deratoinnovative · 2 years
Realistic bmi calculator
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Using the same example as before, you calculate as follows: Weight in pounds / your height in inches squared x 703 Example BMI CalculationsĮxample 2: Some countries use an entirely different calculation to reach the same result. If you are 5ft 4 inches by the imperial system, you are 162.56cm or 1.63m (rounded up) by the metric system. If you wish to calculate your BMI using the imperial system, here’s the height and weight conversion figures: The metric BMI formula = Weight (KG) ÷ Height (Metres²).The imperial BMI formula = Weight (LBS) x 703 ÷ Height (Inches²).It’s a simple calculation that takes into account your weight and height. The body mass index formula is easy to determine. The result is used to determine if that individual is obese, overweight, normal weight or underweight depending on where they fall within the BMI category ranges. It is also determined via a BMI chart table and is an attempt to quantify the level of tissue mass (comprised of bone, fat, and muscle) in a person. The body mass index, occasionally called the Quetelet index, is a value taken from a person’s height and weight. Even with the advances in medical technology, the Body Mass Index (BMI) is one of the most frequently used measurements of a person’s physical shape and general health, some 150 years after it was first conceived. There are numerous tools used to calculate whether or not a person is overweight. In other words, aesthetics doesn’t enter the equation carrying too much weight is bad for your health. The terms ‘overweight’ and ‘obese’ are defined as “abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health” by the WHO. There are now 1.9 billion overweight adults around the world, 650 million of whom are obese. The WHO published an updated list of statistics in February 2018 and found that global obesity has tripled since 1975. The most recent obesity statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO) make grim reading. 1.6.3 6.3 The Dangers of Being Underweight.1.6.2 6.2 The Dangers of Being Overweight.1.6.1 6.1 Why Maintaining a Healthy Weight is Important.1.4.4 4.4 Athletes & Sports Professionals.1.3.3 3.3 Average BMI of Canadian Females.1.3.2 3.2 Average BMI of Canadian Males.1.2.3 2.3 Screening Tool for Weight Problems.1 Body Mass Index (BMI) – The Complete Guide.
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deratoinnovative · 2 years
Davinci figleaf
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For another variation, I am going to try this dressing brushed onto sliced zucchini or eggplant prior to grilling. Fennel, widely used during Leonardo's lifetime, would also be a great addition to the salad. Leonardo oversaw catering at extravagant royal feasts and planned the remodeling of Ludovico Sforza's cheese. He also believed that certain foods would affect your emotional temperament. But did you know he was also a foodie? He believed in maintaining a sensible and balanced diet. Most people associate Leonardo Da Vinci with his talents as an engineer, artist, and scientist. Unfortunately, when I was reading this book it was during the chaos of my kitchen construction, so I misplaced most of my notes. A must read if you enjoy food and history. The fig leaf was hung on by hooks any time a Royal was present.Back in February, I read the book " Da Vinci's Kitchen: A secret history of Italian Cuisine" by Dave Dewitt. When the prudish monarch laid eyes on David’s dangly bits she was appalled and immediately ordered a fig leaf to cover it up. In 1857 a cast of Michelangelo’s David was sent to Queen Victoria as a gift from Grand Duke of Tuscany. Queen Victoria continued the fig leaf tradition. He feared that the sight of naked statues might arouse passion and lust. He continued the tradition of removing genitalia from statues. Over the missing appendages were placed mass produced metal fig leaves.įast forward another 200 years to Pope Pius IX (1846-1878). In the 1640s he ordered the chiselling off of all exposed phallus-es on the Roman statues in the Vatican collection. In 1564 after numerous hissy fits by the Council of Trent, painter Daniele da Volterra was asked to paint over all the genitalia.Įnter Pope Innocent X (1644-1655) and the beginning of the Fig Leaf Campaign. He was later criticised for protecting it. The Pope was mildly amused when Cesena came squealing to him to complain. Oh and added a pair of donkey’s ears and an ill-placed snake for good measure. In response, Michelangelo whipped out his paintbrush and added Cesena’s face to one of the naked figures in The Last Judgement. Pope Paul III’s Master of Ceremonies, Biagio da Cesena, who on viewing the work reportedly proclaimed “it was mostly disgraceful that in so sacred a place there should have been depicted all those nude figures, exposing themselves so shamefully, and that it was no work for a papal chapel but rather for the public baths and taverns”. How could such a fresco, with over 300 naked men and angels grace the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel? Critics in the Catholic church were none too pleased about The Last Judgement and accused Michelangelo of being insensitive to proper decorum. Basically, they condemned all nudity in art.ĭuring this time numerous artworks including statues were altered to cover up the nudity. He was the first pope of the Counter-Reformation and responsible for the forming of the Council of Trent. The Council of Trent (1545-1563) was set up by the Roman Catholic Church to issue condemnations of what it defined to be heresies. Enter the Catholic Revival and Pope Paul II (1534-49). It too was given a nicely sized fig leaf for a little time.Īs like all good things the pendulum began swinging the other way. Evidently, when David was unveiled the Florentines were so shocked at his nakedness they pelted the marble man with rocks. Leonardo da Vinci led the way with his Vitruvian Man and Michelangelo with David. Then came the Renaissance and it was back to loving nature, the human body and all things Greek. Only the damned or unfortunate who were depicted naked, everyone else including religious figures like Adam and Eve adorned the leaf. It was really when Christianity came to the Roman Empire did this show of nudity became frowned upon.ĭuring the Middle Ages came the rise of the “fig leaf”. Women, on the other hand, had their private area covered up in public display. You would be forgiven to think that they all walked around naked (OK, well they did at the Olympics). In Ancient Greek art, it wouldn’t be cool not to flash the male genitalia around. Ever wonder why some statues depicting naked men or women have fig leaves strategically placed over their private parts? Nakedness in art has always been a troublesome subject.
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