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          “ I DO . HE’S A LOVELY bloke , ” he comments absently . his mind focused on the meaning behind the question . did charlie not speak of him to his wife ?? was that customary for marriages ?? “ very animated , that one . ”
Savannah noticed his demeanor change when she asked him that question. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you by asking that. He just never mentioned you before....” She said with a shrug. “How do you know him?” She asked curiously.
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   “i think that it is normal.” she said to the girl, her accent thick. “then again you may be overreacting.”
“Yeah.....maybe I am really overreacting.” She said with a sigh. “I can’t help it though.” 
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the mans hands tightened around her waist as his lips moved against hers. he could tell that it had been a while for her and that she needed this. after kissing for a few minutes jaykob pulled back slightly so that they could both breath. “feel better?”
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Savannah was brought back to reality when he broke the kiss and asked her a question. She pulled back from him completely, in shock of what she had just done. “I’m.....no....I feel worse actually.” She mumbled with a sigh. “I cheated.” She whispered.
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          “ IT’S QUITE A BIG DAY for him . i’m sure he’s brimming with excitement and nervous energy . ” he finds himself sitting , then . his eyes lit up a bit at the mention of charlie ;; a familiar fondness for his silly antics washed over luis . “ he’d certainly be the most unique lad at the dance , that’s for sure . ”
“Yeah he probably is.” She said with a chuckle, agreeing with him. “Oh...you know my husband?” She asked, a little surprised.
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a smirk fell on his lips when the girl leant forward and kissed him. the mans arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer and deepening the kiss.
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Savannah sighed against his lips when he deepened the kiss. It’s been such a long time since someone kissed her like this, so passionately, like they want her. She felt desirable, and she loved this feeling, that’s why she just wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, not wanting this feeling to end.
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“then what do you want to do about it?” he asked with a raised brow.
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“I’m going to hell.” She whispered, just before she leaned forward and pressed her lips against the young male.
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“you seem hesistant –– i’m starting to not believe you.” he said to the girl.
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“Well....I’m starting to not believe myself either.” She said, chuckling weakly.
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“then why are you so adamant on not doing this one thing for yourself? again i’m not pressuring i’m just curious.”
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“Because.....I am not a cheater.” She whispered, though her defense was breaking second by second. 
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“no guy is ever too tired or not in the mood.” he said to the girl before crossing his arms. “i hate to break it to you babe but he’s hiding something from you.”
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Savannah scoffed at his words. “You think I don’t know that? I’m not stupid I know there is something he’s not telling me.” She said with a sigh.
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“calm down –– i’m not going to force you into cheating, if you want me you can have me.” he said to the girl. “i didn’t mean cheat anyway –– tell him, make him want you.”
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Savannah sighed and shook her head. “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve tried that? Sexy lingerie, rose petals, music, candles. I tried seducing him so many times, but he’s always too tired, or not in the mood or some other stupid excuse.” 
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“well trust me when i say that you are very desirable.” he said to her. “and you aren’t helpless, you can do something about it.”
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“Am I? Tell that to my husband who hasn’t touched me in god knows how long.” She basically screamed at him. “I’m not a cheater.” 
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“alright don’t tell me what it is that you want.” he said with a small shrug. “and how does that make you feel? being married to someone and not being able to touch them?”
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Savannah turned her back to him and took a deep breath. This conversation was opening wounds that she never wanted to open. “It makes me feel helpless and undesirable.” She whispered. 
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“because it makes you realise what you really want.” he said to the girl before putting his own drink down. “tell me –– when was the last time you and your husband slept together?”
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“What I want is none of your concern.” She said to him dismissively. She froze at his next question though. It hit a nerve because she couldn’t even remember the last time her and Charlie were intimate. “I......a while.” She whispered.
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“is that supposed to change anything?” he asked with a raised brow before leaning on the table that was between them. “i’ve been with married people before, a couple of them even told me that their relationship became better after –– i like to think of myself as some kind of guru.”
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“Yes it is. I’m not a cheater.” She insisted as she took a step back from. “A guru? Really? How can cheating make someone’s marriage better?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.
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“well i’m not a parent but i can imagine that they all do.” he said to the woman before taking a step closer and moving her glass away from her. “something that involves the two of us.”
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“I suppse.” She said with a sigh, before downing the rest of her wine. She frowned when the boy stepped closer to her. “Excuse me?” She said breathlessly. She knew what he was implying but he couldn’t be serious right? “I’m married.” 
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    “of course its normal –– he’s growing up.” he said with a small chuckle. “you should probably do something other than drinking though to relieve your nerves.”
“So all parents go through this right?” She asked him, her nerves still showing. “Yeah? And what do you suggest? Alcohol has been working great.” 
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“What? No! I’m showing him how A-OKAY it is to express himself!” The male contradicts, knowing he probably sounded like an utter hypocrite seeing as he wasn’t capable of expressing himself.
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“If he is anything like you, he’ll have the best dance moves and woo all the girls.” She teased him, before she leaned forward and kissed her husband’s cheek. “Now, stop jumping around like that.” She joked.
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