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           His voice had been as chirpy as it usually was when he spoke her pet name aloud and yet, Lucifer could see the evident fear within Chloe’s eyes. Her mutterings of ‘it’s all true.’ confused him; what was she on abo—. The realisation hit like a tonne of bricks. Cain had even been sniggering when Lucifer spoke to him during his dying moments and now he knew why. 
            To begin with, Lucifer thought nothing of it; thought Cain was simply living up to his manic self. Now though, as he watched Chloe back away, Lucifer began to think twice. A glance towards a shattered mirror was all it took for the Devil to realise that she was scared of HIM. More importantly, his true form. Finally, his face had returned and he could reveal himself but this was not the way that he had expected to do so. 
          A sigh left his lips as his dark eyes returned to look towards Chloe. He did not want her to be afraid of him. Whilst he knew that it would be a lot to process; that his metaphors were truths and had been this whole time, he did not want his relationship with Chloe to be compromised.   “ Detec— Chloe … ”   What was he even supposed to say to her?! All he could do was reach out a hand in the vain hope that she came towards him.
@detectivemiraculum gets a post s3 finale starter.
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     Skin marred, red and angry. Eyes nearly scarlet. In all of her life, being around movie sets and watching movies, Chloe Decker had never seen anything quite so... horrifying. The logical part of her brain is telling her Lucifer is under that somewhere. But not under... that is Lucifer. Deduction says that if that is indeed Lucifer, she had nothing to fear.
     Why was it then that she felt fear so gripping, so complete, that she felt she couldn’t breathe?
     “You’ve been telling the truth...” She breathed out. “... this whole time, you’ve told me... but I always thought it was a metaphor...”
     But it was true. Lucifer was the Lucifer. The Devil. Lord of the Flies.
     Chloe continued to back away, too stunned to turn-tail and run. 
     She was a detective. She looked at facts and logic every day. The facts were that they had known each other for over a year, and he had never hurt her. On the contrary, he had saved her life numerous times. The logical part of her mind said she did not need to be so terrified of him. Because it was Lucifer for Christ’s sake...
     “I-- I--”
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While I wait for S4 - Best Of Season 1:
↳ Chloe
How can I be scared of something that I don’t believe in?
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He is Risen. Lucifer returns May 8th on Netflix
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officialtomellis: Day one on #LuciferSeason4 and I’m getting to know my new neighbor. Welcome to the #lucifam Pepper 🐶😈
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You know, it can be scary sometimes, but… being who you really are is never a bad idea.
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© @aquamaen or like
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immortality? of course. and you spell it with one or two “ m’s ”? I always forget.
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Oh… God! Really? You have to bring Him up now?
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I’m attracted to girls and Tom Ellis
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© @aquamaen
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A devil emoji? That’s it. I’m speaking to a copyright lawyer today. 
Lucifer Morningstar
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Lucifer Morningstar believes in Chloe Jane Decker in any Universe pass it on
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“Helloooo Detective!”
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     “Hey, Lucifer. Nice of you to show up…”
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✨💛 This is the Amazing Person Award! Sending you this so that you know that not only are you wonderful, talented and someone I adore. You are also AMAZING 💛✨
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     WHAT this is so nice!! YOU CRAY. THANKS BOO
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