desdechaos · 6 years
... I feel attacked by this post.
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This is the best explanation I could come up with for why it takes me so long to do updates sometimes when, at other times, I’m typing them up like clockwork.
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desdechaos · 6 years
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We all got a little skele in us...
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desdechaos · 6 years
Need to translate the runes later
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He is shaped like a friend
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desdechaos · 6 years
aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!! I want them all!!!
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I’m surprised how nifflers take different things for treasures o.o Of course, they all are attracted with sparkles, but sometimes they grab the most unexpected stuff xDD Probably they just notice what I like c:
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desdechaos · 6 years
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LGBTQ+ superheroes for Pride month ❤ 
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desdechaos · 6 years
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I’m missing out a few screenshots but I just completely shut down someone who tried to tell me symbrock wasn’t canon.
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desdechaos · 6 years
Broke: Wearing your boyfriend’s hoodies
Woke: Wearing your boyfriend
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desdechaos · 6 years
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I finally saw Vemon this week!
I highly suggest seeing it if you haven’t … regardless here is the movie in meme form 👍
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desdechaos · 6 years
Does anyone else just wanna get wrecked by Venom? Just me? Ok then...
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desdechaos · 6 years
Love it!!!
More old stuff ‘cause I don’t have new stuff. Tagging @shayromi because she’s a turtle.
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desdechaos · 6 years
In Texas a white female cop, walked into the wrong apartment and SHOT AND KILLED the resident who was... a POC. What do the police do? Search the DECEASE home, and continue to villianize HIM.
I have a friend that is a POC and recently told me her sorority couldnt have a house cause there werent enough people. Neither her sorority or her brother fraternity have houses cause their groups are too small. Really it's cause they are POC... there are other sororities that are just as small if not smaller that have houses.
...If i may ask what the hecks so racist about wearing a red cap?! o_O
The Trump “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) caps are red with white writing so like if you see a red cap in the distance you’re like “….is that a trump supporter or something innocuous”
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desdechaos · 6 years
Tumblr... why you so accurate?
Them: I love this story! I want more!
Me: I want more, too!
Them: …aren’t you the author?
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desdechaos · 6 years
Didn't realize i needed this in my life until the moment i clicked play...
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desdechaos · 6 years
Need... more...
☙❦ ❦❦❦ ❦ ❧ Sooner or Later :: A Comic Dub! 🌹🌹 ☙❦ ❦🌹❦🌹❦🌹❦🌹❦🌹❦🌹❦🌹❦🌹❦🌹❦🌹❦ ❦ ❧
I was warned something was coming this Saturday, and look! HERE IT IS, IN ALL ITS GLORY! ❧Vade on Youtube☙ has translated the first chapter of ❧Sooner or Later You’re Gonna be Mine☙ into an absolutely THRILLING let’s-read, with CHILLING voice-work & effects!!!!
I’m shakin’ in my fuzzy summer socks at the quality of this video… The talents behind this had brought such an exciting element to the presentation of ❧ StaringBack’s EXHILARATING story!!! ☙
☙❦ ❦🌹❦🌹❦🌹❦🌹❦🌹❦🌹❦🌹❦🌹❦🌹❦🌹❦ ❦ ❧
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desdechaos · 6 years
I love sleeping to rumbly thunder rain
Let's talk about mynoise.net
Have you ever been listening to Rainymood and thought, “Yeah, this is good … but it would be nice if I could customize the sound more, or if there was a little more choice.
Let me introduce you to MyNoise.
MyNoise is a customizable sounscape looper with so many options, even within each soundscape.  So say, for instance, you really love rain sounds when you write or study or relax.  Anything.  I know I’m a big fan of rain sounds.  They have a page for that.
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But say you like really high, pattery rain, and LOTS of low thunder.  Here’s where MyNoise really stands out: you can customize that.  See those sliders with all the cute colors?  That is your equalizer. You can adjust the levels based on what you want to hear more and less of.  Here’s how it looks when you want high, pattery rain and low, rumbly thunder:
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But say rain isn’t really your jam.  Say you want something a little more ambient, a little more background noise-y.  Something with people.  Well, they have customizable coffee house chatter that even has the levels listed for things like “kitchen,” “babble,” and “table”:
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Or say you miss the ocean.
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Or say you miss your cat.
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Or say you miss your spaceship.
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Or say you miss the dungeon where you and your team of scalawag adventurers used to explore and face off against, say, dragons.  In the dungeon.
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This site is seriously so helpful, and those are just a fraction of every kind of sounscape the site has to offer.  The best part is that if you want to layer it with music (for instance, I’ll layer a playlist + rain + coffee shop if the scene I’m writing takes place in a coffee shop), you can adjust the master volume, meaning all of your layers stay at their respective volumes, just louder or quieter.
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desdechaos · 6 years
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Working on new sona...
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desdechaos · 6 years
Hi anyone who reads this... major shit is going on in my life that i feel the need to share here...
1. I'm moving Sept 11 to a new apartment with a super awesome individual as a roommate
2. Starting next week i will be traveling for work Monday thru Friday... which makes moving hard and obligations harder.
3. I suck at being an adult in general and have procrastinated so much that Im sure everything will be a gigantic mess...
Wish me luck and for those still waiting for something from me I promise I'll get to it...
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