she liked in exchange for her services, and when she had gotten there… the Bride’s Blush had been a muted pink, not the vibrant, neon glowing it usually was. She had only just been able to make out the golden shimmer of Fatherly Love during the father-daughter dance, and at the end of the reception she came away with half her collecting jars still empty.
But she was still taking clients. Firstly, because she was quite sure she could still carry out her work. But also because she didn’t really have any other form of income – if she wanted to pay her bills, she needed clients.
She opened the door to Devyn Morey, smiling, as though nothing in the slightest was wrong. “Come in, please - have a seat in the living room, and we can talk about what you’re here for. You mentioned a charm, is that right?”
Devyn wanted to do something nice for Anna. They felt as though they had been too focused on their move to an apartment and all of their family things that perhaps Anna needed an extra reminder that Devyn loved her. She was working on her new internship and she seemed just as driven as she ever was and Devyn hoped that perhaps a charm from Ms Alexander would give Anna the boost she needed both in their relationship and in her goals as a whole.
Perhaps Devyn was a bit too optimistic in the abilities of magic, especially right now.
See Devyn had felt more clear-headed than they had in their entire life. They had only noticed explicitly this sort of change when they learned BSL from Dian after their move to Swynlake when they were ten and the world had started to make a little more sense. They didn’t have the wherewithal to connect the dots between the drain and their abilities, though, for Devyn was still a very reactionary individual versus a introspective one.
Pulling up to Hera’s place of business, Devyn smiled and waved politely. They had pre-written a short explanation in their phone to kick them off.
Hello, Ms Alexander! I was hoping that I could get some kind of charm for my girlfriend Anna Sommers that would help her with her self-love and self-confidence! She’s doing an internship with the Town Board and wants to do politics going forward so I thought maybe some sort of Love Magic Charm might be the ticket to help her succeed! Thank you for meeting with me!
#sorry had to change their name since i have a hevyn already#[ ft. hera ]#[ t. this may take a moment ]#swyntask
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you are my sunshine ☀️🌻
— Request for @crowdsink
The request was for an ENFP moodboard which was fun because it left lots of room for interpretation!
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Look What The Cat Dragged In || Ivyn
Isaac was aware of that sound and the little shuffle to that bag, but he decided to wait on asking since Devyn launched right into an entire conversation before he had a chance to really expect it. He was practiced enough at it from the years to know how to tune out a bit of the bold flares of color that always marked Devyn’s emotions -honestly out of all his siblings it was always Devyn who lit everything up around him with the intensity that didn’t need words to be expressed with sharp clarity- and focus more on what he was communicating instead.
’You’re not petty, Dev, you’re upset, and you have every right to be. I didn’t…call Mads first to tell him; I told him because he showed up at my apartment looking…sick. The way he does when he gets too wrapped up in the emotions around him; and with everyone so worried I was afraid not telling him would start to make him a lot sicker.’ He explained, but that motive aside, there was still more to address and Devyn had come there for answers.
‘But that aside, I’m sorry I hurt your feelings, I didn’t want to hurt you or anyone else. I would never try to hurt any of you on purpose. And if you need to be angry at me or anything else, okay; I know why and I’m sorry for that too. I do trust you Dev, I know I didn’t do a very good job of showing you that though, but I’ll try to make that up to you and I won’t leave you out of things like that again.’ It was another in the long list of apologies he had been making lately, each one earnest though, each one trying to hold together the people he cared about; chances were most of them would forgive him a long time before Isaac would forgive himself.
’I was afraid for Dian,’ he admitted; if Devyn wanted the truth to it all then he would give him that. ’It’s something I can’t understand what it’s like to go through, but he was afraid too and I remember how it felt a little like that for me too when I found out I was a Magick and I didn’t know if I might hurt someone by accident. It’s not the same, but I thought if he had a little time to realize it was going to be okay without worrying about the rest of us maybe he’d come home sooner.’ The problem was it hadn’t gone that way, and as the weeks drug onward Isaac watched everyone around him suffer; guilty in being a part of it. ’I’m not sure what the right thing to do was, I don’t think there really was one; so I’m just…sorry Dev, I really am.’
Devyn waited through Isaac’s words without interruption, not once. Devyn wanted to give Iz the chance to figure it all out and to make sure that things were going to be over and done with. Devyn didn’t want to drag anything out or mince words where they didn’t need to. He knew that Isaac was sorry, knew that their brother was more than capable of making choices, because Devyn had looked the other brothers in the eye and seen the way they reacted to the whole scenario.
Mads especially had seemed particularly remorseful to the point of offering Devyn to commit violence which hadn’t quite sat right with the youngest Morey.
“As long as you’re not under the impression that I’m some dumb kid who can’t handle hard things.” Devyn raised a brow. “Because I love you, Iz, I love all of you, and even when I’m mad I love all of you. I’m not gonna try to talk pretty or yell because right now I’m tired of all of us fighting.” It really had been such a long fight both before and after the truth had come out.
“Instead I’ll accept your apology under one condition.” They glanced toward the duffle, unsure if this was the time to open it or not but they supposed so. “You’ll need to watch over little Mew Morey for the time being, OK?” They unzipped the bag, unveiling the sphynx cat inside who looked wildly confused by the new location. Hey, Devyn thought they were going pretty easy on their big brother. He was only making Isaac look after a cat!
[ Mew ]
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