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hi, call me fel! / about / art only / twitter / my tgaa/dgs art / drawing requests are: closed! ⭐ first time detco watcher (last ep: 622) ⭐
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destructix · 2 hours ago
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commission for oleaspur ✷ timelapse video on patreon
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destructix · 2 hours ago
ate one of the berries from the bushes in the woods just a short way outside the monastery and had a terrifying dream of something called 'microsoft authenticator'. it was a great drooling beast; it was a shadow over the people, looming from above, snarling sometimes so that they would remember it was there. i believe it may have been the footman of satan himself. i woke up in the infirmary sweating and shaking
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destructix · 2 hours ago
hoffman's car
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destructix · 2 hours ago
Been worried because a bit ago I walked past a group of kids and one little fella yelled at another one “I just stabbed you with the most deadliest poison in the world”. I don’t even think he should have that. I don’t want him to have that near me
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destructix · 2 hours ago
hi guys, thanks for answering! can i ask you to read reham's story, donate and share if you can? reham is a university graduate from gaza and is hoping to rebuild her and her family's life after the past year. as i'm sure you know resources such as food and healthcare are very scarce and many houses and public buildings have been destroyed. if you can't donate please share this post by reblogging. thank you <3
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destructix · 2 hours ago
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destructix · 2 hours ago
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We also need still quite a few signatures in order to reach the one million required.
As to date, the six other countries with the most signatures are:
Spain - 38.72%
Finland - 30.31%
Ireland - 24.86%
Netherlands - 24.15%
Germany - 23.54%
Belgium - 23.09%
So yeah, still a long way to go, but we ARE slowly getting closer. Don't stop now! Don't let this stay within the community, either, if you have any friends or family who are open to queer rights, get them to sign, too!
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destructix · 2 hours ago
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destructix · 2 hours ago
top 3 places to bleed out:
1. the snow
2. your lover/best friend/homoerotic comrade’s arms
3. bathroom floor
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destructix · 2 hours ago
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objection charms vol. 2!!! now available for preorder on my shop <3
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destructix · 2 hours ago
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Tis the season for seeing chubby little birds out and about!
Get Prints Here!
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destructix · 2 hours ago
"But NORMAL People's Bodies Didn't Look Like That!" ...right?
Some of you may have seen my post about Baroque artists and their realistic depictions of human bodies as having skin and fat.
I've had a lot of negative and frankly fatphobic comments on that post, calling the people in the paintings "fat" and "obese," mostly along the lines of this:
"It's because the artists are depicting rich people, who were fat and lazy. Normal people didn't look like that!"
The idea, of course, is that these artists wouldn't have ever drawn bodies that looked like those in the Baroque paintings, if they weren't painting super-rich people that stuffed themselves with food all day.
Supposedly. We'll see how well that holds up.
Today I was in the library looking at a collection of drawings by Albrecht Dürer, and learned that in the early 1500's, Dürer tried to put together essentially a "how-to-draw" book, showing how to draw people. His work was controversial, because of his technique of "constructing" figures using rules about proportions. (A quick and easy method of inventing realistically proportioned bodies out of thin air? Cheating!!)
However, in his "constructed" drawings, Dürer had to figure out how to handle the range of variety in bodies, and ended up breaking down how to create a variety of body types in correct proportions.
I'm showing the women, to contrast with the post on Baroque paintings. Here are some of his drawings that I thought y'all should take a look at.
These are a couple of his more "average" women—the one on the left is from his drawing book, and the one on the right is one of his drawings.
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Here's a "strong woman" and "A very strong, stout woman"
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This is what he refers to as a "stout woman."
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Here's where it gets interesting: this is what Albrecht Dürer refers to as a "peasant-type" woman
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^That. That's what a "peasant" body type looks like.
He labeled this one "A peasant woman of 7 head lengths"
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in case you missed it: this figure drawing by a guy in the 1500's is literally labeled as being of a peasant woman! this is what a "peasant woman" body type looks like!
He did draw similar amounts of thinner figures, but they're not particularly emphasized over the "Strong" and "Stout" figures. Nor is there exactly a "default" figure. He's just...going over the range of variations that there are?
Here's another "stout woman," covered in notes on how to draw the proportions:
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now that's too technical for me to make any sense of but
this was in the 16th century!! This body type was apparently not incredibly rare in the 16th century. This body type was important enough for you to be able to draw, as an artist, in the 16th century to be handled in detail in a 16th century artist's drawing advice
In conclusion: yes this is just what people look like, yes it's important to know how to draw fat bodies, even this dude from the early 1500's is telling you so, Die Mad About It
all of this is from "The complete drawings of Albrecht Dürer" by Walter L. Strauss
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destructix · 2 hours ago
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if this 5000 year old tree isn’t too old to realize that its trans neither are you
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destructix · 2 hours ago
Just found out there's a group on inaturalist dedicated to showcasing the silliest observations
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destructix · 4 hours ago
On November 7, 2024, Denmark used a racist, culturally biased "parenting competency" test to remove a 2 hour old baby, Zammi, from her loving indigenous Greenlandic Inuit mother, Keira, because her native language, which uses minute facial expressions to communicate, will not be able to "[prepare] the child for the social expectations and codes that are necessary to navigate in Danish society." This test had been recommended not to be used at the federal level before this happened but certain municipalities, including the one this happened in, chose to continue to use it regardless. Not only is this blatantly racist but also violates multiple declarations and conventions that Denmark has signed that protect the rights of indigenous people.
Please sign this petition to help Keira to get her baby back.
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destructix · 4 hours ago
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destructix · 4 hours ago
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some bgs i did for @kianamaiart's amazing pilot: pretty pretty please i don't want to be a magical girl! thank you to kiana for having me and encouraging my dumbass background jokes :} xtra thanks to my fellow bg artist eric omega and the incredible animator, mathieu hains!
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