destiniesofsenses · 5 years
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João Beira is a visual artist, art director and researcher working on immersive and augmented visualizations. João combines his artistic activity with academic and scientific research using software development for interactive and generative visualizations. João is also the founder and creative director of Datagrama visuals, a collective of international artist-coders that create immersive environments and perform live visuals. Inspired by nature and living systems, Datagrama creates custom-made generative software exploring the intersection and overlay of light between the physical and digital space. Their experimental work and research with neural networks and generative software for visualizations (such as synesthesia using open gl) with projection design has been creating a very defined and unique body of work. In the last decade, João and Datagrama have been collaborating with artists such as Tipper and presenting art installations and live performances in renowned Internacional art festivals and events such as SXSW and Burning Man. Since 2016, João is also in charge of video art direction for Boom Festival. João has a P.hD. from the University of Texas, Austin, and a Master of Multimedia Arts from the University of Porto, Portugal. His work with multimedia art has been focused in live performance and augmented reality. João conducts workshops and talks s about his experimental work, as well participating in artistic residencies and publishing his research. In 2018, was invited to teach at FEUP (University of Porto, Portugal) Multimedia Performance by the University of Texas UT Austin program. João also lectured at the ESG University, Portugal, from 2007 to 2010 in Design and Multimedia Production.
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destiniesofsenses · 5 years
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Pilar Pérez Camarero, visual artist and university professor at the Auónoma University of Madrid. Doctor of Fine Arts at the UCM and Expert in Art Education at the UCM. Postgraduate in Analytical Psychoanalysis at Ramón Llull University of Barcelona. I was a research fellow at the CSIC, Department of Anthropology, during the development of my doctoral thesis. Lines of work: imaginary, visual culture, children's drawing in graphic realism, interculturality, gender, popular culture, performance. Among the latest artistic exhibitions and performances: The individual exhibition "Little Red Riding Hood sometimes combs pigtails" 2014 in "Granny's house" in Madrid. From the project “Angelic, Sweet and Furious Virgins” individual exhibition at the Palace of San Galgano in Siena in 2009, continuation of this project with portuguese women from 0 to 100 years old “Virgens, Angélicas, Doces e Furiosas de Portugal”, individual exhibition at the Grao Vasco Museum, Viseu in 2018. As a performer, I would like to highlight the longitudinal performance "Postbolonium Uniform" from 2011 to 2015. “Foreigner” in “Le vent se lève” CNAM in Paris 2016. In Walvis Bay “Je parle le français comme une vache espagnole et j’en suis fier”, Insea Congress 2018. My line of work brings together artistic creation with academic writing work, as well as workshop interventions, always with an intercultural and interdisciplinary perspective within artistic education.
Pilar Pérez Camarero, artista visual y profesora titular de universidad en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Doctora en Bellas Artes por la UCM y Experta en Educación Artística por la UCM. Posgraduada en Psicoanálisis Analítico por la Universidad Ramón Llull de Barcelona. Fui becaria de investigación en el CSIC, Departamento de Antropología, en el tiempo de desarrollo de mi tesis doctoral. Líneas de trabajo: imaginario, cultura visual, dibujo infantil en el realismo gráfico, interculturalidad, género, cultura popular, performance. Entre las últimas muestras artísticas: Como artista significo la exposición individual “Caperucita a veces peina coletas” 2014 en “La casa de la abuelita” en Madrid. Del proyecto “Vírgenes Angélicas, Dulces y Furiosas” exposición individual en el Palacio de San Galgano en Siena en 2009, continuación de este proyecto con mujeres portuguesas de 0 a 100 años “Virgens, Angélicas, Doces e Furiosas de Portugal”, exposición individual en el Museo Grao Vasco, Viseu en 2018. Como Performer destaco la performance longitudinal “Uniforme posbolonio” De 2011 a 2015. “Extranjera” en “Le vent se lève” CNAM en Paris 2016. En Walvis Bay “Je parle le français comme une vache espagnole et j’en suis fier”, Congreso Insea 2018. Mi línea de trabajo reúne la creación artística con el trabajo de escritura académica, así como las intervenciones tallerísticas, siempre con una óptica intercultural e interdisciplinar dentro de la educación artística.
More about Pilar: http://pilarperez.com/
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destiniesofsenses · 5 years
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destiniesofsenses · 5 years
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Behind the Scenes: Fotograma de "Cadavre Exquis", Bruno Mendes da Silva (artista e projeto participante da THE destinies of SENSES) @Bruno Mendes da Silva
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destiniesofsenses · 5 years
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Behind the Scenes: Virtual Art Instalation about avatars identity, Isa Seppi (artist of THE destinies of SENSES)
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destiniesofsenses · 5 years
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Maria Pita Guerreiro is a multidisciplinary designer, currently based in Stockholm, Sweden, taking part of the Individual Study Plan in Design, a Master programme at Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design. She graduated in Equipment Design at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon, and combined several courses in Graphic Design, painting, glassblowing and ceramic techniques at Lisbon School of Design, National Society of Fine Arts of Lisbon and Cencal, giving her an approach to design that is both sensitive and more practical.
She works as a freelance designer for brands in Portugal and abroad, developing products or working on branding design, while running her co-founded Studio OJEAM based in Lisbon, together with João Abreu Valente. The Studio balances both a commercial and artistic vision. Her professional practice also includes Design Residencies that allow to follow a more experimental approach. Her personal work reflects the attempt to trigger an interest, with a humorous perspective, evoking different emotions and sparking imagination. Her projects are a representation of her self-beliefs. She champions design as a form of communication, a connector between different fields, a way to build links, build stories, and create a purpose.
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destiniesofsenses · 5 years
Alexandra Cruchinho: Esart
#repost Alexandra Cruchinho (coordenadora do projecto apresentado pela Esart aqui na THE destinies of SENSES), conversa sobre a sua investigação e os seus novos desafios enquanto produtora de eventos de moda e diretora do curso de design de moda na Esart 💙 https://www.mixcloud.com/…/porque-hoje-%C3%A9-domingo-264…/… ESART - Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas Alexandra Cruchinho
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destiniesofsenses · 5 years
Expand Digital Art
We Believe that the Digital Domain can Expand Art #repost from team lab https://www.teamlab.art/concept/expandart/
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destiniesofsenses · 5 years
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Vitor Reia-Baptista is honored in the exhibition “THE destinies of SENSES”, through the cinematographic work of artist Bruno Mendes da Silva: “Neblina” and “Cadavre Exquis”. "Vítor Reia was responsible for the creation of the Communication Sciences course at the University of Algarve. He was one of the responsibles for the creation of the CIAC, where he coordinated the Literacy and Communication Research Group at CIAC. He was a member of the Cultural and Technical Library Council of the University of Algarve. He had a PhD in Communication in Education, specializing in Media Pedagogy and Film Languages from the University of Algarve. He had a Master’s Degree in Cultural Communication from Lund University, in Sweden, a qualification recognised as equivalent to the Master’s Degree in Social Communication by Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and he also had an undergraduate degree in Comparative Literature, Drama-Theater-Cinema, from Lund University, a qualification recognized by Universidade Nova de Lisboa. He was Director of the Communication Sciences Course at the University of Algarve, whose creation was his responsibility. Vitor Reia died on 16th August at age 64, victim of cancer." More about Professor Vitor Reia-Baptista inhttps://ciac.pt/en/about-us/research-team/vitor-reia# Image: Frame of "Neblina", Bruno Mendes da Silva
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destiniesofsenses · 5 years
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João Beira is a visual artist, art director and researcher working on immersive and augmented visualizations. João combines his artistic activity with academic and scientific research using software development for interactive and generative visualizations. João is also the founder and creative director of Datagrama visuals, a collective of international artist-coders that create immersive environments and perform live visuals. Inspired by nature and living systems, Datagrama creates custom-made generative software exploring the intersection and overlay of light between the physical and digital space. Their experimental work and research with neural networks and generative software for visualizations (such as synesthesia using open gl) with projection design has been creating a very defined and unique body of work. In the last decade, João and Datagrama have been collaborating with artists such as Tipper and presenting art installations and live performances in renowned Internacional art festivals and events such as SXSW and Burning Man. Since 2016, João is also in charge of video art direction for Boom Festival. João has a P.hD. from the University of Texas, Austin, and a Master of Multimedia Arts from the University of Porto, Portugal. His work with multimedia art has been focused in live performance and augmented reality. João conducts workshops and talks s about his experimental work, as well participating in artistic residencies and publishing his research. In 2018, was invited to teach at FEUP (University of Porto, Portugal) Multimedia Performance by the University of Texas UT Austin program. João also lectured at the ESG University, Portugal, from 2007 to 2010 in Design and Multimedia Production.
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destiniesofsenses · 5 years
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destiniesofsenses · 5 years
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destiniesofsenses · 5 years
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PHD in Multimedia of UNICAMP, São Paulo Brasil. Graduated Bachelor in Painting by Faculdade de Belas Artes de São Paulo (1981), graduation in Art Education, Faculdade de Belas Artes de São Paulo (1982), graduate In FullDegree in Fine Arts by Faculdade of Fine Arts from São Paulo (BR) (1983), Full Degree graduation in in Performing Arts Faculdade MarceloTupinambá (1983), Specializations in Art Education and Cultural Action by the School of Communication and Arts of the São Paulo University-USP (1985-1987), and Masters Degree in Education by the University City of São Paulo (2002). Currently teacher and researcher at University Centre SENAC-SP. Has experience in Arts, with emphasis on design and visual languages, focusing mainly on following subjects: visual arts, digital imaging, design, photography, multimedia, dance and theater. She has a focus of current research the space of art in virtual three-dimensional environments, the metaverses
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destiniesofsenses · 5 years
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Valentim expresses creativity through fashion and art. He studied in the School of Arts António Arroio and in Ar.co’s Jewellery department. He worked with Ana Salazar, the pioneer of Portuguese fashion, creating jewelry and accessories for her collections from 1990 to 2010. In 2008 he wins the prize "Accessories collection of the Year" in the international competition ITS#7 in Trieste - Italy, and starts his own brand. Since then Valentim has been presenting his own collections internationally in events like Bread and Butter Barcelona, 080 Barcelona Fashion, [moment] in Riga, Fashionclash Maastricht in The Netherlands, Cesis fashion art festival in Latvia, Bijorhca in Paris, MoBa13 "Fetishism in Fashion" in Arnhem, and Manipulating Surface - Portuguese Craftsmanship in London, just to name a few. With his FW11 collection "Alchemy", which was shown at Mude (Museum of Fashion and Design), he started to take part in the official ModaLisboa annual calendar.
He has been the pioneer designer to present an all accessories fashion show in ModaLisboa.
Valentim lives and works in Lisbon.
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destiniesofsenses · 5 years
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ORCA (Robots, Computers and Loudspeakers Orchestra) was born at the Superior School of Media Arts and Design of the Porto Polytechnic Institute. It is a project that instigates creativity through computers, free artistic creation and human sharing. Our aim is to create projects that embrace sound, image and multimedia, investigating the relationship of man and machines in a perspective of mutual enrichment.
ESMAD I Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design
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destiniesofsenses · 5 years
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Filipe Lopes is a composer, a performer of electroacoustic music and has composed music and created work in the areas of electroacoustic music composition, multimedia installation, dance, cinema, theater and video installation. He holds a PhD in Digital Media from the University of Porto – FEUP, studying about the relationship of music composition and space. He has been awarded for his compositions, most notably the 2013 ECPNM/Gaudeamus award for live electronic music. His recent production includes the design of software to perform his electroacoustic music compositions, sound installations, educational software and music for film. Currently he is Adjunct Professor at the Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design and a researcher at INET-Md | CIPEM and uniMAD.
Imagem retirada do site do artista: http://www.filipelopes.net/
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destiniesofsenses · 5 years
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Follow us: Instagram: @destinies_of_senses Facebook: @destiniesofsenses www.facebook.com/destiniesofsenses/ Twitter: @DestinesOf Tumblr: destiniesofsenses https://www.tumblr.com/blog/destiniesofsenses
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