detroit-become-pan · 4 years
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rights received
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detroit-become-pan · 4 years
Did you see Megan’s header!?!! Beyoncé as Bakugo got me whylinnnnnn
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the baddest duo in the game
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detroit-become-pan · 4 years
Citra is REALLY bad at meowing. She sounds like a broken party favor when she remembers to actually meow.
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detroit-become-pan · 4 years
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Bakugou felt so attacked he left him on read!! 💘💘
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detroit-become-pan · 4 years
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Reblog to make a transphobe uncomfortable eating M&M’s
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detroit-become-pan · 4 years
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tdbk month // day 3 // music
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detroit-become-pan · 4 years
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When you’re in the 1400’s Florence and your buddy starts coughing
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detroit-become-pan · 4 years
Don’t trust morning you. Morning you is a dick. Morning you would sell your loved ones if it got them 5 minutes of extra sleep
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detroit-become-pan · 4 years
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detroit-become-pan · 4 years
there is no medical component to a trans kid transitioning
if a little trans boy comes out to his parents & is like 4 all youd do for his transition is cut his hair, buy a new wardrobe, & switch pronouns & possibly change names
no one is gonna put a little 4 year old on testosterone OR puberty blockers until theyre actually about to start puberty & then they give them a few years to really decide if they want to start hormones
a trans kid existing isnt “child abuse.” child abuse is refusing to let your kid live their lives as they truly are & forcing them to present as a gender they arent
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detroit-become-pan · 4 years
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detroit-become-pan · 4 years
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The Himba (singular: OmuHimba, plural: OvaHimba) are indigenous peoples with an estimated population of about 50,000 people living in northern Namibia, in the Kunene Region (formerly Kaokoland) and on the other side of the Kunene River in Angola. The OvaHimba are a semi-nomadic, pastoralist people, culturally distinguishable from the Herero people in northern Namibia and southern Angola, and speak OtjiHimba, a variety of Herero, which belongs to the Bantu family within Niger–Congo. The OvaHimba are considered the last (semi-) nomadic people of Namibia.
The Himba often cover themselves with otjize paste, a cosmetic mixture of butterfat and ochre pigment, to cleanse the skin over long periods due to water scarcity and protect themselves from the extremely hot and dry climate of the Kaokoland as well as against mosquito insect bites. The cosmetic mixture, often perfumed with the aromatic resin of the omuzumba shrub, gives their skin and hair plaits a distinctive orange or red-tinge characteristic, as well as texture and style. Otjize is considered foremost a highly desirable aesthetic beauty cosmetic, symbolizing earth’s rich red color and blood the essence of life, and is consistent with the OvaHimba ideal of beauty. The OvaHimba are also accustomed to use wood ash for hair cleansing due to water scarcity.
Hairstyle and jewelry play a significant role among the OvaHimba, it indicates age and social status within their community. An infant or child will generally have his head kept shaven of hair or a small crop of hair on his head crown. This soon is sculptured to one braided hair plait extended to the rear of the head for young boys and young girls have two braided hair plaits extended forward towards the face often parallel to their eyes. This style is called ozondato, the form of wear being determined by the oruzo membership (patrilineal descent group). The style remains during preadolescence until reaching puberty. Some young girls, with exception, may also have one braided hair plait extended forwards, which means they are one of a pair of twins.
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OvaHimba girl
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OvaHimba girl dancing
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OvaHimba boy
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OvaHimba girl, one of a set of twins!
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OvaHimba children, both boys and girls, removing ticks from goats.
From pubescence, boys continue to have one braided hair plait.
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A young man wearing a braid known as ondatu. Namibia. Photo by Nigel Pavitt
Once they reach puberty, OvaHimba girls will have many otjize textured hair plaits, some arranged to veil the girl’s face. 
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This girl is going through puberty, a fact made plain by her hairstyle, which has been designed to cover her face and help her avoid male attention. The puffs at the bottom are either goat hair or synthetic.
(In daily practice, the hair plaits are often tied together and held parted back from the face.) 
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This girl’s braids are arranged to reveal her face, indicating that she’s ready to be married.
Women who have been married for about a year, or have had a child, wear an ornate headpiece called the Erembe, sculptured from sheepskin, with many streams of braided hair, coloured and put in shape with otjize paste. 
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Married women wearing erembe
Unmarried young men continue to wear one braided hair plait extended to the rear of the head. When Himba men marry, they start wearing turbans, which they never take off unless someone in the village dies. After a death, their heads are shaved.  Because the turbans are never removed, things can get a little itchy underneath, so men carry pointed arrow-like instruments to scratch it with.
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Married OvaHimba men. #s 1 and 3 wear a scratching implement in their turbans.
Widowed men will remove their cap or head-wrap and expose un-braided hair. 
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Himba widower. The habit of using a head-scratching implement is hard to break.
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detroit-become-pan · 4 years
Can you do a TodoBaku writing too the song, Painkiller by Three Days Grace?
Okay this one gonna be a little tricky.
Sorry if I took forever to come back but I had a lot on my hands and I needed to deal with them before I could make a comeback.
But here have this little thing I pieced together in my head as I listened to the song.
Hope you like it. :’)
This is a Villain Bakugou/Hero Todoroki AU
The new recruit group of younger outlaws is too loud in their hideout. Loud enough to give him a headache so he gets out of his room to deal with them himself.
“Wow who would have thought we could take him down on our first move! It would make one hell of a reputation for us once the news hits the fans.” That got him to slow his steps and sharpen his ears.
“Yeah. The number two hero’s ass was handed to him by a bunch of newbies. He is probably on a hospital bed somewhere taking his last breath.” Another one of the idiots added.
He froze upon hearing that part... Number two hero? That was... Oh No!
His eyes widened at the realization and he forced his feet to move again and passed the last few steps in long strides, reaching the couch that was occupied with those lowlifes were celebrating their imaginary victory which more than wrong in every possible sense.
“You fucking did what?” He asks trying to hold his voice under control.
“Oh, boss! Sorry to wake you up. We were meant to tell you but we were waiting on the official news. We got a hit on the hero Shouto. It was crazy but we managed to land a hard blow on him.” Cold sweat started forming on his back and forehead at every word coming out of the young idiot’s mouth.
“If we get lucky he can be dead by now.” Another idiot added cheerfully and was about to drink his beer with that stupid grin on his face. The drink didn’t make it that far. It spilled on the ground instead as his fist found its way to the younger man’s collar, shocking the group of brainless punks.
“Do you have any idea who are you talking about?” He gritted his teeth as he pulled the younger man up by his collar.
“You fucking shit for brains have no idea what have you done. He will come for your heads and when he comes he Will make sure every one of you experiences a fucking slow and painful death after he slaughtered every last living creature that have ever was in your company.” The drunkenness in their eye faded quickly as they watch the older villain fury.
“Wh-who is coming for us?” the man stuttered as the grip on his collar tightened.
“Oh, You young Fool! Haven’t you ever heard the name Ground Zero?” The older man spat the name out like it is something unholy, something forbidden to be said out loud because it might bring down hell upon hearing. And if only these fool knew how true that was...
“He is a myth. Something to hold back both sides from messing with each other.” He heard the young man muttering in disbelief and it made him let out a burst of hysteric laughter.
“Oh, poor poor fools! You gonna see how real that monster is first handedly. And he doesn’t give a single fuck if both sides went and tore each other throat out.” The shiver that went down their spins settled deep in their guts, making their heartbeats spike in rate. “If he doesn’t care about them so why is he going to come after us?” Another idiot asked. He let go of the thug’s collar, letting the bastard fall back on his ass and turned around to bare his teeth at the other idiots.
“Why? Seriously? You dumbasses hurt the only fucking thing he cares about in the entire world and dare to question his reason? Are you really that dumb?” The light flickered above their heads making all of them hold their breath in...
“Good question.” The deep voice echoed through the silent room moments before the light finally went out.
The tension was thick as they finally dared to turn around.
Two burning crimson orbs were staring back at them from the far corner of the dark room, freezing the blood in their vein.
“You have ten seconds. Enjoy it.” The dark tone promised them of their doomed fate.
The Monster was real.
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detroit-become-pan · 4 years
"if you could have any videogame ability what would it be?"
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detroit-become-pan · 4 years
dude get your fucking flashlight out of my face i can’t see shit
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detroit-become-pan · 4 years
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Hello everyone I have made something truly terrible, enjoy
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detroit-become-pan · 4 years
Sneak peak? Yes? No? Maybe? Delinquent Bakugo anyone? 
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So I’ve been thinking about an AU that includes all the good things as forbidden love, undercut Bakugo, longhaired Todoroki AND futuristic Motorcycles~ Sooo… This is what I’m currently working on~ Art by me - Do not repost!
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