Desert Night Creations Miniatures
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desertnightcreations · 4 years ago
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I swear that eventually I’ll have two that match.. lol #modelhorsetack #modelhorses #modelhorsetackmaker
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desertnightcreations · 4 years ago
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Iz the most helpful studio kitteh.. Lolol and a shot of the saddle pieces. Still working on the silver D rings. #modelhorses #modelhorsetack #modelhorsetackmaker
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desertnightcreations · 4 years ago
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Still working away. Work has let up slightly as we get things accomplished so there is more energy to put into art. I am also finally learning to properly bash script too.. so you know.. not doing a lot.. lololol these will be the skirt d’s for rigging. It’s slow hand making them. I am very inspired by the “new” rio rondo D shapes so I’m trying my hand at them in silver #modelhorses #nodelhorsetack #modelhorsetackmaking
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desertnightcreations · 4 years ago
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Progress has been slow due to work but I’m chipping away.. #modelhorses #modelhorsetack #modelhorsetackmaking
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desertnightcreations · 4 years ago
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Working on the shoulder pieces and the “D” rings for the saddle rigging. Still in progress so please see past the one D being lop-sided .. HAPPY NEW YEAR! #happynewyear #modelhorses #modelhorsetack
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desertnightcreations · 4 years ago
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Redoing one of the shoulder pieces.. the other was too big.. happily all I had to do was resize the pattern in photoshop and retool.. #modelhorses #modelhorsetack #modelhorsetackmaker
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desertnightcreations · 4 years ago
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Working today. Work has been nuts and not conducive to having creative energy. Happy to be feeling the mojo today #modelhorses #modelhorsetack #modelhorsetackmaking
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desertnightcreations · 4 years ago
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So work was A LOT this week so I haven’t gotten a lot done. But today is Saturday and I have the whole day to work :) This is the redone seat for the sunflower set. I’m going to have to redo the fenders too.. they are too thick for barrel racing.. #happysaturday #modelhorses #modelhorsetack #miniaturesaddle
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desertnightcreations · 4 years ago
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REdoing some pieces. One of the reasons why I'm so slow is that I want things to look a certain way. I used to state that I am a perfectionist but I realize now, after decades, that perfection is impossible. So Now I strive to do things as well as I can. Sometimes that means they have to be done over. I go by the principle that "If this is the only piece of mine in the room does it represent me the way I'd want it to". If that answer is no, the piece gets redone. In this case the dye wasn't the same- some pieces are darker.. so I decided I wanted the look of the lighter pieces so these are getting done again. Also the spacing on the billets wasn't right which is another reason to redo. #modelhorses #modelhorsetack #modelhorsetackmaker #maresinblackpodcast
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desertnightcreations · 4 years ago
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Gah I had the dumb today.. I posted my full address.. doh! L anyway here, again is my magnum resin that came from Russia and the talented Katya Elp today! I can’t wait to find a painter for him! Vitrix resin for scale. #modelhorses #artistresinhorse #maresinblack
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desertnightcreations · 4 years ago
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Yesterday was extremely busy and dramatic for me so I didn’t get as far as I would’ve wanted but I was busily tooling miniature sunflowers. There is one “ doodle” piece in there that I won’t use. Gotta experiment and see what works or not. #modelhorsetack #modelhorses #maresinblackpodcast #modelhorsetackmaker
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desertnightcreations · 4 years ago
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Just sayin he’s the perfect parade horse #modelhorsetack #modelhorsephotography #modelhorses #modelhorseparade @breyermodelhorsesofficial
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desertnightcreations · 4 years ago
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My pile of “trial and error” lol #modelhorses #modelhorsetack #studiosaturday
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desertnightcreations · 4 years ago
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Great mail day!! @maresinblack swag! #maresinblack #maresinblackpodcast #modelhorses (at Louisville, Kentucky)
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desertnightcreations · 4 years ago
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Still in progress but coming together slowly.. I think that there will be fringe on the breastcollar.. just feel like that would be cute.. #miniaturebarrelsaddle #modelhorsetack #modelhorsrtackmaker #maresinblackpodcast
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desertnightcreations · 4 years ago
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Painting petals today. #modelhorses #modelhorsetack #maresinblackpodcast
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desertnightcreations · 4 years ago
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This Memory came across my feed today. These are the billets to the Oakleaves and Acorns Saddle that Susan Bensema Young owns that took me FOREVER to complete. lol! I try not to show every little finished piece on a saddle or whatever tack thing i'm working on,I try to save some surprises for the owner. You can see how I drew the leaves onto the leather and then added different details with tools. I am very happy with how those leaves turned out.. #Modelhorses #modelhorsetack #modelhorsetackmaker #miniatureleathertooling #miniaturesaddle
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