desperatev0id-blog · 6 years
Good for them...
I scroll through facebook and I pause at a post made by my high school friend.
There are several pictures in their new album titled “Grad2k18”. Most of them feature my friend with different people, standing in front of different backgrounds, each with different poses, but with all of them having one thing in common: the happiness, pride, and excited relief of finally finishing College.
Good for them.
I want to be happy. I am. I click on the “heart” emoji and wish them congratulations privately. They invite me to their celebration but I politely decline. I may be happy for them but I can’t celebrate with them.
Not when all I can feel is the cloying feeling of disappointment and loathing and jealousy and anxiousness combined. I get choked by my own fucked up feelings, strangled by my fucked up emotions, all because of a fucked up decision I made when I was still a teenager.
Three years wasted because my mind was weak. Three years spent doing nothing but lie and pretend and fake everything. Three years of being a worthless, no good child to their hardworking family.
I could have been one of them, in my own toga wearing my own grad cap, holding my own diploma with pride. Symbols of success.. of working hard enough to make it to the end of that journey.. of being something to be proud of.. of having the will to make it.
But instead, here I am.. alone in my room, lying on a mattress cause I can’t afford a bedframe... sharing my thoughts and feelings in a blog nobody will ever read anyway... imagining things that could have been, but never will be.
My phone chimes with a notification. I look down and see a post from my friend. It’s a picture of their grad party with almost everyone from my high school batch smashed together to fit the frame. They all look happy. Excited. Proud.
Good for them.
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desperatev0id-blog · 6 years
Everything Okay?
It sounds like you could use some kind words right about now. We suggest Koko, an anonymous support community made up of nice, caring people like you.
For more resources, please visit our Counseling & Prevention Resources page for a list of services that may be able to help.
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desperatev0id-blog · 8 years
People also forget the fact that pedophiles can be related to you... an aunt or uncle... and then victim blaming happens because they believe that their brother or whatever would never do that to their child
Destroy the idea that all pedophiles look like the unattractive, coke bottle, high-waist pants mustache image we’ve created to represent them.
Pedophiles can look like anyone, even your favorite movie stars.
By upholding this bullshit idea that all pedophiles look a certain way, we are letting so many get away with their crimes simply because we couldn’t imagine anyone good-looking and not outwardly creepy ever being sexual predators of children.
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desperatev0id-blog · 8 years
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New footage shows that Mike Brown indeed didn’t rob that convenient store afterall. The video shows Mike entering the store at around 1 a.m on August 9th, 2014, to exchange something (possibly marijuana) for cigars. Before he left the store on that night, he went back to the counter to possibly tell the clerk to hold on to the items. Later on that morning, he went back to the store to retrieve the item. That’s it.  Let’s also not forget that the store owner been admitted that Mike Brown didn’t rob the store. 
The police lied, the police fabricated, and the police try to defame this young boy in order to cover Darren Wilson’s ass. Unfortunately, this new evidence will not bring Mike Brown back, but it does further expose the extreme corruption within our law enforcement. 
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desperatev0id-blog · 8 years
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I’m NOT sorry.
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desperatev0id-blog · 8 years
Women of Color Are:
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Multi- Talented
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Yet Sadly…..
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desperatev0id-blog · 8 years
If someone asks you if your “a Gay/Lesbian/etc” in That Tone™, its okay to say no, especially if saying yes is potentially endangering to you and puts you at risk for ridicule and humiliation.
You’re not denying yourself or misrepresenting the community, you’re protecting yourself and that’s your number one priority.
Don’t feel guilty for keeping yourself safe.
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desperatev0id-blog · 8 years
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desperatev0id-blog · 8 years
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desperatev0id-blog · 8 years
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This is what leadership looks like.
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desperatev0id-blog · 8 years
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desperatev0id-blog · 8 years
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Jack Falahee: We’re down at #LAX protesting the #MuslimBan - join us. Tom Bradley International Arrivals. Right now. #resist #LoveTrumpsHate
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desperatev0id-blog · 8 years
Can I just say like… I’m not American so I can’t really know what it’s like out there right now, but I am really proud of you guys. Like, Trump - a man known to have sexually assaulted multiple women - is elected, so the women of your country not only turn out in their millions but they inspire women around the world to do the same in solidarity. He preaches anti-intellectualism, so your scientists host database hacking and saving days to preserve data. He bans government agencies from speaking the truth, so they create rogue social media accounts that spread facts even at the risk of their jobs. He brings in racist immigration bans, causing chaos in airports and huge uncertainties in the lives of real, innocent people, so protesters swarm to the airports, lawyers work pro bono round the clock to get people into the country, and people mobilise to destroy him in the high court in a day. I know this is awful and it sucks and it’s only been one freaking week, but you guys are doing amazing right now and I am so moved and so proud. It’s gonna be tough and everyone will have to pick their battles and just keep fighting and pushing, and this isn’t how it should be but at least we know there are people with the guts and the gumption to do what they can. You guys are the sand in the gears.
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desperatev0id-blog · 8 years
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desperatev0id-blog · 8 years
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The Daily Show, January 26, 2017
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desperatev0id-blog · 8 years
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I got some things to say.
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desperatev0id-blog · 8 years
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Fox News, January 28, 2017
Rudy Giuliani explains how Trump’s executive order came about and essentially admits that it is a ‘Muslim ban’ in disguise
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