Hades' Brain Cell #1: What are you doing? We're blowing this!
Hades' Brain Cell #2: What am I supposed to do?! We don’t even know what made her like us in the first place!
Brain Cell #1: Look, it’s fine, hard part’s over. As long as she doesn’t throw us any curveballs, I think we’ll be okay.
Persephone: So...what should we do now?
Brain Cell #1: FUCK!
Brain Cell #2: What is she talking about, "do now"? What the hell comes next??
Brain Cell #1: I don't know! I forgot what Hecate said!
Brain Cell #2: Well, she asked us a question. We have to say something!
Brain Cell #1: Look, just say anything. Just say it with confidence.
Brain Cell #2: Um...All right, here goes.
Hades, out loud: We should get married.
Brain Cell #1: NOOOOOO!
Brain Cell #2: I'm sorry! I don't work well under pressure!
Brain Cell #1: Look, it’s fine, we’ll just play it off as a joke. No harm done.
Persephone: Sure! Let's do it!
Brain Cell #1: WHAT?!
Brain Cell #2: H-Hey! She seems pretty happy about it!
Meanwhile, across the mental gap...
Persephone's Brain Cell #1: WHY DID YOU SAY YES?!
Persephone's Brain Cell #2: I DON'T KNOW!
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Macaria just wanted to say she’s sorry😢
(All credit to the creator of the Lore Olympus Webtoon Rachel Smythe)
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Hecate: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just want to know.
Persephone: I did. I bro-
Hecate: No. No, you didn't. Hermes?
Hermes: Don't look at me. Look at Thanatos.
Thanatos: What? I didn't break it!
Hermes: That's weird, how did you even know it was broken?
Thanatos: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
Hermes: Suspicious.
Thanatos: No, it's not!
Hades: If it matters, I mean probably not, but Minthe was the last one to use it.
Minthe: Liar! I don't drink that company crap!
Hades: Really? Then what were you doing around the coffee cart earlier?
Minthe: I use the wooden stirrers to push my cuticles back, everyone knows that, Hades!
Persephone: Okay, let's not fight. I broke it, let me pay for it.
Hecate: No! Who broke it?!
Everyone: ...
Thanatos: Hecate, the Fates have been awfully quiet.
All three, in unison: Oh, REALLY?
Everyone: *arguing*
Hecate, alone: I broke it. It burned my hand so I punched it. I predict ten minutes from now they'll all be at each other's throts with war paint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. Good. Things were getting a little too chummy around here.
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Hades: Where did Minthe go?
Hecate: It is raining outside, sir. Maybe she melted.
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(at a holiday party, by the piano)
Persephone: I really can’t stay…
Hades: I’ll drive you home right now
Persephone: I’ve got to go away…
Hades: Or if you want to go back to a friend’s house I’ll take you there too
Persephone: This evening has been… so very nice…
Hades: Yes, I agree. I wonder where they got the mini quiches?
Persephone: My mother will start to worry…
Hades: You should really text her so she knows you’re safe
Persephone: My father will be pacing the floor…
Hades: I thought you didn’t have a father? It’s nice that he cares about you!
Persephone: So really I’d better scurry…
Hades: If you’d prefer to walk home, you can take Cerb.
Persephone: But maybe just a half a drink more…
Hades: You are entirely in control of how much alcohol you consume tonight.
Persephone: The neighbors might think…
Hades: I respect that you care about their opinion of you.
Persephone: Say, what’s in this drink?…
Hades: Just the eggnog you buy at Valhallamart plus some dark rum and cognac
Persephone: I wish I knew how… To break this spell…
Hades: I will not do anything you don’t explicitly and soberly ask for
Persephone: I ought to say no no no, sir…
Hades: You are entitled to your decision and I will respect it diligently
Persephone: (sniffling) I love that you’re so nice and respectful, but it’s a holiday song just sing the damn duet with me
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The Greek Goddesses // Moodboards
Rosario Dawson as Hera Kristen Stewart as Artemis Emma Watson as Athena Beyonce as Demeter Amandla Stenberg as Persephone Lady Gaga as Aphrodite
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The Black Sisters
Our paths may change as life goes along but our bond as sisters will remain ever strong
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The Greek Gods and Goddesses // Part 1
Storms are wonderful, the way the skies thrash and scream. It is a reminder that even the skies scream, burdened with the weight of lost, forgotten dreams. ~ Nikita Gill
part 2 part 3
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The Greek Gods and Goddesses // Part 2
Meet me at midnight in the forest of my dreams. We’ll make a fire and count the stars that shimmer above the trees. - Christy Ann Martine
part 1 part 3
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The Greek Gods and Goddesses // Part 3
The heart is a violent muscle; it opens and shuts. The subject is death. The subject is also laughter. - Jon Anderson
part 1 part 2
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in greek they don’t say ‘giraffe’ they say καμηλοπάρδαλη which literally means ‘paradise camel’ and i think that’s really hilarious
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A sitcom about the modern Greek gods where everyone is wildly miscast
Zeus is played by Michael Cera
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Modern Greek Mythology
 Hestia comforts the children of broken homes, she appears to them as a school councilor that always has cookies. They cry in her arms, and she lets them stay with her for as long as she can. She stopped calling home, stopped making strongly worded comments to the parents. All there is left are broken homes and suffering children.
 Hera sits next to her sister, holds her hand and thinks about the broken marriages that lead to broken homes. She listens to the couples yelling at each other while she walks on the streets. She holds the crying women, she listens to the hopeless men. All of the power that a goddess of marriage possesses cannot help the people who were betrayed by their closest ones.
 After a long day, Demeter sits on the ground in her garden, holds a cup of tea in hands that have dirt all over them. She wishes that more people would remember what is under all of the concrete. She feels the dying of her world, and curses those who do not care for it.
Keep reading
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modern greek mythology stories i am tired of seeing: gritty, “the gods are dying because we don’t believe in them” stories where the greek gods mingle sadly with mortals and lament their lost power
modern greek mythology stories i would like to see: cerberus manages to escape from the underworld and hades has to find him before he can unleash his rage upon the mortal realm, only to find out that cerberus was found by a child who tamed him by sharing her after-school snack with him and giving him pets, and he now has to figure out a way to sneak into the suburbs and avoid getting the cops called on him while he steals his three-headed hell-hound back from a five year old girl
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Imagine three brothers whose father just died. Nobody really liked him but he owned a lot of businesses all over town, which he split the ownership of between his three sons.
The first son gets the CEO position of a powerful corporation, including his own private jet
The second son gets the father’s shipping company and his yacht
The last son gets ownership of a small funeral home that isn’t doing very well
The first son becomes a total jerk who sleeps around and cheats on his wife constantly.
The second son adopts the culture of the sailors at the docks and develops an aggressive personality
The third son’s company is more of a liability than an asset, but through hard work he makes it work. He’s not very comforting to the grieving costumers, but his prices are fair and he treats them with respect. He marries a wife who helps him run the funeral home. The place is a success, despite its dreariness.
This is literally Greek Mythology.
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concept: Greek gods talk show but literally everyone is always just fighting. Except for Hestia and Hades, who discuss the latest book they read, sip tea, and make commentary on the fights that are going on
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The old gods are not dead
I hear Athenas war cry in the shouts of protests,
fighting a war now closer to home,
I see her in the young women with picket signs
clenched tightly in their fists
Hera curses the names of the abusers
The ones who break families and marriages
Her voice heard in the wedding bells of young lovers
Poseidon now resides in a beach home
Going out every night to pick of trash left by the day
Shooting daggers at the drunk men letting their bottles be swept away
Demeter can be heard cursing the politicians refusing to believe in global warming
Names of scientists and studies on the tip of her tongue
She is found teaching young children how to grow their food at the community garden
Ares is found on the front lines of a different war, not fighting but protecting the innocent
Guiding classrooms of children away from gunfire,
His shield protecting the terrified
Apollo can be found at opens mics
Reciting his latest works
Or walking down the street in docs on his feet and a guitar on his back
He knows he’s the coolest
Artemis is seen on the streets
Her bow and arrow have long left her
Carrying nothing more than a knife and mace
She hunts a different kind of monster now
Hephaestus resides in a workshop at all hours of the night
Creating custom pieces for the right price and a warm smile
The hammer making him feel invincible
Aphrodite’s song is heard in the breathy kisses of teenagers
Shes found walking down the street, lips a blood red
Punching the men who dare disrespect her  
Hermes is seen with a smirk as he walks long well-traveled roads
Delivering the messages of those needing to be heard
Traveling, telling stories, and wearing out another pair of shoes
Dionysus’s voice heard only over the pounding bass in the bar
Keeping watch over young girls drinks
Dancing, partying and living as he throws another one back
Hades is seen weeping over the graves of those taken much to soon
Looking to his wife for comfort
He’s long lost his faith in humanity
Persephone found in the gardens beside her mother in the spring
Brushing off girl’s dirty knees and putting flower crowns on their heads
She can be seen holding onto hades as he mourns the loss of life
Hecate will be found running metaphysical shops
Bringing hope to powerful women wanting more
Selling potions, nobody thinks will work
And collecting graveyard dirt for a new spell
Zeus is watching over everyone
Watches Athena cry
Hera curse the men, he being one of them
Poseidon’s glares
Demeter’s harsh words
Ares raising his shield
Apollos singing
Artemis as she tracks a new beast
Watches Hephaestus work
Sees Aphrodite punch
Hears Hermes words
Sees hades weep
And Persephone plant and comfort her partner
And grins as Hecate keeps magic alive
The old gods are not dead
They are alive
And they are watching
- Sayali C.
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