determinandum · 4 hours
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ralph lauren spring 2005
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determinandum · 4 hours
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— Aldous Huxley, from “Brave New World.”
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determinandum · 5 days
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Alex Dimitrov, from “Together and by Ourselves”
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determinandum · 7 days
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determinandum · 10 days
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A perfect still life, forgotten scene, debris of love,
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determinandum · 15 days
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— Frank Bidart, from "Half-light: Collected Poems 1965-2016; 'Guilty of Dust'"
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determinandum · 1 month
hello dears,
Thank you for all the asks and patience.
Something came up IRL and has me sidetracked but I still want to reply to everything.
Thank you!
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determinandum · 2 months
hi, dear. i would like a free reading. characteristics of my future partner?
from E, ty. 🧛🏽‍♀️♍️
Hello E,
I got the star followed by the Lovers and the Ten of Wands.
This person could look more alternative, or have something altered about their appearance that is just different. They'll stand out and look quite unapproachable at first but are actually very communicative and engaging once you get to know them.
I see they could be a bit stubborn but they also value reason and getting along. It could be the type of person that is a friend or acquaintance but once you get to know them they really want to know how your mind works and will spend quite a bit of time in a back and forth with you.
They're sort of intellectual and outspoken but in a quiet way. They can push and have some degree of resilience when something matters to them. Could be unexpected at times too, in their way of speaking or their dress.
Thank you!
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determinandum · 2 months
hello. My initial is N and i'm here for a free reading from you. Can I know what will make my future romantic partner fall for me?
Thank you so much 🤍
Hey N,
This person is going to like that you're strong and you don't back down easily in the face of adversity. I have the five of wands, King of Pentacles and Knight of cups. In my deck they are all strong figures, so I think physically it could be fitness or some form of strength development, or perhaps if you have striking features that are broader that fascinates them.
Mentally and emotionally it's certainly grit and your dedication to what you want to achieve. And spiritually it could be that they will see how hard you work and your vision.
Thank you!
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determinandum · 2 months
hi! I would like a free reading pls if I can! 🫶🏾 My name is Ari and I am wondering if Miles C feels anything romantic towards me and will he open up about it pls? Tyyy ❤️❤️❤️
Hey Ari,
Thanks for your ask!
So I got the Three of swords reversed, Ace of Cups upright and Six of Cups upright.
I think the answer would be yes,there is something along those romantic lines, but it's in the incipient stages. It could be more romantic attraction right now.
I am also seeing this person had a negative past experience, could be family or a past relationship that makes them a bit defensive mentally to opening up easily. With the six of cups there is something to do with feeling nostalgic also when they think about you. If you knew eachother for a longer time this could mean something deeper is at the beginning stage.
Best thing to do for such things is always communicate sooner or later, but on whether they will say anything I am only getting internalized energy right now, they may not realize any feelings yet consicously.
thank you!
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determinandum · 2 months
Will you accept anonymous questions as well?
Hello there,
I do accept anonymous questions. But if it helps you can add your initials or some details to differentiate the asks.
One thing I do need to mention is that I can answer up to 10 asks during the weekends only though, for time and life.. concerns.
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determinandum · 2 months
August 2024 Astrology check in
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Check in for your Sun, Moon and Rising:
Sun - Strength : Time to be centered. Time to be self-confident because you can endure this. A period that isn't without challenges,but ultimately serves to put you in the spotlight if you play it right. Honing your passion in and using it to your advantage will help. Winning your battles with wisdom and living to fight another day.
Moon- Two of Cups reversed: This month you can find your needs met more easily in contemplation or on your own. Some old issue may need revisiting or finally finds closure. You're likely more quiet than usual. Planning for the future based on current needs. Cleaning and clearing our old things this month can help you find something.
Rising - Three of Swords reversed: You've been taking others' opinions to heart a bit too much. You're learning to be a better debater. Some sort of skill to do with communication is growing, you may focus more on penmanship, persuasiveness and self-expression. You can be so clear and concise this month, you surprise yourself.
Sun- Nine of Wands - You may be drained, but you're doing something that you know is necessary for your progress. If you followed your passions, this is the last stretch before a breakthrough. Painful events won't last as long as you think. You may have people that are eager to support you. Laughter can ease the flow this month. Also a good month for physical activity with steady gain there.
Moon- Five of Swords - You couldn't get someone to see your way this month but you may still try. It could feel like fighting against the wind, frustrating. There are some delays in your work. Studying can go great because you are ready to prepare your arguments and your mind is sharpening. Financially you're forced to be in a temporary stalemate and think everything through. Planning an escape or trip needs to be thought out carefully.
Rising- Ten of Pentacles - Work rewards are coming in whether this means ascension in your position or completion of a project. Personally you're very well put together and your public image is solid this month. Moments of quiet can be fruitful but moments of service with family or at work will be best. People may be envious but that shouldn't stop you from enjoying the fruit of your labour.
3. Gemini
Sun-The Chariot- Are things standing still or are they moving? In this deck,it's hard to tell this month. You might want to and succeed in travelling, but it's better done with plans. Someone from your family may call you to visit. Looking for an escape far and wide. Your recent skills earn you some freedom. If you manage to stay calm this month you will see direction clearer.
Moon- Six of Pentacles- Health focus takes the lead. You're in pretty good health compared to previous months because of newfound interest in it. Money will also work for you if you put your mind to it. You may find that you have not too little but not as much as you wanted, still you are secure. Taking up nourishing hobbies like gardening and crafts can ease your mind.
Rising- Ace of swords- You've mulled over a thought for too long and you want to get it out. You want to communicate to someone badly,likely to a group. Writing will prove very fruitful. You might be in your element yet feel stunted by how people will receive you. Being brave but adding a bit of compassion can go a long way. You're reconciling aspects of your life that were in conflict this month. An argument may come to an end.
Sun- The High Priestess- You're taking your time to discern in August. It might be a highly internalized time, but not necessarily lonely. Rather, you will need the support of your close community. Intuitive ability is higher as you seem to be in tune with your needs as well as people around you. It's a good time for art and contemplation.
Moon- Ace of swords reversed- It's not clear which path will give better results. You may be forced to make a move or decision that you're not feeling extremely ready for. If discomfort can be alleviated and you find ways to destress you might be able to learn a lot this month. Friends are rather talkative, and your moon might be more introverted.
Rising- Three of Swords- Not putting too much weight on public opinion is important, but so is discernment. If you have been involved in a conflict or recently felt wounded it's a good time to assess how this can be avoided in the future. Balancing your ideas and those of others is important right now. Writing can help disspell your worries,and you may be drawn to poetry or theater as artforms.
5. Leo- Happy birthday Leos!
Sun- Eight of Cups- You're ready to walk away from a recent disappointment. It's unlike you to be discontent easily, so something has bothered you for the past months. The upside is you seem to be moving onto a better more personally and spiritually fulfilling mindset. Professionally especially this can signal you working for your own values more. Others may seek you out right now for your wisdom. Although it could be a difficult time,compassion sets you apart.
Moon- The Moon- You're wanting to escape a certain situation. There could be a temptation to indulge over the holidays in order to chase a feeling. If you meet someone at this time they could be rather enticing and have a spiritual pull on you. If you manage to live in the present moment this foretells a rich time, perhaps an emotional and imaginative month.
Rising- Knight of Pentacles - Even during the summer you're likely buckling down in your own projects, either at work or setting out your goals. Being organized pays off and you become someone considered rather reliable this month. You will have some chances to use your know how and skills to solve problems in work or education. Training you put into yourself reflects outwards.
6. Virgo
Sun- Seven of Cups- You have many options right now and in the past a decision may have seemed overwhelming due to benefits of each choice. If you look closely you may find there is something to gain from all paths. Conflicts could be solved through your perspective. It's a good time to put your analytical and investigate skills to use. Employing discernment in your work and about your health is beneficial. There is a risk to overindulge in August, especially with drinks for some, so be mindful. Equally, you could find yourself surrounded by people this month.
Moon- Judgement- There may be an obvious improvement you can make in life that you don't yet wish to face. Even if it is within reach (such as exercise, budgeting better or going to the doctor), it's an event you may associate with some pain. The advice is to pull the thron out and move on, because if you go through it you will emerge stronger. If you are tempted to pursue someone right now, they may feel all-encompassing and the relationship could be transformative.
Rising- Queen of Cups- You have a project or person in your care and you seem to be very devoted to their wellbeing. There is a balancing act between self care and being giving. You may benefit from finding ways to give more, as long as you are fulfilled. You are sought after for your wisdom and healing capacity. Being near water can be energizing.
7. Libra
Sun-Knight of Swords reversed- Your messages have a bit of a hard time getting through,but this is not because of you as much as the receptivity of others. It's a good time to write and mull over past ideas to find the best ones to apply. Planning now can give you a headstart for autumn. Compared to your usual social self, you may be feeling more protective or distant,but you will soon bounce back. August is a great month for strategy as well as proofing your already existent knowledge.
Moon- Temperance- You're at a stasis point, but it's not without wisdom. Since it's the middle of the year you might put in balance what other things you want to experience by the end of 2024. You're likely to think from a higher perspective now. Anyone who seeks your counsel may find more information than they thought they would be getting. There may also be a desire to be entertained, to see something new. Going to see new movies or travelling could enrich you if you have the opportunity.
Rising- Nine of Wands- You're able to push more than you thought. Physically, there is quite a bit of stress on you,but it's working for you instead of against. With the proper rest and work balance,health and fitness could go very well in August, and so might business if you take an assertive stance. Be ready to defend something you worked for. You might finally see some progress with skills you've been developing for the past year.
8. Scorpio
Sun- Queen of Swords reversed- You need to rethink how you want to address your main issues with loved ones this month. The approach and how you communicate your needs can make or break how open people are. This said, you are quite self sufficient right now and capable of great mental work and sustained effort. Your resilience is noted and people may contact you with surprising information. Because you can hold information securely, work in those areas is highlighted. In the near future, you may be looking for ways to secure and improve communications.
Moon- Ten of Swords reversed- An old issue you thought was over stings for none of your fault. But because this is highlighted,there is a choice to make whether this will turn into obsessive thoughts or be processed and released. If you find yourself under high mental stress, it's better to cut the source this time. Mindfulness may be important and it's very good to stay grounded, in order not to spend too much time mentally toiling. If you need help this month, reach out to family or friends. Alternatively, in August you may be bombarded with information, so the structured approach and prioritization works best.
Rising- The World - You're closing a chapter for good. Feeling bittersweet or somewhat accomplished. You can see your progress in your own character this month. This could indicate a new job or stepping into a new business of your own. Graduation or a big success. Either way this is a moment to be proud. If you have been saving,the results will finally be sufficient to fulfill you. Spiritually, you may feel more connected to the flow of life, working in your own time.
9. Sagittarius
Sun-The Star- Finally there is new hope on the horizon this month,likely supported by the fiery season. You have more of a definied vision for the future. The feeling is of being able to dream of flying again. Experiences that get you out of your comfort zone and keep the momentum are good. Sharing ideas with friends can also highlight this. There is a bit of an electric feeling to the summer spiritually here, where you can decide what you want to pursue next. Physical and mental activity can peak but will be unstable unless you use the sparks of insight.
Moon- Two of Cups reversed - Unity between you and someone else feels scindated.It could be separation anxiety but it also comes across as if this month you finally have outgrown your old affinities and patterns of thinking. Detached love is called for as attachment to the same old feelings and people may leave you feeling drained. Sleep and nighttime could be restless,so make sure you're having a comfortable environment to process this. You may feel left out,and in this case reaching out to family or close ones or even going on a solo cleansing trip just to process would be good.
Rising- The World- Similarly to Scorpio this month, a chapter is fully over for you. So you may go through things together in August. In your case, it could be also that the world of your making or present circumstances which have felt stiffling and creatively restricting are dissolving slowly. You may feel like you are part of the world once again and have the ability to impact change and wisdom on it. You may be more impatient than usual, trying to get everything done on time. At work, your energy is noticed. At school or at home, finishing what you started will be exceedingly rewarding.
Sun- Ace of cups - Somehow, your cup runs full, or rather this month you are relearning to refill it for yourself everytime it goes dry. This considered, you need more time for self care and this time can make you almost uncomfortably aware of your needs. If you feel needier than usual, it's in your power to reach for the solution. You have a lot of generosity so you need to be careful and shrewd as always when it comes to spending. Spiritual callings may give you an idea as to what your passion hobbies are this month.
Moon-Four of Cups - Family may be calling or you may find yourself going back to your childhood home or to visit relatives. A quiet and perhaps happy time, and while it is unlikely to be a very eventful month there is peace and beautiful time to be had in this quiet company. You might feel contemplative and nostalgic. As long as you remember to frame it in the present as well, it's worth going through old albums. A strangely emotional time, when bonds can be deepened.
Rising- Strength- You're not ready to give up and back down when it comes to what you want. In August you're going to stand quite strong compared to others in terms of will. Because of this, asserting yourself and taking a leading role is easier this month and people may pay attention. You can be the driving force behind a gathering or event. If you apply yourself passionately to your work, you will get noticed. Others will likely find you attractive this month based on your confidence in action.
11. Aquarius
Sun-King of Cups - You might have done your soul searching before others this year, as you come across as knowing exactly who you are and understanding your own psychology this month. However, there will not be many chances to put your wisdom to work easily and you may have to accomodate others who betray your expectations. The message is to be compassionate to those who think and feel differently right now. You can be a very liberating force for loved ones, if you open up enougn this month. Dreams and anything involving vision arts such as film could inspire you this month.
Moon- Five of Swords reversed - You find a new solution to an old problem.You can consider going back to school or renewing a way things are done at work to benefit everyone. Your active mind is put to good work right now, but it will take a few months before you can fully see the result of your proposals. You may be feeling hyperfocused at one time and completely distracted another time. This is not a very stable month, but quite mentally productive.
Rising- Ace of Swords - This wanted to come out both reversed and upright, and the upright felt more fitting. You may be struggling to see if an idea is worth pursuing or not. It could also be about a new person or acquaintance that you click well with. Indecision can arise but not being afraid to communicate clearly and ask your questions can prove beneficial. If you stay focused, you can make progress and meet new people at this time.
12. Pisces
Sun- Ten of Pentacles reversed- This is about the things that you could have done, but haven't really been paying attention to. This month it might be a bit painful to look back and not find most of your projects finalized yet. This is a harsher call but a call to work on things and put pen to paper to the areas of your life that you want to improve now, along with the missing actions. If you have a talent you wish to work on, even if it's in the incipient stages, this is your call to pick it back up because it is possible to turn this into a diamond with work and patience.
Moon- Ten of Cups reversed- Similarly to the above, this could signify disappointment in relationships or an incomplete relationship. Someone isn't giving you enough, so it could be time to look to other ways of meeting your emotional needs. Spirituality can be fruitful now as your heart is wanting to open more and let go. It's important to be gentle emotionally at this time and ask what is missing. Beware of the tendency to overgive or the expectation to receive back affection when there is a lack. Trying to be psychologically nurturing to yourself first and then to others is a must this month.
Rising- Six of wands reversed - Taking frustration out this month is best done through physical activity. Someone around you could be a charismatic and confident person who gets on your nerves a bit. If you wish to be listened to more, you may be called to present an argument. It's not a good time to win a public debate,but it's a good time to figure out what you're passionate about. Travelling for a short time such as a holiday trip could be eventful and a bit chalenging,but very worthwhile.
Thanks & good luck ahead!
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determinandum · 2 months
Hi may I participate in the free reading?
- What will cause S♋️ to regret treating me the way she did?
Thank you 🙏♎️
Hey there,
This question is, you know, a bit psychologically loaded.
What does cause someone to regret something they did? Usually self reflection and focusing on multiple perspectives.
With the Fool card and the Six of Wands + your person being a Cancer Sun I think they have a bit much self focus in this issue right now to see it. If they feel foolish for their own haste and their own haughtiness they may come to regret it.
They possibly do feel a bit arrogant in how they treated you, but it's likely they are too focused on their needs and persona with the King of Cups also in bottom deck in order to reach out to you and express this. Either way, The best they can do is probably learn and forgive themselves and do better.
I sadly don't have a clear indication of them being apologetic, but I think with those cards if they try to claim they were right in their actions in the future they will end up feeling quite foolish.
Thanks for asking!
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determinandum · 2 months
hello!! i’m P and here for a free reading from u, could i pls know what will make me fall for my first/future girlfriend? tysm 🫶🫶
Wow, well.
We have the Empress and 8th of Pentacles,in the Malefic tarot deck (if you want to check out the visuals, because sadly I cannot share the picture but Empress here looks amazing).
So with the risk of this sounding a bit shallow, the first thing could be physical attraction but it's more that she would be striking, looking like someone strong, enduring and overall put together. Very coordinated but with her own style. Someone attentive to detail.
She may be someone who compliments you well because in the bottom deck we've got the Emperor. Regardless of gender, since those are complementary archetypes there are two ways I'd read this.
She's going to have to be someone who is organized and that grounds you though maybe she will surprise you with how differently she does things. OR she will be someone who is Just as industrious as you and feels sort of similar to a point where it's scary.
Either way, a Yin Yang sort of thing, she's going to have to be your equal but bring something more detail-oriented and attentive to the mix. You'll know because you'll likely admire her and her beauty of character as well as physical traits.
Sounds dreamy :)
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determinandum · 2 months
Heyya!!! Here for the feedback, your reading does resonates to me and plus guidance that u shared was something i absolutely needed to hear ! Thank you so much for putting your energy and effort into doing this reading. Sending you lots of love! <3
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Happy to hear it!!
Sending you some love right back :D
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determinandum · 2 months
would you be okay doing a natal chart reading of mine? Here are my placements. Hope this is a fine format to do it in. Let me know if you need anymore deets. Thanks! (Bottom part is part of fortune in 5th house)
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Hey there!
Very much ok to ask, and also I love your icon (Beau is so cute!)
Let's see what we're working with:
8th house Sun is like consciousness working in the background. It's like getting energized by uncovering things that are lesser known or bringing clarify to topics. You're probably madly good at focusing on something when you want to be, and when it can be self-defining. That said, the 8th house still has that transformative part, so your ego and sense of self might evolve in time as you experience life. Your inner child might have to suffer a bit more depth when young, only so you can resurrect the things that bring you more energy later in life. Either way, you may end up very different then where you started, as you get older. Tapping into hobbies and play and creativity can help you heal more than most, and whether it's with people or passion projects, you're likely going to be more thorough and want to understand the things you like intimately. How this will play out exactly can be seen more in the signs.
That said, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are all in the 8th. So delving into things is how you learn, but also how you overcome. Issues to do with shared values and taking on psychologically the values of others can be a theme, such as a parent (either a father figure prominently or a mother figure taking on this role) could have tried to instill such strong values that it's hard to disengage and escape them. You're likely going to be pulled towards both structures and unstructured thinking with Jupiter and Saturn in the mix. You're a doer too, and possibly need to be moving your life in one direction or another and may not be content with that direction being small,but rather pursuing mastery. I would warn against burnout because the chance to take the extremism of the 8th house and then Saturn's durability and then Sun and Mars's will and expand that by Jupiter? You could work yourself to hell if you really loved something or you wanted to get something ardently. So while I don't think moderation is the solution, learning to use your regenerative powers and using perspective and planning activity when necessary may fatigue your soul out less.
With this mix, it's likely you want to master some occult topic, but this will depend on the sign all the planets are in. If it's earth, water or Sagittarius, this heavily applies. If it's air or Aries/Leo,you may be drawn to the arts or some form of management. You have a lot of resilience, and the sign of the 8th will show how you use that resilience, and how exactly you can work best to build it up.
Moon in twelfth is a treat if it trines the 8th placements. It's not unusual for you to find your comfort in your vision. This can be the cliche of an overactive imagination but it can also be psychic gifts in the area. The home is somewhere that dissolves, but that can be transcended. You may either have a loving or a very lonely early home. Either way it makes you more sensitive to environment, and very sensitive to the world's needs. You can take a lot in, and music and art will help you feel more secure. It's a bit of a rollercoaster having a moon in 12th, but it will also allow you to accept fully whichever sign falls in it as well as have a broader compassion capacity in general.
Venus and Mercury in 7th is a bit funny to me because you sound sweeter than your strong heart. While all that Martial 8th house powerhouse of a thing is trudging on, these two placements will help you reach a social balance, because you'll likely choose words that are balanced and ideas that harmonize well, and may find that at least mentally pursuing moderation in some aspects suits you well. A bit of a socialite and a lover of the arts placement, you'll have to choose at times between breaking the mold and people's expectations vs. keeping the peace. Ideally there will be times when both can be integrated.
The people who spend more time with you one on one will find out that they have a good friend and someone of amiable mind to rely on in you, and it's likely have a lot of affection for friends and people you interact with on a daily basis if these two are conjunct. You may however get bored easy unless Venus is in a fixed sign or cardinal earth/water and require variety and intellectual stimulation. Here art isn't so great if it's not balanced with good ideas and good ideas aren't so great if they're not expertly exposed so you likely strive for a bit of both. You may overgive or overdevote at times if you trust people, especially if Venus is in water/earth. Your capacity to learn will probably improve if you represent concepts manually or through some artistic form or by association with things you like.If Venus and Mercury are conjunct, some good poets I know have that, and musicians :) .
Uranus and Neptune in 5th if conjunct or same sign are likely a good indicator of ability to feel into how people's egos are moved by social change and who we become. You can look at the world and see it as an amalgam of souls having their Hero's journey. You can also aggrandize your self image in a spiritual sense, and here the mystic archetype becomes sort of ideal, and the want to embody a sort of otherwordliness comes strong. A lot of the 90s general brought on this aesthetic shift as you know :) with self expression being way more otherworldy looking than it was years ago. Many had Uranus and Neptune nearby. It would depend which sign or signs this is in, to see what you idealize or dream of, and where you can bring something original. The conjunction itself rather tells you can have genuine insight into the soul that will need some channel to actualize. And it's also a generational indicator of our relationship with the affect of technological improvement and social movement on the whole, where Neptune is more perceptive of changes and integrates them more subtly into your self-identity as well in the 5th.
Pluto and Chiron in the 3rd are sort of....firstly fun because Pluto rules all your 8th House,so all of that intensity goes back to...knowing for you. Uncovering truths, a detective's mind, a relationship to duality and lie vs truth that will be very impactful to you. With Chiron perhaps you yourself will have difficult lessons you always carry stemming from psychology or certain patterns of thinking. Obsessing over things is possible here, but so is transcendental healing truth. Depending on the sign's element, this will tell if the truths you can uncover and information you can revolutionize is philosophical or visionary (fire), socially uplifting and Logos-like (air), mystically subtle (water) or fundamentally progressive (earth).
Lilith and SN in 4th versus NN in 10th do make me think you may carry some sort of a wounded conscience in the chart regarding how you're treated. Difficult experiences may occur and here you can metabolize them and use them for growth or they may pull you back. Your soul's body of experience, or previous lifetimes if you will in that interpretation of the South Node, might have to do with self-reflection. You already likely have a keen insight, a way with intuition and are naturally fairly more easily in tune with your environment than others . What is needed or desired in order to progress even further now would be,with NN in the 10th, creating your own internal order leading to external discipline so that you can build a legacy out of your life and knowing. Since the 10th house is about time, NN here is about learning to build things in time or within your lifetime. If the 8th house supports this, you're set to be quite on the uptake in life, since you have a lot of drive.
Part of fortune I consider to be a place to draw luck or have Fortune's blessing. If it conjuncts Uranus/Neptune is could mean divine insight but depends on the sign. Either way in the 5th it means what benefits from the luck is you and your ability to self express, or that by self-expressing the traits of your planets here, and being warm and engaging, you may see more opportunity open up.
That's what I see:) Signs would have helped too but I hope this sheds some extra perspective.
Thank you!
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determinandum · 2 months
My initial is T, Sun sign is Taurus and I’m 20 years old.
My question is am I gonna meet my twinflame this year?
Hey T,
That's pretty exciting.
I got the 10 of cups as a primary answer,which makes me think that you can look for your person in areas that are creative or leave you feeling inspired. The people you will meet could uplift you or set your expectations high this year, but if someone makes you feel naturally uplifted, that could be the person.
Then, we have the Hermit and Hierophant. This could imply actually meeting them through education, like a colleague. But since you are a Taurus Sun and the Hierophant is thus your card, I think it may also mean it will be someone drawn to your self development. If you feel you need quiet moments to invest in yourself this could actually help future relationships, so long as you remain open. You're going to likely grow wiser this year regardless of relationships.
This said, feels like a yes. But I need to mention I don't exactly work on the tangent of twin flames being a singular best lifetime soulmate as much as someone you may resonate with that feels heavily like a part of you.
In this sense, I feel it's no wonder we have the Hierophant and that working on your self-improvement or self-love can bring people closer, it just advised that it's probably best to be on the lookout to who emotionally makes you feel the best too, not only the safest but the most uplifted.
Hope that helps!
Stay cosmic,
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